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Sr. No. Questions

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Sr. No. Questions

When the communication is established with a system by making use of graphics
medium then it is termed as
Pixel is ________________

3 Frame buffer is the part of _______________ which stores the image to be
displayed on screen
4 ______________ refers to the number of dots on the screen
In _____________ each character is displayed as a group of dots or pixels
6 In text mode each character is displayed_____________

7 Which of the following is not a characteristics of display adapter

To display 32 thousand colors, the number of bits needed are ___________

9 A VGA monitor is having resolution 640 * 480 with 4 bit color then
_____________ Kb memory is required
10 Refresh rate property of display adapter is nothing but

Aspect ratio is defined as ______________

12 Which of the following is not true with respect to accelerator of display adapter

13 Touch Panels are _______________

A monitor is having resolution of 640 * 480, then aspect ratio will be _____
15 In CRT the light given off by the phosphor during exposure to the electron beam
is known as __________
16 The aspect ratio of a standard 35 mm film frame is ____________
Consider a raster system with a resolution of 1024 by 768. wht is the size of the
raster needed to store 8 bits per pixel
18 shadow Mask is used in ___________

19 Which of the following is true with respect to DVST?

Which of the following device allows selective erasing of the display contents?
21 Display files are used in _____________

22 Which of the following is false with respect to display file

Display Processor is ___________

24 Which of the following file format is not supporting compression logic
25 Lightpens are _____________

The Graphics can be

27 Computer Graphics was first used by

28 Interactive graphics is useful in

Types of computer Graphics are:

30 Graphics is one of the __ major key element in design of multimedia application

31 Pixel can be arranged in a regular

32 each pixel has ___ basis color components
33 Higher the number of Pixels ____ the image quality
34 The devision of the computer screen into row and columns that define the no. of
pixels to display a picture is called :
In beam penetration method of color CRT, which layer is red and which is green
36 Raster Scan is __ expensive than random scan
37 Solid pattern in random scan display is _____ to fill.
In beam penetration method of color CRT, two layer of phosphor coated are
39 Pen and Injekt plotters use the following devices:

The Components of interactive computer graphics are:

41 Display card is used for the purpose of

Several graphics image file formats that are used by most of graphics sytem are:
43 TIFF (Tagged image file format) are used for :

The GIF format is much ___ to be downloaded or uploaded over WWW

45 Interactive computer graphics uses various kind of input devices such as

The interactive computer graphics involves________ way communication b/w

computer and the user

47 How many components of Interactive computer graphics are
What are the components of Interactive computer graphics

49 The application area of computer graphics are

CAD means

51 A 16*16array of black and white pixels could be represented by________

52 Graphics output devices are

53 A plotter is capable of

A joystick is a
55 A joystick is consisting of a
56 The joystick often has _____ fire buttons to trigger some kind of action
57 The light pen is an

58 Which of the following is not a type of graphic

59 The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as

 If an image has a height of 2 inches and aspect ratio of 1.5 then its width is
61 Which of the following statement is true?

Which of the following device has a relative origin?

63 The major component of CRT are
Interactive computer graphics uses various kind of input devices such as

65 The application area of computer graphics are

66 Choose the correct statement?

67 The basic element of a picture in volume graphics is ?

68 The major components of CRT are ?

  ........ used to regulate the flow of elections in CRT ?
The glow given off by the, phosphor during exposure of the electron
70 beam is known as ?
71   Raster is a synonym for the term ?
  The ......... simply reads each successive byte of data from the frame
72 buffer?

Aspect ratio is generally defined as the ratio of the ?

74 Computer Graphics models are now commonly used for making ?

Graphics and image processing technique used to produce a
transformation of one object into another is called ?

76 The amount of light emitted by the phosphor coating depends on the?

The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap
on a CRT is refereed to as  ?
78 Which of the following device has a relative origin 
The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap
on a CRT is refereed to as 
Interactive computer graphics uses various kind of input devices such
80 as 
81 ........ used to regulate the flow of elections in CRT ? 
82 The light pen is an 
83 A joystick is a 
The glow given off by the, phosphor during exposure of the electron
84 beam is known as ? 
Expansion of CRT is ___________.
The operations of most _________________ is based on the Standard Cathode
86 ray tubes.
A beam of electrons emitted by an electron gun is also called as

88 The operation of the most video monitors is based on the____________ CRT.

10. In cathode ray tube, a beam of electrons is emitted ________________.
11. The negatively charged electrons inside the CRT are then accelerated towards
90 the__________.
91 Picture definition is stored in ___________ buffer area in memory.
16. The rate at which the picture is redrawn on the screen is called ___________
92 rate.
18. In a black and white system ________________ per pixel is needed to control
the intensity of screen positions.
19. In a high quality system ________________ bits per pixel is needed to control
94 the intensity of screen positions.
20. On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is
commonly called as
96 Random scan monitors draw a picture ______________ at a time.
97 24. In raster scan system the ____________beam is swept across screen.
25. In raster scan system the electron beam is swept across screen from
98 _____________.
26. A CRT monitor displays color picture by using a combination of phosphor that
emits light of __________ color
27. Shadow mask methods are commonly used in raster scan system including
100 _____.
101 The refresh buffer also called a _______________ buffer.
102 31. Each screen point is referred to as a _______________.
32. Refreshing on raster-scan displays is carried out at the rate of 60 to 80
_____________ per second.
33. The raster-scan systems, each frame is displayed in two passes using
104 an____________ procedure.
105 35. A property of video monitors is_________________.
The__________________ emits a small spot of light at each position contacted
106 by the electron beam.
38. The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a
CRT is referred to as its_____________.
108 The primary output devices in a graphics system is a __________________.
A shadow-mask CRT has______________ phosphor color dots at each pixel
110 Color CRTs in graphics systems are designed as____________.
LED stands for_______________.
112 ____________ ball is a two dimensional positioning device.
113 A light pen activated with a _______.
114 _________ scanner with a resolution of 600 dots per inch.
115 Isometric joystick have _____________ stick.
To be able to select positions in any screen area with a light pen, we must have
116 some__________intensity assigned to each screen pixel.
117 Joystick consist of ________
118 __________ is any data or instructions sent to the computer.

The input device most commonly used to enter text would be the
120 Most keyboards use an arrangement of keys given the name
A full-sized, rigid, rectangular keyboard that includes function,
navigational, and numeric keys is this type.

This type of keyboard is designed specifically to alleviate wrist

122 strain associated with the repetitive movements of typing.

A key that turns a function on or off is called a __________ key.

124 Which key typically cancels a selection or procedure?

What type of key is generally used as a shortcut for a specific task?

Which one of the following choices would not be classified as a
126 pointing device?

The mouse __________ usually appears in the shape of an arrow.

This type of mouse is generally considered the traditional type and
128 is currently the most widely used.
This type of mouse has a ball on the bottom and is attached with a
cord to the system unit.
130 This type of mouse has no moving parts.
This type of mouse emits and senses light to detect mouse
This type of mouse is a battery-powered device that typically uses
radio waves or infrared light waves to communicate with the
132 system unit.
Instead of using a mouse, you can use this pointing device to
control the pointer by rotating a ball with your thumb.
134 The __________ is the most popular input device for games.
With this pointing device, you control game action by varying the
pressure, speed, and direction.
A __________ is a monitor that is covered with a plastic layer to
136 allow you to press the screen to select commands.
This type of pointing device is commonly used at restaurants,
ATMs, and information centers.
This type of device typically operates by moving across text and
138 images.
Which one of the following would not be considered a type of
scanning device?
A(n) __________ scanner records characters by sliding it along a
140 line of text.
141 A Universal Product Code is read by what type of scanner?

142 The individual dots that form the image on a monitor are called
143 This monitor has a maximum resolution of 1024x768.
Which of the following monitor types most closely resembles a
144 television?
With a standard mouse, you can quickly access a shortcut menu by
pressing the
Specialized input and output devices for receiving and sending
146 voice communications are
147 A network terminal is also known as a(n)
A standard microcomputer with a network connection would be
148 called a(n)

Types of input devices include the mouse, keyboard, and printer.

150 Keyboards translate text, numbers, and special characters.
151 The toggle key is a combination key.
The Escape key is commonly used to cancel a selection or
152 procedure.
When using a mouse, the mouse pointer usually appears in the
shape of an arrow.
A mechanical mouse has a rotating ball on the bottom to detect
154 movement.
155 A mechanical mouse has no moving parts.
156 An optical mouse uses light in order to detect movement.
157 The joystick is the most popular input device for games.
158 A joystick is not considered a pointing device.

A touch screen is classified as a special type of scanning device.

160 A touch screen can be used for both an input and an output device.
161 Light pens are commonly used to edit digital images.
162 A flatbed scanner is generally a handheld device.

Grocery stores use bar-code scanners to read UPC’s on products.

  An MICR device senses the presence or absence of a mark, such
164 as a pencil mark.
165 A digital camera can store images on disks or on film.
I-cams are specialized digital video cameras used to broadcast
166 images over the Web.
Digitizing devices convert a sketch or figure into a form that can
be processed by a computer.
168 A graphics tablet requires the use of a stylus.
169 The dots that make up a monitor’s image are called picas.
A screen’s refresh rate indicates how often a displayed image is
170 updated or redrawn on the monitor.
Currently, the most commonly used type of monitors in office
environments is flat screens.
In an active-matrix flat panel monitor, each pixel is independently
172 activated.
173 Printed output is commonly referred to as soft copy.
Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4

Option(a) Option(b) Option(c) Option(d)

Graphical User Interface Interactive Computer User interface None of these

largest screen element smallest screen element smallest screen element Particular color of screen
which user can control which user can control which user can't control

Main Memory ROM External Memory Dynamic Memory

pixel resolution aspect ratio acceleration

Graphics Mode Text mode Character mode None of these

as a set of pixels as a set of lines in each box as an image

Resolution Color depth aspect ratio acceleration

8 bits 16 bits 24 bits 32 bits

512 128 256 1024

the speed by which a pixel the speed by which screen the speed of displaying the None of these
is displayed is cleared off / refreshed complete image

ratio of height to width height width ratio of width to height

It is used to draw The CPU has to send a it accelerates the speed of It reduces the flickering
readymade shapes like command only to perform drawing the objects effect of the image.
drawing lines and boxes a task and rest will be done
by this Accelerator chip

display devices interactive devices data generating devices None of these

1.33 0.75 1.35 1.7

phosphorescene phosphors persistence fluorescene persistence

2.35:1 2.20:1 1.35:1 1.33:1

768 Kb 1024 Kb 786 Kb 1042 Kb

Monochrome monitors Color Monitors LCD monitors Plotters

Once the screen phosphors The screen does not Once the screen phosphors It allows selective erasing
of this tube by the electron phosphors of this tube by of this tube by the electron of the contents
beam, they stay lit. the electron beam beam is uesd to turn it off.

DVST Plasma Panel Raster Graphics Display Plotters

Raster Graphics Display Vector Graphics Display LCD monitors DVST

It provides an interface It stores the information in It stores each and every It speeds up the display
between the image the form of commands pixels setting of the display process
specification process and device
image display process

Display File Display device Display file interpreter Video display adapter


Interactive devices Display devices data generating devices None of these

Drawing photograph, movies simulation All of these

William fetter in 1960 James fetter in1969 James gosling in 1991 John Taylor in 1980

Training pilots Computer aided design process control All of these

vector and raster Scalar and raster vector and scalar none

Five Three Four Eight

one dimensional grid Two dimensional grid Three dimensional grid None
two or three one or two three or four none
Bad Better Smaller None
persistence Resolution Encapsulated post scrip None

Outer is red and inner is inner is red and outer is inner is red and inner is None
green green green
less more both a and b none
Difficult Easy not fill None
Red and Blue Red and Green Blue and Green None of these

Drum Flat bed Both a &b None

A light pen Display unit Bank of Switches All of these

Sending graphics data to sending graphics data to Receiving graphics data to None of these
input unit output unit. output unit

GIF JPEG TIFF All of these

vector graphics bitmap None of these

Slower Faster Medium None of these

Mouse Graphic Tablet Joystick All Of These

One Two Three Four

One Two Three Four

A digital memory or frame A television monitor An interface or display All Of These
buffer controller

Political Educational and textbook CAD and Entertainment All Of These

Car aided design Computer art design Computer aided design None of These

64 bytes 32 bytes 128 bytes 96 bytes

Graphics Tablet, Mouse Keyboard Light Pen, Joystick None of These

Printing a map Printing similar images Both a and b None of These

Graphics Input Devices Graphics Output Devices Both a and b None of These

Pen Stick Microphone None of These

One More Both a and b None of These
Graphics Input Devices Graphics Output Devices Both a and b None of These

Diagram Object Graph Picture

Resolution Depth Resalution None of These

3 inches 0.75 inches 0.75*0.75 inches 1.5*1.5 inches

Request, sample and event Keyboard is the device A mouse is typically a Special graphic hardware
are the three basic modes of ideally suited for use in device for inputting an support is essential for
input sample mode absolute position on the providing menu-driven
screen user interface to an

Joystick Track ball Mouse None of the above

Electronic Gun Phosphorous coated screen Control electrodes All of above

Mouse Graphic Tablet Joystick All Of These

Political Educational and textbook CAD and Entertainment All Of These

The components line of

     Random scan method is
 Random scan monitors a random scan picture Raster scan monitors well suited for
draw a picture one line at must be refreshed in a draw a picture one line at displaying shading and
a time particular order a time color areas
a.                   pixel b.                  volsel c.                   voxel d.                  None of above
b.                  Phosphorous c.                   Control
a.                   Electronic Gun coated screen electrodes e.                   All of above
b.                  Focusing
a.                   Electronic Gun electrode c.                   Control electrode d.                  All of the above

a.                   Fluorescence b.                  Phosphorescence c.                   Persistence d.                  All of the above
a.                   Array b.                  Matrix c.                   Model d.                  All of above
c.                   Display
a.                   Digital Controller b.                  Data Controller Controller d.                  All of above

c.                   Vertical to d.                  Either A or B ,

a.                   Vertical to b.                  Horizontal to (horizontal + vertical) depending on the
horizontal points vertical points points convention followed

a.                   Motion pictures b.                  Music Videos c.                   Television shows d.                  All of above

a.                   Animation b.                  Morphine c.                   Half toning d.                  None of above

a.                   Number of b.                  Speed of

electrons striking the electrons striking the c.                   Distance from
screen screen the cathode to the screen d.                  None of above

a.                   Resolution b.                  Persistence c.                   Attenuation d.                  None of above

Joystick Track ball Mouse None of above

Resolution Persistence Attenuation None of above

Mouse Graphic tablet Joystick All of these

Electronic Gun Focusing electrode Control electrode All of the above
Graphics input device Graphics output device Both a & b None of these
Graphics input device Graphics output device Both a & b None of these

Fluorescence Phosphorescence Persistence All of the above

C. Component Related D. Common Reflection
A. Cathode Ray Tube. B. Computer Related Tube. Tools. Tube.

A. scanners. B. video monitors. C. printers. D. card readers.

A. electric rays B. magnetic rays. C. cathode rays. D. infra-red rays.

A. static. B. dynamic. C. standard. D. pervasive.

A. from the base. B. by a focusing system. C. by an electron gun. D. by deflection plates

A. phosphor coating B. electron gun. C. Base D. Electron beam object

A. frame. B. outer. C. refresh. D. restore.

A. buffer. B. refresh. C. drawn. D. delete.

A. 0 bit. B. 1 bit. C. 2 bits. D. 3 bits.

A. 8. B. 12. C. 16. D. 24.

A. pixmap. B. pelmap C. bitsmap. D. bitmap.

A. one pixel. B. two pixel. C. one line. D. two line.
A. electron. B. magnetic C. electro D. electrothermal

A. right to left. B. top to bottom. C. bottom to top. D. side to side.

A. same. B. different. C. many. D. Only one.

B. beam penetration
A. monitor. method. C. random scan system. D. color tv
A. frame. B. element. C. resolution. D. bitmap.
A. point. B. pixel. C. position. D. element.

A. points. B. pixels C. positions D. frames.

A. interlaced refresh. B. refresh. C. providing. D. vector-displays.

A. length. B. centimeter C. direction D. aspect ratio.

A. electron gun. B. control grid. C. phosphor D. cathode.

A. persistence. B. non persistence. C. resolution D. distribution.

A. video monitor. B. video display devices. C. cathode ray tube. D. deflection CRT.

A. five. B. four C. three D. two.

A. CRT monitors. B. RGB monitors. C. DVST monitors. D. color monitors.

A. Light Emitted Display. B. Light Emitting Display. C. Light Emitting Diode. D. Light Emit Diode.
A. Mouse. B. Track C. Space D. Thumb
A. button. B. switch C. pointer D. button switch.
A. Desktop full-color. B. Flatbed C. Drum D. Color
A. movable. B. partial movable. C. non-movable. D. static

A. zero. B. one C. non-zero D. none

A. stick. B. ball C. wheel D. ball
Digital Output Information Input

mouse microphone keyboard bar code reader

Dvork QWERTY Unicode CISC

PDA keyboard wireless keyboard traditional keyboard flexible keyboard

ergonomic keyboard wireless keyboard traditional keyboard flexible keyboard

power toggle function control

escape windows key spacebar F1

escape numeric function   control

mouse joystick light pen graphics tablet

pointer marker indicator meter

mechanical cordless wireless optical

mechanical cordless wireless optical

mechanical cordless wireless optical

mechanical cordless wireless optical

mechanical touch wireless optical

pointing stick touchpad joystick trackball

joystick keyboard mouse light pen

optical mouse trackball joystick touch screen

digitizing tablet light pen pointing stick touch screen

mechanical mouse joystick light pen touch screen

optical mouse light pen scanner joystick

light pen optical scanner bar code reader MICR device

character flatbed bar-code portable

bar-code flatbed OCR MICR

picas specks pixels particles


flat panel cathode ray tube e-book reader data projector

F1 key esc key left mouse button right mouse button

fax modems intelligent terminals Web appliances Internet telephones

dumb terminal PC terminal intelligent terminal thin client

thin client PC terminal intelligent terminal server

1 0
1 0
1 0

1 0
1 0

1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0

1 0

1 0
1 0
1 0

1 0

1 0
1 0

1 0

1 0
1 0
1 0

1 0

1 0

1 0
1 0
Correct Marks Topic Unit

which user
can control

in each box

aspect ratio

16 bits


the speed
by which a
pixel is

ratio of
width to

It reduces
effect of the



786 Kb

Once the
of this tube
by the
beam, they
stay lit.


It stores
each and
every pixels
setting of
the display

Display file

Option 4 2 Introducti I
Option 1 2 Introducti I
Option 4 2 Introducti I
Option 1 2 Introducti I
Option 1 2 Introducti I
Option 2 2 Pixel I
Option 3 2 Pixel I
Option 2 2 Pixel I
Option 2 2 Resolution I

Option 1 2 CRT I

option 1 2 CRT I
Option 1 2 CRT I
Option 2 2 CRT I

Option 3 2 Interactive I

Option 4 2 Interactive I

Option 2 2 Interactive I

Option 4 2 Graphics I
Option 2 2 Graphics I
Option 2 2 Interactive I

Option 4 2 Introducti I
on of

Option 2 2 Introducti I
on of

Option 3 2 Introducti I
on of
Option 4 2 Introducti I
on of

Option 4 2 Applicatio I
n of

Option 3 1 Applicatio I
n of

Option 2 2 Pixel I

Option 4 2 Graphics I
Option 3 2 Video I

Option 1 2 Joysticks I

Option 2 2 Joysticks I
Option 2 2 Joystick I
Option 1 2 Interactive I

Option 2 2 Graphics I
Option 1 2 Frame I
Option 2 2 Aspect I
Option 1 2 Interactive I

Option 3 2 Interactive I

Option 4 2 CRT I
Option 4 2 Introducti I
on of

Option 4 2 Applicatio I
n of

Option 1

Option 3
Option 4

Option 3

Option 1

Option 2
Option 3

Option 4

Option 4

Option 1

Option 1

Option 1

Option 3
Option 1

Option 4

Option 3
Option 1
Option 1
Option 1

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 3

Option 3

Option 1

Option 1
Option 2

Option 2

Option 4

Option 4

Option 3
Option 1
Option 2

Option 2

Option 4

Option 1
Option 2
Option 4

Option 1

Option 4
Option 3

Option 3
Option 1

Option 3

Option 2
Option 3

Option 2
Option 4
Option 2
Option 3
Option 3

Option 1
Option 4
Option 3

Option 2
Option 3

Option 1

Option 2

Option 1
Option 3

Option 4

Option 1

Option 1

Option 1

Option 4
Option 4
Option 3

Option 4

Option 1
Option 3

Option 4

Option 4

Option 3

Option 1

Option 4

Option 1
Option 3

Option 2
Option 2

Option 4

Option 4

Option 4
Option 1

Option 2

Option 1
Option 2
Option 1
Option 1

Option 1

Option 2
Option 1
Option 1
Option 2
Option 2

Option 1

Option 1
Option 2
Option 1

Option 2

Option 2
Option 2

Option 1

Option 1
Option 2
Option 1

Option 2

Option 1

Option 2

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