TMC2660 Datasheet Rev1.07
TMC2660 Datasheet Rev1.07
TMC2660 Datasheet Rev1.07
Universal, cost-effective stepper driver for two-phase bipolar motors with state-of-the-art features.
Integrated MOSFETs for up to 4 A motor current per coil. With Step/Dir Interface and SPI.
Textile, Sewing Machines
Factory Automation
Lab Automation
Liquid Handling
Office Automation
Printer and Scanner
CCTV, Security
ATM, Cash recycler
Pumps and Valves
Heliostat Controller
CNC Machines
Drive Capability up to 4A motor current
Voltage up to 30V DC DESCRIPTION
Highest Resolution up to 256 microsteps per full step The TMC2660 driver for two-phase stepper
motors offers an industry-leading feature
Compact Size 10x10mm QFP-44 package set, including high-resolution
Low Power Dissipation, very low RDSON & synchronous microstepping, sensorless mechanical load
rectification measurement, load-adaptive power
EMI-optimized programmable slope optimization, and low-resonance chopper
operation. Standard SPI™ and STEP/DIR
Protection & Diagnostics overcurrent, short to GND, interfaces simplify communication.
overtemperature & undervoltage Integrated power MOSFETs handle motor
stallGuard2™ high precision sensorless motor load detection currents up to 2.2A RMS continuously or
2.8A RMS boost current per coil. Integrated
coolStep™ load dependent current control for energy savings
protection and diagnostic features support
up to 75%
robust and reliable operation. High
microPlyer™ microstep interpolation for increased integration, high energy efficiency and
smoothness with coarse step inputs. small form factor enable miniaturized
spreadCycle™ high-precision chopper for best current sine designs with low external component
wave form and zero crossing count for cost-effective and highly
competitive solutions.
Order code PN Description Size [mm²]
TMC2660-PA 00-0114
coolStep™ driver with internal MOSFETs, up to 30V DC, 10 x 10
QFP-44 with 12x12 pins
TMC2660-PA-T 00-0114-T -T devices are packaged in tape on reel
TMC2660-EVAL 40-0068 Evaluation board for TMC2660. 85 x 55
LANDUNGSBRÜCKE 40-0167 Baseboard for TMC2660-EVAL and further evaluation 85 x 55
ESELSBRÜCKE 40-0098 Connector board for plug-in evaluation board system 61 x 38
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 3
1 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ............... 4 11.2 OPEN-LOAD DETECTION .............................. 39
11.3 OVERTEMPERATURE DETECTION ................... 39
1.1 KEY CONCEPTS ............................................... 4 11.4 UNDERVOLTAGE DETECTION......................... 40
1.2 CONTROL INTERFACES .................................... 5
1.3 MECHANICAL LOAD SENSING ......................... 5 12 POWER SUPPLY SEQUENCING .......... 41
1.4 CURRENT CONTROL ........................................ 5 13 SYSTEM CLOCK ...................................... 41
2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ................................. 6 13.1 FREQUENCY SELECTION ................................ 42
2.1 PACKAGE OUTLINE ......................................... 6 14 LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ............... 43
2.2 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS .................................. 6
14.1 SENSE RESISTORS........................................ 43
3 INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE.................... 8 14.2 POWER MOSFET OUTPUTS......................... 43
4 STALLGUARD2 LOAD MEASUREMENT 9 14.3 POWER SUPPLY PINS .................................. 43
14.4 POWER FILTERING ....................................... 43
4.1 TUNING THE STALLGUARD2 THRESHOLD ......10 14.5 LAYOUT EXAMPLE ........................................ 44
AND FILTERING ............................................11 15 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ....... 45
4.3 DETECTING A MOTOR STALL ........................11 16 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ....... 46
16.1 OPERATIONAL RANGE .................................. 46
5 COOLSTEP CURRENT CONTROL .........12 16.2 DC AND AC SPECIFICATIONS ...................... 46
5.1 TUNING COOLSTEP .......................................14 16.3 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................ 49
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 4
1 Principles of Operation
High-Level µC TMC2660 0A- S
Motion N
High-Level µC
Controller TMC2660 0A- S
for up to
3 Motors
The TMC2660 motor driver chip with included MOSFETs is the intelligence and power between a
motion controller and the two phase stepper motor as shown in Figure 1.1. Following power-up, an
embedded microcontroller initializes the driver by sending commands over an SPI bus to write
control parameters and mode bits in the TMC2660. The microcontroller may implement the motion-
control function as shown in the upper part of the figure, or it may send commands to a dedicated
motion controller chip such as TRINAMIC’s TMC429 as shown in the lower part.
The motion controller can control the motor position by sending pulses on the STEP signal while
indicating the direction on the DIR signal. The TMC2660 has a microstep counter and sine table to
convert these signals into the coil currents which control the position of the motor. If the
microcontroller implements the motion-control function, it can write values for the coil currents
directly to the TMC2660 over the SPI interface, in which case the STEP/DIR interface may be disabled.
This mode of operation requires software to track the motor position and reference a sine table to
calculate the coil currents.
To optimize power consumption and heat dissipation, software may also adjust coolStep and
stallGuard2 parameters in real-time, for example to implement different tradeoffs between speed and
power consumption in different modes of operation.
The motion control function is a hard real-time task which may be a burden to implement reliably
alongside other tasks on the embedded microcontroller. By offloading the motion-control function to
the TMC429, up to three motors can be operated reliably with very little demand for service from the
microcontroller. Software only needs to send target positions, and the TMC429 generates precisely
timed step pulses. Software retains full control over both the TMC2660 and TMC429 through the SPI
stallGuard2™ High-precision load measurement using the back EMF on the coils
coolStep™ Load-adaptive current control which reduces energy consumption by as much as
spreadCycle™ High-precision chopper algorithm available as an alternative to the traditional
constant off-time algorithm
microPlyer™ Microstep interpolator for obtaining increased smoothness of microstepping over a
STEP/DIR interface
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 5
In addition to these performance enhancements, TRINAMIC motor drivers also offer safeguards to
detect and protect against shorted outputs, open-circuit output, overtemperature, and undervoltage
conditions for enhancing safety and recovery from equipment malfunctions.
The STEP/DIR interface is a traditional motor control interface available for adapting existing designs
to use TRINAMIC motor drivers. Using only the SPI interface requires slightly more CPU overhead to
look up the sine tables and send out new current values for the coils.
The SPI command rate typically corresponds to the microstep rate at low velocities. At high velocities,
the rate may be limited by CPU bandwidth to 10-100 thousand commands per second, so the
application may need to change to fullstep resolution.
On each active edge, the state sampled from the DIR input determines whether to step forward or
back. Each step can be a fullstep or a microstep, in which there are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256
microsteps per fullstep. During microstepping, a step impulse with a low state on DIR increases the
microstep counter and a high decreases the counter by an amount controlled by the microstep
resolution. An internal table translates the counter value into the sine and cosine values which
control the motor current for microstepping.
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2 Pin Assignments
2.1 Package Outline
- 1 33 -
2 32
3 31
VSA 4 30 VSB
5 29
TMC2660-PA 28
7 27
8 26
BRA 9 25 BRB
10 24
11 23
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 7
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 8
3 Internal Architecture
Figure 3.1 shows the internal architecture of TMC266O.
+VM 9-29V
VM-10V 5V supply
VCC_IO OSC 5V linear 5VOUT
3.3V or 5V D linear
15MHz regulator
slope HS VHS +VM
8-20MHz CLK Clock
P-Gate Provide sufficient filtering capacity
ENABLE S S near bridge supply (electrolyt
STEP drivers G G
capacitors and ceramic capacitors)
Step &
step & dir D
DIR Direction
(optional) D Short to OA1
interface Break
Phase polarity Chopper GND
Step multiply before detectors motor coil A
16 à 256 make OA2
stallGuard SG_TST BACK
D stallGuard 2 Break
output EMF Phase polarity Chopper Short to motor coil B
logic GND OB1
Protection & SHORT detectors
Diagnostics TO GND D D
P-Gate G
Provide sufficient filtering capacity
ENABLE near bridge supply (electrolyt
drivers capacitors and ceramic capacitors)
Temperature VSB
100°C, 150°C
slope HS VHS +VM
Oscillator and clock selector provide the system clock from the on-chip oscillator or an external
Step and direction interface uses a microstep counter and sine table to generate target currents
for the coils.
SPI interface receives commands that directly set the coil current values.
Multiplexer selects either the output of the sine table or the SPI interface for
controlling the current into the motor coils.
Multipliers scale down the currents to both coils when the currents are
greater than those required by the load on the motor or as set by
the CS current scale parameter.
DACs and comparators convert the digital current values to analog signals that are
compared with the voltages on the sense resistors. Comparator
outputs terminate chopper drive phases when target currents are
Break-before-make and gate drivers ensure non-overlapping pulses, boost pulse voltage, and control
pulse slope to the gates of the power MOSFETs.
On-chip voltage regulators provide high-side voltage for P-channel MOSFET gate drivers and
supply voltage for on-chip analog and digital circuits.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 9
Start value depends
reading 800
on motor and
700 operating conditions
stallGuard value reaches zero
500 Motor stalls above this point.
and indicates danger of stall.
Load angle exceeds 90° and
This point is set by stallGuard
400 available torque sinks.
threshold value SGT.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
motor load
(% max. torque)
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 10
The system clock frequency affects SG. An external crystal-stabilized clock should be used for
applications that demand the highest precision. The power supply voltage also affects SG, so tighter
regulation results in more accurate values. SG measurement has a high resolution, and there are a
few ways to enhance its accuracy, as described in the following sections.
1000 20
stallGuard2 900 18
reading at
800 16
no load
700 14
optimum 600 12
SGT setting
500 10
400 8
300 6
SGT setting 200 4
100 2
0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Figure 4.2 Linear interpolation for optimizing SGT with changes in velocity.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 11
Very high motor velocities, in which the full sinusoidal current is not driven into the motor coils also
lead to poor response. These velocities are typically characterized by the motor back EMF reaching the
supply voltage.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 12
Efficiency with coolStep
0,8 Efficiency with 50% torque reserve
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Velocity [RPM]
Figure 5.1 shows the efficiency gain of a 42mm stepper motor when using coolStep compared to
standard operation with 50% of torque reserve. coolStep is enabled above 60rpm in the example.
coolStep is controlled by several parameters, but two are critical for understanding how it works:
Figure 5.2 shows the operating regions of coolStep. The black line represents the SG measurement
value, the blue line represents the mechanical load applied to the motor, and the red line represents
the current into the motor coils. When the load increases, SG falls below SEMIN, and coolStep
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 13
increases the current. When the load decreases and SG rises above (SEMIN + SEMAX + 1) x 32 the
current becomes reduced.
mechanical load
motor current
½ or ¼ CS
motor current increment area (lower limit)
0=maximum load
stall possible
current increment due to
increased load
Four more parameters control coolStep and one status value is returned:
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 14
The current increment speed is specified in SEUP, and the current decrement speed is specified in
SEDN. They can be tuned separately because they are triggered by different events that may need
different responses. The encodings for these parameters allow the coil currents to be increased much
more quickly than decreased, because crossing the lower threshold is a more serious event that may
require a faster response. If the response is too slow, the motor may stall. In contrast, a slow
response to crossing the upper threshold does not risk anything more serious than missing an
opportunity to save power.
coolStep operates between limits controlled by the current scale parameter CS and the SEIMIN
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 15
6 SPI Interface
TMC2660 requires setting configuration parameters and mode bits through the SPI interface before the
motor can be driven. The SPI interface also allows reading back status values and bits.
The slave is enabled for an SPI transaction by a low on the chip select input CSN. Bit transfer is
synchronous to the bus clock SCK, with the slave latching the data from SDI on the rising edge of SCK
and driving data to SDO following the falling edge. The most significant bit is sent first. A minimum
of 20 SCK clock cycles is required for a bus transaction with the TMC2660.
If more than 20 clocks are driven, the additional bits shifted into SDI are shifted out on SDO after a
20-clock delay through an internal shift register. This can be used for daisy chaining multiple chips.
CSN must be low during the whole bus transaction. When CSN goes high, the contents of the internal
shift register are latched into the internal control register and recognized as a command from the
master to the slave. If more than 20 bits are sent, only the last 20 bits received before the rising edge
of CSN are recognized as the command.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 16
SPI Interface Timing
clock period is tCLK
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
SCK valid before or after change
tCC 10 ns
of CSN
CSN high time *)
Min time is for
synchronous CLK
tCSH with SCK high one tCLK ns
tCH before CSN high
SCK low time *)
Min time is for
tCL synchronous CLK tCLK >tCLK+10 ns
SCK high time *)
Min time is for
tCH synchronous CLK tCLK >tCLK+10 ns
SCK frequency using internal Assumes minimum
fSCK OSC frequency 4 MHz
SCK frequency using external Assumes
fSCK synchronous CLK 8 MHz
16MHz clock
SDI setup time before rising
tDU 10 ns
edge of SCK
SDI hold time after rising edge
tDH 10 ns
of SCK
Data out valid time after falling No capacitive load
tDO on SDO tFILT+5 ns
SCK clock edge
SDI, SCK, and CSN filter delay Rising and falling
tFILT edge 12 20 30 ns
Mechanical Feedback or
virtual stop switch
Real time Step & +VM Stepper
3 x REF_L, REF_R Dir interface TMC2660 stepper driver oto r #1
tep m
coolS river
Half Bridge 1 OA1
triple stepper motor S1 (SDO_S)
n con d Half Bridge 1
Reference switch STEP N 2 phase
step multiplier
D1 (SCK_S)
sine table
OA2 S stepper
DIR x chopper motor
Output select
S2 (nSCS_S) 4*256 entry
SPI or D2 (SDI_S) Driver 2 Half Bridge 2
SCK_C Step & Step & Dir
Half Bridge 2 OB2
SDI_C SPI to master 3x linear RAMP Direction pulse S3 (nSCS_2)
generator generation BRA / B
SDOZ_C D3 (nSCS_3) Driver 3 CSN
SCK coolStep™
SDI Config & diags
nINT Interrupt Position
controller comparator
Serial driver
interface 2 x current
Microstep table Protection 2 x DAC
stallGuard2™ comparator
CLK & diagnostics
User CPU
o l
System interfacing
m contr
Figure 6.2 Interfaces to a TMC429 motion controller chip and a TMC2660 motor driver
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 17
Figure 6.2 shows the interfaces in a typical application. The SPI bus is used by an embedded MCU to
initialize the control registers of both a motion controller and one or more motor drivers. STEP/DIR
interfaces are used between the motion controller and the motor drivers.
Register Description
The DRVCTRL register has different formats for controlling the
Driver Control Register
interface to the motion controller depending on whether or
not the STEP/DIR interface is enabled.
Chopper Configuration Register The CHOPCONF register holds chopper parameters and mode
(CHOPCONF) bits.
coolStep Configuration Register The SMARTEN register holds coolStep parameters and a mode
(SMARTEN) bit. (smartEnergy is an earlier name for coolStep.)
stallGuard2 Configuration Register The SGCSCONF register holds stallGuard2 parameters and a
(SGCSCONF) mode bit.
The DRVCONF register holds parameters and mode bits used to
control the power MOSFETs and the protection circuitry. It also
Driver Configuration Register
holds the SDOFF bit which controls the STEP/DIR interface and
the RDSEL parameter which controls the contents of the
response returned in an SPI transaction
In the following sections, multibit binary values are prefixed with a % sign, for example %0111.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 18
SPI Mode SDOFF bit is set, the STEP/DIR interface is disabled, and DRVCTRL is the interface for
specifying the currents through each coil.
STEP/DIR Mode SDOFF bit is clear, the STEP/DIR interface is enabled, and DRVCTRL is a configuration
register for the STEP/DIR interface.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 19
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The configuration parameters should be tuned to the motor and application for optimum
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 26
7 STEP/DIR Interface
The STEP and DIR inputs provide a simple, standard interface compatible with many existing motion
controllers. The microPlyer STEP pulse interpolator brings the smooth motor operation of high-
resolution microstepping to applications originally designed for coarser stepping and reduces pulse
7.1 Timing
Figure 7.1 shows the timing parameters for the STEP and DIR signals, and the table below gives their
specifications. When the DEDGE mode bit in the DRVCTRL register is set, both edges of STEP are
active. If DEDGE is cleared, only rising edges are active. STEP and DIR are sampled and synchronized
to the system clock. An internal analog filter removes glitches on the signals, such as those caused by
long PCB traces. If the signal source is far from the chip, and especially if the signals are carried on
cables, the signals should be filtered or differentially transmitted.
Active edge
Active edge
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 27
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 28
microPlyer only works well with a stable STEP frequency. Do not use the DEDGE option if the STEP
signal does not have a 50% duty cycle.
Active edge
Active edge
Active edge
Active edge
interpolated 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
2^20 tCLK
(STST) active
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 29
In Figure 7.3, the first STEP cycle is long enough to set the STST bit. This bit is cleared on the next
STEP active edge. Then, the STEP frequency increases and after one cycle at the higher rate microPlyer
increases the interpolated microstep rate. During the last cycle at the slower rate, microPlyer did not
generate all 16 microsteps, so there is a small jump in motor angle between the first and second
cycles at the higher rate.
Stand still current reduction is required when operating near the thermal limits of the application.
Refer the stand still current limitations in chapter 15 as a guideline.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 30
8 Current Setting
The internal 5V supply voltage available at the pin 5VOUT is used as a reference for the coil current
regulation based on the sense resistor voltage measurement. The desired maximum motor current is
set by selecting an appropriate value for the sense resistor. The sense resistor voltage range can be
selected by the VSENSE bit in the DRVCONF register. The low sensitivity (high sense resistor voltage,
VSENSE=0) brings best and most robust current regulation, while high sensitivity (low sense resistor
voltage; VSENSE=1) reduces power dissipation in the sense resistor. This setting reduces the power
dissipation in the sense resistor by nearly half.
After choosing the VSENSE setting and selecting the sense resistor, the currents to both coils are
scaled by the 5-bit current scale parameter CS in the SGCSCONF register. The sense resistor value is
chosen so that the maximum desired current (or slightly more) flows at the maximum current setting
(CS = %11111).
Using the internal sine wave table, which has amplitude of 248, the RMS motor current can be
calculated by:
𝐶𝑆 + 1 𝑉𝐹𝑆 1
𝐼𝑅𝑀𝑆 = ∗ ∗
32 𝑅𝑆𝐸𝑁𝑆𝐸 √2
𝐼𝑀𝑂𝑇 = ∗ ∗
248 32 𝑅𝑆𝐸𝑁𝑆𝐸
CS is the effective current scale setting as set by the CS bits and modified by coolStep. The effective
value ranges from 0 to 31.
VFS is the sense resistor voltage at full scale, as selected by the VSENSE control bit (refer to the
electrical characteristics).
CURRENTA/B is the value set by the current setting in SPI mode or the internal sine table in STEP/DIR
Pay special attention concerning the thermal design and current limits imposed by it!
Be sure to reduce the current to a value at or below the maximum standstill current limits as
specified in chapter 15. This is important due to thermal restrictions for continuous current in a single
bride. The worst case is standstill in a half step position where one bridge has 0 current and the
other bridge has RMS value * √2 current.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 31
10R to 47R no common GND path
470nF RSENSE not visible to TMC2660
optional input
protection resistors
TMC2660 Power
supply GND
optional filter
The sense resistor needs to be able to conduct the peak motor coil current in motor standstill
conditions, unless standby power is reduced. Under normal conditions, the sense resistor sees a bit
less than the coil RMS current, because no current flows through the sense resistor during the slow
decay phases.
𝐶𝑆 + 1 2
For high-current applications, power dissipation is halved by using the lower sense resistor voltage
setting and the corresponding lower resistance value. In this case, any voltage drop in the PCB traces
has a larger influence on the result. A compact power stage layout with massive ground plane is best
to avoid parasitic resistance effects.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 32
9 Chopper Operation
The currents through both motor coils are controlled using choppers. The choppers work
independently of each other. Figure 9.1 shows the three chopper phases:
Although the current could be regulated using only on phases and fast decay phases, insertion of the
slow decay phase is important to reduce electrical losses and current ripple in the motor. The
duration of the slow decay phase is specified in a control parameter and sets an upper limit on the
chopper frequency. The current comparator can measure coil current during phases when the current
flows through the sense resistor, but not during the slow decay phase, so the slow decay phase is
terminated by a timer. The on phase is terminated by the comparator when the current through the
coil reaches the target current. The fast decay phase may be terminated by either the comparator or
another timer.
When the coil current is switched, spikes at the sense resistors occur due to charging and discharging
parasitic capacitances. During this time, typically one or two microseconds, the current cannot be
measured. Blanking is the time when the input to the comparator is masked to block these spikes.
There are two chopper modes available: a new high-performance chopper algorithm called
spreadCycle and a proven constant off-time chopper mode. The constant off-time mode cycles through
three phases: on, fast decay, and slow decay. The spreadCycle mode cycles through four phases: on,
slow decay, fast decay, and a second slow decay.
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Each chopper cycle is comprised of an on phase, a slow decay phase, a fast decay phase and a
second slow decay phase (see Figure 9.2). The slow decay phases limit the maximum chopper
frequency and are important for low motor and driver power dissipation. The hysteresis start setting
limits the chopper frequency by forcing the driver to introduce a minimum amount of current ripple
into the motor coils. The motor inductance limits the ability of the chopper to follow a changing
motor current. The duration of the on phase and the fast decay phase must be longer than the
blanking time, because the current comparator is disabled during blanking. This requirement is
satisfied by choosing a positive value for the hysteresis as can be estimated by the following
2 ∗ 𝑡𝑆𝐷
dICOILBLANK is the coil current change during the blanking time.
dICOILSD is the coil current change during the slow decay time.
tSD is the slow decay time.
tBLANK is the blanking time (as set by TBL).
VM is the motor supply voltage.
ICOIL is the peak motor coil current at the maximum motor current setting CS.
RCOIL and LCOIL are motor coil inductance and motor coil resistance.
With this, a lower limit for the start hysteresis setting can be determined:
2 ∗ 248 𝐶𝑆 + 1
𝐻𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 ≥ (𝑑𝐼𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿𝐵𝐿𝐴𝑁𝐾 + 𝑑𝐼𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿𝑆𝐷 ) ∗ ∗
For a 42mm stepper motor with 7.5mH, 4.5Ω phase, and 1A RMS current at CS=31, i.e. 1.41A
peak current, at 24V with a blank time of 1.5µs:
𝑑𝐼𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿𝐵𝐿𝐴𝑁𝐾 = 24𝑉 ∗ = 6.4𝑚𝐴
2 ∗ 5µ𝑠
𝑑𝐼𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿𝑆𝐷 = 4.5Ω ∗ 1.41𝐴 ∗ = 8.5𝑚𝐴
With this, the minimum hysteresis start setting is 5.2. A value in the range 6 to 10 can be
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As experiments show, the setting is quite independent of the motor, because higher current motors
typically also have a lower coil resistance. Choosing a medium default value for the hysteresis (for
example, effective HSTRT+HEND=10) normally fits most applications. The setting can be optimized by
experimenting with the motor: A too low setting will result in reduced microstep accuracy, while a
too high setting will lead to more chopper noise and motor power dissipation. When measuring the
sense resistor voltage in motor standstill at a medium coil current with an oscilloscope, a too low
setting shows a fast decay phase not longer than the blanking time. When the fast decay time
becomes slightly longer than the blanking time, the setting is optimum. You can reduce the off-time
setting, if this is hard to reach.
The hysteresis principle could in some cases lead to the chopper frequency becoming too low, for
example when the coil resistance is high compared to the supply voltage. This is avoided by splitting
the hysteresis setting into a start setting (HSTRT+HEND) and an end setting (HEND). An automatic
hysteresis decrementer (HDEC) interpolates between these settings, by decrementing the hysteresis
value stepwise each 16, 32, 48, or 64 system clock cycles. At the beginning of each chopper cycle, the
hysteresis begins with a value which is the sum of the start and the end values (HSTRT+HEND), and
decrements during the cycle, until either the chopper cycle ends or the hysteresis end value (HEND) is
reached. This way, the chopper frequency is stabilized at high amplitudes and low supply voltage
situations, if the frequency gets too low. This avoids the frequency reaching the audible range.
target current + hysteresis start
on sd fd sd t
Figure 9.2 spreadCycle chopper mode showing the coil current during a chopper cycle
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 35
In the example above, a hysteresis start of 7 has been chosen. The hysteresis end is set to
about half of this value, 3. The resulting configuration register values are:
HEND=6 (sets an effective end value of 3)
HSTRT=3 (sets an effective start value of hysteresis end +4)
HDEC=0 (Hysteresis decrement becomes used)
target current + offset
on fd sd on fd sd t
Figure 9.3 Constant off-time chopper with offset showing the coil current during two cycles,
After tuning the fast decay time, the offset should be tuned for a smooth zero crossing. This is
necessary because the fast decay phase makes the absolute value of the motor current lower than the
target current (see Figure 9.4). If the zero offset is too low, the motor stands still for a short moment
during current zero crossing. If it is set too high, it makes a larger microstep. Typically, a positive
offset setting is required for smoothest operation.
t t
Coil current does not have optimum shape Target current corrected for optimum shape of coil current
Figure 9.4 Zero crossing with correction using sine wave offset.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 36
A common cause of motor noise is a bad PCB layout causing coupling of both sense resistor
To minimize the effect of a beat between both chopper frequencies, an internal random generator is
provided. It modulates the slow decay time setting when switched on by the RNDTF bit. The RNDTF
feature further spreads the chopper spectrum, reducing electromagnetic emission on single
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 37
- 5V gate drive voltage for low-side N-MOS transistors, 8V for high-side P-MOS transistors.
- The gate drivers protect the bridges actively against cross-conduction using an internal QGD
protection that holds the MOSFETs safely off.
- Automatic break-before-make logic minimizes dead time and diode-conduction time.
- Integrated short to ground protection detects a short of the motor wires and protects the
The low-side gate driver is supplied by the 5VOUT pin. The low-side driver supplies 0V to the MOSFET
gate to close the MOSFET, and 5VOUT to open it. The high-side gate driver voltage is supplied by the
VS and the VHS pin. VHS is more negative than VS and allows opening the VS referenced high-side
MOSFET. The high-side driver supplies VS to the P channel MOSFET gate to close the MOSFET and VHS
to open it. The effective low-side gate voltage is roughly 5V; the effective high-side gate voltage is
roughly 8V.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 38
When a short is detected, the bridge is switched off immediately, the chopper cycle on the affected
coil is terminated, and the short counter is incremented. The counter is decremented for each phase
polarity change. The MOSFETs are shut off when the counter reaches 3 and remain shut off until the
short condition is cleared by disabling the driver and re-enabling it.
An overload condition on the high-side MOSFET (short to GND) is detected by monitoring the coil
voltage during the high-side on phase. Under normal conditions, the high-side power MOSFET reaches
the bridge supply voltage minus a small voltage drop during the on phase. If the bridge is
overloaded, the voltage cannot rise to the detection level within the time defined by the internal
detection delay setting. When an overload is detected, the bridge is switched off. The short to GND
detection delay needs to be adjusted for the slope time, because it must be longer than slope, but
should not be unnecessarily long.
Hxy 0V
VVS- Short to GND
Valid area detected
0V detection
tS2G tS2G
Short to GND BM voltage
inactive delay inactive delay Short detected
monitor phase monitored
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 39
The high-side P-channel gate drivers have a temperature dependency which can be compensated to
some extent by increasing the gate driver current when the warning temperature threshold is
reached. The chip automatically corrects for the temperature dependency above the warning
temperature when the temperature-compensated modes of SLPH is used. In these modes, the gate
driver current is increased by one step when the temperature warning threshold is reached.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 40
In undervoltage conditions, the logic control block becomes reset and the driver is disabled. All
MOSFETs are switched off. All internal registers are reset to zero. Software also should monitor the
supply voltage to detect an undervoltage condition. If software cannot measure the supply voltage,
an undervoltage condition can be detected when the response to an SPI command returns only zero
bits in the response and no bits are shifted through the internal shift register from SDI to SDO. After
a reset due to undervoltage occurs, the CS parameter is cleared, which is reflected in an SE status of 0
in the read response.
Device in reset: all Reset
registers cleared to 0
Note: Be sure to operate the IC significantly above the undervoltage threshold to ensure reliable
operation! Check for SE reading back as zero to detect an undervoltage event.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 41
VCC_IO limits the voltage allowable on the inputs and outputs and is used for driving the outputs,
but input levels thresholds are not depending on the actual level of VCC_IO. Therefore, the startup
sequence of the VCC_IO power supply with respect to VS is not important.
13 System Clock
The clock is the timing reference for all functions. The internal system clock frequency for all
operations is nominally 15MHz. An external clock of 10MHz to 20MHz can be supplied for more exact
timing, especially when using coolStep and stallGuard2.
In case well defined precise motor chopper operation are desired, it is supposed to work with an
external clock source.
Never leave the external clock input floating. It is not allowed to remain within the transition region
(between valid low and high levels), as spurious clock signals might corrupt internal logic state.
Provide an external pull down resistor, in case the driver pin (i.e. microcontroller output) does not
provide a safe level directly after power up. When repeatedly starting and stopping the clock, a clean
clock switch over is important in order to avoid any clock period shorter than the minimum clock
If the external clock is suspended or disabled after the internal oscillator has been disabled, the chip
will not operate. Be careful to switch off the power MOSFETs (by driving the ENN input high or setting
the TOFF parameter to 0) before switching off the clock, because otherwise the chopper would stop
and the motor current level could rise uncontrolled. If the short to GND detection is enabled, it stays
active even without clock.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 42
CLK must be
below VINHI
low, while
Defined clock, no intermediate levels
max. VCC_IO
3.3V/5V allowed
Operation, CLK is not allowed to have undefined
Device in reset: all levels between VINLO and VINHI and timing must Device in reset: all
registers cleared to 0 satisfy TCLK (min) registers cleared to 0
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 43
14 Layout Considerations
The PCB layout is critical to good performance, because the environment includes both high-
sensitivity analog signals and high-current motor drive signals.
The sense resistor layout is also sensitive to coupling between the axes. The two sense resistors
should not share a common ground connection trace or vias, because PCB traces have some
The printed circuit board should have a solid ground plane spreading heat into the board and
providing for a stable GND reference. All signals of the TMC2660 are referenced to GND. Directly
connect all GND pins to a common ground area.
The switching motor coil outputs have a high dV/dt, so stray capacitive coupling into high-impedance
signals can occur, if the motor traces are parallel to other traces over long distances.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 44
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 45
*) The standstill specification refers to a stepper motor stopped at a high current. Normally, standstill
current should be reduced to a value far below the run current to reduce motor heating.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 46
16 Electrical Characteristics
16.1 Operational Range
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Junction temperature TJ -40 125 °C
Supply voltage TMC2660 VVS 9 29 V
I/O supply voltage VVIO 3.00 5.25 V
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 47
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 48
Digital inputs left within or near the transition region substantially increase power supply current by
drawing power from the internal 5V regulator. Make sure that digital inputs become driven near to 0V
and up to the VIO I/O voltage. There are no on-chip pull-up or pull-down resistors on inputs.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 49
When operating the device near its current limits, ensure a good thermal design of the PCB layout to
avoid overheating of the power integrated MOSFETs. Due to its multichip-construction with individual
heat transfer for each MOSFET of the power stage to the PCB using two pins, thermal characteristics
depend on the layout symmetry. The actual thermal resistance also depends on the duty cycle and the
die temperature. Use the thermal characteristics and the sample layout as a guideline for your own
board layout. In case, the driver is to be operated at high current levels, special care should be taken
to spread the heat generated by the driver power bridges efficiently within the PCB.
The worst-case thermal resistance occurs during motor stand still with the motor stopped in a half
step position (one coil full current, other coil 0), as well as cyclic in slow motion below 4FS/s. Assume
roughly 80°C/W, when there is only one bridge chopping. This is the worst-case scenario for heat-up.
In stand still, with two bridges chopping at identical current (fullstep position), thermal resistance is
reduced, because the power dissipation is distributed to more MOSFETs. Reduce stand still current to
68% or less, to compensate for both stand still scenarios. When the motor is running, calculate
thermal resistance for the complete chip (all 8 MOSFETs working).
The MOSFET and bond wire temperature should not exceed 150°C, despite temperatures up to 200°C
will not immediately destroy the devices. But the package plastics will apply strain onto the bond
wires, so that cyclic, repetitive exposure to temperatures above 150°C may damage the electrical
contacts and increase contact resistance and eventually lead to contract break. As the MOSFET
temperatures cannot be monitored within the system, it is a good practice to react to the temperature
pre-warning by reducing motor current, rather than relying on the overtemperature switch off.
Check MOSFET temperature under worst case conditions not to exceed 150°C using a thermal camera
to validate your layout. Please carefully check your layout against the sample layout or the layout of
the TMC2660-Evaluation board on the TRINAMIC website in order to ensure proper cooling of the IC!
Figure 16.1 TMC2660 operating at 2.3A RMS (3.2A peak) on a 50cm² sized board
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 50
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 51
18 Disclaimer
TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not authorize or warrant any of its products for use in
life support systems, without the specific written consent of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co.
KG. Life support systems are equipment intended to support or sustain life, and whose failure to
perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions provided, can be reasonably expected to
result in personal injury or death.
Information given in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for any infringement of patents or other
rights of third parties which may result from its use.
Note: In a modern SMD manufacturing process, ESD voltages well below 100V are standard. A major
source for ESD is hot-plugging the motor during operation. As the power MOSFETs are discrete
devices, the device in fact is very rugged concerning any ESD event on the motor outputs. All other
connections are typically protected due to external circuitry on the PCB.
TMC2660 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.07 / 2020-JUN-09) 52
20 Table of Figures
Figure 1.1 Block diagram: applications........................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2.1 TMC2660 pin assignment................................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 3.1 TMC2660 block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 4.1 stallGuard2 load measurement SG as a function of load .................................................................... 9
Figure 4.2 Linear interpolation for optimizing SGT with changes in velocity. ................................................. 10
Figure 5.1 Energy efficiency example with coolStep ................................................................................................ 12
Figure 5.2 coolStep adapts motor current to the load. ........................................................................................... 13
Figure 6.1 SPI Timing ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 6.2 Interfaces to a TMC429 motion controller chip and a TMC2660 motor driver ............................. 16
Figure 7.1 STEP and DIR timing. .................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 7.2 Internal microstep table showing the first quarter of the sine wave. .......................................... 27
Figure 7.3 microPlyer microstep interpolation with rising STEP frequency. ..................................................... 28
Figure 8.1 Sense resistor grounding and protection components ...................................................................... 31
Figure 9.1 Chopper phases. ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 9.2 spreadCycle chopper mode showing the coil current during a chopper cycle ........................... 34
Figure 9.3 Constant off-time chopper with offset showing the coil current during two cycles, ............... 35
Figure 9.4 Zero crossing with correction using sine wave offset. ....................................................................... 35
Figure 11.1 Short to GND detection timing. ............................................................................................................... 38
Figure 11.2 Undervoltage reset timing ......................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 13.1 Start-up requirements of CLK input ........................................................................................................ 42
Figure 15.1 Layout example for TMC2660 .................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 17.1 TMC2660 operating at 2.3A RMS (3.2A peak) on a 50cm² sized board ......................................... 49
Figure 18.1 Dimensional drawings (PQFP44) .............................................................................................................. 50
21 Revision History
Version Date Author Description
SD = Sonja Dwersteg
JP = Jonas Pröger
BD = Bernhard Dwersteg