The Marine Realm: Morphology and Processes
The Marine Realm: Morphology and Processes
The Marine Realm: Morphology and Processes
ecord of global and local tectonic and climatic variations. There is considerable variety in the sedimentation that occurs in the marine rea
11.1 DIVISIONS OF THE MARINE from the ridges the water depth increases as the older
REALM crust cools and subsides, and most of the ocean
floor is between about 4000 and 5000 m below sea
The bathymetry, the shape and depth of the sea level. The deepest parts of the oceans are the ocean
floor (Fig. 11.1), is fundamentally determined by trenches created by subduction zones, where water
the plate tectonic processes that create ocean basins depths can be more than 10,000 m. At the ocean
by sea-floor spreading. The spreading ridges are margins the transition from ocean crust to continental
areas of young, hot basaltic crust that is relatively crust underlies the continental rise and the
buoyant and typically around 2500 m below sea continental slope, which are the lower and upper
level. Away
164 The Marine Realm: Morphology and Processes
2 km
100 km
continental shelf
land slopecontinental rise
neritic zone
bathyal zone~4000 m
~5000 m
abyssal zone hadal zone
Fig. 11.2 Depth-related divisions of the marine realm: (a) broad divisions are defined by water depth; (b) the shelf is
described in terms of the depth to which different processes interact with the sea floor, and the actual depths vary
according to the characteristics of the shelf.
to this zone can also be applied at about 5000 m, shelves. In some places it may be as little as 20 m
below which the deepest parts of the oceans are water depth but can be 50 to 200 m water depth if the
called the hadal zone. shelf borders an ocean with a large fetch for storm
The shelf (neritic environment) can be usefully waves. This deeper shelf area between the fair
further divided into depth-controlled zones (Fig. weather and storm wave bases is called the offshore-
11.2), although in this case the divisions are not transition zone. The offshore zone is the region
defined by absolute depths, but the depths to which
certain processes operate. Their range therefore varies below storm wave base and extends out to the shelf-
edge break at around 200 m depth.
according to the conditions in a particular basin
The activities of a number of physical, chemical
because the depths to which tidal processes, waves
and biological processes are determined by water
and storms affect the shelf vary considerably. The
depth, and in turn these influence the sediment
foreshore is the region between mean high water accumulation on the different parts of the sea floor.
and mean low water marks of the tides. Depending on The following sections consider some of these
the tidal range (11.2.2) this may be a vertical distance processes and how they affect depositional
of anything from a few tens of centimeters to many environments.
meters. The seaward extent of the foreshore is
governed also by the slope and it may be anything
from a few meters, if the shelf is steeply sloping
and/or the tidal range is small, to over a kilometer in
places where there is a high tidal range and a gently 11.2 TIDES
sloping shelf. The foreshore is part of the beach
environment or littoral zone (13.2). 11.2.1 Tidal cycles
The shore face is defined as the region of the
shelf According to Newton’s Law of Gravitation, all
between the low-tide mark and the depth to which objects exert gravitational forces on each other, the
waves normally affect the sea bottom (4.4.1), and this strength of which is related to their masses and their
is the fair weather wave base. The lower depth distances apart. The Moon exerts a gravitational force
that the shore face reaches depends on the energy of on the Earth and although ocean water is strongly
the waves in the area but is typically somewhere attracted gravitationally to the Earth, it also
between 5 and 20 m. The width of the shore face will experiences a small gravitational attraction from the
be governed by the shelf slope as well as the depth of Moon. The water that is closest to the Moon
the fair weather wave base and may be hundreds of experiences the largest gravitational attraction and
meters to kilometers across. In deeper water it is only this creates a bulge of water, a tidal bulge, on that
the larger, higher energy waves generated by storms side of the Earth (Fig. 11.3). The bulge on the
that affect the sea bed. The depth to which this occurs opposite side, facing away from the Moon, can be
is the storm wave base and this is very variable on thought of as being the result of the Earth being
different pulled away from that water mass by the gravitational
force of the Moon.
center of mass
of Earth–Moon
system Moon
Gravitational gravitational
force force
tidal bulge
in oceans Moon completes Earth's orbit of
orbit of Earth in 1 Sun is elliptical.
Fig. 11.3 The gravitational force of Earth rotates under month. When When the Earth
the Sun and Moon act on the Earth and each tidal bulge aligned with Sun is closest (spring
once each day — (twice a month), and autumn
on anything on the surface, including spring tides occur. equinoxes),
the water masses in oceans. results in two tides
each day When perpendicular, tides are
neap tides occur highest
If the land areas are ignored the effect of these
bulges is to create an ellipsoid of water with its long 11.2.2 Tidal ranges
axis oriented towards the position of the Moon. As
the Earth rotates about its axis the bulges move The tidal bulge created in the open ocean is only a
around the planet. At any point on the surface the few tens of centimeters, but of course the difference
level of the water will rise and fall twice a day as the between high and low tide is many meters in some
two bulges are passed in each rotation. This creates places, so there must be a mechanism to amplify the
the daily or diurnal tides. During the daily vertical change in sea level. The tidal bulge can be
rotation, a point on the Earth will pass under one high considered as a wave of water that passes over the
bulge and a slightly lower bulge 12 hours or so later: surface of the Earth. In any waveform resonance
this is referred to as the diurnal tidal inequality, effects are created by the shape of the boundaries of
the two high tides in a day are not of equal height. the ‘vessel’ the wave is moving through. In oceans
The two tides in the diurnal tidal cycle are just over and seas the shape of the continental shelf as it
twelve and a half hours because the Moon is orbiting shallows towards land, indentations of the coastline
the Earth as the planet is rotating, changing its and narrow straits between seas can all create
relative position each day. resonance effects in the tidal wave. These can
The Moon rotates around the Earth in the same increase the amplitude of the tide and locally the tidal
plane as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The Sun range is increased to several meters by tidal
also creates a tide, but its strength is about half that resonance effects. The high- Est tidal ranges in the
of the Moon despite its greater mass, because the world today are in bays on continental shelves, such
Sun is further away. When the Sun and Moon are in as the Bay of Fundy, on the Atlantic seaboard of
line with the Earth (an alignment known as syzygy) Canada, which has a tidal range of over 15 m
the gravitational effects of these two bodies are added (Dalrymple 1984).
together to increase the height of the tidal In addition to the influence of land masses, the
movement of water between high- and low-tide con-
bulge. When the Moon is at 90˚ to the line joining dictions is also affected by the Coriolis force (6.3):
the Sun and the Earth (the quadratic alignment), water masses moving in the northern hemisphere are
the gravitational effects of the two on the water deflected to the right of their path and in the southern
tend hemisphere to the left. These effects break up the tidal
to cancel each other. During the four weeks of the wave into a series of amphiprotic cells and at the
Moon’s orbit, it is twice in line and twice
perpendicular. This creates neap–spring tidal cycles center of each cell there is an amphiprotic point
around which the tidal wave rotates (Fig. 11.4). At
with the highest tides in each month, the spring tides, the amphiprotic point there is no change in the water
occur- ring when the three bodies are in line. (The term level during the tidal cycle. All oceans are divided
‘spring’ in this context is not referring to the season into a number of major amphiprotic cells and there
of the year.) A week either side of the spring tides are are additional, smaller cells in shelf areas such as the
the neap tides, which occur when the Moon and Sun North Sea and small seas such as the Gulf of Mexico.
tend to cancel each other and the tidal effect is smallest. Tidal ranges are therefore very variable and within a
Superimposed on the diurnal and neap–spring body of water the pattern of tides can be very
cycles is an annual tidal cycle caused by the complex: in the North Sea, for example, the tidal
elliptical nature of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. range varies from less than a meter to over 6 m (Fig.
At the spring and autumn (Fall) equinoxes, the Earth 11.4). For sediment logical purposes it is useful to
is closest to the Sun and the gravitational effect is divide tidal ranges into the following categories: up to
strongest. The highest tides of the year occur when 2 m mean tidal range the regime is micro tidal,
there are spring tides in late March and late between 2 and 4 m range it is mesotidal and over 4
September. In mid-summer and mid-winter, the Sun m is macrotidal.
is at its furthest away and the tides are smaller. This
pattern of three superimposed tidal cycles (diurnal,
neap–spring and annual) is a fundamental feature of
tidal processes that controls variations through time 11.2.3 Characteristics of tidal currents
of the strength of tidal currents.
The horizontal movement of water induced by tides is
a tidal current: tidal currents are weak in microtidal
between the low and high tide, and the ebb tide
current, which flows in the opposite direction as the
microtidal (< 2 m range)
water level returns to low tide. These are bipolar
currents acting in two opposite directions. Second,
rotation of the tidal wave about the tidal flow varies in velocity in a cyclical manner.
amphidromic points
At times of high and low tide, the water is still, but as
the tide turns, the water starts to move and increases
mesotidal (2–4 m in velocity up to a peak at the mid-tide point in each
range) direction. Third, the strength of the flow is directly
related to the difference between the levels of the
high and low tides. As the tidal range varies
according to the series of cycles (see above) the
velocity of the current varies in the same pattern. The
strongest tidal currents occur when there are the
highest spring tides at the spring and autumn
The rotational pattern of the tidal wave within
macrotidal (> 4 m range) amphidromic cells results in a flow of water that
follows a circular or elliptical pattern. These
rotary tides can be important currents on shelves
and in epicontinental seas. During the course of the
> 6 m range tidal cycle the current varies in strength, but does
not change direction and there may not be a period
of slack water (Dalrymple 1992). These offshore
Fig. 11.4 The North Sea of northwest Europe has a variable tidal currents are important processes in the
tidal range along different parts of the bordering coasts. transport and deposition of sediment on some shelf
Amphidromic points mark the centers of cells of rotary tides areas (14.3).
that affect the shallow sea.
Reactivation surfaces The depth to which surface waves affect a water body
is referred to as the wave base (4.4.1) and on
In places where there is one dominant direction of continental shelves two levels can be distinguished
tidal current the bed forms migrate in that direction (11.1). The fair weather wave base is the depth to
producing unidirectional cross-stratification. These which there is wave-influenced motion under normal
bed forms can be modified by the reverse current, weather conditions. The storm wave base is the depth
principally by the removal of the crest of a waves reach when the surface waves have a higher
subaqueous dune. When the Bedford recommences energy due to stronger winds driving them. Below the
migration in the direction of the dominant flow the storm wave base, the sea bed is not normally affected
cross-strata build out from the eroded surface. This by surface waves.
leaves a minor erosion surface within the cross-
stratification, which is termed a reactivation
surface (Figs 11.6 & 11.9) (Dalrymple 1992). 11.3.1 Storms
bring a lot of sediment into suspension near the sea generate flow of the denser fluid beneath the less
floor and the mixture of sediment and water moves as dense water. Cold surface water descends at high
a gravity-driven underflow across the shelf, from polar latitude, sink points, and these water masses
shallower to deeper water. The deposits of these
then move around the oceans as thermo-haline bot-
storm processes are referred to as tempestites: there
tom currents (Stow 1985). The water that is moved
is further discussion of the processes and products of from the polar regions is replaced by warm surface
storm-dominated shelves in Chapter 14. waters and this sets up a circulation system that
transports water thousands of kilometers in the
world’s oceans. Geostrophic currents are wind-
11.3.2 Tsunami
driven currents related to the global wind systems,
which result from differences in air mass tempera-
Tsunami is the Japanese for ‘harbor wave’ and tures combined with the Coriolis force (6.3). The pat-
refers to waves with periods of 103 to 104 seconds that tern of ocean currents is shown in Fig. 11.10.
are generated by events such as subsea earth- quakes, The effects of these currents on sedimentation are
large volcanic eruptions and submarine land- slides. In most noticeable in deeper waters (16.4) as their
the past such waves were sometimes incorrectly called effects in shallower water are often masked by the
‘tidal waves’, but their origins have no connection influences of tides, waves and storms. Thermo-
with tidal forces. These events can set up a surface haline currents are typically weaker than storm and
wave a few tens of centimeters amplitude in deep ocean tidal currents but are of larger volume. They mainly
water and a wavelength of many kilometers. As the move clay and silt in suspension and very fine
wave reaches the shallower waters of the continental sands as bedload. Thermo-haline currents are also
shelf, the amplitude is increased to ten or more meters, important in the dis- tribution of nutrients in the
producing a wave that can have a devastating effect on oceans. Bottom currents move nutrients from
coastal areas (Scheffers & Kelletat 2003). colder regions to areas where upwelling occurs and
The effects of a tsunami are dramatic, with wide- the nutrient-rich waters reach the surface. As a
spread destruction occurring near coasts, both near consequence, these areas of upwel- ling are regions
the source of the wave and also anywhere in the of high organic productivity and can result in
path of it, which can be thousands of kilometers deposits rich in biogenic material.
across an ocean. They also have a serious impact
on shallow marine environments causing disruption
and redepo- sition of foreshore and shoreface 11.5 5 CHEMICAL AND
sediments. It has been suggested that beds of BIOCHEMICAL SEDIMENTATION IN
poorly sorted debris con- taining a mixture of
deposits and fauna from different coastal and OCEANS
shallow marine environments may form as a
consequence of tsunami (Pilkey 1988). It may be The most important chemical and biochemical sedi-
possible to distinguish them from ordinary storm ments in modern seas and ancient shelf deposits
deposits by their larger size, but in practice it may are carbonate sediments and evaporites, and in the
be difficult to show that a deposit is generated by a oceans plankton generate large quantities of carbo-
specific mechanism. nate and siliceous sediment. In addition there are
other, less abundant but significant chemical and
biochemical deposits.
11.5.1 Glaucony and glauconite
Currents that are driven by contrasts in temperature
and/or salinity are called thermo-haline currents. The term glauconite is commonly used by geologists
Cold water is dense and will sink relative to warmer to refer to a dark green mineral that is found quite
water, and seawater is denser if the salinity is greater commonly in marine sediments. In correct usage the
than normal: these temperature and salinity contrasts use of this term should be restricted to a potassium-
rich mica, which has the mineral name glauconite,
because this is in fact only one member of a group of
potassium and iron-rich phyllosilicate minerals that
Chemical and Biochemical Sedimentation in Oceans 171
sink points
Fig. 11.10 The main geostrophic current pathways (thermo-haline circulation patterns) affecting the modern oceans.
Sink points in the North Atlantic are due to input of cold glacial meltwater from the Greenland ice-cap.
are closely related (Amorosi 2003). Material made other material, terrigenous clastic or carbonate, is
up of any of these distinctive, medium to dark
slow. It therefore commonly occurs in condensed
green minerals is referred to as glaucony.
sections, that is, strata which have been deposited
Glaucony miner- als are authigenic, that is, they
crystallise within the sedimentary environment at anomalously low sedimentation rates. The
(2.3.2): this is in contrast to almost all other silicate recogni- tion of periods of low sedimentation rate
minerals found within sediments that are detrital on the shelf is important when assessing evidence
(2.3.1). The process of forming the mineral, of changes in sea level because outer shelf
glauconitisation, occurs at the sea floor on sedimentation tends to be slowest during periods of
substrates such as the hard parts of for- aminifers, sea level rise (this is dis- cussed further in Chapter
other carbonate fragments, faecal pellets and lithic 23). Thirdly, because the mineral is authigenic and
fragments. It appears the process requires a also rich in potassium, it can be dated by
particular microenvironment at the interface bet- radiometric methods and the age obtained
ween oxidising seawater and slightly reducing corresponds to the time of deposition. As will be
inter- stitial waters. This typically occurs at water seen in Chapter 21, direct radiometric dating of
depths of between about 50 and 500 m, on the sedimentary material is rarely possible, but glau-
outer parts of continental shelves and upper parts of cony/glauconite is the exception and consequently
continental slopes. is very important in relating strata to the geological
Glaucony/glauconite is important in time scale (19.1.2).
sedimentology and stratigraphy for a number of
reasons. Firstly, it is a reliable indicator of
deposition in a shallow marine environment, 11.5.2 Phosphorites
although it can be reworked into deeper water and
occasionally into shallower environments by Phosphorites are sedimentary rocks that are
currents. Secondly it is most abundant within shelf enriched in phosphorus to a level where the bulk
sediments under conditions where sedimentation of composition is over 15% P2O5. Phosphate may be
present in
172 The Marine Realm: Morphology and Processes
sediment as primary bioclasts such as fish teeth and The conditions for the formation of black shales
scales and vertebrate bones, but mostly it occurs as are therefore determined by the organic input, the
an authigenic precipitate, which coats grains, forms efficiency of the breakdown of that material by micro-
peloids and micronodules on the sea floor and may bial activity and the dilution effects of terrigenous
also occur as laminae encrusting the sea bed (Glenn clastic, biogenic carbonate or silica. The most favour-
& Garrison 2003). Accumulations of phosphorite able sites are therefore deep seas where there is poor
are favoured by slow sedimentation rates of other circulation between the oxygenated surface water
mate- rials and, like glaucony, are characteristic of and the sea floor. Basins with restricted circulation,
con- densed sections. Hardgrounds can be such as the modern Black Sea, provide optimal con-
composed of laminated phosphorites, while the ditions (Wignall 1994), but not all black shales form
peloids and other grains are concentrated into in similar settings. Provided the supply of organic
phosphate-rich beds by reworking of the material material is greater than the rate at which it can be
by seafloor currents (Glenn & Garrison 2003). broken down, black shales can form on shelves where
Modern phosphorite concentrations occur on con- circulation is moderately effective. They have consid-
tinental margins where there are regions of upwelling erable economic importance in sedimentology and
of nutrient-rich waters, such as off the west coast of stratigraphy as they are hydrocarbon source rocks
South America and off west Africa where Antarctic (18.7.3).
water comes to the surface. These nutrient-rich cool
waters coming up into warmer waters promote
blooms of plankton, which are at the bottom of the
food chain. Ancient phosphorites are thought to 11.6 MARINE FOSSILS
have formed in similar settings and it might also be
expected that concentrations would be greatest at Shelves are areas of oxygenated waters periodically
times of high sea level when supply of other sediment swept by currents to bring in nutrients. As such
to the shelf is reduced. Phosphorite production is also they are habitable environments for many
related to the supply of phosphate, which ultimately organisms that may live swimming in water
comes from the weathering of continental rocks. (planktonic) or on the sea floor (benthic), either
on the surface or within the sediment. Plants and
animals living in the marine realm contribute
11.5.3 Organic-rich sediments: black shales detritus, modify other sediments and create their
own environments. Modern shelf environments
team with life and it is rare to find an ancient shelf
Organic material from dead plants, animals and deposit that does not contain some evi- dence for
microbial organisms is abundant in the oceans and the organisms that lived in the seas at the time.
becomes part of the material that falls to the sea floor. In shallow seas with low clastic input the calcar-
Where the sea floor is oxygenated by currents bring-
eous hard parts of dead organisms make up the bulk
ing water down from the surface the organic matter is of the sediment, either as the loose detritus of mobile
oxidised or consumed by scavengers living on the sea
animals or as biogenic reefs, which are whole sedi-
bed. Poor circulation reduces the oxygen in the mint bodies built up as a framework by organisms
waters at the sea floor and the conditions become
such as corals and algae. Terrigenous clastic sandy
anoxic. Breakdown of the organic matter is slower and muddy shelf deposits may also contain a rich
or non-existent in the absence of oxygen and the flora and fauna, the type and diversity of which
conditions are not favorable for scavenging organ- depends on the energy on the sea bed (fragmentation
isms. The organic matter accumulates under these can occur in high-energy environments) and the post-
anoxic conditions and contributes to the pelagic sedi- depositional history (Chapter 18), which affects
mint to form black shale, a mudrock that typically preservation of material.
contains 1–15% organic carbon (Wignall 1994; Many plants and animals occupy ecological niches
Stow et al. 1996). The black or dark grey colour is that are defined by such factors as water depth, tem-
partly due to the presence of the organic matter and perature, nutrient supply, nature of substrate and so
also because of finely disseminated pyrite (iron on. If the ecological niche of a fossil organism can be
sulphide), which also forms under reducing determined this can provide an excellent indication of
the depositional environment. In the younger Ceno- of benthic to planktonic organisms present: if the
zoic strata the fossils may be of organisms so proportion of benthic organisms is high the water
similar to those alive today that determining the was probably shallow, whereas a high count of
likely environ- mint in which they lived is quite plank- tonic organisms indicates deeper water. This
straightforward. Farther back in geological time method normally only provides a very rough guide
this task becomes more difficult. Groups of to relative water depth but is applied in a semi-
organisms such as trilobites and graptolites, which quantitative way in Cenozoic and Mesozoic strata
were abundant in the Lower Palaeozoic seas, have by considering the proportions of benthic and
no modern representatives for direct comparison of planktonic forms of foraminifers.
lifestyle. Clues as to the ecologi- cal niche
occupied by a fossil organism are provided by
considering the functional morphology of the 11.7 7 TRACE FOSSILS
body fossil. All organisms are in some way adapted
to their environment so if these adaptations can be
recognised the lifestyle of the organisms can be Although body fossils provide physical evidence of
deter- mined to some extent. In trilobites, for an organism having lived in the past, trace fossils
example, it has been recognised that some types are evidence of the activity of an organism. Traces
had well-developed eyes whereas in others they include tracks of walking animals, trails of worms,
were very poorly devel- oped: one interpretation of burrows of molluscs and crustaceans, and are collec-
this would be that the trilobites with eyes needed tively called ichnofauna. Trace fossils are usually
them to help move around on the sea floor but found on or within sediment that was unconsolidated
those that lived buried in the sediment had no need but with sufficient strength to retain the shape of the
of sight. animal’s trace. Contrasts in sediment type between
Some organisms are thought to have occupied a burrow and the host sediment are a considerable aid
very specific niches and can provide quite precise to recognition. A distinction is made between bur-
information about the environment of deposition. rows formed in soft sediment and borings made by
Some algae and hermatypic corals require clear organisms into hard substrate.
water and sunlight to thrive, so they are indicators The different forms of trace fossils are given names
of shallow, mud-free shelf environments. Other similar to those used in the classification of animals
organisms (certain bivalves, for instance) are more and body fossils: so, for example, smaller vertical
tolerant of different environments and can live in a tubes in sands are called Skolithos and a crawling
range of conditions and water depths provided that a trail produced by a multilimbed organism is known as
supply of nutrients are available. In general, the Cruziana. Comparison of the form of Cruziana
abundance of benthic organisms decreases as the traces with body fossils provides very strong evidence
water depth increases. Shoreface environments that trilobites formed these features, but this link
usually have the most diverse assemblages of benthic between ichnofauna and body fossils is the exception
fauna and flora due to the well-oxygenated conditions rather than the rule. For the majority of trace fossils,
of the wave-agitated water and the availability of light we can only guess at the nature of the animal that
(provided that it is not too muddy). The abundance of formed them: other exceptions are Ophiomorpha, a
organisms living on the sea floor decreases in the pellet- lined burrow which has a morphology
offshore transition and offshore parts of the shelf. identical to burrows made by modern callianassid
In the deep oceans only a few specialised organisms shrimps, and Trypanites, a boring made in rock or
live on the sea floor adjacent to areas of hydrothermal solid substrate that can be seen in modern seas as
activity. being made by bivalve molluscs such as Lithophaga.
The abundance of planktonic organisms is con- Ichnofossils are classified according to the inferred
trolled by the supply of nutrients and the surface manner in which they were formed, for example, by
temperature of the water. The hard parts of plank- movement of an animal over a surface, feeding, crea-
tonic organisms may be distributed in sediments of tion of a shelter, and so on (Fig. 11.11) (Simpson
any water depth, although dissolution of calcium car- 1975; Ekdale et al. 1984). However, there is consider-
bonate occurs in very deep water (16.5.2). One able variation within these categories as dinosaur
approach to the problem of determining the depth at footprints and trilobite tracks classify as the same
which sediment was deposited is to consider the ratio
after it died. In some cases, the environmental
Cubichnia condi- tions might have actually caused the death
resting traces of an animal, such as a skeleton of a mammal
enclosed in volcanic ash. Most importantly,
ichnofauna provide precise information about the
Repichnia Domichnia environment where they were formed. For example,
bird footprints are either evidence of a land surface,
crawling tracks and trails dwelling structures, burrows or of very shallow water where the bird may have
been paddling, and a complex of burrows in sea-
floor sediment is evidence of oxygenated
conditions. Trace fossils are therefore a very
powerful tool in palaeoenvironmental analysis, and
we can use changes in trace fossil assemblages,
known as ichnofacies, as evidence for changes in
PassichniaFodinichnia environment, such as rise and fall of sea level
grazing tracesfeeding traces
2000 m
abyssal zone
Sandy shore
Shelf (littoral
zone) Bathyal zoneAbyssal zone
assemblageassemblage Zoophycos assemblageNereites assemblage
Vertical Wide
of forms,
or pellet-lined
tracks & trails, complex networks
of burrows,
variety on
and branching
seen and shallow subsurfaceon bed surface only
Fig. 11.12 Assemblages of trace fossil forms and their relationship to the major divisions of the marine realm. (Adapted
from Pemberton et al. 1992.) The assemblages are named after characteristic ichnofauna and the ‘type’ ichnofossil does not
need to be present in the assemblage.
Hardground: sharp-edged borings into lithified sediment (Trypanites ichnofacies). Similar borings are found in boulders on rocky coa