Abra State Institute of Sciences

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Bangued, Campus

NAME: Balleras, Xykan F. YEAR & SECTION: I- A

COURSE: BSED- English SCORE: _________


1. What other traits a scientist must possess? Name five (5) and explain each.

a) Persistent. Scientists recognize their work may take decades, and that their approach may be wrong and
their work could be proven false by future scientists.

b) Detail-oriented. In science, answers are built upon observations and collected data. Close attention to details
is important in the development of science theories. Detailed observations in one experiment could also lead to
answers in another.
c) Communicative. Scientists need good communication skills. They may need to work as part of a team, share
information with the public or collaborate with colleagues around the world.
d) Courageous. Scientists work to discover answers often times for years and with numerous failures. They
recognize that failed experiments provide answers as often as successful ones.
e) Skepticism might seem like something that’s used to argue with scientists, but it’s actually the heart of what is
to be a scientist. Scientists love to pick each other’s work apart, and while this might not sound very nice, it’s a
big part of why science has been so successful at explaining how the world works.

2. Give 2 scientist that flourish during the scientific revolution and mention what they have contributed

Isaac Newton

• According to Isaac Newton (renowned scientist) “ if I have been able to see further, it was only
because I stood on the shoulder of giants”
• Formulation of the laws of motion, the establishment of the fundamental features of physical optics
and the invention of calculus

Galileo Galilei

• Can easily called the founder of “Modern Science”. He approached scientific problems on the basis of
everyday experience, common sense and logic. He analyzed and resolved them according to simple
mathematical descriptions. He refused to accept statements based merely on the authority of others.
• Science flourishes when there is a free worldwide exchange of knowledge.
3. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the Philosophy of science?

• Copernicus placed the Sun to be the centrepiece of the universe

• He outlined two kinds of planetary motion: (1) the orbits of Venus and Mercury lay inside the orbit of
the Earth, thus closer to the Sun; (2) the orbits of Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn lay outside the Earth’s orbit, thus farther from the Sun.
• He placed the planets in order of increasing distance from the sun

4. Thought Experiment is still useful in science at present, agree or disagree? Explain.

 Yes. I strongly agree that thought experiment is tremendously useful to gather pertinent
information not only in the aspect of Sciences but also in our daily lives. Many different
experiments may depict vast results and may have a slight alteration and conclusion.

5. In your own opinion, Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities
 In responding to this question, I think it is an important first step to consider what science actually is.
One good definition is:
“The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior
of the physical and natural universe (large and small) through observation and experiment.”
Anything can be misused, including science and God’s word the Bible. I personally believe that science
provides the greatest tangible evidence of intelligent design and the existence of God. Contrary to what
many may say or believe, scientists are meticulous discoverers, not creators, and they are guided by
very logical and precise (intelligent) laws of the universe that existed before they (the scientists) got
Satan, of course, as chief enemy of the almighty God and creator Jehovah (‫)יהוה‬, uses and twists
everything he can, including science, as a means to deny God’s very existence. He is willing even to
have his own existence denied if it will turn people away from God. Hence we may see people of
various “churches” or beliefs refuting science instead helping people understand its validation of God’s
Science itself is not at fault with respect to belief in God. Lack of belief is a result of a failure to come to
an accurate knowledge of the Bible that provides understanding and true wisdom regarding why we are
here and why under present circumstances we suffer and die. The misuse of science encourages
people to put their trust in man, to whom no salvation belongs, instead of putting their trust in God
Jehovah, the only true hope for salvation. – Psalm 146:3–4

6. How can Darwin’s Theory influence the following field in today’s time?

a. Economy

b. Agriculture

c. Religion

d. Politics

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