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Electrification of North West Tanzania

220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated

Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

Electrification of North West Tanzania

220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification

Tender Document

Lot B - 220 kV Substations

Geita - Nyakanazi

Issue 2017-11-17
Tender No. PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 - Lot B

Prepared for: Prepared by:

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd Lahmeyer International GmbH

Umeme Park Building Friedberger Str. 17
Ubungo, Morogoro Road 61118 Bad Vilbel
P.O.Box 9024 Germany
Dar es Salaam
TANESCO PA/001/14/HQ/C/029
BMZ No.: 2012 66 295
Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

© Lahmeyer International GmbH, 2017

The information contained in this document is solely for the use of the Client identified on the cover sheet for
the purpose for which it has been prepared.

Lahmeyer International GmbH undertakes no duty to or accepts any responsibility to any third party who may
rely upon this document.

Revision History
Rev. Date Author Checked and Approved by
draft 17 Nov. 17 Mathias Holweck Dr. Norbert Beltz

M b

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

Addresses of Project Participants

Abbreviation Address Function

United Republic of Tanzania
Ministry of Energy and Minerals
GoT Dar es Salaam Government

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Umeme Park Building
Ubungo, Morogoro Road Project Executing
P.O.Box 9024 Agency
Dar es Salaam

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau

Department L II a/4
KfW Palmengartenstrasse 5-9 Bank
60325 Frankfurt/Main

Agence Française de Développement

5 Rue Roland Barthes
AFD 75598 PARIS CEDEX 12 Co Financier

European Union
EU 1049 Brussels Co Financier

Lahmeyer International GmbH

GE2, Energy Division
Friedberger Straße 173 Engineer
61118 Bad Vilbel Consultant

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations


BCU Bay Control Unit

CB Circuit Breaker
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ES Earthing Switch
DS Disconnector
GDP Gross Domestic Production
GWh Giga Watt hour = 1000 000 kWh
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acute Immunodeficiency Syndrome
HIV-CP HIV Contingency Plan
HV High Voltage
IDA International Development Organisation, the World Bank
IPP Independent Power Producer
IS Isolator
k kilo = thousand
km Kilometre
kV kilo Volt
kW kilo Watt
kVA kilo Volt Ampere
kWh kilo Watt hour
LHS Livelihood system
LV Low Voltage
MCC Millennium Challenge
M Mega = million
MW Mega Watt = 1000 kW
MVA Mega Volt Ampere = 1000 kVA
MWh Mega Watt hour = 1000 kWh
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NEMC National Environmental Management Council (Tanzania)
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
REA Rural Energy Agency

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

General Table of Content

A. Invitation for Bids .............................................................................................................................................. A-1
1 Procurement Notice ..............................................................................................................................................A-3
2 Invitation for Bids..................................................................................................................................................A-6
3 Acknowledge of Receipt of Tender .......................................................................................................................A-7

B. Instruction to Tenderers .................................................................................................................................... B-1

1 Instructions to Tenderers ...................................................................................................................................... B-3

C. Tender Data (TDS) ............................................................................................................................................. C-1

1 Tender Data .......................................................................................................................................................... C-3
2 Annex to the Tender Data ................................................................................................................................... C-12

D. Tender Forms .................................................................................................................................................... D-1

1 Letter of Tender ................................................................................................................................................... D-4
2 Declaration of Undertaking - Attachment 1 to Letter of Tender ......................................................................... D-6
3 Standard Form of a Bid Bond ............................................................................................................................... D-7
4 Manufacturers Authorisation Form ..................................................................................................................... D-8
5 Letter of Acceptance ............................................................................................................................................ D-9
6 General Experience Form ................................................................................................................................... D-10
7 Specific Experience Form 1................................................................................................................................. D-12
8 Specific Experience Form 2................................................................................................................................. D-14
9 Specific Experience Form 3................................................................................................................................. D-16
10 Information Request Consent ............................................................................................................................ D-18
11 Personnel Capability Form ................................................................................................................................. D-19
12 Candidate Summary Form ................................................................................................................................. D-20
13 Equipment Capacity Form 1 ............................................................................................................................... D-22
14 Equipment Capacity Form 2 ............................................................................................................................... D-23
15 Manufacturing Capacity Form ........................................................................................................................... D-24
16 Financial Position Form ...................................................................................................................................... D-25
17 Bank Information Request Consent ................................................................................................................... D-28
18 Non Performance History Form ......................................................................................................................... D-29
19 Debarment Declaration Form ............................................................................................................................ D-31

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

20 Current Contract Commitments and Pending Award Forms ............................................................................. D-32

21 Subcontractors Information Form ..................................................................................................................... D-33
22 Subcontractors Information Form Specific Experience ...................................................................................... D-34
23 Subcontractor Specific Experience Form ............................................................................................................ D-36
24 Information Request Consent ............................................................................................................................ D-38
25 JVCA Form .......................................................................................................................................................... D-39
26 Sample Parent Company Form Guarantee ........................................................................................................ D-41
27 Sustainability Standards .................................................................................................................................... D-42

E. Price Schedules ................................................................................................................................................. E-1

1 Price Sheets ........................................................................................................................................................... E-3

F. FIDIC - Conditions of Contract ............................................................................................................................F-1

1 General Conditions of Contract............................................................................................................................. F-3
2 Conditions of Particular Application ..................................................................................................................... F-4
3 Contract Forms ................................................................................................................................................... F-28
4 Annexure - Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) ...................................................................... F-36

G. Scope of Works ................................................................................................................................................. G-1

1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ G-3
2 Training .............................................................................................................................................................. G-14
3 Site Pictures Nyakanazi ...................................................................................................................................... G-15
4 Soil Investigations .............................................................................................................................................. G-16

H. General Technical Requirements ....................................................................................................................... H-1

1 General Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... H-7
2 Civil Engineering and Building Works ................................................................................................................ H-41
3 General Design Considerations ........................................................................................................................ H-125
4 Circuit Breakers (CB) ........................................................................................................................................ H-125
5 Disconnectors and Earth Switches ................................................................................................................... H-135
6 Capacitor-Type Voltage-Transformers (CVT) ................................................................................................... H-140
7 Inductive Type Voltage Transformers (VT)....................................................................................................... H-141
8 Current-Transformers ...................................................................................................................................... H-142
9 HV Surge Arresters ........................................................................................................................................... H-144
10 MV Indoor GIS .................................................................................................................................................. H-145
11 Transformers and Reactors .............................................................................................................................. H-162

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

12 MV Power Cables ............................................................................................................................................. H-234

13 Earthing System ............................................................................................................................................... H-242
14 AC Station Service Supply................................................................................................................................. H-244
15 Small Power Supply .......................................................................................................................................... H-247
16 DC Power Supply System.................................................................................................................................. H-248
17 Substation Control System ............................................................................................................................... H-253
18 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ............................................................................................................................ H-260
19 Standby Diesel Generator Set .......................................................................................................................... H-260
20 Metering .......................................................................................................................................................... H-263
21 Substation and Line Protection System............................................................................................................ H-264
22 Telecommunication Systems, LDC Integration ................................................................................................ H-283
23 Video Surveillance System (CCTV) .................................................................................................................... H-300
24 Drawings, Documentation and Samples .......................................................................................................... H-309

I. Particular Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................................... I-1

1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. I-2
2 Basic Electrical Design Data ................................................................................................................................... I-2

J. Technical Data Sheets ........................................................................................................................................ J-1

1 General Instructions ............................................................................................................................................... J-2
2 Substation High Voltage and Medium Voltage Equipment ................................................................................... J-3
3 Substation Auxiliaries and Low Voltage Equipment ............................................................................................J-17
4 Protection, Control and Telecom .........................................................................................................................J-24
5 Closed Circuit TV System (CCTV) ..........................................................................................................................J-47

K. Drawings and Reports ....................................................................................................................................... K-1

1 Single Line, Sections and Buildings ....................................................................................................................... K-2
2 Coordinates – ARDHI Survey ................................................................................................................................. K-3
3 Equipment Drawings............................................................................................................................................. K-4
4 Geotechnical Engineering Report ......................................................................................................................... K-8

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations

Contract No.

Lot B - 220 kV Substations

A Invitation for Bids

Vol. 1 – The Tender
B Instruction to Tenderers
C Tender Data
D Tender Forms
E Price Schedules
Vol 2 – The Contract
F FIDIC - Conditions of Contract
1 General Conditions of Contract
2 Conditions of Particular Application
3 Contract Forms
Vol 3 – The Requirements
G Scope of Works
H General Technical Requirements
I Particular Technical Specifications
J Technical Data Sheets
K Drawings and Reports

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 17-Nov-17

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift
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A. Invitation for Bids

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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Table of Content for Section

Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 9;Book to the text that
you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
Überschrift 9;Book to the text that you want to appear here.

1 Procurement Notice .......................................................................................................................................... A-3

2 Invitation for Bids .............................................................................................................................................. A-6

2.1 Invitation ..........................................................................................................................................................A-6
2.2 Scope of Work Summary of Lot B – 220 kV Substations ...................................................................................A-7

3 Acknowledge of Receipt of Tender .................................................................................................................... A-7

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift
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1 Procurement Notice

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited

Tender No. – PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 – Lot A, B, and C


Electrification of North West Tanzania

220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated Rural
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has received a Grant from the Germany Financial Coop-
eration (KfW Development Bank) and a concessional loan from AFD ( Agence Française de Développement) of
which are under the Mutual Reliance Initiative (MRI) with KfW as lead financier towards the cost of connecting
Geita and Nyakanazi (144km) and associated Substations at Geita (extension of the existing substation) and
new substation at Nyakanazi Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to cover eligible
payments under the Contract for Construction of 220kV double circuit Transmission Line from Geita to Nya-
kanazi (144km), Construction of a new 220/33kV Substation at Nyakanazi, Extension of the existing 220/33kV
Substation at Geita Town by a 220kV Line Bay and the European Union (EU through KfW) contributed funds
as grant towards to Rural Electrification system for villages besides the line from Geita to Bwanga and Nya-
kanazi to Kakonko.

The Government of of the United Republic of Tanzania, represented by the Tanzania Electric Supply Company
Limited now invites sealed tenders from eligible Tenderers for the construction and completion of the works
mainly the following:

Electrification of North West Tanzania, 220kV Transmission System Geita –

Name of the Project Nyakanazi and associated Rural Electrifcation

TENDER No. For EPC Contractor for Construction of 220kV Transmission Line, 220kV Sub-
stations and Rural Electrification under 220kV Transmission System Geita –
PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 Nyakanazi and Associated Rural Electrification Project.

Lot A – 220 kV Transmission Line

 Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Construction, Testing and Commissioning of 220kV Geita –
Nyakanazi Transmission.

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift
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Lot B – 220 kV Substations here.

 Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Construction, Testing and Commissioning of a new 220/33kV
Substation at Nyakanazi and Extension of the existing 220/33kV Substation in Geita by a 220kV Line Bay

Lot C – Rural Electrification

 Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Rural Electrifica-
tion system for villages between Geita – Bwanga and Nyakanazi – Kakonko.

The method of procurement in each respective lot shall be Open International Competitive Tendering (ICB).

Interested Tenderers may obtain further information and inspect and purchase the Tender documents, from
the following Offices:

All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security in the for-

mat provided in the Tendering documents in the amount EUR
Tender Security 150,000. The validity period of tender is 120 days and that of ten-
der security is 150 days after bid submission deadline

TANESCO Tender Board Morogoro Road,

The physical address where the Inter- Ubungo Head Office, “Umeme Park”,
ested Tenderers may obtain further in- P.O. Box 9024, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
formation and inspect Tender Docu- Third Floor Room No. 305A, Ground Floor Room No. G15
From 8:30hrs to 15:30h in normal working hours

+255 782
Telephone: +255 22 245 2026
Facsimile number: [email protected]
Electronic Mail Address: [email protected]

Obtention of Tender 220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi

 The Complete set of tender documents per lot (hard and soft copy) may be purchased from the Offices
indicated above upon payment of a non-refundable fee of USD 300 (three hundred USD or its equivalent
in a freely convertible currency. The tenderer himself or his agent shall collect the Tender Documents at
the Employer’s office from 8:30h to 15:30h in normal working days.
 The tender documents may also be obtained by download of soft copies from a dedicated internet server.
The access will be communicated to Tenderer upon proof of payment; the Tenderer shall transmit a copy
of Bank Payment Slip and his e-mail address to the e-mails above.
 Local Interested Bidders may buy Tender Documents at TANESCO premises and pay locally through Na-
tional Microfinance Bank (NMB) upon receipt of reference number from TANESCO

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift
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Bank Accounts for Foreign Transactions here.

Currency Bank Account SWIFT Code

1 EURO CRDB Bank 19J1043011100 CORUTZ
2 USD CRDB Bank 02J1043011100 CORUTZ
3 USD CITI Bank 0100235021 CITITZTZ

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift
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2 Invitation for Bids here.

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited

Tender No. – PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 – Lot A, B, and C


Electrification of North West Tanzania

220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated Rural

2.1 Invitation

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has received a Grant from the Germany Financial Coop-
eration (KfW Development Bank) and a concessional loan from AFD ( Agence Française de Développement) of
which are under the Mutual Reliance Initiative (MRI) with KfW as lead financier towards the cost of connecting
Geita and Nyakanazi (144km) and associated Substations at Geita (extension of the existing substation) and
new substation at Nyakanazi Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to cover eligible
payments under the Contract for Construction of 220kV double circuit Transmission Line from Geita to Nya-
kanazi (144km), Construction of a new 220/33kV Substation at Nyakanazi, Extension of the existing 220/33kV
Substation at Geita Town by a 220kV Line Bay and the European Union (EU through KfW) contributed funds
as grant towards to Rural Electrification system for villages besides the line from Geita to Bwanga and Nya-
kanazi to Kakonko.

The project objective is to improve and promote reliable and cost-efficient power supply in North – Western
Tanzania by providing the following output:

 Lot B -Construction of a new 220/33 kV substation in Nyakanazi and extension of the 220/33 kV substation
in Geita by a 220 kV line bay.

The appointed Engineer is Lahmeyer International GmbH, Germany.

The project will be governed by “FIDIC (Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils) Conditions of Con-
tract for Plant Design and Build for Electrical and Mechanical Plant, and for Building and Engineering Works,
Designed by the Contractor; First Edition; 1999

We now invite you to submit a Tender in accordance with the Instruction to Tenderers which form the first
part of these Tender Documents. In the referenced Clauses of the Instructions to Tenderers, the following
details are stated to be included in this letter of invitation:

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
Tender – Lot B - 220 kV Substations Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift
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 Clause 4 refers to the eligibility of the above-name identity, to whom this letter is addressed;here.
 Clause 7 refers to requests for clarification being sent to the Employer;
 Clause 7 refers to a compulsory joint site visit by representative of the Tenderers. A pre-bid meet-
ing will be held at TANESCO offices in Geita, at 7th December, 2017 for the purposes of providing
further explanation of the project requirements and receiving questions from prospective Tender-
ers. The site visit will be conducted from 5th to 6th December 2017. The itinerary for the site visit
will be presented during a pre-site visit meeting to be held in Geita. The purpose of the site visit
will be to inspect the proposed works and project area. Tenders will be considered only from Ten-
derers represented at the pre-site meeting and the site visit. A certificate of participation will be
issued to the Tenderers at the end of the site visit final meeting.
 Clause 25 refers to the submission of your Tender, which must be received at the address stated
in the Clause, and a receipt acknowledging delivery must be obtained by the Tenderer, on or before
10:00 hrs Tanzania Standard Time on 5th of January 2018.
 Clause 25 refers to the opening of Tenders in the presence of representatives of the Tenderers,
which will commence at 10:30 hrs Tanzania Standard Time on the Tender submission date states

2.2 Scope of Work Summary of Lot B – 220 kV Substations

 Construction of a new 220/33 kV substation in Nyakanazi;

 Extension of the Existing 220/33 kV substation in Geita by a 220 kV line bay;

3 Acknowledge of Receipt of Tender

The same is true for amendments to the tender, time extensions, Circular letter with modifications.

Fax Message

Name of Contract Electrification of North West Tanzania, 220 kV Transmission System Geita –
Nyakanazi and Associated Rural Electrification

 Lot B – 220 kV Substations Nyakanazi and Geita

 Ref.: PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 – Lot B

To: Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Attn.: The Secretary TANESCO Tender Board

Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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Floor/Room No. Ground Floor, Room G15 here.
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Email to: [email protected]

[email protected]

Copy to: Lahmeyer International GmbH

Attn.: Mr. Ernst Kleine, GE2

Friedberger Straße 173

61118 Bad Vilbel

Fax: +49 6101 55-1732

Email: [email protected]

Acknowledge of Receipt of Tender Documents for:

Lot B – 220 kV Substations Nyakanazi and Geita

We acknowledge receipt of the documents for Tender No. – PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 - Lot B for the works
related to the construction of the lot.

Company Address Contact Person:

Tel No.: E-Mail:

Fax No.:

Signature: Name

Place, Date:

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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B. Instruction to Tenderers

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220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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Table of Content for SectionError! Use the Home tab to apply

Überschrift 9,Book to the text that you want to appear here.
Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 9,Book to the text that
you want to appear here.

1 Instructions to Tenderers .................................................................................................................................. B-3

1.1 A - General ........................................................................................................................................................ B-3
1.2 B - Contents of Tender Document .................................................................................................................... B-6
1.3 C - Preparation of Tenders ................................................................................................................................ B-8
1.4 D - Submission and Opening of Tenders ......................................................................................................... B-16
1.5 E - Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders ..................................................................................................... B-18
1.6 E - Tender Evaluation and Comparison .......................................................................................................... B-20
1.7 F - Award of Contract ..................................................................................................................................... B-22

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Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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1 Instructions to Tenderers

1.1 A - General

Scope of Tender 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Tenders indicated in the Tender Data (TDS),
the Employer, as indicated in the TDS, issues this Tender Document for the
procurement of plant and services as specified in Volume 3 (The Requirements).
The name, identification, and number of lots (contracts) of the International
Competitive Tendering (ICB) are provided in the TDS.
1.2 Unless otherwise stated, throughout this Tender Document definitions and
interpretations shall be as prescribed in Volume 2, 1 “General Conditions of
Source of Funds 2.1 The Borrower or Recipient or Employer (hereinafter called “Borrower”)
indicated in the TDS has applied for or received financing (hereinafter called
“funds”) from the “KFW, the project “Lead Financier” toward the cost of the project
named in the TDS. The Borrower intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible
payments under the contract(s) for which this Tender Document is issued.
2.2 Payments by KFW will be made only at the request of the Borrower and upon
approval by KFW in accordance with the terms and conditions of the financing
agreement between the Borrower and KFW (hereinafter called the Loan
Agreement), and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of that
Loan Agreement. No party other than the Borrower shall derive any rights from the
Loan Agreement or have any claim to the funds.
Prohibited 3.1 KFW requires that borrowers (including beneficiaries of KFW-financed activity),
Practices as well as Tenderers, suppliers, and contractors under KFW-financed contracts,
observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of
such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the KFW.
Reference is made to the Volume 2, Section F “FIDIC - Conditions of Contract”, “Con-
ditions of Particular Application”, Sub-Clause 15.6 “Corrupt and Fraudulent Prac-

Eligible Tenderers 4.1 A Tenderer may be a private entity or a government-owned entity - subject to
ITT 4.5 - or any combination of such entities with the intent to enter into an
agreement supported by a letter of intent or under an existing agreement in the
form of a joint venture, consortium, or association (JV). In the case of a JV:

 all partners shall be jointly and severally liable, and

 the JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct
all business for and on behalf of any and all the partners of the JV during the
Tendering process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during con-
tract execution.

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220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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4.2 A tenderer, and all parties constituting the tenderer, shall have the nationality here.
of an eligible country, in accordance with Section E, Eligible Countries. A tenderer
shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the tenderer is a citizen or is
constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the
provisions of the laws of that country. This criterion shall also apply to the
determination of the nationality of proposed subcontractors or suppliers for any
part of the Contract including Related Services.
4.3 A tenderer shall not have a conflict of interest. All tenderers found to have a
conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A tenderer may be considered to have a
conflict of interest with one or more parties in this Tendering process, if:

 they have controlling partners in common; or

 they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them;
 they have the same legal representative for purposes of this Tender; or
 they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties,
that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on
the tender of another tenderer, or influence the decisions of the Employer regard-
ing this tendering process; or
 a tenderer participates in more than one tender in this Tender process. Partici-
pation by a tenderer in more than one Tender will result in the disqualification
of all Tenders in which it is involved. However, this does not limit the inclusion
of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participating as a tenderer, in more
than one tender; or
 a tenderer, its affiliates or parent organisation has participated in the feasibility
or design stages of a project, that tenderer, its affiliates or parent organisation
shall not be eligible to participate in a tender for contracts involving the supply
of goods, works or services, including architectural or engineering services, for
the project, unless it can be demonstrated that such participation would not
constitute a conflict of interest. Such determination must be made prior to the
submission of a tender or
 a tenderer participated as a consultant in the preparation of Volume 3, Section
G and H, Requirements that are the subject of the tender or
 a tenderer or any of its affiliates has been hired, or is proposed to be hired, by
the Employer or the Borrower for the supervision of the contract.

4.4 Government-owned entities in the Borrower’s country shall be eligible only if

they can establish that they

 are legally and financially autonomous,

 operate under the principles of commercial law, and
 are not dependent agencies of the Employer or the Borrower.

4.5 Tenderers shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory
to the Employer, as the Employer shall reasonably request.

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4.6 The Borrower is entitled to excludea Tenderer if, by an act of compliance with here.
a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s country prohibits any import of goods
from that country or any payments to persons or entities in that country.
4.7 In case a prequalification process has been conducted prior to the Tendering
process, this Tendering is open only to prequalified Tenderers.
Eligible Goods and 5.1 For purposes of ITT 4.1 above, “origin” means the place where the plant, or
Related Services component parts thereof are mined, grown, produced or manufactured, and from
which the services are provided. Plant components are produced when, through
manufacturing, processing, or substantial or major assembling of components, a
commercially recognized product results that is substantially in its basic
characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.

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1.2 B - Contents of Tender Document here.

Sections of Tender 6.1 The Tender Document consists of Volume 1, 2, and 3, which include all the
Document Sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction with any Addenda
issued in accordance with ITT 8.

 A Invitation for Bids

Vol. 1 – The Tender

 B Instruction to Tenderers (ITT)
 C Tender Data (TDS)
 D Tender Forms (TF)
 E Price Schedules (PS)

Vol 2 – The Contract

 F FIDIC - Conditions of Contract

▪ 1 General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

▪ 2 Conditions of Particular Application (CPA)
▪ 3 Contract Forms (CF)

Vol 3 – The Requirements

 G Scope of Works
 H General Technical Requirements (GTR)
 I Particular Technical Specifications (PTS)
 J Technical Data Sheets
 K Drawings and Reports

6.2 The Invitation for Tenders issued by the Employer is not part of the Tender
6.3 The tenderer shall obtain the Tender Document from the source stated by the
Employer in the Invitation for Tenders; otherwise the Employer is not responsible
for the completeness of the Tender Document.
6.4 The tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Tender Document. Failure to furnish all information or
documentation required by the Tender Document may result in the rejection of the

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Clarification of 7.1 A prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the Tender Document shall here.
Tender Document, Site contact the Employer in writing at the Employer address indicated in the TDS or
Visit, Pre-Tender raise his enquiries during the pre-Tender meeting if provided for in accordance with
Meeting ITT 7. The Employer will respond to any request for clarification, provided that such
request is received prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, within the
number of days specified in the TDS. The Employer’s response shall be in writing
with copies to all tenderers who have acquired the Tender Document in accordance
with ITT 6.3, including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source.
Should the Employer deem it necessary to amend the Tender Document as a result
of a request for clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITT 8 and
ITT 22.2.
7.2 Where applicable, the tenderer is advised to visit and examine the project site
and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary
for preparing the Tender and entering into a contract for the provision of the
Requirements. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the tenderer’s own expense.
7.3 Pursuant to ITT 7.2, where the tenderer and any of its personnel or agents have
been granted permission by the Employer to enter upon its premises and lands for
the purpose of such visit, the tenderer, its personnel, and agents will release and
indemnify the Employer and its personnel and agents from and against all liability
in respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or
damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a
result of the visit.
7.4 The tenderer’s designated representative is invited to attend a Pre-Tender
meeting, if provided for in the TDS. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify
issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage. If so
provided for in the TDS, the Employer will organise a site visit.
7.5 The tenderer is requested to submit any questions in writing, to reach the
Employer not later than one week before the meeting.
7.6 Minutes of the pre-Tender meeting, including the text of the questions raised
without identifying the source, and the responses given, together with any
responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted promptly to all tenderers
who have acquired the Tender Document in accordance with ITT 6.3. Any
modification to the Tender Document that may become necessary as a result of the
pre-Tender meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the issue of
an Addendum pursuant to ITT 8 and not through the minutes of the pre-Tender
7.7 Non-attendance at the pre-Tender meeting will not be a cause for
disqualification of a tenderer.

Amendment of 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, the Employer may
Tender Document amend the Tender Document by issuing addenda.
8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Tender Document and shall be
communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Tender Document from the
Employer in accordance with ITT 6.3.

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8.3 To give prospective tenderers reasonable time in which to take an addendum here.
into account in preparing their Tenders, the Employer may, at its discretion, extend
the deadline for the submission of Tenders, pursuant to ITT 22.2

1.3 C - Preparation of Tenders

Cost of Tendering 9.1 The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission
of its Tender, and the Employer shall not be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tendering process.
Language of 10.1 The Tender, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the
Tender Tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Employer, shall be written in the
language specified in the TDS. Supporting documents and printed literature that
are part of the Tender may be in another language provided they are accompanied
by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in that language, in which case,
for purposes of interpretation of the Tender, such translation shall govern.
Documents 11.1 The Tender shall comprise the following:
Comprising the Tender
 letter of Tender;
 completed Schedules as provided in Section IV, Tender Forms;
 tender Security, in accordance with ITT 23;
 at the tenderer’s option, alternative proposals, if permissible, in accordance
with ITT 13;
 written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Tender to commit the ten-
derer, in accordance with ITT 20;
 documentary evidence establishing the eligibility of the Goods and Services of-
fered by the tenderer, in accordance with ITT 14;
 documentary evidence establishing the tenderer’s qualifications in accordance
with the requirements of Section C,, using the relevant forms furnished in Sec-
tion D, Tender Forms;
 documentary evidence as specified in the TDS, establishing the conformity of
the Technical Proposal offered by the tenderer with the Tender Document, us-
ing the relevant forms furnished in Section D, Tender Forms;
 in the case of a Tender submitted by a JVCA, JVCA agreement indicating at least
the parts of the Requirements to be executed by the respective partners and
 any other document required in the TDS.

Letter of Tender 12.1 The tenderer shall submit the Letter of Tender using the form furnished in
and Price Schedules Section D, Tender Forms. This form must be completed without any alterations to
its format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in
with the information requested.

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Alternative 13.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the TDS, alternative proposals shall nothere. be
Tenders considered. If alternative proposals are permitted, their method of evaluation shall
be the same as for the main offer.
13.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a statement to
that effect will be included in the TDS, as will the method of evaluating different
times for completion.
13.3 Except as provided under ITT 13.4 below, tenderers wishing to offer
technical alternatives to the requirements of the Tender Document must first price
the Employer’s requirements as described in the Tender Document and shall further
provide all information necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative by
the Employer, including drawings, design calculations, technical specifications,
breakdown of prices, and proposed construction methodology and other relevant
details. Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated tenderer
conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the
13.4 When specified in the TDS, tenderers are permitted to submit alternative
technical solutions for specified parts of the requirements, and such parts shall be
identified in the TDS, as will the method for their evaluation, and described in
Section VI, Requirements.
Documents 14.1 To establish the eligibility of the plant and services in accordance with ITT
Establishing the Clause 5, Tenderers shall complete the country of origin declarations in the Price
Eligibility of Plant and Schedule Forms, included in Volume 1, D-Tender Forms.
Documents 15.1 To establish its eligibility and qualifications to perform the Contract, the
Establishing the Tenderer shall provide the information requested in the corresponding information
Eligibility and sheets included in Section D (Tender Forms).
Qualifications of the
Tenderer 15.2 Domestic Tenderers, individually or in joint ventures, applying for eligibility
for domestic preference shall supply all information required to satisfy the criteria
for eligibility as described in ITT 38.

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Documents 16.1 The documentary evidence of the conformity of the plant and services to
Establishing the Tender Document may be in the form of literature, drawings and data, and shall
Conformity of the furnish:
Plant and Services
 a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics
of the plant and services, including the functional guarantees of the proposed
plant and services, in response to the Specification;
 a list giving full particulars, including available sources, of all spare parts and
special tools necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the plant
for the period named in the TDS, following completion of plant and services in
accordance with provisions of contract; and
 a commentary on the Employer’s Specification and adequate evidence demon-
strating the substantial responsiveness of the plant and services to those spec-
ifications. Tenderers shall note that standards for workmanship, materials and
equipment designated by the Employer in the Tender Document are intended
to be descriptive (establishing standards of quality and performance) only and
not restrictive. The Tenderer may substitute alternative standards, brand
names and/or catalog numbers in its Tender, provided that it demonstrates to
the Employer’s satisfaction that the substitutions are substantially equivalent
or superior to the standards designated in the Specification.

In order to facilitate evaluation of Technical Tenders, deviations, if any, from the

terms and conditions or Specification shall be listed as indicated in ITT 18.2.

Technical 17.1 The Tenderer shall furnish a Technical Proposal including a statement of
Proposal, work methods, equipment, personnel, schedule and any other information as
Subcontractors stipulated in Volume 1 Section D (Tender Forms), in sufficient detail to demonstrate
the adequacy of the Tenderers’ proposal to meet the work requirements and the
completion time.
17.2 For major items of plant and services as listed by the Employer in Volume 3
, which the Tenderer intends to purchase or subcontract, the Tenderer shall give
details of the name and nationality of the proposed Subcontractors, including
manufacturers, for each of those items. In addition, the Tenderer shall include in its
Tender information establishing compliance with the requirements specified by the
Employer for these items. Tenderers are free to list more than one Subcontractor
against each item of the plant and services. Quoted rates and prices will be deemed
to apply to whichever Subcontractor is appointed, and no adjustment of the rates
and prices will be permitted.
17.3 The Tenderer shall be responsible for ensuring that any Subcontractor
proposed complies with the requirements of ITT 4, and that any plant, or services
to be provided by the Subcontractor comply with the requirements of ITT 5 and ITT

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Tender Prices and 18.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS and/or Volume 3 (The Requirements), here.
Discounts Tenderers shall quote for the entire plant and services on a “single responsibility”
basis such that the total Tender price covers all the Contractor’s obligations
mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the Tender Document in respect of
the design, manufacture, including procurement and subcontracting (if any),
delivery, construction, installation and completion of the plant. This includes all
requirements under the Contractor’s responsibilities for testing, pre-commissioning
and commissioning of the plant and, where so required by the Tender Document,
the acquisition of all permits, approvals and licenses, etc.; the operation,
maintenance and training services and such other items and services as may be
specified in the Tender Document, all in accordance with the requirements of the
General Conditions. Items against which no price is entered by the Tenderer will not
be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed to be covered by
the prices for other items.
18.2 Tenderers are required to quote the price for the commercial, contractual
and technical obligations outlined in the Tender Document. If a Tenderer wishes to
make a deviation, such deviation shall be listed in the relevant form in Volume 1,
Section D (Tender Forms). The Tenderer shall also provide the additional price if
any, for withdrawal of the deviation.
18.3 Tenderers shall give a breakdown of the prices in the manner and detail
called for in the Price Schedules included in Section 4 (Tender Forms). Where no
different Price Schedules are included in the Tender Document, Tenderers shall
present their prices in the following manner: Separate numbered Schedules
included in Volume 1 Section D (Tender Forms) shall be used for each of the
following elements. The total amount from each Schedule (1 to 4) shall be
summarized in a Grand Summary (Schedule 5) giving the total Tender price(s) to be
entered in the Tender Form.

 Schedule No. 1: Plant (including Mandatory Spare Parts) Supplied from

 Schedule No. 2: Plant (including Mandatory Spare Parts) Supplied from
within the Employer’s Country
 Schedule No. 3: Design Services
 Schedule No. 4: Installation and Other Services
 Schedule No. 4.1 Miscellaneous and Day Works – Installation and Various
 Schedule No. 5 Grand Summary (Schedule Nos. 1 to 4)
 Schedule No. 6: Spare Parts

18.4 Tenderers shall note that the plant and equipment included in Schedule
Nos. 1 and 2 above exclude materials used for civil, building and other construction
works. All such materials shall be included and priced under Schedule No. 4,
Installation and Other Services.
18.5 In the Schedules, Tenderers shall give the required details and a breakdown
of their prices as follows:

 Plant to be supplied from abroad (Schedule No. 1):

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▪ the price of the plant shall be quoted as per Incoterms specified in
the TDS
▪ all custom duties and other taxes paid or payable in the Employer’s
country on the plant if the contract is awarded to the Tenderer; and
▪ the total price for the plant

 Plant supplied from within the Employer’s country (Schedule No. 2):

▪ The price of the plant shall be quoted as per Incoterms specified in

the TDS,
▪ Sales tax and all other taxes payable in the Purchaser’s country on
the plant if the contract is awarded to the Tenderer, and
▪ The total price for the plant.

 Design Services. (Schedule No. 3).

 Installation and other Services shall be quoted separately (Schedule No. 4) and
shall include rates or prices for local transportation, insurance and other ser-
vices incidental to delivery of the plant, all labor, contractor’s equipment, tem-
porary works, materials, consumables and all matters and things of whatsoever
nature, including operations and maintenance services, the provision of opera-
tions and maintenance manuals, training, etc., where identified in the Tender
Document, as necessary for the proper execution of the installation and other
services, including all taxes, duties, levies and charges payable in the Employer’s
country as of twenty-eight (28) days prior to the deadline for submission of Ten-
 Recommended spare parts shall be quoted separately (Schedule N0. 6) as spec-
ified in either subparagraph (a) or (b) above in accordance with the origin of the
spare parts.

18.6 The current edition of Incoterms, published by the International Chamber

of Commerce shall govern.
18.7 The prices shall be either fixed or adjustable as specified in the TDS.

 In the case of Fixed Price, prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed during
the Tenderer’s performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any
account. A Tender submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated
as non-responsive and rejected.
 In the case of Adjustable Price, prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be subject
to adjustment during performance of the contract to reflect changes in the cost
elements such as labour, material, transport and contractor’s equipment in ac-
cordance with the procedures specified in the corresponding Appendix to the
Contract Agreement. A Tender submitted with a fixed price quotation will not

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be rejected, but the price adjustment will be treated as zero. Tenderers arehere. re-
quired to indicate the source of labor and material indices in the corresponding
Form in Volume 1 Section D (Tender Forms).

18.8 If so indicated in TDS 1.1, Tenders are being invited for individual lots
(contracts) or for any combination of lots (packages). Tenderers wishing to offer any
price reduction (discount) for the award of more than one contract shall specify in
their Tender Letter the price reductions applicable to each package, or alternatively,
to individual contracts within the package, and the manner in which the price
reductions will apply.
Currencies of 19.1 The currency(ies) of the Tender and the currency(ies) for payment shall be
Tender as specified in the TDS.
Documents 20.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract in accordance with
Establishing the the information requested in Volume 1, Section D, Tender Forms.
Qualifications of the
Tenderer 20.2 If so required in the TDS, a tenderer shall submit the Manufacturer’s
Authorisation, using the form included in Section D, Tender Forms where the
tenderer does not manufacture or produce the Goods it offers to supply.
20.3 If so required in the TDS, a tenderer shall submit evidence that it will be
represented by an Agent in the country, equipped and able to carry out the
Supplier’s maintenance, repair and spare parts-stocking obligations prescribed in
the Conditions of Contract and Requirements, where a tenderer does not conduct
business within the Employer’s Country.
Documents 21.1 To establish the eligibility of the Goods and Services in accordance with ITT
Establishing the 5, tenderers shall complete the forms, included in Section D, Tender Forms.
Eligibility of Goods and
Related Services
Period of Validity 22.1 Tenders shall remain valid for the period specified in the TDS after the
of Tenders Tender submission deadline date prescribed by the Employer. A Tender valid for a
shorter period shall be rejected by the Employer as non responsive.
22.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Tender validity
period, the Employer may request tenderers to extend the period of validity of their
Tenders. The request and the responses shall be made in writing. If a tender security
is requested in accordance with ITT 23, the tenderer granting the request shall also
extend the tender security for twenty-eight (28) days beyond the deadline of the
extended validity period. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its
tender security. A tenderer granting the request shall not be required or permitted
to modify its Tender, except as provided in ITT 18.3.
22.3 In the case of fixed price contracts, if the award is delayed by a period
exceeding fifty-six (56) days beyond the expiry of the initial Tender validity, the
Contract price shall be adjusted as specified in the request for extension. Tender
evaluation shall be based on the Tender Price without taking into consideration the
above adjustment.

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Tender Security 23.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS, the Tenderer shall furnish as part of
its Tender, a Tender Securing Declaration or a Tender security in original form and
in the amount and currency as specified in the TDS.
23.2 A Tender Securing Declaration shall use the form included in Volume 1,
Section D (Tender Forms). The Employer will declare a Tenderer ineligible to be
awarded a Contract for a specified period of time if the Tender Securing Declaration
is executed, as provided in the TDS.
23.3 The Tender security shall be a demand guarantee, at the Tenderer’s option,
in any of the following forms:

 an unconditional bank guarantee; or

 an irrevocable letter of credit; or
 a cashier’s or certified check;

from a reputable source from an eligible country. The Tender security shall be sub-
mitted either using the Tender Security Form included in Section D (Tender Forms),
in the case of a bank guarantee, or in another format approved by the Employer. In
either case, the form must include the complete name of the Tenderer. The Tender
security shall be valid for twenty-eight days (28) beyond the original validity period
of the Tender, or beyond any period of extension if requested under ITT 22.2.

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23.4 If a Tender security is specified, any Tender not accompanied by a
substantially compliant Tender security or Tender securing declaration shall be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.
23.5 If a Tender security is specified pursuant to ITT 23.1, the Tender security of
the unsuccessful Tenderer shall be returned as promptly as possible upon the
successful Tenderer’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant to ITT 45.
23.6 If a Tender security is specified pursuant to ITT 23.1, the Tender security of
successful Tenderers shall be returned as promptly as possible once the successful
Tenderer has signed the Contract and furnished the required performance security.
23.7 The Tender security may be forfeited or the Tender securing declaration

 if a Tenderer withdraws its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified
by the Tenderer on the Letter of Tender Form, except as provided in ITT 22.2 or
 if the successful Tenderer fails to:

▪ sign the Contract in accordance with ITT 44;

▪ furnish a performance security in accordance with ITT 45; or accepts
the arithmetical corrections of its Tender in accordance with ITT 36.

23.8 The Tender Security or the Tender Securing Declaration of a JV shall be in

the name of the JV that submits the Tender. If the JV has not been legally
constituted at the time of Tendering, the Tender Security or the Tender Securing
Declaration shall be in the names of all future partners as named in the letter of
intent referred to in ITT 4.1.

Format and 24.1 The Tenderer shall prepare one original of the Tender comprising the
Signing of Tender Tender as described in ITT 11 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL - Tender”. Alternative
Tenders, if permitted in accordance with ITT 13, shall be clearly marked
“ALTERNATIVE”. In addition, the Tenderer shall submit copies of the Tender, in the
number specified in the TDS and clearly mark each of them “COPY.” In the event of
any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail.
24.2 The original and all copies of the Tender shall be typed or written in
indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the
Tenderer. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as specified in
the TDS and shall be attached to the Tender. The name and position held by each
person signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All
pages of the Tender where entries or amendments have been made shall be signed
or initialed by the person signing the Tender.
24.3 A Tender submitted by a JV shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all
24.4 Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are
signed or initialed by the person signing the Tender.

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1.4 D - Submission and Opening of Tenders here.

Submission, 25.1 Tenderers may always submit their Tenders by mail or by hand. If so
Sealing and Marking of specified in the TDS, tenderers shall have the option of submitting their Tenders
Tenders electronically. Procedures for submission, sealing and marking are as follows:
 Tenderers submitting Tenders by mail or by hand shall enclose the original and
copies of the Tender in separate sealed envelopes. If so permitted in accord-
ance with ITT 13 alternative proposals, and copies thereof, shall also be placed
in separate envelopes.
 The envelopes shall be duly marked as “ORIGINAL,” “ALTERNATIVE,” “ORIGINAL
COPY,” and “ALTERNATIVE COPY” These envelopes shall then be enclosed in
one single package. The rest of the procedure shall be in accordance with ITT
23.2 and 23.3.

 Tenderers submitting Tenders electronically shall follow the electronic Tender

submission procedures specified in the TDS.

25.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

 bear the name and address of the tenderer;

 be addressed to the Employer in accordance with ITT 24.1;
 bear the specific identification of this Tendering process pursuant to ITT 1.1;
 bear a warning not to open before the time and date for Tender opening

25.3 If envelopes and packages are not sealed and marked as required, the
Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening
of the Tender.
25.4 Alternative Tenders, if permissible in accordance with ITT Clause 13, shall
be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered in accordance with the provisions of ITT
Clauses 22 and 23, with the inner envelopes marked in addition “ALTERNATIVE
NO….” as appropriate.
Deadline for 26.1 Tenders must be received by the Employer at the address and no later than
Submission of Tenders the date and time indicated in the TDS.
26.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission
of Tenders by amending the Tender Document in accordance with ITT 8, in which
case all rights and obligations of the Employer and tenderers previously subject to
the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
Late Tenders 27.1 The Employer shall not consider any Tender that arrives after the deadline
for submission of Tenders, in accordance with ITT 22. Any Tender received by the
Employer after the deadline for submission of Tenders shall be declared late,
rejected, and returned unopened to the tenderer.

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Withdrawal, 28.1 A tenderer may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Tender after it has been here.
Substitution, and submitted by sending a written notice, duly signed by an authorised representative,
Modification of and shall include a copy of the authorisation in accordance with ITT 20.2, (except
Tenders that withdrawal notices do not require copies). The corresponding substitution or
modification of the Tender must accompany the respective written notice. All
notices must be:

 prepared and submitted in accordance with ITT 22 and ITT 23 (except that with-
drawals notices do not require copies), and in addition, the respective enve-
lopes shall be clearly marked “Withdrawal,” “Substitution,” “Modification;” and
 received by the Employer prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of
Tenders, in accordance with ITT 22.

28.2 Tenders requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITT 28.1 shall be

returned unopened to the tenderers.
28.3 No Tender may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval
between the deadline for submission of Tenders and the expiration of the period of
Tender validity specified by the tenderer on the Letter of Tender or any extension

Tender Opening 29.1 The Employer shall conduct the Tender opening in public, in the presence
of tenderers` designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend, and at
the address, date and time specified in the TDS. Any specific electronic Tender
opening procedures required if electronic Tendering is permitted in accordance
with ITT 25.1, shall be as specified in the TDS.
29.2 First, envelopes marked “Withdrawal” shall be opened and read out and
the envelope with the corresponding Tender shall not be opened, but returned to
the tenderer. No Tender withdrawal shall be permitted unless the corresponding
withdrawal notice contains a valid authorisation to request the withdrawal and is
read out at Tender opening.
29.3 Next, envelopes marked “Substitution” shall be opened and read out and
exchanged with the corresponding Tender being substituted, and the substituted
Tender shall not be opened, but returned to the tenderer. No Tender substitution
shall be permitted unless the corresponding substitution notice contains a valid
authorisation to request the substitution and is read out at Tender opening.
29.4 Envelopes marked “Modification” shall be opened and read out with the
corresponding Tender. No Tender modification shall be permitted unless the
corresponding modification notice contains a valid authorisation to request the
modification and is read out at Tender opening. Only Tenders that are opened and
read out at Tender opening shall be considered further.

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29.5 The Employer shall open all other envelopes one at a time and read out:here. the
name of the tenderer, the Tender Price(s), any discounts and their application
methodology, alternative Tenders, the presence or absence of a tender security;
and any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate. Only discounts
and alternative Tenders read out at Tender opening shall be considered for
evaluation. No Tender shall be rejected at Tender opening except for late Tenders,
in accordance with ITT 27.1.
29.6 The Employer shall prepare a record of the Tender opening that shall
include, as a minimum: the name of the tenderer and whether there is a
withdrawal, substitution, or modification; the Tender Price, per lot if applicable,
including any discounts and alternative proposals; and the presence or absence of
a tender security. The tenderers’ representatives who are present shall be
requested to sign the record. The omission of a tenderer’s signature on the record
shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A copy of the record shall
be distributed to all tenderers who submitted Tenders in time, and posted online
when electronic Tendering is permitted.

1.5 E - Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders

Confidentiality 30.1 Information relating to the evaluation of Tenders shall not be disclosed to
tenderers or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until
information on Contract award is communicated to all tenderers.
30.2 Any attempt by a tenderer to influence improperly the Employer in the
evaluation of the Tenders or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of
its Tender.
30.3 Notwithstanding ITT 26.1, from the time of Tender opening to the time of
Contract award, if any tenderer wishes to contact the Employer on any matter
related to the tendering process, it should do so in writing.
Clarification of 31.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the Tenders and
Tenders qualification of the tenderers, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask any tenderer
for a clarification of its Tender, allowing a reasonable time for response. Any
clarification submitted by a tenderer that is not in response to a request by the
Employer shall not be considered. The Employer’s request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the Tender shall
be sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic
errors discovered by the Employer in the evaluation of the Tenders, in accordance
with ITT 29.
31.2 If a tenderer does not provide clarifications of its Tender by the date and
time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its Tender may be rejected.
Determination of 32.1 The Employer’s determination of a Tender’s responsiveness is to be based
Responsiveness of on the contents of the Tender itself, as defined in ITT 11.
Technical Tender
A substantially responsive Tender is one that meets the requirements of the Tender
Document without material deviation, reservation, or omission.

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 (a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the Tender here.

 (b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from com-
plete acceptance of the requirements specified in the Tender Document; and
 (c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or docu-
mentation required in the Tender Document.

32.2 A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,

 (a) if accepted, would:

▪ (i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or perfor-

mance of the Requirements as specified in Volume 3; or
▪ (ii) limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Tender
Document, the Employer’s rights or the tenderer’s obligations under
the proposed Contract; or

 (b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other tender-
ers presenting substantially responsive Tenders.

32.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the Tender in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of Vol 3 have been met without any
material deviation, reservation, or omission.
32.4 If a Tender is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Tender
Document, it shall be rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be made
responsive by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission.
32.5 A substantially responsive Technical Tender is one that meets the
requirements of the Tender Document without material deviation, reservation, or
omission. A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,

 if accepted, would:

▪ affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of

the plant and services specified in the Contract; or
▪ limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Tender Document,
the Employer’s rights or the Tenderer’s obligations under the pro-
posed Contract; or

if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other Tenderers pre-
senting substantially responsive Tenders.

32.6 Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the Tender submitted in
accordance with ITT 17, Technical Proposal, in particular to confirm that all
requirements of Volume 3 (Employer’s Requirements) have been met without any
material deviation or reservation.

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32.7 If a Tender is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Tender here.
Document, it shall be rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be made
responsive by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission.
Non-material 33.1 Provided that a Tender is substantially responsive, the Employer may waive
Nonconformities any quantifiable nonconformity in the Tender that do not constitute a material
deviation, reservation or omission.
33.2 Provided that a Tender is substantially responsive, the Employer may
request that the Tenderer submit the necessary information or documentation,
within a reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities in the
Tender related to documentation requirements. Requesting information or
documentation on such nonconformities shall not be related to any aspect of the
Price Tender. Failure of the Tenderer to comply with the request may result in the
rejection of its Tender.
33.3 Provided that a Tender is substantially responsive, the Employer shall
rectify nonmaterial nonconformities related to the Tender Price. To this effect, the
Tender Price shall be adjusted, for comparison purposes only, to reflect the price of
a missing or non-conforming item or component.

1.6 E - Tender Evaluation and Comparison

Detailed 34.1 The Employer will carry out a detailed technical evaluation of the Tenders
Evaluation of Technical not previously rejected as being substantially non-responsive, in order to determine
Tenders whether the technical aspects are in compliance with the Tender Document. In
order to reach such a determination, the Employer will examine and compare the
technical aspects of the Tenders on the basis of the information supplied by the
Tenderers, taking into account the following:

 overall completeness and compliance with the Employer’s Requirements; devi-

ations from the Employer’s Requirements; conformity of the plant and services
offered with specified performance criteria; suitability of the plant and services
offered in relation to the environmental and climatic conditions prevailing at
the site; and quality, function and operation of any process control concept in-
cluded in the Tender. The Tender that does not meet minimum acceptable
standards of completeness, consistency and detail will be rejected for non-re-
 type, quantity and long-term availability of mandatory and recommended spare
parts and maintenance services; and
 other relevant factors.

34.2 Where alternative technical solutions have been allowed in accordance

with ITT 13, and offered by the Tenderer, the Employer will make a similar
evaluation of the alternatives. Where alternatives have not been allowed but have
been offered, they shall be ignored.

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Eligibility and 35.1 The Employer shall determine to its satisfaction during the evaluation of
Qualification of the Technical Tenders whether a Tenderer meets the eligibility and qualifying criteria
Tenderer specified in
35.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the documentary
evidence of the Tenderer’s qualifications submitted by the Tenderer, pursuant to
ITT 15 and 14.
35.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for the opening and
evaluation of a Tenderer’s Price Tender. A negative determination shall result into
the disqualification of the Tender, in which event the Employer shall return the
unopened Price Tender to the Tenderer.
35.4 The capabilities of the manufacturers and subcontractors proposed in its
Tender to be used by the Tenderer will also be evaluated. Their participation should
be confirmed with a letter of intent between the parties, as needed. Should a
manufacturer or subcontractor be determined to be unacceptable, the Tender will
not be rejected, but the Tenderer will be required to substitute an acceptable
manufacturer or subcontractor without any change to the Tender price. Prior to
signing the Contract, the corresponding Appendix to the Contract Agreement shall
be completed, listing the approved manufacturers or subcontractors for each item
Correction of 36.1 During the evaluation of Price Tenders, the Employer shall correct
Arithmetical Errors arithmetical errors on the following basis:

 where there are errors between the total of the amounts given under the col-
umn for the price breakdown and the amount given under the Total Price, the
former shall prevail and the latter will be corrected accordingly;
 where there are errors between the total of the amounts of Schedule Nos. 1 to
4 and the amount given in Schedule No. 5 (Grand Summary), the former shall
prevail and the latter will be corrected accordingly; and
 if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetical er-
ror, in which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.

36.2 If the Tenderer that submitted the lowest evaluated Tender does not accept
the correction of errors, its Tender shall be disqualified and its Tender security may
be forfeited or its Tender securing declaration executed.

Conversion to 37.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the currency (ies) of the Tender
Single Currency shall be converted into a single currency as specified in the TDS .
Margin of 38.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS, a margin of preference shall not
Preference apply.

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Evaluation of Price 39.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this Clause. here.
No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be permitted.
39.2 To evaluate a Price, the Employer shall consider the following:

 the Tender price, excluding provisional sums and the provision, if any, for con-
tingencies in the Price Schedules;
 price adjustment for correction of arithmetical errors in accordance with ITT
 price adjustment due to discounts offered in accordance with ITT 18.7;
 converting the amount resulting from applying (a) to (c) above, if relevant, to a
single currency in accordance with ITT 37; and

39.3 If price adjustment is allowed in accordance with ITT 18.6, the estimated
effect of the price adjustment provisions of the Conditions of Contract, applied over
the period of execution of the Contract, shall not be taken into account in Tender
39.4 If the Tender, which results in the lowest Evaluated Tender Price, is
seriously unbalanced or front loaded in the opinion of the Employer, the Employer
may require the Tenderer to produce detailed price analyses for any or all items of
the Price Schedules, to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with
the methods and time schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analyses,
taking into consideration the terms of payments, the Employer may require that the
amount of the performance security be increased at the expense of the Tenderer
to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of
default of the successful Tenderer under the Contract.
Comparison of 40.1 The Employer shall compare all substantially responsive Tenders to
Tenders determine the lowest evaluated Tender, in accordance with ITT 39.2.
Employer’s Right 41.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender, and to annul
to Accept Any Tender, the Tendering process and reject all Tenders at any time prior to contract award,
and to Reject Any or All without thereby incurring any liability to Tenderers. In case of annulment, all
Tenders Tenders submitted and specifically, Tender securities, shall be promptly returned to
the Tenderers.

1.7 F - Award of Contract

Award Criteria 42.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Tenderer whose offer has
been determined to be the lowest evaluated Tender and is substantially responsive
to the Tender Document, provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be
eligible and qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
42.2 The Employer reserves the right to accept any of the deviations submitted
in accordance with ITT 18.2 by the lowest evaluated Tenderer, at the price shown
for the deviation in the Tender.
Notification of 43.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of Tender validity, the Employer shall
Award notify the successful Tenderer, in writing, that its Tender has been accepted. The
notification letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
called the “Letter of Acceptance”) shall specify the sum that the Employer will pay
the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the plant and

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services (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms called here.
“the Contract Price”).
43.2 At the same time, the Employer will publish in an English language
newspaper or well-known freely accessible website the results identifying the
Tender and lot numbers and the following information: (i) name of each Tenderer
who submitted a Tender; (ii) Tender prices as read out at Tender opening; (iii) name
and evaluated prices of each Tender that was evaluated; (iv) name of Tenderers
whose Tenders were rejected and the reasons for their rejection; and (v) name of
the winning Tenderer, and the price it offered, as well as the duration and summary
scope of the contract awarded. After publication of the award, unsuccessful
Tenderers may request in writing to the Employer for a debriefing seeking
explanations on the grounds on which their Tenders were not selected. The
Employer shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful Tenderer who, after
Publication of contract award, requests a debriefing.
43.3 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the notification of award
shall constitute a binding Contract.
43.4 The Employer shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful
Tenderer who, after notification of award in accordance with ITT 43.1, requests in
writing the grounds on which its Tender was not selected.
Signing of Contract 44.1 Promptly after notification, the Employer shall send the successful Tenderer
the Contract Agreement.
44.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the Contract Agreement, the
successful Tenderer shall sign, date, and return it to the Employer.
Performance 45.1 Within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of notification of award from
Security the Employer, the successful Tenderer shall furnish the performance security in
accordance with the conditions of contract, subject to ITT 39.5, using for that
purpose the Performance Security Form included in Volume 3 6 (The
Requirements), or another form acceptable to the Employer. If the institution
issuing the performance security is located outside the country of the Employer, it
shall have a correspondent financial institution located in the country of the
Employer to make it enforceable.
45.2 Failure of the successful Tenderer to submit the above-mentioned
Performance Security or sign the Contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for the
annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Tender security or execution of the
Tender securing declaration. In that event the Employer may award the Contract to
the next lowest evaluated Tenderer whose offer is substantially responsive and is
determined by the Employer to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

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C. Tender Data (TDS)

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Table of Content for Section

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that you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
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1 Tender Data ...................................................................................................................................................... C-3

1.1 A - General ........................................................................................................................................................ C-3
1.2 B - Contents of Tender Document .................................................................................................................... C-4
1.3 C - Preparation of Tenders ................................................................................................................................ C-5
1.4 D - Submission and Opening of Tenders ........................................................................................................... C-8
1.5 E – Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders .................................................................................................... C-10
1.6 F - Award of Contract ..................................................................................................................................... C-10

2 Annex to the Tender Data ............................................................................................................................... C-12

2.1 Review of Procurement Decisions .................................................................................................................. C-12
2.2 Evaluation of Transformer/Reactor Losses .................................................................................................... C-13
2.3 Qualification Requirements: ........................................................................................................................... C-13
2.4 Personnel Capabilities .................................................................................................................................... C-14
2.5 Equipment Availability.................................................................................................................................... C-14
2.6 Financial Position ........................................................................................................................................... C-14
2.7 Non-Performance History ............................................................................................................................... C-15
2.8 Current Obligations and Pending Awards ...................................................................................................... C-15
2.9 Specific Requirements for Joint Venture (JV) .................................................................................................. C-15
2.10 Subcontractors Requirements ........................................................................................................................ C-16
2.11 Declaration of Undertaking ............................................................................................................................ C-16

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1 Tender Data

The following tender-specific data for the facilities to be procured shall amend and/ or supplement the provi-
sions in the Instructions to Tenderers. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over
those in the Instructions to Tenderers.

1.1 A - General

1 Scope of Tender The name of the project is:

Electrification of North West Tanzania 220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nya-

kanazi and Associated Rural Electrification

Project Identification: Ref,:. PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 - Lot B


Scope of Works for 220 kV part Nyakanazi

The works will include only part of the final substation. The substation Nyakanazi
will be extended in other forth coming projects interconnecting the Great Lake

The Nyakanazi substation will have at the final extension stage 400 kV and 220 kV
voltage levels. The design in the present project will consider this future extension
with space for a 400 kV level. Space for additional bays shall be considered in the
design of the 220 kV and 400 kV levels.

As an option the lot includes the works for extending the previous scope for a full
double busbar substation.

Scope of Works for 33 kV part Nyakanazi

Indoor GIS type 33 kV board.


Scope of Works for Substation Geita

The 220 kV line Geita – Nyakanazi will reach the substation from the south. The same
is true for the line from Bulyanhulu which will run on parallel to the line to Nyakanazi
on the first section.

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The main scope of works is part of a different project with Shaker Consultantancy here.
Group, Cairo, Egypt, financed by BADEA.

The scope in the present contract is:

Extension of the substation by two 220 kV line bays, one to be equipped. For the
line from Nyakanazi two adjacent line bays are foreseen

2 Source of Funds The Borrower is:

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (GOT).

The source of funds is:

 KfW Entwicklungsbank, Germany (KfW).

 AFD Agence Française de Développement
 European Union (EU)
 The Government of Tanzania, Tanzania

The different lots will be financed by different financiers: Lots A and B by

KfW (Lead Financier) and AFD, lot C by the EU through KfW (Lead Financier).

4 Eligible Tenderers To be qualified for award of the Contract, the tenderer shall meet the qualifying
criteria referred to in the Annex of this Tender Data Sheets

1.2 B - Contents of Tender Document

7 Clarification of For purpose of Clarifications only:

Tender Document,
Site Visit, Pre-Tender Managing Director
Meeting Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 24 51 145

Fax: +255 22 24 52 172

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Email to: [email protected] here.
[email protected]

Bidder can ask any pre-bid clarification for the technical and/or financial part of the
bidding documents in accordance to the ITB 7.1 (i.e. 21 days prior to the deadline
for submission of bid as specified in BDS). The pre-bid queries received after speci-
fied deadline as above, shall not be entertained in any case.

A compulsory pre-tender meeting and site visit will take place.

Pre-tender meeting
Date: 7th December, 2017
Time: office hours 10:00

Venue: TANESCO Geita Office

Site visit:
Date: 5th to 6th December.2017
Time: office hours 10:00

A Joint Site Visit to the selected sites will be organized by the Employer. All costs
related to site visit shall be borne by potential Tenderers.

The Tenderer, intending to participate in pre-tender meeting shall visit and examine
the Site of works, and send notice about his intention to the Empoyer not later than
five (5) days before pre-tender meeting date. If there are any questions concerning
the tender documents to be clarified on the pre-tender meeting, the questions shall
be addressed in the mentioned notice.

1.3 C - Preparation of Tenders

10 Language of Ten- The tender language will be the English language.

11 Documents Com- Tenderer to refer to Volume 1 D Tender Forms and Annex thereof for qualification
prising the Tender documents to be submitted.

The documentary evidence of the conformity of the facilities to the tender docu-
ments may be in the form of literature, drawings and data, and shall furnish:

 a detailed description of the essential technical and performance char-

acteristics of the Facilities;
 a list giving full particulars, including available sources, of all spare parts,
special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning
of the Facilities for a period of 10 years following Completion of the Fa-
cilities in accordance with the provisions of the contract;

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 commentary on the Employer’s Technical Specifications and adequate here.
evidence demonstrating the substantial responsiveness of the Facilities
to those specifications.

Tenderers shall note that the standards for skill, materials and Equipment desig-
nated by the Employer in the tender documents are intended to be descriptive (es-
tablishing standards of quality and performance) only and not restrictive. A tenderer
may substitute alternative standards, brand names and/ or catalogue numbers in its
tender, provided that it demonstrates to the Employer’s satisfaction that the substi-
tutions are substantial, equivalent or superior to those designated in the The Re-
quirements (Volume 3).

The tenderer shall submit those other documents as detailed in Volume 3 – “The

Failure to submit the Declaration of Undertaking, duly filled and signed, shall result
in rejection of the bid

13Alternative Ten- Alternative tenders are not permitted

18 Tender Prices and Reference is made to 2 “Annex to the Tender Data”
18.1 Bidder must quote for all the items in the price schedule. The discount offered
by bidder shall be distributed proportionately to all the BoQ items uniformly.

18.4 (a) Only Incoterms DAP (Delivered at Place) including unloading shall be ap-

18.4 (b) The foreign tenderers may consult Tanzanian tax experts or visit
www.tra.go.tz in respect of taxes (Union or State tax) which are payable by the ten-
derer and or by the Employer prior to bid submission"

18.6 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall be Item Rate basis on FIXED Price only

19 Currencies of Ten- All prices shall be quoted in maximum two currencies limited to TZS (Tanzania Shil-
der lings and EURO). Currency once quoted shall not be allowed to be changed at any

22 Period of Validity 22.1 The tender validity period shall be 120 days from the date of opening of the
of Tenders technical bid but the bid security is valid 28 days beyond the bid validity period.

22.2 In case the bid validity and bid security are extended as required by the Em-
ployer, the bid validity and bid security shall not be extended conditionally.

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23 Tender Security The Tenderer shall furnish a Tender Security (Tender Guarantee) in the amounthere. of:

150,000.0 EUR

If the Tenderersr’s Tender Security is for an amount less than the amount specified
above, its Tender shall be rejected.

Tender Security need to be counter guaranteed by a corresponding Tanzanian Com-

mercial Bank.

The type of acceptable Tender Security is that of a bank guarantee issued by a rep-
utable bank located in the Purchaser’s country or any other eligible country in the
format included in Volume 1: Tender Forms and acceptable to purchaser valid up to
180 days from the date of opening of the technical bid. If the Tender Security is
issued by a bank located outside the Purchaser’s country, it shall have a correspond-
ent bank located in the Purchaser’s country to make it easily enforceable.

24 Format and Sign- The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall con-
ing of Tender sist of:

 Power of Attorney, which should be either notarized or attested to by the ap-

propriate authority in the Bidder’s home country.
 The bids submitted by an existing or intended Joint Venture shall include and
undertaking signed by all parties (i) stating that all parties shall be jointly and
severally liable and (ii) nominating a representative, who shall have the author-
ity to conduct all business for all and on behalf of any and all parties of the Joint
Venture during the biding process and, in the event of Joint Venture is awarded
the contract, during the contract execution.

The number of documents that bidders should submit:

One (1) ORIGINAL and Five (5) COPIES

In addition, the tenderer shall submit electronic copies of the Documents and the
Proposal on DVDs or USB flash disks. The content and the structure of the electronic
copies shall be as the Original hardcopy.

he Tenderer are further required to submit the filled-in Price Schedules in MS-Excel
format (.xlsx) and the filled-in Technical Data Sheets in MS-Word format (.docx).

In case there is any conflict between the information provided in the electronic cop-
ies and the Original hardcopy the latter shall prevail.

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1.4 D - Submission and Opening of Tenders here.

25 Submission, Seal- For tender submission purposes, only, the Employer’s address is
ing and Marking of
Tenders The Secretary TANESCO Tender Board - TANESCO

Umeme Park Building, Ubungo, Morogoro Road

Office of the Procurement Management Unit
Ground Floor, Room No. G15
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 24 51 145

Fax: +255 22 24 52 172

Email to: [email protected]

[email protected]

The tenderer shall submit one electronic copy of the

 Data Sheets
 Qualification Documents

to the address of the Consultant:

Lahmeyer International GmbH

Friedberger Str. 173

Att. Mr. Ernst Kleine

61118 Bad Vilbel, Germany

Email: [email protected]

The identification of this bidding process is: Single Stage One Envelope

The name of the ICB is:

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning


Lot B - 220 kV Substations

The identification number of the ICB is : PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 - Lot B

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The tenderer shall enter the Employer’s name and address, the tender identifica- here.
tion, and the words

“DO NOT OPEN BEFORE: Friday 5th January, 2018”,

data as described in para 21.1

Tender identification: PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 - Lot B

"Electrification of North West Tanzania, Lot B 220 kV Substations"

26 Deadline for Sub- The deadline for submission of the Tender is: 10.00hrs Tanza-
mission of Tenders nian Local Time

Day: Friday, 5th

Month: January

Year: 2018

Time for opening timely received tenders: 10.30hrs Tanza-

nian Local Time,

The evidence of timely delivery of the Tender is the reception at the Employer’s ad-

Electronic Submission will not be considered.

29 Tender Opening The Secretary TANESCO Tender Board

Umeme Park Building
Ubungo, Morogoro Road
Office of the Procurement Management Unit
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 24 51 145

Fax: +255 22 24 52 172

Email to: [email protected]

[email protected]

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1.5 E – Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders here.

37 Conversion to Sin- 37.1 The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes to
gle Currency convert all bid prices expressed in various currencies into a single currency is:

Euro (€)

The source of exchange rate shall be: Telegraphic Transfer Selling Rate of the Cen-
tral Bank of Tanzania (BoT) in Tanzania

The date for the exchange rate shall be the date 28 days’ prior of Tender
Opening Date.

The evaluation of the bid shall be done on end cost basis (i.e. total price inclusive of
all taxes, duties and other applicable charges).

The Employer’s evaluation of a bid will consider, in addition to the tender prices,
the following costs and factors that will be added to each tenderer’s price in the
evaluation, using pricing information available to the Employer, in the manner and
to the extent indicated below:

 The evaluation shall be based on the evaluated cost for fulfilling the con-
tract in compliance with all commercial, contractual, and technical re-
quirements set forth in this tender document. Prices shall be based on
Incoterms DAP (Delivered at Place) including unloading. In arriving at
the evaluated cost, the price associated with non-material deviations
proposed by the tenderer will be used, if applicable. If such a price is not
given, the Employer will make its own assessment of the cost of such a
deviation for ensuring a fair comparison of tenders;
 Virtual Cost calculated for transformer losses

Where tenders include for the undertaking of minor work or the provision of ser-
vices or facilities by the Employer in excess of the provisions allowed for in the ten-
der documents, the Employer shall assess the costs of such additional work, ser-
vices, and/ or facilities during the duration of the contract.

1.6 F - Award of Contract

42 Award Criteria  The percentage by which quantities may be increased is: twenty-five
percentage (25 %) at contract price.
 The percentage by which quantities may be decreased is: twenty-five
percentage (25 %) at contract price.

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43 Notification of Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity and after KfW No Objection to
Award the bid evaluation report and award proposal, the Employer shall notify the suc-
cessful Bidder, in writing, that its bid has been accepted. The notification letter shall
be a formal information to the L1 Bidder (best ranked Bidder) about the acceptance
of his bid. The Notification of Award shall not constitute a binding contract. It shall
specify the sum that the Employer will pay the Contractor in consideration of the
execution and completion of the plant and services (hereinafter and in the Condi-
tions of Contract and Contract Forms called “the Contract Price”).

Promptly after issuance of the notification letter the finalized draft contract, taking
into account any deviations, if accepted by the Employer, as per ITB 18.2.and 34.2.,
will be submitted to KfW for No Objection. After receipt of this No Objection the
Employer shall notify to the successful bidder, in writing, the formal acceptance of
the contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
called the “Letter of Acceptance”)..

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2 Annex to the Tender Data here.

2.1 Review of Procurement Decisions

Address to submit com- Managing Director

plaints Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 24 51 145

Fax: +255 22 24 52 172Email:

[email protected]

Copy of complaints Chief Executive Officer

should be sent to PPRA Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
PPF Tower, 8th Floor
P.O. Box 49, Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 222 133 466; +255 222 121 236/7

Fax: +255 222 121 238
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ppra.go.tz
The address for Appeal The Secretary
to PPAA Public Procurement Appeals Authority,

Sukari House 1st Floor

P.O. Box 9310

Tel: +255 2120451

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2.2 Evaluation of Transformer/Reactor Losses

For the purposes of evaluation, for each Bidder a calculated adjustment value will be added to the tender price
offered (only for evaluation purposes).

For Power Transformer Losses, the following is applicable:

 For no-load losses of a power transformer a penalty of 10,000 Euro for each full kW will be added.
 For load losses (plus auxiliary power losses) of a power transformer, a penalty of 5, 000 Euro for
each full kW will be added.

For shunt reactor losses, the following is applicable:

 For the total losses of a reactor (related to the specified full reactive power out-put), a penalty of
5, 000 Euro for each full kW will be added.

2.3 Qualification Requirements:

2.3.1 General Experience

The applicant shall have an average annual turnover (defined as annual earnings, expressed in its equivalent
of a defined currency) as a contractor over the last 3 years of Euro 15 million equivalent.

2.3.2 Specific Experience

The applicant shall meet the following minimum criteria:

 In case of single tenderer: successful experience as a contractor (prime or subcontractor) in the

execution of at least 3 contracts of a magnitude comparable to the proposed contract within the
last 7 years. For assessment purposes the values of the referred contracts shall be not less than
the equivalent of Euro 7 million;
 In case of JV: the applicant or the lead partner in a JV shall have acted as a main contractor on 3
contracts of a similar magnitude comparable to the proposed contract within the last 5 years. For
assessment purposes the values of the referred contracts shall be not less than the equivalent of
Euro 7 million;
 Requirement for both single tenderer and one partner in JV: successful experience as a contractor
(prime or subcontractor) in the execution of at least 3 contracts of a nature and complexity com-
parable to the proposed contract within the last 7 years. For assessment purposes the referred
contracts shall include.

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Note: here.

 In case bidder is a holding company, the technical experience referred to in said clause above shall
be of that holding company only. In case bidder is a subsidiary of a holding company, the technical
experience referred to in said clause above shall be of that subsidiary company only (i.e. excluding
its holding companies).
 In case bidder is a subsidiary of a holding company, the technical experience referred to in said
clause above shall be of that subsidiary company only (i.e. excluding its holding companies).

2.4 Personnel Capabilities

The applicant shall provide suitably qualified personnel to fill the positions listed below. For each position
applicants, shall supply information in the relevant form on a main candidate and an alternate, each of whom
should meet the experience requirements specified below:

Position Total work experi- In similar works As manager of simi-

ence (years) (years) lar works (years)
Project Manager 10 5 5
Chief Designer 10 5 5
Team Leader 10 5 -
Site Manager on site during con-
struction 15 5 5

2.5 Equipment Availability

The applicant shall own, or have assured access to (through hire, lease, purchase agreement, or other means)
to key items of equipment in full working order, and must demonstrate that they will be available for use in
the Contract.

2.6 Financial Position

The applicant shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets,
lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the construction cash flow for the contract for a
period of 12 months, estimated as not less than Euro 3 million equivalents, taking into account the applicant's
commitments in other contracts.

The submitted annual financial statements for the 5 years must demonstrate the soundness of the applicant's
financial position, showing long-term profitability. Consistent losses or a risk of insolvency shown in the ac-
counts may be cause for the disqualification of the applicant.

To facilitate the assessment of information the applicants shall submit a summary of assets and liabilities,
expressed in an equivalent of Euro.

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Based upon known commitments, the applicants shall also provide a summary of the projected assetshere. and
liabilities for the next 2 years, expressed in its equivalent of Euro, unless the withholding of such information
is justified by the Applicant to the satisfaction of the Client.

Where necessary, the Client may make inquiries with the applicant's banks.

2.7 Non-Performance History

A consistent history of litigation and/ or arbitration awards against the applicant or any partner of a joint
venture or their non-performance under the contracts may result in failure of the application.

Moreover, if an applicant is formally debarred from contracting activities by the law or official regulation of
the Client’s country or by the Bank, and the Client may not enter into a contract with such applicant, the Client
may reject the application.

2.8 Current Obligations and Pending Awards

The applicant shall have the above mentioned resources free of ongoing obligations and/ or pending contract

The applicant shall provide information on the on-going contractual obligations and pending contract awards.

The Client may reject the tender if the level of the confirmed commitments to be carried out in parallel with
the Contract exceeds the applicant’s annual turnover for the previous year by a factor of 20%.

2.9 Specific Requirements for Joint Venture (JV)

JV must satisfy the following minimum qualification requirements:

 The maximum number of members of a JV shall be 3 (three) members.

 The JV must satisfy collectively all the above-mentioned qualification criteria, for which purpose
the relevant figures for each of the partners shall be added to arrive at the joint venture's total
 Each partner shall meet not less than 30% (thirty percent) of all the qualifying criteria for the turn-
over and the availability of the financial means as per the criteria specified under general experi-
ence and financial position above.

Each partner shall satisfy the requirements with regard to the soundness of the financial position and non-
performance history, specified above.

 The lead partner of the JV shall demonstrate that he acted as a main contractor and supplier on
project(s) of similar magnitude.

The prequalification of a JV does not mean that any of its partners individually, or as a partner in any other JV,
are prequalified.

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The applicant may also be requested to provide additional critical information, or clarification with regard here.to
the applicant’s questionable ability to undertake the proposed works due to the significant current commit-
ments or the pending award of other significant contracts.

2.10 Subcontractors Requirements

In case, where the applicants plan to use specific manufacturers and/ or subcontractors for major and/ or
specialised items or works, the applicants shall specify the names and qualifications of such specialist subcon-

These works are those in excess of 20% (20 percent) of the estimated value of the works/ supply and/ or any
of the specific operations and works, listed in the item of 2 c) Specific Experience, above.

To be post-qualified for award for the Contract, the applicants must demonstrate to the Client that the man-
ufacturers and subcontractors proposed by them for the above mentioned works substantially satisfy the re-
quirements regarding specific experience:

The applicant’s subcontractors shall meet the following minimum criteria:

 successful experience as a contractor (prime or subcontractor) in the execution of at least 3 con-

tracts of a magnitude comparable to the works proposed for subcontracting within the last 7 years;
 and successful experience as a contractor (prime or subcontractor) in the execution of at least 3
contracts of a nature and complexity comparable to the works proposed for subcontracting within
the last 7 years.

Should a subcontractor be determined to be unqualified or otherwise unacceptable, the tender shall not be
rejected, but the applicant shall be required to substitute an acceptable subcontractor.

Reference is made to Clause 4.4 Sub-Contractors of FIDIC.

2.11 Declaration of Undertaking

The Declaration of Undertaking is given in section

D Tender Forms, 2 “Declaration of Undertaking - Attachment 1 to Letter of Tender“.

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D. Tender Forms

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Table of Content for Section

Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 9,Book to the text that
you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
Überschrift 9,Book to the text that you want to appear here.
1 Letter of Tender ................................................................................................................................................ D-4

2 Declaration of Undertaking - Attachment 1 to Letter of Tender ........................................................................ D-6

3 Standard Form of a Bid Bond............................................................................................................................. D-7

4 Manufacturers Authorisation Form ................................................................................................................... D-8

5 Letter of Acceptance ......................................................................................................................................... D-9

6 General Experience Form ................................................................................................................................ D-10

7 Specific Experience Form 1 .............................................................................................................................. D-12

8 Specific Experience Form 2 .............................................................................................................................. D-14

9 Specific Experience Form 3 .............................................................................................................................. D-16

10 Information Request Consent ......................................................................................................................... D-18

11 Personnel Capability Form .............................................................................................................................. D-19

12 Candidate Summary Form ............................................................................................................................... D-20

13 Equipment Capacity Form 1 ............................................................................................................................ D-22

14 Equipment Capacity Form 2 ............................................................................................................................ D-23

15 Manufacturing Capacity Form ......................................................................................................................... D-24

16 Financial Position Form ................................................................................................................................... D-25

17 Bank Information Request Consent ................................................................................................................. D-28

18 Non Performance History Form ....................................................................................................................... D-29

19 Debarment Declaration Form .......................................................................................................................... D-31

20 Current Contract Commitments and Pending Award Forms ............................................................................ D-32

21 Subcontractors Information Form ................................................................................................................... D-33

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22 Subcontractors Information Form Specific Experience ....................................................................................here.

23 Subcontractor Specific Experience Form ......................................................................................................... D-36

24 Information Request Consent ......................................................................................................................... D-38

25 JVCA Form ....................................................................................................................................................... D-39

26 Sample Parent Company Form Guarantee ...................................................................................................... D-41

27 Sustainability Standards .................................................................................................................................. D-42

27.1 Form QSC – Quality Management Certification ............................................................................................ D-42
27.2 Form ENV – Environmental Management Certification ................................................................................ D-44
27.3 Form ENV – Environmental Management Capacity ...................................................................................... D-45
27.4 Form OHAS – Health and Safety Certification ............................................................................................... D-46
27.5 Form OHAS – Health and Safety Capacity ..................................................................................................... D-47
27.6 Form COC – Code of Conduct......................................................................................................................... D-48
27.7 Form LOC – Local Content ............................................................................................................................. D-48

1 Letter of Tender ................................................................................................................................................ D-4

2 Declaration of Undertaking - Attachment 1 to Letter of Tender ........................................................................ D-6

3 Standard Form of a Bid Bond............................................................................................................................. D-7

4 Manufacturers Authorisation Form ................................................................................................................... D-8

5 Letter of Acceptance ......................................................................................................................................... D-9

6 General Experience Form ................................................................................................................................ D-10

7 Specific Experience Form 1 .............................................................................................................................. D-12

8 Specific Experience Form 2 .............................................................................................................................. D-14

9 Specific Experience Form 3 .............................................................................................................................. D-16

10 Information Request Consent ......................................................................................................................... D-18

11 Personnel Capability Form .............................................................................................................................. D-19

12 Candidate Summary Form ............................................................................................................................... D-20

13 Equipment Capacity Form 1 ............................................................................................................................ D-22

14 Equipment Capacity Form 2 ............................................................................................................................ D-23

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15 Manufacturing Capacity Form .........................................................................................................................here.

16 Financial Position Form ................................................................................................................................... D-25

17 Bank Information Request Consent ................................................................................................................. D-28

18 Non Performance History Form ....................................................................................................................... D-29

19 Debarment Declaration Form .......................................................................................................................... D-31

20 Current Contract Commitments and Pending Award Forms ............................................................................ D-32

21 Subcontractors Information Form ................................................................................................................... D-33

22 Subcontractors Information Form Specific Experience .................................................................................... D-34

23 Subcontractor Specific Experience Form ......................................................................................................... D-36

24 Information Request Consent ......................................................................................................................... D-38

25 JVCA Form ....................................................................................................................................................... D-39

26 Sample Parent Company Form Guarantee ...................................................................................................... D-41

27 Sustainability Standards .................................................................................................................................. D-42

27.1 Form QSC – Quality Management Certification ............................................................................................ D-42
27.2 Form ENV – Environmental Management Certification ................................................................................ D-44
27.3 Form ENV – Environmental Management Capacity ...................................................................................... D-45
27.4 Form OHAS – Health and Safety Certification ............................................................................................... D-46
27.5 Form OHAS – Health and Safety Capacity ..................................................................................................... D-47
27.6 Form COC – Code of Conduct......................................................................................................................... D-48
27.7 Form LOC – Local Content ............................................................................................................................. D-48

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1 Letter of Tender

Name of Contract Electrification of North West Tanzania, 220 kV Transmission System Geita –
Nyakanazi and Associated Rural Electrification

 Lot B – 220 kV Substations Nyakanazi and Geita

 PA/001/2016/HQ/W/33 - Lot B

To: Managing Director

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 24 51 145

Fax: +255 22 24 52 172

We have examined the Conditions of Contract, Employer’s Requirements, Schedules, and the attached Appen-
dices and Addenda No’s ____________for the above-named Works. We have examined, understood and
checked these documents and have ascertained that they contain no errors or other defects. We accordingly
offer to design, execute, and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein, in conformity with this
Tender, which includes all these documents and the enclosed Proposal, for the lump sum of:

in currencies of payment

We agree to abide by this Tender until ___________________ and it shall remain binding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix form part of this Letter of Tender.

If this offer is accepted, we will provide the Specified Performance Security, commence the Works as soon as
is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and complete the Works in accordance with the
above-named documents within the Time for Completion. We guarantee that the Works will conform to the
Schedules of Guarantees.

Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this letter of Tender, together with your written
acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us and Tanzania Electric Supply Co. Ltd..

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest Tender price or any tender you may receive.

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Signature in the capacity of here.

Duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of

Place, Date:

1 lf the Tenderer does not accept, this paragraph may be deleted and replaced by:
We do not accept your suggestions for the appointment of the DAB. We have included our suggestions in the Schedule, but these sug-
gestions are not conditions of this offer.lf these suggestions are not acceptable to you, we propose that the DAB be jointly appointed
in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 of the Conditions of Contract.

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2 Declaration of Undertaking - Attachment 1 to Letter of Tender here.

To: Managing Director

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd
Umeme Park Building
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive contracting procedure that precludes
abusive practices. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted directly or indirectly any inad-
missible incentives to any public servant or other person nor accepted such incentives in connection
with our bid, nor will we offer or grant or accept any such incentives or conditions in the present
tendering process or, in the event that we are awarded the contract, in the subsequent execution of
the contract. We also declare that no conflict of interest exists in the meaning of the kind described
in the corresponding Guidelines or (https://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/Download-Center/PDF-Doku-

We also underscore the importance of adhering to environmental and social standards in the imple-
mentation of the Project. We undertake to comply with applicable labour laws and the Core Labour
Standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) as well as national and applicable interna-
tional standards of environmental protection and health and safety standards.

We will inform our staff of their respective obligations and of their obligation to fulfil this Declaration
of Undertaking and to obey the laws of the country of laws of the country of Tanzania

We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included in
the list of sanctions of the United Nations, nor of the EU, nor of the German Government, nor in
any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members of the consortium will imme-
diately inform the client and KfW if this situation occurs at a later stage.

We acknowledge that, in the event that our company (or a member of the consortium) is added to a
list of sanctions that is legally binding on the client and/or KfW, the client shall be entitled to exclude
us/the consortium or, if the contract is awarded to our company/the consortium, to immediately can-
cel such contract if the statements made in the Declaration of Undertaking were objectively false or
the reason for exclusion from the tender procedure occurs after the Declaration of Undertaking has
been issued.
Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

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3 Standard Form of a Bid Bond

Address of guarantor bank:

Address of beneficiary (contracting agency):

We, the undersigned ……………………….. (Guarantor), in order to enable …………………………….. to bid for
………………………………….. (project, object of con-tract), hereby irrevocably and independently guarantee to pay
to you an amount up to a total of


waiving all objections and defences.

We shall effect payments under this guarantee on your first written demand, which must be accompanied by
your confirmation that you have accepted the above-mentioned bid and that the firm
…………………………………………. is no longer prepared to abide by this bid.

This guarantee shall expire no later than …………………………………….

By this date we must have received any claims for payment by letter or encoded telecommunication.

It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after payment of the total amount to be
claimed hereunder.

This guarantee is governed by the laws of ……………………….

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

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4 Manufacturers Authorisation Form here.


TO: (Name of the Employer)

WHEREAS [name of the Manufacturer] who are established and reputable manufacturers of [name and/ or
description of the goods] having factories at [address of factory] do hereby authorise [name and address of
Agent] to submit a tender, and subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract with you for the above goods
manufactured by us.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per Clause 7 of the General Conditions of Contract for
the goods offered for supply by the above firm in response to this Invitation for Tenders.

Signature in the capacity of the manufacturere

Place, Date:

This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and should be signed by a person
competent and having the power of attorney to bind the Manufacturer. It should be included by the tenderer
in its tender.

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5 Letter of Acceptance here.


TO: (Name of successful tenderer)

(Address of successful tenderer)

This is to notify you that your tender dated (enter date) for the execution of the:

“Construction of a new 220/33 kV Substation at Nyakanazi and Extension of the Existing 220/33
kV Substation in Geita”

for the Contract Price of (amount in numbers and words, and name of currency/ currencies) or equivalent
thereof, as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, is hereby accepted by
our Agency.

You are hereby required:

 to submit the performance security (specify as provided in the tender documents)

 sign the attached Contract Agreement and return (specify as provided in the tender documents); and
 to commence performance of the said contract in accordance with the Contract Documents.

Authoried Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

Attachment: Contract Document

This Letter of Acceptance should be on the letterhead of the Employer and should be signed by a person
competent and having power of attorney to bind the Employer. If the Employer intends to accept any alterna-
tives offered by the successful tenderer, this should be stated.

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6 General Experience Form

All individual firms and all partners of a JVCA are requested to complete the information in this form.

The information supplied should be the annual turnover of the Tenderer (or each member of a JVCA), in terms
of the amount of annual earnings, expressed in its equivalent of the currency, as stated in the Qualification
requirements above

Use a separate sheet for each partner of a JVCA.

Tenderers are not required to enclose testimonials, certificates and publicity material with their applications.

[State the name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

Annual Turnover Data
Year Turnover Currency Exchange rate Equivalent in
[specify currency]
[state year]

[state year]

[state year]

[state year]

[state year]


Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

In case of a JVCA the summary information shall be provided.

JVCA Partners Names of all partners of a JVCA

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1. Lead partner here.

2. Partner

3. Partner

JVCA Annual Turnover Data

[specify currency] equivalent
JVCA Partners Year Year Year Year Year
[state year] [state year] [state year] [state year] [state year]
1. Lead partner

2. Partner

2. Partner


Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and
e-mail address]

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7 Specific Experience Form 1 here.

On separate pages, using this Form, the Tenderer or JVCA partners are requested to list all contracts of

 a similar magnitude of value, as specified in the TDS; and

 a similar nature and complexity, as described in the TDS;
 undertaken by them during the period stated in the TDS.

Please specify the role of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner in these contracts.

In addition, the experience in undertaking the specific works listed in the TDS shall be demonstrated.

Use a separate sheet for each partner of a JVCA.

The information is to be summarised for each contract completed or under execution by the Tenderer or by
each partner of a JVCA.


[State the name of the Tenderer]

Time for com-
Value in
Contracts Status2 Role3 Similarity4 pletion Notes5
[specify currency]
1. Name of contract

2. Name of contract

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

2 The following abbreviation shall be used: C - completed, O - ongoing.

3 The following abbreviation shall be used: MC - main contractor, LP - lead partner in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, P - partner
in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, or SC - subcontractor.
4 The following abbreviation shall be used: M - similar magnitude, N - similar nature, C - similar complexity.
The Tenderers may use a composite abbreviation (for example MNC, which means that the stated contract is of similar magnitude,
nature and complexity.
5 The Tenderer may list specialised works/ supplies specific contractual data required for particular operations, listed in the TDS; or
make any comments in respect of the contracts.

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[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf] here.

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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8 Specific Experience Form 2 here.


In case of a JVCA the summary information shall be provided in the following format:

[State the name of the Tenderer]

Time for com-
Value in
Contracts Status6 Role7 Similarity8 pletion Notes9
[specify currency]
Lead partner

1. Name of contract

2. Name of contract

3. Name of contract


1. Name of contract

2. Name of contract

3. Name of contract


1. Name of contract

2. Name of contract

3. Name of contract

6 The following abbreviation shall be used: C – completed, O - ongoing, or P - pending award.

7 The following abbreviation shall be used: MC - main contractor, LP - lead partner in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, P - partner
in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, or SC - subcontractor.
8 The following abbreviation shall be used: M - similar magnitude, N - similar nature, C - similar complexity.
The Tenderers may use a composite abbreviation (for example MNC, which means that the stated contract is of similar magnitude,
nature and complexity.
9 The Tenderer may list specialised works/ supplies specific contractual data required for particular operations, listed in the TDS; or
make any comments in respect of the contracts.

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Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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9 Specific Experience Form 3

[State the name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

Use a separate sheet for each contract.

1. Name of contract: [insert the contract name]

Country: [insert the country, where the contract was implemented]

2. Name of the client: [insert the name of the Employer/ the Purchaser]

Address of the client: [insert the address of the Employer/ the Purchaser]

4. Nature of contract and special details relevant to the Contract for which the Tenderer wishes to

[insert a brief description of the works/ supplies showing that they were of a similar magnitude and/
or nature and complexity]

5. Contractor’s role:

[Main contractor, or Lead Partner in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, or Partner in a JVCA, acting
as a main contractor, or Subcontractor]

6. Value of the contract/ partner’s share/ subcontract10:

Contract currency: [insert value]

Equivalent value in [state currency]: [insert value]

7. Date of award: [insert the date]

8. Date of completion (Planned date for completion for the ongoing contracts): [insert the date]

9. Contract/subcontract duration (months): [insert duration]

10. Specific works/ supplies: [list the specific works, volumes and/ or work rates]

The Tenderer should insert any specific contractual data required for particular operations, listed in the Post-
Qualification Requirements with regard to expected construction/ production rates for the key construction
activities for the Contract.

10 In the specified currencies at completion, or at the date of signing for ongoing contracts, using the exchange rates, set by [state
the bank] on these dates.

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Signature in the capacity of here.

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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10 Information Request Consent

Date: [insert the date]

To: [name and address of the client]


Being duly authorised to represent and act on behalf of [insert the Tenderer’s or a JVCA partner’s name] (here-
inafter “the Tenderer”) the undersigned hereby applies to be qualified by [insert the Client’s name] (hereinaf-
ter “the Client”) as a Contractor for a contract under the [name] project.

Hereby we authorise the Client and the Client’s authorised representatives to conduct any inquiries to verify
the statements and information submitted in connection with our tender, and to seek clarification regarding
any technical aspects of our tender

Please consider this letter as authorisation for you to provide such information deemed necessary and as re-
quested by the Client to verify statements and information provided in our tender, such as our resources,
experience, and competence.

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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11 Personnel Capability Form here.

For specific positions listed in the Post-Qualification Requirements essential to contract implementation, Ten-
derers should provide the names of at least two candidates qualified to meet the specified requirements
stated for each position.

A brief CV and data on their experience should be supplied in separate sheets using the Candidate Summary
Form for each candidate.

[State the name of the Tenderer]


In similar
Total work experi- As manager of similar
Position Name works
ence (years) works (years)
Project Manager

Prime candidate

Alternate candidate

Chief Designer

Prime candidate

Alternate candidate

Site Manager for construc-

tion phase

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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12 Candidate Summary Form

[State the name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

Position: [state position] Candidate: [state Prime or Alternate]

Candidate in- Name of candidate: Date of birth:

formation [insert the name] [insert the date of birth]

Professional qualifications:
[list professional qualification relevant to the Contract and the proposed position]

Present em- Name of the employer:

ployment [insert the employer’s name]

Address of the employer:

[insert the employer’s address]

Job title of candidate: Years with the present employer:

[insert the current job title] [insert the number of years]

Telephone: Contact:
[insert phone number] [name manager or personnel officer]

Fax: E-mail:
[insert fax number] [insert e-mail address]

Summary of the professional education and training:

From To Institution/ Courses

Summary of the professional experience over the last 10 years, in reverse chronological order is provided

Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the Contract.

From To Company/ Project/ Position/ Relevant technical and management experience

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Signature in the capacity of here.

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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13 Equipment Capacity Form 1 here.

The Tenderer shall provide adequate information to demonstrate that it has the capability to meet the re-
quirements for all items of equipment listed in the Post-Qualification Requirements.

A separate form shall be prepared for each item of equipment listed in the Post-Qualification Requirements,
or for alternative equipment proposed by the Tenderer.

[State the name of the Tenderer]


Equipment type and

Number Model Capacity Source11

1.Crane truck

2.High capacity concrete mixer

3.Survey equipment

4. Pick ups 4x4

5. Test equipment

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

11 The following abbreviation shall be used: O - owned, R - rented, L- leased, SM - specially manufactured.

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14 Equipment Capacity Form 2 here.

[State the name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

Item of equipment: [insert the title of the equipment, as per the Post-Qualification Requirements]

Equipment infor- Name of manufacturer: Model:

mation [insert the name of manufacturer] [state model]

Capacity or power rating Year of manufacture:

[state capacity or power rating] [insert the year of manufacture]

Current status Current location: [state the location]

Current commitments: [state the current commitments and their expiration/ valid-

Type of access12 [insert the type]

Owner13 Name of owner: [insert the name]

Address of owner:
[insert the address]

Telephone: Contact name and title:

[insert the phone number] [insert the contact person details]

Fax: E-mail:
[insert the fax number] [insert the e-mail address]

Agreements Details of rental/ lease/ manufacture agreements specific to the Contract

[specify the brief details of the agreement with regard to the equipment]

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

12 The following abbreviation shall be used: O - owned, R - rented, L- leased, SM - specially manufactured.
13 Omit the following information for equipment owned by the Tenderer or a JVCA partner.

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15 Manufacturing Capacity Form here.

The Tenderer shall provide adequate information to demonstrate that it has the capability to meet the re-
quirements for all items of equipment listed in the Post-Qualification Requirements.

A separate form shall be submitted – Manufacturer Authorisation Form (see above) prepared for each item.

[State the name of the Tenderer]


Manufacturing lines and characteristics Number Brief description Capacity Source14




Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

14 The following abbreviation shall be used: O - owned, R - rented, L- leased, C - contracted.

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16 Financial Position Form here.

Tenderers, including each partner of a JVCA, should provide financial information to demonstrate that they
meet the requirements stated in the Post-Qualification Requirements.

Each Tenderer or JVCA partner must complete this form.

Use separate sheets to provide complete information with regard to the banks.

Summary of assets and liabilities shall be expressed in its equivalent of the currency, as stated in the Post-
Qualification Requirements.

Based upon known commitments, summarise projected assets and liabilities in the equivalent of the currency
stated in the Post-Qualification Requirements, converted based on the exchange rate as of the date of publi-
cation of the Invitation for Prequalification, as set by [state the bank] for the next two years, unless the with-
holding of such information is justified by the Tenderer to the satisfaction of the Client.

[State the name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

Annual Financial Data

Financial information Actual for previous years Projected for the next
two years
A. In [state currency] [year] [year] [year] [year] [year] [year] [year]
1. Total assets

2. Current assets

3. Total liabilities

4. Current liabilities

5. Profits before

6. Profits after taxes

Exchange rates
B. In [state currency] equivalent [For Ex [For Ex For Ex rate] [For Ex [For Ex For Ex rate] [For Ex
rate] rate] rate] rate] rate]
1. Total assets

2. Current assets

3. Total liabilities

4. Current liabilities

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Financial information Actual for previous years Projected for the next
two years
5. Profits before

6. Profits after taxes

Hereby we are enclosing copies of the balance sheets for the time period specified in the Post-Qualification
Requirements supported by audit statements [or tax returns/ acceptance by the tax authorities].

We propose to use the following sources of financing to meet the cash flow demands of the Contract, specified
in the Post-Qualification Requirements:
Contract Financing Data
Source of financing Amount Currency Exchange rate Equivalent in [currency]

The Tenderer shall use the exchange rate as of the date of publication of the Invitation for Prequalification.

Please find below information on the name and address of our bank(s):

Bank Name of bank:

[insert the name of the bank]

Address of bank:
[insert the address of the bank]

Telephone: Contact name and title:

[insert the phone number] [insert the contact person details]

Fax: E-mail:
[insert the fax number] [insert the e-mail address]

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

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For and on behalf of here.

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

A copy of the balance sheets should be attached supported by audit statements or tax returns/ acceptance by
the tax authorities.

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

In case of a JVCA the summary information shall be provided.


JVCA Partners Names of all partners of a JVCA Contribution towards the

Contract financing
1. Lead partner

2. Partner

3. Partner


Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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17 Bank Information Request Consent here.

Date: [insert the date]

To: [name and address of the bank]


Being duly authorised to represent and act on behalf of [insert the Tenderer’s or a JVCA partner’s name] (here-
inafter “the Tenderer”) the undersigned hereby applies to be qualified by [insert the Client’s name] (hereinaf-
ter “the Client”) as a Contractor for a contract under the [name] project.

Hereby we authorise the Client and the Client’s authorised representatives to conduct any inquiries to verify
with you the statements, documents and information submitted in connection with our tender, and to seek
clarification from you regarding our financial position.

Please consider this letter as authorisation for you to provide such information deemed necessary and as re-
quested by the Client to verify statements and information provided in our tender.

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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18 Non Performance History Form here.

Tenderers, including each of the partners of a JVCA, should provide information on any current and past liti-
gation and/ or arbitration (with an indication of the matters in dispute, the parties involved, the amounts in
dispute and the outcome, where available) resulting from contracts completed or under execution by the
Tenderer over the period of time stated in the Post-Qualification Requirements.

A separate sheet should be completed for each partner of a JVCA.

Litigation History

Year Contract Parties in- Cause of litigation or mat- Disputed amount [state Outcome of the dispute/
volved ter in dispute currency] equivalent15 litigation16

Tenderers, including each of the partners of a JVCA, should provide information on any current and past ter-
mination of contracts (with an indication of the causes of the termination and the parties involved) completed
or under execution by the Tenderer over the period of time stated in the Post-Qualification Requirements.

A separate sheet should be completed for each partner of a JVCA.

Termination History

Year Contract Parties involved Cause of termination

Signature in the capacity of

15 The exchange rate for conversion of the disputed amount shall be the one set by [state the bank] on the date of the dispute/
litigation notification/ registration.
16 The following abbreviation shall be used: F - dispute/ litigation was resolved in favour of the Tenderer, A - the decision on dispute/
litigation was against the Tenderer, or P - dispute/ litigation is still in progress.

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Place, Date: here.

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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19 Debarment Declaration Form here.

Tenderers, including each of the partners of a JVCA, should provide a declaration that they have not been
debarred or suspended from contracting activities as a matter of law or official regulation or been determined
to be engaged in prohibited practices as defined in the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules.

A separate sheet should be completed for each partner of a JVCA.

Where the Tenderer or a partner in a JVCA is unable to certify any of the statements in this declaration, such
party shall provide an explanation as to its position.

Date: [insert the date]

To: [name and address of the client]


Being duly authorised to represent and act on behalf of [insert the Tenderer’s or a JVCA partner’s name], the
undersigned hereby declare that that neither we nor our principals are presently debarred, suspended, pro-
posed for disbarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in contracting activities,
or been determined to be engaged in prohibited practices as defined in the EBRD Procurement Policies and

The undersigned declare that the statement made is true and correct in every detail.

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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20 Current Contract Commitments and Pending Award Forms here.

Tenderers and each partner to a JVCA should provide information on their current commitments under all
contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for
contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified completion certificate has yet to be issued.

A separate sheet should be completed for each partner of a JVCA.

[State the name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

Contracts Value in [specify Status Value of out- Time for com- Estimated time Notes
currency] standing works pletion left to comple-
in [specify cur- (months) tion (months)
1. Name of contract

2. Name of contract

3. Name of contract

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or a JVCA partner]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or a JVCA partner, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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21 Subcontractors Information Form here.

Where the Tenderer proposes to use subcontractors for critical or specialised components of the works, or for
works in excess of the percentage of the value of the whole works, as stated in the Post-Qualification Require-
ments, the information on the specific experience of the subcontractors relevant to the works involved should
also be supplied, in order to show that the subcontractors are meeting qualification requirements pro rata to
the level of their involvement.

A separate sheet should be completed for each subcontractor.


[State the name of the Tenderer]

Subcontracts Proportion in per- Subcontractor Notes17
1. Works

2. Specialised works

3. Activities

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf]

[Letterhead of the subcontractor, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

17 The Tenderer may make any comments with respect to the subcontracts or subcontractors.

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22 Subcontractors Information Form Specific Experience here.

On separate pages, using this Form, the subcontractors are requested to list all contracts of

 (a) a similar magnitude of value, as specified in the Post-Qualification Requirements; and

 (b) a similar nature and complexity, as described in the Post-Qualification Requirements;

undertaken by them during the period stated in the Post-Qualification Requirements.

Please specify the role of the subcontractors in these contracts.

Use a separate sheet for each subcontractor.

The information is to be summarised for each contract completed or under execution by the subcontractor.


[State the name of the subcontractor], who is proposed as a subcontractor to [state the name of the Tenderer]
to undertake [list the works/ supplies] for the Contract under [state the project name] project:
Contracts Value in Status18 Role19 Similarity20 Time for com- Notes21
[specify currency] pletion
1. Name of contract

2. Name of contract

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

18 The following abbreviation shall be used: C - completed, O - ongoing.

19 The following abbreviation shall be used: MC - main contractor, LP - lead partner in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, P - partner
in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, or SC - subcontractor.
20 The following abbreviation shall be used: M - similar magnitude, N - similar nature, C - similar complexity.
The Tenderers may use a composite abbreviation (for example MNC, which means that the stated contract is of similar magnitude,
nature and complexity.
21 The Tenderer may list specialised works/ supplies specific contractual data required for particular operations, listed in the Post-
Qualification Requirements; or make any comments with respect to the contracts.

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For and on behalf of

[name of the Subcontractor]

[Letterhead of the subcontractor, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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23 Subcontractor Specific Experience Form here.

[State the name of the subcontractor]

Use a separate sheet for each contract.

1. Name of contract: [insert the contract name]

Country: [insert the country, where the contract was implemented]

2. Name of the client: [insert the name of the Employer/ the Purchaser]

Address of the client: [insert the address of the Employer/ the Purchaser]

4. Nature of contract and special details relevant to the Contract for which the Tenderer wishes to

[insert a brief description of the works/ supplies showing that they were of a similar magnitude and/
or nature and complexity]

5. Contractor’s role:

[Main contractor, or Lead Partner in a JVCA, acting as a main contractor, or Partner in a JVCA, acting
as a main contractor, or Subcontractor]

6. Value of the contract/ partner’s share/ subcontract22:

Contract currency: [insert value]

Equivalent value in [state currency]: [insert value]

7. Date of award: [insert the date]

8. Date of completion (Planned date for completion of the ongoing contracts): [insert the date]

9. Contract/ subcontract duration (months): [insert duration]

10. Specific works/ supplies: [list the specific works, volumes and/ or work rates]

The subcontractor should insert any specific contractual data required for particular operations for the works/
supplies he is planned to undertake under the Contract.

Signature in the capacity of

22 In the specified currencies at completion, or at the date of signing for ongoing contracts, using the exchange rates, set by [state
the bank] on these dates.

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Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Subcontractor]

[Letterhead of the subcontractor, including full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and
e-mail address]

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24 Information Request Consent here.

Date: [insert the date]

To: [name and address of the client]


Being duly authorised to represent and act on behalf of [insert the subcontractor’s name] (hereinafter “the
Subcontractor to the Tenderer”) the undersigned hereby was proposed to act as a subcontractor to [insert the
Tenderer’s name], who applied to be qualified by [insert the Client’s name] (hereinafter “the Client”) as a
Contractor for a contract under the [name] project.

Hereby we authorise the Client and the Client’s authorised representatives to conduct any inquiries to verify
with you the statements and information submitted in connection with our role in the application, and to seek
clarification from you regarding any technical aspects of our cooperation.

Please consider this letter as authorisation you to provide such information deemed necessary and as re-
quested by the Client to verify statements and information provided in the Tenderer’s submission with regard
to our resources, experience, and competence.

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Subcontractor]

[Letterhead of the Tenderer, or the partner of a JVCA authorised to act for and on its behalf, including full
postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address]

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25 JVCA Form here.

If the Tender is submitted by a JVCA the following form shall be enclosed.

Date: [insert the date]

To: [name and address of the client]


We confirm that this Tender, as well as any resulting Contract, will be:

signed so as to legally bind all partners, jointly and severally; and

submitted with a signed JVCA agreement substantially in accordance with the JVCA details outlined in our
Tender and providing joint and several liability of all partners to the you for the performance of the Contract,
in the event the contract is awarded to us. The JVCA agreement will name the leader of the JVCA, who shall
have authority to bind the JVCA and each of these persons. The agreement will include the provision that JVCA
composition or legal status shall not alter without your prior consent.

The anticipated details of the participation of each party of the JVCA, including contribution and cost/ profit
sharing agreements, are provided below. We also specify the financial commitment in terms of the percentage
of the value of the Contract, and the responsibilities for execution of the Contract:
JVCA Partners Names of all part- Responsibilities Participation Cost/ profit Contribution to-
ners of the JVCA share share wards the Con-
tract financing
1. Lead partner

2. Partner

3. Partner

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

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For and on behalf of here.

[name of the lead partner of the JVCA]

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of a partner of the JVCA]

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of a partner of the JVCA]

A copy of a preliminary JVCA agreement or a letter of intent signed by all partners to the JVCA shall be en-

[Letterhead of the Tenderer’s Parent Company]

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26 Sample Parent Company Form Guarantee here.

If the Tenderer for the purposes of qualification wants to use the references of his parent company, he shall
support his application with the parent company’s unconditional guarantee of due performance of all the
contractor’s/ supplier’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract.

Date: [insert the date]

To: [name and address of the client]


Re: [specify the Contract]

We have been informed that [insert the Tenderer’s name] (hereinafter called the “Tenderer”) is submitting an
Tender and to be qualified by yourselves as a Contractor for the above Contract in response to your invitation,
and that the conditions of your invitation require his application to be supported by a parent company guar-

In consideration of you, the Client, qualifying the Tenderer for the Contract, and in case the Contract is
awarded to the Tenderer, we [name of the Parent Company] irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to
you, as a primary obligation, the due performance of all the Tenderer’s obligations and liabilities under the
Contract, including the Tenderer’s compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent
and meaning.

If the Tenderer fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with the Contract, we will indem-
nify the Client against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which
arise from any such failure for which the Tenderer is liable to the Client under the Contract.

This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes into full force and effect. If the
Contract does not come into full force and effect within a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demon-
strate that you do not intend to enter the Contract with the Tenderer, this guarantee shall be void and inef-

This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or varied by the Client and the
Tenderer from time to time. We hereby authorise them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due
performance of which and compliance with which by the Tenderer are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our
obligations and liabilities under this guarantee shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other in-
dulgence whatsoever by the Client to the Tenderer, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be exe-
cuted under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Tenderer or the
Client, or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge or consent.

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This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governshere.
the Contract and any dispute under this guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the
International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. We
confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of
the Contract.

Signature in the capacity of

Place, Date:

For and on behalf of

[name of the Tenderer’s Parent Company]

27 Sustainability Standards
27.1 Form QSC – Quality Management Certification

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number]

Description Information

Identification of the certificate __[insert full name of the certificate]_

First award date __[insert day, month, year of first certificate award]_

Last update of the certificate __[insert day, month, year of latest renewal, if any]_

Issuers Name: __[insert full name]___

Address: __[insert street / number / town or city / country]__

Telephone/fax number __[insert phone/fax no., incl. country & city area codes]__

E-mail: __[insert e-mail address, if available]__

Compliance with international standards The certificate is ISO 9001:

 Yes /  No

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If no, proof of conformity with ISO 9001 __[the Applicant shall provide a conformity assessment of itshere. cer-
by the Applicant tificate by an internationally recognized Accredited Certification
Body to demonstrate conformity with the reference certifi-

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27.2 Form ENV – Environmental Management Certification here.

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number]

Description Information
Identification of the certificate __[insert full name of the certificate]_

First award date __[insert day, month, year of first certificate award]_

Last update of the certificate __[insert day, month, year of latest renewal, if any]_

Issuers Name: __[insert full name]___

Address: __[insert street / number / town or city / country]__

Telephone/fax number __[insert phone/fax no., incl. country & city area codes]__

E-mail: __[insert e-mail address, if available]__

Compliance with international standards The certificate is ISO 14001:

 Yes /  No

If no, proof of conformity with ISO 14001 __[the Applicant shall provide a conformity assessment of its cer-
by the Applicant tificate by an internationally recognized Accredited Certification
Body to demonstrate conformity with the reference certifi-

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27.3 Form ENV – Environmental Management Capacity here.

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number]

Questions and required documentation/evidence to verify implementation and integration into the
policy and business processes
Description Information
1 Did the Applicant develop a written en- __[Please provide relevant evidence]__
vironmental policy incorporated in the
company’s set of corporate values?
2 Who has overall responsibility in the Ap- __[Provide details of the organizational set-up and proce-
plicant’s company for environmental is- dures for environmental issues within your company, in-
sues? cluding qualification details of relevant key staff]__
3 Does the Applicant’s company regularly __[Please provide details or samples of such reviews or
carry out reviews, risk assessments or audits]__
audits related to environmental issues?
4 How does the Applicant take care of pri- __[Please describe how you make them aware and how
mary suppliers and subcontractors in or- you monitor and assess them]__
der to align them with the company’s
environmental management system?
5 Does the Applicant have procedures to __[Please provide supporting evidence like emergency
respond to and mitigate the impacts of manuals (index only), emergency procedures, etc.]__
any emergencies or events that may
harm the environment?

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27.4 Form OHAS – Health and Safety Certification here.

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number]

Description Information

Identification of the certificate __[insert full name of the certificate]_

First award date __[insert day, month, year of first certificate award]_

Last update of the certificate __[insert day, month, year of latest renewal, if any]_

Issuers Name: __[insert full name]___

Address: __[insert street / number / town or city / country]__

Telephone/fax number __[insert phone/fax no., incl. country & city area codes]__
E-mail: __[insert e-mail address, if available]__

Compliance with international standards The certificate is OHSAS 18001:

 Yes /  No

If no, proof of conformity with OHSAS __[the Applicant shall provide a conformity assessment of its
18001 by the Applicant certificate by an internationally recognized Accredited
Certification Body to demonstrate conformity with the reference

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27.5 Form OHAS – Health and Safety Capacity here.

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number]

Questions and required documentation/evidence to verify implementation and integration into the
policy and business processes
Description Information
1 Does the Applicant have a written health __[If so, please provide the policy statement or the index
& safety policy? of the health & safety manual or other relevant docu-
2 Who is responsible within the Appli- __[Please provide details of the organizational set-up and
cant’s company for health & safety is- staffing for monitoring and auditing of health & safety
sues? procedures, including qualification details of relevant key
3 In which way the Applicant monitors and __[Please provide details or samples of such reviews or
audits health & safety issues within the audits, including figures on fatalities, major injuries, ill-
company and especially on construction ness, etc. at least for the last 3 years]__
4 In which way the Applicant ensures that __[Please describe how you make them aware and how
subcontractors or temporary workforce you monitor the observance of these provisions]__
a) are aware of and b) respect health &
safety instructions by the company?
5 Does the company have programs to __[Please describe the program with supporting evi-
fight against the spread of communica- dence]__
ble diseases (incl. HIV/AIDS)?

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27.6 Form COC – Code of Conduct here.

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number]

Questions and required documentation/evidence to verify implementation and integration into the
policy and business processes
Description Information
1 Declaration on the respect of ILO core la- __[Referring to the Application Submission Sheet (f) the
bour standards23 in business opera- Applicant reaffirms (by ticking explicitly) the respect of
tions. the following core labour standards

▪ Freedom of Association
▪ Forced Labour
▪ Discrimination
▪ Child Labour

in all business operations.]__

2 Ethical business principles of the Appli- __[Provide written information and evidence on business
cant in the form of a Code of Conduct or principles (conflict of interest, bribery, corruption, bid-
similar. rigging, unfair competition, insider rules, confidentiality,
money-laundering, etc.)]__
3 Who is responsible within the Applicant __[Please provide details of the organizational set-up and
to monitor the respect of core labour staffing of the relevant department, including qualifica-
standards and business principles? tion details of relevant key staff]__
4 In which way the Applicant takes care of __[Please describe how you make them aware and en-
primary subcontractors and suppliers in sure the observance of these provisions by subcontrac-
order to respect the Code of Conduct of tors and suppliers (only primary suppliers/subcontractors
the company? on which the firm has a significant influence)]__
5 Existing mechanisms for external and in- __[Please describe the mechanism and the offered re-
ternal persons wishing to report cases of porting channels ]__
breach of the Code of Conduct under an-
onymity (whistle-blower protection,
ombudsman, etc.)?

27.7 Form LOC – Local Content

[Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

23 See relevant ILO conventions C087, C098, C029, C105, C100, C111, C138, C182, details here

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IFP No.: [insert Invitation for Prequalification number] here.

Questions and required documentation/evidence to verify implementation and integration into the
policy and business processes
Description Information
1 How does the Applicant integrate local __[Provide a concept how local content (supplies, ser-
content into projects to foster local mar- vices, etc.) in general is integrated in similar projects, in-
kets? cluding a provisional percentage of local content for this
project. The focus is on development of local markets.
Provide additional evidence by successfully executed pro-
jects with local content]__
2 Knowhow transfer to local workers, __[Please provide a provisional concept of know how
counterparts and/or local partners to in- transfer for the envisaged project. This should be accom-
crease sustainable project operation in panied by examples of successfully implemented know
the future. how transfer in other projects]__
3 Effects of working sites, storage areas, __[Please provide a provisional concept which informs on
access roads and worker camps on the site and camp operation, local community involvement,
surrounding environment. security and access control, treatment of waste, transport
and logistics, etc. and measures to reduce or eliminate ad-
verse effects to a minimum]__
4 Relationship and interaction between __[Provide a concept how this relationship has been man-
the Applicants on-site workforce and the aged in former contracts.]__
surrounding local communities.


The concepts to be presented here are provisional and provide an opportunity for the Applicant to demon-
strate his general ability to foster local market development and to minimise adverse effects during project
implementation. However, depending on the needs of the project the Applicant will be required to present
with its bid binding concepts adopted to the requirements of the project which should basically be in line with
the concepts presented here.

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E. Price Schedules

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Table of Content for Section

Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 9,Book to the text
that you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
Überschrift 9,Book to the text that you want to appear here.

1 Price Sheets ....................................................................................................................................................... E-3

1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. E-3
1.2 Pricing ............................................................................................................................................................... E-3
1.3 Country of Origin Declaration Form ................................................................................................................. E-4

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1 Price Sheets
1.1 General

All the price sheets shall be stamped and signed by the Bidder.

The quantities provided in the attached schedules are for bidding purposes only and will need to be adjusted
as necessary following approval of the Contractor’s design.

The quantities given in the schedules of prices are provisional and are given to provide a common basis for
contract. The basis for payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered and carried out.

The Price Schedules are divided into separate Schedules as follows:

Schedule No. 1 Plant and Mandatory Spare Parts Supplied from Abroad

Schedule No. 2 Plant and Mandatory Spare Parts Supplied from Within the Employer’s Country

Schedule No. 3 Design Services

Schedule No. 4 Installation and Miscellaneous Services

Schedule No. 4-1 Miscellaneous and Day Works - Installation and Miscellaneous Services

Schedule No. 5 Grand Summary

Schedule No. 6 Recommended Spares and Tools

Schedule No. 7 Environmental and Social Impacts Mitigation Measures

The Schedules do not generally give a full description of the plant and equipment to be supplied and the ser-
vices to be performed under each item. Bidders shall be deemed to have read the Technical Specifications and
other sections of the bidding documents and reviewed the Drawings to ascertain the full scope of the require-
ments included in each item prior to filling in the rates and prices. The entered rates and prices shall be
deemed to include for the full scope as aforesaid, including overheads and profit.

If bidders are unclear or uncertain as to the scope of any item, they shall seek clarification in accordance with
the Instructions to Bidders

1.2 Pricing

Prices shall be filled in indelible ink, and any alterations necessary due to errors, etc., shall be initialled by the

Bid prices shall be quoted in the manner indicated and in the currencies specified in the Instructions to Bidders
in the bidding documents.

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For each item, including items with zero quantities, bidders shall complete each appropriate column in the
respective Schedules, giving the price breakdown as indicated in the Schedules.

Prices given in the Schedules against each item shall be for the scope covered by that item as detailed in the
Technical Specifications, Drawings, or elsewhere in the bidding documents.

Where there are errors between the total of the amounts given under the column for the price breakdown
and the amount given under the Total Price, the former shall prevail and the latter will be corrected accord-

Where there are errors between the total of the amounts of Schedule Nos. 1 to 3 and the amount given in
Schedule No. 4 (Grand Summary), the former shall prevail and the latter will be corrected accordingly.

Where there are discrepancies between amounts stated in figures and amounts stated in words, the amounts
stated in words shall prevail.

The Contractor shall check the formulas given in the Excel Price Sheet Files for correctness;

Payments will be made to the Contractor in the currency or currencies indicated on the respective schedule.
A maximum of three foreign currencies shall be used and a separate schedule shall be used for each foreign

Items left blank will be deemed to have been included in other items. The TOTAL for each Schedule and the
TOTAL of the Grand Summary shall be deemed to be the total price for executing the Facilities and sections
thereof in complete accordance with the Contract, whether or not each individual item has been priced.

When requested by the Employer for the purposes of making payments or part payments, valuing variations
or evaluating claims, or for such other purposes as the Employer may reasonably require, the Contractor shall
provide the Employer with a breakdown of any composite or lump sum items included in the Schedules.

The lengths given for the overhead lines (conductors, shield wires) are the horizontal line lengths. The Bidder
shall include in his unit price the amounts for sag, jumper lengths, slag span for connection to the gantry and
all other additional lengths needed.

1.3 Country of Origin Declaration Form

Item Description Code Country

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Item Description Code Country here.

The signed and stamped price sheets are to be inserted hereafter.

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Contract No.

Lot B - 220 kV Substations

A Invitation for Bids

Vol. 1 – The Tender
B Instruction to Tenderers
C Tender Data
D Tender Forms
E Price Schedules
Vol 2 – The Contract
F FIDIC - Conditions of Contract
1 General Conditions of Contract
2 Conditions of Particular Application
3 Contract Forms
Vol 3 – The Requirements
G Scope of Works
H General Technical Requirements
I Particular Technical Specifications
J Technical Data Sheets
K Drawings and Reports

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F. FIDIC - Conditions of Contract

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Table of Content for Section

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you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
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1 General Conditions of Contract ..........................................................................................................................F-3

2 Conditions of Particular Application ...................................................................................................................F-4

2.1 Amendments of General Conditions ................................................................................................................. F-4
2.2 Environmental Guidelines for Contractors ..................................................................................................... F-20
2.3 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) .................................................................................... F-27

3 Contract Forms ................................................................................................................................................. F-28

3.1 Contract Agreement ....................................................................................................................................... F-28
3.2 Terms and Procedures of Payment ................................................................................................................. F-30
3.3 Standard Form of an Advance Payment Bond ................................................................................................ F-33
3.4 Standard Form of a Performance Bond .......................................................................................................... F-34
3.5 Failure in Guarantees and Liquidated Damages ............................................................................................ F-35

4 Annexure - Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) ..................................................................... F-36

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1 General Conditions of Contract

The General Conditions of Contract, Part 1: General Conditions, shall be those forming Part 1 of the Plant and
Design-Build Contract 1st Ed (1999 Yellow Book), ISBN: 2-88432-023-7 “Conditions of Contract for Plant &
Design-Build (First Ed, 1999).

Copies of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract can be purchased from:

FIDIC Bookshop
P.O. Box 86
CH-1000 Lausanne 12

The structure of the Clauses in the General Conditions of FIDIC is:

1 General Provisions
2 The Employer
3 The Engineer
4 The Contractor
5 Design
6 Staff and Labour
7 Plant, Materials and Workmanship
8 Commencement, Delays and Suspension
9 Tests on Completion
10 Employer’s Taking Over
11 Defects Liability
12 Tests After Completion
13 Variations and Adjustments
14 Contract Price and Payment
15 Termination by Employer
16 Suspension and Termination by Contractor
17 Risk and Responsibility
18 Insurance
19 Force Majeure
20 Claims, Disputes and Arbitration

If in the General Conditions of FIDIC reference is made to the Appendix to Tender, this is equivalent
to reference the Conditions of Particular Application

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2 Conditions of Particular Application

2.1 Amendments of General Conditions

The following "Conditions of Particular Application ", include amendments and additions to such General Con-

Clause Amendment
Sub-Clause 1.1.1 Add under "Contract" the sentence:
"The Contract requires the No-objection by the Bank for becoming eligible for any dis-
bursement under the Bank's loan/grant." Managing Director

Employer Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 24 51 145

Fax: +255 22 24 52 172 Lahmeyer International GmbH

Friedberger Strasse 173
61118 Bad Vilbel
Sub-Clause New sub-clause to be inserted after sub-clause as follows:
“Bank” means the financing institution KfW if not specified otherwise in these docu-

Sub-Clause New sub-clause to be inserted after sub-clause as follows:
“Borrower” means the person named as the borrower in these documents. Unless oth-
erwise defined in the Contract Data. 18 months starting with the Commencement Date of Works.

Time for Comple- "Commencement Date" means the date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 “Commence-
tion of the Works ment of Works.”

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Clause Amendment here.

Defects Notifica- 12 months

tion Period Sections are defined as completed ready for use sub-entities such as line sections of
medium and low voltage networks, sub-stations, communication system; the sections
Section defined before may be of type new, upgrade or rehabilitation. means the United Republic of the Tanzania
Country means the Law of the Tanzania
1.14 At the end of Sub-Clause, add:
Joint and Several
Liability If the Contractor constitutes a joint venture (consortium or other unincorporated group-
ing of two or more legal persons), he shall submit to the Employer:

 the final and binding and duly notarised Joint Venture Agreement (JVA),
 the percentage of sharing of the Work between the JVA. members,
 level of responsibility within JVA and nomination of a leader member,
 other information requested by the Employer.

The final notarised Joint Venture Agreement shall be maintained in a current form and
no changes shall be made to the J.V agreement without a prior written consent of the
Sub-Clause 1.15 New sub-clause to be inserted after sub-clause 1.14 as follows:
Inspections and
“The Contractor shall permit, and shall cause its agents (whether declared or not), sub-
Audit by the
contractors, sub-consultants, service providers, or suppliers and any personnel thereof,
to permit, the Bank and/or persons appointed by the Bank to inspect the Site and all
accounts and records relating to the performance of the Contract and the submission
of the bid, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors appointed by the
Bank if requested by the Bank. The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 15.6
[Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices] which provides, inter alia, that acts intended to mate-
rially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under
Sub-Clause 1.15 constitute a prohibited practice subject to contract termination."

Sub-Clause 2.5 Replace the first sentence of the second paragraph as follows:
The Employer's
“Notice shall be given as soon as practicable but not later than 42 days after the Em-
ployer became aware of the event or circumstances giving rise to the claim.”

2.6 Add the following Sub-Clause:

Employer’s Duties
The Employer as the operator of the networks, shall:

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Clause Amendment here.
 perform all switching operations including earthing of equipment to be de-
energized or earthed for works;
 perform all switching operations for energising equipment. Switching opera-
tions shall solely be done by authorized technicians of the Employer.
 issue the Notices of Access to Site (2.1) for project entities such as sites for
new lines, stations and rehabilitation and upgrade works

3.1 Unless the Employer notifies the Engineer in writing otherwise, the Engineer shall obtain
Engineer’s Duties the approval of the Employer before taking action under the following Sub-Clauses of the
and Authority Contract:

 Sub-Clause 8.1 - the issuing of a notice of the Commencement Date;

 Sub-Clause 8.4 - the issuing of a notification of an extension of the Time for
 Sub-Clause 8.8 - the issuing of an instruction to suspend the progress of the
Works, the effect of which is liable to give rise to a determination in accord-
ance with Sub-Clause 8.9;
 Clause 13 - any determination under the Contract to issue a Variation or ap-
prove additional payment for Variations and Adjustments;
 Sub-Clause 20.1 - any determination under the Contract of additional pay-
ment for Claims.

The Engineer shall not perform:

 Switching operations including earthing of equipment to be de-energized or

 Switching operations for energising equipment. Switching operations shall be
done by authorized technicians of the Employer.

Sub-Clause 4.2: The amount (value) of the Performance Security shall be 10% of the Contract Price.
Performance Se-

Reference is made to:

Section F “FIDIC - Conditions of Contract”, 3.4”Standard Form of a Performance Bond”

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Clause Amendment here.

4.21 At the end of Sub-Clause, add:

Progress Reports
The monthly progress report shall be presented in both machine readable electronic pdf
and hard copy paper format (number to be agreed).

In addition to the various items of monthly report required in the General Conditions,
the report shall include:

 Updated complete electronic files from the current CPM planning programme.
 Invoice history to date.
 Statement of anticipated Contract Price / Work value.
 Monthly Manpower (managerial, professional, workforce designations).
 Quality Surveillance Report.
 Import / Re-export Shipment Report.
 Plant Fabrication and Shipping Progress Report.
 Environmentantal and Social Mitigation Measures
 Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Report
 Monthly Critical Items Report.

4.3 At the end of Sub-Clause, add:

Contractor’s Rep-
resentative The Contractor’s Representative and or any competent person delegated by him shall be
fluent in the language of communications English.

4.4 At the end of Sub-Clause, add:

The number of subcontractors shall be limited to 5. The minimum volume of works shall
be 100,000 EURO per subcontractor. All subcontractors must be approved by the Engi-
neer. CV’S of the team leaders must be submitted. The subcontracted works shall not
exceed 30% of the cost of Schdedule No. 4 Installation and Miscellaneous Services.
4.9 At the end of Sub-Clause, add:
Quality Assurance
The Contractor shall be ISO 9000 compliant and this compliance shall be demonstrated
by the production of current certification every twelve months, starting one month from
the Commencement Date.
5.1 The Contractor shall co-ordinate the design of the Works, including that by its suppliers
General Design and subcontractors, and shall review, check and approve (initially) the design at all inter-
Obligation faces prior to submitting the design to the Engineer for final approval. The Contractor
shall be responsible for design faults and incorrect co-ordination of the design at inter-
faces, by himself or its suppliers and subcontractors, including any resultant additional

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Clause Amendment here.
cost of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall check for completeness of each individual plant, equipment and
system as well as for the interfaces between the systems, as described in the Specifica-
tion and shall complete them where necessary to fulfil the operational requirements un-
der the Contract.

The Tender Drawings included with the Employer’s Requirements are for tendering pur-
poses only and construction drawings issued during the course of the Contract may de-
viate from the Tender Drawings.
5.2 At the end of Sub-Clause, add:
Contractor’s Doc-
uments Contractor’s documents for review (and approval as the case may be) shall be submitted
in suitable packages reasonably allowing for Engineer’s review within the agreed review
periods. In justified cases, the Engineer shall have the right to demand for an extension,
which shall be noticed to the Contractor before expiry of the regular review period.

The Contractor shall submit documents for review/ approval such developed and quality
checked as to make not necessary several repetitions of review of the same document
by the Engineer. In this respect, the Employer reserves the right to claim for compensa-
tion by the Contractor of additional cost arising from review repetitions of any document
beyond the second submittal for review of the same document.
6. Staff Clause 6 is replaced entirely as follows:
and Labour
6.1 Engage- Except as otherwise stated in the Specification, the Contractor shall make arrangements
ment of Staff and for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or otherwise, and for their payment,
Labour feeding, transport, and, when appropriate, housing.

The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ staff
and labour with appropriate qualifications and experience from sources within the

6.2 Rates of The Contractor shall pay rates of wages, and observe conditions of labour, which are
Wages and Con- not lower than those established for the trade or industry where the work is carried out.
ditions of Labour If no established rates or conditions are applicable, the Contractor shall pay rates of
wages and observe conditions which are not lower than the general level of wages and
conditions observed locally by employers whose trade or industry is similar to that of
the Contractor.

The Contractor shall inform the Contractor’s Personnel about their liability to pay per-
sonal income taxes in the Country in respect of such of their salaries, wages, allowances
and any benefits as are subject to tax under the Laws of the Country for the time being
in force, and the Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to such deductions
thereof as may be imposed on him by such Laws.

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Clause Amendment here.
6.3 Persons The Contractor shall not recruit, or attempt to recruit, staff and labour from amongst
in the Service of the Employer’s Personnel.

6.4 Labour The Contractor shall comply with all the relevant labour Laws applicable to the Contrac-
Laws tor’s Personnel, including Laws relating to their employment, health, safety, welfare,
immigration and emigration, and shall allow them all their legal rights.

The Contractor shall require his employees to obey all applicable Laws, including those
concerning safety at work.

6.5 Working No work shall be carried out on the Site on locally recognised days of rest, or outside
Hours the normal working hours stated in the Contract Data, unless:

 otherwise stated in the Contract,

 the Engineer gives consent, or
 the work is unavoidable, or necessary for the protection of life or property
or for the safety of the Works, in which case the Contractor shall immedi-
ately advise the Engineer.

6.6 Facilities Except as otherwise stated in the Specification, the Contractor shall provide and main-
for Staff and La- tain all necessary accommodation and welfare facilities for the Contractor’s Personnel.
bour The Contractor shall also provide facilities for the Employer’s Personnel as stated in the

The Contractor shall not permit any of the Contractor’s Personnel to maintain any tem-
porary or permanent living quarters within the structures forming part of the Perma-
nent Works.

6.7 Health The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to maintain the health
and Safety and safety of the Contractor’s Personnel. In collaboration with local health authorities,
the Contractor shall ensure that medical staff, first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance
service are available at all times at the Site and at any accommodation for Contractor’s
and Employer’s Personnel, and that suitable arrangements are made for all necessary
welfare and hygiene requirements and for the prevention of epidemics.

The Contractor shall appoint an accident prevention officer at the Site, responsible for
maintaining safety and protection against accidents. This person shall be qualified for
this responsibility, and shall have the authority to issue instructions and take protective
measures to prevent accidents. Throughout the execution of the Works, the Contractor
shall provide whatever is required by this person to exercise this responsibility and au-

The Contractor shall send, to the Engineer, details of any accident as soon as practicable
after its occurrence. The Contractor shall maintain records and make reports concerning
health, safety and welfare of persons, and damage to property, as the Engineer may
reasonably require.

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Clause Amendment here.
HIV-AIDS Prevention. The Contractor shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness programme
via an approved service provider, and shall undertake such other measures as are spec-
ified in this Contract to reduce the risk of the transfer of the HIV virus between and
among the Contractor’s Personnel and the local community, to promote early diagnosis
and to assist affected individuals.

The Contractor shall throughout the contract (including the Defects Notification Period):
(i) conduct Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaigns, at least every
other month, addressed to all the Site staff and labour (including all the Contractor's
employees, all Subcontractors and any other Contractor’s or Employer’s personnel em-
ployees, and all truck drivers and crew making deliveries to Site for construction activi-
ties) and to the immediate local communities, concerning the risks, dangers and impact,
and appropriate avoidance behaviour with respect to, of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(STD) - or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in general and HIV/AIDS in particular; (ii)
provide male or female condoms for all Site staff and labour as appropriate; and (iii)
provide for STI and HIV/AIDS screening, diagnosis, counselling and referral to a dedi-
cated national STI and HIV/AIDS programme, (unless otherwise agreed) of all Site staff
and labour.

The Contractor shall include in the programme to be submitted for the execution of the
Works under Sub-Clause 8.3 an alleviation programme for Site staff and labour and their
families in respect of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Sexually Transmitted Dis-
eases (STD) including HIV/AIDS. The STI, STD and HIV/AIDS alleviation programme shall
indicate when, how and at what cost the Contractor plans to satisfy the requirements
of this Sub-Clause and the related specification. For each component, the programme
shall detail the resources to be provided or utilised and any related sub-contracting pro-
posed. The programme shall also include provision of a detailed cost estimate with sup-
porting documentation. Payment to the Contractor for preparation and implementation
this programme shall not exceed the Provisional Sum dedicated for this purpose.

6.8 Contrac- Throughout the execution of the Works, and as long thereafter as is necessary to fulfil
tor’s Superin- the Contractor’s obligations, the Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence
tendence to plan, arrange, direct, manage, inspect, and test the work.

Superintendence shall be given by a sufficient number of persons having adequate

knowledge of the language for communications (defined in Sub-Clause 1.4 [Law and
Language]) and of the operations to be carried out (including the methods and tech-
niques required, the hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing acci-
dents), for the satisfactory and safe execution of the Works.

6.9 Contrac- The Contractor’s Personnel shall be appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in
tor’s Personnel their respective trades or occupations. The Engineer may require the Contractor to re-
move (or cause to be removed) any person employed on the Site or Works, including
the Contractor’s Representative if applicable, who:

 persists in any misconduct or lack of care,

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Clause Amendment here.
 carries out duties incompetently or negligently,
 fails to conform with any provisions of the Contract, or
 persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety, health, or the protec-
tion of the environment.

If appropriate, the Contractor shall then appoint (or cause to be appointed) a suitable
replacement person.

6.10 Records The Contractor shall submit, to the Engineer, details showing the number of each class
of Contractor’s of Contractor’s Personnel and of each type of Contractor’s Equipment on the Site. De-
Personnel and tails shall be submitted each calendar month, in a form approved by the Engineer, until
Equipment the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the comple-
tion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.

6.11 Disor- The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful,
derly Conduct riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst the Contractor’s Personnel, and to preserve
peace and protection of persons and property on and near the Site.

6.12 Foreign The Contractor may bring in to the Country any foreign personnel who are necessary for
Personnel the execution of the Works to the extent allowed by the applicable Laws. The Contractor
shall ensure that these personnel are provided with the required residence visas and
work permits. The Employer will, if requested by the Contractor, use his best endeav-
ours in a timely and expeditious manner to assist the Contractor in obtaining any local,
state, national or government permission required for bringing in the Contractor’s per-

The Contractor shall be responsible for the return of these personnel to the place where
they were recruited or to their domicile. In the event of the death in the Country of any
of these personnel or members of their families, the Contractor shall similarly be re-
sponsible for making the appropriate arrangements for their return or burial.

6.13 Supply of The Contractor shall arrange for the provision of a sufficient supply of suitable food as
Foodstuffs may be stated in the Specification at reasonable prices for the Contractor’s Personnel
for the purposes of or in connection with the Contract.

6.14 Supply of The Contractor shall, having regard to local conditions, provide on the Site an adequate
Water supply of drinking and other water for the use of the Contractor’s Personnel.

6.15 The Contractor shall at all times take the necessary precautions to protect the Contrac-
Measure tor’s Personnel employed on the Site from insect and pest nuisance, and to reduce the
s against Insect danger to their health. The Contractor shall comply with all the regulations of the local
and Pest Nui- health authorities, including use of appropriate insecticide.

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Clause Amendment here.
6.16 Alcoholic The Contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the Laws of the Country,
Liquor or Drugs import, sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor or drugs, or permit
or allow importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal thereof by Contractor's Personnel.

6.17 Arms The Contractor shall not give, barter, or otherwise dispose of, to any person, any arms
and Ammunition or ammunition of any kind, or allow Contractor's Personnel to do so.

6.18 Festivals The Contractor shall respect the Country's recognized festivals, days of rest and religious
and Religious or other customs.

6.19 Funeral The Contractor shall be responsible, to the extent required by local regulations, for mak-
Arrange-ments ing any funeral arrangements for any of his local employees who may die while engaged
upon the Works.

6.20 Prohibi- The Contractor shall not employ forced labour, which consists of any work or service,
tion of Forced or not voluntarily performed, that is exacted from an individual under threat of force or
Compulsory La- penalty, and includes any kind of involuntary or compulsory labour, such as indentured
bour labour, bonded labour or similar labour-contracting arrangements.

6.21 Prohibi- The Contractor shall not employ children in a manner that is economically exploitative,
tion of Harmful or is likely to be hazardous, or to interfere with, the child’s education, or to be harmful
Child Labour to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development. Where
the relevant labour laws of the Country have provisions for employment of minors, the
Contractor shall follow those laws applicable to the Contractor. Children below the age
of 18 years shall not be employed in dangerous work.

6.22 Employ- The Contractor shall keep complete and accurate records of the employment of labour
ment Records of at the Site. The records shall include the names, ages, genders, hours worked and wages
Workers paid to all workers. These records shall be summarized on a monthly basis and submit-
ted to the Engineer. These records shall be included in the details to be submitted by
the Contractor under Sub-Clause 6.10 [Records of Contractor’s Personnel and Equip-

6.23 Workers’ In countries where the relevant labour laws recognise workers’ rights to form and to
Organisations join workers’ organisations of their choosing without interference and to bargain collec-
tively, the Contractor shall comply with such laws. Where the relevant labour laws sub-
stantially restrict workers’ organisations, the Contractor shall enable alternative means
for the Contractor’s Personnel to express their grievances and protect their rights re-
garding working conditions and terms of employment. In either case described above,
and where the relevant labour laws are silent, the Contractor shall not discourage the
Contractor’s Personnel from forming or joining workers’ organisations of their choosing
or from bargaining collectively, and shall not discriminate or retaliate against the Con-
tractor’s Personnel who participate, or seek to participate, in such organisations and
bargain collectively. The Contractor shall engage with such workers’ representatives.
Workers’ organisations are expected to fairly represent the workers in the workforce.

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Clause Amendment here.
8.13 Add Clause
Site Meetings
The Engineer shall summon all parties concerned to the first Site Meeting where he shall
decide upon the future meetings.

It is the duty of the Contractor’s Representative to participate in the Site Meetings.

The purpose of the Site Meetings is to coordinate the various work components with the
Contractor, to register the time in relation to the Programme and to record agreements

The minutes of the Site Meetings shall be numbered consecutively. Minutes shall be
deemed to have been received by the Contractor unless the Contractor gives notice at
the following meeting that the minutes were not received.

Any objections to the minutes of a Site Meeting shall be raised at the succeeding Site
Meeting or presented to the Engineer in writing not later than 2 weeks after the meeting.

If the Contractor at this time has not received the minutes of the Site Meeting, the ob-
jection must be given in writing to the Engineer not later than 2 working days after the
subsequent receipt of the said minutes.

Agreements recorded in the minutes of the Site Meetings are binding on all parties

The period for site meetings shall be one month. The meetings shall be mandatory in-
volve all stakeholders.

Taking Over of the
Works and Sec- Taking Over Certificates may be issued for completed entities of works.
11.12 Add Clause
Contractor to
Supply during the The Contractor shall be responsible to supply the spares required during the Defects No-
Defects Notifica- tification Period. The Contractor may utilize the spares of the Employer, provided that
tion Period the Contractor replaces such spares within a 1-month period afterwards. The Contractor
shall ensure that all spares used during the Defects Notification are replaced by the end
of the defects and liability period.
13.8 The unit rates of the Contract are fixed for the whole Time for Completion and Defects
Adjustments for Notification Period and shall not be subject to adjustments.
Changes in Cost
14.1 Substitute Sub-Item (a):
The Contract
Price The contract price is a ceiling amount based on the quantities and unit prices of the Price

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Clause Amendment here.
Sheets attached to the Contract.

The Employer reserves the right to vary the quantities of the price sheets during the first
12 months and to adapt the Contract Amount accordingly by application of the tendered
unit rates, provided that this variation in quantities shall be within the limits of 80% to
120% .
14.1 Add to Sub-Item (b): Taxes and Duties
The Contract Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Contract, Contractor shall be responsible
Price for and shall pay at its own expense when due and payable:

 all taxes and charges applied by governments outside Tanzania excluding VAT
and WHT,
 any taxes levied by the Government of Tanzania related to any employee of
the Contractor, and
 any other taxes of whatever nature levied by the government of Tanzania in
relation to the Works, including but not limited to all excise, storage, con-
sumption and use taxes, licenses, permit and registration fees, income,
profit, Corporate tax, Income tax on Contractor or their personnel, excess
profit, franchise and personal property taxes and all employment taxes and
contributions imposed by Applicable Laws or trade union contracts, including
without limitation, taxes and contributions for unemployment and compen-
sation insurance, old age benefits, welfare funds, pensions and annuities, dis-
ability insurance and similar items, except as stated in Sub-Clause 13.7.
 The Contract is exempted of VAT and Withholding Tax of Tanzania (Employer
shall provide relevant supporting documents from Tax Authorities prior to
Commencement of Works).

Sub-Clause 14.2
Advance Pay-
Reference is made to:

Section F “FIDIC - Conditions of Contract”, 3.3 “Standard Form of an Advance Payment


14.3 Terms of Payment

Application for In-
terim Payment Schedule No. 1. Plant and Equipment Supplied from Abroad
In respect of plant and equipment supplied from abroad, the following payments shall
14.4 be made:

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Clause Amendment here.
Schedule of Pay-
 Ten percent (10%) of the total CIP amount as an advance payment against
receipt of invoice and an irrevocable advance payment security for the equiv-
alent amount made out in favor of the Employer. The advance payment se-
curity may be reduced in proportion to the value of the plant and equipment,
subject to receipt of proper application as requested.
 Eighty percent (80%) of the total or pro rata CIP amount upon Incoterm “CIP”,
upon delivery to the carrier after receipt of proper application as requested.
 Ten percent (10%) upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate after instal-
lation and testing and subject to receipt of proper application as requested.

However, the previous payments shall be made at the latest 24 months after the date of
shipment in the case where the shipment is prevented due to reasons beyond the Con-
tractor’s control and indeed also beyond the Employer’s control.

Schedule No. 2. Plant and Equipment Supplied from within the Employer’s

In respect of plant and equipment supplied from within the Employer’s country, the fol-
lowing payments shall be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total EXW amount as an advance payment against
receipt of invoice, and an irrevocable advance payment security for the
equivalent amount made out in favor of the Employer. The advance payment
security may be reduced in proportion to the value of the plant and equip-
ment delivered to the site, and subject to receipt of proper application as
 Eighty percent (80%) of the total or pro rata EXW amount upon Incoterm “Ex-
Works,” upon delivery to the carrier after receipt of requested documents.
 Ten percent (10%) upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate after instal-
lation and testing and subject to receipt of proper application as requested.

Schedule No. 3. Design Services

In respect of design services for both the foreign currency and the local currency por-
tions, the following payments shall be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total design services amount as an advance pay-
ment against receipt of invoice, and an irrevocable advance payment security
for the equivalent amount made out in favor of the Employer.
 Ninety percent (90%) of the total or pro rata design services amount upon
acceptance of design in accordance with GC Clause 20 by the Project Man-
ager and subject to receipt of proper application.

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Clause Amendment here.
Schedule No. 4. Installation Services

In respect of installation services for both the foreign and local currency portions, the
following payments shall be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total installation services amount as an advance

payment against receipt of invoice, and an irrevocable advance payment se-
curity for the equivalent amount made out in favor of the Employer. The ad-
vance payment security may be reduced in proportion to the value of work
performed by the Contractor as evidenced by the invoices for installation ser-
vices and subject to receipt of proper application as requested.
 Eighty percent (80%) of the measured value of work performed by the Con-
tractor, as identified in the said Program of Performance, during the preced-
ing month, as evidenced by the Employer’s authorization of the Contractor’s
application and subject to receipt of proper application
 Ten percent (10%) of the total or pro rata value of installation services per-
formed by the Contractor as evidenced by the Employer’s authorization of
the Contractor’s monthly applications, upon issue of the Taking Over Certifi-

Attachments to the invoices

Schedule No. 1. Plant and Equipment Supplied from Abroad

In respect of plant and equipment supplied from abroad, the following attachments for
each invoice are required:

Substantiating Information:
Substantiating information may include, but shall not be limited to:

 Delivery notes to site, duly accepted by the Engineer

 Customs clearance certificates
 Packing lists
 Progress reports

Sub-Clause 14.9 In the fifth paragraph, delete first sentence and replace by the sentence
Payment of Re-
tention Money "Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, when the Taking-Over Certificate
has been issued for the Works, and the first half of the Retention Money has been cer-
tified for payment by the Engineer, the Contractor may substitute a guarantee issued
by a reputable bank or financial institution selected by the Contractor and requiring the
Bank's non-objection, for the second half of the Retention Money. The guarantee for

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Clause Amendment here.
the release of the Retention Money has to be acceptable in form and substance to the

The Retention Money Guarantee shall include the following two sentences:

"In the event of any claim under this Security/Bond/Guarantee, payment shall be ef-
fected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main, BIC: KFWIDEFF, account IBAN:
DE53 5002 0400 3800 0000 00, for account of the project-executing agency / Em-

“This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010
Revision, ICC Publication No. 758, except that the supporting statement under Article
15(a) is hereby excluded.”

Sub-Clause 15.6 This clause is replaced entirely as follows:

Corrupt and
Fraudulent Prac- “The Employer and the contractors, suppliers or consultants must observe the highest
tices standard of ethics during contract procurement and performance.

The bidders and contractors, suppliers and consultants shall sign a Declaration of Un-
dertaking as attached to these Particular Conditions and will permit the Bank to inspect
their accounts and records relating to the procurement and performance of the Bank-
financed contracts, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

The Bank shall have the right to take any action it deems appropriate to check that these
ethics rules are observed and reserves, in particular, the rights to:

 reject a proposal for a contract award if it is established that during the se-
lection process the bidder that is recommended for the award has been con-
victed of corruption, directly or by means of an agent, or has engaged in
fraud or anti-competitive practices in view of being awarded the Contract;
 declare misprocurement when it is established that, at any time, the Em-
ployer, the contractor, the supplier, the consultant or its representatives
have engaged in acts of corruption, fraud or anti-competitive practices dur-
ing the contract procurement or performance without the Employer having
taken appropriate action in due time satisfactory to the Bank to remedy the
situation, including by failing to inform the Bank at the time they knew of
such practices.

For the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below are defined as follows:

 Corruption of a public officer means:

▪ the act of promising, offering or giving to a public officer, directly or in-

directly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for another per-
son or entity, for such public officer to act or refrain from acting in his
official capacity; or

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Clause Amendment here.
▪ the act by which a public officer solicits or accepts, directly or indirectly,
an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for another person or en-
tity, for such public officer to act or refrain from acting in his official ca-

 A "public officer" shall be construed as meaning

▪ any person who holds a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial

mandate (within the State of the Employer) regardless of whether that
person was nominated or elected, regardless of the permanent or tem-
porary, paid or unpaid nature of the position and regardless of the hier-
archical level the person occupies;
▪ any other person who performs a public function, including for a State
institution or a State-owned company, or who provides a public service;
▪ any other person defined as a public officer by the national laws of the

 Corruption of a private person means:

▪ the act of promising, offering or giving to any person other than a public
officer, directly or indirectly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself
or for another person or entity, for such person to perform or refrain
from performing any act in breach of its legal, contractual or professional
obligations; or
▪ the act by which any person other than a public officer solicits or accepts,
directly or indirectly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for
another person or entity, for such person to perform or refrain from per-
forming any act in breach of its legal, contractual or professional obliga-

 Fraud means any dishonest conduct (act or omission), whether or not it con-
stitutes a criminal offence, deliberately intended to deceive others, to inten-
tionally conceal items, to violate or vitiate consent, to circumvent legal or
regulatory requirements and/or to violate internal rules in order to obtain
illegitimate benefits.
 Anti-competitive practices mean:

▪ any concerted or implied practices which have as their object or effect

the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within a market-
place, especially where they (i) limit access to the marketplace or free
exercise of competition by other undertakings, (ii) prevent free, compe-
tition-driven price determination by artificially causing price increases or
decreases, (iii) restrict or control production, markets, investments or
technical progress; or (iv) divide up market shares or sources of supply.

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Clause Amendment here.
▪ any abuse by one undertaking or a group of undertakings which hold a
dominant position on an internal market or on a substantial part of it.
▪ any practice whereby prices are quoted or set unreasonably low, the ob-
ject of which is to eliminate an undertaking or any of its products from a
market or to prevent it from entering the market

Sub-Clause 16.1 At the end of the second paragraph add the sentence:
Contractor's En-
"The Bank has no legal obligations towards the Contractor and is not obliged to inform
titlement to Sus-
the Contractor about suspension of disbursements or any other circumstances or con-
pend Work

19.1 Including waiting time related to non-access to sites

Definition of Rainy season, as a periodic event, is not Force Majeure

Force Majeure
20.2 Add at the end of item 6:
Appointment of
the Dispute Adju- The Appointing Authority for Adjudicator shall be National Construction Council.
dication Board
The cost of the DAB will be shared. The cost of the DAB member chosen by the Employer
will be borne by the Employer, the cost of the DAB member chosen by the Contractor
will borne by the Contractor and the cost of the DAB chairman shall be equally shared by
both parties.

The form of payment will be negotiated with the DAB members in accordance with the
FIDIC guidelines. For the shared payment for the chairman it is expected that payment
will be based on a monthly retainer plus fees and expenses for actual input when needed,
and not on a permanent basis.
Sub-Clause: 20.3
Failure to Agree
Add at the end of the first sentence of the last paragraph after the words "of the DAB"
Dispute Adjudi-
the words "out of the international or related national lists of certified adjudicators"
cation Board

20.6 The place in which arbitration will be conducted is Dar es Salaam

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2.2 Environmental Guidelines for Contractors here.

2.2.1 General

Consistent with economy and efficiency in the execution of the project, the Contractor must prevent, mini-
mize, or mitigate environmental damage during all erection activities. The natural landscape should be pre-
served to the extent possible by conducting operations in a manner that will prevent unnecessary destruction
or scarring of the natural surroundings. Except where required for permanent works, storing and processing
areas and camps, all trees, saplings, and shrubbery should be protected from unnecessary damage by Con-
tractor's operations. After unavoidable damage, relocating, replanting, or restoration are required promptly
to prevent further damage (e.g., erosion), and to restore quasi-original conditions where appropriate.

The Contractor's facilities, such as warehouses, labour camps, and storage areas, should be planned in advance
to decide what the area will look like upon completion of work. These facilities should be located so as to
preserve the natural environment (such as trees and other vegetation) to the maximum extent possible. After
project completion, camps and buildings should either serve as permanent residences and form future com-
munities, if such use can be foreseen, or be torn down and the area restored to its quasi-original condition in
order to avoid deterioration into shanty-areas.

The Contractor shall comply with any specific Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the works he is re-
sponsible for. The Contractor shall inform himself about such an EMP, and prepare his work strategy and plan
to fully take into account relevant provisions of that EMP. If the Contractor fails to implement the approved
EMP after written instruction by the Employer/ Engineer to fulfil his obligation within the requested time, the
Employer/ Engineer reserves the right to arrange for execution of the missing action by a third party on ac-
count of the Contractor.

Notwithstanding the Contractor’s obligation under the above clause, the Contractor shall implement all
measures necessary to avoid undesirable adverse environmental and social impacts wherever possible, re-
store work sites to acceptable standards, and abide by any environmental performance requirements speci-
fied in an EMP. In general, these measures shall include but not be limited to:

 Minimize the effect of dust on the surrounding environment resulting from earth mixing sites, asphalt
mixing sites, dispersing coal ashes, vibrating equipment, temporary access roads, etc. to ensure safety,
health and the protection of workers and communities living in the vicinity dust producing activities.
 Ensure that noise levels emanating from machinery, vehicles and noisy construction activities (e.g. exca-
vation, blasting) are kept at a minimum for the safety, health and protection of workers within the vicinity
of high noise levels and nearby communities.
 Ensure that existing water flow regimes in rivers, streams, and other natural or irrigation channels is main-
tained and/or re-established where they are disrupted due to works being carried out.
 Prevent bitumen, oils, lubricants and waste water used or produced during the execution of works from
entering into rivers, streams, irrigation channels and other natural water bodies/reservoirs, and also en-
sure that stagnant water in uncovered borrow pits is treated in the best way to avoid creating possible
breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
 Prevent and minimize the impacts of quarrying, earth borrowing, piling, and building of temporary con-
struction camps and access roads on the biophysical environment including protected areas and arable

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lands; local communities and their settlements. In as much as possible restore/rehabilitate all sites to ac-
ceptable standards.
 Upon discovery of ancient heritage, relics or anything that might or believed to be of archaeological or
historical importance during the execution of works, immediately report such findings to the Employer/
Engineer so that the appropriate authorities may be expeditiously contacted for fulfillment of the
measures aimed at protecting such historical or archaeological resources.
 Discourage construction workers from engaging in the exploitation of natural resources such as hunting,
fishing, and collection of forest products or any other activity that might have a negative impact on the
social and economic welfare of the local communities.
 Implement soil erosion control measures in order to avoid surface run off and prevents siltation, etc.
 Ensure that garbage, sanitation and drinking water facilities are provided in construction workers camps.
 Ensure that, in as much as possible, local materials are used to avoid importation of foreign material and
long distance transportation.
 Ensure public safety, and meet traffic safety requirements for the operation of work to avoid accidents.
 Ensure not to recruit children below the age of 16 years for the works he is responsible for.
 Ensure to pay daily rates of reasonable amount for the daily labourers depending on their skills.

The Contractor shall indicate the period within which he shall maintain status on site after completion of civil
works to ensure that significant adverse impacts arising from such works have been appropriately addressed.

The Contractor shall adhere to the proposed activity of the implementation schedule and the monitoring plan
/ strategy to ensure effective feedback of monitoring information to project management so that impact man-
agement can be implemented properly, and if necessary, adapt to changing and unforeseen conditions.

Besides the regular inspection of the sites by Employer/ Engineer for adherence to the contract conditions and
specifications, the Employer may appoint an Inspector to oversee the compliance with these environmental
conditions and any proposed mitigation measures. State environmental authorities may carry out similar in-
spection duties. In all cases, as directed by Employer/ Engineer, the Contractor shall comply with directives
from such inspectors to implement measures required to ensure the adequacy rehabilitation measures carried
out on the bio-physical environment and compensation for socio-economic disruption resulting from imple-
mentation of any works.

Transformers or equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or PCB contaminated oil should not
be installed, and existing equipment involving PCBs or PCB contaminated oil should be phased out and dis-
posed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of the host country.

Processes, equipment and central cooling systems involving the use or potential release to the environment
of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), including halon, should not be installed, and their use in existing processes and
systems should be phased-out and disposed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of the host coun-

The public shall be informed of intended roadwork activities, including likely dates for commencement and
completion of the works. Warning signs shall be erected indicating the intended works planned.

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2.2.2 Worksite and Campsite Waste Management here.

All vessels (drums, containers, bags, etc.) containing oil/fuel/surfacing materials and other hazardous chemi-
cals shall be bundled in order to contain spillage. All waste containers, litter, and any other waste generated
during the construction shall be collected and disposed off at designated disposal sites in line with applicable
government waste management regulations.

All drainage and effluent from storage areas, workshops, and camp sites shall be captured and treated before
being discharged into the drainage system in line with applicable government water pollution control regula-

Used oil from maintenance shall be collected and disposed off appropriately at designated sites or be re-used
or sold for re-use locally.

Entry of runoff to the site shall be restricted by constructing diversion channels or holding structures such as
banks, drains, etc. to reduce the potential of soil erosion and water pollution.

Construction waste shall not be left in stockpiles along the road, but removed and reused or disposed of on a
daily basis.

The disposal sites for spoiled materials shall be located in areas, approved by Employer/ Engineer, of low land
use value and where they will not result in material being easily washed into drainage channels. Whenever
possible, spoiled materials should be placed in low-lying areas and should be compacted and planted with
species indigenous to the locality.

2.2.3 Material Excavation and Deposit

The Contractor shall obtain appropriate licenses/permits from relevant authorities to operate quarries or bor-
row areas.

The location of quarries and borrow areas shall be subject to approval by relevant local and national authori-
ties, including traditional authorities if the land on which the quarry or borrow areas fall in traditional land.

New extraction sites shall:

 not be located in the vicinity of settlement areas, cultural sites, wetlands or any other valued ecosystem
component, or on high or steep ground or in areas of high scenic value, and shall not be located less than
5km from such areas;
 not be located adjacent to stream channels wherever possible to avoid silting to river channels. Where
they are located near water sources, borrow pits and perimeter drains shall surround quarry sites;
 not be located in archaeological areas. Excavations in the vicinity of such areas shall proceed with great
care and shall be done in the presence of government authorities having a mandate for their protection;
 not be located in forest reserves. However, where there are no other alternatives, permission shall be
obtained from the appropriate authorities and an environmental impact study shall be conducted;
 be easily rehabilitated. Areas with minimal vegetation cover such as flat and bare ground, or areas covered
with grass only or covered with shrubs less than 1.5 m in height, are preferred.
 have clearly demarcated and marked boundaries to minimize vegetation clearing.

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Vegetation clearing shall be restricted to the area required for safe operation of construction work. Vegetation here.
clearing shall not be done more than two months in advance of operations.

Stockpile areas shall be located in areas where trees can act as buffers to prevent dust pollution. Perimeter
drains shall be built around stockpile areas. Sediment and other pollutant traps shall be located at drainage
exits from workings.

The Contractor shall deposit any excess material in accordance with the principles of the general conditions,
and any applicable EMP, in areas approved by local authorities and/or the Employer/ Engineer.

Areas for depositing hazardous materials such as contaminated liquid and solid materials shall be approved
by Employer/ Engineer and appropriate local and/or national authorities before the commencement of work.
Use of existing, approved sites shall be preferred over the establishment of new sites.

2.2.4 Rehabilitation and Soil Erosion Prevention

To the extent practicable, the Contractor shall:

 rehabilitate the site progressively so that the rate of rehabilitation is similar to the rate of construction;
 always remove and retain topsoil for subsequent rehabilitation. Soils not be stripped when they are wet
as this can lead to soil compaction and loss of structure;
 not store the top-soil in large heaps. Low mounds of no more than 1m to 2m high are recommended;
 re-vegetate stockpiles to protect the soil from erosion, discourage weeds and maintain an active popula-
tion of beneficial soil microbes;
 locate stockpiles where they will not be disturbed by future construction activities;
 reinstate natural drainage patterns where they have been altered or impaired;
 remove toxic materials and dispose of them in designated sites. Excavated areas be backfilled with soils
or overburden that is free of foreign material that could pollute groundwater and soil;
 Identify potentially toxic overburden and screen with suitable material to prevent mobilization of toxins;
 ensure reshaped land is formed so as to be inherently stable, adequately drained and suitable for the
desired long-term land use, and allow natural regeneration of vegetation;
 minimize the long-term visual impact by creating landforms that are compatible with the adjacent land-
 minimize erosion by wind and water both during and after the process of reinstatement;
 compact the surfaces deep rip to relieve compaction unless subsurface conditions dictate otherwise;
 shall re-vegetate with plant species that will control erosion, provide vegetative diversity and, through
succession, contribute to a resilient ecosystem. The choice of plant species for rehabilitation shall be done
in consultation with local research institutions, forest department, and the local people;

2.2.5 Water Resources Management

 The Contractor shall at all costs avoid conflicting with water demands of local communities.
 Abstraction of both surface and underground water shall only be done with the consultation of the local
community and after obtaining a permit from the relevant Water Authority.

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 Abstraction of water from wetlands shall be avoided. Where necessary, permission has to be obtained here.
from relevant authorities.
 Temporary damming of streams and rivers shall be done in such a way to avoid disrupting water supplies
to communities down stream, and maintains the ecological balance of the river system.
 No construction water containing spoils or site effluent, especially cement and oil, shall be allowed to flow
into natural water drainage courses.
 Wash water from washing out of equipment shall not be discharged into water courses or road drains.
 Site spoils and temporary stockpiles shall be located away from the drainage system, and surface run off
shall be directed away from stockpiles to prevent erosion.
 The contractor shall install water-conserving automatic taps and toilets. Moreover any water leaks
through damaged pipes and faulty taps will be fixed promptly by qualified staff within the construction
workers camps, warehouses and storage areas or sites. In addition project workers shall be sensitized on
the efficient use of water.

2.2.6 Traffic Management

Location of access roads/detours shall be done in consultation with the local community especially in im-
portant or sensitive environments. Access roads shall not traverse wetland areas.

Upon the completion of civil works, all access roads shall be ripped and rehabilitated.

Access roads shall be sprinkled with water at least five times a day in settled areas, and three times in unsettled
areas, to suppress dust emissions.

2.2.7 Blasting

Blasting activities shall not take place less than 2km from settlement areas, cultural sites, or wetlands without
the permission of Employer/ Engineer.

Blasting activities shall be done during working hours, and local communities shall be consulted on the pro-
posed blasting times.

 Ambient noise levels reaching the communities from blasting and other activities shall not exceed 55 db
in the daytime and 45 db in the night times.

2.2.8 Disposal of Unusable Elements

Unusable materials and construction elements such as electro-mechanical equipment, pipes, accessories, and
demolished structures will be disposed off in a manner approved by Employer/ Engineer. The Contractor has
to agree with Employer/ Engineer which elements are to be surrendered to the Employer’s premises, which
will be recycled or reused, and which will be disposed off at approved landfill sites.

As far as possible, abandoned pipelines shall remain in place. Where for any reason no alternative alignment
for the new pipeline is possible, the old pipes shall be safely removed and stored at a safe place to be agreed
upon with Employer/ Engineer and the local authorities concerned.

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AC-pipes as well as broken parts thereof have to be treated as hazardous material and disposed of as specifiedhere.

Unsuitable and demolished elements shall be dismantled to a size fitting on ordinary trucks for transport.

2.2.9 Health and Safety

In advance of the construction work, the Contractor shall mount an awareness and hygiene campaign. Work-
ers and local residents shall be sensitized on health risks particularly of AIDS.

Adequate road signs to warn pedestrians and motorists of construction activities, diversions, etc. shall be pro-
vided at appropriate points.

Construction vehicles shall not exceed maximum speed limit of 40km per hour.

The Contractor must ensure that his construction crew are equipped with the necessary safety materials (hel-
mets, gloves, boots, etc.).

Adequate first aid facilities shall be provided at all sites where construction activities are being undertaken
and a Safety Officer shall be appointed who has first aid training and a knowledge of safety regulations.

2.2.10 Repair of Private Property

Should the Contractor, deliberately or accidentally, damage private property, he shall repair the property to
the owner's satisfaction and at his own cost. For each repair, the Contractor shall obtain from the Owner a
certificate that the damage has been made good satisfactorily in order to indemnify the Employer from sub-
sequent claims.

In cases where compensation for inconveniences, damage of crops etc. are claimed by the owner, the Em-
ployer has to be informed by the Contractor. This compensation is in general settled under the responsibility
of the Employer before signing the Contract. In unforeseeable cases, the respective administrative entities of
the Employer will take care of compensation.

2.2.11 Contractor’s Environment, Health and Safety Management Plan

Within 6 weeks of signing the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare an EHS-MP to ensure the adequate man-
agement of the health, safety, environmental and social aspects of the works, including implementation of the
requirements of these general conditions and any specific requirements of an EMP for the works. The Con-
tractor’s EHS-MP will serve two main purposes:

 For the Contractor:, as an internal use, to ensure that all measures are in place for adequate EHS manage-
ment, and as an operational manual for his staff.
 For the Employer:, supported where necessary by an Engineer, to ensure that the Contractor is fully pre-
pared for the adequate management of the EHS aspects of the project, and as a basis for monitoring of
the Contractor’s EHS performance.

The Contractor’s EHS-MP shall provide at least:

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 a description of procedures and methods for complying with these general environmental management here.
conditions, and any specific conditions specified in an EMP;
 a description of specific mitigation measures that will be implemented in order to minimize adverse im-
 a description of all planned monitoring activities (e.g. sediment discharges from borrow areas) and the
reporting thereof; and the internal organizational, management and reporting mechanisms.

The Contractor’s EHS-MP will be reviewed and approved by the Employer/ Engineer before start of the works.
This review should demonstrate if the Contractor’s EHS-MP covers all of the identified impacts, and has de-
fined appropriate measures to counteract any potential impacts.

As part of the monthly progress report, the Contractor shall prepare an EHS Report on compliance with these
general conditions, the project EMP, and his own EHS-MP. It is expected that the Contractor’s reports shall
include information on but not limited to:

 EHS management actions/measures taken, including approvals sought from local or national authorities;
 Problems encountered in relation to EHS aspects (incidents, including delays, cost consequences, etc. as a
result thereof);
 Lack of compliance with contract requirements on the part of the Contractor;
 Changes of assumptions, conditions, measures, designs and actual works in relation to EHS aspects; and
 Observations, concerns raised and/or decisions taken with regard to EHS management during site meet-

It is advisable that reporting of significant EHS incidents be done “as soon as practicable”. Such incident re-
porting shall therefore be done individually. Also, it is advisable that the Contractor keep his own records on
health, safety, and welfare of persons, and damage to property. It is advisable to include such records, as well
as copies of incident reports, as appendixes to the monthly reports. Example formats for an incident notifica-
tion and detailed report are given below. Details of EHS performance will be reported to the Employer and

2.2.12 Training of Contractor’s Personnel

The Contractor shall provide sufficient training to his own personnel to ensure that they are all aware of the
relevant aspects of these general conditions, any project EMP, and his own EHS-MP, and are able to fulfil their
expected roles and functions. Specific training should be provided to those employees that have particular
responsibilities associated with the implementation of the EHS-MP. General topics should include:

 EHS in general (working procedures);

 emergency procedures; and
 Social and cultural aspects (awareness raising on social issues).

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2.2.13 Cost of Compliance here.

It is expected that compliance with these conditions is already part of standard good workmanship and state
of art as generally required under this Contract. The item “Compliance with Environmental Management Con-
ditions” in the Bill of Quantities covers this cost. No other payments will be made to the Contractor for com-
pliance with any request to avoid and/or mitigate an avoidable EHS impact.

2.2.14 Compliance with Relevant Tanzanian Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks

The Contractor shall be expected to comply with various regulations and legislations that have been developed
by the Tanzanian Government in order to safeguard the environment. There are also other institutions and
departments which deal with environmental issues in Tanzania. Some of the key institutions include the Na-
tional Environment Management Council ( NEMC, the Tanzania Forests Services (TFS), and Tanzania Wildlife
Services (TWS) among others. The Contractor shall work with them so as to attain the required standards
which have been set.

2.2.15 Fire Risk Reduction

During the construction phase the workers’ camps, warehouses and storage areas or sites for the project shall
contain firefighting

equipment of recommended standards and placed in key strategic points all over the proposed project site
of the workers’ camps, warehouses, and storage areas/sites.

They include:

 Fire pumps
 Hydrants
 Sprinklers/water spray systems
 Hose reels
 Dry chemical systems
 Carbon dioxide systems
 Detection/alarm systems
 Portable fire extinguishers among others.

A fire evacuation plan shall be posted in various points of the workers’ camps, warehouses, and storage ar-
eas/sites including procedures to take when a fire is reported. All workers must be trained on fire management
and fire drills shall be undertaken regularly.

2.3 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

A copy of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is given in 4 « Annexure - Environmental
and Social Management Plan (ESMP)» to this chapter (F FIDIC - Conditions of Contract).

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ESMP complies to national legislation and standards as well as to WB/IFC EHS Guidelines and Sector Specific here.
EHS Guidelines for Power Transmission and Distribution as well as with “Guidelines on Incorporating Human
Rights Standards and Principles, Including Gender, in Programme Proposals for Bilateral German Technical and
Financial Cooperation”, with ILO Core Labor Conventions and IFC PS 2 (Labor and Working Conditions).

3 Contract Forms
3.1 Contract Agreement

This Agreement made the day of xx.xx.2017

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd

Umeme Park Building
Between Ubungo, Morogoro Road
P.O.Box 9024
Dar es Salaam
(hereinafter called "the Employer") of the one part



(hereinafter called "the Contractor") of the other part

Whereas the Employer desires that the Works known as………………………………… should be executed by the
Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion of these Works
and the remedying of any defects therein,

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The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows: here.

In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them
in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.

The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement:

 The Letter of Acceptance dated………….

 The Letter of Tender dated…………..
 The Addenda nos…………
 The Conditions of Contract
 The Employer's Requirements
 The completed Schedules, and
 The Contractor's Proposal.

In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned,
the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to design, execute and complete the Works and remedy
any defects therein, in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.

The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor, in consideration of the execution and completion of
the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price at the times and in the manner pre-
scribed by the Contract.

In Witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first
before written in accordance with their respective laws.

Signed by: Signed by:

for and on behalf of the Employer And on behalf of the Contractor in the presence

Of: Of:

Witness: Witness:

Name: Name:

Address: Address:

Date: Date:

Whereas the Employer desires that the Works known as………………………………… should be executed by the
Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion of these Works
and the remedying of any defects therein,

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3.2 Terms and Procedures of Payment here.

Reference is made to the clause 14 of F “FIDIC - Conditions of Contract”.

In accordance with the provisions of GC Clause 14 (Contract Price and Payment), the Employer shall pay the
Contractor in the following manner and at the following times, on the basis of the Price Breakdown given in
the section on Price Schedules. Payments will be made in the currencies quoted by the Bidder unless otherwise
agreed between the Parties. Applications for payment in respect of part deliveries may be made by the Con-
tractor as work proceeds.

3.2.1 Schedule No. 1. Plant and Equipment Supplied from Abroad

In respect of plant and equipment supplied from abroad, the following payments shall be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total CIP amount as an advance payment against receipt of invoice and an irrev-
ocable advance payment security for the equivalent amount made out in favor of the Employer. The ad-
vance payment security may be reduced in proportion to the value of the plant and equipment, subject to
receipt of proper application as requested.
 Eighty percent (80%) of the total or pro rata CIP amount upon Incoterm “CIP”, upon delivery to the carrier
after receipt of proper application as requested.
 Ten percent (10%) upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate after installation and testing and subject
to receipt of proper application as requested.

However, the previous payments shall be made at the latest 24 months after the date of shipment in the case
where the shipment is prevented due to reasons beyond the Contractor’s control and indeed also beyond the
Employer’s control.

3.2.2 Schedule No. 2. Plant and Equipment Supplied from within the Employer’s Country

In respect of plant and equipment supplied from within the Employer’s country, the following payments shall
be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total EXW amount as an advance payment against receipt of invoice, and an
irrevocable advance payment security for the equivalent amount made out in favor of the Employer. The
advance payment security may be reduced in proportion to the value of the plant and equipment deliv-
ered to the site, and subject to receipt of proper application as requested.
 Eighty percent (80%) of the total or pro rata EXW amount upon Incoterm “Ex-Works” upon delivery to the
carrier after receipt of requested documents.
 Ten percent (10%) upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate after installation and testing and subject
to receipt of proper application as requested.

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3.2.3 Schedule No. 3. Design Services here.

In respect of design services for both the foreign currency and the local currency portions, the following pay-
ments shall be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total design services amount as an advance payment against receipt of invoice,
and an irrevocable advance payment security for the equivalent amount made out in favor of the Em-
 Ninety percent (90%) of the total or pro rata design services amount upon acceptance of design in accord-
ance with GC Clause 5 by the Project Manager and subject to receipt of proper application.

3.2.4 Schedule No. 4. Installation Services

In respect of installation services for both the foreign and local currency portions, the following payments shall
be made:

 Ten percent (10%) of the total installation services amount as an advance payment against receipt of in-
voice, and an irrevocable advance payment security for the equivalent amount made out in favor of the
Employer. The advance payment security may be reduced in proportion to the value of work performed
by the Contractor as evidenced by the invoices for installation services and subject to receipt of proper
application as requested.
 Eighty percent (80%) of the measured value of work performed by the Contractor, as identified in the said
Program of Performance, during the preceding month, as evidenced by the Employer’s authorization of
the Contractor’s application and subject to receipt of proper application

Ten percent (10%) of the total or pro rata value of installation services performed by the Contractor as evi-
denced by the Employer’s authorization of the Contractor’s monthly applications, upon issue of the Taking
Over Certificate.

3.2.5 Retention

 All payments in Respect of the Price of Plant and Material sent to Site and in Respect of Erection will be
subject to 5% retention until the amount retained reaches 5% of the Price. The 5% retention money will
become due when the Engineer certifies payment there-of within 30 days of expiration of the Defects
Notification Period on condition that the Contractor has satisfied all obligations of The Defects Notification


 The Contractor may submit a Bank Guarantee acceptable to KfW Entwicklungsbank for the same amount
at the start of the Defects Notification Period; the Contractor shall receive 5% at issuance of Taking over
Certificate and against this Bank Guarantee.

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3.2.6 Method of Payment here.

The Contractor shall send invoices addressed to TANESCO.

TANESCO will send KfW (Lead Financier) duly signed Withdrawal Applications.

All payments due to the Contractor to be effected after submission and approval of the relevant invoices, shall
be made on the bank accounts as indicated hereafter

Euro Account Name:

Account Number



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3.3 Standard Form of an Advance Payment Bond here.

Address of guarantor bank:

Address of beneficiary (contracting agency):

On ...................................... you concluded with ................................................. ("Contractor") a contract for

................................................................. (project, object of contract) at a price of

In accordance with the provisions of the contract the Contractor receives an advance pay-ment in the amount
of …………………….., which represents ……………… % of the order value.

We, the undersigned ……………………….. (Guarantor), waiving all objections and defences under the aforemen-
tioned contract, hereby irrevocably and independently guarantee to pay on your first written demand any
amount advanced to the Contractor up to a total of ............................................................... (in words:
................................................................................) against your written declaration that the Contractor has
failed to duly perform the aforementioned contract.

This guarantee shall come into force and effect as soon as the advance payment has been credited to the
account of the Contractor.

In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main, BIC:
KFWIDEFF, account IBAN: DE53 5002 0400 3800 0000 00, for account of ............................................... (Project-
executing agency/purchaser). If such payments are made in local currency they shall be remitted to a special
account of the Project Executing Agency in the country of the Project Executing Agency, which may be drawn
on only with the consent of KfW.

This guarantee shall expire no later than …………………………………….

By this date we must have received any claims for payment by letter or encoded telecommu-nication.

It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after payment of the total amount to be
claimed hereunder.

This guarantee is governed by the laws of ……………………….

........................................................... .................................................

Place, date Guarantor

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3.4 Standard Form of a Performance Bond here.

Address of guarantor bank:

Address of beneficiary (contracting agency):

On ...................................... you concluded with ................................................. ("Contractor") a contract for

................................................................. (project, object of contract) at a price of

In accordance with the provisions of the contract the Contractor is obligated to provide a performance bond
for … % of the contract price.

We, the undersigned ……………………….. (Guarantor), waiving all objections and defences under the aforemen-
tioned contract, hereby irrevocably and independently guarantee to pay on your first written demand an
amount up to a total of ............................................................... (in words:

against your written declaration that the Contractor has failed to duly perform the aforemen-tioned contract.

In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to KfW, Frankfurt am Main, BIC:
KFWIDEFF, account IBAN: DE53 5002 0400 3800 0000 00, for account of ............................................... (project-
executing agency/purchaser). If such payments are made in local currency they shall be remitted to a special
account of the Project Executing Agency in the country of the Project Executing Agency, which may be drawn
on only with the consent of KfW.

This guarantee shall expire no later than …………………………………….

By this date we must have received any claims for payment by letter or encoded telecommu-nication.

It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after payment of the total amount to be
claimed hereunder.

This guarantee is governed by the laws of ……………………….

........................................................... .................................................

Place, date Guarantor

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3.5 Failure in Guarantees and Liquidated Damages here.

3.5.1 Failure to Attain Guaranteed Performance Values

If the performance value of the facilities attained in the guarantee test, is less than the guaranteed figure
specified by the Contractor in his data sheets, and the Contractor elects to pay liquidated damages to the
Employer in lieu of making changes, modifications and/or additions to the Facilities. The liquidated damages
in respect of the failure to meet the functional guarantees are:

For power transformer losses, the following is applicable:

 If the no-load losses of a power transformer exceed the guaranteed value, a penalty of 10,000 Euro
for each full kW more than the guaranteed value will be de-ducted from the Contract Price.
 If the load losses (plus auxiliary power losses) of a power transformer exceed the value guaranteed,
a penalty of 5,000 Euro for each full kW more than the guaranteed value will be deducted from
the Contract Price.

For shunt reactor losses, the following is applicable:

 If the total losses of a reactor (related to the specified full reactive power out-put) exceed the
guaranteed value, a penalty of 5,000 Euro for each full kW more than the guaranteed value will be
deducted from the Contract Price.

3.5.2 Rejection at Factory Acceptance Tests

The Employer shall have the right to reject any transformer or reactor if the FAT values are in excess of the
guaranteed values by the Contractor in his offer by more than the margins specified hereunder (including the

Subject Transformers Reactors

No load losses kW + 15% -
Load losses kW (at full rated power) + 15% -
Noise level (sound pressure) + 3 dB(A) + 3 dB(A)
Harmonics +5% points 5% points

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4 Annexure - Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) here.

A copy of the Environmental Social Management Plan (ESMP) is given in 4 « Annexure - Environmental and
Social Management Plan (ESMP)» to this chapter (F FIDIC - Conditions of Contract).

ESMP complies to national legislation and standards as well as to WB/IFC EHS Guidelines and Sector Specific
EHS Guidelines for Power Transmission and Distribution as well as with “Guidelines on Incorporating Human
Rights Standards and Principles, Including Gender, in Programme Proposals for Bilateral German Technical and
Financial Cooperation”, with ILO Core Labor Conventions and IFC PS 2 (Labor and Working Conditions)..

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Contract No.

Lot B - 220 kV Substations

A Invitation for Bids

Vol. 1 – The Tender
B Instruction to Tenderers
C Tender Data
D Tender Forms
E Price Schedules
Vol 2 – The Contract
F FIDIC - Conditions of Contract
1 General Conditions of Contract
2 Conditions of Particular Application
3 Contract Forms
Vol 3 – The Requirements
G Scope of Works
H General Technical Requirements
I Particular Technical Specifications
J Technical Data Sheets
K Drawings and Reports

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G. Scope of Works

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Table of Content for Section here.

Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 9,Book to the text that
you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
Überschrift 9,Book to the text that you want to appear here.

1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. G-3

1.1 Main Works ..................................................................................................................................................... G-3
1.2 New Substation Nyakanazi .............................................................................................................................. G-3
1.3 Civil Works ....................................................................................................................................................... G-7
1.4 Option Nyakanazi 220 kV– Busbar 2 ............................................................................................................... G-8
1.5 Extension of 220 kV Substation Geita .............................................................................................................. G-9
1.6 Terminal Points and Interface with Others .................................................................................................... G-10
1.7 Specific Works and Supplies for the Lot ......................................................................................................... G-10
1.8 Factory Acceptance Tests .............................................................................................................................. G-11
1.9 Project Communication Equipment ............................................................................................................... G-12
1.10 Office Accommodation for Use of the Engineer and Employer ..................................................................... G-12
1.11 Employer’s Personnel and Engineer’s Transport ........................................................................................... G-12

2 Training ........................................................................................................................................................... G-14

2.1 Training at the Contractors Home Office ...................................................................................................... G-14
2.2 Training on Site during Construction ............................................................................................................. G-15

3 Site Pictures Nyakanazi ................................................................................................................................... G-15

3.1 Pictures .......................................................................................................................................................... G-15

4 Soil Investigations ........................................................................................................................................... G-16

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1 General
1.1 Main Works

This part of the design report covers the design, ratings, manufacture, testing, transport, delivery, erection,
unloading and storage at site, commissioning and handing over in satisfactory operating condition of the sub-
stations primary and secondary equipment.

Data and documentation supplied with the Tender Proposal shall enable the Engineer to evaluate the quota-
tion against the inquiry documents.

Each item which is obviously necessary for proper function and completion of the work is to be included in the
Tender and Contract price, whether especially specified in the Tender Documents or not.

The Switchgear shall be designed and arranged in full compliance with all applicable sections, articles and
drawings of this design report.

Interconnection of Plant with the transmission lines’ terminating circuits at the landing structure is an integral
part of the scope of Substation contracts and is to be provided for accordingly in completion of all Facilities.

1.2 New Substation Nyakanazi

1.2.1 Nyakanazi Substation Site

The substation coordinates of the plot corners as pegged on site by TANESCO by concrete and wooden markers

Datum WGS84 – Zone 36M

S/no. Remark
Point Easting Northing
1 Kbss01 301224.000 9669380.000 Substation plot-corner
2 Kbss02 301478.000 9669063.000 Substation plot-corner
3 Kbss03 301795.000 9669315.000 Substation plot-corner
4 Kbss04 301537.000 9669621.000 Substation plot-corner

 The site is located at an altitude of 1310 m above sea level.

 The size of the plot is 400 x 400 m.

1.2.2 General

The layout of the substation and orientation on the plot shall consider the final stage of the project, i.e. the
220 and 400 kV voltage levels. Orientation of the works shall be optimized in respect of the future extensions
and line bays. Access road from the public road an housing facilities are included in the scope.

The auxiliary systems (AC and DC supply, water supply, sanitary systems and sewage) shall be designed as to
allow an easy future extension. The AC and DC boards shall forsee spare space/feeders for the final stage,
i.e.220 and 400 kV voltage levels. The same is true for the layout of the technical building

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1.2.3 Scope of Works 220 kV here.

The layout for the 220 kV part is Double Busbar In-line longitudinal arrangement. Within the present project
the works will include only part of the final substation. The substation Nyakanazi will be extended in other
forth coming projects interconnecting the Great Lake Countries.

The Nyakanazi substation will have at the final extension stage 400 kV and 220 kV voltage levels. The design
in the present project will consider this future extension with space for a 400 kV level. Space for additional
bays shall be considered in the design of the 220 kV and 400 kV levels.

The layout shall consider the incoming overhead lines, transformer bays, reactor bays, and easy access to the
equipment and extension possibilities. The control building shall be located in a way to have clear view on the
outdoor equipment and the access to the area. The whole substation area shall be fenced.

Within the present project the scope of works for the 220 kV side includes:

Base Scope

Line / Bay
One line bay Geita I
One line bay Rusumo Falls
Two transformer 220/33 kV bays and transformers
One reactor bay 220 kV and reactor

Option Busbar 2

Upgrade of the base scope to a full double busbar substation

Bus bar Coupler Bay

At the final stage the 220 kV switchyard will have:

Line / Bay Coming from

One line bay Geita I South
One line bay Geita II South
One line bay Rusumo I North East
One line bay Rusumo I I North East
Two transformer 220/33 kV bays and Two -
One bus coupler bay 220 kV -
One reactor bay 220 kV and reactor
Space for 4 additional 220 kV line bays confirmed
Space for two 400/220 kV transformers -

As per planning of TANESCO the following possible future lines should be considered in the general layout and
orientation of the switchyards 220 and 400 kV on the plot.

Name Type Orientation Remark

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Kabanga Single circuit 220 kV North West In case that such supplies would be routed here.
through Nyakanazi
Kyaka Double circuit 220 kV North East In case that the regional interconnector with
Masaka Substation, UETCL, Uganda, will be
routed to Nyakanazi
Kigoma (Mbeya) Single circuit 400 kV South West Planning of TANESCO; update of feasibility
study through SWECO underway


The routing of the line coming from Masaka will be a result of the update of the Masaka-Mwanza feasibility
study which will at the earliest start in Sept. 2017.

1.2.4 Scope of Works 33 kV

The 33 kV switchgear will be of the GIS indoor type, single bus bar.

Connection to the medium voltage network will be realized by MV underground cables between the dead end
poles and the 33 kV substation cubicles.

The number of 33 kV cubicles to be installed in Nyakanazi has been defined during the site visit together with
the representatives of TANESCO as follows.

 Two station supply cubicles

 One bus-bar coupler
 Two 220/33 kV arrival cubicles
 6 equipped line feeder cubicles
 1 equipped spare feeder.

The details for the 33 kV are given in the following table.

Name of Cubicle Line Orientation Remarks

OHL Kakonko South West
OHL Biharamulo North Loop in of the existing line
OHL Nyakanazi town A South East Loop in of the existing line
OHL Nyakanazi town B South East Additional feeder for the town
OHL Kihaka South Equipped spare
OHL (future) - Equipped spare
Transformer 220/33 kV A - Equipped
Transformer 220/33 kV B - Equipped
Bus coupler - Equipped
Station supply A - Equipped
Station supply B - Equipped
OHL Nyakhahura North Equipped
OHL (future) Spare space
OHL (future) Spare space
OHL (future) Spare space

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1.2.5 Closed Circuit TV System here.

The contractor shall be on turnkey basis and the Contractor shall install, test and commission all parts of the
works to render a completely functional system, integrated in the substation control environment of the sub-
station and connected to the telecommunication system of Employer and integrated in the supervision and
control environment in the National Control Centre (NCC) and Back-up Control Centre (BCC).

IP-based Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) cameras shall be installed. The exact location of the IP- cameras will be fixed
during the approval stage.

A close coordination is required with the design of the lighting system. The locations of the cameras and of
the flood lights must be coordinated to allow the full view to all details of the facilities during nighttime.

The cameras shall be installed as follows:

 6 (six) cameras in the switchyard

 1 (one) camera at the entrance to the substation (guard house)
 1 (one) camera in the control building (control room)
 The locations in the switch yards must be chosen as to allow the full supervision of the switch yard bays
as well as the power transformers.

In case the design of the offered cameras does not allow to fulfil the above requirements with the above
defined numbers of cameras, the Bidder shall state this and shall offer the required number of cameras.

The substation CCTV server system shall be installed in the control building of the substation. It shall comprise
the components

 CCTV controller / camera server with video analytics application software and gateway for access from
National Control Center;
 Digital Network Video Recorder (DNVR) System;
 Network Attached Storage (NAS) / RAID Back-up system;

The workplace shall be installed in the substation control room. It shall be equipped with

 2 high resolution LCD monitors (LED backlight technology);

 keyboard and device to control the cameras;
 Color printer to print-out.

For the Guard House:

 1 high resolution LCD monitor (LED backlight technology);

 keyboard and device to control the cameras.

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1.3 Civil Works here.

1.3.1 General

The works to be constructed for the substation including but not limited to the following:

 Earthworks for sub-station platform;

 Subsoil drains and storm water drains;
 Fencing;
 Gravelling
 Concrete bases and stub columns;
 Cable trenches;
 Switchgear building;
 Transformer foundations to be designed for fire protection walls on both sides;
 The fire walls itself (2 per transformer);
 External lighting;
 Lightning protection;
 Fire detection and fighting;
 Earthing system.
 Substation roads, covered cable trenches, drainage system and substation perimeter and security fence;
 Guard house;
 Access road from the public road to the substation and the roads within the Switchyard, and Roads to Staff
 Water and sewage system (bore hole + filter + gravity-reservoir 10,000l, underground water tank 20,000l).
 Hydrant point including pipes and pumps.

1.3.2 Sewage and Storm Water Drainage

Reference is made to the relevant specifications

For the entire station building area, a complete storm water drainage system is required. The storm water
drainage system shall be based, in addition to the storm water system itself, on the drainage of all areas (built
up, paved or unpaved areas) within the substation limits with final plant area gradings.

All required storm water lines and other drainage installations, which are inside the substation station areas
and outside the fence area shall be considered and are in the scope of the Contractor

1.3.3 Switchgear Building

The size of the switchgear technical building is dependent of the substation type and future extension to be
considered at the specific site.

In general, the switchgear building shall contain the following rooms:

 Switchgear room to accommodate the entire switchgear panels plus a space that would accommodate 4
more feeder panels in the future;

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 Battery room (to accommodate both protection and communication batteries, shower, ventilation);here.
 Office room including office furniture (cabinets, chairs and office table);
 Store room
 Diesel Emergency System to be installed in separate room, noise proof)
 Kitchen equipped stove,table, chairs;
 Toilet facilities and shower to be separated for male and female gender;
 Control and protection panel room to accommodate the necessary protection and control panels and
space for future;
 Telecommunication room;
 Battery rooms for 110V DC and 48V DC to be separate;
 A room for auxiliary services (ACDB and DCDB separate);
 Appropriately emergency doors with ant panic handles for fire escape.

All the rooms shall be pressurised to avoid dust.

In addition, a guardhouse with toilet facilities located at the main gate shall be constructed. The guardhouse
area shall be clearly demarcated from the restricted area.

In the tender report the consultant will include the floor plan for the control building taking into account the
above facility requirements.

1.3.4 Housing Facilities

Since the substation will be manned and is located about 8 km north of the town; staff houses for operators
have to be considered. The number and type of houses has been defined during the site visit together with
the representatives of TANESCO as follows:

 3 houses duplex family type;

 2 houses single family type.
 Water supply and sewage system

Water Supply for Houses shall include:

 Bore hole;
 5000 l gravitiy tank per house mounted on a structure including pressuriser pump;
 Rain drainage system for each house;
 Filter system for drinking water;

1.4 Option Nyakanazi 220 kV– Busbar 2

As an option the additional works related to a full double bus-bar substation are foreseen.

 Second busbar complete with all supporting structures, conductors, clamps, foundations, supporting in-
sulators, string insulators;
 Bus coupler bay;

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 Works for upgrade of the existing bays to double busbar bays including: here.

▪ Disconnectors
▪ Voltage and current transformers
▪ Secondary systems (protection, measuring, interfaces, earthing, etc.);
▪ Connection to the secondary systems AC and DC; (spare capacity is foreseen in the base scope);
▪ Earthing system;
▪ Channels, ducts and drainage system.

The rating of the equipment shall be identic to the equipment to be installed in the base pahse..

1.5 Extension of 220 kV Substation Geita

1.5.1 Geita Substation Location

Geita substation is located outside Geita close to the Tanroad to Biharamulo, about 1 km south of the road.
Geita is currently supplied by a very long 33 kV wooden pole line from Mwanza with t-off´s along the line and
a poor operation quality (voltage and outages). Within another project this line will be looped in (two 33 kV
line feeders).

The substation coordinates of the plot corners as pegged on site by concrete and wooden markers are.

Datum WGS84
Name Zone Alt(m)
Easting Northing
011G2 36M 410375 9677499 1257.5

011G3 36M 410266 9677602 1257.5

011G4 36M 410170 9677501 1257.5

011G1 36M 410278 9677400 1257.5

The size of the plot is 150 x 150 m, enough for the 220 kV substation.

1.5.2 Scope of Works

The 220 kV line Geita – Nyakanazi will reach the substation from the south. The same is observed for the line
from Bulyanhulu which will run on parallel to the line to Nyakanazi on the first section. For the line from Nya-
kanazi two adjacent line bays must be foreseen.

Within the present project two new 33 kV lines will be connected, one going to Katoro (direction south), the
other one direction Mpomvu (direction west along the road to Biharamulo). The two cubicles are part of an-
other project.

The scope of works included in the contract of Lahmeyer Int. is:

 All 220 kV equipment for the line bay as well as related steel structures, foundations, cable canals;
 Extension of the busbar system;
 Extension of the earthing ground net;

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 Extension of the protection, telecom and control system; here.
 Supply and connection of the line gantry of the 220 kV line;
 Connection to the AC and DC supply feeders

1.6 Terminal Points and Interface with Others

1.6.1 General

The program for work and work at all the terminal points are required to be coordinated with others at no
additional cost to the Employer.

The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the overhead line Contractors to ensure that switchyard layout and
building will match the routes for the overhead lines to the switchyard.

1.6.2 Termination of OPGW / ACS and Conductors

The Contractor terminates the OHL Conductor, OPGW and the ACS ground wire on to the substation gantry
string insulators. The connection of the OHL conductor droppers from the gantry string insulator to the line
bay equipment shall be the responsibility of the Substation Contractor.

The OHL contractor also provide the OPGW splice cox to be appropriately located on the Substation gantry
structure (at appropriate height) The connection of the shield wire to the substation ground grip shall be the
responsibility of the substation Contractor.

The pulling of the ADSS (All dielectric Self Supporting) fibre cable from the Substation control building ODF
cabinet to the splice box and termination shall be the responsibility of the Substation Contractor.

1.6.3 Communication Links

OPGW earthwire downleads will be terminated in a junction box to be mounted on the substation gantries.
Connections from the junction boxes towards the substations are not included.

The Contractor shall co-operate with the Employer, the National Control Center NCC and shall ensure that his
interface equipment will be matched to the equipment on the OHL Contractors.

1.6.4 Public Services

The Contractor shall co-operate with the local municipalities to match access road, and any systems for water
supply, sanitation, and drainage with what might be available in the local area.

1.7 Specific Works and Supplies for the Lot

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1.7.1 Spare Parts, Special Tools and Consumables here.

The Contract shall include spare parts as needed for 5 years of operation. The Bid shall include an outline of
which spare parts will be delivered. Expensive, voluminous, or special spare parts shall be proposed as options.

The Contract shall include all special tools needed for operating and maintaining the plants. Any particularly
expensive tool shall be proposed as options.

1.7.2 Integration of new Installations into the existing SCADA-System

The contractor of the 220 kV transmission link Geita – Nyakanazi shall also take into consideration the process
visualisation of additional feeders (Geita) and additionl substations (Nyakanazi) in the existing SCADA system.
The existing data model of TANESCO’s SCADA – system (Alstom e-Terra Platform) installed in the NCC must be
modified accordingly within the scope of this project. The integration of the new SAS of Nykanazi into the
existing SCADA – system shall include:

 Modification / update of existing data-model / data base

 Process visualisation of additional feeders and ubstations
 Re-tuning of power system applications (as far as pplicable)
 Ensuring remote control and monitoring of Nyakanazi substation and the additionl Geita feeders from
NCC. The NCC shall be able to control all feeders in TANESCO’s HV grid down to the 33 kV bus bar only.
The local substation automation system shall be able to control all feeders.
 The additional feeders of Geita substation must be itegrated into the existing substation automation sys-
tem as well as in the NCC Ubungo. The new SAS of Nyakanazi shall be designed to be integrated in the
future regional CC at a later stage.
 The Contractor shall ensure that a fully functional system satisfactory to TANESCO’s requirements will be
available at NCC Ubungo, Daresalaam

1.8 Factory Acceptance Tests

1.8.1 General

Reference is made to:

 chapter H “General Technical Requirements”, item 1.6 “Tests and Inspection (FIDIC 7, 9, 10 and 12) ”.

The Contractor shall also include in the price for the attendance by the Engineer and two Employer’s staff to
witness the tests, that is, 3 Engineers for each trip.

Each consignment of material shall be inspected and tested in the presence or representatives of the Em-
ployer’s Personnel and the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide for each of the representative, the following:

 Economy class return air ticket (from the site of the Client to places of tests).

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 Visa expenses, airport taxes and other incidental travel expenses as required plus local transpor- here.
 Hotel accommodation, including full board meals

1.8.2 Summary of Factory Acceptance Tests

FAT Tests to be carried out at the manufacturer's works unless otherwise specified or approved are anticipated
for the following equipment:

 220 kV circuit-breakers;
 220 kV disconnectors and earthing switches;
 33 kV GIS switchgear equipment;
 Control and protection systems;
 Telecommunication equipment;
 Power Transformers rated 2 MVA or higher;
 220 kV current-transformers;
 220 kV voltage-transformers;
 LV AC/DC auxiliary services;
 Auxiliary Transformers
 Battery chargers and panels.

1.9 Project Communication Equipment

The Contractor shall also provide:

 3 mobile telephone sets. Best quality smartphone with good battery capacity and memory latest mode.
 2 Hand Held GPS, type Oregon from Garmin including the EA Street map, latest edition.
 2 digital camera dustproof and waterproof up to 1m, GPS module incorporated

1.10 Office Accommodation for Use of the Engineer and Employer

Office Accommodation common to all three lots is included in Lot A – 220 kV Transmission Line

1.11 Employer’s Personnel and Engineer’s Transport

The Contractor shall provide, for the use of the Employer’s Personnel and Engineer, on a 24-hour basis, the
vehicles specified in the Price Schedules.

The Contractor shall provide the services of one driver mechanic per vehicle; maintain in efficient working
condition, repair, replace defective parts and tyres and provide fuel and oil and other consumables, all docu-
mentation in accordance with the Law of the Employer’s Country, including full comprehensive insurance
cover always for all vehicles and all drivers for unlimited Third Party claims, at the rates stated in the “Price

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The vehicles provided under the contract are to be available for use by the Employer’s Personnel and here. Engi-
neer’s site supervisors (including reasonable personal use) within the general area of the project and be avail-
able for their use 24 hours per day, seven days per week and shall be provided immediately after the contract
becomes effective. Although the maintenance, condition and roadworthiness of the vehicles are the respon-
sibility of the Contractor, the movements of the vehicles will be entirely under the control of the Employer’s
Personnel and Engineer’s site supervisors.

The vehicles shall be new, purchased locally and shall be approved by the Engineer before purchase. Each
vehicle shall comply with all relevant road traffic laws and be right hand drive. The Contractor will be required
to make the vehicles available always during the Contract Period and until completion of the specified mainte-
nance period and to provide replacement vehicles when the servicing or repair time (including accidents) ex-
ceeds a period of 24 hours. The provision of such replacement vehicles will not be subject to additional pay-
ment. When a vehicle is out of action for any cause the Contractor shall make a similar vehicle available for
the Engineer's use at the Contractor's expense.

On completion of the Contract the vehicles and all associated equipment shall remain the property of the
Employer and be handed over to him in due form at the end of the project.

If required, any of vehicles shall be equipped with a hydraulic winch.

The type of vehicle shall be as follows but alternative vehicles to a similar specification will be considered.

The vehicles shall be 4 wheel drive with additional low ratio gears for cross-country work and each vehicle
shall be fitted with the following standard equipment:water temperature gauge, speedometer (km/h) with
trip, ash tray, fire extinguisher (including fixing bracket and screws), exterior sun visors, external wing-mirrors,
windscreen wiper unit (passenger side), rubber pads for clutch and brake pedals, spare wheel carrier on dished
deluxe bonnet with provision for lock, bonnet lock, lock for spare wheel on bonnet, lock for fuel filler, locking
doors and windows, towing pintle, steering damper, front axle with reinforced casing, radiator chaff guard and
cross-country tyres.

Each vehicle shall be supplied with the basic maintenance tools together with spare belts (fan, cam serpentine
and power steering), top and bottom radiator hoses, 6 fuses, a high lift jack, felling axe, cutlass, trenching tool,
15 m of 0.75 tonne fibre rope, inspection lamp and 5 m of 2 core cable.

The Contractor will ensure that two spare tyres are available for each vehicle throughout the duration of the
contract. All tyres will be of a roadworthy condition and comply fully with the Client’s Law. Each vehicle shall
be fitted with driver and passenger air bags.

Small SUV Type 1

 Small SUV type, min. 2.8 litre Diesel engine, manual gear, double tank

Vehicle Type 2

 Regular Station Wagon with min. 2.8 litre diesel engine, Double Cabin, manual gear, double tank.

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The number of vehicles to be supplied is given in the Price Sheets. here.

2 Training
2.1 Training at the Contractors Home Office
2.1.1 General

Each of the Employer's Engineers will be required to spend a minimum of three (3) weeks at the Contractors
design offices for training purposes.

The Contractor shall provide for each of the Client’s staff, the following:

 Economy class return air ticket (from the site of the Client to places of training).
 Visa expenses, airport taxes and other incidental travel expenses as required plus local transpor-
 Hotel accommodation including full board meals
 Training material and manuals.
 The Cost of the training shall be deemed included in the Contract price.

2.1.2 Training for Civil Engineers

Training of two (2) civil engineers in the main design office of the Contractor shall be specific to this Project
and shall include, but not limited to:

 Foundation design,
 Substation design and detailing,

2.1.3 Training for Electrical Engineers

Training of three (3) electrical engineers in the main design office of the Contractor shall be specific to this
Project and shall include, but not limited to:

 New substation design considerations

 Insulation coordination
 Clearances (switching overvoltage, lightening overvoltage, minimum approach and working distance)
 Earthing, lighting protection and short circuit analysis.
 Components design, ratings
 Protection systems
 Load Flow Analysis of a Power System (PowerFactory DigSilent or PSSE); one license shall be supplied to
the Employer.
 SCADA and Telecommunication system (ref is made to 4.2 Control and Monitoring System)

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2.2 Training on Site during Construction here.

Each of the Employers’ personnel, appointed to attend the training on site shall spend a minimum of four (4)

 The Cost of the training shall be deemed included in the Contract price, i.e.Hotel accommodation
including full board meals
 Training material and manuals.
 Transport on site

The Contractor shall include for the training of the Client’s personnel to operate and maintain all equipment
efficiently and safely and make the staff become conversant in managing projects (S-curve and MSP).

Training for.

 two (2) civil engineer;

 four (4) electrical engineers;
 five (5) substation operators;
 three (3) maintenance technicians.

3 Site Pictures Nyakanazi

3.1 Pictures

Substation side
Nyakanazi 220


Direction 315°

Incoming line
from north

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Substation side
Nyakanazi 220


View in direc-
tion 135°,

Outgoing 220
kV to Geita

4 Soil Investigations

The report gives the results of the geotechnical investigations carried out in Geita and Nyakanazi in connection
with the proposed electrification of north–west Tanzania 220 KV transmission system Geita – Nyakanazi and
associated rural electrification. The investigations were carried out in December 2015. Preliminary investiga-
tions were carried out for the two substation sites

The detailed results are presented in the report given in Volume 3, Chapter K “Drawings and Re-

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H. General Technical Requirements

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Table of Content for Section

Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 9,Book to the text that
you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
Überschrift 9,Book to the text that you want to appear here.

1 General Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... H-7

1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... H-7
1.2 Shipment and Transportation ....................................................................................................................... H-10
1.3 Accommodation and Site Storage ................................................................................................................. H-18
1.4 Documentation (FIDIC 5 Design) ................................................................................................................... H-19
1.5 Final Records ................................................................................................................................................. H-26
1.6 Tests and Inspection (FIDIC 7, 9, 10 and 12) .................................................................................................. H-27
1.7 Recommended Spare Parts ........................................................................................................................... H-31
1.8 Surface Treatment and Corrosion Protection ................................................................................................ H-31
1.9 Planning, Progress Reports and Project Progress Meetings (FIDIC 4.21) ...................................................... H-35
1.10 Quality Assurance .......................................................................................................................................... H-36

2 Civil Engineering and Building Works .............................................................................................................. H-41

2.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................... H-41
2.2 Site Survey and Subsoil Investigation ............................................................................................................ H-41
2.3 Design of Works ............................................................................................................................................ H-44
2.4 General Site Works ........................................................................................................................................ H-47
2.5 Drainage and Sewage System ....................................................................................................................... H-51
2.6 Concrete Encasement .................................................................................................................................... H-55
2.7 Installation .................................................................................................................................................... H-55
2.8 Testing Gravity Pipelines ............................................................................................................................... H-56
2.9 Buildings ........................................................................................................................................................ H-56
2.10 Concreting Work Specifications ..................................................................................................................... H-60
2.11 Piling Works................................................................................................................................................... H-73
2.12 Structural Steel .............................................................................................................................................. H-78
2.13 Block Work .................................................................................................................................................... H-87
2.14 Plasterworks .................................................................................................................................................. H-90

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2.15 Roofing ..........................................................................................................................................................here.
2.16 Floor Laying ................................................................................................................................................... H-98
2.17 Plumbing and Sanitary Installations ............................................................................................................ H-100
2.18 Surface Protection ....................................................................................................................................... H-103
2.19 Security Fencing and Gates ......................................................................................................................... H-105
2.20 Roads ........................................................................................................................................................... H-106
2.21 Building and Structure Design ..................................................................................................................... H-112
2.22 Air Conditioning and Ventilating Services ................................................................................................... H-116
2.23 Fire Fighting Facilities .................................................................................................................................. H-118
2.24 Lighting and Electrical Installations............................................................................................................. H-119

3 General Design Considerations...................................................................................................................... H-125

4 Circuit Breakers (CB)...................................................................................................................................... H-125

4.1 Applicable Standards ................................................................................................................................... H-125
4.2 Construction ................................................................................................................................................ H-126
4.3 Gas Monitoring and Handling ..................................................................................................................... H-128
4.4 Operating Mechanism and Local Control .................................................................................................... H-129
4.5 Principal Standards for Type and Routine Tests .......................................................................................... H-129
4.6 Type Tests .................................................................................................................................................... H-130
4.7 Routine Tests ............................................................................................................................................... H-134
4.8 Site Tests...................................................................................................................................................... H-134

5 Disconnectors and Earth Switches ................................................................................................................. H-135

5.1 Disconnectors .............................................................................................................................................. H-136
5.2 Earth Switches and Maintenance Earthing Devices .................................................................................... H-137
5.3 Testing of HV Disconnectors and Earthing Switches ................................................................................... H-138
5.4 Special Tools and Equipment ....................................................................................................................... H-139
5.5 Spare Parts .................................................................................................................................................. H-139

6 Capacitor-Type Voltage-Transformers (CVT) ................................................................................................. H-140

6.1 Construction ................................................................................................................................................ H-140
6.2 Ratings......................................................................................................................................................... H-141
6.3 Applicable Standards ................................................................................................................................... H-141
6.4 Type Tests, Routine Tests and Site Tests ..................................................................................................... H-141

7 Inductive Type Voltage Transformers (VT) .................................................................................................... H-141

7.1 Standards .................................................................................................................................................... H-141

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7.2 Construction ................................................................................................................................................ H-142
7.3 Ratings......................................................................................................................................................... H-142
7.4 Type Tests, Routine Tests and Site Tests ..................................................................................................... H-142

8 Current-Transformers.................................................................................................................................... H-142
8.1 Applicable Standards ................................................................................................................................... H-142
8.2 Construction ................................................................................................................................................ H-143
8.3 Ratings......................................................................................................................................................... H-144
8.4 Type Tests, Routine Tests and Site Tests ..................................................................................................... H-144

9 HV Surge Arresters ........................................................................................................................................ H-144

9.1 Applicable Standards ................................................................................................................................... H-144
9.2 Construction ................................................................................................................................................ H-144
9.3 Type Tests .................................................................................................................................................... H-145

10 MV Indoor GIS ............................................................................................................................................... H-145

10.1 Applicable Standards ................................................................................................................................... H-145
10.2 Common Features ....................................................................................................................................... H-148
10.3 Circuit-Breakers ........................................................................................................................................... H-151
10.4 Disconnector and Earthing Switches ........................................................................................................... H-152
10.5 Current Transformers .................................................................................................................................. H-152
10.6 Voltage Transformers .................................................................................................................................. H-153
10.7 Voltage Detectors ........................................................................................................................................ H-154
10.8 Metal Oxide Surge Arresters ....................................................................................................................... H-154
10.9 MV Cable Connection .................................................................................................................................. H-154
10.10 SF6-Gas and Gas Compartments ............................................................................................................ H-155
10.11 Gas Supervision System ........................................................................................................................... H-155
10.12 SF6 - Gas Labelling .................................................................................................................................. H-156
10.13 Low Voltage Equipment and Control Circuits .......................................................................................... H-156
10.14 Terminals................................................................................................................................................. H-158

11 Transformers and Reactors ........................................................................................................................... H-162

11.1 General Information .................................................................................................................................... H-162
11.2 Common Requirements ............................................................................................................................... H-164
11.3 Painting ....................................................................................................................................................... H-197
11.4 Capitalisation of Losses ............................................................................................................................... H-198
11.5 Guaranteed Values and Penalties ............................................................................................................... H-198

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11.6 Transport ..................................................................................................................................................... H-200
11.7 Impact Recorders......................................................................................................................................... H-201
11.8 Particular Requirements Power Transformers ............................................................................................ H-201
11.9 Particular Requirements Distribution and Earthing Transformers .............................................................. H-211
11.10 Particular Requirements Shunt Reactors ................................................................................................ H-220
11.11 Particular Requirements Neutral-Grounding Reactors, Filter and Damping Reactors ............................ H-230
11.12 Transformer and Reactor Protection - Monitoring System ..................................................................... H-233

12 MV Power Cables .......................................................................................................................................... H-234

12.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ H-234
12.2 Incidental Charges and Erection .................................................................................................................. H-235
12.3 Sealing and Drumming ................................................................................................................................ H-236
12.4 Standards .................................................................................................................................................... H-237
12.5 Tests for MV XLPE Cables ............................................................................................................................ H-237
12.6 MV Voltage XLPE Cables.............................................................................................................................. H-238
12.7 Cable Installation ......................................................................................................................................... H-240
12.8 Cables and Cable Support Systems .............................................................................................................. H-241

13 Earthing System ............................................................................................................................................ H-242

13.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ H-242
13.2 Earth Electrode ............................................................................................................................................ H-242
13.3 Earthing Grid ............................................................................................................................................... H-243
13.4 Earthing of Equipment................................................................................................................................. H-243
13.5 Safety-Earthing During Work ...................................................................................................................... H-244
13.6 Documentation ............................................................................................................................................ H-244

14 AC Station Service Supply .............................................................................................................................. H-244

14.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ H-244
14.2 415Y/240 V-AC System ................................................................................................................................ H-246
14.3 Uninterruptible Power Supply System (UPS) ............................................................................................... H-246

15 Small Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................... H-247

15.1 Illumination - Outdoor ................................................................................................................................. H-247
15.2 Illumination - Indoor .................................................................................................................................... H-247
15.3 Emergency Illumination ............................................................................................................................... H-247
15.4 Spare Parts, Tools and Consumables ........................................................................................................... H-247
15.5 Socket-Outlets and Small-Power Supplies ................................................................................................... H-248

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15.6 Small-Power Supplies and Other Services.................................................................................................... H-248

16 DC Power Supply System ............................................................................................................................... H-248

16.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. H-248
16.2 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................................. H-249
16.3 System Capacity and Performance .............................................................................................................. H-249
16.4 Alarm Indications ........................................................................................................................................ H-249
16.5 Battery and Charger Equipment .................................................................................................................. H-250
16.6 Schedules and Calculations ......................................................................................................................... H-253

17 Substation Control System ............................................................................................................................ H-253

17.1 Scope of Supply............................................................................................................................................ H-253
17.2 General Design Requirements ..................................................................................................................... H-254
17.3 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... H-254
17.4 Bay Control Units (BCU) ............................................................................................................................... H-254
17.5 Central Substation Control System .............................................................................................................. H-255
17.6 Voltage Regulation / OLTC - Control ........................................................................................................... H-259

18 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ......................................................................................................................... H-260

18.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ H-260
18.2 Time Synchronization .................................................................................................................................. H-260

19 Standby Diesel Generator Set........................................................................................................................ H-260

19.1 Generalities ................................................................................................................................................. H-260
19.2 Diesel Engine ............................................................................................................................................... H-261
19.3 Generator And Excitation ............................................................................................................................ H-263

20 Metering ....................................................................................................................................................... H-263

20.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ H-263
20.2 Meters for Outgoing 220 kV and MV Lines ................................................................................................. H-263

21 Substation and Line Protection System ......................................................................................................... H-264

21.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ H-264
21.2 Design of Protection Relays for Electrical Systems ...................................................................................... H-265
21.3 Protection Study .......................................................................................................................................... H-266
21.4 Relay Construction and Mounting ............................................................................................................... H-267
21.5 Fault Clearing Time...................................................................................................................................... H-268
21.6 Trip Circuits .................................................................................................................................................. H-268
21.7 Fault Recorder and Fault Locators............................................................................................................... H-269

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21.8 Supervision .................................................................................................................................................. H-269
21.9 Protection of HV and MV System ................................................................................................................ H-269

22 Telecommunication Systems, LDC Integration............................................................................................... H-283

22.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................................. H-283
22.2 Fibre Optic Communication System............................................................................................................. H-286
22.3 Fibre Optic Distribution Frame .................................................................................................................... H-295
22.4 Digital PLC Equipment ................................................................................................................................. H-295
22.5 PAX and Telephone Equipment ................................................................................................................... H-297
22.6 VHF / UHF Telecommunications .................................................................................................................. H-297

23 Video Surveillance System (CCTV) ................................................................................................................. H-300

23.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................................. H-300
23.2 Type of Equipment....................................................................................................................................... H-300
23.3 Scope of Supply, Installation and Commissioning ....................................................................................... H-301
23.4 Standards .................................................................................................................................................... H-302
23.5 Documentation ............................................................................................................................................ H-303
23.6 Technical Specification of the Surveillance CCTV System ............................................................................ H-304
23.7 Spare Parts, Tools and Measuring Equipment ............................................................................................ H-307
23.8 Tests ............................................................................................................................................................ H-308
23.9 Training on the Job ...................................................................................................................................... H-309

24 Drawings, Documentation and Samples ........................................................................................................ H-309

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1 General Requirements
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 General

The general technical requirements, standards, etc. form an integral part of the Tender Documents and are
universally valid for all parts of the technical general requirements and specifications, except where comple-
mented and/ or superseded by additional and/ or special requirements as specified or required as per national

The Contractor shall strictly observe these general requirements in conjunction with the individual require-
ments and specifications. The particular specifications shall have priority over the general specifications, if not
otherwise stated in the Contract.

Equipment, material and all associated features of the Works, supplied and/ or rehabilitated under this Con-
tract shall be designed and provided by the Contractor in accordance with these general technical require-

In all instances, the listing of items herein is to be understood as general and as minimum requirements and
is to be included upon completion, even though not specifically mentioned with other necessary components
and accessories required for proper and continuous commercial operation of the complete installation includ-
ing any and all auxiliary systems.

It is to be understood that for this Contract all plant, equipment, material, civil works, services, etc., required
to make the plant and the works complete in every respect is included in the Contractor’s scope of work and
in the Contract price, if not explicitly stated otherwise.

1.1.2 Standards

Unless specified otherwise in the various sections of this technical specifications for equipment, the design,
materials, manufacture and testing of all works under this Contract shall comply with.

 the latest Standards or Recommendations of the International electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

 the European Standards (EN) maintained by CEN (European Committee for Standardization), CENELEC (Eu-
ropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) and ETSI (European Telecommunications Stand-
ards Institute) (the said Specifications being hereinafter referred to as EN), prior to the closing date of the
 The EN Eurocodes (series of 10 European Standards, EN 1990 - EN 1999, providing a common approach
for the design of buildings and other civil engineering works and construction products.)

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Other internationally known standards provided such standards are equivalent in nature to the specific re-
quirement described in the individual equipment specification. The Contractor shall submit copies of such
standards in English language for Employer’s review and approval.

Contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, and shops shall be certified according to ISO 9001.

Regarding the use of hazardous substances, the latest issue of the Regulation of the European Community
shall apply as listed below (RoHS-compliance).

EC 95/2002 Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January
2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment

The Tenderer shall submit with his offer valid certificates proving that the proposed manufacturers and sup-
pliers are certified by ISO 9001 and RoHS-compliance. Manufacturers not being certified by ISO 9001 and are
not RoHS-compliance certified will not be accepted.

1.1.3 System of Measurement

All documents shall be prepared and all Works shall be carried out using SI (System International) units of
measurement in accordance with the provisions of ISO 80000. Metric units shall be used in all documents,
correspondence, technical schedules and drawings.

1.1.4 Design
1.1.5 General

All equipment supplied under this Contract shall be new and of an approved and reliable design. The equip-
ment’s and system’s design shall provide for maximum levels for reliability, availability and safety, convenience
of operation and maintenance, neat and orderly arrangement, which shall take into account the functional
requirements of the various systems and pleasing physical appearance of the completed plant.

The equipment shall be pre-assembled to the highest possible extent in the Contractor's or sub-contractor's

The Contractor will be responsible for designing the extensions and new installations in such manner that they
form a fully functional system together with existing installations. He shall inform himself about the existing
installations sufficiently to guarantee the full functionality, proper interaction with existing equipment and
installations, and completeness of equipment supplied by him. Information given in this part of the Contract
is to best knowledge correct and complete, but the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining confirmation
by his own information, or additional information as needed, during implementation of contract.

The Contractor shall perform all calculations necessary to ensure the full functionality and proper interaction,
including e.g. calculations to verify adequacy of the static strength of supports and pedestals, sags and tensions
of conductors etc.

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If products of internationally unknown manufacturers are intended to be used, the Contractor shall give here.to
the Employer/ Engineer the names of their procedures and any additional serviceable information for the
Employer’s/ Engineer's notice and Project Manager’s approval. If the Contractor does not comply with this
stipulation, he runs the risk that these materials may be rejected subsequently.

Any changes on the design of any part of the Plant and the works, which may become necessary after signing
of the Contract, have to be submitted by the Contractor in writing to the Employer for approval, being suffi-
ciently substantiated and justified. With changes initiated by Employer/ Engineer change orders will be issued
describing the changes in detail together with according remuneration.

Special attention shall be paid to the corrosion by galvanic effects. Design, selection of materials as well as
methods of erection shall be such as to exclude these effects.

It is not permissible to use grey cast iron for components containing pressure, unless the Employer expressly
agrees to this beforehand.

Asbestos or materials containing asbestos for seals, expansion joints, etc. shall not be employed.

No welding, fitting, or plugging of defective parts will be permitted without permission in writing of Employer/

The Contractor shall guarantee that the data mentioned on the name plate of the equipment and given in the
data sheets will not deteriorate during the life of this equipment under the specified operating and mainte-
nance conditions.

The Contractor shall guarantee the values in the technical data schedule. The Employer reserves the right to
reject any equipment that does not respect these values.

1.1.6 Interchangeability and Standardisation of Small Equipment

The highest extent of uniformity and inter-changeability shall be reached. The design shall facilitate an easy
maintenance and repair of the components. Corresponding parts throughout shall be made to gauge and shall
be interchangeable wherever possible. All equipment and material performing similar functions shall be of the
same type and manufacture, all like parts shall be fully interchangeable with no requirement for alteration or
adjustment in order to limit the stock of spare parts required and maintain uniformity of plant and equipment
to be installed.

The Employer/ Engineer reserves the right to ask for coordination of standardisation to the extent reasonably
possible, and no price variation will be allowed for this procedure.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the standardisation of all small equipment, materials, and devices he
would supply. He shall arrange and perform the necessary coordination work with his manufacturers for the
purposes of such standardisation.

All equipment, parts and elements of mass production shall be standardised.

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1.2 Shipment and Transportation here.

1.2.1 General

The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for:

The shipment, handling, and transportation of all plant and equipment for the Contract work, including un-
loading at the dockside, transportation to site and off loading at site.

The transportation of all the Contractors personnel required for the Contract works.

Establishing the best route from the port of entry to site.

The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining space, for securing and forwarding the shipping documents
and for the payment of all shipping transport and insurance.

1.2.2 Packing and Storing of Material

Packing shall be such that it affords adequate protection to the enclosed materials against mechanical damage
during transport to its final destination and transition from one to another.

The Contractor shall prepare, pack, and load all materials and equipment for shipment in such a manner that
they are protected from damage during shipment and shall be responsible for and make good any and all
damage resulting from improper packing until final acceptance of the goods.

Items subject to open storage for several months at the sites shall be suitably protected from weather damage.
All electrical parts and mechanical parts subject to damage from moisture shall be packed together with an
appropriate quantity of desiccant in hermetically sealed metal containers, plastic envelopes, or other appro-
priate containers, with all machined surfaces heavily coated with rust preventing compound. Each case, crate,
bundle, or single item shall be marked clearly with the name of the installation for which it is intended. Each
container shall be clearly marked and the contents identified for proper warehousing.

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that all materials, which may be subject to dete-
rioration in humid tropical conditions, are packed in such a manner as to prevent such deterioration.

All parts shall be carefully boxed or otherwise suitably prepared for shipment to a partly humid sub-tropical
climate and humid cold winters. All openings shall be tightly closed before shipment. Equipment that will be
vulnerable to damage due to seawater or moisture during transportation or storage at the Site shall be pro-
tected by a suitable vapour barrier and, if considered necessary by the Employer, by an internal atmosphere
of inert gas or approved desiccant.

All parts exceeding 100 kg gross weight shall be prepared for shipment so that slings for handling by crane
may be readily attached while the parts are on railway cars or on board ship. The Contractor shall paint or
mark the weight of all pieces in excess of 5 tons.

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Where shipment by container is intended the packing requirements stated below for non-containerisedhere. ship-
ments shall apply for any part container loads.

Containers shall be of the fully enclosed weatherproof type (i.e. metal sides and roof) unless the size of plant
to be shipped necessitates otherwise, in which case the type of container and method of ship-ping shall be
subject to approval.

For non-container shipments, packing shall be stout close-boarded wooden cases of adequate thickness, suit-
ably braced and banded and lined internally with water-resistant material.

Certain types of outdoor equipment may be crated, provided that adequate protection of vulnerable parts is
assured. All pipe flanges shall be fitted with wooden covers not less than 40 mm larger in diameter than the
flange, which shall be wired or bolted to the pipe. Steelworks sections and similar items may be bundled pro-
vided that the ends are adequately protected and the enclosing bands or wires are robust.

For full container shipments a degree of crating may still be required depending on the type of equipment

Adequate battens and braces shall be provided to prevent movement of equipment within the container.
Where appropriate due to the weight or nature of the equipment, pallet type bases shall be provided to assist
in loading and off-loading.

Indoor electrical equipment, whether shipped in containers or packing cases, must be enclosed in welded
polythene envelopes inside the packing cases. The envelopes should be sealed and have sufficient desiccant
inside to absorb the initial moisture content plus an allowance for leakage.

When in cases or crates or containers, all items shall be so secured that they are not free to move and cannot
work loose in transport. If rotating parts are shipped within their bearings or mountings they must be ade-
quately braced and restrained to prevent relative movement.

Bags of loose items shall be placed in a supplementary case, each bag having stitched on to it a metal label
indicating the number and nature of its contents. Where a filler material is used in a case to restrict movement
or provide additional protection it must be inorganic and non-hygroscopic.

All surfaces liable to corrosion shall be thoroughly cleaned and special steps, adapted to the nature of the
materials and the time interval between packing and unpacking shall be taken to prevent corrosion. These
steps may constitute the greasing of surfaces, the application of a protective coat, enclosure of the items in a
hermetically sealed container, consisting of paper, cellophane, plastic or zinc, the addition of vapour phase
inhibitor paper to the package, or other approved means.

Steps shall be taken to ensure that moisture, moulds, insects or rodents cannot damage insulated materials.
Items that include materials liable to be damaged by moisture shall be packed in hermetically sealed contain-
ers in which silica gel, or some other approved dehydrator, has been inserted.

Cases shall be marked both with large lettering to show which side up the case is to be, and, if the contents
are fragile, marked "FRAGILE" in large letters and the international wine glass symbol. In the case of container

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shipments, individual crates or equipment on pallets shall also indicate any special handling or movement here.
requirements or weight limitations. Packages shall be marked with their place of destination in such a way
that rough handling or the effect of weather cannot remove or obliterate the marking. Each separate package
shall be marked with the gross weight and for all lifts over two tons marks on the cases or equipment shall
show where the weight is bearing and the correct positions for the slings.

The cases shall, whenever possible, be so packed that they can safely be placed any side uppermost and no
reliance shall be placed on the ability of those who will handle the case to read written instructions or to
understand pictorial ones. Cases that have to be slung in a certain way shall, as far as possible, be so con-
structed that they cannot conveniently be slung in any other way and packages shall preferably be so large
that they cannot be easily rolled over or thrown about; thus when practicable small cases shall be crated
together to form one larger unit. Crates shall be sufficiently strong to be capable of being slung from the
outside even when provision is also made for slings to be attached direct to a major article inside.

Special steps shall be taken to guard against theft during transport. No small items, such as padlocks, name-
plates and so forth, which could be torn off or unscrewed, shall be accessible. Cases, crates, barrels and drums
shall be banded in such a manner as to obstruct the theft of any of the timber used for packaging, and the
bands shall be so secured that they are not rendered ineffective by shrinkage of the wood.

A descriptive and fully itemised list shall be prepared of the contents of each packing case or container. A copy
of this list shall be placed in a waterproof envelope under a metal or other suitable plate securely fastened to
the outside of one end of the case or container and its position adequately indicated by stencilling. Where
appropriate, drawings showing the erection marking of the items concerned shall be placed inside the case or
with the equipment in the container.

All stencilled markings on cases and crates, or other markings on descriptive metal tabs fixed to cable drums,
bundles of structural steel works and so forth, shall be applied in two places with a material which cannot
wash off and shall be additional to any erection or other marks or impressions which may be specified else-

The Contractor shall take necessary measures to avoid ingress of moisture during transportation, storage and
installation. Maximum Axle loading shall be obtained from the local Road Authorities.

The spare conductors and earth wires have to be adequately protected against humidity, corrosion etc. and
packed and treated in such a manner as to be suitable for storage in the climatic conditions at the site, for an
indefinite period. Tube ends and other similar open ends shall be protected against external damage and in-
gress of dirt and moisture during transit and while awaiting erection at site.

Tower members shall be packed for shipment in bundles of the same size and weight containing pieces of the
same or similar identifications mark and length. The individual members may be stacked to bundles and plastic
spacers shall be placed in between the individual members, reducing the formation of wet storage stains.

Bundles of steel angle sections shall be properly tied together by an approved method. The individual bundles
shall be marked for identification by stamped metal labels.

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1.2.3 Packing List here.

Contents of each shipping package shall be itemized on a detailed list showing the exact weight, overall di-
mensions, length, width, and height of each Container. If all Containers are uniform in size and weight, the
dimensions and weight of only one may be shown. One copy of the detailed packing list shall be enclosed in
each package delivered.

There shall also be enclosed in one package a master packing list summarizing and identifying each individual
package which is a part of the shipment. The box number in which the master packing list is contained should
be shown on each packing list.

On barrels, bags, drums, or kegs where it is not feasible to place the packing list inside the Container, all per-
tinent Information is to be stencilled on the outside and this will thus constitute a packing list.

1.2.4 Shipping Marks

All boxes, cases and/ or bundles containing material and/ or equipment shall be clearly marked on all sides
and further identified by a broad-coloured band completely around the box.

The markings on the box, case and/ or bundle shall be by means of block letters not less than 30 mm high,
stencilled on the box, case and/ or bundle with black indelible paint.

At least the following shall be available on the labelling plate of the box:

 Employer
 Port of destination
 Site marking
 Gross weight
 Net weight
 Size of box (length x width x height)
 Contract number
 Serial number(s)
 Brief Indication of Content
 Contractor
 Sub-Contractor

Each of the equipment must have its own rating plate with information according to the relevant IEC standard.

After delivering the material on Site for erection purposes, any packing material other than metal should be
disposed as soon as possible with permission from the Employer/ Engineer to a yard or area in the substation
indicated by the Employer.

Containers, remaining the property of the shipping company and/ or the Contractor, shall be re-moved from
Site by the Contractor immediately after unpacking.

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1.2.5 Shipping Advice here.

Shipping advice shall be faxed to the Employer prior to the on load date of the bill of landing, containing such
information as the Contract number, loading port, brief description of the commodity to be shipped, name of
Claim settling agent in Blantyre, etc.

Demurrage incurred at the port due to Contractor's failure to make delivery during the contractual delivery
period shall be for the account of the Contractor.

1.2.6 Submission of Shipping Documents

The Contractor must prepare and forward within 7 days via airmail to the Employers address the following

Invoice three (3) Originals, three (3) copies (Originals chambered by Chamber of Com-
Certificate of origin one (1) original, three (3) copies
Bill of lading one (1) original, three (3) copies
Packing Lists one (1) original, three (3) copies
Insurance certificate one (1) original, three (3) copies
Test certificates three (3) copies (where applicable)

Supporting invoices shall be rendered in the currency of payment as stipulated in the Contract

1.2.7 Marking

All parts or units of shop assemblies shall be marked or tagged with piece marks. Marks shall be in accordance
with approved erection drawings, shall be clearly legible and so placed as to be readily visible when the part
is being erected/ installed in the field. Connecting parts assembled in the shop shall, before dismantling for
shipment, be match marked to facilitate erection in the field and so marked as to identify each part with that
unit to which it belongs.

All packages must have the Contractor's full address. Order number and place of destination as follows:

 Name of the Contractor;

 Name of the Project;
 Project No. ENC;
 Destination;
 Contractor;
 Case No;
 Gross Weight;
 Net Weight;
 Dimensions;

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 Handling instructions. here.

Marking should be made in a permanent way, preferably by painting on wooden box. Contents (like switch-
gear, cables, copper bars, etc.) are not to be indicated.

1.2.8 Transport
1.2.9 Transport to Port of Embarkation, Loading and Unloading

The Contractor shall arrange and provide for the transport of material, equipment and plant components from
the manufacturer's works to the port of embarkation. The Contractor shall assign special personnel to super-
vise the transport, loading and unloading of material, equipment and plant components. They shall take all
skill and care in the performance of transport, loading and unloading.

Trnasport to site and unloading is part of the Contractors obligations.

1.2.10 Overseas Transport

The Contractor shall be responsible for the selection of the overseas transport media as well as for the whole
transport period.

Sensitive and delicate parts of equipment shall, wherever possible, be transported by plane.

Should the work, or any part thereof, the manufacture and/ or supply of any material, equipment or plant
component as well as any equipment or tools required for the work be delayed with respect to the contractual
progress schedule, the Contractor shall transport the said delayed part or component per airfreight at no extra
cost to the Employer.

1.2.11 Local Transport

The Contractor shall arrange and carry out under his own responsibility and supervision the local transport
from the port of disembarkation to Site.

The Contractor shall, at his own convenience, gather all necessary information and arrange for all necessary
provisions in order to obtain accurate information about unloading and local transport facilities as well as all
prevailing local conditions, specifically the safe load bearing capacity of roads and bridges. The Contractor shall
bear every and all expenses related herewith.

The Contractor shall use every reasonable means and care to prevent any of the roads and bridges on the
route to the Site from being damaged or injured by any traffic of the Contractor or of any of his Sub-Contrac-
tors, and in particular shall select routes, choose and use vehicles and restrict and distribute loads so that any
such extraordinary traffic that will inevitably arise from the moving of Contractor's equipment and material
from and to the Site shall be limited as far as reasonably possible and so that no damage or injury may be
occasioned to such roads and bridges. If during carrying out of the work at any time thereafter the Contractor
should receive any claim arising out of the execution of the works in respect of damage or injury to roads or

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bridges, he shall immediately report the same to the Employer/ Engineer and thereafter the Contractorhere. shall
negotiate the settlement of any payment of all sums due in respect of such claim and in respect of all claims,
demands, proceedings, damages, cost charges and expenses in relation thereto.

The unloading and storage on Site shall be carried out by the Contractor who, for these purposes, shall make
all necessary provisions and arrange for all necessary equipment.

1.2.12 Receiving Damage Reports

The Contractor shall submit receiving damage reports to the Engineer to cover each individual shipment re-
ceived and checked by the Employer/ Engineer at Site. On arrival at Site, each piece of equipment shall be
unloaded, opened and carefully checked for any damage by the Contractor, who shall immediately submit a
damage report to the Employer/ Engineer and to the insurance company.

In all cases of irreparable damage, the Contractor shall immediately notify the relevant manufacturer for re-
newed manufacture and replacement of the damaged part(s). He shall also immediately notify the Employer
/ Engineer of the actions he is going to undertake in order to repair or replace the damaged part(s) and of the
consequences this damage will have on the completion date of the project.

1.2.13 Unloading and Storage at Site

The Contractor shall unload all imported equipment and material at Site from trucks and trailers and delivery
vehicles as the case may be. Items for permanent installation shall be properly and neatly stored in areas
agreed by the Employer/ Engineer and shall be protected to prevent damage or deterioration of any type.

Storage methods shall be such as to cause minimum inconvenience to others and shall be arranged to facilitate
inspection and withdrawing from stores. All equipment and material stored shall be subject to the approval of
the Employer/ Engineer.

The ends of all nozzles, pipes, tubes and conduits, while in storage at Site, shall be covered with a tube cap to
seal against the entry of humidity, blowing dirt and other foreign matter. The outside surface of all tubes shall
be protected with a shellac or paint coating prior to shipment. Protective coating shall not obliterate grade
markings, etc. Tubing shall be shipped and stored in neat bundles.

Motors, valves, gauges, etc. shall be stored in a store building/ container to be provided by the Contractor.
Motor windings shall be kept dry.

Bearings and other machined wearing surfaces of machinery shall be protected against corrosion and shall be
kept clean.

Structural steel, miscellaneous steel, grating, walkways, platework, and cable trays etc., shall be protected by
at least one prime coat of corrosive-protective paint prior to shipment, and shall be kept suitably painted
throughout the storage and erection period to prohibit corrosion, unless such items are galvanised or have
other corrosion-proof finish.

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Thermal insulation shall be stored indoors. here.

All packing boxes, planking, covering, etc. shall become the property of the Employer as soon as the equipment
and material which is contained therein arrives at Site. The Employer, on application from the Contractor, may
permit the Contractor to use some of the boxes, containers, etc. for equipment and material storage purposes
until the items are installed or erected by the Contractor.

1.2.14 Conductor Drums (Reels)

1.2.15 Construction

All conductors shall be supplied on returnable steel drums or non-returnable wooden drums as per as specified
in NEMA WC 26/EEMAC 201-2008.

For multi-layered construction the conductor shall be wound onto the drums to form complete layers. Each
layer shall fill the width of the drum before the succeeding layer is wound on. Drums not wound in this manner
will be rejected.

An acceptable method of holding the conductor end shall be used, to ensure that no relative movement of
conductor occurs between the uppermost uncompleted layer and the completed layer directly below it, during
transportation. Details of the proposed holding method shall accompany the tender offer, and shall be subject
to Eskom's approval.

Weather-proof heavy paper, cardboard or other suitable material shall be placed between the conductor and
barrel and flange surfaces of drums. This material shall remain attached to the drum during unreeling.

Wood lagging shall be used to protect the conductor. Four steel straps shall be used to secure the lagging on
steel drums. Wooden lagging should be uniformly spaced with at most 10 mm spacing between adjacent lag-
gings. The battens shall be nailed to the flanges of wooden drums and two steel band straps shall be provided
around each drum to prevent easy removal of the battens. The length of the nails used shall be at least 10 mm
less than the distance from the outside of the battens to the top of the conductor on the drum. Care shall be
taken to prevent the nails from protruding through the surface of the flange. No component of the drum shall
cause damage to the conductor at any time.

The moisture content of wood used for the fabrication of drums and reels shall not exceed 150g/kg (15%).

Wooden drums shall be preserved from insect attack and mould by adopting either the Heat Treatment (Kiln
drying-CPI indicated by HT) or by Methyl Bromide Fumigation (indicated by MB).

Conductor travelling by ship shall have a waterproof plastic or canvas material inserted between the outer
most layers of conductor and wrapped over the outermost layer.

1.2.16 Marking

The following information shall be clearly marked in indelible paint on both flanges of every conductor drum
in English:

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 Type of conductor and name; here.
 Size of conductor;
 Exact length in meters;
 Serial number if applicable and minimum breaking strength;
 Stranding;
 Net weight in kg;
 Gross weight in kg;
 Arrow showing correct direction for rolling (which is the opposite to the direction of unwinding) with in-
struction “ROLL THIS WAY”;
 Instruction “DO NOT LAY FLAT”;
 Drum number;
 Manufacturer’s name and country of origin;
 Year of manufacture;
 Purchaser’s order number;
 Purchaser’s name and address;
 Shipping destination;
 Stores/site destination.

A label detailing handling/storing requirements must be attached onto one side of the drum which will inform
contractors of how to take care of drums and conductors. The size of label should be approximately 0.4m x
0.4m of drum. As a minimum label should state “Remove all protruding nails near conductor on flanges before
conductor is used for stringing; ensure conductor never touches the bare ground; spreader bar must be used
for lifting of drums, follow arrow on drum for rolling direction” etc

1.3 Accommodation and Site Storage

1.3.1 Living Accommodation (FiDIC 6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour)

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements with regard to accommodation for his expatriate and locally
recruited staff during the construction period. All dwellings and buildings existing or erected for the purpose
by the Contractors shall comply with local regulations with regard to construction, water supply, sanitation
and other requirements. The Contractor shall provide temporary construction camps complete with proper
sanitation and other necessary facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for the construction and provision
of all electrical supplies, water supplies, living accommodation, catering, services and amenities required by
his employees for the duration of the Works. The location of all such facilities will be subject to approval by
the Engineer.

All accommodation shall serve as permanent residences and form future communities, if such use can be
foreseen or be removed by the Contractor when no longer required and before the granting of the final cer-
tificate. After the removal of accommodation the ground shall be left in a clean and tidy condition.

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1.3.2 Medical Facilities (FiDIC 6.7 Health and Safety) here.

These will not be provided by the Employer and the Contractor shall be required to make his own arrange-
ments where these services may be required for his expatriate or locally engaged staff.

1.3.3 Staff Transport (FiDIC 6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour)

The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense all necessary transport for his own men and materials.

Without prejudice to the generality of the several clauses of the Contract and except for the facilities referred
to in this Clause, particular attention is drawn to the obligation of the Contractor to make his own arrange-
ments at his own expense for supply and furnishing of offices, workshops, stores and store compounds and
the watching and guarding of such.

1.3.4 Storage Facilities

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for storage areas and campsites. The Contractor shall in all
cases obtain the approval of the Engineer for the places along the route of the lines where he intends to store
materials. In no case will this be outside the authorized area unless special arrangements are made with the
owners of adjacent property, at the Contractor’s own expense. The Contractor is to provide any necessary
protection and watchmen to safeguard materials in the areas allocated to him. The handling and storage of
any equipment at the site is to be at the risk of the Contractor and without responsibility to the Employer. The
Contractor is to arrange for the protection to the satisfaction of the Engineer, of these materials against vermin
attack, corrosion and mechanical damage during storage and erection at site.

The site storage areas shall be prepared with adequate hard-standing for the orderly storage of conductor
drums, tower steel, insulators and fittings so that the material will not be damaged by the effects of adverse
weather during storage. Items packed in flammable crates or drums shall be stored in such a manner as to
limit the extent of any damage arising from fire.

1.4 Documentation (FIDIC 5 Design)

Basic R Final record copies shall be handed over before the issue of the “Taking Over Certificate”. The list of
drawings required for final record purposes is given below. After completion of work on site all Contract Rec-
ord drawings, as required by the Specification.

1.4.1 Requirements

The complete delivery has to be documented in a totally complete manner and in its entire scope. The com-
plete documentation, drawings, manuals, etc. shall be included in the supply and will be subject to the ap-
proval of the Engineer according to the requirements of this Specification.

Brochures, Manuals, Leaflets etc. being part of the documentation shall be provided with a cover sheet, fol-
lowing the a.m. rules. The practice of cover sheets is restricted to that use only. Inconsistent and non-specific

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statements and representations between project specific documents and a standard documentation will not
be accepted. Documentation of the same type shall be similar in size and form.

More detailed documentation requirements of further parts of technical specification shall be regarded.

The general documents, calculations, certifications, manuals, drawings, etc. relating to the manufacturing
works, which are to be prepared during detailed design by the Contractor are listed here below.

1.4.2 Design Drawings

Design drawings comprise all documentation necessary to define the works and the supply within this project.
In detail they are covered by:

 Civil drawings (OHL and substation layout drawings, foundation drawings, loadings, …)
 Architectural drawings (elevations, floor plan, section views, …)
 Structural drawings
 Mechanical systems drawings (layout drawings and section views of equipment, schematics, circuit, and
wiring diagrams, parts lists…)
 Electrical drawings (overall single line diagram of complete substation, particular single line diagram of
concerned switchgear, layout drawings and section views of equipment, assembly drawings, schematics,
circuit and wiring diagrams, protection and control design incl. substation LAN and communication con-
nections (if any), parts lists…)
 Design drawings shall show the equipment within the substation and the switchgear, together with all
existing equipment and facilities. Sufficient overall dimensions shall be indicated.

These diagrams shall show the internal and external connections of all apparatus, their designations, terminal
numbers, colour codes, etc. and shall be used for manufacturing, equipment installation and operation of the

1.4.3 Factory and Internal Working Drawings

Detailed factory and internal working manufacturing drawings shall show:

 Detail dimensions
 Tolerances
 Materials
 Nameplate diagrams

1.4.4 Shipment Details

Shipment details include a.o. instructions for loading, unloading, handling, and special precautions to be ob-
served for storage at site.

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1.4.5 Plant and Equipment Identification here.

The Contractor shall apply a plant identification system showing the name and number of each item of plant
and its respective arrangement drawing number and add any additional items necessary to fully identify the
plant. There is to be only one description for any one item of plant and this must be used consistently for plant,
electrical and instrumentation designations throughout.

1.4.6 Normative Background

The documentation shall be prepared according to latest IEC- and ISO-standards.

The document classes, their contents, and their basic document structure shall comply with IEC 61355. The
designation of the documents shall be indicated as given therein, the build-up shall be carried out according
to the basic rules for the management of technical documents, given in the standard ISO 11442.

The systematic of apparatus and equipment classification, designation and identification shall follow IEC
81346; in particular, the elaborated practice of IG EVU shall be used.

In particular, all devices having a movable part, for example a contact, shall be shown in a position or state
representing the non-actuated or de-energised state.

The terminal designation of the HV-apparatus shall be according to DIN 43456. Additionally, the standard IEC
60445 is applicable.

The schematic layout of circuit diagrams and function diagrams shall have the layout and the top-down struc-
ture as described in IEC 61082 and IEC 62023, references to control room, protection and other panels shall
be included. The symbolism in the drawings shall follow IEC 60617 and ISO IEC 81714.

All documents, including those of suppliers and subassemblies, shall have a title block in conformance with
ISO 7200 containing besides the mandatory fields as

▪ Legal owner
▪ Identification Number (= Customers drawing number)
▪ Revision Index
▪ Title
▪ Date of Issue
▪ Responsible Person
▪ Document Type

 also at least

▪ Page number
▪ Number of pages
▪ Responsible department
▪ Creator

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▪ Approval person here.

If the page numbering is not done sequentially “Continuing Page” shall be used instead of “Number of pages”.

1.4.7 Document and Parts Lists

For the complete delivery and all sub deliveries the Tenderer / Contractor has to provide a main document list
containing the information of all his documents belonging to his delivery. Document lists may be structured in
main document list and subordinated document lists; they all shall contain at least the following columns:

 Running number
 Customers drawing number
 Contractors drawing number
 Revision index
 Number of sheets
 Document title
 Document file name
 Date of document submittal
 Date of document approval
 Status of document approval

Document list has to be updated with each and every submitted drawing and is part of every document sub-

Parts lists shall be in full conformity with IEC 62027 Class A. Data sets of items listed therein shall contain all
information classified as mandatory and classified as conditional.

1.4.8 Contractors' Communications, Drawing Submittal, Data and Instructions

The Contractor shall, besides normal communication, submit for approval drawings, design data, installation,
operating and maintenance instructions, and catalogue cuts as outlined herein. All submitted documents shall
be accompanied by consecutively numbered document transmittal sheets containing a list with submission
date, documents-no, revision, title, etc.

The sequence of submission shall be such that sufficient previous information is available for checking each
document when it is received. Piecemeal submission of documents is not acceptable; such submittals are
deemed to be not received by the Employer.

For data exchange to other CAD-systems, all drawings shall be provided as AutoCAD DXF-format version 2012,
respectively in approved MS-Office format for charts, tables, lists etc. In addition all documentation has to be
provided as PDF-file for documentation purpose. PDF-files shall be ready prepared for text capture. Docu-
ments with more than one page shall be submitted as one electronic file only.

All drawings shall be printed with dark lines on a white background.

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If not otherwise given in the Particular Conditions, the Contractor shall provide all electronic files in a uniform
file designation system. Contractor shall propose to the Employer/ Engineer a file designation system for ap-
proval. All document submittals with arbitrary filenames will be rejected.

The Employer/ Engineer will approve the Contractor's documents in accordance with the agreed Program of
Performance and will return with comments or commented document.

 "Approved"
 "Approved, Except as Noted", or
 "Returned for Corrections", or
 “For Information Only”

The Contractor shall revise the Documents marked with (2) or (3) and resubmit the same for final approval.
Every revision shall be defined by numeral or letter, date and subject in a revision block. After the third sub-
mission of the Documents for approval the costs incurred by the Engineer shall be borne by the Contractor.

The Employer’s/ Engineer's approval of the Contractor's and Sub-Contractor's documents shall not relieve the
Contractor from his responsibility for errors or omissions which may exist, even though work is done in ac-
cordance with such approved documents. If such errors or omissions are discovered later, they shall be cor-
rected and the work shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense, irrespective of any approval of
the Employer/ Engineer.

Documents to be supplied by Sub-Contractors shall be checked thoroughly by the Contractor with regard to
measurements, size of components, materials and details to satisfy himself that they conform to the require-
ments and to the intent of the Technical Specifications, and the Contractor shall place thereon the date of his
approval. Documents found to be inaccurate or otherwise in error shall be returned to the Sub-Contractor for
correction before submitting them to the Employer/ Engineer.

No major revisions affecting the design will be made after a document has been marked "Approved" without
resubmitting the document for formal approval of said revision. The Contractor shall furnish the Employer’
and Engineer’s site offices with one (1) additional copy of each approved document.

Copies marked "Approved" authorise the Contractor to proceed with the fabrication, erection, or installation
of the works indicated therein.

Any fabrication, erection, or installation of works or portion thereof prior to the approval of documents perti-
nent thereto shall be at the Contractor's risk.

One copy of the approved documents, specifications and other information incl. the latest revision thereof
shall be kept by the Contractor on the site and the same shall, at all reasonable times, be available for inspec-
tion and use by the Engineer or the Engineer's representative or by any other person authorised, in writing,
by the Engineer.

As far as periods given for submission of documents for information and of documents for approval are con-
cerned, the times stipulated there are tentative only, thus the Contractor shall submit his own detailed sched-
ule in compliance with his completion periods as per the Contract.

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The final documentation shall be archived by the Tenderer / Contractor according to the appropriate regula- here.
tions for a time of 30 years.

1.4.9 Submittals to be Attached to the Bid

1.4.10 Drawings

The following are the drawings to be submitted with the Bid.

▪ Program of anticipated works, to conform to completion times required in the Special Condi-
tions of Contract.
▪ Details of the method of working to demonstrate that the specified Quality Assurance require-
ments will be complied with.
▪ Copies of any standards proposed in substitution for International Electrotechnical Commission
Standards or Recommendations or EN Standards accompanied where necessary by English
translations of the appropriate sections.
▪ documents of the main equipment (CB, CT, VT, protetection system, telecommunication sys-
tem, etc.

1.4.11 Drawing Numbers

The Contractor will apply drawing numbers to all drawings, including those from sub-contractors and those
issued for information before they are submitted to the Engineer. The Contractor’s drawing office will be ex-
pected to issue the numbers in batches that will cover broad subject areas. For instance, the Contractor might
propose batches for towers, foundations, insulators, conductors, profiles, etc. The Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer for approval the subject areas he proposes to use prior to the issue of any drawing. The Contrac-
tor shall each month issue an up-to-date drawing list to the Engineer.

1.4.12 Submittals during Contract Period

1.4.13 General

Before starting manufacture of the equipment, dimensioned drawings and data showing all significant details
of the equipment and materials to be used shall be submitted to the Employer for approval, at least 2 weeks
before the planned commencement of the manufacturing process.

These drawings shall be submitted within the times mentioned hereunder, measured in calendar month from
the Date of commencement. The drawings shall be modified as necessary if requested by the Employer, and
resubmitted for final approval.

Item [month]
Single line diagram 0.5
Plot plan and general layout 1
Building layouts and elevations 1
Earthing mesh layout and calculations 1.5

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Soil investigation report with foundation recommendations 2 here.
Detailed equipment layout 2
Protection and Control Documents 2
Finishing schedules 3
Site test procedures and program 12

When the Contractor prepares his construction schedule, as required herein, he shall make allowance for the
drawing approval time and indicate it on the schedule. A period of at least four weeks should be allowed for
such approval after receipt by the Employer. Claims or extensions of time will not be approved if they are
related to the late submission of drawings to the Employer or if they involve delays caused by drawings not
being approved by the Employer.

After approval of drawings by the Employer, the Contractor shall supply the approved drawings to the Em-
ployer according to the table given below.

It is to be understood, however, that approval of the drawings will not relieve the Contractor of any responsi-
bility in connection with the work.

All drawings submitted for approval or sent to the Employer for any other reason shall be sent by courier.

After items of the work have been manufactured and erected, complete sets of prints and negatives of the
finally corrected drawings shall be submitted to the Employer

The following number of copies shall be submitted to the Employer:

During design, manufacture and erection.

Documents for approval 5 paper copies

Approved documents 3 paper copies
Final plant documentation updated as-built 6 paper copies
Document binders 2 copies of data file
Drawings prepared in AutoCad 2 copies of data file
Schedules that may be subject to changes by the Employer 2 copies of data files

1.4.14 Program of Submittals

The Contractor shall arrange his design and drawing program so that the works can be properly coordinated
by the Engineer. He shall provide the documentation as specified below within 4 weeks of the award of Con-
tract, together with any drawings and information considered necessary by the Contractor or Engineer.

 Confirmation of contract documentation;

 A detailed schedule of all plant to be supplied under the Contract. This schedule shall have space for the
following information as a minimum requirement in respect of each item:-

▪ Manufacturer;

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▪ Country of origin; here.
▪ Planned FOB delivery date;
▪ Planned date of arrival on site;
▪ Sub-order number (as applicable);
▪ Allocated drawing numbers;

 A preliminary schedule of drawings to be submitted to the Engineer for approval in respect of all items of
equipment to be supplied under the Contract. The schedule shall include a program for submittal of all
drawings required by the Specification. The schedule shall have space for at least the following information
to be added at a later date:-

▪ Drawing number;
▪ Drawing title;
▪ Proposed date of submission;
▪ Actual date of submission;
▪ Resubmissions;
▪ Revision numbers;
▪ Date of approval;
▪ Release as a working drawing;
▪ Date to site;
▪ Date to Engineer;
▪ Date of as-built drawing.

1.5 Final Records

Table of content for the final project documentation (as built documen- Two month before completion
tation) to be submitted for approval date

After completion of work on Site all Contract drawings shall be revised where necessary to show the equip-
ment as installed and the number of copies of revised drawings as specified in Volume 2 shall be submitted
for review. A complete set of reviewed records shall be provided comprising, one full size reproducible copy
and one full size print. Record drawings shall be endorsed “As Constructed” and shall be correctly titled and
carry the Engineer’s review number, Contractor’s drawing number and where appropriate the Employer’s
number allocated to the item.

After final review of the “As Constructed” record drawings the Contractor shall submit complete sets of rec-
ords on compact discs, one of which is for the Employer. Electronic copies of the drawings shall be in electronic
format suitable for reproduction on paper using the Employer’s preferred software packages. Each disc shall
provide a comprehensive drawing list containing the drawing number, sheet, revision and title of every draw-
ing. Each single file drawing record shall be self-supporting without referencing other files. Non-standard items
such as fonts, line types, etc should not be used. If compression techniques are applied to files then any soft-
ware necessary to decompress the files shall be included on the discs. The Contractor shall ensure that all
information contained on the discs has been checked for virus contamination. Each compact disc shall be sup-
plied suitably encased and accompanied with printed documentation describing the contents of the compact

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discs, the formats and software used to compile the discs and the print hardware required to reproduce the
record drawings.

Final record copies shall be handed over before the issue of the “Taking Over Certificate”. The list of drawings
and documentsrequired for final record purposes shall be submitted by the Contractor as proposal to the
Engineer and the Employer. The proposal of the Contractor has to be approved by the Employer and Engineer.

1.6 Tests and Inspection (FIDIC 7, 9, 10 and 12)

1.6.1 General

The Contractor shall provide a test specification covering all tests. The objective of the test specification shall
be to set forth the means, manner and circumstances in which to verify compliance with the Contract require-
ments including all functional and operation performance claims for all the material, components, equipment,
software or system made by the Contractor and/ or the original equipment manufacturer.

With reference to ISO 9001 the test specification shall detail the following:

 Equipment designation to be tested

 Step-by-step method of testing
 Normative base of the test, showing
 title and number of standard
 title and number of sub-clause
 Requirements to be tested
 Acceptance criteria as e.g. expected value and appropriate tolerances
 Test protocol template, showing a.o.
 title and number of sub-clause of relevant standard
 Specified value
 Acceptance criteria
 Result (measured value)

Test procedures and test protocols shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Compilation of routine
test protocols shall be covered by a table of contents, clearly structured by the relevant standards and their

Approval of the test specification/ procedure will not prejudice the Employer’s/ Engineer’s right to order ad-
ditional tests, should the Employer/ Engineer deem, following approval but before his acceptance of the ma-
terial, equipment, software of system(s) for shipment, that certain conditions or combination of conditions
were not foreseen in the test specification, in order to demonstrate that performance requirements of this
Specification have been met.

The Contractor shall notify the Employer/ Engineer at least 30 days in advance of the date and the place at
which any equipment or Work will be ready for testing or inspection.

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Tests shall only be conducted with the aid and in accordance with test specification(s) and standards clearlyhere.
identified as approved for use by the Employer/ Engineer, and, where applicable, employ test instruments of
suitable quality calibrated to manufacturer’s recommendations by a reputable agency within the previous six
(6) months.

In the event of test results not satisfying the requirements of the Technical Specifications or guaranteed per-
formance, the Contractor shall improve the equipment until satisfactory results are obtained and shall conduct
retests at his own expense. All expenses incurred by the Employer/ Engineer in attending the retest shall be
borne by the Contractor.

Should any one of the results of the tests fails a third time to satisfy the requirements of the Specifications, or
if the Equipment does not satisfy the guaranteed performance, the Employer/ Engineer may at his own volition
and option refuse acceptance of the equipment and require the equipment to be replaced or alternatively
accept the Equipment upon reduction in the Contract Price.

1.6.2 Cost of Tests

1.6.3 Tests

The cost of making any test shall be borne by the Contractor. This shall apply to tests performed at the place
of manufacture, the Site or elsewhere.

The costs for those tests that have not been mentioned expressly in the Contract Documents, but which are
routine for the type of work involved or whose necessity can be considered as understood in connection with
the various works, shall be borne by the Contractor.

The costs for the tests shall include also the supply of all samples, machinery, instruments, accessories for, as
well as all reports and certifications about the test, as well as the presence of corresponding competent per-

1.6.4 Inspection Trips

Prior to production, the Contractor shall submit to Employer/ Engineer a fabrication sequence describing in-
spection and/ or tests to be performed, for use in determining inspection points which Employer may desire
to witness. Employer/ Engineer will advise the Contractor prior to production of those fabrication steps and
shop inspection points that Employer/ Engineer desires to witness.

Factory tests shall be performed for all major electrical equipment. The factory acceptance tests shall be co-
ordinated with the training of the Employer’s personnel and shall form an integral part of the training at Con-
tractor’s premises.

1.6.5 Test Repetition

All reasonable expenses incurred by the Employer and the Engineer due to the repetition of tests or inspec-
tions due to reasons for which the Contractor is responsible shall be borne by the Contractor. Repetition of

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tests or inspections may be allowed without any prejudice to the right to impose liquidated damages for here. delay
in completion as provided elsewhere in the Contract.

1.6.6 Costs of Tests not provided for

If the Engineer orders tests of a special nature, the costs of such tests shall be covered by:

 the Employer, if the test results show that the quality of the materials and the execution of the corre-
sponding works conform to the instructions of the Engineer.
 the Contractor, if the results obtained show that the quality of the materials and the execution of the
corresponding works do not conform to the Specifications or to the instructions of the Engineer.

1.6.7 Required Tests

The following tests are required to be performed in the course of the project:

 Type tests for all major electrical equipment and all major material
 Routine test under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer during manufacturing, pre-installation of
cubicles etc.
 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) at Contractors premises prior to delivery to site
 Field tests, verifications and tests during installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning tests
 Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) after commissioning of all systems and works including guarantee test.
 Completion test and guarantee test in accordance with General Conditions of Contract and Special Condi-
tions of Contract

1.6.8 Type Tests

Type tests shall have been performed by an internationally accredited independent testing laboratory as e.g.
KEMA or equivalent not associated with the manufacturers. Also tests performed at manufacturer’s laboratory
and witnessed by accordingly accredited independent third party are acceptable. Accreditation to the testing
laboratory/ third party shall be given by an according signatory member of International Laboratory Accredi-
tation Cooperation (ILAC).

Type test certificates of all major equipment and major material shall be submitted. If necessary it shall be
translated in all aspects to the English language by the issuing test institute. Type test certificates are subject
to the approval of Employer/ Engineer. Type-test certificates shall not be older than five (5) years at the time
of their submittal. Compilation of type test certificates shall be covered by a table of contents, clearly struc-
tured by the relevant standards, their sub-clauses, and designation of the relevant test.

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On request of Employer/ Engineer full certified type test report/ protocol shall be provided. here.

1.6.9 Routine Tests

The Contractor shall perform routine tests on all equipment in accordance with requirements of the Specifi-
cation and the Contractor’s test specification approved by the Employer.

1.6.10 Factory Acceptance Tests

Prior to shipping and final inspection, tests hereinafter referred to as Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) shall be
conducted by the Contractor / Manufacturer and will be witnessed by the Employer/ Engineer.

The Contractor shall carry out tests, as required by the specified Standards and the Quality Control and Assur-
ance Program in accordance with Contractor’s test specification, approved by Employer/ Engineer.

At the commencement of the witness FAT, all equipment and material shall be brought together in one place,
integrated and the configuration/ set-up at the factory site shall be identical to that to be installed at the site
and any equipment and software necessary for the proper operation of the equipment shall have reached its
final form, not to be changed during the FAT and until commencement of commissioning at site.

During FAT all routine test protocols of the equipment and material shall be available and ready to be checked
for reference.

If the Employer/ Engineer opted not to witness the Factory Acceptance Tests, Employer/ Engineer will issue a
Certificate of Waiver of Tests Witnessing/ Inspection for the equipment and materials. In such case, the Con-
tractor shall proceed with the Factory Tests in accordance with the requirement of the specification and the
manufacturer’s test specification as approved by the Employer.

Where Factory Tests are not required to be witnessed by Employer’s representative(s) of the equipment, a
Certificate of Waiver of Tests Witnessing/ Inspection will be issued also by the Employer. In this case, no claim
whatsoever can be made by the Employer on the Contractor as a result of waiving the Factory Acceptance

1.6.11 Field Tests and Site Acceptance Tests

Field tests and site acceptance tests, if any to determine whether the requirements of the specification have
been fulfilled, shall as far as applicable generally be performed by the Contractor, but the Employer shall del-
egate his engineer(s) for assistance in this work.

The Contractor shall carry out tests, as required by the specified Standards and the Quality Control and Assur-
ance Program in accordance with Contractor’s test specification, approved by Employer/ Engineer.

At the commencement of the witness SAT, all equipment and material shall be readily installed and prepared
to be commissioned, any equipment and software necessary for the proper operation of the equipment shall
have reached its final form, not to be changed during the SAT and commissioning.

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During SAT all routine test/ FAT protocols of the equipment and material shall be available and ready here.to be
checked for reference.

1.7 Recommended Spare Parts

For the list of spare parts, included in the Tender, shall be indicated the expected life of the parts requiring
replacement and the minimum recommended inventory of the spare parts for installation, start-up, continu-
ous operation and maintenance. Contractor shall state whether the recommended spare parts is a stock item
or a special item, and shall furnish name and location of the nearest Contractor, and approximate lead time
required for delivery.

All spare parts shall be readily interchangeable with the ones which they are to replace. They shall be of the
same material, of identical size and manufacture and shall have the same properties as the corresponding
parts of the installed equipment. Specified conditions relating to tests, treatment of surfaces and painting, etc.
of the installed equipment shall also apply to spare parts.

All spare parts shall be properly packed (and where necessary treated) in such a manner as to allow prolonged
storage at the Site, considering the ambient conditions prevailing there. In due time, the Contractor shall in-
form the Employer of the eventual precautions to be taken for the proper storage of the spare parts.

The Contractor shall provide a spare parts list containing at least the following information:

 Name and address of manufacturer and other identification no

 Item description including equipment code, drawing no., material designation, units to be ordered
 List of items (designated by code) for which the respective spare parts can be used
 Item price

Additional particular requirements for spare parts are given in the respective technical specifications.

In addition, in the event of termination of the production of spare parts, advance notification will be made to
the Employer of the pending termination, with sufficient time to permit the Employer to procure the needed
requirement. Following such termination, the Contractor will permit to the extent possible and at no cost to
the Employer the blueprints, drawings and specifications of the spare parts, if requested.

1.8 Surface Treatment and Corrosion Protection

1.8.1 General

In general all hardware and accessories shall be made from corrosion proof materials. When selecting the
materials for towers, fittings, and earthing equipment, particular attention must be paid to corrosion re-
sistance. Selection and employment shall be made so that under working conditions no detrimental corrosion,
distortion, deterioration, or excessive strain in any part of the equipment may occur.

All contact surfaces on the gantry stubs, connectors, rods, strips and wire leads shall be thoroughly cleaned
prior to assembly to avoid corrosion.

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Machined or bright surfaces of the parts which are to receive no coat of paint shall be protected during storagehere.
and erection by a suitable corrosion protective compound as e.g. Tectyl.

The Contractor must take all necessary steps to protect the installations and objects existing on right-of-way
or adjacent thereto against electrostatic and electromagnetic interferences. Special attention must be paid to
the existing pipelines, electrical networks and telecommunication net-works, as well as to the existing instal-
lations and equipment for cathode corrosion protection of the pipelines.

1.8.2 Galvanising

The applicable standards are:

 ISO 1460, Metallic coatings - Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials - Gravi-metric determination
of the mass per unit area
 ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanised coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles - Specifications and test methods
 ISO 1463 Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method
 ISO 2064, Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Definitions and conventions concerning the measure-
ment of thickness
 ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic
 EN 1179, Zinc and zinc alloys - Primary zinc
 EN 22083, Zinc and zinc alloys - Secondary zinc

All exterior and interior surfaces of outdoor structural parts shall be hot dip galvanised. Screws and nuts asso-
ciated with galvanised parts shall also be hot dip galvanised. Material shall not be galvanised until all shop
operations upon it have been completed.

The zinc coating shall be clean, of uniform thickness, free from defects and so applied that it will adhere to the
surface of the steel.

Repair of galvanising: mayor damage to galvanising shall be cause for rejection. Should any galvanising be
damaged during transport or erection it shall be repaired on receipt of the Engineer's approval.

Where repair to galvanising is authorised, the damage area shall be cleaned by wiping with clean rags struc-
tured with appropriate mineral spirit followed by wire brushing. After wire brushing, the area shall be re-
cleaned with solvent to remove the residue and three successive layers of approved galvanising repair paint
shall be applied. The executed repair shall be subject to the Project Manager's acceptance. For zinc spray
coating, surfaces shall be shot blasted before spraying.

All structural steel, including grillage foundations, shall be galvanised within one piece by the hot-dip process
after fabrication. All holes in material shall be free of excess spelter after galvanizing. All materials shall be
safeguarded against embrittlement during galvanising.

Galvanising of hardware: Bolts, nuts, washers, locknuts and material parts shall be galvanised. Excess spelter
shall be removed by centrifugal spinning.

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1.8.3 Painting here.

1.8.4 General

Due to the unfavourable atmospheric conditions, particular attention shall be given to the protection of all
ironwork. The methods proposed and the means adopted shall be fully described in the Tender Proposal,
considering also climatic conditions as humidity and temperatures. Reference is made to ISO 12944

All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale, grease, and dirt and other foreign matter and all imper-
fections shall be removed by means of approved methods.

The following treatments shall be applied:

1.8.5 External Surfaces (General)

All steel surfaces shall be sand-blasted in accordance with ISO 8501 and shall then be painted in the following

Coat Layer Material Thickness

one (1) primer coat two-component epoxy zinc-phosphate 60 µm
one (1) intermediate coat two-component epoxy micaceous iron oxide 60 µm
one (1) top coat two-component polyurethane 40 µm
Total coating thickness (dry-film) 160 µm

The final coat of painting shall be of pore-free and homogeneous quality and shall be of a uniform shade of
code RAL 7035, if not otherwise required.

In case of ordinary stainless steel or aluminium one primer coat may be omitted.

If any hot-dip galvanised steel parts will be provided the same painting method shall be applied, however,
instead of two primer coats one adhesive coat and one base coat shall be applied. In this case, the mean
thickness of galvanising shall be 70 µm.

Mechanical damage on tower steel structures shall be repaired at site with original paint as mentioned above
but not without the approval of the Employer/ Engineer.

1.8.6 Control Cabinets, Panels and Cubicles, Connection Boxes

All housings shall be completely corrosion protected. The outside surfaces shall be preferably electrophoretic
dipcoat-primed and powder-coated. The inside surfaces shall be varnished as well or sendzimir galvanised,
whereas cold galvanisation is restricted to treating of edges and refinish treatment. The thickness of the dry
film shall be at least 80 μm; the adhesive strength shall be GT1 or better according to the standard ISO 2409.

The Employer reserves the right to determine the thickness of coating by making appropriate tests. For such
tests, the Contractor shall make available the apparatus to be used.

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The paint film, under visual examination, must in any case present the appearance of an accurate application here.
and be free of lesions, porosity, cracks or bubbles.

1.8.7 Retained Samples

For all coating work, samples shall be taken and retained at the job site for possible reference in the event of
coating failure. Retained samples shall be kept at least until the warranty period has expired.

For measuring the dry film thickness, a non-destructive dry film thickness gauge shall be used.

Usually the required minimum dry film thickness has to be checked for the complete coating system. In specific
cases it is necessary to measure the wet film thickness per coat, for example the prime coats.

After coating work is completed, a general final check of the coating application shall be made. In certain cases
(e.g. tar epoxy linings) the finished coating system shall be carefully inspected for pinholes in the paint film by
commercial high voltage spark testers.

1.8.8 Removal of Improper Work and Materials

The Project Manager has, during the course of the works, power to instruct the Contractor in writing to carry-

 The removal from the Site, within such time or times as may be specified in the order, of any materials
which, in opinion of the Project Manager are not in accordance with the Contract, and
 the substitution with proper and suitable materials, and
 the removal and proper re-executing, notwithstanding any previous test thereof or any payment there-
fore, of any work which in respect of craftsmanship, in the opinion of the Project Manager, are not in
accordance with the Contract.

1.8.9 Urgent Repairs

If by reason of accident or failure or any other event occurring to or in connection with the Works, or any part
thereof, either during the execution of the Works or during Defects Liability Period, any re-medial, other Works
or Repairs are in the opinion of the Project Manager urgently necessary for the safety of the Works, and if the
Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do such Works or Repairs, then the Employer may employ and pay
any other Contractor to carry out such Works or Repairs.

If the Works or repairs so ordered by the Employer are Works or Repairs which, in the opinion of the Project
Manager, the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the Contract, all expense properly incurred
by the Employer in so doing shall be recoverable from the Contractor , or may be deducted from any moneys
due to the Contractor by the Employer; provided always that the Project Manager notify in writing the Con-
tractor thereof as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable.

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1.9 Planning, Progress Reports and Project Progress Meetings (FIDIC 4.21) here.

The Contractor shall submit for review, within 4 weeks of the starting date of the Contract, an outline design,
manufacture, delivery and construction and erection chart. Within a further period of 4 weeks the Contractor
shall provide a detailed program in a format to be agreed by the Engineer; this program shall also include
details of drawing submissions.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer and the Employer at monthly intervals, not later than the seventh
day of the following month, and in such formats as may be required by the Engineer, detailed progress reports
of the status of design, material procurement, manufacture, works tests, delivery to Site, erection of all plant
and materials included in the Contract, testing and commissioning with regard to the agreed contract program.

Reports shall include a chart detailing plant manufacture, delivery and erection. The chart shall indicate all
phases of the work with provision for modification if found necessary during execution of the Works.

The design aspect of the progress report shall include a comprehensive statement on drawings and calcula-
tions submitted for review.

The details on material procurement shall give the dates and details of orders placed, indicating delivery dates
and expected inspection dates quoted by the manufacturer. If any delivery date has an adverse effect on the
contract program the Contractor shall state the remedial action taken to ensure that delays do not occur.

The section on manufacture shall indicate dates of arrival of material, the progress of manufacture and testing
and shall state the date on which the material will be ready for transport. Any events which may adversely
affect completion in the manufacturer’s works shall also be reported.

All works tests and the test results shall be listed and a commentary provided. Any test failures shall be ex-
plained and the Contractor shall state his proposed actions to prevent delay to the project completion.

The shipping or transport of each order shall be monitored in the progress report and shall give the date when
equipment is available for transport, the expected time of delivery to site and the dates actually achieved.

The report on the site works shall be subdivided into each of the activities included in the detailed construction
program and each activity shall be monitored giving work achieved, the percentage completion and estimated
completion dates for each activity, in accordance with the contract program. The number of men working on
site, both labor and supervisory staff, shall be reported together with any incidents or events that may affect
the progress of site works. The progress reports shall include photographs of work items of interest and any
unusual form of construction or foundation work.

A site weekly program of work shall be provided each week during the previous week.

Any delays which may affect any milestone or completion date shall be detailed by the Contractor who shall
state the action taken to effect contract completion in accordance with the contract program.

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The Contractor shall forward two copies of each progress report to the Engineer. If during the execution here.of
the Contract the Engineer considers the progress position of any section of the work to be unsatisfactory the
Engineer shall be at liberty to call progress meetings at site or in his office with a responsible representative
of the Contractor.

Project progress meetings shall be held at monthly intervals or as mutually agreed between the Contractor,
the Employer and the Engineer. The venue for each project progress meeting (including necessary refresh-
ments etc.) is to be provided by the Contractor throughout the duration of the contract.

1.10 Quality Assurance

1.10.1 Quality Assurance Requirements

The Contractor and subcontractors shall, for all phases of work to be performed under the Contract, establish
and implement quality assurance arrangements which, as a minimum, meet the requirements of ISO 9001:
2008, “Quality Management Systems - Requirements”.

The Contractor shall ensure that all work carried out under the Contract is performed by suitably qualified and
skilled personnel and that good quality materials, which meet relevant international standard specifications,
where such exist, are used.

1.10.2 Quality Assurance Arrangements - Quality Plan

The Contractor shall submit a comprehensive contract specific Quality Plan for review and comment, within
two weeks of award of contract.

The Quality Plan shall identify as a minimum:

 the Contractor’s organization and responsibilities of key management including quality assurance person-
 the duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work for the Contract;
 the prime project documents, specifications, codes of practice, standards;
 the correspondence and reporting interfaces, and liaison between the Engineer and the Contractor;
 the procedures the Contractor intends to use to manage and control the Contract, including:

▪ the duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work for the Contract;
▪ hold and notification points;
▪ submission of engineering documents required by the Specification;
▪ the inspection of materials and components on receipt;
▪ reference to the Contractor’s work procedures appropriate to each activity;
▪ inspection during fabrication/construction;
▪ Final inspection and test.
▪ It is recommended that separate Quality Plans be submitted for the design/manufacture and
construction/installation phases.

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The Contractor shall review, amend and re-submit quality plans as necessary during the Contract. here.

1.10.3 Monitoring by the Engineer

During the course of the Contract the Engineer reserves the right to monitor the implementation of the Con-
tractor’s quality assurance arrangements.

The Contractor’s compliance with equipment, documentation, drawing, delivery, construction, installation
and commissioning schedules shall be monitored by the Engineer.

Monitoring may be by means of a program of formal audits and/or surveillance of activities at the work loca-
tions. Where deficiencies requiring corrective actions are identified, the Contractor shall implement an agreed
corrective action program. The Engineer shall be afforded unrestricted access at all reasonable times to review
the implementation of such corrective actions.

For site work the Engineer may monitor all aspects of the Contractor’s daily work including that of subcontrac-
tors and assess the achievement of milestones as detailed by schedule deliverables.

The Engineer reserves the right to monitor the subcontractors and the Contractor shall ensure that all subcon-
tracts include, and subcontractors are aware of, this requirement.

1.10.4 Contractor Quality Audits

The Contractor shall carry out a formal program of project quality audits. These shall include audits of the
design, manufacture, assembly, erection, installation, test and commissioning functions of the Contractor’s
organization and those of its subcontractors and suppliers. The Engineer reserves the right to accompany the
Contractor on such audits.

The Contractor shall formulate a 6-month project specific audit program, covering 6-month periods, which
shall be submitted to the Engineer for review within 4 weeks of the Commencement Date of the Contract and
thereafter every 6 months. Any revision to the audit program shall be forwarded to the Engineer.

1.10.5 Control of Subcontractors

The Contractor shall be responsible for specifying the quality assurance requirements applicable to subcon-
tractors and suppliers, for reviewing the implementation of subcontractors’ quality assurance arrangements
and for ensuring compliance with the requirements.

The Contractor shall ensure that all appropriate technical information is provided to subcontractors and sup-
pliers. The Contractor shall, for the supply of items, plant or equipment (including those subcontracted), ar-
range for suitable protection for the product at all stages including delivery and installation at the site.

The Contractor shall submit, for information, a detailed program defining the basis of control to be applied to
each subcontract or supply order.

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1.10.6 Inspection and Tests here.

Inspection and test plans shall be prepared for all major items of equipment/plant, defining the quality control
and inspection activities to be performed to ensure that the manufacture and completion of the plant com-
plies with the specified requirements.

Inspection and test plans shall be submitted for review.

The Contractor shall submit for review, within 30 days of the Contract Award, a schedule defining the
plant/equipment/systems/services that are to be subcontracted, identifying all items for which inspection and
test plans will be submitted.

The Contractor shall review all inspection and test plans and associated control documents, of any subcon-
tractors and suppliers, to ensure their adequacy prior to submission.

The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying and arranging any statutory verification activities in the
country of manufacture.

Inspection and test plans may be of any form to suit the Contractor’s system, but shall as a minimum:

 Indicate each inspection and test point and its relative location in the production cycle including incoming
goods, packing and site inspections.
 Indicate where subcontract services will be employed (e.g. subcontractor NDT or heat treatment).
 Identify the characteristics to be inspected, examined, and tested at each point and specify procedures,
acceptance criteria to be used and the applicable verifying document.
 Indicate mandatory hold points established by the Engineer that require verification of selected charac-
teristics of an item of process before this work can proceed.
 Define or refer to sampling plans if proposed and where they will be used.
 Where applicable, specify where lots or batches will be used.

The Contractor shall include in all orders to subcontractors, a note advising that all materials and equipment
may be subject to inspection by the Engineer as determined by the inspection and test plan. Copies of such
purchase orders shall be forwarded to the Engineer.

In order to verify compliance with engineering, procurement, manufacturing requirements and programs, the
Engineer shall have access, at all times, to all places where materials or equipment are being prepared or
manufactured, including the works of the Contractor’s subcontractors or supplies of raw materials.

The Contractor shall advise the Engineer of the readiness of inspection at least 4 weeks prior to a nominated
inspection/surveillance witness or hold point. Work shall not proceed beyond a hold point without the written
agreement of the Engineer or his nominated representative.

Inspection of the plant/equipment may be made by the Engineer and could include the following activities:

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 Periodic monitoring to confirm the effectiveness of, and the Contractor’s compliance with, the established here.
quality plan, system procedures and inspection and test plan.
 Witnessing of inspections and tests and/or verification of inspection records to be carried out at the Engi-
neer’s discretion covering:

▪ compliance of raw material with specified requirements;

▪ compliance of manufactured parts, assemblies and final items with specifications, drawings,
standards and good engineering practice;
▪ witnessing of inspection and tests;
▪ packing for shipment including check for completeness, handling requirements, and case mark-
ings and identification.

Raw materials, components, shop assemblies, and the installation thereof, shall be subject to inspection and
test by the Engineer as required by the Specification and to the extent practicable at all times and places,
during the period of manufacture.

The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed in advance of the time of starting and of the progress of the
work in its various stages so that arrangements can be made for inspection and for test. The Contractor shall
also provide, without additional charge, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience
of the Engineer in the performance of his duties. All of the required tests shall be made at the Contractor’s
expense, including the cost of all samples used.

The Contractor shall not offer, unless otherwise agreed, any item of equipment or system for inspection to
the Engineer until all planned inspections and tests to date have been completed to the satisfaction of the

The Engineer shall endeavour to schedule the performance of inspection and tests so as to avoid undue risk
of delaying the work. In the event of postponement, by the Contractor, of tests previously scheduled, or the
necessity to make additional test due to unsatisfactory results of the original tests, or other reasons attribut-
able to the Contactor, the Contractor shall bear all costs for new tests and the costs incurred by the Engineer
or his nominated representative in re-inspecting the non-conforming item or its replacement.

The inspection and tests by the Engineer of any equipment/component or lots thereof does not relief the
Contractor of any responsibility whatever regarding defects or other failures which may be found before the
end of the defects liability period.

The Contractor shall provide a quality release certificate confirming compliance with the Contract require-
ments and a data book, comprising the inspection, test, qualification and material records required by the
pertaining specifications.

No material shall be shipped to the Site or put to work until all tests, analysis and inspections have been made
and certified copies of reports of test and analysis or Contractor’s certificates have been accepted and released
by the Engineer or by a waiver in writing.

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1.10.7 Construction and lnstallation Phase here.

Within 30 days of mobilization of works, inspection and test plan(s), similar in form and content to that de-
scribed in Clause 1.6 Tests and Inspection above, shall be submitted defining relevant inspection and test
points for all stages of construction/erection, installation and commissioning. The inspection and test plans
shall identify activities for which method statements shall be prepared.

Method statements shall be submitted to the Engineer for review.

Programs of site construction works shall be submitted to the Engineer, giving notification of forthcoming
test/inspections on a weekly basis.

1.10.8 Non-Conformances

All items or services not in accordance with the Contract technical specification, or deviating from a previously
reviewed document, shall be considered non-conforming.

All such items shall be clearly identified and isolated where practical, and reported to the Engineer via a non-
conformance report. Information to be provided with non-conformance notifications shall include:

 identification of the item(s);

 reference to relevant specification/drawings, including applicable revisions;
 reference to the application inspection and test plan stage;
 description of the non-conformance, with sketch where appropriate;
 method by which the non-conformance was detected;
 cause;
 proposed corrective action, with technical justification, where necessary;
 for significant non-conformances, proposed action to prevent recurrence;
 applicable procedures.

The Engineer shall have complete authority to accept or reject any equipment or part thereof considered not
to be in accordance with the specified requirements.

Approval of any concession applications is the prerogative of the Engineer, and approval of a particular case
shall not set a precedent.

Any non-conformances identified by the Engineer shall be notified by issue of the Engineer’s nonconformance
report to the Contractor. Notification of re-inspection shall not be made until the completed non-conformance
report, together with any applicable concession applications have been accepted by the Engineer.

Acceptance or rejection of the equipment and/or components will be made as promptly as practicable follow-
ing any inspection or test involvement by the Engineer. However, failure to inspect and accept or reject equip-
ment and/or components shall neither relieve the Contractor from responsibility for such items, which may
not be in accordance with the specified requirements, nor impose liability for them on the Engineer.

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1.10.9 Records here.

Records packages to be delivered shall be agreed with the Engineer prior to setting-to-work of each phase, i.e.
design, manufacture, construction, installation and commissioning.

1.10.10 Method Statements

Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit method statements setting out full details of his meth-
ods of working. This is a hold point.

1.10.11 Photo Documentation

The Contractor shall keep photographic records of the progress of each phase of the work. Upon completion
of the work, the Contractor shall submit three sets of colour photographs with explanatory description
adequately edited in book form to the Employer’s satisfaction.

The Contractor shall provide himself with necessary access to the work and temporary facilities to photograph
his part of the work at any stage of construction or manufacture.

2 Civil Engineering and Building Works

2.1 General

The works comprise the topographical survey of site, subsoil investigations, detailed design, production of
working drawings, and provision of labour, plant, and materials, and construction of the civil engineering and
building works.

The works include site clearance and earthworks, surfaced access road, surfaced water drainage, switchgear
and structures, cable trenches, perimeter fencing and gates, etc. The switchyard and buildings shall be com-
plete with all systems and facilities needed for their intended services.

2.2 Site Survey and Subsoil Investigation

The Tenderder shall visit the site to satisfy himself that information given in the Tender Document is accurate
and also to collect additional data, which he may require for preparation of his Tender.

2.2.1 Site Survey

The Contractor shall survey the site of the switchyard and buildings, to obtain the following:

 Accurate volume of ground to be cut and levelled.

 Accurate positions of switchgears, structures, ducts, drainage, buildings, fences, etc.
 Drainage pattern of the site

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A site survey plan shall be prepared in a suitable scale, and shall show the survey results and proposed layout here.
of the work.

The setting-out shall be by means of rectangular co-ordinates. The centre line of the main structures shall be
parallel to the principal axis of the co-ordinate system of the grid.

Before commencing any work of construction the Contractor shall establish at least four substantial and per-
manent monuments accurately fixing the two principal axes. These survey points shall not be removed from
their position without the permission of the Employer. If any of the survey points are damaged or lost due to any
work carried out near their location the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing such survey points.

The Contractor shall assist the Employer at any time during the progress of work when checking survey points,
setting out, checking construction items and erection parts. The Contractor shall provide and arrange provision
and maintenance of survey instruments and accessories.

2.2.2 Sub-Soil Investigation

The Contractor shall carry out detailed soil investigations according to approved Standards to obtain sufficient
information on the sub-soil conditions for the detailed design of all foundations and structures under this

If required, additional investigations shall be carried out during work progress at the Contractor's expense in
order to obtain additional information.

Initially, at least one borehole for every 1000 m² of the plot shall be carried out. The minimum depth of borings
shall be 20 meters below ground level. Standard penetration test (SPT) shall be performed in all boreholes at
one meter intervals. Static cone penetration shall be carried out close to the boreholes in order to compare
between the results of the static cone and the SPT in the boreholes and to establish a correlation between
both tests.

Disturbed and undisturbed samples shall be taken in all material at 1.00 meter intervals and at changes of
strata and shall be contained in airtight containers. Rock cores, cores of cemented material shall be packed in
core boxes immediately on removal from the core barrel. Colour print photographs shall be taken of all cores
packed in the core boxes.

Trial pits shall be carried out to a depth of 3 meters minimum below ground level and plan area of 10 square
meters to examine the in-situ condition of the upper soil strata. After logging, sampling, and testing the trial
pits shall be backfilled and compacted. Sand replacement method shall be carried out to get the field density
in the trial pits.

Piezometers shall be installed to record the ground water level.

The soil resistivity has to be determined. The Contractor is to propose his method and scheme for approval to
the Employer.

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The Contractor shall prepare a program of laboratory testing to the approval of the Employer and perform here.
such tests sufficient to classify the materials encountered in the investigation and for the reasonable estima-
tion of the parameters required for the design and installation of the works. The laboratory test program shall
include the following where applicable:

Classification Tests

 water content determination

 bulk density and dry density determination
 specific gravity of soil grains
 particle size distribution by sieve analysis
 particle size distribution by hydrometer analysis
 Atterberg limit tests

Chemical Tests

 determination of pH-value in soil

 determination of organic matter in soil
 determination of sulphate content as SO3 of ground water and soil
 determination of chloride content as Cl of ground water and soil

Soil Strength Tests

 unconfined compressive strength

 undrained triaxial compression

Strength tests on rock or cemented material cores

 point load tests IS(50)

 unconfined compression tests

Compressibility Tests

 consolidation tests

Soil Compaction Tests

 relative density of cohesionless soil

 Maximum density and moisture content relationship.

The Contractor shall submit the final comprehensive report subject to the Employer's approval. The report
shall include without limitation to the following:

 Detailed borelog including the description of each strata encountered

 All field test results

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 All laboratory test results here.
 General description of ground condition and general and detailed description of the different layers of the
soil strata in the entire site shall be specified by interpreting and extrapolating all of the test results
 Particular description of the ground conditions for the different layers below each main structure and
 Recommendations shall be given for the suitable design of both shallow and deep foundations, such rec-
ommendations shall include but not be limited to the following:
 the level of the supporting layer and its allowable bearing capacity, as well as the maximum size of the
shallow foundations and their expected settlement
 the suitable pile foundation, its suitable type, cross section, and its expected allowable working load
 soil improvement by compaction of the loose soil
 soil improvement by replacing the poor soil (if deemed necessary), depth of excavation, type of new ma-
terial, and its expected bearing capacity after soil improvement
 the liability of the ground to heave due to expansive soil or to collapse due to dissolution of soil particles
within the founding strata
 assessment of ground water conditions and their probable effect on construction
 recommended excavation side slopes (under and above ground water level)
 the influence of sulphates and chlorides and other chemicals on the R.C. foundations and recommenda-

2.3 Design of Works

2.3.1 Design and Drawings

The Contractor shall design the civil engineering and building works and prepare complete working drawings
as necessary for the construction of the works. The design of the control building shall basically follow the
drawing as included in section D of this documnent, but actual sizes of rooms shall be adjusted if necessary,
to provide sufficient space for the works including the future maximum extendability of the substation.

The Contractor is required to produce full design calculations for the foundations, building structures, etc. and
detailed working drawings. He shall be responsible for the detailed designs, strength, and safety of the struc-
tures, to meet the structural, acoustic, and environmental requirements of the buildings and other works. He
shall be responsible for ensuring that the design satisfies the requirements of all authorized local and natural
bodies. Design calculations and detailed drawings must be submitted to the Employer for approval before the
relevant construction work is carried out. Design calculations shall be in accordance with an approved method
of computation and should take into account the most unfavourable combination of dead load, live load, and
wind load.

2.3.2 Detail Requirements for Design

The design of all structures under this contract shall be such that differential and total settlements or other
movements shall not exceed the limits given with the applicable codes and standards and full provision shall
be made for all expansion and other joints. The design shall be approved by the Employer.

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The dimensions of all the buildings and rooms shall be such as to provide adequate space for the safe installa-here.
tion and proper operation, maintenance and repair of all plant and equipment.

Throughout the works all floor slabs above rooms containing electrical equipment shall be watertight. No drain
pipes or water pipes are permitted to pass through these rooms.

Samples of all materials proposed to be used in the works may be called for at any time by the Employer.

All buildings and structures shall be made of non-combustible or fire resistant materials.

In order to avoid an uncontrolled fire spread inside a building, which would result in a considerable or total
loss of the building and equipment, and to provide safe escape routes for the personnel, the buildings shall be
subdivided into various fire areas, also called fire zones, separated by approved fire resistant barriers and
elements, such as fire walls, fire resistant ceilings, doors, dampers and fire partitions.

Fire walls, ceilings and partitions shall have in general a fire resistance rate of not less than 2 hours, except for
oil-insulated transformers installed indoors, for which the fire barriers shall have a fire resistance rate of not
less than 3 hours.

Fire doors, dampers and shutters installed in 2-hour rated fire barriers shall have a fire resistance rate of not
less than 1½ hours.

In principle, the following plants and rooms shall be designed as independent fire areas:

 Staircases
 Elevator shafts
 Transformer rooms
 Switchgear rooms
 Control, electronic and computer rooms
 Battery rooms
 Cable floors, shafts and tunnels
 Air conditioning rooms
 Storage rooms

The location and extend of the various fire areas, fire walls and fire rated doors shall be shown on relevant fire
areas drawings.

Oil-insulated transformers located outdoors shall be separated from adjacent structures and from each other
by fire walls or spatial separation as illustrated in NFPA 850.

Any other walls or ceilings, for which a fire resistance rate is not required or applicable, such walls and ceilings
shall be made smoke tight.

By these structural provisions, in case of fire in any fire area, heat and smoke shall be confined to a single zone
whereas all other areas of a building shall remain unaffected and in full service.

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Staircases, corridors, lobbies and any other escape routes shall be constructed fire resistant with non-combus- here.
tible materials only, shall be free from any combustible loads and furnished with emergency lighting.

The maximum travel distance inside any occupied space to at least one exit shall not exceed 30 m. For normally
non-occupied spaces like machine hall, cable tunnels, etc. the maximum travel distance to at least one exit
shall not exceed 50 m.

All rooms not leading directly into a safe exit path shall have at least two exits at opposite locations leading
into different fire areas.

All ventilation and air conditioning ducts penetrating fire resistant walls or ceilings shall be provided with ap-
proved fire and/or smoke dampers, which shall be released via the fire detection and alarm system, providing
a fire resistance rate consistent with the rating of the fire barrier.

Fire areas shall have adequately designed smoke outlets. Smoke exhaust shall be accomplished either by a
combined air/smoke exhaust system or by a separated smoke exhaust system.

All the ventilation, air conditioning and smoke exhaust ductwork shall be fire rated wherever necessary.

All control and power cables penetrating openings in walls or ceilings of fire rated walls or boundaries shall be
sealed with an approved sealing system, consisting of fire resistant constructions and materials, providing a
fire resistance rate consistent with the rating of the fire barrier.

For all cable penetrations, a uniform and international recognised sealing system shall be provided consisting
of board(s) of compacted mineral wool, plasticised filling material, fire retardant coating, etc., as required and
laid down in the test certificate for the sealing system, issued from an independent approval institute.

Very small penetrations for single cables may be sealed only with approved plasticised filling material.

The sealing system shall be tight against fire, smoke and spray water, shall also be non-ageing, non-hydro-
scopic and non-toxic, shall not contain any solvents or asbestos and shall not be harmful to the environment.

The fire retardant coating shall be applied on both sides of the sealing board(s) as well as on both sides of the
penetrating cables including cable trays, ladders and supports, if any, to an extend as required by the test

Sealing of cable penetrations with ordinary mortar is not acceptable.

Outdoor cable trenches shall have fire cut-offs of approved material in distances not over 100 m.

All pipes penetrating openings in walls or ceilings of fire rated walls or boundaries shall be sealed with an
approved sealing system, consisting of fire resistant constructions and materials, providing a fire resistance
rate consistent with the rating of the fire barrier.

All control and power cables located in floors and escape routes or in vertical shafts, raised floors, suspended
ceilings, covered trenches, accessible trenches or in any other areas with a mass of electric cables and not

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protected by a fixed fire extinguishing system, such cables as well as their trays, ladders and supports shall be
coated with an approved fire retardant coating to cover the combustible loads of cables and to prevent flame
propagation along vertical or horizontal cable ways.

Access roads with footpaths shall be provided to bring in all the equipment and to take it out in case of mainte-
nance. These access roads shall be suitable for the vehicles which will be used (cars, forklifts, trucks/trailers
acc. DIN 1072) to reach up to the point of unloading of the equipment.

Safe, convenient and straight forward accesses and means are to be provided to take equipment in and out of
all rooms, at all levels using suitable stair wells and suitable electric hoists. The dimensions of rooms, stairwells,
doors and corridors shall be designed to suit the a.m. transport concept.

If a culvert(s), and /or tunnel(s), trench(es) or any other underground services are crossing roads, the road
shall be suitably constructed for truck loading according to DIN 1072 without affecting the underground struc-

2.3.3 Calculations

Calculations shall clearly identify the subject of the calculations and shall include but not be limited to provid-
ing the following information:

 Assumption used for design purposes

 Codes or standards used
 Loading used
 Calculation
 Technical specification section and paragraph number

2.3.4 Drawings

The Contractor shall create final detailed drawings for earthworks and dewatering, architectural drawings,
formwork drawings, reinforcement drawings with complete steel list and bending schedules, drawings for all
building services systems and detailed drawings for the complete appurtenant structures with all infrastruc-
ture systems such as roads and parking areas, landscaping, sewage system, industrial waste water, potable
water system, pipe- and cable ducts, outdoor lighting system and fencing. The detailed civil design is subject
to the approval by the Employer.

2.4 General Site Works

2.4.1 Site Installation

The Site installation shall include supply, furnishing, transport, erection, maintenance and supplementing, if
required, and removal of all plant, machinery, vehicles, scaffolding and formwork, all construction equipment,
auxiliary equipment, materials, personnel and work instruments, all temporary and permanent installations
(permanent in the sense that according to the Contract, they are to remain for the use of the Employer after

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completion of the Work, if any), workshops, office buildings, laboratories, stores and other facilities if so re-
quired for or in connection with the construction of the works and for the fulfilment of the Contractor's obli-

Also included in Site installation shall be such general and/or temporary works as access roads, vehicle parking
areas, storage areas, buildings, and structures, water and electrical distribution system, medical facilities, con-
struction of workers' and supervisors' housing and community facilities, Site Laboratories, and similar works
unless included under other cost items, when such works are called for by the Contract Documents or are
required for the safe and efficient execution of the works.

Access roads, car park area for the Employer, storage area, power supply, water supply, first aid station, vehi-
cles, housing accommodation for Contractors employees shall be part of the scope of supply and as specified.

The scope of supply for the site installations is specified in section of this document.

2.4.2 Setting-Out

The Contractor shall be responsible for all setting-out, irrespective of any checking by the Employer. The ac-
curacy of all setting-out is to be better than ± 1 part in 3,000.

The Contractor shall advise the Employer within 24 hours whenever a new setting-out peg is established or an
existing one destroyed, and shall regularly furnish the Engineer with layout plans showing all current setting-
out and survey stations.

The setting-out shall be by means of rectangular co-ordinates. The centre line of the buildings shall be parallel
to the principal axis of the co-ordinate system of VPS grid (plant north).

Before commencing any work of construction the Contractor shall establish at least four substantial and per-
manent monuments accurately fixing the two principal axes as shown on the general layout and ground floor
plan of the building.

The tolerances shown below shall rule on site unless otherwise agreed upon between the Employer and the

Position in plan
▪ Fair-faced or specified side from the designed position ±15mm
▪ Up to and including 5m ±15mm
▪ Over 5m up to and including 10 m ±20mm
▪ Over 10m ±25mm
▪ Up to and including 3 m ±15mm
▪ Over 5m up to and including 6m ±20mm
▪ Over 6m ±25mm

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Thickness here.
▪ More than one block ±15mm
Level of bed joints
▪ Length up to but not exceeding 5 m ±10mm
▪ Over 5m but not exceeding 10 m ±15mm
▪ Over 10m but not exceeding 20 m ±20mm
▪ Add for every 5m ±5mm
▪ Straightness
▪ In any 5 m (not cumulative) ±10mm max
▪ In any 3m ±15mm
Plant and other foundations
▪ Position of centre line on plan from nearest building grid line ±10mm
▪ Dimensions on plan -5mm + 20mm
▪ Formation level ±25 mm
▪ Surface level -5mm + 0mm
▪ Sleeved bolt location ±15mm
▪ Sleeved bolt vertically 1 in 100
▪ Cast-in bolt location ±2mm
▪ Cast-in bolt vertically 1 in 300
▪ Bolt levels 0mm + 20mm
NB: Where tolerances (e) and (f) conflict with (g) and (h) the latter shall govern.
Components above foundation (excepting items in (c) below)
▪ Position of centre line on plan from nearest building grid line ±19mm
▪ Verticality
▪ Plumbers in height of up to 0.5m ±5mm
▪ Over 1.5m to 1.5m inclusive ±10mm
▪ Over 1.5m to 3m inclusive ±15mm
▪ Over 3m to 30m inclusive ±20mm
Cross section and linear dimensions of beams, slabs, columns, and walls.
▪ Up to 300mm ±5mm
▪ Over 300 to 600mm ±10mm
▪ Over 600mm to 1.5m ±15mm
▪ Over 1.5m to 3m ±20mm
▪ Over 3m ±3 0mm
▪ Level of specified surface relative to the nearest Bench Mark ±10mm
Overall dimensions of a concrete framed building a) Length and width measured at external
ground level
▪ For dimensions up to and including 15m ±15mm
▪ For dimensions over 15m up to 30m ±5 0mm
▪ For each subsequent 30m ±20mm
▪ Height of structural roof level with reference to the transferred Bench mark ±40mm

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The Employer may at his discretion alter or specify new tolerances as necessary. here.

The Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s approval, his proposed finished site levels, road levels and
building floor levels. Following approval by the Employer the Contractor shall level the sites to suit.

The Contractor shall assist the Employer at any time during the construction works when checking survey
points, setting out, checking construction items and erection parts.

2.4.3 Dewatering during Construction

The Contractor shall build and maintain, where it is found necessary, all required works to control and dis-
charge water met at the worksite. The scope of supply includes the installation of all equipment, plants, pipes,
machinery and its removal after completion and includes operation and maintenance of the equipment, la-
bour, fuel, consumable, depreciation and relocation as required during the entire Contract period.

The dewatering system shall be used to lower the water table below the level at which work is to be carried
out in order to keep the construction pit continuously dry during the entire execution period of the construc-
tion works. Piezometers shall be installed for observation of ground-water levels.

The Contractor has to consider the possibility of a temporary failure of any pump, diesel engine and/or the
electric power service and shall install emergency power units with sufficient capacity to feed the necessary
power to the installed unit at the moment of failure.

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer the detailed method of the envisaged pumping system for de-
watering, the pump capacity and the stand-by reserve units. The Contractor shall adjust the system if required
by the Employer.

Routing and location of water discharge lines shall be submitted to the relevant authorities and to the Em-
ployer review. The disposal of water shall be in accordance to the local environmental laws and regulations. If
applicable according to the local laws and regulations the pumped water has to be treated accordingly before

2.4.4 Cable Ducts and Trenches

The Contractor is responsible for all civil engineering works required for the cable runs between switchgear
and buildings, in concrete cable trenches. Cable entries into buildings shall be through ducts or in concrete
cable trenches. Trench covers outside buildings shall be of reinforced concrete, designed for the maximum
likely imposed loads appropriate to their location. Concrete cable trenches shall be adequately drained to
soak-pits of adequate capacity.

Power cables and control cables shall be laid on suitable cable racks in trenches. Cable channels shall be of
adequate size to enable the designated cables to be laid. The horizontal space between cable trays or walls
shall be at least 50 cm.

Where cables are to be laid under roads they shall be laid in conduits, grouped and encased in concrete.

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Penetrations into buildings shall be adequately sealed to prevent intrusion of vermin, water, dust, etc. here.

Cable trenches shall have fire cut-offs of approved material in distances not over 100 m and at the entry to

2.4.5 Perimeter Security Fencing and Gates

The perimeter of the site (400mX4) is to be fenced with galvanized chain link or equivalent fencing, the fence
shall be 2.5 m high above ground level, supported by reinforced concrete posts. The posts shall have three
strands of galvanized barbed wire attached to cranked tops. Double leaf gates shall be provided at the en-
trance to the site. Also provide chain link security fencing with CCTV Camera purposes around the switchyard
area complete with gate which shall isolate the housing facilities within the substation site.

2.5 Drainage and Sewage System

2.5.1 General

Drainage shall be designed in accordance with relevant Codes for Practice published by authoritative Stand-
ards organisation such as the British Institution, e.g. BS 8301, BS 6031 and CP 2005.

A surface water drainage system covering the entire switchyard shall be installed. The number of runs and
outfalls and pipe sizings must be sufficient to cope with the severest precipitation, with a factor of safety of
1.2. Within switchyard and other areas in which maintenance will be carried out the drainage must allow
uninterrupted access.

Embankments and cuttings are to have drainage facilities at their top or bottom. The formation level of
switchyard areas is to be formed with uniform cross-falls of about 1 in 300 in the same direction as the natural
drainage path of the surrounding area.

Surface water from roofs of buildings shall be drained to underground tanks.

The wastewater from washrooms and kitchens shall be collected in a septic tank duly sized for the expected
amount of waste from 6 persons for one year.

The drainage from the battery room shall be separated from all other drainage system into its own acid proof
collection tank beside the building, of a capacity of twice the amount of liquid in the batteries.

Upon design the Contractor shall prepare a flow diagram of the drainage system to be executed. The diagram
shall show material and dimensions of the pipes to be used and the proportion of slope, as well as the invert
level at all connection points. The flow diagram is subject to approval of the Consultant.

The pipes and structures of the drainage system shall be placed with sufficient safety against buoyancy.

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2.5.2 Storm Water Drainage here.

For the entire station building area, a complete storm water drainage system is required. The storm water
drainage system shall be based, in addition to the storm water system itself, on the drainage of all areas (built
up, paved or unpaved areas) within the substation limits with final plant area gradings.

A substantially maintenance-free and, above all, an operationally-safe installation must be guaranteed. The
rainwater shall be discharged by gravity, into the existing storm water drainage system.

In removing the rainwater, the shortest possible route is to be selected, by creating minimum interference
with others.

The surface water drainage shall include all necessary gutters, down pipes, gullies, traps, catch pits, manholes,
etc. and shall incorporate the plant drainage requirements.

The levels of the storm water pipes and channels is ruled by the levels of the area to be drained as well as by
the road levels. The gradients of the pipes shall correspond to the most favourable hydraulic conditions, var-
ying between 1:200 to 1:500.

Manholes must be provided at all intersections of main and collection lines, changes in direction, but at least
every 50 meters along straight sections. In between manholes, the pipe must run in a straight line. Allowance
must be made for other services in the roadway, such as cable routes and building works. In every case, the
rainwater outlet must be at a higher level than the sewer, both systems, however, are to be at a lower level
than the water supply pipe work.

The sectional shape is determined by the water carrying requirements and must have the most favourable
possible hydraulic qualities to remove the drain water in an optimal way.

The following limiting values are to be maintained:

Flow speed: Vmin = 0.4 m/s

Vmax = 2.5 to 3.0 m/s.

The design slope is to maintain a mean flow velocity of approximately 0.8 m/s but shall as well ensure that
minimum and maximum flow velocities are within above specified limits.

Pipe material: UPVC pipes

Street gullies: approximately every 30 m, but at least for every 400 m2

(maximum) of paved area.

Determining of storm water quantities

The minimum intensity of rain for design shall be acquired from the local authorities and shall cover a 10-year
return period.

The runoff coefficient of the individual paved areas must be determined per the relevant standard, depending
on the type and extent of the built-up area of the drainage zone, selecting the requisite runoff constants for
streets, roads and yards.

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2.5.3 Sewage System here. Materials

Materials for pipelines shall be manufactured to the requirements specified hereunder and shall be provided
by the Contractor except as specified otherwise.

Pipe materials for application in water distribution, the lining, gaskets and any lubricants used for jointing shall
be suitable for use with the pipeline contents specified and shall not impart to water any taste, colour, odour,
or any effect known to be injurious to health, and shall be resistant to bacterial growth. All items shall be of
the diameter and class detailed on the drawings or in the Bill of Quantities and be suitable for the test pressure
and working pressure specified or detailed on the drawings or in the specification.

Where different types or classes of pipe materials are jointed together, the Contractor shall supply special
fittings or stepped couplings designed and manufactured to suit the ends of pipes to be jointed. Stepped cou-
plings shall comply with the requirements for detachable flexible couplings and flange adaptors, where appli-

It is understood that every single pipe includes a complete joint including jointing accessories required by the
relevant joint type (such as rubber rings, lubricants, etc.).

All the piping, valves, fittings and accessories shall be suitable for installation in a tropical climate where the
temperature may exceed +45C. UPVC Pipes

Un-plasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) pipes shall conform to DIN 19534, pipes and fittings shall be with
spigot and socket and with ring seal joint in the socket. Sufficient cleaner and lubricant shall be provided for
jointing the pipes. Glazed Clay Pipes

Glazed clay pipes for installation in the sewerage system shall conform to the European Standard DIN EN 295
E, respective German Standard DIN 1230, pipes and fittings shall be with spigot and socket (L-type) and sealed
with rubber rings made of caoutchouc (Indian rubber) - elastomer. Pre-cast Concrete Pipes

Pre-cast reinforced concrete pipes shall be manufactured using concrete of class C35 and reinforcement steel
class IIIS, to the drawings and stated standards to meet the physical and chemical requirements demanded by
Site conditions.

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the pipes while in manufacture as well as the right to inspect and
test the pipe after its delivery to the Site. Injurious defects revealed after acceptance of pipe at the manufac-
turer's plant shall be cause for rejection.

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Unless otherwise approved, all flanges on equipment and appurtenances provided under these Specifications
shall conform in dimensions and drilling to ISO 2531 or DIN 2501, PD 10. Gaskets

Gaskets for joints shall be obtained from the manufacturer of the pipe or joint.

Joint gaskets shall be of a material suitable for making a long term flexible seal between the pipes and shall be
resistant to mechanical, chemical and bacteriological attack leading to deterioration of the flexible seal.

Unless otherwise indicated rubber ring gaskets for pipe installation shall be vulcanised rubber or vulcanised
synthetic rubber. Reclaimed rubber may not be used. Sufficient lubricant as recommended by the pipe man-
ufacturer shall be provided for pipe installation plus five percent (5%). Lubricant containers shall be adequate
for extended storage and shall include printed instructions for storage limitations and environment. Inspection and Diversion Manholes

Reinforced concrete manholes shall be placed at every change of dimension, direction and/or slope; further-
more, on straight lines at a maximum distance of 10 m, or as shown on the approved working drawings.

The grade of concrete for manholes shall be C35 for cast in-situ and C40 for precast.

Manholes may be prefabricated or poured in place.

Sections of connection pipe shall be incorporated into the construction and placed at the elevation, direction,
and grade required. The inner ends of the pipe shall be flush with the inner faces of the walls, unless otherwise
specified. Oil Separator

Oil polluted sanitary drainage shall be led through mud traps and oil separators installed immediately outside
the buildings before entering the sanitary drainage system. The oil separator shall be made from reinforced
concrete. Septic Tanks

For the treatment of sanitary sewage, a septic tank having a minimum of 3 chambers shall be constructed of
cast-in place reinforced concrete. The chambers shall be separated by walls with slits. Each chamber shall have
one covered manhole for easy cleaning. Before the outlet in the last chambers, a screen board shall be pro-
vided to prevent the passage of floating matter into the discharge pipe.
The volume of the septic tank shall be adequate for the sanitary sewage of the number of persons in the
building subject to the Consultant approval.

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A soak pit shall be arranged at the location approved by Consultant for the disposal of sanitary sewage from
the outlet of the septic tank. The soak pit shall be constructed in-situ.
A shaft of either concrete or masonry blockwork shall be based on a ring-foundation, the lower part shall be
perforated. Size of shaft 2.5m x 2.5 m minimum. Inspection opening 700 mm x 700 mm.
Pipe of DN 100 will pour the water into the pit. The course gravel bedding shall be covered with a layer of sand
to act as a filter.
The cover of the inspection opening shall be of cast-iron or galvanised steel.

2.6 Concrete Encasement

Pipelines under roads must be designed for the possible traffic loads. If necessary pipelines running under
roads, etc., shall be encased in concrete grade C30 in full length. Before the concrete is placed, the pipe and
all fittings shall receive a double wrapping of bituminous felt. The thickness of the concrete encasement
around the pipeline shall be at least the same as the pipe diameter. In case of lack of space in any direction,
side or top, etc., the concrete shall be reinforced by reinforcing steel bars.

2.7 Installation

Prior to laying of pipes, the respective pipe trenches shall be subject to thorough inspection by the Consultant
with respect to alignment, slope, dimensions and suitability of bottom to meet the requirements of proper
pipe laying.

In general, each pipe trench deeper than 1.5 m shall be secured by means of planks, sheet piling, struts and
bracings, whatever is required per the soil conditions, groundwater, nearby roads and vibration resulting from
traffic. The spacing of bracings shall allow mechanical excavation of the trench where required.

The width of a trench shall be adequate for satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of the bedding material
under and around the pipes. The bedding surface shall provide a firm but slightly yielding foundation of uni-
form density throughout the entire length of the pipe or the culvert, and shall in general be slightly cambered
in a direction parallel to the pipe centreline to compensate for expected settlement and ensure tight joint in
the lower half of the pipe.

Pipes shall be bedded in an earth foundation of uniform density and carefully shaped by means of a template.
Where rock in either edge or boulder formation is encountered, it shall be removed below grade and replaced
with suitable materials in such a manner as to provide a compacted earth cushion having a thickness of 200
mm minimum. Where a firm foundation is not encountered at the grade established due to soft or other
unstable soil, all such unstable soil under the pipe and for a width of at least one diameter on each side of the
pipe shall be removed and replaced with suitable selected material as approved by the Consultant, properly
compacted to provide adequate support for the pipes.

Deviations from given levels shall not be greater than  20 mm.

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2.8 Testing Gravity Pipelines here.

Each length of gravity pipeline shall be carefully air tested before concrete bedding is placed and before the
trench is backfilled. The air pressure shall give 100 mm head of water on a manometer tube, and the loss shall
not exceed 25 mm over a period of five minutes. The pipeline shall be tested in convenient lengths and all
necessary tester junctions, expanding rubber plugs, testing equipment etc. shall be provided by the Contrac-
tor. The Contractor shall immediately remedy any defect which may become apparent and retest to the satis-
faction of the Engineer.

With the approval of the Engineer, the concrete bedding may then be placed and the trench backfilled in the
manner specified, and the pipeline shall again be tested as before unless the water table is above the level of
the pipeline and the Engineer prefers to test for infiltration. Where an infiltration test is carried out the water
entering the pipeline by this means shall not exceed 0.40 litres per mm of nominal internal pipe diameter per
100 meters per 24 hours.

If it appears that any pipe has broken or joint has been disturbed during backfilling, then the Contractor shall
re-open the trench and repair the defect or defects until the pipeline has been tested to the satisfaction of the

The Contractor shall ensure that a complete set of testing equipment and all necessary expanding rubber plugs
are available always at all parts of the Works where pipe laying is in progress in order that the Engineer may
carry out a test at any time.

Water testing, as an alternative to air testing will be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer in which case
the pipeline shall be tested under at least 1.500 mm head of water and the loss shall not exceed 0.40 liters per
mm of nominal internal pipe diameter per 100 meters per 24 hours.

Unless the Engineer shall direct otherwise the Contractor shall be at liberty to retain the water in the pipes
after the first test and during the progress of backfilling so that the pipe lengths need only to be water filled
once for testing purposes

2.9 Buildings
2.9.1 General

The buildings shall have a concrete roof slab in addition to prefabricated iron sheets and walls of concrete
blockwork, rendered outside and plastered inside. All walls and roofs shall be fully insulated, to limit thermal
transmittance (U.) values to below 1.14 W/m2K° for walls, and 0.57 W/m2K for roofs. Architectural treatment
of the buildings shall be in accordance with the Employer’s usual standard or preference. No hollow blockwork
shall be used in the Control Building works. The control building shall be constructed such that an operator
room faces the switchyard, with the operator having an ease of view of the switchyard through a window of
appropriate size.

The buildings shall be designed for ease of operation and maintenance as a major factor. Materials, workman-
ship, and finish must be of an appropriately high standard. In considering the various materials, details, and
construction methods, Contractors must investigate the availability, delivery, and transportation to the sites
of all materials, plant, and labour, to enable the programme to be maintained.

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Internal partition walls shall be generally of concrete blockwork with emulsion painted smooth plastered fin-
ish. The equipment areas shall have screened floors finished with a surface hardener and tiles. All finishes shall
be fireproof or flame retarding. Floor finished shall be different as per room purposes, e.g. Battery shall be
acid resistance tiles and switch gearoom shall be applied with epoxy paint. Room heights shall be governed by
the criteria that there should be 1 m clearance between the top of cubicles or panels and ceilings.

The distribution and charger room, the SCADA and communication room, and the control and relay panel
room shall have raised floors.

Particularly, attention must be given in the design of the buildings to fire prevention and safety of the person-
nel at all times. Access doors and escape doors shall be provided and fitted with panic bolts where necessary,
so that operating and maintenance staff can always exit safely from the buildings in fire emergencies of any
nature or location.

2.9.2 Windows and Doors

All windows shall be dustproof. A number of opening lights shall be provided in all rooms, including air-condi-
tioned rooms. Windows shall have double glazing and the thermal conductivity of the window shall not exceed
the value of 3.2 kcal/m² h degree C.

All operable windows shall be provided with fly screens consisting of separate aluminium sub-frame with fly
wire of aluminium. The fly screens shall be removable for maintenance purposes.

Internal doors shall be flush-faces, solid-core, timber doors, with painted timber frames and architraves. Ex-
ternal doors shall be made of steel as appropriate. All doors shall be provided with door closer, door stops and
tube dust proof.

2.9.3 Water Supply

The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision and installation of a water supply serving the station
buildings and housing facilities with a water tank. Every cistern, sink, basin, etc. shall be provided with a stop-
cock in the supply pipe adjacent to the fittings.

The water supply system for each site shall constitute a 10 m3 ground level tank shaded from direct sunlight,
supplying a 0.5 m3 header tank, similarly shaded or situated within the building. The ground level tank shall be
properly ventilated and fitted with an automatically operated electric pump. The shading structures shall be
louvered and architecturally pleasing the blend with the building elevations.

The Contractor shall design, furnish and erect a 20m3 underground and an elevated composite water storage
tankof not less than 10m3, including foundation, composite or steel support column with the required labour,
materials and accessories for supplying the substation control building.

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2.9.4 Store Room here.

The store room and the control building entrances shall have ramps for ease of movement of bulky/heavy
material. The store room shall have two (2) access doors.

2.9.5 Battery Room

The battery room shall be fitted with eye wash of appropriate design approved by Employer/Engineer.

2.9.6 Site Clearance and Excavation

The Contractor shall clear from all areas required for the works all unwanted materials, debris, etc., but shall
take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage to existing road construction and to existing surfaces, build-
ings and other facilities in the area which do not need to be demolished. The whole of the excavations shall
be carried out to the widths, lengths, and depths shown on the approved drawings. No unlicensed or indis-
criminate digging will be permitted. The responsibility of disposal of bad excavated soil material lies with the
Contractor. It shall not be dumped on any section of the Employer's substation parcel of land.

The Contractor may excavate by any method he considers suitable, subject to the Employer’s approval, and
shall allow for the use of types of plant most suited for excavation in any location and at any time.

The Contractor shall allow for risk of meeting and having to excavate through any sort of material, which may
be encountered, including rock.

Materials from the excavation may, if approved by the Employer, be used by the Contractor in the construction
of the Works. Other excavated material shall be backfilled where required or deposited where directed any-
where on site. Surplus materials shall be removed from the site by the Contractor to the approved place.

The Contractor shall at all times keep the site free from all surplus materials, rubbish, and offensive matter.

In excavations for foundations, a bottom layer of excavation 150 mm in thickness shall be left undisturbed and
subsequently removed only when the concrete is about to be placed in order that softening or deterioration
of the surfaces of the bottom of the excavated area by exposure may be avoided as far possible.

The bottom of all excavated areas shall be trimmed, levelled, and well rammed. Concrete shall not be depos-
ited thereon until the bottom has been inspected and approved by the Employer.

All excavation works are to be kept dry and clean, in order that work is not affected or interfered with by water
entering the excavations.

The arrangements made for dealing with water in excavations must be approved by the Employer and they
must ensure that the de-watering of excavations can continue during the placing of concrete or the execution
of any other works that could be affected by water in excavations. Adequate precautions must be taken
against washing out of cement and concrete or to prevent the work being disturbed in any way. No concrete,
masonry, brickwork or other materials shall be placed or built until the surfaces are properly drained.

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2.9.7 Filling and Re-Instatement here.

Filling for trenches, excavations and levelling for the Site shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 250 mm
uncompacted thickness. Where excavations, whether in rock or other material, are made to a greater depth
than detailed, the intervening space shall be brought up to the proper level in plain concrete.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the embankments where formed either by cutting or
filling, and precautions taken to protect the earthworks from deterioration under adverse weather conditions.
Wherever applicable the recommendations contained in the following codes of practice shall be followed in
calculations, detailing, and performance of the earthworks and drainage:

 Earthworks - British Standard Code of Practice BS 6031 - 2009

 Civil Engineering Code of Practice No.2 on Earth Retaining Structures, Issued by institute of Structural En-
gineers, U.K.

Embankments shall not be formed over inclined ground surfaces without previously forming the founding
surface, on which the fill material will be placed, to a benched profile.

All earthwork top surfaces shall be finished off level and regular and the sides of cuttings and embankments
shall be properly trimmed to the detailed slopes as they become consolidated.

The Contractor is to allow for embankments and cutting slopes to be well forked, raked, and stabilized as
protection from erosion.

2.9.8 Explosives

Explosives may only be used when specified. Their use shall comply with the following:

 All local by laws and regulations.

 Fuses, detonators or blasting caps shall not be transported or stored with dynamite or other explosives
under any circumstances. The location and design of the storage places, the transportation methods and
the precautions that shall be taken to prevent accidents shall be subject to the Employer.
 All blasting shall be carried out carefully by approved experts only.
 Explosives shall be used in the quantities and manner recommended by the manufacturers. The written
approval of the Employer shall be obtained for each location or series of locations where the Contractor
wishes to use. Such approval shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his liabilities under the Condi-
tions of Contract.
 When blasting is carried out, the Contractor shall ensure, by adherence to proper safety distances and by
the use of heavy blasting mats where necessary, to prevent the dispersal of material, that no damage is
caused to persons, animals or property on or off the Site. Special care shall be taken when blasting in wet
ground to ensure that individual explosions are reduced to such a size as to preclude damage to any build-
ings or structures.
 Blasting shall be carried out at specified times to be agreed upon by the Contractor and the Employer.
Sufficient notices and barriers shall be erected and immediately before blasting adequate warning shall

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be given to workers on the Site and to the public so that no one may come within the danger zonehere. until
blasting is finished.
 The Contractor shall record on agreed forms, all blasting events including location, time, charge, purpose
etc. These records shall be available to the Employer at any time.

2.10 Concreting Work Specifications

2.10.1 Authoritative Standards and Codes Practise

The following authoritative standard are referred to hereinafter, please include British Standard Standard:

European Norm Title

206 Concrete, Specification, Performance, Production and Conformity
197 Cement - Composition, specifications and confomity critiria
450 Fly Ash for Concrete
934 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout
1008 Mixing Water for Concrete
1992 Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures
10080 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Weldable Reinforcing Steel - General
10081 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Technical Delivery Conditions
12350 Test Methods for Fresh Concrete
12390 Methods of testing concrete
12504 Testing Concrete in Structures
12620 Aggregates for Concrete
13055 Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete, Mortar and Grout
13670 Execution of concrete structures
13791 Assessment of Concrete Compressive Strength in Structures or in Precast Concrete Prod-

2.10.2 Materials and Specifications

2.10.3 General

Concrete shall conform to BS 8500-2 and BS EN 206-1.

Concrete for concrete foundation and pile shall have the minimum required breaking strengths as specified in
the technical schedules.

Cement used shall be Portland or other approved composition obtained from an approved maker. Portland
cement shall conform in all respects to EN-197.

Aggregates shall be clean and free from dust, earthy or organic matter, or salt. Coarse aggregate shall be ap-
proved grading to be retained on a mesh not less than 5 mm and of a maximum size to pass a mesh not more
than 40 mm Where specially approved in writing by the Employer, coarse aggregate of uniform size not larger
than will pass a 25 mm mesh may be used throughout. Fine aggregate shall be coarse, sharp, clean and free

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from dust, salt, clay, vegetable matter or other impurity and shall be screened through a mesh not morehere. than
5 mm in the clear. It shall be a well-graded mixture of coarse and fine grains from 5 mm gauge downwards.

Water shall be clean and free from all earth, vegetable or organic matter, salt, soil, oil acid and alkaline sub-
stances either in solution or in suspensions.

Contractor shall submit details of the proposed concretes in accordance with BS EN 206-1: 2000, Cl. 7.2 and
BS 8500-1: 2006, Cl. 5.2 to the Employer for approval.

Contractors Quality Assurance Program shall describe the method statement including all steps of quality con-
trol during concrete production and is subject of Employer’s approval.

A method statement giving guidance for handling and testing of the components from source of material,
batching, transportation, casting to curing, the control of formwork and reinforcement shall be provided by
the Contractor. Testing of fresh concrete shall be in accordance with BS EN 12350. Conformity testing shall be
in accordance with BS EN 206 and BS 8500.

All materials for concrete shall be obtained from agreed sources and, unless otherwise agreed they shall be
obtained from a manufacturer who is registered under a recognised quality assurance scheme. Ready mixed
concrete shall be produced in a plant which is registered under a recognised quality assurance scheme

At least four weeks before commencing any concreting work; the Contractor shall make trial mixes using sam-
ples of cement and fine and coarse aggregates. The test specimens for the trial mixes shall be of cube type.
Preliminary test specimens shall be taken from the proposed mixes as follows:

 For each proposed mix a set of 6 specimens shall be made from each of 3 consecutive batches. Three from
each set of six shall be tested at an age of seven (7) days and three (3) at an age of 28 days. The test shall
be carried out in a laboratory approved.
 Neither the mix proportions nor the source of supply of materials shall be altered without the prior ap-
proval of the Employer except that the Contractor shall adjust the proportions of mix as required, to take
account of permitted variations in the materials, such approval shall be subject to the execution, to the
Engineer’s satisfaction, of trial mix procedures set out herein.

Where directed by the Employer concrete cubes are to be taken and tested to verify the concrete strength
during the concreting works. The Contractor shall provide the cube moulds at site for the purpose, accordingly.
The test specimens shall be 150 mm cube and the mould shall be of metal with inner faces accurately ma-
chined in order that opposite sides of the specimen are plane and parallel. Each mould shall be provided with
the metal base having a smooth machined surface. The interior surfaces of the mould and base should be
lightly oiled before concrete is placed in the mould.

2.10.4 Concrete Strengths

Grade C30/37, C25/30, C20/25, and C16/20 concrete shall have the minimum strengths as given by Works
Cubes Tests shown below:

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Minimum Crushing Strengths here.
Grade C30/37 Grade C25/30 Grade C20/25 Grade C16/20
7 days 25 N/2 20.0 N/2 16.5 N/2 13.5 N/2
28 days 37.0 N/2 30.0 N/2 25.0 N/2 20.0 N/2

The average strength obtained from cube tests shall be 10 % higher than the Strength shown above.

2.10.5 Work Cube Tests

Works cubes are to be made at intervals as required by the Employer work. The cubes shall provide a continous
record of concrete work. The cubes shall be made in approved 150 mm moulds in strict accordance with code
of practice.

Four cubes shall be made on each occasion from different batches, the concrete being taken from the point
of deposit. Each cube shall provide a distinguishing number (numbers to run consecutively and the date, and
a record shall be kept on site, giving the following particulars:

 Cube number
 Location in work
 7-day test:
 Date
 Strenght
 28-day test
 Date
 strength

Cubes shall be forwarded, carriage paid for, to an approved Testing Authority in time to be tested two at 7
days and one at 28 days and the remaining one at the discretion of the Employer. No cube shall be dispatched
within 3 days of casting. Copies of all work Cube Test results shall be forwarded to the Employer and one shall
be retained on site.

If the strengths required above are not attained, and maintained throughout the carrying out of the contract,
the contractor will be required to increase the proportion of cement and/or substitute better aggregate so as
to give concrete which does comply with the requirements of the contract The contractor may be required to
remove and replace at his own cost any concrete which fails to attain the required strength as ascertained by
Work Cube Tests.

The contractor must allow in his rates for concrete test cubes for all expenses in connection with the prepara-
tion and conveyance to the Testing Laboratory and of test cubes and no claim in respect of his failure to do so
will be entertained.

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2.10.6 Construction Joints here.

Construction joints shall be permitted only at the position predetermined on the Drawings or as instructed at
Site by the Employer. In general they shall be perpendicular to the lines of principal stresses and shall be
located at points of minimum shear, viz. vertically at, or near, mid-span of slabs, ribs, and beams.

Where permanent or temporary joints are to be made in horizontal or inclined members, stout stopping off
boards shall be securely fixed across the mould to form a grouting joints. The form of the permanent construc-
tion joints shall be as shown on the Drawings.

Where reinforcement or water stops pass through the face of construction joint the stopping off boards shall
be drilled so that the bars or water stop can pass through or the board shall be made in section with a half
round indentation in the joint faces for each bar so that when placed, the board is neat and accurate fit and
not grout leaks from the stops.

2.10.7 Construction Bays

The Contractor shall agree with the Employer, prior to the commencement of concreting, upon the sequence
of placing concrete and the positions of vertical and horizontal joints, whether shown or not on the drawings.

Pour sizes for different types of construction, except as agreed otherwise with the Employer, shall be as shown

Construction Maximum area (m²) Maximum dimension (m)

Water-resisting wall 25 5
Water-resisting slab 100 10
Slabs with major restraint at both ends 100 13
Slabs with major restraint at one end only 250 20
Slabs with little restraint in any direction 500 30
Walls 40 10

In the light of experience the Employer may consider the above pour size limits to be excessive and will have
the authority to reduce them.

Expansion joints shall be fully detailed on construction drawings for approval.

Expansion joints shall be filled with bitumen impregnated fiberboard to full depth and width. The infilling will
be permitted to be used as permanent formwork only for the second casting. Where the fibre board is exposed
it shall be cutback for a depth of at least 2cm from the chambered edge, filled and pointed with a resilient
liquid polysulfide polymer sealant to the manufactures instructions.

Where dowel bars are indicated on the Drawings forming part of a joint, they shall be held securely horizontal
and perpendicular to the joint during concreting.

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2.10.8 Formwork here.

Design and construction shall be in accordance with the following where applicable:

 BS 5975: Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework
 CIRIA Report 136 Formwork striking times — Criteria, prediction and method of assessment (Harrison,
 BS EN 1990 & BS EN 1991
 BS EN 12812

All, “forms, falsework or shuttering” shall include all temporary moulds forming the concrete to the required
shape together with any special lining that may be required to produce the concrete finish specified.

All timber for formwork, falsework and centering shall be of sound wood, well seasoned and free from loose
knots, shakes, large cracks, warping and other defects. Before use on the work, it shall be properly stacked
and protected from injury from any source. Any timber which becomes badly warped or cracked prior to the
placing of concrete, shall be rejected.

If the contractor proposes to use steel shuttering, he shall submit to the Employer dimensioned drawings of
all the component parts, and give details of the manner in which he proposes to assemble or use them. Steel
shuttering will only be permitted if it is sturdy in construction and if the manner of its use is approved by the

Struts and props shall, where required by the Employer, be fitted with double hardwood wedges or other
approved devices so that the moulds may be adjusted as required and eased gradually when required. Wedges
shall be spiked in to position and any adjusting devices locked before the concrete is cast.

All forms shall be wood and shall be built grout- tight and of sufficient rigidity to prevent distortion due to the
pressure of the concrete and other loads incidents to the construction operations. Forms shall be constructed
and maintained so as to prevent warping and the opening of joints due to shrinkage of the timber.

All formwork shall be approved by the Employer before concrete is placed within it. The contractor shall if
required by the Employer provide the latter with copies of his calculations of strength and stability of the
formwork or false work but not withstanding the Employer’s approval of these calculations, nothing shall re-
lieve the contractor of his responsibilities for the safety or adequacy of the formwork.

Concrete shall not be cast directly against existing construction or faces of excavations without prior agree-
ment of the Employer. Where structural concrete relies on permanent or temporary support from the ground,
ensure that the support is firm enough for concreting operations.

Set out and fix all cast-in items shown or referenced on the drawings. Any clashes between holes, cast in items
and reinforcement shall be resolved to the agreement of the Employer before any concrete is placed.

Block out items shall be cleared out after concreting.

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Through ties may be used to support vertical faces of formwork only with the approval of the Employer. here.
Through ties may not be used in water-resisting constructions.

No ferrous metals shall be left in the concrete cover zone when formwork has been struck.

Any holes left exposed to view in the faces of the concrete shall be filled to the agreement of the Employer.

The forms shall be restrained and unyielding and shall be so designed that the finished concrete will conform
to the proper dimensions and contours. The design of the forms shall take into account the effect of vibration
of concrete as it is placed.

All sharp edges inside the forms shall be provided with 25 mm by 25 mm triangular fillets, unless otherwise
shown on the drawings or directed by the Employer

Openings for the inspection and cleaning of the inside of shuttering for walls, piers and columns shall be
formed in such a way that they can be closed conveniently before commencing.

When concrete is to be deposited to a steeper slope than 15 deg. to the horizontal, top forms shall be used to
enable the concrete to be properly compacted.

Form, clamps, tie bolts, and anchors shall be used to fasten forms. The use of wire ties to hold forms in position
during placing of concrete will not be permitted. Tie bolts and clamps shall be positive in action and of suffi-
cient strength and number to prevent spreading or springing of the forms. They shall be of such type that no
metal part shall be left within the specified concrete.

The cavities shall be filled with grout mortar and the surface left sound, smooth, even and uniform in colour.
All forms form for outside surfaces shall be constructed with stiff walls at right angles to the studs and all form
clamps shall extend through and fasten such walls.

The shapes, strength, rigidity, water tightness, and surface smoothness of re-used forms shall be maintained
at all times. Any warped or buldged timber must be replaced. Forms which are unsatisfactory in any respect
shall not be re-used.

All forms shall be treated with approved mould or similar oil or be soaked with water immediately before
placing concrete to prevent adherence of concrete. Any materials which adhere to or discolour concrete shall
be not used.

All forms shall be set and maintained true to the line designed until the concrete is sufficiently hardened.
Forms shall remain in place for periods which shall be as specified hereinafter. When forms appear to be un-
satisfactory in any way, either before or during the placing of concrete, the Employer shall order the work
stopped until the defects have been corrected.

Formwork shall be removed carefully so as to avoid damage to the concrete surface.

Only approved chemical release agents, mould creams (emulsions of water in oil) or oils containing a propor-
tion of surfactant not exceeding 2% will be permitted. Water soluble emulsion and oils without surfactant shall

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not be used. Oil based release agents shall be applied at a ratio of 7 m2/litre 24 hours in advance of concreting,here.
preferably by spray or roller. Chemical release agents shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s

The greatest care must be taken that all sawdust shavings, chips, and debris is removed from the formwork
before concrete is placed in position and the necessary arrangements must be made by leaving out a board in
the bottom of the formwork or otherwise required.

The erection, easing, striking, and removal of all formwork must be done under the personal supervision of a
competent foreman, and any damage occurring through faulty formwork or its incorrect removal shall be
made good by the contractor at his own expense.

All projecting fins on the concrete surfaces after removal of formwork shall be chipped off, and any voids or
honey combing to any surface made good to the requirements of the Employer.

No patching of the concrete is to be done before inspection of the concrete surfaces as stripped.

Traffic or loading must not be allowed on the concrete until the concrete is sufficiently matured and in no case
shall traffic or loading be of such magnitude as to cause deflection or other movement in the formwork or
damage to the concrete members. Where directed by the Employer props may be required to be left in posi-
tion under slabs and other members for greater period than those specified hereinafter.

It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility that no distortion, damage overloading or undue deflection is caused
to the structure by the striking of formwork, but the Employer reserves the right to delay the time of striking
in the interest of the work. Formwork shall not be struck until the concrete has sufficiently hardened. Approval
of the Employer shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability to make good any concrete damage by prema-
ture removal or collapse of forms. In no circumstances shall forms be struck until the concrete reaches a cube
strength of at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of striking. The fol-
lowing times given in day (24 hours) are the absolute minimum that will be permitted:

2.10.9 Striking Times

Forms Ordinary Portland Cement Rapid Hardening Cement

[day] [day]
Walls, Columns (unloaded Beam sides 2 2
Slabs - props left under 7 2
Beams soffites - props left under 14 5
Slabs - props 14 5
Beams - props 18 8

The time for removal of forms as set out shall not apply to slabs and beams spanning more than 10 m. For
such spans appropriate times shall be recommended or advised by the Employer.

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The periods given above are based on the removal of all props and formwork using ordinary Portland cement here.
under average weather conditions. Adverse weather conditions or different cement may cause the above pe-
riods to be increased. Should the contractor wish to make use of reduced striking time, he must satisfy the
Employer that the strength of the concrete at such time and the structural system is adequate to withstand
the dead and imposed loads applied to it. Before making use of reduced striking times the Employer’s agree-
ment must be obtained in writing.

2.10.10 Finishes
2.10.11 Saw Finish

The shuttering shall consist of saw boards, sheet metal, or other materials to give a support to the concrete.
Appearance is not of primary importance for this class of formwork. It shall be used for surface against which
backfill or further concrete is to be placed. The treatment of the shuttering or concrete to provide a bond for
the further surface treatment of the concrete shall be directed or approved by the Employer. Masonry or
similar material used for facing concrete shall only be used as shuttering where directed by the Employer.

The Employer’s approval shall be obtained to the use of blocks or slabs when used as permanent forms in
foundation and other similar location.

2.10.12 Wrought Finish

The shuttering shall be wrought with boards arranged in a uniform pattern. Alternatively, plywood, metal
panels, or other approved materials may be used, subject to the Employer’s approval. Joints between boards
or panel shall be horizontal or vertical unless otherwise directed. This shuttering shall give a good finish to the
concrete and will normally be used for all faces where a high class finish is not necessary.

2.10.13 Fair-Faced Finishing

Standard steel panels, hardboard, and boarding will not be permitted for the face of this shuttering. The shut-
tering shall be faced with resin-bonded plywood, faced with matt finished plastic or equivalent material in
large sheets which shall be arranged in an approved uniform pattern. Whenever possible, joints between
sheets shall be arranged to coincide with features such as stills, jambs or changed in direction or the surface
areas of formwork between features in walls, between beams in horizontal surface or other similar arrange-
ment, shall where possible, be divided into panels of uniform dimensions, without the use of makeup pieces.
All joints between panels on vertical or inclined surfaces shall be between panels on vertical or inclined sur-
faces shall be vertical or horizontal unless otherwise directed by the Employer; those on horizontal surfaces
shall be at right angles and wherever possible they shall be parallel to walls and beams. The shuttering shall
give a high class finish to the concrete with no lips, fins, or irregularities, and shall give completely true and
even surfaces which will be prominently exposed to view where good alignment is of special importance. It is
for use in both in-situ and precast concrete.

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2.10.14 Texture Finish here.

This is an all-over finish of high quality as may be directed by the Employer. Sample panels may be constructed
on site prior to commencement of the works, to compare different textures. The shuttering shall be such that
the concrete finish give a surface which will be prominently exposed to view good appearance and alignment
are of special importance.

2.10.15 Other Finishes

Where other finishes, apart from the above are specified, the contractor shall provide a sample panel at least
2.4 m x 1.2 m in vertical surface area including a typical horizontal and vertical joint in the shuttering. The
sample panel shall be construction techniques that the contractor proposes for the actual works. This sample
when approved will form the standard for the entire works. All unsuccessful samples shall be removed from
the site.

2.10.16 Floor Finish

Where “tamped finish” is specified it will be obtained by an edge board to the Employer’s approval. Board
works are so be made to a true pattern and will generally be at right angles to the traffic flow. Haphazard or
diagonal tamping will not be accepted.

2.10.17 Reinforcement
2.10.18 Materials

All reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of BS 4449, BS 4483, and BS 8666 as appropriate.

Reinforcement in accordance with BS 4449 shall be Grade 500 unless otherwise specified.

Unless otherwise agreed by the Employer, all reinforcement manufacturers shall hold a valid Certificate of
Approval for manufacture and/or fabrication issued by the UK Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steel
(CARES), or equivalent. A manufacturer Certificate of Approval Reference shall be stated on all documentation.

If reinforcing steel is cut and bent by other than a CARES-approved manufacturer, the fabricator shall operate
a quality management system to BS EN ISO 9001, which shall be approved as part of the Contractor's quality
management system and comply with BS 8666.

2.10.19 Reinforcement Handling

All reinforcement shall be delivered in properly identifiable tagged bundles, mats or prefabricated assembly
and shall be stored on site in a manner so as not to become contaminated by deleterious materials or other-
wise damaged; fabric shall be stored flat.

Reinforcement shall not be dropped from height, mechanically damaged or shock loaded in any way.

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2.10.20 Spacers here.

Supply, detail and fix all spacers. The materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with BS 7973, “Spacers
and chairs for steel reinforcement and their specification — Product performance requirements”. Ensure that
the spacers have the required performance characteristics.

In exposed finish work the type of spacer used shall be agreed with the Employer before any work is started.

2.10.21 Continuity Strips

Proprietary continuity strips can be used subject to agreement by the Employer.

All continuity strip manufacturers shall hold a valid CARES Technical Approval certificate or equivalent, unless
otherwise agreed by the Employer.

2.10.22 Couplers

Details of the source and manufacturers shall be forwarded to the Employer for approval.

All coupler manufacturers shall have a valid Technical Approval certificate issued by CARES, or equivalent,
unless agreed otherwise by the Employer.

Reinforcing bars shall be adequately and appropriately prepared to receive the agreed couplers.

2.10.23 Punching shear reinforcement systems

Details of the source and manufacturers shall be forwarded to the Employer for agreement.

All punching shear reinforcement system manufacturers shall hold a valid Technical Approval certificate issued
by CARES, or equivalent, unless otherwise agreed by the Employer.

2.10.24 Fibre reinforcement

Details of the proposed fibres, dosage, source and manufacturers shall be forwarded to the Employer for

2.10.25 Execution

All reinforcement shall be fixed in position in accordance with the reinforcement detail drawings and rein-
forcement schedules. Any alterations of reinforcement shall be carried out only with the prior written agree-
ment of the Employer.

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All tying of reinforcement shall be carried out with black annealed mild steel 16 gauge tying wire, unless agreedhere.
otherwise with the Employer. All ends shall be bent away from the concrete face and all loose ends shall be
removed prior to placing the concrete.

All reinforcement ends left projecting from cast concrete shall be free of release agents and shall be protected
against damage and corrosion. Light surface rusting will be accepted, unless detrimental to the finished struc-
ture or causing rust staining to adjacent exposed concrete surfaces or formwork.

2.10.26 Welding

The location of all welded joints shall be agreed the Employer. Tack welding on site will not be permitted,
unless agreed with the Employer in exceptional circumstances. Provide the Employer with evidence of the
competence of welders and details of the welding procedures for all loadbearing welds for agreement. When
welding on site ensure the welding has adequate protection from the weather.

Welding shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 287-1, BS EN ISO 15614, BS EN
1011-2 and Appendices 6 and 10 to the CARES Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete Scheme, or equivalent.
Details for welding of reinforcement with a carbon equivalent greater than 0.42 must be agreed with the Em-

2.10.27 Bending

The following conditions shall be observed for site bending of re-bars:

 Bending of reinforcement, including straightening, at temperatures less than -5 °C is not permitted.

 The curvature shall be as constant as practicable.
 Bending shall be in one Operation at a constant rate.
 Reinforcement shall not be warmed above 100 °C .
 The bend radius shall be not less than that given in BS 8666 and Cl. 6.3(2) of BS EN 13670: 2009 unless the
documented re-bend properties show this can be adjusted.

A method statement must be prepared for agreement with the Employer.

Each bar bent shall be inspected by the Contractor for any sign of fracture. Any fractured bars must be consid-
ered as nonconforming.

2.10.28 Execution
2.10.29 General Requirements

Execution shall be in accordance with BS EN 13670 and all statutory requirements.

All materials used in the structure shall comply with the current versions of European Standards. The Employer
may specify samples for testing and the Contractor shall arrange for such samples to be supplied, identified,
stored and tested and the results delivered to the Employer in accordance with the relevant standards.

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Proprietary products and materials shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions here.
and relevant European Standards where available.

Allow reasonable access to the site for technical inspection by the Employer at all times.

Where water-resisting construction is specified, submit to the Employer for approval:

 details of the materials used and the execution, which are to be in accordance with BS 8102;
 and written confirmation from the manufacturer of the water-resisting materials that they will not be
adversely affected by the proposed environment, concrete, curing and release agents, placing methods,
joints, finishes, reinforcement and its support details, or loads.

2.10.30 Inspections

In addition to the Contractor's inspection of the materials and execution in accordance with BS EN 13670 the
Contractor is to give reasonable notice to allow inspection by the Employer at the following stages:

 Before each concrete pour.

 Before prestressing work starts.
 Before covering up or backfilling.
 For water-resisting construction, inspection shall be carried out jointly with the Contractor and Employer
before backfilling or covering up to identify defects which may lead to water penetration.

2.10.31 Storage

All materials shall be stored in an agreed manner that prevents damage or degradation and is in accordance
with all manufacturers' requirements.

2.10.32 Acceptance Procedure

The Employer shall comment an all information supplied on site within five working days of receipt.

Acceptance or agreement by the Employer shall have no effect unless given in writing.

Three copies of all test reports shall be supplied to the Employer as soon as they are available.

2.10.33 Non-Conformity

Any test or inspection reports that show that any part of the structure does not meet the specified criteria
shall be reported to the Employer, as soon as the results are available. Provide proposals for dealing with the
non-conformity to the Employer within five working days of reporting the results.

A course of action shall be agreed within a further five working days.

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The cost of all additional testing and remedial works shall be at the Contractor's expense. here.

2.10.34 Geometric Tolerances

Permitted tolerances for the structure are defined in BS EN 13670.

Tolerance Class 1 is considered to be the normal tolerance as set out in BS EN 13670. Lesser deviations to meet
design, fit requirements or any other reason shall be considered Class 2 to be approved by the Employer.

Regular checks to be carried out by the Contractor on the structure. If an element size or position is out of
tolerance, propose remedial measures for agreement with the Employer.

2.10.35 Placing and Compaction

Concrete shall be placed and fully compacted so as to avoid cold joints, honeycombing and to minimise seg-
regation, excessive blemishes or other defect in the hardened concrete.

Compaction shall be carried out without causing damage or displacement of the formwork, reinforcement,
tendons, ducts, anchorages, inserts etc.

Where kickers are used, they shall be made with concrete of the same strength as that used in the wall or
column, of sound construction and a minimum of 100 mm high generally and 150 mm high cast monolithically
for water-resisting construction.

Where kickerless construction is used provide details of the proposed method of securing and sealing the
column and wall shutters at floor joints to the Employer for approval.

Suitable arrangements for premature cessation of a pour shall be agreed and in place before work starts.
Should premature cessation of a pour arise, agree with the Employer the extent and timing of any necessary
remedial work before resumption of placing.

2.10.36 Concreting in Extreme Conditions

For concreting in cold weather, air temperature below 5 °C, agree in advance with the Employer any changes
to the cement, admixtures or concrete temperature to prevent freezing of the concrete, to Limit extended
stiffening times and to maintain the required concrete strength development.

For concreting in hot weather, air temperature above 30 °C, agree in advance with the Employer any changes
to the cement, admixtures or concrete temperature to minimize high temperature rises and reduction in the
useful working life of the fresh concrete.

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2.10.37 Curing here.

The Curing Class is 2 in accordance with BS EN 13670. The surface of the concrete shall be cured to avoid
premature drying out. Methods of curing shall be approved by the Employer. Curing membranes shall be com-
patible with any finishes to be applied subsequently.

When concrete is to be placed in conditions or in an element where early age thermal cracking is likely,
measures shall be adopted that minimise the risk of early age thermal cracking to a level acceptable to the
Employer. Ensure that the temperature of the concrete does not exceed 65 °C and that the temperature dif-
ferential does not exceed the appropriate values given in CIRIA Report C660 (Bamforth, 2007), Table 7.1.
Where a risk of thermal cracking is identified, the location of monitoring apparatus and interpretation of the
values recorded shall be agreed with the Employer prior to installation.

2.11 Piling Works

2.11.1 General

The work to be carried out includes all labour, equipment, materials and auxiliary works as required.

Piling work shall be in accordance with the approved Codes and Standards, approved drawings and as specified
or as directed by the Employer.

The piles shall be designed to carry at least twice the working load and this shall be determined by normal
design procedures and by the use of at least one preliminary test pile of each type.

The piles shall be adequately anchored into pile caps in accordance with seismic design practice.

The Contractor shall submit prior to the commencement of the works a complete method statement for piling
and pile testing works, including type of piles, working loads, diameters, applicable Codes and Standards, pro-
posed Sub-Contractors, detailed installation procedure and all required specifications.

Pile load tests shall be carried out to confirm the results of the static and dynamic formulae as well as to define
the expected settlement under the working load.

In addition to preliminary load testing of test pile, 2 (number) or 2% of working piles, whichever is greater,
shall be proof load tested in accordance with the approved standards.

2.11.2 Scope of Work

The piling work includes:

 the preparatory works, the installation of the working-site and all the temporary works requested for the
 the drilling of the piles using a temporary casing (bentonite or slurry drilling shall not be used)
 the steel reinforcement

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 the concreting here.
 the grouting at the piles bases (if required)
 the cut-off
 the tests on the materials and the piles and any soil testing that the Contractor decides to perform for the
 the inventory of fixtures, its costs and the costs resulting from the eventually damages caused by the piles
execution, the Contractor is fully responsible for all the damages to any buildings or constructions resulting
from the piling
 the cleaning of the working site, including the evacuation of any debris, temporary backfill, soil produced
by the piling.

2.11.3 Documents to be Submitted

The following documents shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Employer/ Engineer in due time and are
to be agreed before starting the piling works:

 Applicable Codes and Standards

 references concerning pile foundations carried out by the Contractor for similar structures and soil condi-
tions, list of qualified staff
 detailed descriptions of the plant, equipment, materials and procedures proposed for every type of piling
operations that is to be undertaken; these descriptions will include plant and equipment specifications,
pile constructions sequence, protective systems, detailed construction or installation procedures, tests
 a proposal of piles record book and pile record sheets (see item "Piling Record")
 piles drawings and calculations notices of the piles with the following information
 number and location of the piles
 working loads acting on the piles
 bearing pressures, settlements, horizontal displacements of the piles (isolated pile and groups of piles)
 the "useful" length of the piles with cut-off level and base level
 diameters of the piles
 steel reinforcements of the piles
 a general planning of the piling works

2.11.4 Design Criteria

2.11.5 Pile Characteristics and Design Criteria

The detailed soil and rock characteristics and accurate levels shall be provided by the soil investigation made
by the Contractor at the beginning of the works.

Grouting of the rock below the piles has to be considered if dictated by soil conditions.

The pile bases have to be embedded in the rock level, determined by the soil investigations made at the be-
ginning of the works by the Contractor.

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The net vertical pile capacity computed from the soil investigation report is used to determine the maximum here.
test load in case of piles testing.

The net compressive stress within concrete shall not exceed 5 MPa. The net tensile stress within steel rein-
forcement shall not exceed the allowable values furnished in the standards and norms.

2.11.6 Bored Cast-In-Place Piles

The piles are drilled up to the depth indicated by the pile drawing submitted by the Contractor and agreed by
the Employer. For each pile, the Contractor draws up the geotechnical profile of the drilling with description
of the strata and samples taken for each stratum as mentioned in the piling record item of these specifications.
A representative sample from each stratum will be kept in tight packing until the end of the works.

A suitable type of drilling equipment shall be provided in order to penetrate obstacles (e.g. boulders) which
may be met during the execution of the piles.

Generally drilling operations shall be carried out in such a way as to avoid any disturbance of the soil. A tem-
porary casing shall be installed to the full depth of the borehole (except in stable rocks). The bottom of the
casing shall always be kept sufficiently below the excavated borehole bottom, in order to prevent inflow or
loosening of the adjacent soil.

When drilling below the groundwater table inside the casing shall always be maintained above the natural
groundwater level by at least 1.5 m, i.e. water has to be added accordingly. Therefore the groundwater level
at time of boring must be known. If necessary, special observation wells shall be drilled.

Just before reinforcing and start of concreting the pile foot is to be cleaned out so that no disturbed, loose or
weak soil remains below the pile tip.

When different top levels of the rock are encountered during the pile borings, the anchorage levels will be
adopted and submitted for review by the Employer but the minimum embedment shall not be less than 3
times the pile diameter.

When the bedrock is reached, the steel casing has to be pushed as far as possible into it, in order to avoid
penetration of sediments by any possible space between the rock and the bit of the steel casing.

2.11.7 Driven Cast-In-Place Piles

The Contractor provides to the Employer all data proving the suitability, efficiency and energy of the driving

The weight of the falling mass must always be adequate to take down the piles at the depth defined at the
project (see the item on the pile characteristics of these specifications).

The tube and its shoe have to be wholly watertight. The pile is started again if water is found at the bottom of
the tube.

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2.11.8 Steel Pipe Piles here.

Steel pipe piles shall conform to the relevant standards. Piles shall have a minimum inside diameter of 25 cm
and a minimum shell thickness of 10 mm. They shall be driven without point but with open end or with cast-
steel point. Specific construction of open ends for piles to rock or hardpan and for friction piles will be deter-
mined in accordance with soil investigation results. The pile shells shall be driven to required resistance,
cleaned out and filled with concrete.

Piles up to 6.00 m in length shall be in one piece. Piles from 6.00 m to 12.000 m shall have not more than one
splice. For longer piles, splices shall not be closer together than 6.00 m.

2.11.9 Steel Sheet Piles

Design of sheet piling and choice of steel sheet piles are subject to the Employer's approval, which shall have
to be obtained before work commences.

The steel sheets shall be regular in shape over their whole length and shall amply overlap or interlock neigh-
bouring sheets during and after being driven in. Bulging or bent sheets shall not be used.

Steel sheet pile walls shall be fastened with dogs, straps, or walling. All parts shall be computed in such a
manner that the permissible stresses and sagging are not exceeded.

If the sheets cannot be driven to the depth required to keep them in a stable condition, then special anchoring
arrangements with all necessary materials shall be provided.

2.11.10 Material
2.11.11 General

All materials to be used for the piling works shall meet the requirements as specified under clause "Concrete
Works” and “Steel Works” hereafter.

The origin and quality of steel reinforcement, cement, aggregates, mix water, grouting, and eventual admix-
tures, will be agreed by the Employer and have to conform to all applicable standards.

2.11.12 Steel Reinforcement

The piles shall be longitudinally reinforced on the whole length. The pile reinforcement drawings for execution
shall be submitted by the Contractor and agreed by the Employer.

The length of longitudinal bars above cut-off level is based on the required in raft embedded length according
to relevant specifications.

Steel reinforcement used for cast in situ concrete piles consists of high yield steel conforming to clause "Rein-
forcing steel" of clause "Concrete works".

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The concrete cover to reinforcement shall be not less than 75 mm and not more than 100 mm. here.

The minimum ratio of longitudinal bars is 0.8% of the pile cross section, with a minimum of 6 bars not less
than 12 mm in diameter. The minimum spacing between longitudinal bars is 15 cm (DIN 1045).

Helical binding shall be used with a minimum diameter of 10 mm and a maximum pitch of 15 cm.

Reinforcement cage:

 the stirrups shall fit tightly to the longitudinal bars and be fixed to them by steel wires or by welding.

Installation of the reinforcement :

 when the reinforcement cage of a pile is constituted of several parts, the assembling of these parts has to
be made before or during the installation within the tube, taking into account the necessary overlapping
between the parts.
 the reinforcement cage shall be perfectly centered within the borehole so that the cover over all rein-
forcement, including binding wire, is not less than 10 cm of concrete. The longitudinal bars may be held
apart by spreader forks not more than 1.5 m apart. In any case, the spreader forks and the centering pieces
have to be of the same corrosion resistance as the pile steel reinforcement.
 before installation of the reinforcement cage, the Contractor checks the complete cleaning of the bottom
of the hole. All disturbed soils and debris have to be removed from the hole.
 the reinforcement cage is put into the hole in only one operation. The cage must remain stable during
concreting and removal of the temporary casing. The handling of the cage during loading, unloading and
installation within the holes has to be made with care in order to reduce the deformation and to avoid the
breaking of the weldings or the binding wires.

2.11.13 Concrete Composition

The proportioning of the concrete mixed by the Contractor to obtain the specified characteristics and an ade-
quate workability has to be submitted for review by the Employer.

Concrete composition, production, transport and control testing shall be conform to relevant Standards. The
workability measured by standardized procedures shall be adequate for the method of placing used.

2.11.14 Execution
2.11.15 Program

The program of piling work is to be submitted for agreement with the Employer four weeks before the start
of the piling works. Sequence of piling shall be stated.

Three working days before the end of each week, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer the detailed
piling program for the next week, including adequate notice of his intention to work outside normal hours and
at weekends.

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When a modification occurs in the program, the Contractor shall immediately inform the Employer. No here. mod-
ifications of the program shall be made without the Employer's agreement.

2.11.16 Qualification

The piles installation shall be undertaken using proven techniques and equipment and shall be implemented
by specialist personnel who have extensive experience in carrying out such work. The Contractor shall provide
qualified personnel i.e. a foreman for every piling crew, who shall always be present during the works, as well
as a professional engineer, well experienced in piling works, for supervision.

2.11.17 Staking-Out Tolerances

The landmarks to be used for the implementation of the piles must be effective, solid and well protected.

The method of location of the piles is a duty of the Contractor. The setting out has to be carried out from the
main grid lines of the proposed structures.

The maximum allowed deviation of the piles centre from the theoretical location shown on the setting out
drawing is 50 mm in any direction. The maximum permitted deviation of the completed pile from the vertical
is 20 mm per meter (2.0%).

2.12 Structural Steel

2.12.1 Standards

The quality of all materials and workmanship used in the execution of this contract shall comply with the
requirements of the most recent issues of the following International, European and British Standards and
code of practice.

ISO 657, ISO 4995 Hot rolled sections

ISO 657-14 Hot rolled hollow sections
ISO 630 Use of structural steel in buildings
EN 440 Arc welding plant equipment and accessories
ISO 3581 Covered electroces for manual arc welding of mild steel and medium tensile steel
ISO 898, ISO 8992, ISO 225 Black bolts, scews and nuts, steel plate, sheet and strip
ISO 559, ISO 1127, ISO 14713 Steel tubes for mechanical, structural and general engineering purposes
ISO 9445, ISO 16162 Cold rolled steel sections
ISO 10684, ISO 8992, ISO 225, ISO ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts
898, ISO 272
ISO 10673, ISO 10644 Metal washers for general engineering purposes
ISO 9327, ISO 9328 Weldable structural steel
Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures
Eurocode 4 Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures
EN 1090 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures
EN 10025 Hot rolled structural steel sections
BS 4872 Approved testing of welders when welding procedures approval is not required
ISO 15609, ISO 15614 General requirements for the metal arc welding of structural steel

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ISO 11303, ISO 12944, ISO 14713 Protection of iron and steel structures from corrosion

2.12.2 Tolerances

All members shall be fabricated with a tolerance in length of + 0 mm and -3 mm, all shall not deviate from
straightness by more than 1 in 400.

The allowance for angular twist shall be (3 + 0.6 L). L is the length of the member under consideration in m.
Twist shall be measured by placing the member as abricated against a flat surface measuring the differences
between the two comers of the opposite end.

The above tolerances shall be adhered to unless otherwise specified on the Engineer’s drawing.

2.12.3 Materials

All metals and metal work components whether fabricated on or office site shall conform to the requirements
of the relevant European Standards and other standards to the approval by the Employer.

Metalwork articles shall have a first class finish, and be free from scale, rust, damage or other defects.

Components shall be properly assembled and joined in a neat and functional manner. Welded connections
shall be ground off as necessary to present a clean smooth finish without detriment to the strength of the

Particular attention shall be given to the protection of metalwork from degradation caused by the environ-
ment in which it is to be used. This shall be accomplished by galvanizing, surface coating or such other treat-
ment suitable for the metalwork under consideration.

 Mild Steel

▪ Mild steel shall comply with the relevant standard and shall be galvanized for parts, which are
not accessible, or in open air, or come in contact with moisture. All other parts, except rein-
forcement to concrete, shall be primed as described under the Clause for painting.

 Copper

▪ Copper and copper alloys shall comply with the British Standards and approved standards and
approved standards relevant to the form and use for which the material is intended.
▪ Copper components shall be placed so that in no case shall they come in direct contact with
aluminium nor shall it be possible for water or condensation to pass off copper on to alumin-

 Zinc

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▪ Zinc sheet shall be of good colour, free from cracks,dross, overlaps, scales and any other de-
fects, which might be detrimental to its working properties. All zinc shall be at least 0.8 mm
thick. No iron or copper shall be used in contact with zinc.

 Aluminium Sheeting

▪ Aluminium for profiled roof sheeting and flashing shall be manufactured from alloy in hard
temper conforming to BS 1470 Ns3 Specification not less than 0.7 mm thickness and with a
colour coated surface finish. Profiled sheeting shall conform to BS CP 5427.
▪ Fastenings shall be by means of aluminium hook bolts or other approved fixes in accordance
with BS CP 143 Part 1 and recommendations of the manufacturer.
▪ Laps shall be sealed as necessary.

2.12.4 Galvanizing

All steel requiring galvanizing, including bolts, nuts and washers, shall be galvanised at the manufacturers
premises by means of hot-dipping in accordance with EN ISO 1461.

Thickness, uniformity and adhesion tests shall be performed by the Contractor in presence of the Employer
according to the relevant Standards.

Major damage to galvanising shall be cause for rejection. Material on which galvanising has been damaged
shall be re-dipped unless the damage is minor and local and can be repaired by applying galvanising repair
paint or hot zinc spray to the satisfaction of the Employer.

2.12.5 Execution
2.12.6 Erection Method Statement

A method statement giving details of the erection scheme and programme, shall be prepared by the Steelwork
Contractor and forwarded to the Employer at least seven days prior to commencement of site works for his
review and approval. The method statement shall include the following information:

 Location(s) of lifting equipment (e.g. cranes)

 Sequence of erection and movements of lifting equipment
 Positions and descriptions of temporary bracings and/ or restraints ensuring stability during erection
 Set-down areas for delivered materials
 Procedures for ensuring the safety of personnel working on and near the site.

2.12.7 Shop Fabrication

The Contractor shall propose the workshop for the fabrication and shop assembly of the structural steel sub-
ject to the Employer's approval. The workshop shall be equipped with sufficient and satisfactory facilities with
qualified and competent workmen and welders.

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The Contractor shall submit to the Employer all detailed drawings of structural steel to be fabricated in the
workshop. The fabrication works shall commence only after the approval of the Employer for these drawings.

At all stages of fabrication, structural steel members shall be identified by a suitable marking scheme. Marking
shall be done by stamping the marks into the metal before galvanising or painting and shall be clearly legible
after treatment. In designing members on shop drawings, the Contractor shall endeavour to use as few desig-
nations as possible and each member of identical size and detail shall have the same designation, regardless
of its position in the structure.

Cutting, holing, assembly, and bolting shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant Standards.

The Employer reserves the right to be present during any or all of the fabrication and assembly of the structural
steel. Before and during manufacture, the Employer shall have access to all workshops as and when he so
desires. The Acceptance and test certificates shall be made available to the Employer in an adequate number
of copies. Castings and forging shall be tested with suitable modern procedures. Tests are to be carried out on
the premises of manufacturers of castings and forging on work-pieces in the rough state in order to detect
flaws in good time and therefore to avoid delays in delivery as far as possible. After partial machining in the
works of the manufacturer further tests may be carried out. The Contractor shall allow the Employer access
to any and all test reports on request.

The size of construction members shall be of the maximum admissible size for the transport to and handling
at site. Fabricated steel structures shall be pre-assembled in the workshop to such an extent to ensure proper
field erection, and shall be dismantled (non welded/bolted members only) for transportation, during which
the contractor shall reasonably protect the steel structure from damages. The steel structure shall be suitable
packed, cover or coated, and any damage and corrosion during transportation shall be the responsibility of
the contractor and shall be rectified to the satisfaction of Employer.

2.12.8 Delivery, Storage and Handling

All structural steel works shall be protected from damage during handling, transporting, unloading, and stor-

The Contractor shall prepare all materials for shipment in such a manner as to protect them from damage and
corrosion in transit and shall be responsible for and make good any and all damage due to improper prepara-
tion or loading for shipment. On arrival of structural steel parts (such as columns, beams, girders, frames,
lintels, railings, chequered plates, etc.) they shall be checked for damages. Any structural member that has
been damaged in the course of shipment or handling to an extent of seriously affecting the properties of the
members and cannot be repaired or aligned shall be immediately brought to the Employer's attention. Should
the Employer determine that any structural member is not repairable, then the Contractor will be notified to
furnish a new member.

Particular attention shall be given to stiffen free ends and to prevent any permanent distortion. All bolts, nuts,
washers, and small articles shall be suitably packed and identified. All structural steel members shall be care-
fully stored on substantial timbers and blocking, so arranged so that the steel will be free from the earth and
properly drained, preventing any spattering with dirt or the accumulation of water in or about steel. Care shall

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be taken to prevent damage to the shop coat of paint and prevent the accumulation of mud, dirt or here. other
foreign matter on the steel.

Bolts, nuts, washers, rivets and other identical items of structural steel required to be incorporated into con-
crete shall be delivered to the Site well in advance.

Bolts, pins, packings, tools, insulation material, electrical parts, motors, parts with electrical devices, attached
instruments, welding equipment and material shall be stored inside closed stores.

The stores shall be constructed weatherproof, with good ventilation and solid floors. The floors of the stores
and the dispersal areas shall be designed to carry the loads imposed on them by parts to be stored.

2.12.9 Tolerances

Care shall be taken to ensure that the tolerances specified on the drawings or the relevant standards DIN
18202 or BS 449 Part 2 are worked to.

2.12.10 Connections

The steel structures shall be fabricated in a workshop according to the agreed shop drawings.

Field connections shall be friction-type connections with bolting with heavy hexagonal head bolts. Connections
at building expansion joints must be slotted with shoulder bolts with locknuts. The slots shall be of sufficient
length to permit movement of sliding, member in both directions from the neutral position, of 25 mm.

No connections shall have less than two bolts.

Torque wrenches shall be used for tightening of bolt connections.

The connections at end bracings shall develop the force due to the design load, but not less than 50 percent
of the effective strength of the member. If no load is indicated, the latter condition shall govern.

In accordance with the structural design, the steel structure for buildings may be either a frame structure
and/or a braced structure.

All metal parts shall be interconnected to the Station’s earthing system by an agreed method in electrical

2.12.11 Cutting

Cutting may be by shearing, cropping, sawing or machine flame cutting. Hand flame cutting is subject to review
by the Employer.

Cut edges on rolled products must be given a finishing operation by a metal cutting method (e.g. by planning,
milling, grinding or filing). Notches and cracks are to be eliminated in the same way.

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Small surface defects such as grooves and other types of unevenness may be removed by grinding. The use here.of
welding to fill in defects is generally not permitted.

2.12.12 Bolt Holes

All holes are to be drilled and not punched after the members are assembled and tightly clamped or bolted
together. Punching may be permitted before assembly, provided the holes are punched 2 mm less in diameter
that the required size and reamed after assembly to the full diameter. The thickness of material punched shall
not exceed 10 mm.

2.12.13 Bolting

The threaded portion of each bolt shall project through the nut at least one thread. Agreed high strength
friction grip bolts, preferably the type with indicated load are to be used where specified and are to be tight-
ened strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the pertaining regulations. The surfaces
in contact shall not be painted and shall be free from oil, dirt, loose rust, burrs and other defects which would
prevent solid seating of the parts or interfere with the development of friction between them.

2.12.14 Welding

All welds, unless otherwise stated are to be continuous minimum 6 mm fillet weld and shall be dressed
smooth, free from porosity, cracks, holes and finished to match adjacent surfaces. When welding operations
are completed, all welding flux shall be removed without delay. After welding, the components shall possess
the shape planned for them preferably without any subsequent dressing. The cooling of welds must not be
accelerated by any special measures.

Site welding is to be restricted to the absolute minimum. The examination of welded work and the inspection
of welds during and after manufacture is to be carried out by responsible specialist welding engineers. Welding
shall be carried out by expert tradesmen and in strict accordance with the current code of practice.

Welding on site will be allowed in exceptional circumstances with the permission of the Employer. Normally
metal arc welding shall be carried out, and only if and where specifically permitted by the Employer, processes
other than the metal arc process may be used for welding of structural steel.

For site welding, all welders shall be obliged to pass qualification tests to determine their ability to perform
such type of work. They shall provide necessary certificate from specialized agencies. For welding of any par-
ticular type of joint, welder shall be tested by the Employer.

The Contractor shall submit detailed method statements for both, shop and site welding - if permitted by the
Employer - including the following:

 material to be welded
 weld edge preparation
 welding process

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 type of electrodes here.
 welding sequence
 number of weld passes
 quality control for shop and site welding

The Contractor shall not proceed with the welding works until his method statement is approved by the Em-

The Contractor shall carry out X-ray tests for at least of 10 % of all welds in general in presence of the Employer
or by experienced representatives of a firm licensed for welding testing and agreed by the Employer.

2.12.15 Building Elements

2.12.16 Steel External Doors

Steel external doors shall be fabricated from steel sheet covering a framework of steel angles and galvanized
after fabrication. Door frames shall also be galvanized steel. All external doors shall be insulated and fitted
with panic latches, which are lockable from outside.

External doors shall be effectively sealed to reduce the ingress of dust as far as practicable, using heavy duty
seals which shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of five years from date of commissioning. Doors and
seals shall be designed so that replacement of worn seals can be achieved easily on site.

2.12.17 Steel Flooring

The steel flooring shall be either chequered plates or steel grating as described below. The floor of walkways,
stairs, and platforms shall be designed to support a live load of not less than 5 kN/m2.

All walkways, platforms, and stairs shall be provided with handrails, supports, and bracing as well as kick-plates
of 100 mm height.

Vertical clearance for walkways and platforms shall not be less than 2200 mm.

All walkways, stairs, and platforms shall provide a clear width of not less than 1000 mm.

Walkways, stairs, and platforms shall be hot dip galvanised.

2.12.18 Chequered Plates

The thickness of chequered plate shall be sufficient to bear the load of applicable equipment or traffic and
shall in every case be capable of bearing a uniform load of not less than 5 kN/m2.

Chequered plates shall be at least 8 mm thick, heavy duty type and hot dip galvanized. All chequered plates
shall be provided with fasteners and shall rest flat on their supports without rocking, and their deflection shall

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not exceed 1:250 of the span. All edges of plates shall be ground or cut, smooth and straight with 3 mm clear- here.
ance between plates. Removable chequered plates shall be of a size permitting easy handling and shall be
provided with two lifting holes. Where and if required, non-braced chequered plates shall be stiffened by

Chequered plates fitted to supporting members shall normally be secured by countersunk, flathead bolts or
screws. Cut-outs and openings required in chequered plates shall be shop formed and adequately reinforced
as per the agreed drawings or Employer’s instructions.

The contractor shall furnish banding strips or angles for openings required to be cut in the field, as well as all
other necessary accessories for chequered plate installation at site. The type of chequered plates to be in-
stalled shall be subject to Employer’s approval.

2.12.19 Steel Grating

The thickness of grating shall be sufficient to bear the load of applicable equipment or traffic and shall in every
case be capable of bearing a uniform load of not less than 5 kN/m2.

Steel grating shall be welded type of rectangular pattern of parallel bearing bars of 45 mm depth and 5 mm
thickness and at 30 mm centres with twisted cross bars at 100 mm distance, unless otherwise indicated on
the drawings.

Gratings shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. All grating indicated as removable shall be bolted or
clipped to supports. Sizes of grating shall be such as to afford easy handling. The contractor shall cut, as shown
on all certified drawings, neat, circular or square openings for the passage of pipes, ducts, etc., through grat-
ings. The contractor shall provide toe plates at all unprotected open sides at ends of grating and where shown
on drawings and the contractor shall weld bands made of steel plate matching the toe plate height at all open-
ings. All gratings shall be arranged so that bars in either direction are aligned.

Bearing bars shall be of depth required to support the design loads at allowable stresses and a deflection not
exceeding 1/250 of span length.

2.12.20 Ladders

Ladders shall be provided by the contractor all to heights and accesses as required in the design, e.g. to reach
roofs, basements, emergency exits, etc. Ladders shall be according to DIN 18799, safety cages according to EN
ISO 14122-4.

Ladder shall be constructed staggered with landings at every 10m in height.

The safety cage shall be constructed from 55 x 6 mm flat steel bar hoops, bent to the specified radius and
spaced uniformly and horizontally at a maximum of 1.5 m and 5 equally spaced 40 x 6 mm vertical flat bars,
welded to the inside face of hoops to provide a smooth and snag-free interior of the cage.

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2.12.21 Steel Stairs here.

Steel stairs shall be in accordance to DIN 18065 Stairs in buildings - Terminology, measuring rules, main di-

Stair-work shall be furnished and installed with all stringers, treads, risers, newels, hangers, railings, kick plates
and all appurtenance members. Construction shall be rigid and substantial throughout, all joints closely fitted,
rivets, bolts and screws concealed where practicable or dressed flush.

Members shall be punched, drilled and tapped as required for installation of furring, applied or abutted ma-
terials. Stair construction framed to structural steel supports shall follow the erection of the steel work as
closely as practicable and be securely bolted to the steel framing. All stair-work shall be fully protected, during
the construction period, by temporary board treads and landing covers. The Contractor shall furnish and install
all walkways, stairs and platforms, (complete with handrails, kick plates, equipment guards, supports and brac-
ing) required for the safe and convenient operation, maintenance and repair of the equipment and accesso-

Walkways, stairs and platforms shall provide a clear width of not less than 1.0 m and shall be complete with
kick plates on all sides. Stairs shall be designed for a rise not more than 20 cm and a run of about 23 cm with
successive treads lapped about 2 cm making overall tread width about 25 cm. Vertical clearance for walkways
stairs and platforms shall be not less than 210 cm and inclined clearance normal to the slope of the toes of
treads not less than 190 cm unless otherwise approved by the Employer. Steel stairs shall have an inclination
not exceeding 42° to the horizontal.

2.12.22 Railing

Steel pipe railing shall always be installed on both sides of all walkways, stairs and platforms, and shall be
made of steel pipes of 32 mm internal diameter and minimum thickness of 4 mm. The top rail shall be at a
height of not less than 1100 mm from the walkway or platform level. Rails over stairs shall have the top level
at a height of 900 mm above the nose of the tread. Two intermediate rails shall be installed between the top
rail and the toe plate or channel. A pattern of symmetry shall be accomplished when locating pipe posts and
the distance between pipe posts shall not exceed 1200 mm.

Pipe railing shall consist of standard steel pipe with flush, continuous, welded joints, ground smooth hot dip
galvanized and painted. Exposed bottom ends of pipe posts shall be closed where required.

Wall pipe and handrail shall be returned to a wall and be provided with necessary secure anchors. The con-
tractor shall provide necessary handrail brackets of malleable iron and anchors. All accessories such as floor
flanges, etc., required for pipe railing shall be furnished.

Installation of pipe railings shall be done in a substantial and rigid manner. Stands on concrete shall be set in
pipe sleeves, not less than 4 inches deep, with the sleeves cast into the concrete and of a size fitting snugly
around and thus rigidly supporting the pipe shall have a flange on the foot secured to the concrete by coun-
tersunk, flat-head machine screws in expansion metal sleeves.

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Stands on metal shall have a plate or flange welded to the foot and secured by counter-sunk, flat-headhere. ma-
chine screws tapped into the supporting members, or as indicated on the drawings.

Removable sections shall be made in sections as above specified. On steel, foot plates shall be welded to the
stands and fastened with cap screws.

2.13 Block Work

2.13.1 Materials
2.13.2 Cement

Cement shall be sulphate-resisting and of a quality as described in the section for concrete. The clause in that
section referring to cement storage shall also apply.

2.13.3 Sands an Aggregates

Fine and course aggregates for forming blocks shall be aggregates from natural sources of hard, durable ma-
terial or other approved, free from deleterious substances. Sand shall be graded 2 mm down and coarse ag-
gregate shall be as specified for concrete.

2.13.4 Lime

Lime for mortar shall be hydrated grey-stone lime in accordance with BS 890 for hydrated calcium limes. Mag-
nesia lime shall not be used in mortar for brickwork below the damp-proof course.

The Contractor shall forward copies of Manufacturers certificates to the Employer, which in addition to certi-
fying compliance with BS 890 shall give details of the type of lime. If lime is delivered as lime putty, the certif-
icate shall state whether quicklime or hydrated lime was used in its manufacture.

All lime shall be efficiently protected against deterioration during transport and whilst stored on site. Different
type or brands of lime shall be stored separately in dry conditions in a manner that allows it to be used in the
order of delivery.

When lime putty is to be used the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Employer of his arrangement for
transport handling and storage. Precautions shall be taken to prevent contamination and drying out of lime
putty stored on site. Lime putty made from quicklime should mature for at least 14 days before being used.
Where it is made from hydrated lime (powder), lime putty should stand for at least sixteen hours before use.

2.13.5 Concrete Blocks

Concrete blocks shall be solid or hollow blocks to comply with the relevant standard as previosly mentioned
and shall be solid hard, true to size and shape and sharp arises.

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They shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer or manufactured on site in approved block making here.
machines. The mix used shall be less than (1:9) by volume and maximum size of aggregate shall be 12 mm size.
The blocks on removal from the machine shall be laid on edge or racks under sheds erected by the Contractor
and left for 3 days during which period they shall be kept constantly wet.

After this initial period they shall be placed on edge in the open racks and protected by sacking or other ap-
proved covering and kept wet for further 5 days.

Thereafter the blocks shall be left in the same position without wetting for a further 20 days. No blocks shall
be used in the works until 28 days old and until samples have been tested approved by the Employer.

The Contractor shall ensure that the blocks are stocked separately in their respective categories in the struc-
ture in the position shown on the drawings.

Any stone for walling shall be good hard local stone equal in standard and quality. Stone shall be squared,
dressed and joints chisel dressed on the face. Stone to receive render, shall be so dressed to reduce dubbing-
out to a minimum.

The coursed stone shall not be less than 150 mm deep and 305 mm long. All stone shall be laid on their natural
or quarry bed lines.

2.13.6 Block Laying

All blocks shall be kept completely filled with mortar. The thickness of the horizontal mortar joints shall not
exceed 40 mm to every four joints. Where block work are to be plastered or rendered, joints shall be struck
off and left rough to provide a key.

Movement joints shall be provided where required. They shall incorporate a joint filling strip and sealant Gaps
in movement joints shall be left free from debris and shall not be pointed with mortar.

Block work shall be built with three courses to 600 mm in a uniform manner, in truly level courses and truly
vertical or battered. Comers and other advanced work shall be racked back and not raised above the general
level more than one meter. Toothing shall be used only where provision has to be made for a future extension.
Both leaves of cavity shall be built up simultaneously. Galvanized flat twist wall ties of an approved pattern
shall be bedded with a slight fall towards the outer face and shall be provided in alternate courses at intervals
of 900 mm and staggered horizontally. Additional ties shall be used near the sides of all openings at the rate
of one for each 300 mm of opening height. The cavity shall be kept clear of mortar droppings and rubbish, and
the inside mortar joints shall be finished flush as the work proceeds. Cavities shall be 50-75 mm in width.

Both holes shall be built into the external skin of cavity walls in the form of sand filled vertical joints at l m
centres and are to be racked out on completion. Weep holes shall be laced over all lintels or to her significant
obstructions to the cavity.

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Walls shall be constructed with an approved metal reinforcement every second course. Additional horizontal here.
reinforcement shall be provided in bed joints in walls for each 2 courses above and below all openings greater
than 300 mm wide. The reinforcement shall extend a minimum of 900 mm beyond the opening on both sides.

Below ground level and at the jambs of all openings, the hollow concrete blocks shall be filled with weak
concrete, well taped down and carried from base slab to top of such openings. Cavities shall be kept clear of
mortar droppings or other debris, by the use of lifting batters or other suitable means.

Where external block work abuts concrete surfaces and where indicated elsewhere, the blocks shall be tied
to the concrete every second course with adjustable galvanized steel ties fixed in slots cast into the concrete.

Concrete abutting external block work shall be coated with two coats of bitumen paint.

Holes and chases shall be cut out or left in the walls as required and provision shall be made for making good
to the satisfaction of the Employer.

On completion, all block work shall be cleaned down and mortar dropping and other marks removed. Defec-
tive blocks or workmanship shall be made good.

2.13.7 Reinforcement

When required vertical reinforcement steel rods for hollow concrete blocks shall be of high-yield deformed
steel according to BS 4449. The minimum to be provided shall be 10 mm diameter bars at 150 mm centres.

Lap lengths for vertical reinforcement shall be a minimum of 50 diam.

Horizontal bed joint reinforcement shall be made from had drawn steel wire to S4482 consisting of two wires
with diameter a minimum of 5 mm and separated by cross wires welded at 304-mm centres. The main wires
shall be at 50 mm centres and 160 mm centres for 100 and 200 mm block work respectively. Alternatively,
approved expanded mesh reinforcement may be used.

2.13.8 Ring Beam

The block work over all openings and walls in the same level shall be supported on reinforced cast insitu
concrete ring beam throughout the building.

The ring beam shall be the same width as the block work into which they are being built.

2.13.9 Built-in Frames

Openings in masonry for doors, widows, air conditioning units, ventilators, and fans etc. shall be properly
marked out and built in as the work proceeds with approved anchors. The fittings shall be propped and strut-
ted where required.

The back surface of steel and galvanized fittings shall be coated with a bituminous paint before fixing.

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All fittings shall be bedded in 1:3 sand cement mortar 12 mm thick. here.

2.13.10 Precautions During Inclement Weather

Newly laid block work shall be protected from the harmful effects of sunshine, rain, drying wind, running or
surface water, and shocks. Any work that may be damaged shall be taken out and pointed as directed by the
Employer. Any costs incurred in carrying out such remedial work shall be borne by the Contractor.

2.13.11 Damp Proof Course (DPC)

A damp proof course shall be laid in walls, above ground level so as to exclude rising moisture.

The damp proof course shall be kept flush with the outer face of the blocks/bricks and shall be set back to
allow for pointing. In case the ground conditions require a stepped damp proof course, it shall be continuous
through vertical and horizontal surfaces. All joints of the damp proof course shall be lapped at least 100 mm
and the laps shall be sealed by hot bitumen.

The damp proofing shall comply with BS CP 102 and the material shall comply with BS 6398 and BS 743.

2.14 Plasterworks

The composition of the plaster shall be suited to the purpose of the plastering, the suction capacity, and the
surface roughness of the plaster background, and, in the case of exterior plaster, to the climate.

Prior to the start of his operation under this chapter, the Contractor shall verify that all conditions are suitable
for the timely and effective carrying out of his work. In particular, the Contractor shall verify that such condi-
tions as the following do not exist:

 Extensive unevenness
 efflorescence
 Stress and settlement cracks
 Over smooth surfaces
 Over moist surfaces
 Oily surfaces (e.g. through form oil)

The Contractor shall perform touching-up work after other trades have finished their works on plastered sur-
faces of rooms. He shall repair cracks, marks and defects and these shall be filled with approved material. The
surface shall be evenly smoothed by the spatula, irrespective of the reason, and leave all metal furring, lathing
and plastering in first class conditions.

2.14.1 Surface Preparation

All surfaces to be plastered shall be prepared and cleaned by removing loose particles, dust adhering to mor-
tar, grease, oil, efflorescence, foreign matters, and shall be wetted down before plaster is applied. All surfaces

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shall be brushed down by wire brush to remove any loose material. Joints in brickwork and blockwork shall be
raked out to a depth of 10 mm minimum.

Smooth concrete surfaces to be plastered shall be roughened by hacking or brush hammering and cleaned
with water under pressure.

All surfaces to be plastered shall be thoroughly sprayed with potable water and all free water shall disappear
before plaster is applied.

2.14.2 Junction of Different Material

Junctions between different material (other than those between the main reinforced concrete member and
the brick or block walls) shall be reinforced. The reinforcement shall apply to the joints between walls and
stiffeners, concrete frames around steel doors and similar situations where cracks are likely to develop and as
directed by the Employer. The reinforcement shall consist of a strip of galvanised wire mesh (10 mm to 15 mm
hexagonal mesh) of 150 mm width which shall be nailed with galvanised nails and washers or staples fixed to
plugs or by similar approved method. Nails or staples shall be fixed at both edges of the wire mesh at intervals
not exceeding 300 mm. The reinforcement shall be fixed so that it is embedded completely in the undercoat
of plaster. Where the junctions are between main concrete element (beams, columns etc.) and brick wall or
blockwork, definite break shall be carried out through the plaster finish by stop beads or similar approved by
the Employer.

Before receiving plaster, metal lathing shall be cleaned of oil paint, tar coats, oil patches and the like. Any rust
and scale shall also be removed.

2.14.3 Cement Plaster

Surfaces of the walls shall be rendered prior to the floating coats. Surfaces to receive rendering shall be thor-
oughly cleaned and dampened immediately before applying rendering in one coat and the one being scratched
to leave an adequate key for the floating coat.

The floating coat shall provide a true surface to receive the finish. The plaster shall be trowelled on and all
superfluous material struck off with a long straight-edge. This straight-edge is kept pressed against the rules
and is moved from side to side upwards.

The floating coat shall then preferably receive a setting coat just before plaster sets. It is polished to an even
surface with the trowel.

The material for rendering and floating coat shall consist of the same elements in the same proportion as
mortar. For the setting coat the proportion shall be 1:3 (cement type I: Sand). The material must be screened
before mixing. Sand used shall comply with BS. 1199.

Mortar shall be mixed only in quantities for the work immediately in hand. No mortar that has stiffened by
starting to set shall be used. Exposed edges shall receive galvanised edge protection strip. Where suspended
ceiling is required wall plaster shall be carried out up to 10 cm above suspended ceiling.

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The minimum thickness of finished plaster shall be: here.

 With exterior plastering 20 mm

 With interior plastering 15 mm

if nothing different is prescribed in the specifications. The mortar layer for cornices shall not be thicker than
40 mm.

If plaster is to be applied in damp rooms on lathwork which, on account of its composition, can rust, the lath-
work shall be protected from rust on all sides.

If felt-floated, floated, or smoothed plaster is not prescribed in the specifications, the plaster shall be scoured.
Pockets shall not remain in the plaster.

2.15 Roofing

Unless otherwise specified, all reinforced concrete roofs shall be provided with the roofing system as specified

2.15.1 Material

The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request and/or certificates from acceptable institutes on all mate-
rials stating its conformity with the specified quality and test results.

The Contractor shall furnish an approved manufacturer's surety bond guarantee on all roofing materials cov-
ering a period of 10 years.

Materials to be used for roofing and sheet metal work comprise generally of the following:

 Adhesives, bitumen
 Felts
 Thermal insulations
 Vapour barrier
 Sealing courses
 Panels of sheet metal, single, double and sandwich
 Flashing of copper, load, plastic, zinc, galvanised, sheet metal etc.
 Gravel and chips
 Fibre cement tiles or sheets

All material above listed shall be generally standardised as specified hereafter.

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2.15.2 Cold bitumen here.

Cold bitumen shall be homogenous emulsion of bitumens and plasticizers. The bitumens content shall be more
than 35 %. When applied it shall remain plastic at 0 °C and shall not melt at 80 °C

2.15.3 Bituminous water proofing membrane

The bituminous water proofing membrane shall consist of bituminous felt with a continuous non-woven pol-
yester thread in the middle of the membrane. A thin film of adhesive polyethyelene shall be placed on the
lower face of the membrane to allow for quick application by torch without removing the polyethylene. The
weight of polyester thread shall be 180g/m2. The thickness of the membrane shall be 4 mm.

2.15.4 Thermal insulation

The thermal insulation shall be extruded polystyrene rigid foam boards with a thickness of not less than 50
mm and shall have the following properties:

 Thermal conductivity 0.035 W/mK

 compressive strength 0.5N/mm²
 Water absorption not more than 1 % in volume

2.15.5 Separation Layer

The separation layer shall be non-woven 100 % polypropylene having the following properties:

 Unit weight not less than 275g/m²

 Thickness under load of 2 KN/m2² not less than 0.75 mm

2.15.6 Gravel Layer

The gravel layer shall be of 50 mm depth of rounded gravel of 10 mm - 20 mm diameter. Angular or irregular
gravel shall not be allowed.

2.15.7 Concrete slabs (for the protection layer)

The concrete slabs shall be 400 mm x 400 mm x 50 mm size, subject to the approval of the Employer.

2.15.8 Roofing build up Details

The roofing details shall be as follows:

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Screed here.

A sand / cement screed of minimum 40 mm thickness on top of the concrete roof slab is to form the required
slope of more than 3%. The thickness as well as the mix design for the screed shall be approved by the Em-

Cold worked bituminous prime coat

A prime coat of cold worked bitumen shall be applied on top of the screed with a covering capacity of 0.3
kg/m2. Further roofing work shall only proceed after complete drying out of prime coat.

Bituminous water proofing membrane

Two layers of bituminous water proofing membrane shall be applied on the prime coat. Each layer shall be of
4 mm thickness. The minimum width of the laps of the membrane shall be 100m. The water tightness of the
roof shall be tested by filling the roof with 300 mm height of water for 7 days and checking for any signs of
leakage. Further roofing work shall be applied only after the water has been removed and the membrane is
completely dry.

Thermal insulation Layer

The thermal insulation boards of extruded polystyrene rigid foam of 50 mm thickness shall be applied on the
top of the water proofing membrane in accordance with the recommendation of the manufacturer and to the
approval of the Employer.

Bituminous water proofing membrane

One layer of the bituminous water proofing membrane of 4 mm thickness shall be applied directly on the top
of the thermal insulation.

Separation Layer

The separation layer of non-woven 100 % polypropylene shall be applied directly on the water proofing mem-

Protection Layer

The protection layer against solar radiation and wind up-lift shall be concrete slabs of 400 mm x 400 mm x 50
mm size, placed on gravel layer of 50 mm thickness. The concrete slabs shall be laid loose with tight joints

All flat roofs shall be furnished with handrails and ladders for access according to the General Requirements
for Civil Works. Roof access shall be designed internally if the building contains a massive staircase.

Earthing shall be designed if so required.

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2.15.9 Execution here.

All work shall be executed by skilled workers in a workmanlike manner. Prior to the start of execution the
Contractor shall verify that all conditions are suitable for the timely and effective carrying out of his work.

In particular, the Contractor shall verify that such conditions as the following do not exist:

 Major unevenness of the base

 Unduly rough, unduly porous, or too smooth surface
 Deviations from the horizontal planes or from the gradient specified in the Contract Documents or shop
drawings necessary under the circumstances
 Missing rounding-off of corners, edges and valleys
 Tension and settlement cracks, holes
 Unduly moist surfaces
 Surfaces with undue suction
 Unsuitable type or position of penetrating structural members

2.15.10 Sealing Work

Sealing work shall not be carried out under weather conditions that may adversely affect the sealing, unless
special measures to prevent any possible detrimental effect are taken.

Horizontal and gently inclined sealing, except horizontal sealing in walls and water-repellent mortar sealing,
shall immediately be given a protective course. Markedly inclined and vertical sealing, too, shall immediately
be provided with a protective course, if the sealing has to be fastened or if there is any risk of damage.

Sealing of structural joints and sealing over structural joints shall be constructed in such a way that they satisfy
all special demands involved.

2.15.11 Flashing and Connections

Flashings of thermoplastic foils, metal strips or lead shall be connected to vertical masonry or concrete sur-
faces by means of inserted grooved slots in the vertical wall to hold the flashing in a water-tight construction.
Metal flashing joints shall be made as seam flanges to cope with the thermal expansion of the material, with
no length exceeding 5.00 m.

Connection of the sealing to piping and other items penetrating into the sealing shall be made watertight by
means of built-in steel flanges unless otherwise specified. Connecting elements shall be free of rust and given
a prime coating.

2.15.12 Covers

All covers shall be fixed with anticorrosive screws or cleats unless otherwise specified, such as fixing by under-
lay sheets, underlay sections, flat sections.

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The projecting part of the metal cover shall receive a drip edge at a distance of at least 20 mm from the struc- here.
tural components to be protected by the cover.

2.15.13 Roof Gutters, Gutter Supports

Joints of hot-dip galvanised steel or other metal sheet gutters shall additionally be riveted or beaded. When
using sheet copper or hot-dip galvanised steel sheet, the joints shall be riveted in conjunction with soft sol-
dering or with a filler, whilst with stainless steel sheeting, they shall be soldered, riveted, or welded, and with
aluminium sheets hard soldered, riveted or welded with a filler.

The gutters shall be fitted at a uniform gradient unless horizontal gutters are specified. On the roof side the
gutter edge shall be at least 10 mm higher than on the side facing outwards.

The eaves flashing shall extend at least 150 mm over the fascia board of the roofing. The flashing shall be hung
in the gutter.

The connections and fastenings shall be made so that the structural members when subjected to thermal
influences can expand, contract or move without restraint and without giving rise to leakage.

Differential temperatures of 100 degree C shall be taken into consideration.

Suitable measures shall be taken to prevent detachment and/or damage to parts by strong winds or storms.

To prevent detrimental effects of adjoining materials such as mortar, stones, concrete, wood and timber pre-
servatives, metal sheets shall be protected by underlain bitumen roofing felt.

On rising wall surfaces, the waterproofing course shall be folded up at least 150 mm and covered with a cap-
ping strip (overhang or plaster strip) laid into a wall slot and firmly fastened with plaster hooks. Provisions of
capping in sectional rails are also possible.

Cast iron roof drains (double), consisting of: main inlet body, adjustable top inlet and large strainer dome,
including all flashing works.

Diameter: 100 mm, 125 mm and 150 mm.

2.15.14 Down-pipes

The down-pipes (downspouts) shall be of sufficient clear width to convey the expected water volumes.

Pipe clips shall be hot-dip galvanised or in case of copper pipes shall be made of solid copper; in the case of
stainless steel, of a compatible material. They shall be made so that the rainwater pipes can be removed and
refitted without the need to loosen the pipe clip in the wall. Their spacing shall be not more than 2 m in the
case of larger pipe.

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Connection of the down-pipes to standpipes and boxes of cast iron and the like shall be by a sheet metal here.
hopper or bulged sections. The down-pipes and the standpipes shall be easily separable at their junction points
(by means of a slide element provided for the purpose).

The down-pipes bulges or nosing shall be provided above the pipe clips for support on these and in penetra-
tions through cornices, transition pieces in the shape of the cornices shall be arranged. On zinc pipes they shall
be fixed by soldering; on copper pipes by riveting.

At the points joined together, the down-pipe sections shall fit into each other with a minimum overlap of 50
mm. All down-pipes shall be fitted in a manner to show the longitudinal seam. They shall be arranged at a
minimum distance of 20 mm from the finished part of the structure.

2.15.15 Sealing, Separating and Coating Material

All sealing, separating and coating materials shall be weather and ageing-resistant and plastically or elastically
permanent depending on stress and shall not contain any constituents harmful to contiguous materials.

The Contractor shall submit references to the Employer proving the successful application of the selected type
of materials at other similar conditions.

2.15.16 Roof Drainage

The location, size and number of rain water outlets shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the
Employer. The outlets shall be connected to down pipes. Down pipes shall be of suitable size compatible with
the outlet and fitted with 45 ° shoes.

Each section of the roof needs at least two rain water outlets.

2.15.17 Tests and Properties

All flat roofs sealed with roofing felts shall undergo a water test verifying its water-tightness in the following

All down-pipes and spouts shall be closed and the whole roof shall be filled with water up to 10 cm above
surface of roofing felt. The water shall remain on the roof for at least 7 consecutive days. Evaporations due to
temperature and sun radiation shall every day be refilled again.

Any water leakage observed during such period has to be repaired and the water test repeated until complete
water-tightness has been proofed. Protection layers on the roof shall be placed only after successful perfor-
mance of this water test. All closures of down-pipes and spouts have then to be removed again.

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2.16 Floor Laying here.

2.16.1 Screeded Beds

Concrete floors, which are required to be surfaced with screed, shall have a roughened surface, produced by
hacking and wire brushing. The roughened concrete floor shall be cleaned, wetted preferably overnight, the
surplus water removed and 1:1 cement/sand grout brushed into the surface, keeping just ahead of the
screeded bed. The screeded bed shall be 40 mm thick ad shall be well compacted and levelled with a screeding
board and steel trowelled smooth. If the screed is the finished surface, it should be treated with an approved
silicate of soda solution hardener to prevent dusting. The screed shall be mixed in the proportions of 1:2:4
(cement, sand, and 10 mm- pea shingle) by volume with the minimum quantity of water necessary to give a
good hard smooth, steel trowelled finish. The section hereof concerning concrete applies, but the sand shall
satisfy the requirements of BS 1199.

Rigid screed battens shall be fixed on continuous beds of mortar to prevent movement when screeds are being
laid and compacted. The screed batten shall be fixed to true lines and levels.

The bay sizes shall not exceed 15 square m and the length of any one bay shall be limited to two times the
width. The bays shall be laid alternately, ie. in chequerboard fashion, a minimum of 24 hours being allowed to
elapse between the laying of adjacent bays.

The bays shall be separated by strips of hard plastic or other suitable material.

Screeded beds shall be cured for at least seven days, using polythene sheeting or other approved method.

2.16.2 Damp-Proof Membrane

An approved bitumen/PVC waterproof membrane shall be placed on the blinding under concrete floor slabs,
to exclude rising moisture. The membrane shall be taken up walls and lapped with the wall DPC.

All floor finishes shall be protected from damage by following trades and other causes and any damage, how-
soever caused, shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Employer.

2.16.3 Tiles

All tiles shall be of first class quality. They shall be of uniform size and even surface, free from warps, lamina-
tions, serrated edges, chipped corners and other imperfections of flaws affecting their quality, appearance
and strength. Bases, stops, returns and caps shall be supplied as required to provide a complete and neatly
finished installation.

Glazed ceramic tiles shall comply with the requirements and properties not inferior to the following.

They shall bear the identification mark of the manufacturer on the lower face in either positive or negative

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They shall be made from fine-grained vitrified sandstone ceramics of the highest quality. The dimensions here.of
the slabs shall be regular and constant, the upper surface plane, smooth and flawless without a trace of fis-
sures or blotches. The side shall be perfectly straight and the corners perfectly rectified. The shade and hue of
the colouring shall be uniform.

They shall give a clear sound under a hammer stroke. They shall be frost-proof, non-porous, abrasion-resistant
(2.5 mm after 3,000 hours) flexion and thermal shock-resistant as specified according to EN 104.

Acid (hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid) attacks shall be less than 2.5% of their weight and their water
absorbing capacity shall not be in excess of 1.5% of their dry weight. (Ref. to DIN 51 102-1 and DIN 51 102-2
or equivalent standards).

Colour will be selected by the Employer.

Ceramic wall tiles shall be glazed ceramic complying with BS 6431 and BS 5385. The minimum thickness of
ceramic wall tiling shall be 6 mm. The ceramic wall tiling shall be laid after fixing of window and door frames.
Tiles shall fit closely and neatly around all plumbing fixtures and around electrical outlets. The ceramic wall
tiling shall be fixed either by mortar of one m³ sand: 400 kg cement or by thin bed of special adhesives subject
to the Employer’s approval.

Ceramic floor tiles shall comply with BS 6431. The minimum thickness of the ceramic floor tiles shall be 12
mm. The tiles shall be fixed with mortar of one m³ sand: 350 kg cement. Where floor drains are provided, the
planes of the finished floor shall be sloped towards the drains. All tiles shall be protected against damage from
subsequent building operations by means of polyethylene plastic foil of 1 mm thickness. Joints between tiles
shall be 2 mm wide and two days after the fixing of tiles shall be filled neatly with grouting cement of the same
colour as the tiles, and the finish shall be flush and free from all voids.

2.16.4 Raised Access Floor (Computer Floor)

The floor panels shall be 600 mm x 600 mm size and shall be manufactured from press formed corrosion
resistant galvanised steel folded around all four edges and containing a non-combustible high performance
chipboard core. The minimum thickness of the panel shall be 30 mm. Factory bonded vinyl shall be provided
at the top of panels, also PVC edge shall be bonded to all four edges of the panel.

The pedestal shall be zinc plated and shall consist of:

 Steel tube of 1 ¼ (one and quarter inch)

 Base plate of 120 mm x 120 mm x 3 mm
 Head cap to be screwed to the steel tube with top plate of 85 mm diameter and 3 mm thickness.
 The screw thread on the steel tube shall allow for 40 mm adjustment for unevenness of the ground. Lock
nut shall be provided under the head cap

Installation of Instrumentation Panels shall be done on separate supports and frames, not on top the computer
flooring, thus allowing independent installation of floor and instrumentation panels.

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The raised access floor system shall be capable of withstanding the following loads: here.

 concentrated load: not less than 4.5 KN over 25 mm square

 uniformly distributed load: not less than 12 KN/m2

The factor of safety for the uniformly distributed load shall be „3“. The system when subjected to the test
loads shall not deflect or deviate more than 1:250 of the shortest span or 2.5 mm whichever is less. The system
shall be capable to carry the specified concentrated loads at any position, such as around the perimeter, centre
of panel, cut panel, perforated panel or at any point which considered a point of weakness.

The height of the raised floor shall be 500 mm - 1200 mm, subject to the Employer’s approval.

2.17 Plumbing and Sanitary Installations

This chapter applies to the following interior systems:

 Potable water supply system

 Waste water systems
 Rainwater

The scope of work comprises the designing, preparation of shop drawings, obtaining approvals, procurement,
manufacture, testing, transport, installation and completion of the Plumbing and Sanitary Works.

2.17.1 Design Works and Transmittals

The Contractor shall calculate, design and coordinate all parts of the complete plumbing and sanitary systems
including all auxiliary works, precautions, constructions and installations required to finish the complete work
and to fulfil the Contract.

The Contractor shall submit the following drawings, diagrams and material documentation to Employer/ En-
gineer for approval:

 Floor plans, scale 1:50

 Architectural drawings have to be used to show the plumbing and sanitary systems
 Detail drawings as required and/or requested by Employer/ Engineer
 Flow diagrams of waste water, rain water and potable water supply systems

Material documentation of fixtures, pumps, tanks, water heaters, drinking fountains, hand dryers, pipes, fit-
tings and valves. Transmittals shall be manufacturer's literature, leaflets, data sheets, wiring diagrams, pump
curves. Type, data, etc. of the respective material had to be marked clearly in the transmitted sheets.

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2.17.2 Material here.

All material for plumbing and sanitary installation shall comply with the relevant standards, and shall be suit-
able for the intended purpose and appropriately matched to each other. All material and structural compo-
nents shall be standardised and shall meet the respective quality and dimensional requirements. The Contrac-
tor shall submit a description, catalogues and/or drawings showing all technical details, type, manufacturer
etc. of the offered materials for the Employer’s approval.

Fixtures shall be of vitreous china and shall be standard commercial products of one reputable manufacturer.
Also main accessories as valves, faucets, shower heads etc. to be of a single manufacturer except valves con-
nected to storage heaters, which shall be same make as heaters.

Sanitary fixture samples of each type designated shall be submitted for approval. The approved sanitary fixture
samples shall be kept and protected at all times for comparison purposes until released by the Employer for
removal. All sanitary fixtures of poorer quality than the approved samples shall be rejected. After all fixtures
have been mounted and are ready for use, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean all fixtures, remove all plaster,
rust stains and any other foreign matter, leaving every part in perfect condition ready for use.

2.17.3 Pipes and Fittings

 Copper pipes shall comply with BS 2871 and fittings shall comply with BS 864. Hot potable pipes shall be
coated with polyethylene the inner surface of which is profiled to trap air to form a thermal barrier which
reduce the surface temperature and it shall withstand temperature up to 100°C
 Galvanised mild steel pipes shall comply with BS 1387
 Ductile iron pipes shall comply with BS 4772
 Cast iron pipes shall comply with BS 78
 Unplasticized P.V.C pipes for soil and ventilation shall comply with BS 4514
 Unplasticized P.V.C pipes for cold potable water shall comply with 3505
 Ball valves shall comply with BS 1212
 Stop valves shall be high pressure screw down pattern complying with BS 1010

2.17.4 Potable Water Supply Piping

Cold and hot water incl. circulating pipes shall be seamless galvanised steel pipes. Minimum diameter of pipe
DN 15, nominal pressure 16 bar.

Piping including all necessary valves, aerators, vents, drain valves, etc. made of red brass; corrosion free pipe
fastening with insulation against vibrating noise; corrosion free jacket sleeves for wall and ceiling penetrations
with sound absorbing packing and cover plates.

The copper piping of cold and hot water shall be suitable for nominal pressure of 10 bar. The piping shall be
embedded in the wall except where distribution pipes are installed in the suspended ceiling. All required fit-
tings such as non-return valves, angle valves, discharge taps etc. shall be made of red brass or other material
approved by the Employer.

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2.17.5 Waste Water and Rainwater Piping here.

Vitrified clay pipe shall be used for underground installation.

Ductile cast iron pipes for installation in the interior of buildings, pipes with internal tar epoxy resin coating
and outside prime coat.

Rain water down pipes outside the building shall be of galvanised sheet metal.

All pipes shall be complete including fittings, sealing, couplings, clean-outs, sound absorbing fastenings, cor-
rosion free jacket sleeves for wall and ceiling penetrations with sound absorbing packing and cover plates, etc.

2.17.6 Insulation

Cold water pipes shall be provided with insulation against condensate.

Hot water and circulating pipes shall be provided with insulation against heat loss.

Maximum thermal conductivity 0.035 W/at.

All insulation shall be free from asbestos and not prone to biological growth.

Before commencement of any insulation work all pipe-work and equipment shall be carried out until pressure
and circulation test have been completed and the insulation has been approved.

Felt strips two times wrapped shall be used for fixture connection pipes in horizontal and vertical slits.

Termination and joints in insulation shall be neatly and cleanly cut, mitred and chamfered. No packing or loose
fitting will be permitted.

2.17.7 Testing of Pipes

The potable and service water pipes (pressure pipes) shall be pressure tested and flushed. Pressure test to be
carried out prior to insulation and concealment of piping.

 Test pressure: 1.5 x max. allowable operating pressure.

 Test period: 10 minutes.

Flushing as soon as possible after installation, subsequent to pressure testing.

Pipes shall be flushed under pulsating pressure by a mixture of compressed air and potable water. Temporary
material and equipment to be provided.

The storm water and sanitary sewer pipes shall be filled up with water. After 24 hours the water level has to
be zero loss.

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After completion of all tests, the water supply system shall be flushed with water to remove sediment. Disin- here.
fectant shall be applied to all piping system of potable water. The disinfectant shall be chlorine in the form of
a hypochlorite solution. During chlorination, all valves shall be operated to ensure that the hypochlorite solu-
tion reaches all parts of the system.

2.18 Surface Protection

2.18.1 Painting and Decorating

Paints for priming, undercoating, and finishing shall be ready mixed paints of the best quality for the intended
use and comply with BS 6150. Paint for use on concrete or block work shall be of a type specially prepared for
this purpose.

All work shall be properly cleaned and rubbed on between each coat in a way, and using materials, recom-
mended by the manufacturers of the paints concerned. No coat shall be commenced until the Employer has
passed the previous coat a dry, hard and satisfactory. Each coat shall be of a distinct colour from the preceding
one and all colours shall be approved by the Employer. Spray painting will not be permitted except for internal
faces of walls and ceiling. All other paint shall be thoroughly brushed into and completely cover the surface.

All timber required to be built into bedded or fixed against brickwork, masonry or concrete shall be given two
priming coats and one undercoat on the concealed surfaces.

All woodwork shall have knots treated with two coats of a knotting solution and then painted with aluminium
priming paint prior to priming the complete surface. The wood shall then be primed, stopped and painted with
two undercoats and one high gloss-finishing coat.

Hard wood, which is not required to be painted, shall be made perfectly smooth, prepared, and oiled twice
with linseed oil. Alternatively, it shall be stained and was polished, or treated with two coats of an approved

Bitumastic painted surfaces and coated pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned to removed grease, dirt or other
deleterious matter, and then painted with one coat of sealer, one coat of leafing aluminium, one coat of un-
dercoating paint and one coat of high gloss finish.

When so described or directed, internal surfaces of fair-faced block work, plastered walls, and the soffites of
concrete roofs shall be prepared and painted with one coat of antisuction primer, followed by one undercoat
and one finishing coat of PVA based plastic emulsion paint.

Exterior surfaces for fair faced block work walls and concrete columns at the new buildings shall be prepared
and painted with two coats of an approved stone paint.

At the completion of all works, the Contractor shall clean down the premises; wash paving and steps; wash
and leather down wall tiling, etc. Clean all sanitary fittings; touch up paint work; examine all roofs and leave
watertight; clean out all pipes and leave the whole of the premises in a clean, sound, and perfect condition
ready for immediate occupation.

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2.18.2 Embedded Steelwork here.

All parts to ultimately be buried in concrete shall be cleaned and protected before leaving the manufacturer’s
plant by cement wash or other approved method. Before being installed they shall be thoroughly desiccated
and cleared of all rust and adherent matter, or be treated according to a method approved by the Employer.
Such cleaning or treatment shall not detrimentally affect the strength or final operation and function of the

2.18.3 Steel Exposed to Atmosphere

All machined parts or bearing surfaces shall be cleaned and protected from corrosion before leaving the man-
ufacturer’s plant by the application of an approved rust preventive coating, or a removable plastic film. Where
the latter is impracticable, such parts shall be heavily covered with high melting point grease. After erection
such parts shall be cleaned with solvent and lapped or polished bright.

All parts, other than machined parts, which will be exposed after erection shall be thoroughly cleaned and
galvanized or given with two coats of best quality approved primer and one coat of best quality approved
finish paint before leaving the manufacturer’s plant and a further one coat of paint of an approved quality and
colour after erection and touching up on the site, expect such apparatus as panels and instruments which shall
be finished painted under approved procedures.

All outside panel surfaces shall be primed, filed where necessary, and given not less than two coats of synthetic
undercoat. The finishing coat for the outdoor installations shall be a gloss paint and for the indoor installations
shall be a semi-gloss paint.

The inside surface of the enclosures shall have two prime coats and one finishing coat of light cream colour.

Primer shall be applied to surfaces prepared in accordance with the plant manufacturer’s instructions. The
surface shall be wiped clean immediately prior to applying the paint. The primer and finish coats of paint shall
be applied using the methods and equipment recommended by the manufacturer.

The internal surface of all pipelines shall be cleaned out by the approved methods before installation and again
prior to commissioning, to ensure freedom from dirt, rust, scale, welding slag, etc. all exposed pipes shall be
painted with an identifying colour after erection is completed. The colour code system shall be approved by
the Employer.

All steel surfaces, which are in permanent contact with oil, shall be given three coats of approved oil resistant

No painting or coating shall e applied on finished or unfinished stainless steel parts.

The final colour of all equipment, frames for m and relays, and switch handle shall be approved by the Em-
ployer but the Contractor shall propose a colour scheme for the equipment and devices and shall submit col-
our chips or paint samples. A colour chip shall be included with the approved colour schedule for each type of
finish to be applied at the site.

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The humid and tropical conditions shall be taken into account on selection of the paints and painting proce- here.
dure. Painting shall not take place during humid or dusty conditions. If necessary, temporary enclosures and
air-conditioning must be applied.

2.19 Security Fencing and Gates

2.19.1 Security Fencing

Chain link or equivalent fences shall be constructed in accordance with BS 1722, Part 10 and shall be of such
manufacture that when any one segment is cut, remaining segments within the pattern retain their rigidity.
Overall height of the fencing shall be 2.5 m above ground level, excluding barbed wire. Posts of the fences
shall be of steel structure with concrete block foundations. The substation fence shall be connected to the
main substation earth mat at regular 1 m intervals.

The posts shall have cranked tops set at 45° to the posts, to which shall be attached three stands of galvanized
barbed wire to BS 4102. Barbed wires shall be strained between straining posts with eyebolts and fixed to
intermediate posts with stirrup wires. Intermediate posts shall be provided at centers not exceeding 3 m.
Corner posts and struts shall be provided at all ends, corners, adjacent to gate posts and at intervals not ex-
ceeding 35 m. All fence fittings shall be galvanized.

2.19.2 Gate

Gates shall comply with BS 1722, Part 10 and shall be constructed of galvanized chain link mesh on a galvanized
extension arms. The design shall be subject to Employer and Engineer’s approval, including the appropriate

The gate shall be fitted with a vertical drop bolt on each leaf, a sliding bar lock with padlock eyes and a padlock
to prevent movement of the sliding bar lock. All these fittings shall be galvanized. The vertical drop bolts are
to drop into galvanized steel tubes cast into the road, to secure the gate when in both closed and open posi-
tions. Gateposts shall be made from galvanized steel RHS or tubular section shall be capped and set in concrete
in the ground. Gate hinges (pivots) shall be heavily galvanized.

A gatekeeper’s house shall be built with toilet facilities in the local standard model near the gate. All basic
specifications for the house shall be as those for the building aforementioned

2.19.3 Installation

The contractor shall install the fence in accordance with the requirements of BS 1722, section 5 and conform-
ing to good site practice and construction procedures.

Foundations shall be designed and constructed of cast-in-place concrete comprising a pad base, adequately
sized to support the imposed fence loading criteria and meeting the geotechnical parameters of the subsoil at
the fence location.

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Where fences are used in unpaved areas a concrete sill constructed of cast-in-place concrete shall be provided here.
at the base of the fence. The minimum dimensions of the sill shall be 125mm wide and 150mm deep. The top
surface of the sill shall be 50mm above grade, or as otherwise shown on the approved drawings.

2.20 Roads

The Contractor will build roads for the delivery of the heaviest loads of the substation.

Materials and structural components which the Contractor shall supply and incorporate in the work shall com-
ply with Tanzania standards specification for road works 2000. The material shall be standardised and subject
to approval.

2.20.1 Sub-Grade

The existing ground shall be cut or filled and compacted to the required levels and the surface shall be shaped
similarly to the finished surface of the road.

In areas of fill, the filling material shall not contain fines more than 10 % passing sieve No. 200 (75 micron).
The material shall be deposited and spread in 150 mm thick layers. The moisture content shall be controlled
close to the optimum and each layer shall be compacted by means of 5-10 tons smooth wheel roller or other
approved compactor to 95 % of the maximum density.

In cutting, the formation shall be shaped, graded and compacted as above to an even and uniform surface,
true to the required levels.

2.20.2 Sub-Base

The sub-base material shall be graded crushed stones or crushed gravel, sand and filling fine material approved
by the Employer/ Engineer.

The grading of aggregates for the sub-base course shall be within the limits of the following Table:

Nominal Maximum Size Percentage Passing

SIEVE SIZE 76 mm 38 mm 18 mm 10 mm 5 mm
76 mm 100 - - - -
38 mm 70-95 100 - - -
18 mm 50-85 70-97 100 - -
10 mm 35-75 50-87 70-97 100 -
5 mm 25-60 35-75 45-87 65-97 100
2 mm 25-60 25-55 32-70 45-87 70-97
+) No. 5 - - 22-50 35-75 45-87
+) No. 10 12-30 12-35 12-35 25-53 35-70
+) No. 20 - - - 15-40 20-45
+) No. 80 2-15 2-15 2-15 5-30 10-30
+) Mesh Number

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Note: here.

 Not less than 10 percent shall be retained between each successive pair of sieves specified for use, ex-
cepting the largest pair.
 The two smaller sized materials (10 mm and 5 mm) may have up to 35 percent of stones not larger than
38 mm, provided that the remaining of the material is within the limits specified.
 The maximum aggregate size shall not be in excess of two thirds of the thickness of the layer.

The quality of bitumen and concrete is left to the Contractor's discretion within the limits set by the standards
as to the method applied in achieving the required quality. The use of additives always required the approval
of the Employer.

All materials shall be tested and approved before usage. The Contractor shall notify the Employer/ Engineer
of the sources of materials for approval prior to delivery to the Site. The thickness of the layers of the sub-
base shall not exceed 150 mm and shall be compacted by 5-10 tons roller or other approved compactor.

The tolerance for levels of the sub-base shall not exceed 20 mm. The slope of the surface shall be carefully
shaped like the road slope and it shall be repaired once more immediately before placing the next layer.

2.20.3 Base Course

The base course shall be constructed directly above the subbase course. The base course thickness shall be
150 mm. Consisting of a specific type of construction aggregate, it shall be placed by means of attentive
spreading and compacting to a minimum of 95% relative compaction, thus providing the stable foundation
needed to support additional layers of aggregates or the placement of an asphalt concrete wearing course
which is applied directly on top of the base course.

A granular base course (mixture of soil particles ranging in size from coarse to fine) or a macadam base (Suc-
cessive layers of crushed rock mechanically locked by rolling and bonded by stone screening (rock duct, stone
chips etc) is required.

2.20.4 Shoulders

Shoulders shall be constructed of approved materials in conformity with the lines, grades and cross sections
shown on the plans.

Before any subgrade shall be approved, the adjacent shoulder shall be constructed to the full width and at
least to the level of the finished subgrade. In all cases where subgrade rolling is required, the rolling shall be
extended for the full width of the shoulder.

All shoulder construction shall be done in proper sequence with and as an integral part of the base course
construction or as directed. At all times, construction shall be carried out in such a way that the subgrade,
shoulders and adjacent slopes and ditches will be drained effectively and adequately. Any loose stones and
rock fragments larger than permitted by the Employer/ Engineer, dragged to the surface during construction
shall be deposited on the embankment slopes or as directed by the Employer/ Engineer.

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Haunching stones of reinforced concrete C25/30 embedded in cement mortar shall be placed to the outmost here.
strip of the roads prior to the placing of the base and wearing courses. The completed shoulders shall be true
to alignment and grade and shaped in conformity with the section shown on the plans. Completed shoulders
shall be cleaned of any accumulations, reconditioned as necessary and maintained until the final inspection.

2.20.5 Concrete Roads and Pavement

All materials for concrete roads and hard standings of concrete shall meet the requirements of this Technical

The grade of concrete for roads and pavement shall be C30/37.

The thickness of the concrete roads and pavement shall be 250 mm.

The reinforcement shall be two double layers of steel fabric reinforcement of 8 mm diameter.

The top reinforcement shall be placed 50 mm below the surface of the concrete pavement and it shall be
positioned at the correct height by placing an adequate number of approved metal supports.

The reinforced concrete surfacing shall be executed to the elevations, lines and levels proposed by the Con-
tractor and approved by the Employer/ Engineer within a tolerance of 6 mm in 4 metres.

Immediately after the final compaction of the concrete, the surface shall be brushed with a broom of medium
coarse fibres to produce a lightly brush-marked surface finish.

Special protective measures shall be provided for preparation, pouring and curing of the concrete surface to
avoid damage because of the weather.

A backing foil of polystyrene sheet 0.1 mm thick shall be provided as moisture barrier, the cost shall be in-


Expansion joints shall be provided at 6 meters intervals of the concrete roads

Joint sealants for expansion joints shall be cold poured joint sealant for concrete pavement complying with BS

Dowel bars of 25 mm diameter shall be provided for the expansion joints and shall be held in position at the
centre line of the slab by metal device left in the pavement. One side of each dowel shall be PVC-sleeved to
prevent the concrete from binding to that side. The joint filler shall be suitably drilled to fit closely round the
dowel bars.

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Construction Joints here.

Construction joints shall be constructed when there is an interruption in the concreting operations or at the
outer edges of the plates. No construction joints shall be constructed within three (3) m of an expansion joint
or contraction joint.

Inserts remaining in joints shall allow expansion and shall be so stiff that they will not be deformed during
concrete compaction. They shall be water and alkali-proof. In contraction joints, inserts remaining in the lower
part of the course shall not be compressible.

Joints shall be constructed in accordance with the plan designed by the Contractor and approved by the Em-
ployer/ Engineer

All joints shall be in close conformity to the lines, grades and dimensions established and shall be sealed with
a permanent elastic sealing compound, oil resistant, approved by the Employer/ Engineer.

Where joint material is placed prior to the concrete placement, the material shall be maintained in the re-
quired vertical and horizontal position throughout the use by approved stakes, chairs or other devices neces-

Dowels, when used, shall be held in position parallel to the surface and centreline of the slab by a metal device
that is left in the pavement. One portion of each dowel shall be painted with one coat of asphalt M-70, or an
approved lubricant, to prevent the concrete from binding to that portion of dowel. An approved metal dowel
cap or sleeve shall be furnished for each dowel bar used with the expansion joints. The caps or sleeves shall
fit the dowel bar tightly and the closed end shall be watertight.

After the final finish, but before the concrete has taken its initial set, the edges of the pavement along each
side slab, and on each side of expansion joints, formed joints and construction joints shall be worked with an
approved tool and rounded to a radius of 0.5 cm. A well-defined and continuous radius shall be produced and
smooth dense mortar finish shall be obtained. The surface of the slab shall not be unduly disturbed by tilting
the tool during use.

Joint fillers shall be of a preformed type in fibrous material with a cellular structure, impregnated with a tar
distillate or a cutback bitumen compressible without extrusion and elastic so that after repeated compression
to 50% thickness, it shall be capable of recovering at least 75 % of its original thickness. The filler shall be
obtained from a manufacturer approved by the Employer/ Engineer. Where dowel bars are used, the joint
filler shall be suitably drilled to receive and fit closely round the steel bars.

All joints shall be tested with a straightedge before the concrete has set and corrections shall be made if one
side of the joint is higher than the other or if they are higher than the adjacent slab.

2.20.6 Bituminous Roads

Placing of bituminous base and wearing courses shall be executed by finishers of approved quality. Spreading
of bituminous courses shall not be permitted during rain, dust storms or other unsuitable weather.

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Prime Coat here.

After approving the sub-base, prime coat of liquid asphalt shall be applied prior to the application of the bitu-
minous base course. All loose dirt and other unsuitable material shall be removed prior to the application of
the prime coat.

Liquid asphalt shall be of medium-cured cutback asphalt type MC-70 in accordance with ASTM D 2027. The
application rate shall not be less than 1.8 kg per square meter sprayed area.

The prime coat shall neither be applied when weather temperature is less than 13°C nor during rain or dust

Bituminous Base Course

The bituminous base course shall be placed in one or two layers in which the thickness of the layer shall be 50
mm and 30 mm respectively (total thickness 80 mm).

Placing of bituminous base course and wearing course shall be executed by finishers of approved quality.

The bituminous base course shall be hot mixed bituminous concrete and laid hot on a well prepared surface
and in conformity with lines, grades and thicknesses.

The aggregate of bituminous base course shall be gravel (20 mm - 2 mm) filler and sand (2 mm - 0.075 mm).
Bitumen content shall be 4.5 - 6.5 percent by weight of total aggregates.

Spreading of bituminous courses shall not be permitted during rain, dust storms or other unsuitable weather.

The Contractor shall cut samples from each completed bituminous course during the progress of work. Com-
pacted samples shall be taken by coring for testing. Samples shall be taken from locations defined by the
Employer/ Engineer at a rate of not less than one sample per 50 meters run of the road or 300 square meters
of paving whichever give greater number of samples.

Tack Coat

To provide bond between bituminous base course and wearing course, a tack coat of diluted emulsified as-
phalt shall be applied on the surface of the bituminous base course to the full width of the road.

Emulsified asphalt shall conform to the requirement of ASTM D 977.

The diluted emulsion shall be applied at rate of 0.75 kg per square meter.

Wearing Course

The wearing course shall be applied in one layer of 50 mm thickness.

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The seams of the various courses and layers shall be sufficiently staggered against each other. On the wearing here.
course the seams shall be executed straight, longitudinal seams if necessary being adapted to the road align-

Aggregate for wearing course shall be crushed gravel (8 mm - 2 mm) filler and sand (2 mm - 0.075 mm).

Bitumen content shall be from 5 - 7.5 percent by weight of the total aggregate.

2.20.7 Foot Path

Foot path shall be provided at both sides of the road and where necessary to allow access to all buildings and
installations in the plant.

The sub-grade and sub-base of the foot path shall comply with the above requirement for the sub-grade and
sub-base of the roads.

The foot path shall be paved by one of the following pavement as specified or directed by the Employer/

 bituminous pavement
 interlocking tiles pavement
 Precast concrete tiles 400 mm x 400 mm x 50 mm.
 cast in situ concrete

2.20.8 Precast Concrete Kerbstones

The precast concrete kerbstones shall be provided at both sides of the road and shall be made of concrete
grade C40/50.

The visible concrete surfaces shall be smooth, free from defects and of uniform colour and appearance. Form,
dimensions, cross sections and design shall be as approved by the Employer/ Engineer.

The kerbstone shall be laid on a minimum of 400 mm wide and 300 mm high plain concrete grade C20/25.

2.20.9 Interlocking Paving Tiles

Interlocking paving tiles shall be 80 mm thick and shall be made of concrete grade C40/50.

Pattern and quality of the interlocking tiles shall be subject to the Employer/ Engineer’s approval.

Laying of interlocking paving tiles shall be carried out as follows:

 The subgrade and sub-base shall be prepared as specified above for the subgrade and sub-base of roads.
 Layer of carefully screeded sand shall be placed of about 100 mm thickness well graded to line and levels
as required.

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 The interlocking tiles shall be laid on the sand screed in a herring bone pattern, with all edges fitted to the
required shape.
 After a sufficient area of tiles has been laid the surface shall be vibrated with adequate vibrator. Then the
whole surface shall be covered with fine sand and brushed into the open joints.

2.20.10 Crash-Barrier

The crash-barrier shall either be made of curb stones or steel. Crash-barrier made of curbstones shall be built
around exposed and/or traffic endangered structure-members.

Curbstones, height not less than 30 cm, shall be placed on hard stand at adequate distance from the structure-
member to be protected and the remaining space to be backfilled with lean concrete. Exposed surface of the
backfilling and fall to the outer side and wood float finish.

2.20.11 Aggregate Pavement for the Plant Area

The Contractor shall carry out the aggregate pavement for the plant areas where required according to the
Employer/ Engineer. The area shall be formed and prepared with suitable soil and compacted.

At the top, a layer of well graded aggregate of 40 mm maximum size shall be placed and rolled to give a finished
thickness of at least 150 mm.

2.21 Building and Structure Design

2.21.1 General

The Contractor shall develop an architectural and civil design concept that provides a functional and pleasing
design solution throughout the site. Unifying elements of materials, colour and detailing appropriate to the
form and function of the buildings, their location at site, and for the associated plant enclosures and exposed
plant should be selected to develop an appropriate theme for the development at the specified site, with
buildings and structures provided with all the required services and air-conditioning wherever required at the

All buildings and enclosures shall be designed to ensure that internal noise, vibration, temperature and dust
levels are kept within lowest acceptable limits to provide proper operating conditions for the plant which is to
be installed and a comfortable working environment for the operation and maintenance staff throughout the

Buildings shall be protected against the ingress of moisture according to DIN 18195, “Water-proofing of build-

The common rules of IEC 61936-1 “Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.” shall be considered.

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The air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems for the buildings as specified in the Data Sheets shall be
adequate to maintain the permissible operation conditions of the equipment under extreme weather condi-
tions and to allow working of maintenance personnel.

The buildings and structures shall be designed for a lifetime of not less than 45 years.

Requirements for buildings regarding materials, sizes, rooms etc. see corresponding data sheets.

2.21.2 Switch Yard

The Gantry structures shall be provided as a lattice steel structure, designed as per the requirements of the
electrical installations foreseen. The structure shall be capable to stand the final span of the transmission sys-
tem. The structure shall keep safe working clearances above the switchyard and the ground as per IEC stand-

Foundations for this Gantry, as well as all equipment foundations inside the Gantry area, shall be executed on
the findings of the Soil Investigations.

Reinforced concrete cable trenches shall be constructed and installed if and where necessary as per the
switchyard design. A suitable drainage system for the trenches with sump and pipe connection to site drainage
has to be considered. Trench covers shall be removable and suitable for the traffic loads to be expected.

Foundations for Transformers shall be provided, design and installation of these foundations shall be as for
the transformers detailed below.

The yard floor shall be covered with 10 to 32mm gravel approximately 10cm thick.

The area of the Switchyard shall be enclosed by a galvanised chain link perimeter fence. A double wing access
gate of at least 6.0 m clear opening width shall arranged within the fence line.

2.21.3 Transformer and Shunt-Reactor Foundations

Concrete slab foundations shall be supplied for the transformer and provided with two rails based on concrete
beams for the support of the transformer. An oil catch basin with a pump sump for transformer oil shall be
installed underneath each transformer or a buried oil collector for several transformers nearby and each shall
be furnished with an oil separator of adequate size (Contractor shall provide a detailed description of the
drainage provisions to explain the intent of the systems, how they shall function in the normal operation, and
in the situation where an oil leak occurs).

The length and the width of oil catch basins shall be equal at least to the length and the width of the equipment
corresponding plus 20 % of the equipment's height (including the conservator) on each side and it shall extend
at least 1500 mm beyond any liquid-filled part of the equipment, whichever requirement is greater thereof.

The floor of the collection pit shall be declined towards a sump at the corner of the pit. The size of the collec-
tion pit or the buried oil collector shall be adequate for the sum of the following:

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 The oil volume of the transformer here.
 The amount of water disposed for fire-fighting estimated as the number of litres of water per minute of
the time for fire-fighting per square meter of the surface area of the transformer.

The surface of the catch basin shall be covered with galvanised grating and a layer of at least 20 cm of hard
crushed rock 30/ 70 mm has to be provided. The oil catch basin shall be made of water tight concrete and shall
receive a coat of oil-resistant paint.

The spacing between the transformers and other buildings shall either be adequately dimensioned so that
according to NFPA no separation wall shall be necessary or fire resistant concrete walls shall be erected be-
tween the transformers.

Contractor shall provide all necessary transformer removal and replacement facilities required for this pur-

The buried oil collector shall be made of concrete with an oil-resistant coating on the inside and an external
coating as specified in the chapter “Concrete and Reinforced Concrete” above. It shall be equipped with a
manhole (size at least 800x800mm), stainless steel ladder, a pump sump, a vent pipe and level gauge.

The clear water shall be allowed to soak into the ground adjoining soakage pits, respectively where available
drained into the sewage system.

Conduits shall be foreseen in the transformer foundations for the cables.

If necessary, the transformer bays shall be fenced by removable fencing of 2.5 m height with a separate door
passage 1 x 2.5 m at one end.

2.21.4 Cable Channels and Pipe Ducts

Trenches for pipes and cables shall be constructed of reinforced concrete and be provided with connections
to the site drainage system to allow disposal of water from within the trench. They shall be fitted with manually
removable and well-fitted concrete covers so that they will withstand all loadings from traffic without rocking
or excessive leakage. The trenches shall be provided with galvanized angle iron embedment protection to
trench wall exposed edges and with precast concrete removable covers with galvanized steel frames for edge

Where pipes are to be laid under roads they shall be laid through pipe encasement, suitably encased in con-
crete and/or laid in trenches with heavy duty covers. Where cables are to be laid under roads they shall be
laid in ducts, grouped and encased in concrete.

Cable trenches shall have fire cut-offs of approved material in distances not over 100 m and at the entry to

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Cable channels and pipe ducts shall be of adequate size to enable the designated cables and pipes to be laid
and installed. The horizontal space between cable trays/pipe support respectively cable tray/pipe support and
wall shall be at least 50 cm.

Cable trays arranged one above the other shall have a minimum separation distance of 25 cm between the
top of the lower tray to the bottom of the next upper tray.

2.21.5 Miscellaneous Foundations

All mechanical and electrical equipment support structures shall be set on raised plinths or pedestals at least
300 mm above the surrounding pavement or ground, as a protection measure against damage and corrosion
of steelwork.

The foundations shall be protected by a bituminous coating.

2.21.6 Substation Control Building

The Substation Control Building shall accommodate the Control Room, Office rooms, common rooms for per-
sonal and electrical rooms.

The energy demand for air conditioning and heating shall be minimized by appropriate thermal insulation of
the building envelope.

The layout and minimum ceiling height shall be determined according the size of MV switchgear and protec-
tion and relay cabinets. The room configuration should be designed to allow the installation of all the equip-
ment with the necessary construction provision for maintenance and exploitation (passageway, MV connec-
tion, replacement of MV feeder, etc.).

The minimum ceiling height shall be 2.6 meters.

False ceilings shall be installed in all rooms of the control building but not for the battery rooms and for the
transformer room.

Rainwater on the roof shall be collected and discharged through external down pipes to the rainwater drain-
age system.

To protect from ingress of water and dirt the finished floor level shall be at least 20 cm above the ground level.

Battery Rooms shall be equipped with eye wash stations near the entrance

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2.22 Air Conditioning and Ventilating Services here.

2.22.1 Air Conditioning

Air conditioning shall be provided for the control room, for rooms accommodating control panels, protection
equipment, telecommunication equipment and all rooms for the permanent or regular attendance of per-

Technical rooms shall have a redundancy of 2 x 100%.

The air conditioning shall be provided in the form of self-contained air conditioning units. They shall be de-
signed and arranged so that dust and insects cannot enter the rooms. The air conditioning units shall be indi-
vidually thermostatically controlled, and shall be dimensioned to keep the room temperature at 20 °C.

All air conditioned rooms shall also be equipped with temperature sensors or similar to alarm if the cooling is

The HVAC systems shall be designed, installed and commissioned in accordance with the latest applicable
codes of the following:

 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

 SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
 NFPA National Fire Protection Association
 ARI American Refrigeration Institute
 ANSI American National Standards Institiute
 AABC Associated Air Banlance Council

For all general cases the HVAC system's ambient design conditions shall be as per ASHRAE recommendations
to suit the site conditions. Main plant, equipment and distribution systems shall be provided with a 20% spare
capacity allowance for future expansion. External noise breakout from mechanical pland shall be kept to a
minimum. Noise generating equipment shall not be positioned or discharged into noise sensitive external ar-

All HVAC units and systems shall be provided with local control panels for local manual/automatic control. The
operation status such as alarms, humidity, temperature, fault indication, status indication of each air condi-
tioning system shall be indicated and available at the local control panel and any individual fault signal results
in a group signal, which shall be transmitted to the central control room. HCFC refrigerants shall not be used.

The air conditioning units will also be installed in the operator room and the meeting room.

No wall surface conduiting (trucking) for the control and lighting and small power cables shall be done in the
control building. All cabling shall be concealed within the walling.

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Battery rooms should be air conditioned by self-contained air conditioning units, where appropriate, or here. alter-
natively a centralized air conditioning system. The design of the air conditioning system shall avoid recircula-
tion of air back into the battery room. These units should be of the non-recirculation type and sized to provide
the internal conditions previously specified with a minimum of five air changes per hour. Duplicate extract
fans should be provided, mounted at high level and positioned such that accumulations of hydrogen cannot
occur. The fan units should be suitable for long life in the acidic environment

Toilets to have extract ventilation of 10AC/h min with negative pressure

HVAC systems shall be arranged to shut down in the event of a fire alarm, seal supply and extract ducts as
required for the application of clean agent fire suppression systems, and start up smoke control pressurization

All air conditioning and ventilation systems shall be designed for continuous operation. Plant shall be arranged
to facilitate maintenance and future replacement of equipment.

The Contractor shall calculate heat gains and losses under the local conditions, taking into account solar radi-
ation, thermal transmittance through roofs, walls, floors and windows, fresh air requirements, heat emission
from installed electrical equipment and lighting, personnel, infiltration and any other sources.

The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the heat transfer coefficients for all materials used in
building construction. In the event of any change in materials, design, or method of building construction, the
Contract shall at all times be responsible for rechecking the design of all system to ensure that they are capable
of meeting the specified design requirements.

Self-contained room air conditioners shall be of the through-the-wall pattern and complete with adjustable
grilles, heavy gauze zinc coated stove enameled sheet steel casing with single or two colour decorative finish.

The casing and position shall be such as to protrude not more than 250 mm into the conditioned space and
no external projection beyond the building line will be permitted other than the fixing of the condenser cooling
air grille.

Compressors shall be of the fully hermetic type, fitted with resilient mountings and complete with thermal
overload protection and starting relays.

Evaporators shall be manufactured of copper tube with copper or aluminium fins mechanically bonded. The
evaporator fan shall be of double inlet double width type and complete with continuously rated totally en-
closed electric motor.

Filters shall be of the washable type, suitably positioned for easy access for cleaning.

Automatic control by means of an integral thermostat shall be provided together with the safety controls to
prevent excessive cooling.

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2.22.2 Fresh Air Requirement here.

Fresh air shall be supplied for the following purposes:

 Fresh air for occupied areas, minimum 12 litres/second/per person;

 Free cooling during periods of low ambient temperatures;
 Make-up air for exhaust ventilation systems;
 Building pressurization to exclude dust.

Minimum fresh air supply shall not be less than 5 % of supply air volume.

Fresh air supplies shall be obtained from areas not subject to contamination from fumes. Air intakes shall be
located at maximum available height, to reduce dust load.

Fresh air intakes on large systems shall have inertial sand filters with bleed fans and access sections.

Small systems with fixed amounts of fresh air shall be provided with sand louvers.

All supply systems shall have two-stage air filtration, comprising washable primary panel filters and secondary
bag filters, efficiency as required for the areas served.

2.22.3 Mechanical Ventilation

Dedicated supply and extract ventilation shall be provided to serve the battery rooms and toilet.

Supply air handling plants shall consist of fresh air intake louvers, insect screen, filter, and fan.

Extract ventilation shall be provided by means of wall mounted fans, roof extract units or ducted systems with
louvered discharges to atmosphere.

2.23 Fire Fighting Facilities

2.23.1 General

The fire detection and suppression system within the substation Control building shall comprise of the follow-
ing in addition to the Dry powder and Carbon dioxide extinguishers.

 Analogue addressable detectors and sounders

 Analogue addressable electronic fire alarm bell
 Analogue addressable fire alarm break glass units (Call points)
 Analogue addressable photo thermal and optical detectors.
 Fire alarm control panel-This shall be located in the operator’s room.
 Strobe/sirens
 The location of the detectors shall be appropriate to detect fire situations within all sections of the control
building including the false floor.

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 No wall surface conduiting (trucking) for the fire protection cables shall be done in the control building.here.
All cabling shall be concealed within the walling.

Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided under this Contract. Portable, wall mounted, hand held extin-
guishers shall be 5.5 kg pressurized control discharge BCF units.

The body of the extinguisher shall be seamless, welded, and brazed as appropriate.

The extinguisher shall be capable of being released by means of a lever-operated valve provided with a safety

Extinguishers shall be capable of controlled partial discharge.

Type chosen shall be a type that can be recharged locally.

The extinguishers shall be wall mounted and attached in a manner affording quick release from the supporting
bracket. They shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 1.5 m above the floor. In
no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor be less than 0.1 meter. The
extinguishers shall be positioned so that the instructions for operation face outwards.

2.23.2 Fire Alarm System

The Contractor shall design and furnish a fire detection system for switchgear and control buildings.

The fire detection system shall meet the requirements defined by a recognised Western European insurance

Fire detection system shall be of a type that is not likely to produce nuisance alarms.

Fire detectors shall be of a type that does not require frequent maintenance (e.g. cleaning).

Firefighting system for transformers is specified in the transformer specification.

2.24 Lighting and Electrical Installations

In existing substations, the lighting and small power system shall be extended as necessary in the same manner
as existing, to cover the new installation areas.

In new substations, complet indoor, outdoor and emergency lighting shall be provided. The standard ligthting
equipment shall be designed for 400/240 V, 50 Hz. The emergency lighting shall be fed from the 110 V DC

The Plant and any ancillary areas shall be provided equipped with socket outlets, connection units and isola-
tors to suit the purpose of each building or area. These outlets will be suitable for providing power supplies to

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all portable equipment, hand tools, portable lamps and fixed equipment required for operating and maintain- here.
ing the systems

For office areas, equipment and control rooms, maintenance and testing areas or similar, the socket outlet
layout shall be designed so as to effectively cover work areas with a 3 m flexible cable.

Socket layout design for all other areas shall give effective cover with a 15 m portable extension.

240 V socket outlets shall be provided in plant areas to supply power for hand tools etc used for maintenance.

Power socket outlets shall be rated at either 16 A, 32 A, 63 A or 200 A and shall have 4 pole Connections and
two earth connections. They shall be provided as required by the design to all areas where equipment is to be

The Contractor shall also supply and install 63 A welding socket outlets complete with plugs at strategic points
located on a nominal 50-metre grid so that all parts of the Plant can be reached using a maximum cable length
of 35 metres.

The mounting height of general-purpose socket outlets and power socket outlets for general-purpose socket
outlets mounted in walls of rooms such as offices and control room areas shall be 300mm above finished floor.
In all other maintenance type areas, equipment or station areas the mounting height shall be 600mm above
finished floor.

Power socket outlets shall be mounted 1.2 metres above finished floor.

Enclosures shall have a degree of protection to IP21 for office type rooms (indoor locations) IP44 for indoor
locations in plant areas and IP65 for outdoors and damp situations.

2.24.1 Indoor Lighting System

Normal lighting switches shall be proviced for maximum four fluorescent lamps. Rooms with more than four
lighting fittings shall be operated by impulse current relays.

The illumination level shall be approximately:

Relay and Control room: 350 lux (measured 850 mm above floor)
Meeting Room 200 lux (measured 850 mm above floor)
LV, AC/DC room: 250 lux (measured 850 mm above floor)
Communication room: 250 lux (measured 850 mm above floor)
Battery room 250 lux (measures 850 mm above floor)
Toilet, entrance room 100 lux (measured at floor level)
Store room 300 lux (measured 850 mm above floor)

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Drawings of the lighting system shall clearly indicate for each light source the distribution board to which it is
connected, as well as it's circuit number and phase.

 Lighting systems shall be provided throughout the station for all areas, outbuildings and external areas to
the levels required.
 The lighting system provided shall be in compliance with the Regulations, Codes and Standards and com-
prise normal, emergency (including security lighting) and external lighting systems that will include a fence
security lighting system.
 The design and installation of lighting and small power systems shall be based on the following Regula-
tions/Standards or equivalent international (e.g. IEC) standards:

▪ Requirements for Electrical Installations, IEE wiring regulations BS 7671 as issued by the Insti-
tution of Electrical Project Managers, London and British Standards, UK.
▪ The Code for Lighting, Lighting Guides, as issued by the Chartered Institution of Building Ser-
vices Project Managers (CIBSE) London, UK.

All interior and exterior lighting designs shall be undertaken using computerized calculation.

The lighting systems will consist of the following systems:

 The normal lighting installation shall cover approximately 75 % of the total lighting in a given area;
 The emergency lighting system serving 25 % of the total load in a given area and its power shall be from
the diesel generators. The emergency lighting system shall also be capable of illuminating all exit signs,
doors, stairways, and corridors, other routes of exit and outside each fire exit together with other areas
of specific risk.
 Operational (high risk task area) lighting system connected via distribution boards for control rooms and
walkways. Basic source of power shall be from an independent inverter system.

Circuit design shall ensure that operation of a circuit protective device or failure of a circuit component shall
result only in limited loss of illumination in a room or area.

The lighting installation, under normal operating conditions and throughout the substations operational life,
shall be capable of providing the minimum service levels of illumination as listed below: These levels shall be
based on measurements being taken after the lamps have operated for not less than 100 hours. The method
of measurement is to be carried out in accordance with the International Commission of Illumination (CIE)
Publication No 29. Measurements shall generally be taken at floor level.The Contractor shall take into account
the expected wall, floor and ceiling reflectance values when undertaking the design calculations. The lighting
designs shall also take into account the proposed equipment locations.

The Contractor shall base his design calculations on lamps of a white color and a color rendering index of
typically 95.

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LED Lamps here.

LED Lamp Requirements Unit Required

Voltage V 230
Frequency Hz 50
Power W >= 10
Light source LED
Life time h 40 000
Colour temperature °K 4000
Surge protection yes

High-pressure sodium discharge lamps

High-pressure sodium discharge lamps shall be colour corrected deluxe white with a minimum lamp life of 24
000 hours operation with the required ballasts. All normal lighting shall have uniformity levels (ratio of average
to minimum) no less than 0.8.

Lamps shall be triphosphour or multi-phosphour type. High frequency ballasts shall be provided in all fluores-
cent luminaries and shall be cool daylight With a minimum life of 7500 hours.


The selection of luminaries and requirements of illumination for various areas shall be in accordance with the
recommendations published by the Illuminating Project Managing Society with consideration of the safety and
working conditions on the Project.

2.24.2 Emergency Lighting System

Emergency lighting shall permit survey in the operating rooms, in the relay room and on any stairs and gang-
ways. It shall automatically be switched on in the event of a system blackout.

The illumination level shall be approximately:

Emergency lighting 100 lux (measured 850 mm above floor)

All emergency lighting schemes shall be arranged to provide the required illumination on interruption or fail-
ure of normal lighting supply, operation of a circuit breaker or fuse or manual acts such as accidental opening
of a switch controlling normal lighting facilities. The Contractor shall design, supply, install, wire and connect
up a complete emergency lighting installation for a minimum of 3hour operation, in accordance with the fol-
lowing or equivalent international (e.g. IEC) standards:

BS 5266, Part 1, 1999 (Code of Practice for Emergency Lighting at Premises);

BS EN 1838, Lighting Application – Emergency Lighting.

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This shall include the provision of a UPS system for the operational (high risk task area) lighting system areas.
The Contractor shall provide dedicated UPS units that are to be for emergency lighting use only.

Emergency lighting including operational (high risk task area) lighting system shall be supplied to all normally
occupied spaces and escape routes including coverage to all fire doors.

Emergency lighting on paths of egress at floor level shall have a maximum-to-minimum illumination uniformity
ratio of 40 to 1 the emergency lighting for stairs and escalators shall emphasize illumination on the top and
bottom landings and at all intermediate landings.

Emergency lighting shall be automatically energized on failure of the electrical supply to normal lighting in the
relevant area.

LED Lamps

LED Lamp Requirements Unit Required

Voltage V 230
Frequency Hz 50
Power W >= 5
Light source LED

2.24.3 Outdoor Lighting System

All outdoor lighting system shall be switched from the gate or the control room respectively, by a main switch
and/or photo cell connected to a branch circuit in the low voltage distribution board.

Pole top or wall fixed lighting fitted and equipped with high pressure mercury vapout lamps (HQL) or equiva-
lent LED lamps shall be provide for the illumination of the substation area.

The fittlings are to be connected by cables via cable end boxes fitted to the poles. Each pole has to be con-
nected to the earth grid of the substation.

The illumination level shall be approximately:

Substation area 10 lux

Roads, stairs, platform, ladders (inactive) 30 lux
Transformer area 30 lux
Machinery areas 200 lux
Platforms/ladders (active) 50 lux
Walkways 50 lux

The poles shall be hot dip galvanised with installed cable end boxes and fuses including cables connected to
the lighting fittings. All lighting fittings shall have reflectors.

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LED Lamp Requirements Unit Required here.
Voltage V 230
Frequency Hz 50
Power W >= 20
Light source LED
Life time h 40 000
Colour temperature °K 4000
Surge protection yes

All external lighting shall be designed to meet the requirements of lighting guide LG06: 1992 for the outdoor
environment issued by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Project Managers. Illumination levels shall
also be in accordance with the lux levels indicated below. Where a range of average illuminances are recom-
mended in the guide for a particular application, the Contractor shall design his lighting scheme to provide an
illuminance not less than midway between the recommended upper and lower valves.

The security fence shall be continuously illuminated during hours of darkness to provide an even vertical illu-
minance of 25 lux on the face of the fence.

In terms of luminaries and switches, all areas shall be individually switched with two way and intermediate
switching provided where necessary if there is more than one method of access and for walkways and stair-
ways. Luminaires installed on different floor levels or at different task locations to be controlled by their own

Luminaires used indoors shall be minimum IP21 protection and for external use IP65

The mounting height of luminaires shall not be lower than 2.4m unless restricted by the available mounting
height or if otherwise approved.

The external lighting installation shall be controlled using photoelectric cells.

2.24.4 Small Power System

Small power installations shall be included in the works. The distribution boards shall be manufactured and
tested in accordance with the latest standard and shall withstand a short circuit current of 36 kA for twice the
tripping time of the protective devices. Under full load conditions, the maximum permitted temperatures shall
not be exceeded in any part. The boards shall be of enamelled metal, with a dust proof lid, built in neutral bar
and a sufficient number of weatherproof cable entry compression glands. All distribution boards for outdor
use must be weatherproof. The busbars shall be rated for the maximum possible continuous current, and
miniature circuit breakers shall be installed to protect outgoing circuits as appropriate. Where incoming
switchfuse units or isolators are used, these shall be operable from the front of the board and shall be shielded
from other equipment by a suitable barrier.

Socket outlets shall comply with the Employers Country standard type. They shall be of the shuttered type.

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Cables shall be insulated for 600/1000 V with black PVC and shall comply with BS 6004. They shall be properly here.
rated to carry the maximum expected continuous current as well as a short circhit current for a duration of
twice the tripping time of the protection devices. Conductors shall be of stranded copper.

The maximum permissible voltage drop for all auxiliary power suppy cables shall be less than 5%.

LV power cables shall be sheathed with extruded black flame retardand PVC compound and shall have copper
conductor sections of 16, 15, 35, 50, 70 or 95 m2or larger as required. The sheath shall be marked at least
every 1 m with the manufacturer's name and the applicable type designation. The individual conductors shall
be distinguishable by the colour of their insulation as follows:

two core cables red and blue

four core cables black, brown, black, green/yellow

Cables shall be run without jointing. The ends shall be terminated in such way that they are sufficiently sealed
against the environment.

Conduits shall be of galvanized steel or of high impact resistant PVC.

3 General Design Considerations

Reference is made to I “Particular Technical Specifications”, mainly:

 1 “General”
 2 “Basic Electrical Design Data”

4 Circuit Breakers (CB)

4.1 Applicable Standards

Circuit breakers shall, within the requirements of this Specifiction, be designed and fully type tested in accord-
ance with following standards:

 IEC 60056
 IEC 60144
 IEC 60270
 IEC 60480
 IEC 60691
 IEC 60815
 IEC 62271-1

▪ IEC 62271-100

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▪ IEC 62271-101 here.
▪ IEC 62271-110

4.2 Construction
4.2.1 General

The AIS-open terminal SF6 gas insulated circuit breakers shall be the single-pressure puffer or self-blast or self-
blast/rotating arc live tank type, suitable for outdoor installation. They shall be of modern design, reliable and
fit for purpose. Hydraulic operating mechanisms will not be accepted.

External parts of the circuit breakers which are under continuous electrical stress shall be of porcelain. The
type and the profile of the porcelain insulator shed shall be suitable for the worst environmental conditions
specified in the schedules. The creepage and flashover distances of the insulators shall be dimensioned to suit
the outdoor service conditions specified in the Schedules.

The design of the circuit breaker shall be such that inspection and replacement of contacts, nozzles and any
worn or damaged component can be carried out quickly and easily.

The maximum pole scatter during makes shall be less than 3.3 ms and during opening shall be less than 3 ms.

The inherent design of the circuit breakers shall be such that one set of contacts and nozzle (or nozzles as the
case may be) shall be able to successfully interrupt at least twenty 100% fault currents without excessive ero-
sion. The inherent design of these circuit breakers shall be that when switching capacitive (capacitor banks)
and inductive (including reactors) currents, they produce very low over voltages. The over voltages produced
on any switching duty must be considerably less than (<<) 2.3p.u.

The sound pressure levels of the circuit breakers during the mechanical operations shall comply with the local
and national health and safety regulations.

A suitably quantity of molecular sieve shall be used in the circuit breaker tank to absorb any moisture, SF6
degradation product and any contaminant for at least ten years in service.

The circuit breakers shall be suitable for at least 10,000 satisfactory open and close mechanical operations in
accordance with IEC 62271-100.

Circuit breakers shall be single-pole SF6 gas insulated design, suitable for high-speed single phase and three-
pole auto-reclose operations. The circuit breakers shall be supplied with a single-pole re-close facility and be
equipped with duplicate trip coils. The circuit breakers shall be capable of parallel tripping, when installed in
the breaker and a half configuration, without delaying the tripping of either breaker. Circuit breakers shall be
electrically and mechanically trip free with either or both of the duplicate trip circuits connected.

The circuit breaker shall be fitted with the open/closed position indicator easily visible from ground level.

All the three poles of circuit breakers shall be operated by electrical command from local and from remote to
the operating mechanism of the circuit-breaker.

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The circuit breaker shall have SF6 gas for electrical interrupting medium. here.

The SF6 gas shall comply with the requirement of IEC 60376 and be suitable for use in the circuit breaker when
it is operated under the service and system conditions.

Sufficient gas shall be provided for filling the circuit breaker at installation with additional 20% for any losses.

The circuit-breaker shall include density monitoring of the gas. It shall give alarm if the density drops below a
certain level. If it drops below the level for safe switching both closing and opening operations shall be blocked.

The circuit breakers shall be fitted with power-spring mechanism. A positively driven open/closed, mechanical
indication device to show the position of the main contacts and with local manual operated features for trip-
ping, closing, and spring charging, visible without the necessity to open the mechanism door, shall be provided.
The drive for the device shall be positive in both directions. A pneumatic mechanism is not acceptable.

The mechanism shall fully close the circuit breaker and sustain it in the closed position against the forces of
the rated making current and shall fully open the circuit breaker without undue contact bounce at a speed
commensurate with that shown by tests to be necessary to achieve the rated breaking capacity in accordance
with IEC 62271-100. The mechanism shall be capable of being locked in either the open or closed position.
Circuit breakers may be subject to several single shot auto-reclose duty cycles in quick succession upon the
occurrence of multiple faults coupled with short reclaim timer settings. The operating mechanism shall be
capable of fully closing and opening again after the auto-reclose time interval specified i.e.: performing a com-
plete O-0.3 sec-CO-3 min-CO duty. The circuit breakers shall be suitable for single phase autoreclose.

Mechanical counters, to record the number of closing operations, shall be provided for each circuit breaker
mechanism. Circuit breakers arranged for single-pole operation shall be provided with a counter for each pole.
The mechanism and the connected interrupters shall satisfy the mechanical endurance requirements of IEC
62271-100 and all additional requirements specified herein.

Means shall be provided to prevent the mechanism from responding to a close signal when the trip coil is
energised or to reclosing from a sustained close signal either after opening due to a trip signal or failure to
hold in the closed position, i.e. shall include an anti-pumping device. Any relays to accomplish these provisions
shall be continuously rated and mounted at the circuit breaker. The mechanism shall also incorporate manual-
trip facility fitted with a guard to preclude inadvertent operation.

Means shall be provided to detect phase discrepancy in the event of one or two phases failing to complete a
close or trip operation and to trip all three phases after a time delay of 1 second. Each mechanism shall be
fitted with duplicate trip-coils and phase discrepancy remote indication shall also be provided.

The following facilities shall be provided at each circuit breaker local control point:

 LOCAL/REMOTE selector switch. The selection of `local' operation shall inhibit the operation of the breaker
from any remote source including the protection scheme.
 OPEN/NEUTRAL/CLOSE control switch or open and close push buttons. Where push button controls are
provided the selector switch shall have a neutral position.

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 EMERGENCY TRIP DEVICE, suitable for manual operation in event of failure of electrical supplies. The de-
vice shall be accessible without opening any access doors and distinctively labelled and protected against
inadvertent operation.

The selector switch shall be lockable in both positions and the control switch shall be lockable in the neutral
position. For maintenance purposes, means shall be provided for manual operation including the slow closing
and opening of those circuit breakers whose moving contacts are mechanically coupled to the direct linkage
mechanism. Such operation shall be possible without the necessity of gaining access to the interior of the
power unit, and shall not require excessive physical effort.

4.2.2 Spring Mechanisms

Provision should be made for remote indication of ‘spring charged’ and ‘spring charge fail’ conditions. A spare
normally open spring-drive limit switch shall be provided.

It shall be possible to hand charge the operating springs with the circuit breaker in either the open or closed
positions. In normal operation, recharging of the operating springs shall commence immediately and auto-
matically upon completion of the closing operation and shall be completed within 30 s. Closure whilst a spring
charging operation is in progress shall be prevented and release of the springs shall not be possible until they
are fully charged.

The state of charge of the operating springs shall be indicated by a mechanical device which shows `SPRING
CHARGED' when operation is permissible and `SPRING FREE' when operation is not possible. A local manual
spring release device shall be provided and arranged to prevent inadvertent operations.

Means shall be provided for hand charging the operating springs.

Mechanism Housings

Where heaters are provided, these shall be permanently connected. Where two-stage heaters are provided,
one stage shall be permanently connected and the other switched.

Means for locking shall be provided for the doors of each mechanism-housing.

Mechanism housings for use outdoors shall have a minimum IP rating of 54.

4.3 Gas Monitoring and Handling

All circuit breakers shall be filled to the design pressure with Technical Grade SF6 gas to IEC 60376.

Facilities shall be provided in the gas system for constantly monitoring the gas density. A two-stage low pres-
sure alarm and ‘block-trip’ system with local and remote indications shall be provided on each circuit breaker.
The low pressure/density alarm switches shall instantly provide an indication to the operator, ‘block-trip’ the
circuit breaker and subsequently inhibit their further operation until suitable remedial action has been taken.
The local control cubicle shall be adequately labelled to allow easy identification of alarms/indications.

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In view of the dependence of system security on the reliability of the SF6 gas-density relays, the gas density here.
relays shall have a high degree of reliability. Consideration shall be given in the design of the relay to allow
easy checking of its proper operation.

SF6 gas taken from the circuit breaker shall be checked and handled in accordance with IEC 60480.

4.4 Operating Mechanism and Local Control

The operating mechanism shall be suitable for mounting at the circuit breaker supporting structure, and below
the circuit breaker in a weather-proof, dust-proof, vermin-proof, and well ventilated housing.

The degree of protection shall be class IP 54 as per the requirement of IEC 60144.

Operating duty shall be standard and operating mechanism shall be trip free during the entire closing se-

Operating mechanism shall be provided with either motor wound spring or pressure actuated mechanism with
provision for hand charge.

Motor operating voltage shall be 110 V-DC (+ 10% - 15%).

A set of at least ten normally closed and ten normally open spare potential free contacts shall be provided for
remote electrical indication as well as electrical interlocking and shall be wired to a terminal block in the hous-

Potential free contacts shall be provided for alarming spring charge failure or control oil pressure low.

Potential free contacts shall be provided for alarms for SF6 gas low and SF6 Trip Block.

Circuit-breaker shall be provided with duplicate trip coils in order to facilitate duplication of protection trip-
ping, where required. The trip coils shall be fully functional with an operating voltage in the range of +10% -
15% of nominal.

The circuit breaker shall have separate operating mechanism for each pole and able to perform single phase

From local position (only on middle phase) the operation of all the 3 poles should be possible with CLOSE/NEU-

4.5 Principal Standards for Type and Routine Tests

All type testing shall be performed in line with the specified requirements, in an independent test laboratory
and/or witnessed by an independent competent person. The following Standards shall apply:

 IEC 62271-100, IEC 62271-1, IEC 62271-207 and IEC 60270 for the switchgear and control gear.

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 IEC 62271-100 plus Application Guide, IEC 62271-1, IEC 62271-101, IEC 62215, IEC 60270, IEC 60376, IEC
60691, IEC 60815, IEC 62271-110 and IEC 60480 for the circuit breakers.
 IEC 62271-102, IEC 62271-1 and IEC 62271-100 for HV Disconnectors and Earth Switches.
 IEC 60044-1, IEC 60186, IEC 62271-1 and IEC 60044 for current and voltage transformers.
 IEC 60376 and IEC 60480 for the SF6 gas.
 IEC 60099-4, IEC 60099-1, IEC 60099-5, IEC 62271-1, IEC 60137 and IEC 60815 for Metal Oxide Surge Ar-
resters and additional tests for the SF6 encapsulated types when required.
 IEC 60137, IEC 62271-1, IEC 60120, IEC 60305, IEC 60372, IEC60383, IEC 60383 for bushings and insulators.
 IEC 60060, IEC 60383, IEC 60305, IEC 60044-1.

Partial discharge measurements as factory tests are obligatory and to be performed as routine tests.

4.6 Type Tests

4.6.1 General

As a minimum, the following type tests shall be performed in accordance with their respective IEC Standards
and cognisance of the subsequent sub-clauses shall be taken:

 Dielectric test on main circuit - lightning impulse voltage tests, power frequency voltage withstand tests,
partial discharge and radio interference voltage (r.i.v) tests
 Dielectric test on auxiliary and control circuit
 Temperature rise test
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit
 Short-time and peak withstand current and Short-circuit making and breaking, terminal fault, short-line
fault, out-of-phase making and breaking, critical current and capacitive and inductive (reactor) current
switching tests
 Insulation co-ordination tests
 Synthetic testing
 Mechanical endurance, environmental operation tests
 Thermal stability test
 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests
 Verification of the degree of protection
 Tightness tests and Pressure relief device tests.

4.6.2 Short Circuit Tests

Circuit Breaker, Disconnector and Earth Switch shall be subjected to the Short Circuit tests in accordance with
IEC 62271-100, IEC 62271-1 and in the schedule. The over voltages produced on any switching duty must be
considerably less than (<<) 2.3 p.u.

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4.6.3 Dielectric Tests here.

Circuit Breaker, Disconnector and Earth Switch shall be subjected to the dielectric tests in accordance with IEC
62271-100, IEC 62271-1 and in the schedule. There shall be no self-restoring or non-self-restoring disruptive
discharges during the fifteen positive and negative impulse test series.

4.6.4 Radio Interference Voltage Tests

Where an external bushing is produced a radio influence voltage measurement shall be made in accordance
with NEMA Publication 107. The level shall not exceed that specified in the Schedules and IEC 60137.

4.6.5 Thermal Stability Tests

All insulating parts of the Switchgear which uses organic material shall be subjected to a thermal stability test,
the test procedure being that specified in IEC 60137.

4.6.6 Pressure Relief Devices

The ability of the devices to relieve pressure in the event of an internal arc shall be demonstrated in accord-
ance with IEC 62271-203.

4.6.7 Verification of the Degree of Protection

Tests shall be performed on all auxiliary circuits to demonstrate that the degree of protection provided is in
line with that specified in the IEC Standards.

4.6.8 Short Circuit Making and Breaking Current Tests

Each type of circuit breaker being supplied shall be short circuit tested in accordance with the requirements
of IEC 62271-100, IEC 62271-1 and IEC 62271-101 and shall include the following:

 The type tests shall be made on the full pole [maximum number of making or breaking units in series].
 The rate of rise and peak value of the inherent recovery voltage applicable to each test duty shall be the
values specified in IEC 62271-100 or in the Schedules.
 Prior to the commencement of any series of short circuit tests, a complete series of no-load timing tests
shall be made on the circuit breaker as specified in IEC 62271-100.
 Test duty 4 make-break [CO] test must be performed at 100 % make peak current (C) and symmetrical
break (0) at lock-out operating pressure and include longest arc duration.
 Test duty 5 break test (O) must be performed at 100 % asymmetrical break (0) at lock-out operating pres-
sure and include minor loop break and longest arc durations.
 Test evidence shall be provided to show that one set of contacts and nozzles are capable of successfully
interrupting at least twenty times the rated short circuit current.

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4.6.9 Breaking and Making Current Capacity under Out- of- Phase Conditions here.

Circuit breakers for operation under out-of-phase conditions shall be rated and tested in accordance with IEC

4.6.10 Short Time Current Test

The short time current test shall be carried out in accordance with IEC 62271-100.

4.6.11 Capacitive Current Switching Tests

The capacitive current switching duty specified in the Schedules the circuit breaker shall be tested in accord-
ance with IEC 62271-100. Test evidence shall be submitted to confirm that the highest over- voltage during
any switching duty does not exceed < 2.3 p.u. The relevant switching type tests shall be to the satisfaction of
the Employer.

4.6.12 Low Inductive Current Switching Tests

A series of switching tests shall be made to IEC 62271-110 on each type of circuit breaker being supplied in
order to demonstrate its performance when switching transformer magnetising currents and reactor currents.
Test evidence shall be submitted to confirm that the highest over voltage during any switching duty (including
reactor) does not exceed 2.3 p.u. The relevant switching type tests shall be to the satisfaction of the Employer.

In addition to the above, additional, low inductive/reactor current switching test evidence of 10, 50, 100 amp
currents, in accordance with IEC 62271-110 is required to confirm that the highest over voltage during any
switching duty does not exceed 2.3 pu. These switching tests under site conditions are required for comparing
the performance of different circuit breaker interrupter designs.

These tests shall preferably be made on a complete three phase or single-phase unit, at the rated SF6 gas
pressure, rated control voltage and at maximum operating conditions of the mechanism with the agreement
of the Employer.

4.6.13 Synthetic Testing

The use of synthetic test circuits shall be in accordance with IEC 62271-101. Tests shall be performed single-
phase or three-phase, with maximum arc durations at lockout operating pressures. Test duties with failure in
the middle of arcing window shall not be acceptable.

4.6.14 Short Line Fault Tests

Each type of circuit breaker shall have satisfactory proven capability of interrupting short- line-faults [SLF90,
SLF 75 and SLF 60] to IEC 62271-100.

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4.6.15 Auto-Reclosing Tests here.

When a circuit breaker is intended for auto-reclosing duties, the following supplementary tests shall be made:

 O-t-CO duty cycle at 10% rating and O-t-CO duty cycle at 100% rating

The time interval `t' shall be that specified in IEC 62271-100 and the Schedules for delayed and high speed

The TRV shall be as specified in IEC 62271-100. The operating pressure shall be the lockout / ’block-trip’ value
appropriate to the above duty cycle.

4.6.16 Dielectric Tests

Each type of circuit breaker being provided shall be assembled complete as in service and subjected to the
dielectric type tests specified in IEC 62271-100, IEC 60060 and IEC 62271-1 and in the Schedules and there
shall be no self-restoring or non-self-restoring disruptive discharges during the fifteen positive and fifteen
negative impulse test series.

4.6.17 Insulation Co-Ordination

Insulation coordination tests on circuit breaker shall be performed in accordance with IEC 60071-1, IEC 60071-
2, IEC 60691 and IEC 60815.

Radio Influence Voltage and Partial Discharge Tests

Where applicable, circuit breakers shall be subjected to RIV and PD type tests in accordance with and IEC
62271-1 and the values obtained shall not exceed the value guaranteed in the Schedules.

Test reports covering RIV and PD tests shall give full details of temperature, barometric pressure, humidity
and correction factor applied as well as the test values obtained.

Mechanical Endurance Type Tests

Mechanical endurance type tests shall be carried to demonstrate that the mechanism fitted to the circuit
breaker is suitable for 10,000 satisfactory mechanical operations in accordance with IEC 62271-100.

Type Test Certificate

All type test certificates must stand on the test evidence alone and not require interpretations. It shall include
relevant calibration, detailed drawings, construction, necessary dimensions and details of material etc. The
contractor or sub-contractor shall supply to the Employer two complete sets of the type test certificates.

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4.7 Routine Tests here.

As a minimum, the following routine tests shall be performed in accordance with their respective IEC Stand-
ards in order to provide necessary operating data:

 Dielectric test on main circuit - power frequency voltage withstand tests, partial discharge and radio inter-
ference voltage (r.i.v) tests
 Dielectric test on auxiliary and control circuit
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuits
 Mechanical operation tests
 Pressure tests of enclosures
 Gas tightness test
 Design and visual checks.
 Inspection of the general condition
 Timing tests of the main contacts and auxiliary switches
 Complete electrical functioning tests including interlocking
 Closing and opening check at reduced voltage and other necessary tests and verifications.

The Contractor or his sub-Contractors shall supply to the Employer, as soon as practicable after works tests,
commissioning and site tests have been witnessed, six copies of the relevant test certificates. These shall con-
tain details of each test performed as required by the Employer- records, results and calculations of all elec-
trical tests.

The subsequent sections of this schedule list specific inspections, works and site tests, which the Employer
requires, but this shall not preclude the Employer’s right to call for further tests if it considers these necessary.

After the plant has passed the site tests required under this Contract and has become available for commercial
operation, certain additional tests may be carried out in order to investigate the response and recovery of the
system during events such as the switching of various items of plant, system faults and load rejection.

4.8 Site Tests

As a minimum, the following tests after installation on site shall be performed in accordance with their respec-
tive IEC Standards:

 Inspection of general condition

 Power frequency voltage tests on the main circuits
 Partial discharge measurements and records
 Dielectric tests on auxiliary circuits
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuits
 Gas tightness tests
 Design and visual checks
 Measurement of gas condition
 Mechanical operation tests

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 Complete electrical functioning tests including the function of all interlocks. here.
 Timing tests of the main contacts and auxiliary switches
 Closing and opening check at reduced voltage
 Contact resistance measurements.

The manufacturers erection/installation/commissioning manual shall provide guidelines in addition to the re-
quired tests as per the employer’s applicable standards.

4.8.1 Routine Tests and Factory Acceptance Tests on Works Assembled Circuit Breakers

Each circuit breaker shall be assembled completed with its mechanism box, auxiliary switches and subjected
to the routine tests in accordance with IEC 62271-100 and IEC 62271-1 It shall be noted that at least one local
control cubicle (LCC) will have to be tested together with the circuit breaker during the factory acceptance

As a minimum, the following routine tests shall be performed and cognisance of the subsequent sub-clauses
shall be taken:

 Dielectric test on main circuit - power frequency voltage withstand tests

 Voltage withstand tests on auxiliary and control circuits
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuits
 Mechanical operation tests.

4.8.2 Site Tests

As a minimum, the following tests after installation on site shall be performed:

 Inspection of general condition

 Mechanical operation tests
 Timing tests of the main contacts and auxiliary switches
 Complete electrical functioning tests
 Closing and opening check at reduced voltage
 Contact resistance measurements.

5 Disconnectors and Earth Switches

 The disconnectors may be designed as disconnector alone or disconnector with one or two earth-switches.
 The earth-switches may be designed as earth-switch alone or in combination with a disconnector.

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5.1 Disconnectors here.

The disconnectors shall be constructed and fully type tested in accordance with the requirements of IEC
62271-102. The design shall incorporate features which shall reduce or eliminate very high frequency voltage
transients during disconnector operation.

It is preferred that disconnector contacts can be maintained and replaced with the associated earthing switch

The disconnectors shall be provided with power and manually operated mechanisms. The power operation of
the disconnectors shall be capable of being controlled from a local or remote point. Disconnector switches
shall have the LOCAL/REMOTE/MANUAL selector switch.

Each power-operated disconnector shall be complete with a lockable LOCAL/REMOTE selector switch and
OPEN/NEUTRAL/CLOSE control switch or push buttons. The function of all control and selector switches shall
be clearly labelled.

Power operating mechanisms shall be capable of being locked in the open or closed positions.

Manual operation of the disconnectors for maintenance purposes shall be provided.

The number of normally open and normally closed auxiliary switches required shall be as dictated by the par-
ticular scheme of application plus 30% extra as spare. Where any particular scheme requires special timing of
auxiliary contacts, these shall be provided.

Electrical control circuits shall be so arranged that once initiated, an operation shall be completed unless pre-
vented by loss of supply or operation of the motor protection. On restoration of supply the operation shall be
completed. Emergency hand operation shall be provided on power-operated disconnectors and the power
drive shall be mechanically disconnected during hand operation. It is required that the manual effort to oper-
ate the disconnectors or earth switches shall be less than 150 N. There shall be adequate access for the manual

5.1.1 Applicable Standards

Unless otherwise specified, the latest revision, edition, and amendments of the documents below shall apply.

IEC 60129 Alternating current disconnectors (isolators) and earthing switches.

IEC 60144 Degree of protection of enclosures for low - voltage switchgear and control gear
IEC 60273 Characteristic of indoor and outdoor post insulators for systems with nominal voltages
greater than 1000 V
ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles -- Specifications and test

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5.1.2 Construction here.

The disconnector shall be vertical or side opening, single break, or double side break rotating post type.

The disconnector shall be complete with supporting base, phase coupling gear, operating rod, unions and

The motor operating mechanism shall be provided with a universal joint to allow for a reasonable degree of
out-of alignment of the operating rod, and manual operation by a hand crank shall be possible. The motor
shall be able to operate within a supply voltage range of ± 10% of nominal. The motor voltage supply shall be
automatically interrupted when the hand crank is inserted.

The supporting underbase shall be hot dip galvanized steel as per the requirements of ISO 1461.

The underbase shall be suitable for mounting on a steel structure.

All the three switches shall be arranged so that the phase units are mounted independently and then finally
interconnected with coupling tubes so as to ensure simultaneous operation of all switches by drive rods and
operating handle for both manual and motor operation.

Each phase shall be mounted on a shed type solid core post insulator conforming to IEC 60273, and shall be
fitted with clamp connector for ACSR conductor up to 18.2 mm diameter.

The disconnector shall be provided with a padlocking facility such that the mechanism can be locked in OPEN
or CLOSED position.

5.2 Earth Switches and Maintenance Earthing Devices

5.2.1 Earth Switches

Earth switches shall comply with IEC 62271-102. They shall be fitted with power and manually operated mech-
anisms. The electrical operations shall be performed from their control cubicles. The position indicators shall
be clearly visible from the permanent working platform level.

Earth switches on line circuits shall be capable of interrupting the current induced in the line by a parallel fully
loaded line.

The earth switch operating mechanism shall be capable of being locked in the open or closed position.

5.2.2 Portable Maintenance-Earthing Devices

Where portable-earthing is required, provision shall be made for applying fully rated portable maintenance-
earthing devices to the primary conductors of the equipments.

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5.3 Testing of HV Disconnectors and Earthing Switches here.

Each type of disconnector and earthing switch being provided shall be subjected strictly to the Type and Rou-
tine tests specified in IEC 62271-102, IEC 62271-1 and shall comply fully with the following supplementary type
and routine tests.

5.3.1 Type Tests

In order to demonstrate the insulation co-ordination of the disconnection the critical flashover levels to earth
and across the open gap shall be determined in accordance with IEC 60071-102 and IEC 62271-1. The `up and
down' method described in IEC 60060 shall be used for these tests.

As a minimum, the following type tests shall be performed:

 Dielectric test on main circuit - lightning impulse voltage tests, power frequency voltage withstand tests,
partial discharge and radio interference voltage (r.i.v) tests and Dielectric test on auxiliary and control
 Temperature rise test
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit
 Short-time and peak withstand current tests and Short-circuit making performance of earthing switches
 Bus transfer current switching capability tests (If applicable)
 Insulation co-ordination tests
 Mechanical endurance, environmental operation tests.

5.3.2 Routine Tests

Routine tests on the Disconnector and earthing switch shall be in accordance with IEC 62271-102, IEC 62271-

As a minimum, the following routine tests shall be performed:

 Dielectric test on main circuit - power frequency voltage withstand tests on disconnector and auxiliary and
control circuits
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuits
 Mechanical operation tests.

5.3.3 Site Tests

As a minimum, the following tests after installation on site shall be performed:

 Inspection of general condition

 Operation timing tests
 Manual and electromechanical closing and opening tests

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 Complete electrical functioning tests including the function of all interlocks here.
 Closing and opening tests at reduced voltage.
 The manufacturers erection/installation/commissioning manual shall provide guidelines in addition to the
required tests as per the employer’s applicable standards.

5.3.4 Interlocking Conditions

Mechanical key interlocks shall be provided. Padlocking to the requirements of this specification shall be pro-
vided for operational and maintenance security.

All disconnecting and earthing devices within the substation shall be interlocked in a manner that ensures that
they always operate safely. The system employed shall satisfy two distinct categories:

Operational interlocking.

Interlocking associated with normal system operation and switching and intended to ensure that unsafe
switching actions are prevented. Such interlocking shall be achieved by electrical means in a manner that per-
mits the equipment to perform any safe operation. Contacts used for interlocking shall be directly driven aux-
iliary contacts of the main device.

Maintenance interlocking.

Interlocking associated with a series of switching operations whose purpose is to render the equipment or
sections of the substation safe for access and maintenance by personnel. Such interlocking shall be achieved
by mechanical key type interlocks.

The line Earth Switch shall in addition to electrical/mechanical interlock be interlocked with the line voltage
to prevent any operation when the line is considered live to prevent inadvertend operation of this devise.

Similarly where bus bar earth switches are envisaged, they will be interlocked with bus bar voltage to prevent
any operation on a live bus.

5.4 Special Tools and Equipment

The recommended special tools and equipment shall be stated in the Price Schedules.

5.5 Spare Parts

Mandatory spare parts will be defined in detail during the design stage and will be included in the technical
specifications and price schedules later on. Recommended spare parts will be proposed from the manufac-
turere / contractor and shall be stated in the related price schedules sepetrately.

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6 Capacitor-Type Voltage-Transformers (CVT) here.

6.1 Construction

The capacitive voltage transformer shall be out-door oil-immersed capacitor type and shall comply with the
requirement of IEC61869-1 and IEC 61869-5.

The voltage transformer shall be suitable for installation on steel structure.

The voltage transformer shall be fitted with lifting lugs.

The porcelain portion of the voltage transformer shall be made of high-grade brown glazed porcelain. All other
external parts shall be either inherently resistant to atmospheric corrosion or hot-dip galvanized.

The voltage transformer shall have primary, secondary and earth terminals.

The primary terminal shall be tin-plated, suitable for both copper and aluminium connectors.

The secondary terminal shall be brought out to a separate terminal box, complete with protection fuses and

The capacitive voltage transformers shall be designed and tested in accordance with the requirements of IEC
61869-5, IEC 62271-1 and any additional requirements which might be specified.

The required quantities, locations, sequence, ratio, rating and class of the voltage transformers are a function
of the circuit application. The requirements for each application are included in the Schedules of Technical
Information and bid drawings.

Rated output shall be chosen from preferred standard values in such a manner that the secondary burden is
between 25 % and 100 % of the rated burden.

The secondary circuits shall be earthed at one point only. A separate earth link shall be provided to each sec-
ondary winding.

The secondary terminals must be located in an accessible, earthed weatherproof terminal box located on the
base of the voltage transformer. The secondary connections must be protected with MCB and wired on the
terminal strip in the local control cubicle.

The static withstand load shall be selected from ‘Voltage terminals’ or ‘Through current terminals’ Load Class
I or II of IEC 61869-2 and IEC 61869-5 depending on an assessment of the connections and possible loads under
local site conditions.

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6.2 Ratings here.

The voltage-transformer shall be capable of continuously carrying 50% burden above the rated capacity with-
out damage.

The voltage-transformers shall comply with the requirements in 1 “Introduction and General Technical Re-

The voltage-transformers shall have two secondary windings:

 wye-connected for voltage measurement

 delta-connected for connection to a ferro-resonance dampening resistor

Ratings shall be as per Data Sheet Requirements.

6.3 Applicable Standards

Unless otherwise specified, the latest revision, edition and amendments of the following documents shall ap-

IEC 61869-1 Instrument Transformers

IEC 61869-5 Capacitive Voltage transformers.

6.4 Type Tests, Routine Tests and Site Tests

The CVTs shall have passed all type tests listed in IEC 61869, which shall be proven to the Employer and Engi-

Routine tests shall also follow IEC 61869.

Site Tests shall cover visual checks and insulation resistance measurement.

The manufacturers erection/installation/commissioning manual shall provide guidelines in addition to the re-
quired tests as per the employer’s applicable standards.

7 Inductive Type Voltage Transformers (VT)

7.1 Standards

Unless otherwise specified, the latest revision, edition and amendments of the following documents shall ap-

IEC 61869-1 Instrument Transformers - General Requirements

IEC 61869-3 Additional Requirements for Inductive Voltage transformers.

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7.2 Construction here.

The voltage transformer shall be out-door oil-immersed inductive type and shall comply with the requirements
of IEC61869-1 and IEC 61869-3.

The voltage transformer shall be suitable for installation on steel structure.

The voltage transformer shall be fitted with lifting lugs.

The porcelain portion of the voltage transformer shall be made of high-grade brown glazed porcelain. All other
external parts shall be either inherently resistant to atmospheric corrosion or hot-dip galvanized.

The voltage transformer shall have primary, secondary and earth terminals.

The primary terminal shall be tin-plated, suitable for both copper and aluminium connectors.

The secondary terminal shall be brought out to a separate terminal box, complete with protection fuses and

7.3 Ratings

The voltage-transformer shall be capable of continuously carrying 20% burden above the rated capacity and
50% burden above the rated capacity for without damage.

Ratings shall be as per Data Sheet Requirements.

7.4 Type Tests, Routine Tests and Site Tests

 The VTs shall have passed all type tests listed in IEC 61869, which shall be proven to the Employer and
 Routine tests shall also follow IEC 61869.
 Site Tests shall cover visual checks and insulation resistance measurement.

The manufacturers erection/installation/commissioning manual shall provide guidelines in addition to the re-
quired tests as per the employer’s applicable standards.

8 Current-Transformers
8.1 Applicable Standards

Unless otherwise specified, the latest revision, edition and amendments of the following documents shall ap-

IEC 61869-1 Instrument Transformers - General Requirements

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IEC 61869-2 Instrument Transformers - Additional Requirements for Current Transformers here.

8.2 Construction

The current transformer shall be outdoor, oil-filled, hermetically sealed and shall comply with the requirement
of IEC 61869-1 and IEC 61869-2.

The current transformer shall be suitable for vertical installation on steel structure.

The porcelain portion of the current transformer shall be made of high-grade brown-glazed porcelain. All ex-
ternal ferrous portions shall be hot-dip galvanized.

The current transformer shall have primary, secondary and earth terminals.

The primary terminal shall be tin-plated, suitable for both copper and aluminium connectors.

The secondary terminals shall be covered with removable plate. The terminal box shall be capable of accom-
modating up to 12 secondary terminals suitable for conductor of up to 3.0 mm diameter.

The current transformer shall have four cores. The protection cores shall be suitable for conventional over-
current requirements and for true transformation of the fully asymmetrical fault currents.

Measuring cores shall have high accuracy (low loss) and low saturation levels.

Unused cores shall be short-circuited at the CT terminals.

Current transformers shall be of outdoor, oil immersed multi core hermetically sealed type.

The following facilities shall be provided:

 Visual means of determining the level of oil from the ground level with the transformers; this shall be by
means of an internal bellows type oil gauge.
 Oil drain cock and sampling device.
 Earth terminal of adequate dimensions so arranged that the earth connection cannot be inadvertently

If not otherwise stated, the rated extended primary current is 120% of the rated primary current.

Rated output shall be chosen from preferred standard values in such a manner that secondary burden is be-
tween 25% and 100% of the rated burden.

Each current transformer secondary winding circuit shall be earthed at only one point. Wherever possible the
connection to earth shall be at S2 terminals.

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Current transformers shall have a secondary terminal, outside the high voltage housing, mounted in suitable here.
accessible earthed boxes. All secondary leads must be wired to shorting type terminals on the terminal strip
in the local control cubicle. Current transformer secondary shorting and disconnecting links shall be provided
in a position secure but readily accessible position for testing purposes.

8.3 Ratings

The current-transformers shall be capable of passing rated primary current without damage with the second-
ary open circuited.

Current-transformers used for in differential protection circuits shall be from the same production batch to
ensure identical excitation characteristics.

8.4 Type Tests, Routine Tests and Site Tests

The CTs shall have passed all type tests listed in IEC 61869, which shall be proven to the Employer and Engineer.

Routine tests shall also follow IEC 61869.

Site Tests shall cover visual checks and insulation resistance measurement as well as a confirmation of the
ratio and a polarity check.

The manufacturers erection/installation/commissioning manual shall provide guidelines in addition to the re-
quired tests as per the employer’s applicable standards.

9 HV Surge Arresters
9.1 Applicable Standards

Unless otherwise specified, the latest revision, edition and amendments of the following documents shall ap-

IEC 6099-4: Surge Arrester. Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.
Guide for application of metal-oxide surge arresters for alternating - current sys-
IEEE Std. C62.22- 1991

9.2 Construction

The lightning arrester shall be metal-oxide type without spark gaps, and constructor as per the requirement
of IEC 60099-4.

The metal-oxide used shall be of quality to ensure thermal stability under service duty of the lightning arrester.

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The completed lightning arrester shall be housed in a spiral type solid core porcelain insulator. The porcelain here.
housing shall be dimensioned to provide a leak tree interface with the end caps. The housing shall withstand
the lighting impulse voltage of the arrester.

The lightning arrester shall be sealed (end caps) with a controlled permanent seal to ensure no moisture ab-
sorption or deterioration of the metal-oxide element for the lightning arrester.

The lightning arrester shall be supplied with fixing accessories and fitted with pad type clamp connectors suit-
able for both copper and aluminum tubes of up to 76.2mm (3").

The mounting brackets shall be suitable for both horizontal and vertical mounting on a steel channel.

The specific ratings of the surge arresters are given in the related data sheets.

9.3 Type Tests

The offered surge arresters shall have passed the following type tests in accordance with the relevant IEC

 Insulation withstand test on the arrester housing

 Residual voltage test
 Long duration current impulse withstand tests
 Accelerated aging procedure
 Heat dissipation behaviour of test samples
 High current inpulse operating duty test
 Power frequency voltage versus time characteristics
 Moisture ingress
 Salt Fog Series A - 1000 hours

10 MV Indoor GIS
10.1 Applicable Standards

The latest issues of Recommendations of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC-Standards etc.)
shall apply, in particular as listed below (wherever applicable).

IEC 60044 Instrument transformers;

IEC 60060 High-voltage test techniques;
IEC 60068 Environmental testing;
IEC 60071 Insulation co-ordination;
IEC 60085 Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation;
IEC 60099 Metal-oxide surge arresters;
IEC 60204 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines;
IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables;

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IEC 60265-1 High-voltage switches - Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less thanhere. 52
kV will be replaced by IEC 62271-103 (2010-12);
IEC 60270 High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurements;
IEC 60332 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions;
IEC 60364 Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical
equipment - Earthing arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding
IEC 60376 Specification of technical grade sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical equip-
IEC 60439 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies;
IEC 60445 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification -
Identification of equipment terminals, conductor terminations and conductors;
IEC 60480 Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) taken from
electrical equipment and specification for its re-use;
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code);
IEC 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear;
IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC);
IEC 61243 Live working - Voltage detectors;
IEC/TR 62063 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - The use of electronic and associated tech-
nologies in auxiliary equipment of switchgear and control gear;
IEC 62271-1 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 1: Common specifications;
IEC 62271-100 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 100: Alternating-current circuit-break-
IEC 62271-101 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 101: Synthetic testing;
IEC 62271-102; High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 102: Alternating-current disconnectors
and earthing switches;
IEC 62271-103 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 103: Switches for rated voltages above
1 kV up to and including 52 kV in preparation (2010-12);
IEC 62271-110 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 110: High-voltage alternating current
circuit-breakers - Inductive load switching;
IEC 62271-200 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 200: AC metal-enclosed switchgear
and control gear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV;
IEC 62271-201 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 201: AC insulation-enclosed switchgear
and control gear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV;
IEC 62271-302 High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers - Part 302: Guide for short-circuit and
switching test procedures for metal-enclosed and dead tank circuit-breakers;
IEC 62271-303 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 303: High-voltage switchgear and con-
trol gear - Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in high-voltage switchgear
and control gear.
IEC/TS 62271- High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 304: Additional requirements for en-
304 closed switchgear and control gear from 1 kV to 72,5 kV to be used in severe climatic
IEC 62271-308 High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 308: Guide for asymmetrical short-
circuit breaking test duty T100a.

Regarding the insulating medium SF6 the latest issues of the Regulations of the European Community con-
cerning fluorinated greenhouse gases shall apply as listed below.

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EC 842/2006 Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
17 May 2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases;
EC 1494/2007 Regulation (EC) No 1494/2007 of 17 December 2007 establishing, pursuant to
Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council,
the form of labels and additional labelling requirements as regards products and
equipment containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases;
EC 305/2008 Regulation (EC) No 305/2008 of 2 April 2008 establishing, pursuant to Regula-
tion (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, minimum
requirements and the conditions for mutual recognition for the certification of
personnel recovering certain fluorinated greenhouse gases from high-voltage

Regarding the use of hazardous substances the latest issue of the Regulation of the European Community shall
apply as listed below (RoHS-compliance).

EC 95/2002 Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 Jan-
uary 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in elec-
trical and electronic equipment;
IEEE 80-2000 Safety in AC Substation Grounding;
IEEE 693-2005 IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations;
IEEE C57.13-1993 IEEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers.

Supplementary standards are the international standards ISO, the German standards DIN and VDE, the Euro-
pean standards EN (CENELEC), the British standards BS, the American standards or specific national standards
in the above mentioned sequence, if there are no relevant IEC-standards existing or if there is no sufficient
information available in the IEC standards and/or if explicitly asked for in these Tender Documents.

The Tenderer shall submit with his offer valid certificates proving that the proposed manufacturers and sub-
suppliers are certified by ISO 9001 and RoHS-compliance. Manufacturers not having sufficient experience in
manufacturing, installation and testing of GIS as specified and/or not being certified by ISO 9001 and are not
RoHS-compliance certified will not be accepted.

Of particular importance for the documentation are the standards as listed below:

IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams;

IEC 61082-1 Preparation of documents used in electro technology;
IEC 61131 Programmable controllers;
IEC 61355 Classification and designation of documents for plants, systems and equipment;
IEC 61506 Industrial-process measurement and control - Documentation of application software;
IEC 62023 Structuring of technical information and documentation;
IEC 81346-1 Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring princi-
ples and reference designations - Part 1: Basic rules;
IEC 81346-2 Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring princi-
ples and reference designations - Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes;
IEC 81714 Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products;
ISO 5457 Technical product documentation - Sizes and layout of drawing sheets;
ISO 7200 Technical product documentation - Data fields in title blocks and document headers;
ISO 14617 Graphical symbols for diagrams.

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10.2 Common Features here.

10.2.1 Earthing

The earthing system of the GIS shall mainly comprise an interconnected meshed earthing grid directly con-
nected to the building earthing mesh, having an earth resistance not higher than 0.5 ohm. It shall be on the
same potential level as the earthing to all electrical equipment and all metallic parts to form a bonding system
on potential equality capable of carrying the fault currents resulting from short circuits.

The earthing system shall fulfil the following requirements:

 Maintain a low overall resistance of the earth mass to limit the potential rise with respect to true earth
and ensure protective relay operation in the event of an external fault;
 Provide ground connections to all electrical apparatus enclosures and structural steelworks adequate to
carry prospective ground faults without excessive heating or fire risk;
 Ensure the safety of personnel by limiting step and touch voltages to values well within acceptable levels
according to IEEE Std. 80 and eliminate interference or damage to sensitive electronic circuits close to as
well as in the inner area of the substation.

The manufacturer of the switchgear shall be entirely responsible for and must coordinate the design of the
switchgear with that of the earthing system as a whole for ensuring that all apparatus and metallic structures
are securely and safely connected to this system.

Where appropriate, the earthing system shall be designed so as to include all overhead line terminal poles,
gantries and outdoor structures, which shall be earthed by extending the system so as to envelope all poles
within the earth system.

All major equipment shall be connected at least twice to the earthing system at their extreme extent, spur
connections shall run in opposite directions. The location of the earthing grids shall be such as to enable all
non-current carrying but conductive component to be connected to the earth system by low-inductance via
the shortest practicable route.

10.2.2 Earthing Mesh of the Building

The reinforcement of the floors and the metal support structures and/or reinforcement of the walls are to be
included into the main earthing system.

The spacing between conductors forming the meshed earthing grid shall be such as to limit the maximum
mesh potential to a value not greater than the maximum tolerable contact potential, assuming a fault clear-
ance time equal to that of the backup protective gear being provided, but the maximum shall be 10 m. Possible
mechanical expansion joints shall be suitably bridged.

It is mandatory to have around the GIS building a ring earth electrode at a distance of 1 m and a depth of 0.5
to 0.8 m, being connected to neighbouring foundation earth electrodes and to the main earthing system of
the substation.

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Where the GIS and its control and protection are located the floor reinforcement shall be properly connected here.
to the main earthing system at a minimum of once per 10 m along the walls. For this purpose the floor addi-
tionally shall be equipped with a mesh of galvanised flat steel welded every 3 m to the reinforcement.

The steel reinforcing mesh of the continuous floor slab shall be provided with electrical contact points brought
out to convenient locations so that both the GIS enclosures and the structural steel in and above the founda-
tion will be at approximately the same potential level.

Copper conductors connected to the main earthing system and suitably sized to carry the fault current shall
be installed to form one ring inside the GIS room as well as in the other rooms of the building.

From the ring conductor inside the respective room connections to the panels, cable trays, conduits, doors,
steelworks, buried floor screens etc., shall be made.

Where GIS bus-ducts enter through walls additional earthing shall be provided to ensure an effective earth
path. Two connection points per wall penetration from opposite directions are required.

10.2.3 GIS Bonding and Earthing

The manufacturer of the GIS shall give particular attention to the bonding of the metallic enclosures of the GIS
assembly to ensure that these enclosures carry induced currents, which can be of significant magnitude, via
specifically designed paths.

Two copper conductors shall run along the full length of the switchgear, laid in a maximum distance of five
meters, each connected every five meters to the earthing mesh for connecting all designated metallic compo-
nents of the GIS to the main earthing system.

The housing of the switchgear bays each shall be earthed through a tinned copper earth cable to those two
copper conductors, at least at two opposite points. The dimensioning shall be appropriate to meet the re-
quirements of operational and protective earth, most notably regarding maximum rated short time withstand
currents and electromagnetic interferences.

As an alternative to the two copper conductors, two mounting rails may be used, embedded into the concrete
slab. In this case the base of each feeder shall be welded to the mounting rails.

Provision shall be made for the connection of power cable sheath bonding systems and cable accessories to
the main earthing system.

Any integral access platforms provided for operation or servicing shall be integrated into the GIS earthing
system by forming an additional mesh.

10.2.4 GIS Design

Contractors are free to offer any scheme of general arrangement of switchgear and accessories, which they
consider economical and suitable for operation and maintenance. The arrangement of the switchgear shall be

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optimised to reduce installation time, provide ease of operation, minimize cost of maintenance and repair, here.
and facilitate future extensions.

In principle, the arrangement shall follow the latest modern engineering practice, in order to ensure optimum
continuity and reliability of supply, as well as the safety of the operating staff. All equipment and arrangement
shall be subject to the approval of the Project Manager.

Standard designs and models from the Contractor’s manufacturing program are preferred, provided they meet
the requirements as laid down in the technical specifications later on, serve the intended purpose, and can be
shown to have at least five years of successful service in the field.

Design shall consider minimum space requirements as well as minimized maintenance, open standard com-
munication, microprocessor based control equipment and maximum availability.

The switchgear shall be of compact design, fully metal-clad and of the sulphur-hexafluoride (SF6) insulated
type. It shall be of the free-standing, self-supporting, dead-front design and shall be constructed according to
the indicated single-line diagram. It shall include all necessary switches and current and voltage transformers,
as detailed in the respective tender drawings. The switchgear shall be supplied complete with all auxiliary
equipment necessary for operation, routine maintenance, repairs or extensions.

The erection of the Switchgear as well as any extension work on the same shall not require any cutting, welding
or drilling of material on site.

The arrangement of the switchgear shall be in such to enable removal of individual bays or parts thereof with-
out affecting the remaining bays. However, to remove the busbar disconnector, a shutdown of the relevant
section of the busbar will be required.

Spare parts, if required or recommended by the Contractor for start-up or initial two year operation, shall be
quoted and separately priced.

10.2.5 Operating Mechanisms

To secure minimum time of repair, all operating mechanisms of circuit-breakers, disconnectors and earthing
switches shall be respectively interchangeable to those of similar other feeders and/or spare parts shall com-
prise complete units. Components that may require to be renewed and standard assemblies that may be
transferred from one circuit to another, shall be interchangeable and where required this shall be demon-
strated by the Contractor.

All motors shall be in accordance with IEC 60034, dielectric test in accordance with IEC 62271-1, the test volt-
age at the routine test shall be 2 kV with duration of 1 s. The starting current at full voltage is not to exceed
six times the rated full load current. Motors are to be designed to operate 15% below and 10% above nominal
voltage without injurious over-heating.

Motors for isolators and earth switches shall be D.C. operated only.

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10.2.6 Auxiliary Switches here.

Auxiliary switches, which are operated in conjunction with the main contacts, shall be positively driven in both
directions; they shall be of class 1 acc. to IEC 62271-1 Table 6. Sensing elements are not applicable. All auxiliary
contacts of a drive shall be wired to terminal blocks.

The auxiliary contacts are defined as:

NO: Normally Open; closed when the main contacts have their full current carrying capability
NC: Normally Closed; closed until the clearance between open contacts in the main circuit of the
device is at least 80% of the total predetermined isolating distance
ECNO: Early Close Normally Open; closes when the main contact distance falls below the pre striking
LONC: Late Open Normally Close; overlapping with 20% of ECNO contact
WC: Wiping Contact; closed, when NO and NC are open

10.3 Circuit-Breakers
10.3.1 General

The circuit-breakers (CB) shall be of the vacuum circuit breaker design, providing a totally enclosed and
maintenance free contact system. Re-strike-free switching of the vacuum circuit-breaker must be guaranteed
for the specified applications in accordance with IEC 62271-100.

Requirements of IEC 62271-100 in respect of rating, testing, performance and service operations - making and
breaking capabilities - shall apply to the specified circuit-breakers.

The circuit-breaker shall make and break the phase circuits simultaneously and shall be suitable for automatic
re-closure function.

Safe replacement of the breaker interrupter must be possible while the remaining switchboard is "live" and
must not involve the use of special tools or delicate alignments.

Each vacuum interrupter shall be suitable for individual rating of the CB for correct operation and easily re-
movable for maintenance or replacement. Full instructions for monitoring the status of vacuum and contact
life shall be provided for the approval of the Project Manager.

Authentic test reports shall be submitted with the Tender as evidence that the offered circuit-breaker meets
the specified ratings.

10.3.2 Operating Mechanism

The circuit-breaker shall include a suitable operating mechanism to assure proper opening and closing, and
shall permit checking adjustments and opening characteristics.

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Trip circuits shall be of complete redundant design. Each mechanism shall include dual trip coils, individual fail
safe lock-out contacts mechanically driven directly and independently by their monitoring devices, connection
to the local control shall be realised by two independent cables, separate plug connections and separate ter-
minal rows on different wire and cable routes. No common relays shall be used.

The operating/drive mechanism shall be trip-free as defined in IEC 62271-100 and shall have anti-pumping
features, they shall act on each control circuit.

Motor charging of the operating spring shall commence immediately and automatically upon completion of
each circuit-breaker closing operation. The time required for spring re-charging shall not exceed 25 seconds.

After failure of power supply to the motor and when fully charged at least one open - 0.3s - close/open oper-
ation shall be possible with the energy normally stored in the operating mechanism.

Facility for manual charging of the closing spring shall also be provided. Moving direction of handle shall be
clearly marked. When the manual emergency charging crank is used it shall interrupt the supply of the charging

Fail-safe lock-outs by direct and mechanically driven contacts shall be incorporated in each circuit-breaker to
prevent operation whenever gas pressure, or driving mechanism spring pressure, etc. are less than the set
values for satisfactory operation of the circuit-breaker, or in case of any endangering irregularity.

10.4 Disconnector and Earthing Switches

Motor-operated combined disconnector/earthing switches suitable electrically and mechanically interlocked

with the circuit-breaker shall be provided.

Designs where the actual earthing of the feeder/busbar is done via the circuit-breaker, i.e. where the discon-
nector is used only to preselect the earthing position, are preferred. Such three-way switches must have de-
finitive stops at their "ON", "ISOLATED" and "EARTHED" positions, with no direct movement from the "ON"
through the "ISOLATED" into the "EARTHED” position.

When the circuit-breaker is used for earthing, means other than locking shall be provided to ensure that the
electrical tripping at the circuit-breaker is rendered inoperative when closed.

Dedicated earthing switches shall be provided for each busbars irrespective of the earthing switches available
(via circuit-breakers) in the bus section of bus coupler panels.

All main contacts shall either be silver plated or shall have silver inserts. The switch contacts shall not move
due to gravity or other means, even if a part fails.

10.5 Current Transformers

Toroidal current transformers (CT) of the vacuum-potted epoxy type, mounted outside the high voltage en-
closure on ground potential are preferred. All CT’s shall be conform to IEC 60044-1.

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They shall have a short time primary current rating not less than that of the associated switchgear. The thermal here.
rating of the current transformer shall allow, at site conditions, a 20% continuous overloading referred to
nominal rating of the current transformer.

All CTs are to be provided with an identifying label giving manufacturer, type, ratio, class, output and serial
number. The polarity of each current transformer shall clearly be indicated.

Where multiple ratio secondary windings are executed, the above mentioned label shall clearly indicate the
terminal connection required for each ratio, and they must be clearly indicated on the appropriate diagrams
and drawings.

The windings shall be located in accordance with the requirements of the single-line diagrams or typical feeder
drawings, preferably as near to or in the cable end box.

The secondary windings of each CT shall be earthed at one point only; the CTs must have secondary terminals
with shorting, isolation and insulated injection test facilities. The switching status shall be clearly visible.

 Shorting shall be possible between adjacent terminals by a shorting bridge, being not removable without
 Isolation shall be possible by means of links, what can be securely fixed in the open and the closed position;
 For injection test two integrated terminal test sockets per terminal shall be available, so that instruments
may be connected without opening the secondary circuit.

10.6 Voltage Transformers

Voltage transformers (VT) shall be of the inductive type, constructed and tested in accordance with IEC 60044-
2 and IEEE C57.13. They shall be fully encapsulated. The ratios shall be as per the single line diagrams and
burdens shall be suitable for the measuring and metering equipment respectively connected to them.

The thermal rating of the voltage transformer shall allow, at site conditions, a 20% continuous overloading
and 50% overloading for 30 seconds with reference to the nominal rating of the voltage transformer.

VTs must be able to withstand the full rated power frequency withstand voltage and the full rated lightning
impulse withstand voltages.

Electro-magnetic VTs shall be capable of discharging the capacitance of lines, cables and Switchgear which
may remain connected to them during switching operations. The Contractor shall declare any limitations of
the equipment for this duty.

The neutral side of each VT shall be earthed.

The secondary windings of each VT shall be earthed at one point only; the VTs must have secondary terminals
with isolation and insulated injection test facilities.

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10.7 Voltage Detectors here.

Each outgoing/incoming and transformer feeder control panel shall include a capacitive voltage detection sys-
tem to observe the primary operational voltage. It shall comprise the individual voltage detection of each

The system shall include devices for voltage limiting and short circuiting. The presence of voltage shall be
visually indicated, the indication element shall be located on the front of the switchgear.

It may be noted that this unit shall also be suitable to be used in interlocking of earthing switches, auxiliary
contacts shall be failsafe.

10.8 Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

In order to ensure safe operation of the MV network at all considerable switching conditions, surge arresters
shall be applied where specified in the scope of supply. These surge arresters shall protect the MV equipment
from lightning and switching surges. Further they shall be designed to prevent any oscillating over-voltages
during normal and/or abnormal switching conditions.

The surge arrestors will be connected at the MV cable connection, only fully insulated terminations with direct
solid dielectric-to-gas insulation will be used. Suitable plug type connection facilities including all accessories
and grounding facilities shall be provided for all feeders.

The design data of the arresters shall be proven by calculations and shall be subject to approval.

The arresters shall correspond with line discharge class 3 in accordance with IEC 60099-4.

The maximum permissible partial discharge level shall be 5 pC.

10.9 MV Cable Connection

All medium voltage cables will be connected from below through cut-outs in the floor. To maintain the totally
insulated design concept of the Switchgear, only fully insulated terminations with direct solid dielectric-to-gas
insulation will be used. Suitable plug type connection facilities including all accessories shall be provided for
all feeders.

Sufficient space must be provided in the Switchgear to terminate and connect required cables per phase. Suit-
able cable support, trays/cleats and grounding facilities must be provided in the cable basement area for all
outgoing feeders.

For cable connections the Contractor shall provide the cable connection terminal or female connector with all
tests related to them.

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Suitable arrangements of test plug/socket shall be provided which will permit full dielectric testing forhere.
going cable of all cable feeders including primary current injection test for current transformers. It shall be
possible to carry out the tests without dismantling other equipment.

10.10 SF6-Gas and Gas Compartments

In awareness of the fact that SF6 in the atmosphere is a highly long-lived and highly effective greenhouse gas,
SF6 emissions should be avoided wherever possible. The specific quantity of SF6 used to fulfil functions is to
be minimised.

For handling of SF6 and the qualification of staff the comprehensive provisions/recommendations of IEC, VDE
(national standards), CIGRE and the existing legal requirements of the relevant employers' liability insurance
association have to be observed.

The initial gas filling of the switchgear shall be included in the Scope of Supply/ Scope of Work and sufficient
extra gas shall be included for compensation of possible losses during installation.

A suitable designed wheeled gas service cart shall be included in the supply with pressure vessel, vacuum
pump, and all required gauges and fittings for servicing the switchgear and for safely remove and dispose the
de-composed/contaminated gasses in the GIS after any failure or flashover.

With a GIS type being not hermetically sealed the performance of the service cart shall allow evacuating the
biggest gas compartment of the switchgear within maximum two hours’ time; the evacuation pressure shall
be lower than 2 kPa according to IEC 62271-303 Table 8 Step 3 and Step 4.

An approved portable SF6 gas leakage detector and moisture meter shall be provided for each substation.

A suitable calibrated manometer shall be provided to enable calibration of gas manometers and gas pressure

10.11 Gas Supervision System

The Contractor shall respect the stipulations as stated in IEC 60376.

The individual compartments shall be supervised by a temperature compensated gas density monitor, accu-
rately scaled and with pressure gauges. They shall be easily visible from the operator aisles.

The gas density monitors shall operate in fail safe mode; not pressurised the supervision contacts shall be in
open position. The gas density monitors shall provide first and second stage alarms. Vibrations e.g. caused by
circuit breaker operation shall not lead to contact bouncing.

With digital gas density sensors/transmitters they shall have facilities for online gas monitoring, integrated
into the SCMS.

Gas density monitors shall indicate actual density of the concerned zone.

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The guaranteed relative gas leakage rate shall be less than 0.5% per year. This value shall be binding for the
Contractor until Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) and until the expiry date of the performance guarantee.

10.12 SF6 - Gas Labelling

Labelling is subject to minimum (common) requirements set by the European regulations on the use of certain
fluorinated greenhouse gases. The SF6 equipment shall be appropriately labelled according to article 7 of the
F-gas regulation EC No 1494/2007.

Labels shall be placed on the product or equipment adjacent to the service point for SF6 charging or recover-
ing; or be placed on or adjacent to existing nameplates or product information labels, or adjacent to servicing
access locations; it shall remain securely in place and be clearly legible and indelible for the whole expected

Labels shall indicate the nominal banked mass of SF6 (nameplate of the equipment) and indicate the type of
pressure system, required for the selection of the most appropriate procedure for the SF6 handling and/or
the dismantling of the equipment at the end-of-life.

The label shall contain the following statements:

 “Closed pressure system. Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol”

10.13 Low Voltage Equipment and Control Circuits

10.13.1 General

All low voltage equipment shall be installed in a separate metal-enclosed Low Voltage (LV) compartment with
a separate access door integrated into the front of the switchgear.

Sufficient space, not less than 1.0 m, shall be kept free after opening the access door at 90 degrees on the
front plane. Free access to the inner of at least 50 cm width to the terminal blocks at the back of all installed
equipment shall be achieved by using hinges of a sturdy design.

The requirements for the LV Compartment are in general also applicable to connection boxes etc.

10.13.2 Constructional Details

The LV Compartment shall be vermin proof and protected against dust and water by protection class IP54, and
against external mechanical impacts according to protection code IK06. It shall have a seismic withstand ca-
pability according to IEC 60068-3-3 of class AG5 with 5m/s2, respectively of the application class III with
15m/s2 for the acceleration of decks.

All the material, wires, cables and cable-ducts in the cubicle shall be halogen free and flame retardant.

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The door shall be of 2 mm sheet steel with removable tubular door stiffener frame with holes on a 25 mm DIN
pitch pattern, padlocking facilities integrated in door handle and a door opening angle of 170°. Swing-frames
or inner panels or doors if applicable shall be hinged at the side opposite to the hinges of the outer door and
shall have an opening angle of at least 150°. They shall be equipped with a door stay hinge.

10.13.3 Low Voltage Equipment

The LV Compartment shall contain all conventional operating and interlocking controls, the protective circuit-
breakers for the drives, all necessary indication instruments and a single-phase power outlet socket. All oper-
ating elements and indicators of the Switchgear must be located on, or be visible from the front side of the

The electrical equipment shall be arranged so as to afford as may be necessary:

 Sufficient space for the initial installation and later replacement of individual items of electrical equip-
 Accessibility for operation, inspection and fault detection, testing, maintenance and repair.

There shall be one lockable local selector switch to toggle feeder operation mode between off, remote or
local. In off-position all indication should work, but no operation shall be possible.

Local operation control must be provided for all switching devices, and the positions of the circuit-breaker,
disconnectors and earthing switches shall be exactly represented in the mimic diagram.

A bay control unit/ bay control and protection unit plus additional protection relays might be installed as listed.
Observation of those materials shall be permitted without opening a cubicle door.

Energy meters shall be of the electronic or induction-disk type, flush-mounted in the cubicle door. Maximum
demand meters (if specified) shall be of the electronic type.

The LV compartment shall be equipped with a space heater, fed from a separate power source. The space
heater shall be protected by a two-pole mcb with auxiliary N/C contact wired to a group alarm terminal and
shall be controlled by humidity and by temperature.

The heater shall be located at a suitable position with adequate all around clearance and its capability shall be
as required to maintain the difference in temperature of 5K above the dew point taking into consideration the
specified environmental conditions.

Heating elements shall not be mounted onto the front door; they shall be installed vertically, with minimum
all round clearances of 50 mm.

Completely separate and isolated circuits shall be used for Switchgear control, tripping, alarms and auxiliary
devices. Each control circuit shall be protected by a two-pole miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary N/C con-
tact. The auxiliary contacts of all mcb's of the same circuit type, e.g. circuit-breaker motor control, alarm, space
heater, trip, etc. shall be wired in series to a group alarm terminal.

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The labelling of the individual devices shall be clearly visible after installation and connection of the complete here.

10.13.4 Wiring

In selecting cable and wire sizes, due regard shall be paid to the appropriate de rating factors in relation to the
climatic conditions at site. All cables and wires shall continuously carry their rated currents under the worst
temperature prevailing conditions, and shall also withstand maximum fault currents without damage or dete-

All secondary copper wiring shall be in accordance with the relevant IEC standards, and shall also be selected
to handle the rated nominal and test voltages. Test voltages are 3 kV AC/ 1 min. for CT and VT secondary’s and
2 kV AC/ 1 min for others.

Control wiring shall be of highly flexible stranded copper and must have a cross-sectional area not less than
1.5 2. VT secondaries shall be wired with a cross-sectional area not less than 2.5 2, CT secondary’s not less than
4 2.

10.14 Terminals
10.14.1 Terminal Arrangement

Terminal rows of the line-up and expandable type are preferred for all control wiring requiring external con-
nections. They shall be segregated each by function and cabling destination with those going to a common
destination allocated to adjacent terminal blocks. Segregation and fixing shall be performed by suitable end

Rows of terminals shall be spaced not less than 100 mm apart. Where plastic channels are used a minimum
space of 50 mm shall be left between terminal boards and channel. Terminal boards shall be mounted verti-
cally on TH 35 rails according to IEC 60715. Terminal blocks in the rear shall be angled towards the front. The
bottom of each terminal board shall not be less than 200 mm above the incoming cable gland plate.

The arrangements shall be in such a way that it is possible to safely connect or disconnect terminals on live
circuits and replace fuse links when the cabinet is live. All terminal blocks shall be arranged straight in the
cubicles, a sloped arrangement of terminals is not acceptable.

The connecting terminals shall be provided in such a number that all auxiliary cables running from other sec-
tions of the substation can be connected. Minimum ten per cent spare terminals, but not less than four spare
terminals of each type shall be provided on each terminal block in general.

The terminal block wiring shall be done in such a way that one side of the terminal blocks is kept free for
outgoing cable connections. The termination of two conductors at one terminal is not acceptable, suitable
bridges and links shall be used.

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10.14.2 Control Cables here.

Control/Signalling cables along the GIS housings and to the points of control and protection cubicles shall be
completely installed in properly fixed suitable and robust trays or metallic pipes. Only at sharp bends along
the GIS housings and at short runs below 0.5 m to HV control and supervision devices cables may run unsup-
ported and unprotected.

Outer sheath of control/signalling cables shall be of uniform colour, even and free of outlines to achieve a
tightness of IP65 with cable glands. The stranding must not become apparent. The printing on the cable sheath
shall be repeated in intervals of at least 0.5 m and shall contain:

 Manufacturers name;
 Cable type designation;
 Number and cross sectional area of the cable cores;
 Mark of conformity to RoHS.

Control/Signalling cables shall have an overall screen with an optical covering 85 % and with the screen
earthed on both sides, cables running outside of a building shall be additionally armoured and completely laid
in covered cable trays, pipes or metallic hoses.

Control/Signalling cables shall be of bare copper wires, multi stranded acc. to EN 60228 Class 5. Cable cores
shall be stranded concentrically; each cable core layer shall run in the opposite direction to the subjacent one.

The cable core insulation shall be either colour coded or black with white numbering, consecutive and starting
with #1 from the inner core. Repetition of the numbering shall be in intervals of at least 0.3 m.

The cables shall be designed for nominal voltage (U0/U) of 600 / 1000 V, the test voltage (50 Hz, 1 min) shall
be 3 kV between cable cores and between cable cores and screen. Cables having cable cores of a cross sec-
tional area of 1.5 2 shall be designed for nominal voltage of (U0/U) of 300/500 V, the test voltage (50 Hz, 1
min) shall be 2 kV.

To limit the risk to personnel and equipment from smoke and corrosive fumes all auxiliary cabling used indoors
shall be flame retardant in accordance with IEC 60332; it shall be of zero emission of toxic or corrosive gases
type in accordance with IEC 60754.

10.14.3 Interlocking

The interlocking system shall be fail safe and shall positively prevent an operator from reaching or creating
unintentionally a dangerous or potentially dangerous condition, systems what can be bypassed without the
use of tools and/or force are not acceptable.

The interlocking system shall be distributed feeder by feeder, with one feeder not being in operation this shall
not affect adjacent or opposite feeders apart from overall interlocking functions.

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At least the general requirements as listed below have to be fulfilled (reference shall also be made to the
typical interlocking drawing).

 At a time only one device per feeder can be operated, all other devices have to be in either fully opened
or fully closed position;
 Initiated manual operation by e.g. hand-crank shall block operation of all adjacent disconnector and earth-
ing switches.

For testing purposes only the circuit breaker can be operated with:

 The three-position switch in open position; and

 The busbar disconnector in open position.

The circuit breaker shall be blocked and lockable in closed position with the adjacent feeder earthing switch
being in closed position as well.

Disconnectors of three-position switches and busbar-disconnectors can be operated only if:

 Dependent circuit-breaker is in open position; and

 The adjacent busbar earthing switch is in open position and not in operation; and
 The adjacent feeder earthing switch is in open position; and
 Upper/lower voltage side earthing switch is in open position.

Earthing switches can be closed only if:

 No voltage condition (including VT and/or voltage detection system mcb supervision) is detected; and
 No dependent busbar disconnector and upper/lower voltage side disconnector/circuit breaker is in closed
position; and
 Dependent circuit-breaker is in open position.

LV side circuit-breaker of step down transformer feeders cannot be closed as long as HV side circuit-breaker
is in open position.

The circuit-breaker of transformer feeders, or of bus couplers at the LV side(s) of transformers, can be closed
only if the relevant paralleling conditions are fulfilled.

The interlocking scheme shall be subject to the approval and the Contractor shall submit the interlocking con-
ditions for better clarity separately in form of a table.

10.14.4 Tests

All testing shall be performed in line with the requirements of this Article.

The following Standards shall apply:

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 IEC 62271-1, IEC 62271-200 and IEC 60270 for the switchgear and control gear; here.
 IEC 62271-100, IEC 62271-101, IEC 62271-110 and IEC 62271-302 for the circuit-breakers;
 IEC 60265-1 for HV switches;
 IEC 60044-1, BS 3938 and IEC 60044-2 for current and voltage transformers;
 IEC 60099-4 for surge arresters, and additional tests for the SF6 encapsulated types if required;
 IEC 62063 for electronic equipment on switchgear;
 IEC/TS 62271-304 for severe climatic conditions;
 IEC 62271-303, IEC 60376 and IEC 60480 for the SF6 gas;
 IEC 60060 and others, as well as VDE standards, if applicable.

If applicable, the Contractor shall prove that the circuit-breakers are capable of interrupting

 the capacitive current; and

 the inductive current.

for switching of capacitors/ shunt reactors under site conditions, both by either performing the relevant tests
or by submitting the relevant type test reports plus calculations, to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.

The Contractor shall furthermore advise and guarantee the minimum number of switching operations for the
conditions as mentioned above within the arrangement as designed by him.

10.14.5 Type Tests

Evidence shall be given that the proposed switchgear/ switchgear components to be supplied under this Con-
tract have been subjected to all required type tests at an internationally recognised independent testing sta-
tion, KEMA or equivalent.

The CTs and VTs shall have successfully passed the dielectric tests according to IEEE C57.13, 8.8, for the impulse
tests positive waves shall be used.

10.14.6 Routine Tests

Switchgear and their components shall be subjected to routine tests as per the relevant IEC recommendations.

After the pressure tests the compartments shall show no signs of distress or any distortion.

Routine tests for voltage detection systems shall be carried out on each phase.

Following tests shall be performed as routine tests in addition to the standard tests:

 Speed and timing tests for circuit-breakers shall be performed additionally at the factory;
 Partial discharge measurements, where the maximum permissible partial discharge level for all equip-
ment, GIS apparatus, Surge Arrester, Current and Voltage Transformer, shall not exceed 5 pC in the de-
creased phase of the test with a test voltage of 1.1 Ur according to IEC62271-200 Annex B, applying Pro-
cedure A.

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10.14.7 Factory Acceptance Tests here.

The Factory Acceptance Tests shall comprise:

 All relevant functional tests of the MV-Switchgear’s major components;

 Visual inspection;
 Control and interlocking tests.

10.14.8 Sample Tests

Following tests shall be performed in addition during FAT:

 Speed and timing tests for circuit-breakers;

 Timing tests for disconnectors and earthing switches;
 Functional tests of all major components;
 Visual inspection.

10.14.9 Site Tests

For site tests, the following shall be performed in particular:

 Visual inspection;
 Speed and timing tests for circuit-breakers;
 Timing tests for disconnectors and earthing switches;
 Functional/ interlocking tests;
 Power frequency voltage test for auxiliary circuits;
 Voltage drop tests during commissioning;
 If not sealed by welding, humidity tests of SF6 gas during commissioning, three months after that, before
issuance of FAC, and at each refill operation. Critical dew points are subject to the approval of the Project
 If not sealed by welding, gas leakage test on each bay with hand held gas leakage detector on all seals;
 Power frequency voltage test for switchgear as final test combined with voltage transformer ratio check.

11 Transformers and Reactors

11.1 General Information

This part of the Specifications covers the design, manufacture, factory testing, transport, delivery, erection,
unloading and storage at site, commissioning and handing over in satisfactory operating condition of the
power transformers, the distribution and earthing transformers, the shunt reactors and the neutral grounding
reactors, as well as the filter (tuning) reactors and the damping reactors.

The transformers shall be designed and arranged in full compliance with all applicable Sections, Articles and
Drawings of these Specifications, whereby transformers up to 5.0 MVA having LV windings not exceeding Um=

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1.1 kV are defined as "distribution transformers" independently on their actually intended purpose, and those here.
transformers are specified under their own relevant and separate sub-sections as below.

The latest issues of Recommendations of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC-Standards, etc.)
shall apply, in particular as listed below (wherever applicable).

IEC 61869 Instrument transformers

IEC 60060 High-voltage test techniques
IEC 60071 Insulation co-ordination
IEC 60076 Power transformers
IEC 60085 Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation
IEC 60137 Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V
IEC 60156 Insulation liquids - Determination of the breakdown voltage
IEC 60214 Tap changers
IEC 60247 Insulation liquids - Measurement of relative permittivity, dielectric dissipation factor
(tan δ) and d.c. resistivity
IEC 60270 High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurements
IEC 60296 Fluids for electro-technical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for trans-
formers and switchgear
IEC 60442 Supervision and maintenance guide for mineral insulation oils in electrical equip-
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
IEC 60567 Guide for sampling of gases and oil from oil-filled electrical equipment and for the
analysis of free and dissolved gases
IEC 60599 Interpretation of the analysis of gases in transformers and other oil-filled electrical
equipment in service
IEC 60616 Terminal and tapping markings for power transformers
IEC 60815 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators intended for use in polluted
IEC 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear
IEC 61181 Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment - Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA)
to factory tests on electrical equipment
IEC 62535 Insulating liquids - Test method for detection of potentially corrosive sulphur in used
and unused insulating oil

Supplementary standards are the international standards ISO, the German standards DIN and VDE, the Euro-
pean standards EN (CENELEC), the British standards BS, the American standards (ANSI, IEEE and ASTN) or spe-
cific national standards in the above mentioned sequence, if there are no relevant IEC-standards existing or if
there is no sufficient information available in the IEC-standards and/ or if explicitly asked for in these Tender

In addition, all kind of neutral-grounding devices shall be also designed under full consideration of at least of
the minimum design requirements as specified in IEEE Std. 32, in addition to the applicable IEC-Standards.

In case of variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) with OLTC the relevant CIGRE Report 12-308 shall be also

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The Bidder shall submit with his offer a list of similar transformers and reactors already delivered by the here. man-
ufacturer proposed. Past supply records of similar ratings of transformers for last 10 years shall be submitted
in detail with the offer. In addition the Bidder shall submit with his offer valid certificates proving that the
proposed manufacturers are certified by ISO 9001. Manufacturers not having sufficient experience in manu-
facturing and testing of similar transformers and/ or reactors like those as specified and/ or not being certified
by ISO 9001 will not be accepted.

Contractors are held responsible to carry out the erection and pre-commissioning work for all power trans-
formers and shunt reactors under supervision of the transformer/ reactor manufacturer according to the man-
ufacturer’s instruction.

Each item which is obviously necessary for proper function and completion of the work, whether especially
specified in the Tender Documents or not, is to be included in the Tender and Contract price.

Furthermore, the equipment shall comply with the stipulations of the following Articles.

11.2 Common Requirements

11.2.1 General

The design of the equipment shall be based on the conditions and requirements listed in the following and in
particular in the prevailing technical data sheets.

The equipment shall be designed for operation at the prevailing site conditions without any restriction.

The maximum permissible oil temperature rise (top oil), the maximum permissible average temperature rise
of the winding and the maximum permissible winding hot spot temperature rise resp. maximum permissible
winding average and maximum permissible hot spot temperature rise shall not exceed values as given in the
relevant data sheet. All of these limits are applicable for any kind of cooling, for all tap changer settings and at
highest permissible continuous operation voltage as specified.

Earthing transformers and neutral grounding reactors shall be also designed under consideration of the basic
requirements as per IEEE Std. 32.

Neutral points shall be brought out by suitable means and shall be grounded as required.

11.2.2 Windings

All windings for LI: 750 kV/ AC: 325 kV and below shall have uniform insulation. Windings designed for higher
insulation levels may have non-uniform insulation.

Particular values for all insulation and test levels shall be obtained from the Technical Data Sheets of these

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The coils must be capable of withstanding movement and distortion caused by all operating conditions.here. Ade-
quate barriers shall be provided between windings and core and between the different windings. All leads or
bars from the windings to the bushings shall be rigidly supported. Stresses on coils and connections must be

To increase the capability of the equipment of withstanding the stresses under short-circuit conditions modern
technology in design and construction shall be applied (e.g. low current densities not exceeding the specified
value as above and, pre-drying and pre-compressing of the windings before mounting onto the core, etc.).

11.2.3 Magnetic Core

The magnetic core shall be of the core-form type and shall be made of laminations of non-aging, cold rolled,
grain oriented, silicon steel of high permeability without burrs. Each lamination shall be insulated with high
quality insulation coating. Any kind of shell-form core is not acceptable for power transformers.

The maximum magnetic flux density in the limbs and yokes of the core shall not exceed values as required in
the technical data sheets at rated voltage and frequency. For shunt reactors specified highest continuous op-
eration voltage (at least 105% of the nominal system voltage) is applicable, for Filter Reactors (gapped iron
core, indoor type) it is the highest permissible continuous operation voltage (at least 110% of rated voltage
across reactor.

The core and its clamping plates resp. tie rods shall form a rigid unit structure which shall maintain its form
and position under the severe stresses encountered during shipment, installation and short circuits.

Care shall be also taken to secure uniformly distributed mechanical pressure over all the limbs and laminations
to prevent setting of the core and to limit noise and vibrations to a minimum under service conditions.

With air-core (core-less) type a computer analysis/ diagram shall be submitted along with the Technical Data
Sheets to be submitted for approval, showing the effects of the magnetic field and advising the minimum
magnetic clearances to any other metallic parts to be considered for installation.

11.2.4 Tank (oil immersed)

This subsection is applicable for tanks of equipment with a rated power of above 2500 kVA.

The transformer/ reactor tank shall be of the original upper flange type with reinforced bolted on cover, and
the transformer/ reactor tank shall have rectangular shape.

With equipment of 5000 kVA and above any kind of bell type tanks (e.g. modified with upper flange and cover
and/ or lower flanges welded/bolted onto tank bottom etc.) or similar arrangements are not acceptable.

The completely assembled tank shall be fully vacuum proof, for transformers up to 5000 kVA including radia-
tors, conservator and associated oil piping.

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The completely assembled transformer/ reactor shall be oil and gas tight and shall be capable of withstanding here.
without damage, under service conditions, the forces arising under pressure conditions of at least 1.0 bar (>14
PSI) and/ or exceeding 25% over the maximum operating pressure, resulting from the system of oil preserva-
tion used (whatever is higher).

The construction shall be of mild steel and shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to withstand moving,
shipping and handling without any de-formation. All seams and joints shall be welded both inside and outside
of the tank to secure strong, leak proof joints. With equipment of 5000 kVA and above any kind of laminated
tank covers are not acceptable.

The complete tank and its cover shall be designed in such a manner as to leave no external pockets in which
water can accumulate, to leave no internal pockets in which oil can remain when draining the tank and/ or in
which air can be trapped when filling the tank.

Wherever possible, the tank and its accessories shall be designed without pockets wherein gas may collect.
Where pockets cannot be avoided, pipes shall be provided to vent any gas into the main expansion pipe.

Vent pipes shall have minimum inside diameter of 25 mm. With equipment of 5000 kVA and above both ends
of the tank cover shall be connected to the main expansion pipe.

All connections bolted to the tank shall be fitted with suitable gaskets.

Gaskets shall be gas and oil resistant and shall be made of such a material that no serious deterioration will
occur under service conditions, i.e. heat and oil resistant nitrile rubber. All gaskets shall be of closed design
(without open ends) and shall be practically of one piece only. Rubber gaskets used for flange connections of
the various oil compartments shall be laid in grooves or in groove-equivalent retainers on both sides of the
gaskets throughout their total length. Care shall be taken to secure uniformly distributed mechanical pressure
over the gaskets and retainers throughout the total length.

Gaskets of neoprene and/ or such material which can be easily damaged by over-pressing (e.g. any kind of
impregnated/ bonded or other kind of cork) are not acceptable for any of the equipment. Use of hemp as
gasket material is also prohibited.

Spring-loaded pressure relief devices with trip contact of an approved type shall be mounted through ap-
proved elbow turrets onto the tank cover for rapid release of any pressure that might be generated within the
tank and cause damage to the equipment. The devices shall operate at a static pressure which shall be less
than the test pressure on tank. The nominal operating pressure of the devices shall not exceed 0.7 bar (or 10
PSI). The related elbow turrets shall be connected through vent pipes as above to Buchholz relay.

The following moving and handling facilities shall be provided for any equipment:

 4 (four) jacking lugs for raising or lowering the equipment (completely filled with oil) by means of hydraulic
 Lugs for lifting the complete equipment
 Eyes for lifting the core, coils, tank and/ or tank cover
 Pulling eyes for moving the equipment in any direction

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 Bi-directional wheels with blocking facilities for equipment up to 125 MVA per unit. The distance be-tween here.
the centres of wheels shall be 1505 mm or multiple thereof.
 Skids (instead of wheels as above) of rigid construction to allow skidding in any direction for equipment
above 125 MVA per unit and all equipment with SF6 connections and/ or with directly flanged on GIS-type
surge arresters. In case of self-supporting tank bottom as specified above the skids shall be of solid flat
mild steel having same thickness as provided for tank bottom (plain tank bottom without skids is not ac-
ceptable). In case of cross beams being provided as skid structures their width and height shall be at least
200 mm each.
 1 (one) tank access ladder of zinc-powder coated or galvanised mild steel with lockable hinged door se-
curely fixed onto the tank cover and lower parts of the tank (applicable for transformers with ratings of
30 MVA and above). Ladders shall be provided with hand-rails of min. 100 cm length at the upper end.
Hand-rails shall be designed and arranged such as to avoid partial discharges/ corona when the trans-
former is in service and, they shall be rigidly fixed on the ladders and onto the transformer tank. If the
distance between the ladder and tank cover exceeds 4 cm an appropriate platform (e.g. grating securely
fixed in a rigid mounting frame) with hand-rails as specified above shall be provided. Surface preparation
and painting in accordance with the relevant Article of these Specifications.
 Filter valves of the gate valve type for oil inlet and outlet arranged diagonally on lower part of tank. A
suitable valve for vacuum application shall be also provided in a convenient floor height. All of these valves
shall have minimum 40 mm inside diameter (5000 kVA and above) and shall be equipped with flanges
having adapters with 1 ½” male thread fitted with screwed cap.
 Two adequate earthing terminals completely made of stainless steel capable of carrying for 5 seconds the
full lower voltage short circuit current of the transformer shall be provided and installed diagonally at the
bottom of the transformer tank. Bolts and washers used shall be made of stainless steel.

11.2.5 Structure (dry-type)

This subsection is applicable for dry-type transformers and indoor-type filter reactors.

The Structure shall consist of suitable C-profiles rigidly fixed onto the upper and lower yoke of the core.

Four lifting lugs shall be provided on the upper frame as well as traverses under the bottom as a mounting

Two earthing terminals of adequate size shall be provided and installed diagonally.

Two adequate earthing terminals completely made of stainless steel capable of carrying for 5 seconds the full
lower voltage short circuit current of the equipment shall be provided and installed diagonally at the lower
frame. Bolts and washers used shall be made of stainless steel.

Bi-directional flat wheels with blocking facilities shall be provided.

Appropriate metal/ rubber support elements for structure-borne noise insulation of the transformer shall be
installed underneath the rollers.

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11.2.6 Cooling here.

All parts of the equipment shall be accessible for inspection and cleaning.

11.2.7 Radiators

Radiators shall be of the DIN type or equivalent provided with at least six cooling channels in each radiator fin.
Radiators of the multi-tube type or similar arrangements are not acceptable. In case of radiators with upper
headers of the elbow type (‘swan neck’ type) they shall not protrude beyond the tank cover by more than 45
cm. However, ‘swan neck’ radiators shall only be flanged directly onto the tank, and they shall not be con-
nected to any common headers.

The cooling fins of the radiators shall have nominal width of 470 - 520 mm, and their height shall not exceed
3.0 m. The nominal sheet steel thickness of the radiator walls shall not be less than 1.2 mm.

The radiator fins shall be welded with 8 (eight) mm round stiffening rods (horizontally and diagonally) to pre-
vent vibration during operation of the transformers. All stiffening rods shall be properly welded at all of their
rests to the corners of the radiator fins. The distance between horizontally arranged bracing straps shall not
exceed 100 cm.

Radiators shall be fully vacuum proof and pressure tested (with air of minimum 2 kg/cm² for not less than five
minutes) and shall be liquid tight (leak proof against transformer oil of 125°C, 1 kg/cm²).

The radiators shall be fitted with suitable drain and vent plugs so that they can be completely drained and
vented. No radiators shall be fitted underneath of air-filled cable boxes.

The radiators shall be connected to the tank or external headers by butterfly valves in such a manner that each
radiator can be removed without taking the transformer out of service, and without draining any oil from the
tank and/ or common headers (if any).

The mechanical tolerance of the arrangement shall be minimised to allow the exchange of all radiators of the
same type without additional fitting.

The lower radiator headers shall be connected to the equipment tank or common headers in a height of not
less than 80 cm above floor level.

In case of indoor installed transformers the radiators shall be flanged directly onto the tank only. External
common headers shall not be provided for those transformers.

Accumulation of air within the radiators and headers must be avoided. Upper common headers for connection
of radiators shall be connected through isolation valves and vent pipes to the main expansion pipe.

The radiators shall be assembled and fitted to the tank in such a manner as to provide mechanical protection
to them and to prevent vibrations. Suitable stiffening bars of stainless steel shall be fitted along the radiators
on top and bottom. Stiffening bars shall not be arranged cross-wise on top and bottom of the radiator groups.

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Hot-dIP galvanised radiators shall not be provided. here.

Flanged on common headers, if any, shall be connected to the tank via gate valves each mounted directly onto
the transformer tank or cover. Common headers shall not be connected to bushing turrets. Welded-on com-
mon headers of any kind are not acceptable.

11.2.8 Radiator Banks

The radiator banks shall be assembled and fitted to and in such a manner as to provide mechanical protection
to itself and to prevent vibrations. Approved expansion pieces shall be provided in each oil pipe connection
between the transformer and each cooler bank. Appropriate supporting structure shall be provided at both
ends of each cooler bank as a minimum requirement.

The upper common headers of each of the cooler banks shall be connected directly to the tank cover at three
points. Additional common headers shall not be provided. The upper common headers connected to the tank
cover shall be also provided with by-pass vent pipes to main expansion pipe(s) to route any gas collection to
Buchholz relay when the related shut-off valves are closed. Upper common headers must not be connected
to any bushing turrets. Upper common headers shall be connected through vent pipes to the main expansion

Vent pipes other than by-pass vent pipes for isolation valves from upper common headers to Buchholz relay
shall be provided with shut-off/ isolating valves each on header side to avoid back-flow from conservators
when the cooler bank is under maintenance.

The lower common headers shall be installed in a height of not less than 1.8 m and not exceeding 2.1 m above
floor level. Lower common headers in addition to those coming directly from the individual radiator banks
shall not be provided.

11.2.9 Valves

All butterfly valves shall be arranged in a vertical position and in such a manner that their position indications
are clearly and freely visible and legible directly from tank cover and from ground level. Valve position indica-
tors must not be arranged underneath the flange of the tank cover.

11.2.10 Fan Units

The fan units shall be fitted in an accessible position onto suitable non-corrosive steel structure/ framework,
which shall be bolted rigidly onto the radiator groups. The fan units attached to radiators shall be mounted in
a height not exceeding 2.0 m above floor level and in such a manner as to avoid any hot air circulation when
the transformer is installed in the transformer bay.

The overall diameter of the fan units shall not exceed 105 cm, and their total weight shall be limited to a
maximum of 65 kg per unit.

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Each fan unit shall be individually removable without dismantling of any structure and any framework,here. and
without having to interfere with the operation of other fans.

The propellers shall be made of sea-water proof aluminium alloy or stainless steel. Propellers or parts of the
same made of any kind of plastics are not acceptable. Mechanical protection against touching of the fan blades
shall be provided by round wire mesh guards of stainless steel on both sides of the fan blades.

The fan motors shall be arranged at an easily accessible position, and their terminal boxes shall be accessible
without removing the guard. A nameplate made of stainless steel (at least of grade EN 1.4301 or ASTM 304)
for each fan motor shall be provided clearly visible and legible on the outer housing of each fan unit at an
accessible position.

Minimum 25% (twenty-five percent) more fans than required for continuous operation of full rated power
within specified temperature rise limits shall be included and shall be completely wired up to the starter (con-
tactor) units, and these additional fans shall also cover continuous loading at full rated power within the spec-
ified temperature limits at 5 (five) percent under-excitation conditions as above, as well as long-time emer-
gency loading conditions within the temperature limits as per IEC 60076-7 at 30°C under thermal steady state

The control equipment for the cooling plant and all auxiliary devices shall be accommodated in a weather-
proof cabinet (protection degree IP 55) mounted onto the transformer.

11.2.11 Cooling Pumps

Each of the cooling pumps shall have a rated cooling capacity of 50 (fifty) percent of the total forced oil cooling
capacity required for operation at full rated power (at 100% excitation) to guarantee full rated power within
the specified temperature rise limits when one oil pump is in repair (i.e. related pump isolating valves are
closed). The third cooling pump shall also cover continuous loading at full rated power within the specified
temperature limits at 5 (five) percent under-excitation conditions as above, as well as long-time emergency
loading conditions within the temperature limits under thermal steady state conditions.

Each of the oil circulation pumps shall be connected to the tank and lower common headers via isolating valves
of the gate valve type. Suitable expansion pieces or similar arrangements shall be provided to allow easy re-
placement of the cooling pumps. Non-return valves shall be provided for all oil pumps of the propeller-type to
avoid back-flow of the oil in case of pump failure. The arrangement of the pumps shall meet the requirements
of transformers cooled by radiators. They shall be provided in such a manner that free convection of the trans-
former oil at ONAN/ ONAF operation is guaranteed when the pumps are switched off.

11.2.12 ONAN Cooling

Transformers of a rated power below 20 MVA per unit and Reactors (oil immersed type) shall be provided with
a self-cooled type of cooling system (ONAN) provided by detachable radiators flanged directly onto the tank
and/ or onto external headers at the equipment tank, mainly in the vicinity of the core-/ coil-arrangement
(upper common headers, if any, to be flanged onto the tank close to the centre phase windings) at along sides
of the equipment.

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Shunt Reactors of a Rated Power above 100 MVAr per Unit cooling shall be provided by at least two groups here.of
detachable radiators.

Only ONAN cooled transformers shall also include at least one more radiator than required for continuous
operation at full rated power (at 100% excitation) within specified temperature rise limits, and this additional
radiator shall also cover continuous loading at full rated power within the specified temperature limits at 5
(five) percent under-excitation conditions as above, as well as long-time emergency loading conditions with-
in the temperature limits as per IEC 60076-7 at 30°C under thermal steady state conditions.

Radiator banks mounted onto the tank or separately shall not be provided.

Where applicable, the following accessories shall be provided for equipment up to 5 MVA:

 1 (one) butterfly valve each for inlet and outlet for each radiator, directly accessible from ground level and
tank cover.
 1 (one) drain plug with screwed cap for each radiator at the outlet of each radiator header.
 1 (one) air vent plug with screwed cap at the inlets of each radiator header. For radiators with upper
headers of the elbow type ("swan-neck" type) air release plugs shall be provided at both ends of these

Where applicable, the following accessories shall be provided for equipment of 5 MVA and above:

 1 (one) butterfly valve each for inlet and outlet for each radiator, directly accessible from ground level and
tank cover.
 Isolation valves (of the gate valve type) for connecting of each common header (if any) with the equipment
tank and/ or cover.
 1 (one) drain plug (M12) with screwed cap at the outlets of each lower common header (min. two lower
common headers, if provided) suitable for temporary installation of temperature sensors directly in the
oil-flow during heat-run tests (subject for approval).
 1 (one) air vent plug (M12) with screwed cap at the inlets of each upper common header (min. two air for
upper common headers, if provided) suitable for temporary installation of temperature sensors directly
in the oil-flow during heat-run tests (subject for approval).
 Additional air vent plugs and drain plugs on common headers, as required
 1 (one) drain plug for each radiator at the outlet of each radiator suitable for temporary installation of
temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests in case of radiators directly flanged onto
the tank.
 1 (one) air vent plug each at the inlet of each radiator suitable for temporary installation of temperature
sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests in case of radiators directly flanged onto the tank. For
radiators with upper headers of the elbow type ("swan-neck" type) air release plugs shall be provided at
both ends of these headers.
 Additional thermometer pockets in the oil flow of upper and lower common headers (if any) at tank inlets
and outlets, if required. Those thermometer pockets shall not protrude beyond the surface of the con-
cerned headers by more than 12 mm.

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11.2.13 ONAN/ ONAF Cooled Transformers here.

Transformers with a rated power of 20 MVA and up to 250 MVA per unit shall be equipped with a self-cooled/
forced air cooled type of cooling (ONAN/ ONAF). Unless specified otherwise in the Technical Data Sheets, the
self-cooled capacity (ONAN) shall be at least 75% of the forced cooled rating.

Three Phase Transformers of a rated power of 20 MVA and up to 140 MVA and Single Phase Units

The ONAN cooling shall be provided by detachable radiators flanged directly onto the tank and/ or external
headers, mainly in the vicinity of the core-/ coil-arrangement at alongside(s) of the transformer.

The ONAF cooling shall be provided by means of a minimum of 8 (eight) fan units mounted underneath the

Transformers of a rated power above 140 MVA and up to 250 MVA

The ONAN cooling shall be provided by means of separately mounted banks of detachable radiators.

Three equivalent banks of separately mounted radiators shall be provided, and they shall arranged in closed
rows of equal and symmetrical groups each at one alongside of the transformer in a distance of not less than
1.5 m from each other and flanged on to common headers by butterfly valves.

The ONAF cooling shall be provided by means of a minimum of 12 (twelve) fan units mounted underneath the
radiator banks.

The following standard accessories shall be provided:

 1 (one) butterfly valve each for inlet and outlet for each radiator.
 1 (one) upper and lower common header for each cooler bank each connected onto the transformer tank
via isolating valves as below.
 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) for connecting each of the common headers of each cooler
bank with the transformer tank.
 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) for connecting each of the upper common headers of each
cooler bank with the transformer tank or tank cover.
 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) for connecting each of the lower common headers of each
cooler bank with the transformer tank.
 1 (one) drain plug with screwed cap at the outlets of each lower common header suitable for temporary
installation of temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests.
 1 (one) air vent plug with screwed cap at the inlets of each lower common header suitable for temporary
installation of temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests.
 Additional air vent plugs and drain plugs on common headers, if required.
 1 (one) drain plug at the outlet of each radiator.
 1 (one) air vent plug at the inlet of each radiator.
 Additional thermometer pockets in the oil flow of upper and lower common headers (if any) at tank inlets
and outlets, if required.

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11.2.14 ONAN/ ONAF/ ODAF - Cooled Transformers here.

Transformers with a rated power above 250 MVA per unit shall be equipped with a self-cooled/ forced-air-
cooled/ directed forced-oil-cooled type of cooling system (ONAN/ ONAF/ ODAF). Non-directed forced-oil-
cooled type of cooling (e.g. OFAF) will not be accepted.

The self-cooled capacity shall be at least 60%, and the forced air cooled capacity shall not be less than 80% of
the forced oil cooled rating.

The transformers shall be equipped with three independent cooling groups each comprising one radiator bank
including all necessary fans and related oil pump.

The ONAN cooling shall be provided by means of separately mounted banks of detachable radiators.

Three equivalent banks of separately mounted radiators shall be provided, and they shall arranged in closed
rows of equal and symmetrical groups each at one alongside of the transformer in a distance of not less than
1.5 m from each other and flanged on to common headers by butterfly valves. The height of the individual
radiators shall not exceed 3.5 m.

The ONAF cooling shall be provided by means of a minimum of 18 (eighteen) fan units mounted underneath
the radiator banks.

The ODAF cooling shall be provided by means of 3 (three) oil pumps each installed in-line with the lower com-
mon headers.

Transformer must be capable of operating continuously at its full rated power and 100% excitation within the
specified temperature rise limit when one of the oil pumps is in repair, i.e. all isolation valves related to this
pump are closed (to be verified by steady state temperature rise test).

All parts of the cooling equipment shall be accessible for inspection and cleaning.

The following standard accessories shall be provided:

 1 (one) butterfly valve each for inlet and outlet for each radiator.
 1 (one) upper and lower common header for each cooler bank each connected onto the transformer tank
and cover via isolating valves as below.
 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) each for inlet and outlet for each of the cooling pumps for
connection with the tank and common headers of cooler banks.
 1 (one) non-return valve with isolating valves (of the gate valve type) each on the inlet and outlet of each
by-pass pipe (if any) for connection with the tank and common headers of cooler banks. Back-flow of the
oil to the cooler bank must be also avoided in case of failure of pump related the same cooler bank.
 1 (one) non-return valve for each oil pump in case of propeller-type of pumps to avoid back-flow of the oil
in case of pump failure.
 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) for connecting each of the upper common headers of each
cooler bank with the transformer tank or tank cover.

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 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) for connecting each of the lower common headers ofhere. each
cooler bank with the transformer tank.
 1 (one) drain plug with screwed cap at the inlets and outlets of each common header suitable for tempo-
rary installation of temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests.
 1 (one) air vent plug with screwed cap at the inlets and outlets of each common header suitable for tem-
porary installation of temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests.
 Additional thermometer pockets in the oil flow of upper and lower common headers (if any) at tank inlets
and outlets, if required.

The control equipment for the cooling plant and all auxiliary devices shall be accommodated in a weather-
proof cabinet (protection degree IP 55) mounted onto the transformers.

11.2.15 Control of Cooling Units

The electrical supply for the control of the cooling units and for the motor drive unit of OLTC shall be provided
by means of two independent feeders (load-break switches) installed in the fan control cabinet and/ or mar-
shalling box as specified below.

To cover the event of an electrical supply failure, automatic switchover from the first feeder to the second
feeder is required. Automatic transfer equipment shall include a time delay relay to prevent immediate trans-
fer from normal to emergency source.

Circuit breakers shall be installed for manual switching of each cooling group. Fuses will not be accepted.

Manual and automatic cooling system control shall be integrated into the SCMS. Suitable facilities shall be
provided for this purpose at the transformer side.

The fan and/ or oil pump motors or groups of motors shall be automatically controlled by a relay combination
taking into consideration the winding and oil temperature. The criteria for automatic “ON/ OFF” switching
operations shall be the winding temperature (ON) and the oil temperature (OFF), respectively.

Control shall be such that frequent START/ STOP operation for small temperature differences must be avoided.
Time delay relays shall be provided to prevent switching OFF the motors for at least five minutes after starting
of the same.

The motors shall be automatically controlled by sets of contacts on winding temperature indicators, top oil
temperature indicator and relay combination taking into consideration both winding temperature and top oil

The cooling groups shall not switch OFF on winding temperature falling to values set on winding temperature
indicator for switching ON of the groups, but they shall switch OFF when the top oil temperature falls below
set values to switch OFF the groups. That is, the starting impulse for both the groups shall be given by the
winding temperature indicators and stopping impulse by the contacts of the top oil temperature indicator (i.e.
group 2/ pumps at 65°C and group 1/ fans at 55°C of oil temperature).

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All motor contactors and their associated apparatus shall be designed for the specified control voltagehere. and
shall be capable of holding in and operating satisfactorily and without overheating for a period of ten minutes
if the supply voltage falls for that period to 85% of normal control voltage. Auxiliary transformers for control
voltage shall not be provided.

The contactors shall be protected by means of thermal and magnetising tripping elements. However, motor
protection switches with adjustable setting range (approx. 120 - 150% of rated motor current) are to be pro-
vided for each of the fan and pump motors. A group alarm shall be initiated if any fan fails; however, switching
off of any further motor of the same group must be avoided.

Electrical isolation of motor circuits shall be provided to facilitate replacement or repair of individual units
during operation of the others. In addition, one main switch with alarm contact shall be provided for each fan/
cooler group.

Voltage relays of the three-phase type shall be installed for supervision of the voltage supply circuits.

Change-over-switches with three positions, i.e. for automatic, off and manual control, shall be provided for
each of the fan groups and for each oil pump.

The following alarm/ signal initiating devices having N.O. contacts shall be provided:

 Main power supply failure for each main power source

 Power supply-auto change-over
 Auxiliary supply failure
 Cooling fans failure for each fan group
 Cooling fans running for each fan group
 Cooling fans stopped for each fan group
 Cooling system on automatic control
 Cooling system on manual control

11.2.16 ONAN/ ONAF Cooling

The fan motors shall be connected to the starting contactors by two groups. Approximately 50% of all cooling
fans incl. specified extra fans shall be related to each fan group. The specified extra fan shall not be connected
separately in any way and they shall run together with the other fans during normal operation at site. The first
group (fan 1, 3, 5, etc.) shall come into operation at lower temperature (i.e. at 75°C hot spot temperature) and
the second group (fan 2, 4, 6, etc.) at higher temperature (i.e. at 85°C hot spot temperature).

The control shall be such that, if the first group fails to come into operation on winding temperature reaching
the set value on the contacts of winding temperature indicator, the second group when it comes into opera-
tion, consequently to winding temperature reaching higher set value, shall bring the first group of fans also
into operation.

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11.2.17 ONAN/ ONAF/ ODAF Cooling here.

The fans shall come into operation at lower temperature (i.e. at 75°C hot spot winding temperature, and the
pumps at higher temperature (i.e. at 85°C hot spot temperature). The control shall be such that, if the fan
group fails to come into operation on winding temperature reaching the set value on the contacts of winding
temperature indicator, the oil pumps when they come into operation, consequently to winding temperature
reaching higher set value, shall bring the fan groups also into operation. Starting of cooling pumps must not
initiate a Buchholz alarm and/ or trip. Use of time delayed relays for Buchholz alarm and/ or trip is not ac-

The fan motors and oil pumps shall be connected to the starting contactors by three individual groups each.
Time delay relays shall be provided for sequential starting of the fan groups and oil pumps to prevent mal-
operation of the Buchholz relays.

The following alarm/ signal initiating devices having N.O. contacts shall be additionally provided:

 Cooling pumps failure for each cooler group

 Cooling pumps running for each cooler group
 Cooling pumps stopped for each cooler group

11.2.18 Terminals
11.2.19 General

All bushings shall be at least of the same insulation level as that for the related windings and/ or neutral. For
all terminals of windings undergoing switching impulse tests the clearances in air between life parts shall ex-
ceed those specified in IEC 60076-3 by at least 5 percent.

Clearances shall be also selected with special attention as to avoid flash-over between and/ or across terminals
of shunt reactors undergoing switching impulse test.

Each of the bushings shall be designed for a rated current of at least 150% of the rated equipment current.
Generally, it has to be considered that oil impregnated paper condenser bushings are not acceptable for any
of the bushings.

Support insulators shall be of top quality electrical grade porcelain or cast resin and shall be of a uniform shade
of brown. Insulators shall have the same minimum creepage distances as specified for the related bushings,
and the creepage distances of cable sealing ends shall be co-ordinated accordingly.

All main flange connections, cable boxes and related covers etc. shall be earthed by suitable grounding con-
ductors of the flexible type each having a cross section of minimum 95 mm².

In case of different Bidders/ Contractors for transformers/ reactors and other external connection works etc.
all parties are to co-operate to ensure a proper and complete boundary between these sectors, i.e. the Bidder/
Contractor for transformers/ reactors shall provide the specified bushings and/ or connection boxes and all

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connection parts at the transformer/ reactor side and/ or the complete sealed cable terminating boxes includ- here.
ing the stress cones and all parts for proper connection of the sealing ends, and suitable flanges with Oil-/ SF6
bushings (double-flange bushings) for GIS-type surge arresters, if required.

On the other hand, the Bidder/ Contractor for cables, switchgear and all other external connections shall pro-
vide the complete pot heads and cable sealing ends, SF6 connection boxes, surge arresters, additional adapter
pieces (if required) and all other equipment required for proper completion and function of the related work.

It is hereby understood that responsibility of the transformer Contractor/ Supplier covers the oil-tightness.

11.2.20 Outdoor Bushings

Bushings shall be of the outdoor type as specified in the Technical Data Sheets. They shall correspond to IEC
60137, shall be free from defects and shall be thoroughly vitrified. Uncovered bushings other than those to be
solidly grounded shall be designed for site pollution severity class “e” (very heavy) in accordance with IEC/TS
60815, unless specified otherwise in the Technical Data Sheets. However, creepage distances as specified in
the Technical Data Sheets are to be considered preliminary only and may have to be corrected by the Contrac-
tor/ Manufacturer in accordance with IEC/TS 60815 dependent on the bushing average diameter.

Insulators shall be of top quality electrical grade porcelain, homogenous and non-porous, and shall be practi-
cally in one piece. If insulators are composed of several parts jointed together by synthetic resin, this shall be
brought to the attention of Employer/ ENGINEER.

The glaze shall not be depended upon for insulation and shall be of a uniform shade of brown, completely
covering all exposed parts of the insulator.

Where required, bushings for power windings of Um= 72.5 kV and above shall be provided with a compound
housing with silicone rubber sheds. In such cases the insulators shall be of a uniform shade of grey.

Bushings for windings of Um= 72.5 kV and above shall be of the epoxy-resin impregnated paper condenser
type equipped with test tap at the bushing flange. Bushings for windings below Um= 72.5 kV shall be oil-filled
as per DIN and/ or EN (CENELEC) standard equipped with rigidly fixed solid gas stoppers or equivalent central-
ising rings. DIN and/ or EN (CENELEC) bushings for windings of rated voltages higher than 12 kV shall be pro-
vided with metallised lower part and their clearances across the porcelain insulators shall be also properly co-
ordinated concerning all possible transferred over-voltages. Epoxy-resin impregnated paper condenser bush-
ings may be provided alternatively. Oil impregnated paper condenser bushings and/ or mono-bloc bushings
of any kind are not acceptable.

All bushing connecting nuts, bolts, washers, rings, caps on the top shall be of non-magnetic material.

All bushings shall be designed for operation and storage in a horizontal position without any restriction. All
bushings shall be designed for the highest over-current that can flow through the windings.

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The bushings shall be arranged on turrets in such a manner, that removal of the same is possible without here.
lowering of the oil to such a level where the windings are exposed to the atmosphere. Bushings up to Um = 52
kV shall be arranged in an upright position.

Bushing turrets with removable flanged-on covers on the bushing side shall be provided for all bushings. Re-
movable bushing turrets bolted onto appropriate flanges on the tank cover are also acceptable. Common
bushing turrets of an approved design may be provided for bushings up to Um= 52 kV and their height shall
not be less than 30 cm.

Common bushing turrets shall be provided with two vent plugs each to be arranged at an approved location.
Removable bushing turrets shall be provided with four adequate lifting lugs each. All bushing turrets shall be
equipped with vent pipes on their highest points which shall be connected to main expansion pipe to route
any gas collection through Buchholz relay.

11.2.21 Cable Termination Boxes

Oil-filled cable termination boxes

Where specified single-phase type equipped with oil-/ oil bushings (single-flange bushings) of the epoxy-resin
impregnated paper condenser type for lines and neutrals shall be provided for cable connections above Um=
52 kV and up to Um= 245 kV. They shall be designed for connection of vertically arranged single-core XLPE
cables entering the cable termination boxes from the bottom side.

All bushings shall be designed for storage in a horizontal position without any restriction. Oil impregnated
paper condenser bushings are not acceptable. The bushings shall be arranged in such a manner as to avoid
any mechanical stress on the same, e.g. cable boxes shall not be fixed onto the bushing flanges.

To avoid potential leak points at the cable boxes measuring taps of oil-/ oil bushings shall not be wired up to
additional test taps mounted externally onto the oil-filled cable boxes.

It is also strictly to be considered that use of any kind of wood for any insulation parts used in the cable boxes
is not acceptable, and the Contractor/ Manufacturer is held fully responsible for all insulation material se-

The cable boxes shall be fully vacuum proof and shall be mounted onto turrets on the tank cover in such a
manner that removal of oil-/ oil bushings is possible without lowering the oil to such a level where the windings
are exposed to the atmosphere. All bushing turrets shall be arranged on tank cover in a straight upright posi-
tion. Angled bushing turrets of any kind are not acceptable.

Where required, the cable boxes shall be also designed for direct connection of GIS-type surge arresters un-
derneath the cable boxes at an approved position (e.g. connected to the cable box in a distance of not less
than 1.8 m from next radiator surface) and the related flanges with
oil-/ SF6 bushings (double-flange bushings as specified below) have to be provided accordingly.

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The oil level in the terminal boxes shall be maintained from the main conservator tank by means of a connec- here.
tion to the highest points of the chambers, and these connections shall be controlled by suitable shut-off
valves of an approved type. In addition separate shut-off valves each for draining and for filtering shall be
provided for each of the cable boxes.

Connections between the cable boxes and to the conservator shall be made by means of pipes of 25 mm inside
diameter, so that any gas leaving the chamber passes through a twin-float Buchholz relay.

Spring loaded pressure relief devices shall be installed individually for each cable box in such a manner as to
avoid pockets wherein gas may collect. The nominal operation pressure of the devices shall not exceed 0.55
bar (or 8 PSI).

Air-filled cable connecting boxes for Power Transformers and Reactors

Air filled cable connecting boxes shall be of protection degree IP 55 and shall contain the winding ends and
neutrals of windings up to Um= 52 kV.

They shall be mounted on bushing turrets on the tank cover, and shall be equipped with outdoor bushings as
above but designed for site pollution severity class “c“ (medium) in accordance with IEC/TS 60815, unless
specified otherwise in the Technical Data Sheets.

The cable termination boxes shall be suitable for connection of vertically arranged single-core power cables
provided with outdoor sealing ends. Insulation level and design of the terminal boxes shall be coordinated
with that of the related bushings. The clearances between live parts of bushings and against ground shall fully
comply with IEC 60076-3. Insulation level and design (clearances) shall comply with the insulation level as
specified for the related windings. No insulation barriers shall be provided in the cable boxes.

All air-filled cable termination boxes shall also contain internally supported cable termination bus-bars con-
nected to the bushings via removable links in such a manner that any mechanical stresses on the bushings will
be avoided, and to allow testing of the connected power cables after removal of the links.

Where required, and in all cases of delta connected tertiary power windings the cable boxes shall be equipped
with metal-oxide surge arresters of the one-column design (comprising only series connected MO resistors
per phase, equivalent to ABB type POLIM®-H), which have to be included in the transformer sup-plies. Any
kind of parallel connected arrangement etc. is not acceptable.

The arresters shall be provided with a polymeric housing of silicone each which shall be of an explosion and
shatter-resistant design. They shall correspond with line discharge class 4 in accordance with IEC 60099-4. The
design data of these arresters shall be properly coordinated with all actual requirements. Cable boxes contain-
ing surge arresters shall be also equipped with appropriate sun-shade covers.

The cable termination boxes shall be also equipped with metal cable glands and shall accommodate the cable
sealing ends. All cable glands shall be of non-magnetic material. Gland plates shall be of stainless steel.

Additional cable glands shall be provided for transformers to be connected directly to earthing transformers.

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Appropriate earthing studs with bolts and washers, all made of stainless steel, for earthing of the cable sheaths
shall be provided inside and outside of the cable box in accordance with the actual requirements.

A suitable manhole for access to the bushings shall be provided at a location easily accessible from tank cover.

Ingress of foreign matters and formation of condensate in the termination boxes must be prevented. A Sili-
cagel breather of the maintenance-free type (Messko/ MR type MTraB or equivalent) of min. 1 kg Silicagel
filling capacity shall be connected to each terminal box and, the supply voltage for the same shall be provided
by the DC supply of the substation. Each Silicagel breather shall be equipped with a condition based control
unit. However, refrigerator type of dehydrating breathers will not be accepted. The containers of the dehy-
drating breathers shall not be of transparent plastics of any kind.

The dehydrating breathers shall be rigidly fastened by approved side mounting rods onto brackets at an ac-
cessible position in a convenient floor height.

11.2.22 MV Bus Duct Connections

Where specified, adapter pieces with flanges suitable for the connection by bus duct(s) shall be provided. They
shall be arranged on bushing turrets on tank cover in addition to outdoor bushings as specified above.

The bushings shall be arranged on turrets as above in an upright position and shall be designed for site pollu-
tion severity class “c” (medium) in accordance with IEC/TS 60815, unless specified otherwise in the Technical
Data Sheets.

The adapter flanges of the boxes shall be arranged horizontally and shall not protrude beyond the height of
the bushing insulators (subject for approval). The adapter flange boxes themselves shall be removable without
removal of the bushing turret cover required.

The Bidder/ Contractor shall co-ordinate with the bus duct Bidder/ Contractor for the requirements of the
mechanical and electrical transition from the bus duct(s) to the transformer connections under full consider-
ation of the requirements of the clearances as per IEC 60076-3 for the specified insulation level of the con-
cerned transformer winding.

As far as the bus duct connection is concerned the scope of supply/ scope of work of the transformer Bidder/
Contractor shall be limited to the adapter flange boxes incorporated with suitable flanges and gaskets (to be
co-ordinated with the bus duct Bidder/ Contractor) and the terminals of the bushings including the bushing

The supply of the bus duct Bidder/ Contractor shall include the actually required bus duct termination box and
the transition to the transformer terminals and the electrical connections (by flexible links and suitable bus-
bars) between the bus duct conductors and the transformer bushings.

The bus duct(s), neither their housing nor their electrical and other connections, shall exert any forces on the
adapter flanges and the bushings of the transformer.

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Suitable grounding studs with bolts and washers, all made of stainless steel, shall be provided by the trans-here.
former manufacturer at the transformer side as determined by the bus duct Bidder/ Contractor.

Two appropriate drain plugs shall be also provided diagonally at an approved location on the bottom of each

11.2.23 Oil-/ SF6 Bushings

Where required, the ends of the windings shall be led out by Oil-/ SF6 bushings with adequate flanges (double-
flange bushings) to enable the direct connections to the ducts of an SF6 gas insulated switchgear. Suitable
measuring taps shall be provided at an easily accessible position between the two flanges on the outer side of
the bushings (subject for approval).

The Oil-/ SF6 bushings shall be of the epoxy-resin impregnated paper condenser type equipped with outer test
tap between the two flanges as above and shall be designed for storage in a horizontal position without any
restriction. Oil impregnated paper condenser bushings are not acceptable.

Size and design of these bushings have to be done suitably co-ordinated with the switchgear Bid-der/ Contrac-

The Oil-/ SF6 bushings shall be mounted vertically on turrets on the tank cover in such a manner that removal
of the same is possible without lowering the oil level to such a level where the windings are exposed to the
atmosphere. These turrets shall be equipped with man-holes of suitable size to facilitate testing and checking
of the equipment (in case of trouble) without dismantling of the SF6 gas duct.

Unless specified otherwise elsewhere in the Specifications the neutral shall be brought out by an oil-filled
cable termination box with bushings, as specified previously, and shall be grounded through a vertically ar-
ranged single-core XLPE cable as per actual requirements.

11.2.24 Terminals, Insulators and Structure of Shunt Reactors and of Neutral-

Grounding, Filter and Damping Reactors (air core, dry type)

Suitable terminals shall be provided on spider arms on top and bottom of the reactors. All necessary bi-metallic
and other parts required for proper connection of all conductors to be connected shall be included in the

Post insulators other than those of neutral-grounding reactors for installation directly at their ground terminal
side shall be designed for site pollution severity class “e” (very heavy) in accordance with IEC/TS 60815 unless
specified otherwise in the Technical Data Sheets. They shall be free from defects and shall be thoroughly vit-

Insulators shall be of top quality electrical grade porcelain, homogenous and non-porous, and shall be in one
piece. The glaze shall not be depended upon for insulation and shall be of a uniform shade of brown, com-
pletely covering all exposed parts of the insulator.

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Suitable extension brackets of anti-magnetic material shall be supplied by the Contractor to maintain thehere. mag-
netic clearances as above. Mounting rings and/ or other suitable stiffening facilities shall be also supplied by
the Contractor to facilitate the mounting of the post insulators to the mounting pad.

The installation shall be such as to match IEC 61936-1 with regard to all safety distances and clearances for
operation personnel under full consideration of the magnetic clearances to be advised by the reactor manu-
facturer. Suitable additional structure shall be provided by the Contractor to fulfil these requirements.

Appropriate earthing terminals of adequate size as required for safe operation shall be provided and installed
at extension brackets, structure and mounting rings etc.

11.2.25 Current Transformers

Wherever required, current transformers shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of these

The technical data shall be indicated in the Technical Data Sheets. The technical data shall be also co-ordinated
with the protection requirements and the related switchgear CT’s. If the requirements of protection show that
a higher rated output and/ or ratio than specified is necessary, the Bidder/ Contractors shall provide the cur-
rent transformers for the required ratings without extra price. Reference is made to the relevant Articles for
protection relay and stability with regard to current transformers design.

The excitation curves of the current transformers shall be available at the latest two months after contract
award, and shall be submitted to the Supplier of the protection system for approval and afterwards to the
Employer/ Engineer also for approval.

All current transformers shall be designed for an extended rated current of at least 150% to cover long-time
emergency loading duties as per IEC 60076-7 without any restriction. All current transformers other than those
which may be required for thermal replica shall be provided with test windings each.

Where built-in current transformers are provided, the related bushings, SF6 connection boxes and cable ter-
minal boxes shall be arranged to be removed without interfering with the pertinent current transformer.

All of the current transformers shall be arranged and connected in such a manner that easy removal of the
same is possible without cutting or removal of any insulation material of the leads to the bushings etc. required
and without lowering of the oil to such a level where the windings are exposed to the atmosphere.

Suitable covers of an approved design to facilitate installation of CT’s shall be provided for all current trans-
formers. Covers for hand-holes located on tank cover shall be provided with adequate gas stoppers (e.g. lam-
inated wood). Internal arrangement of all CT’s is subject to full responsibility of Contractor/ Manufacturer.

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11.2.26 Tap Changers here.

11.2.27 On-load Tap Changers (OLTC)

Where required, on-load tap changers (MR or equivalent), as per specifications, for manual control and elec-
trical remote control shall be provided as follows.

The three-phase non-rotary vacuum type diverter switch principle with separate tap selector and change-over
switch shall be provided for all on-load tap changers for use in star connected power windings higher than
Um= 52 kV up to a maximum rated step current of 1300 A of three-phase transformers other than auto-trans-

For windings up to Um= 52 kV the three phase rotary two-vacuum-switch principle similar to the on-load tap
selector switch principle is also acceptable provided that all other particular requirements of the Specifications
are fulfilled.

For all other applications and for Variable MVAr Output Shunt Reactors (VSR) the OLTC shall be based on the
principle "Dr. Jansen" comprising a tap selector with change-over switch and a rotary oil-type diverter switch
of high speed transition resistor type, and their transition contacts shall be made of copper-tungsten.

The OLTC shall be in conformity with IEC 60214. OLTC shall have been type tested, and related type test cer-
tificates shall be supplied with the offer. Only designs which have been type tested in accordance with the
relevant IEC standards supplemented by these Specifications will be accepted.

All equipment related to the OLTC shall be supplied by the original OLTC manufacturer. This is also applicable
for tie-in resistors, if provided, as well as all related accessories. Licence products etc. are not acceptable for
any equipment related to OLTC.

In case of tie-in resistors being provided they shall be connected via potential switches to the take-off terminal
of the tap changer so that power dissipation only occurs during the short potential switch operation time, and
these resistors shall be designed under consideration of at least:

 15 (fifteen) percent over-excitation applied to the transformer

 10 (ten) percent over-voltage applied to the reactor

Any resistors being of graphite elements will not be accepted.

Non-linear protective elements shall be provided in all diverter switches of the vacuum type and wherever
deemed necessary. All non-linear protective elements and tie-in resistors (if provided) shall be indicated in the
connection diagram to be submitted for approval.

The OLTC(s) shall be mounted from the cover into the tank (in-tank installation) at narrow side(s) of the tank.
Tap changers related to the same winding shall be arranged at the same end of the tank. All diverter switches/
interrupter switches of OLTC shall have oil compartments separate from the transformer/ reactor oil as well
as their own closed sub-sections in the oil conservator.

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Each diverter switch shall be equipped with an internal suction pipe led to the ground of its own oil compart- here.
ment and to be connected to external drain and filter valves mounted at a convenient floor height. Suitable
oil sampling valves shall be provided for all types of OLTC and shall be mounted at a convenient floor height.

The tap changer heads shall be also equipped with a bleeding duct each, to be connected to Buchholz relay of
main tank to avoid any gas collection underneath the tap changer heads. No piping or other equipment shall
be arranged beyond the tap changer head cover to allow lifting of the OLTC inserts without any restriction and
without removing (dismantling) of any other equipment.

An oil-flow operated protection relay shall be provided for internal failure protection. This oil-flow relay shall
be provided on elbow pipe on tap changer head and shall have gate valve on side of piping to OLTC conserva-
tor. In addition a spring-loaded pressure relief device with trip contact and metal pin-type operation indicator
shall be mounted directly onto the tap changer head.

The drive shaft(s) from motor drive cubicle to tank cover shall be arranged in a straight vertical position (in an
angle of 90° from tank cover) and shall not be linked by any articulation installed at the motor drive side
outside the cabinet. Appropriate structure/ mounting brackets of an approved design may be provided by the
transformer manufacturer for these purposes to meet this requirement. Drive shafts on tank cover shall be
suitably and properly protected by corrosion proof metal covers (subject for approval).

The motor drive unit, plus all auxiliary equipment for operation of the tap changer, shall be incorporated in a
rigid control cabinet, protection degree IP 56 and shall be mounted onto the transformer tank in a convenient
floor height.

The driving gear shall be of the belt-type or equivalent dry-type gear. Oil filled driving gears are not acceptable.

The protective housing shall be of min. 6 mm thick cast aluminium and shall be of an extra-large size to prevent
impermissible heat and to allow accommodation of especially supplementary equipment. Cleaning and sur-
face preparation of the equipment shall be in accordance with the relevant Article below.

In case of swing-frames being installed in the cabinet the hinges of the outer door shall be arranged on the
side opposite to those of the swing-frames.

The complete wiring shall be of highly flexible stranded copper and furnished with slip-over ferrules at both
ends. Wiring shall have also crimped termination.

The minimum cross section of the wiring for power circuits shall be 2.5 mm², and that for control circuits and
step position transmitters shall be at least 1.5 mm².

The cabinet shall be mounted on a narrow side of transformer respective on alongside of reactor and the
following main equipment shall be installed:

Driving motor with adjustable motor protection equipment (setting range: approx. 120% - 150% of rated mo-
tor current)

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 Main switch for emergency stop (load break switch min. 40 A) marked up clearly with “STOP” onhere. label
made of synthetic resin (black characters on red background)
 Operation counter
 Control switch or push buttons for local raise/ lower operations (inside of the cabinet)
 Electrical limit switches
 Mechanical stops in end positions
 Step position indicator with imprinted position numbers, easily legible from ground floor (“1” related to
the position with the maximum high voltage)
 Local/ remote switch
 Voltage supervisory relays for phases of supply voltage and main circuits of control voltage
 MCB’s for each auxiliary supply circuit
 Hand lamp (controlled via door contact)
 One permanent heater
 One heater, thermostatically controlled
 Min. one conventional position transmitter of the resistor type
 Min. one additional position transmitter of the resistor type with tap position transducer, output: 4-20
mA, with individual MCB being provided in the motor drive cubicle
 Min. one conventional position transmitter of the contact type
 Min. one additional contact type position transmitter with diode-matrix for digital remote position indica-
 Additional end position contacts
 Spare plug socket LV, AC (10 A, DIN) with MCB 10 A
 Terminal blocks with terminals of single insertion type with isolating facilities and test connectors and
being universally suitable for connection of solid conductors from 1 mm² up to a cross-section of at least
6 mm², with ten percent spare terminals
 Aluminium plates showing the control circuits and all terminal blocks to be rigidly fixed directly onto the
inner side of the front door
 Crank handle for manual operation
 Padlock facilities for front door

All equipment installed in the cabinet shall be designed for a cubicle inside temperature of at least 70°C.

A rigid aluminium pocket for storing the concerned circuit diagram shall be securely fixed on the inner side of
the front door, besides aluminium plates showing the control circuits and terminal blocks.

The requirements to be met by the motor drive unit are summarised below:

 Mechanical indication of step position at the motor drive cabinet

 Transmission of step positions of the transformers to the load dispatch centre and to the local control
 Manual operation in the case of a failure in the electrical supply system
 Push button remote operation via the local control room and/ or via the load dispatch centre and remote
tap position indication
 Step-by-step operation with automatic stop after each step

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 No interference of the running tap changing procedure by permanent control switch/ push button action here.
 Operation from local or remote control switch shall cause one tap movement only unless the control
switch is returned to the “off” position between successful operations
 Automatic passage control for central taps
 Automatic restart of tap changing operation after a failure in the electrical supply system, interlocking to
be provided against simultaneous raise/ lower operation
 Blocking of end positions by means of limit switches
 Protection to prevent over-running of any tap position
 Provisions to be made for parallel running and automatic operation controlled by a voltage regulating
device and parallel control unit
 Motor operation via push buttons or lower-/ raise-switch
 Hand operation by means of a crank handle
 It must not be possible to operate the electrical drive when the manual operating gear is in use

All apparatus and instruments required for remote control as well as the connections and control cables run-
ning from the transformers towards the external and internal circuits of the substation are to be provided as
specified in the Scope of Work/ Scope of Supply.

11.2.28 Oil Filter Units

Stationary oil purification plants for drying and cleaning of the insulation oil in intermittent operation shall be

 with transformers for all OLTC (one per OLTC unit) not being of the vacuum interrupter principle. This
requirement is applicable independent on the insulation level of the neutral points to which the OLTC’s
may be connected, but is not applicable for use in generator step-up transformers unless specified other-
wise in the Technical Data Sheets,
 with reactors for all diverter switches (one per diverter switch unit).

Each oil filter unit shall comply with the following main ratings:

Type: outdoor, stationary type

Flow rate capacity: not less than 60 litres/min.
Filter accuracy: 12 µm or better
Residual water content in oil after filter: less than 10 PPM
Test pressure of tank: min. 5 bar

There shall be no air bubbles in the filtered oil return from the filter units to the OLTC so that the units can be
operated when the OLTC is in the service.

The oil filter units shall be automatically operated after each tap change operation. The operating time for the
pumps shall be variable (adjustable) from 10 to 180 minutes.

The oil filter units shall be of integral type, each having pump and filter element combined in one filter tank.
The filter tanks shall be fixed at the transformer tank on suitable mounting brackets at an approved location.

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Each filter tank shall be equipped with a pressure gauge and with a pressure relay for initiating of a signal here.in
case of over-pressure. The filter tank cover shall be removable for a ready access to each filter unit for inspec-
tion and replacement.

The pumps and filter elements shall be designed to operate with high temperature oil resulting from long-
time emergency loading as per IEC 60076-7 and shall not react with mineral oil. The filter elements shall be of
the combined type to remove any solid foreign substances and water in the oil. The feed and return pipes of
the filter tanks shall have min. 25 mm inside diameter with standard flange connectors to be connected to the
filter units via isolating valves. Appropriate drain and sampling valves shall be provided between the isolating
valves and the oil filter units. Suitable air release and drain plugs shall be provided for each filter unit, and
these drain and sampling valves shall have adapters with 1 ½" male thread fitted with screwed cap.

The complete oil treatment plant shall be delivered by the on-load tap changer manufacturer, and all related
control equipment shall be integrated in the motor drive cubicle as specified previously.

11.2.29 De-Energised Tap Changers (DETC)

Where required, manually operated de-energised tap changers (DETC) of the rotary type shall be supplied for
these transformers (MR or equivalent).

The tap changers shall be capable of withstanding at least 180% continuous loading without damage or exces-
sive heating without injury and all kinds of through-fault currents without damage.

The tap changer shall be gang-operated by an accessible crank handle from the ground at convenient floor
height, when the transformer is de-energised. Operation handle of distribution transformers shall not be lo-
cated in the cable connection box.

Hand wheels and cranks shall have padlock facilities.

A dial-type indicator with imprinted position numbers, easily legible from the ground, shall be used where “1”
is related to the position with the maximum high voltage.

The DETC shall be mounted from the cover into the transformer at a narrow side of the tank. The tap changer
head shall be equipped with a bleeding duct to be connected to Buchholz relay of main tank to avoid any gas
collection underneath the tap changer head.

No piping or other equipment shall be arranged beyond the tap changer head cover.

The equipment shall be mounted on a narrow side of the transformer and the following main equipment shall
be installed:

 Crank handle for manual operation (in a convenient floor height)

 Metal covers for drive shafts on tank cover (if applicable)
 Step position indicator ("1" related to the position with the maximum high voltage)
 Padlock facilities to prevent unauthorised operation

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11.2.30 Insulation Oil here.

The insulation oil shall be new inhibited naphthenic based mineral oil with anti-oxidant (phenol) additives, and
shall have properties such as to avoid formation of copper sulphide under continuous heavy loading conditions
even without passivator additives.

It shall be severely hydro-treated, and shall have properties complying with latest IEC 60296, and shall have
aging properties meeting Special Applications as specified in this standard. However, the typical dielectric dis-
sipation factor at 90°C shall not exceed 0.001 after laboratory treatment and, the typical flash point shall not
be less than 140°C.

Gas absorbing oil (e.g. oil with negative gassing tendency) shall not be provided.

With regard to more efficient detection of corrosive sulphur the oil shall have also passed tests in accordance
with IEC 62535, and ASTM D 1275 Method B. Both tests must be fulfilled.

The Bidder/ Contractor is held responsible to prove the dryness (water content in ppm) and all other proper-
ties of the oil before utilisation. The water content in ppm and the dielectric strength of the insulation oil shall
be also proved at site during commissioning.

11.2.31 Oil Conservator

Conservator vessels shall be provided in such a position as not to obstruct the electrical connections to the
equipment and it shall have sufficient capacity to allow for oil expansion from 0°C to 120°C. Conservator ves-
sels shall be sealed against each other and shall not be located directly on (beyond) the tank cover or at the
alongside of equipment tank.

Main tank conservator vessels shall be equipped with elastic diaphragms of the air-bag type.

Magnetic type oil level indicators showing the full level range shall be fitted to all oil vessels, being clearly
marked with the normal level at 30°C.

Tap changers of power transformers and reactors (VSR) shall have their own closed sub-section(s) in the con-
servator. To avoid unnecessary permanent stresses from switching compartment(s) of OLTC to that of the
equipment main tank all conservator compartments shall be designed in such a manner that at the same oil
temperature all oil levels are nearly equal, and the installation level of the conservator vessel(s) shall not ex-
ceed 3.5 m above tap changer head(s) to avoid impermissible stresses at any OLTC compartment when the
diverter and/ or vacuum switches are drawn out for maintenance.

The conservator vessel shall be fully vacuum proof and designed in such a way that it can be completely
drained by means of drain valves. Shut-off valves of the gate valve type shall be provided directly at the con-
servators for all oil piping connected to the conservators in addition to drain and other valves etc. to be
mounted at a convenient floor height. Conservator vessels shall be furnished with cleaning openings in such a
manner as to avoid damage of rubber diaphragms, i.e. the front walls of the conservators shall be completely
removable and shall be equipped with two lifting lugs each.

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A vacuum application valve and vacuum equalising valves for diaphragm(s) and for OLTC conservator(s)here. shall
be provided between the air-expansion pipes to the Silicagel breathers. The vacuum application valve and the
vacuum equalising valves between the conservators and for diaphragms shall be rigidly fixed at a convenient
floor height.

Each conservator vessel shall be fitted with a Silicagel breather of the maintenance-free type (Messko/ MR
type MTraB or equivalent) and, the supply voltage for the same shall be provided by the DC supply of the
substation. Refrigerator type of dehydrating breathers will not be accepted. The containers of the dehydrating
breathers shall not be of transparent plastics of any kind.

In view of excessive humidity the breathers shall be larger in size.

The Silicagel filling capacity of each breather for transformers shall be dependent on the size of the trans-
former, i.e. each having a minimum filling capacity of:

 Minimum 1 kg for OLTC conservators (if any) and for main conservators of equipment up to a rated power
of 8.5 MVA per unit.
 Minimum 2 kg for main conservators of transformers up to 50 MVA per unit.
 Minimum 4 kg for transformers up to 140 MVA per unit and for single phase units.
 Minimum 2 x 4 kg for transformers above 140 MVA per unit (i.e. one breather unit of 4 kg filling capacity
each is to be provided for each of the two parallel main conservators for transformers above 140 MVA per
unit as specified before).

The Silicagel filling capacity of each breather for reactors shall be dependent on the size of the shunt reactors,
i.e. each having a:

 Minimum filling capacity of 1 kg for the OLTC conservators (if any) and for main conservators of shunt
reactors up to a rated power of 10 MVAr per unit.
 Minimum 2 kg for main conservators of shunt reactors up to 63 MVAr per unit.
 Minimum 4 kg for shunt reactors above 63 MVAr per unit.

Breathers for transformer main conservators shall be provided with a self-learning system with condition-
dependent control of the bake out operation by monitoring of humidity and with temperature-dependent
specification of the optimum bake out time.

The dehydrating breathers shall be rigidly fastened by approved side mounting rods onto brackets at an ac-
cessible position in a convenient floor height.

11.2.32 Piping and Valves

All piping required for the connection/ filling of the various parts of the transformers as well as the valves
required for oil sampling, draining, filtering, connection of the radiators, drain and vent plugs, etc. are to be

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The inner diameter of vacuum application pipes shall be at least 40 mm, and that of main expansion pipes here.to
main conservator shall not be less than 80 mm and that for other piping other than small piping to Buchholz
gas testing devices shall not be less than 25 mm.

With distribution transformers the inner diameter of piping shall be not less than 25 mm.

All piping on tank cover shall be provided with suitable flanges for removal for transport etc. Flexible oil-pipes
other than those required as compensatory pieces for connecting conservators on separately mounted cooler
banks with the main expansion pipes to transformer tank are not acceptable.

Isolation valves shall be provided at the conservator to cut off the supply and to drain the conservator.

All flanges to which the valves are to be connected shall be welded leak-proof onto transformer tank and
piping etc. All piping shall be rigidly supported by corresponding and proper appliances.

All valves for draining, oil sampling, filling, filtering, vacuum application and vacuum equalising shall be
mounted at a convenient floor height and shall be equipped with approved rigid padlocking facilities provided
with padlocks for a master key system for each transformer/ reactor.

All isolation valves and shut-off valves other than butterfly valves for radiators shall be proper slide valves, i.e.
globe and/ or gate valves equipped with adequate operation handles and position indicators (“open”/ “shut”).
Ball-type valves of any kind shall not be provided.

All gate valves in any piping to conservators shall be arranged such as to avoid gas collection in the heads of
the same.

 For distribution transformers all filter valves and drain valves shall have adapters with ¾” or 1½” male
thread fitted with screwed captive cap. One suitable adapter (including oil sampling hose) shall be deliv-
ered for each transformer as mandatory tools to allow direct oil-sampling.
 For distribution transformers with oil conservator all filter valves and drain valves shall have adapters with
1½” male thread fitted with screwed captive cap.
 For power transformers and reactors all drain valves and filter valves shall have adapters with 1½” male
thread fitted with screwed captive cap. Oil sampling valves for transformer main tank shall have the same
with ¾” male thread. Any kind of female threads other than in caps fitted onto sampling and filter valves
in accordance with Specifications are not acceptable. In addition two suitable adapters 1½” and ¾” (in-
cluding oil sampling hoses) for all types of oil-sampling and filter valves shall be delivered for each trans-
former as mandatory tools to allow direct oil-sampling.

Suitable oil sampling valves having adapters with 1½” male thread fitted with screwed cap shall be provided
for all kinds of OLTC.

11.2.33 Measuring and Monitoring Equipment

This item is applicable for equipment of rated power of 2500 kVA and above.

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The equipment of this item shall be wired up to terminal blocks inside the control kiosk. The complete wiring here.
shall be of highly flexible stranded copper and shall be furnished with approved slip over ferrules at both ends.

All equipment installed in control and marshalling cabinets shall be designed for a cubicle inside temperature
of at least 70°C.

Thermometers and thermostats shall be provided with contact units adjustable to scale and easily accessible
when removing the lid. All monitoring equipment arranged outside the cabinet(s) shall be of protection degree
IP 55. Sight glasses of thermometers and oil level indicators as well as those of oil flow indicators (if any) shall
be of sand-storm proof laminated safety glass. No sight glasses of transparent plastics shall be provided for
any of these indicators.

Thermometers shall be arranged in an approved manner under corrosion-proof covers above the control ki-
osk. Capillaries shall be properly protected throughout the total length by appropriate flexible steel conduits
and shall enter the instruments from bottom side. To avoid damages at the connection points of capillary
tubes to temperature detectors all heads of these sensors shall be suitably and completely covered. Thermom-
eter pockets shall be arranged in the vicinity nearest to the active part and shall not be subjected to imper-
missible stray flux.

11.2.34 Name Plates and Other Designation Plates

Plates made of corrosion-proof material rigidly supported shall be supplied as specified hereinafter. Plates
arranged outside control and marshalling cubicles shall be of polished stainless steel of top quality only, i.e.
Cr-Ni-Mo-Ti alloyed stainless steel of grade EN 1.4571 and/ or ASTM 316Ti (background clear, engraving black,
2 mm thick, depth of engraving 0.5 mm). Plates arranged inside control and marshalling cabinets other than
OLTC motor drive cubicle shall be made of engraved polished Cr-Ni alloyed stainless steel (at least grade EN
1.4301 or ASTM304). Plates arranged in OLTC motor drive cubicle shall be made of aluminium.

 A rating plate in accordance with IEC 60076. This plate shall also indicate the LI and AC withstand levels
for all windings and, in addition, the switching impulse level for windings of Um= 245 kV and above.
 A connection diagram plate showing in an approved manner in detail the internal connections and the
voltage vector relationship of the several windings in accordance with IEC and in addition a plan view of
the transformer/ reactor giving the correct physical relationship of the terminals.
 A plate showing all control, measuring and monitoring circuits and terminal blocks.
 A loading plan plate showing transport dimensions and masses. This plate shall also warn the erection
staff, not to remove any cover before filling the tank with oil to such a level where the windings are not
exposed to the atmosphere.
 Plates showing in an approved manner all control, measuring and monitoring circuits and terminal blocks.
These plates shall be rigidly fixed at the inner side of the front door of the concerned control cabinets and
in marshalling kiosk, with small distribution transformers this plate shall be located inside the terminal

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Additionally for power transformer, shunt reactor and distribution transformer of 2500 kVAhere. and

 A plate showing the location and function of all valves and air release cocks, plugs and all monitoring
equipment, etc. in the plan view and in the different elevations of the transformer. This plate shall also
warn the operator to refer to maintenance instructions before applying vacuum treatment and not to
operate vacuum application and vacuum equalising valves after oil filling under vacuum.
 Identification plates, alpha-numerical numbered in accordance with the relevant standard, for all fans,
marshalling cabinets, breathers, valves, cocks, accessories etc. (minimum size: 105 mm x 50 mm) rigidly
fastened by rivets on unpainted unpolished base plates of same material. In addition the function (de-
scription) of the related devices shall be clearly indicated on these plates. The alpha-numerical numbers
on the identification plates shall be of such a size as to be clearly legible from the floor level.
 A diagram plate indicating the exact oil quantity required in the conservators above minimum level de-
pendent on the oil temperature.

Additionally for power transformer and shunt reactor:

 A loading plan plate showing transport dimensions and masses. It shall include total mass, untanking mass,
transportation mass and insulation liquid mass. This plate shall also warn the erection staff, not to remove
any cover before filling the tank with oil to such a level where the windings are not exposed to the atmos-
 Plates showing in an approved manner the control circuits of the OLTC. These plates shall be rigidly fixed
at the inner side of the front door of the motor drive cubicle.

Additionally for shunt reactor:

 A table showing in detail the individual reactive power and the related impedance in Ω/ phase of all taps
for variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) with OLTC shall be also included in the rating plate.

11.2.35 Drawings and Documents

The following drawings and documents shall be submitted individually for approval as a minimum require-

11.2.36 Transformer

Power Trans- Distribution Distribution Distribution

former and Earthing and Earthing Transformer
Transformer up Transformer dry-type
to 2500 kVA above 2500 kVA
Technical Data Sheets X X X X

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Power Trans- Distribution Distribution Distribution
former and Earthing and Earthing Transformer
Transformer up Transformer dry-type
to 2500 kVA above 2500 kVA
Study for requirements of final de-
sign and to proof sufficient selec-
tion of rated short-time current du-
Painting Procedure X X X X
Specification of the Insulation Oil X X X
Outline Drawing X X X X
Parts List for Outline Drawing X X X X
Outline and Arrangement of Pro-
tective Housing (if provided)
Circuit Diagram for Control and
Monitoring Equipment
Rating Plate X X X X
Connection Diagram Plate X X X X
Loading Plan Plate X X
Plate for Arrangement of Valves
and Accessories
Plate for Auxiliary Wiring X X
Outline and List of Numbered
Plates and their Fixing
Termination Boxes X X X
Bushings X X X
Outline of Radiator X X
Outline of Fan Unit X
Outline of Cooling Pump (if any) X
Mechanical Protection of Auxiliary
Wiring and Capillaries
Motor Drive (circuit diagram plus
parts list etc.)
Earthing and Insulation of Core X
Locking Facilities and Accessories X X
for Valves
Control/ Marshalling Cabinet Lay- X X

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Power Trans- Distribution Distribution Distribution
former and Earthing and Earthing Transformer
Transformer up Transformer dry-type
to 2500 kVA above 2500 kVA
Factory Test Procedure and Test
Schedules for Factory Tests
Commissioning Test Procedure and
Report Form
Factory Test Report (submitted af-
ter witness tests)
Operation and Maintenance Man-
ual including Test Reports

11.2.37 Reactor

Shunt Reac- Shunt Reac- Neutral-Ground- Filter Reactors

tors tors, ing, Filter and (gapped iron
dry-type Damping Reactors core, indoor
(air-core type) type)
Technical Data Sheets X X X X
Study for requirements of final de-
sign and to proof sufficient selec-
tion of rated short-time current du-
Diagram for minimum magnetic
Painting Procedure X X X X
Specification of the Insulation Oil X
Outline Drawing X X X X
Parts List for Outline Drawing X X X X
Circuit Diagram for Control and
Monitoring Equipment
Rating Plate X X X X
Connection Diagram Plate X X X X
Loading Plan Plate X
Plate for Arrangement of Valves
and Accessories
Plate for Auxiliary Wiring X
Outline and List of Numbered
Plates and their Fixing

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Shunt Reac- Shunt Reac- Neutral-Ground- Filter Reactors
tors tors, ing, Filter and (gapped iron
dry-type Damping Reactors core, indoor
(air-core type) type)
Outline of Radiator X
Post Insulators and Mounting Facil-
Termination Boxes X
Bushings X
Mechanical Protection of Auxiliary
Wiring and Capillaries
Motor Drive (circuit diagram plus
parts list etc.)
Earthing and Insulation of Core X
Locking Facilities and Accessories
for Valves
Control/ Marshalling Cabinet Lay-
Factory Test Procedure and Test
Schedules for Factory Tests
Commissioning Test Procedure and
Report Form
Factory Test Report (submitted af-
ter witness tests)
Operation and Maintenance Man-
ual including Test Reports

11.2.38 Inspections and Tests

Each of the transformers/ reactors shall be subjected to inspections and witness tests to be performed at the
manufacturer’s premises and test shop, recognised and certified at least by ISO 9001, and at site, as specified
hereinafter to verify their conformity with the guaranteed and other design data.

The tests shall be performed in accordance with the latest issues of the Recommendations of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC-standards) supplemented by these specifications.

The transformers/ reactors being ready for test shall be completely assembled including all original equipment
and original accessories. For transformers/ reactors equipped with Oil/ SF6 bushings only, use of temporary
equivalent liquid/ air bushings instead may be approved in accordance with IEC 60076, provided that the liq-
uid-immersed end of the test bushing is identical to the service bushing and the service bushing is tested to at
least the same level as the equipment.

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During all applicable witness tests of filter reactors the applied test frequency has to be supervised and here. to be
stated in the test reports.

All of those measurements (instrument readings) shall be performed at a convenient floor height.

In the event of test results not satisfying the requirements of the Technical Specifications or guaranteed per-
formance, the Bidder/ Contractor shall improve the equipment until satisfactory results are obtained and shall
conduct retests at his own expense. All expenses incurred by the Engineer in attending the retest shall be
borne by the Bidder/ Contractor.

Should any one of the results of the tests prescribed in the Technical Specifications fails a third time to satisfy
the requirements of the Specifications, or if the equipment does not satisfy the guaranteed performance, the
Engineer may at his own volition and option refuse acceptance of the equipment and require the Equipment
to be replaced or alternatively accept the Equipment upon reduction in the Contract Price.

The Contractor is obliged to submit a detailed test procedure - including detailed test connections for all die-
lectric tests and data of test equipment used for impulse tests - for approval in due time, prior to the tests (at
the latest three months before testing). Detailed test schedules separately for each unit showing working-day-
wise when each of the witness tests will be carried out (max. 10 hours per working day, and at day time) shall
be submitted for approval along with the test procedure as above.

All test protocols shall be submitted, test protocols shall clearly show acceptance criteria as e.g. expected
value and appropriate tolerances. Test procedures and test protocols shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Compilation of test protocols shall be covered by a table of contents, clearly structured by the rele-
vant standards and their sub-clauses.

Detailed test requirements for the different types of transformers/ reactors are given in the particular require-
ments of that equipment.

11.2.39 Harmonics

The transformers shall be designed with attention to the suppression of harmonic voltages, especially the third
and fifth, to eliminate wave form distortion and any possibility of high frequency disturbance by inductive
effect or of circulating currents between the neutral points of different transformers and generators reaching
such a magnitude as to cause interference with telephone or communication circuits or other undesirable

The percentage deformation, appearing in the voltage wave of one winding of a transformer, when the other
winding is energised from a source of pure sine wave of the fundamental wave amplitude, shall not exceed
the value given in the data sheets.

The harmonics of the no-load current in the three phases are measured and the magnitude of the harmonics
is expressed as a percentage of the fundamental component.

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11.3 Painting here.

Due to the unfavourable atmospheric conditions, particular attention shall be given to the corrosion protec-
tion of all metal parts of equipment not installed in air-conditioned rooms.

The following treatments shall be applied:

11.3.1 External Surfaces

All steel surfaces of solid type transformer and reactor tanks, conservators, cable boxes, etc. shall be sand
blasted in accordance with DIN 55928, Part 4 (equivalent to SIS 055900), and all surfaces of radiators and
corrugated tank walls shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale, grease and dirt and other foreign matter and
all imperfections shall be removed by means of approved methods.

Then the following painting systems shall be applied as specified below.

Solid type transformer and reactor tanks, conservators, cable boxes etc.:

One (1) primer coat

Two-component epoxy zinc-phosphate or m 100
Two-component epoxy zinc-dust
One (1) intermediate coat
m 100
Two-component epoxy micaceous iron oxide
One (1) top coat
m 40
Two-component polyurethane
Minimum total coating thickness (dry-film, incl. tolerances) m 240

Corrugated sheet steel tanks, radiators:

One (1) primer coat

Two-component epoxy zinc-phosphate or m 100
Two-component epoxy zinc-flake
One (1) intermediate coat
m 100
Two-component epoxy micaceous iron oxide
One (1) top coat
m 40
Two-component polyurethane
Minimum total coating thickness (dry-film, incl. tolerances) m 240

If any hot-dip galvanised steel parts will be provided, e.g. for access ladders etc., the same painting methods
as above shall be applied. However, instead of a primer coat as specified above one adhesive base coat shall
be applied. In this case, the minimum thickness of galvanising shall be 55 m. However, a two-component
epoxy zinc-dust coat instead of hot-dip galvanising is preferred. Radiators shall not be hot-dip galvanised.

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In case of any kind of aluminium and/ or ordinary stainless steel (Cr-Ni alloyed only) the primer coat as above here.
may be omitted, and the minimum thickness of the “intermediate” coat and of the top coat as specified above
shall be at least 50 m each (total minimum 100 m).

The final coat of painting shall be non-porous and of homogeneous quality and shall be of a uniform shade of
colour code RAL 7032 (pebble-grey). For OLTC equipment and sub-supplier’s accessories only, the colour code
as per manufacturer’s standard may be also accepted, on condition that a two-component epoxy based un-
dercoat (minimum thickness 80 m) and a two-component polyurethane based top coat (minimum thick-ness
8 m) will be applied. The total dry-film thickness shall not be less than 160 m.

Mechanical damage of painting shall be repaired at site with the same original type of painting as above.

11.3.2 Internal Surfaces

Inside the power transformer and shunt rector vessels, sand-blasting shall be performed in accordance with
DIN 55928 Part 4 (equivalent to SIS 055900). After that, an oil and gas resistant insulating coating shall be
applied to all steel surfaces in contact with oil or gas (e.g. tank, cover, core steel plates, etc.).

The minimum dry-film thickness shall be 35 m. The applicable colour code shall be RAL 9010 (white) or equiv-

11.4 Capitalisation of Losses

When evaluating the individual tenders received from the various Tenderers the transformer and reactor
losses will be capitalised as indicated in the commercial part of contract.

Loss determination shall be performed in accordance with IEC 60076. For three winding transformers IEC
60076-8 subclause 7.7 is applicable.

The auxiliary power losses for cooling fans and pumps (if any) of transformers will be added to the load losses.

11.5 Guaranteed Values and Penalties

The guaranteed values tendered by the Contractor in the Technical Data Sheets shall be strictly observed by
both the Contractor and the Employer.

For the guarantee data not mentioned hereinafter tolerances in accordance with IEC 60076 shall apply.

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11.5.1 Losses here.

Power Transformers

If the no load losses of a power transformer exceed the guaranteed value, a penalty as indicated in the com-
mercial part of contract for each full kW in excess of the guaranteed value will be deducted from the Contract

If the load losses (plus auxiliary power losses) of a power transformer exceed the value guaranteed, a penalty
as indicated in the commercial part of contract for each full kW in excess of the guaranteed value will be
deducted from the Contract Price.

It is thereby understood that values of 0.5 kW and above will be rounded up to the next full kW.

Shunt Reactors

If the total losses of a reactor (related to the specified full reactive power output) exceed the guaranteed
value, a penalty as indicated in the commercial part of contract for each full kW in excess of the guaranteed
value will be de-ducted from the Contract Price.

It is thereby understood that values of 0.5 kW and above will be rounded up to the next full kW.

11.5.2 Rated Power and Output

If the test of temperature rise carried out on any transformer should reveal that the temperature rise of the
transformer exceeds the values guaranteed, the rated power and output of the transformer at operation con-
ditions as specified above will have to be down rated to such a degree as to obtain the temperature rise guar-
anteed. For each kVA of the actual transformer rating below the guaranteed rated power and output as spec-
ified previously, a penalty as indicated in the commercial part of contract will be deducted from the Contract
Price of this transformer and all those transformers of the same design unless the Contractor, at his own ex-
pense, gives evidence that those transformers fulfil the guaranteed values.

If the test carried out on any reactor should reveal that the actual full reactive power output at rated voltage
is less than guaranteed, a penalty as indicated in the commercial part of the contract for each kVAr less than
the guaranteed value will be de-ducted from the Contract Price of this reactor and all those reactors of the
same design unless the Contractor, at his own expense, gives evidence that those reactors fulfil the guaranteed

11.5.3 Noise Level

Should the noise level (at maximum power output and at Umax.) at the specified distance exceed the required
values for power transformers and/ or reactors, the Employer will penalise the excess at a penalty rate as
indicated in the commercial part of the contract. Hereby is understood that values of 0.5 dB(A) and above will
be rounded up to the next full two dB(A).

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11.5.4 Rejection here.

The Employer shall have the right to reject any transformer or reactor if the actual values are in excess of the
guaranteed values by more than the margins specified hereunder (including the tolerances):

Transformers Reactors

No load losses + 15% -

Load losses (at full rated power) + 15% -
Total losses + 10% + 10%
Noise level (sound pressure) + 3 dB(A) + 3 dB(A)
Temperature rise limit + 1.0 K + 0.0 K

*) wherever specified for in any part and/ or section of these specifications

For all of the other values (including specified maximum and minimum power output of VSR) the margins
stated in IEC standards are applicable, unless specified otherwise elsewhere in these Specifications.

11.6 Transport

The core and coils shall be completely dried before shipment and shall be assembled with the transformer
and/ or reactor tank.

To facilitate safe handling and shipping of power transformers and shunt reactors, as many external accesso-
ries as possible, including the bushings, shall be removed and replaced with special shipping covers. Transport
of completely assembled power transformers and/ or shunt reactors is not acceptable.

Butterfly valves and/ or other isolating valves mounted directly on tank walls shall not be removed for
transport to avoid ingress of humidity during installation at site. All of those parts dismantled for shipment
shall be fitted again only after filling the tank with oil to such a level where windings will not be exposed to
the atmosphere.

Bushings, radiators and other accessories which may be affected by moisture shall be moisture proof packed
in seaworthy packing. Packing material, including oil drums, shall not be returned.

As far as is practicable the power transformers and shunt reactors shall be supplied and shipped with their
initial oil filling in the main tank.

If the transportation of the power transformers and/ or shunt reactors with oil filling is not practicable, they
shall be despatched with automatic dry nitrogen or dried air filling arrangement. During transport, each power
transformer and/ or each oil-immersed shunt reactor shall be equipped with devices maintaining a constant
pressure in the equipment concerned and facilitating tapping up by suitable automatic facilities from reserve
bottles. In this case, drained oil of at least the same quality as used during factory tests shall be delivered in
drums or containers in a sufficient quantity to refill the transformers/ reactors and to replenish losses during
subsequent processing at site.

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11.7 Impact Recorders here.

Electronic transport monitors (impact recorders with electronic data storage), capable of indicating all hori-
zontal and vertical impacts, shall be rigidly attached to each power transformer and shunt reactor. Two impact
recorders shall be provided for each transformer and/ or reactor unit as above.

Provisions must be made to ensure that these indicators are sealed, that they will be completely functional
without interruption of indicated records during the entire period of shipment, including loading and unload-
ing, and to ensure that the Employer will receive clearly indicated data by breaking the seal. Instructions for
interpretation of the recorded data and a user manual for the equipment shall be provided prior to shipment.

11.8 Particular Requirements Power Transformers

Additionally to the requirements given above particular requirements as given below are required for Power

11.8.1 General

The following minimum values of hot-spot factors each for thermal evaluation of the winding hot-spot tem-
perature rise by calculation shall be applied as a minimum requirement, i.e. min. 1.3 for windings not exceed-
ing Um: 72.5 kV and not less than 1.5 for all windings from Um: 100 kV and above. This is applicable in addition
to the relevant guidance of IEC 60076-2.

The transformers shall be also designed for continuous operation at any tap position within the specified tem-
perature rise limits as above at their full rated power at 5 (five) percent under-excitation/ under-voltage con-
ditions applied from any winding of the transformers (to be verified by steady state temperature rise test).
This is applicable for the highest name plate rating of the transformer at the related kind of cooling as specified
for, and for all tap changer settings.

The transformers shall be also capable of operating continuously at all tap changer settings at 115 (one-hun-
dred and fifteen) percent excitation at long-time emergency loading conditions within the temperature limits
as specified IEC 60076-7, but at 30°C ambient temperature. This is applicable for the highest name plate rating
of the transformer and at related kind of cooling as specified for the highest name plate rating.

The transformers, completely assembled with tap changers, bushings, cable boxes and/ or flange connections
etc. shall be also designed and constructed to withstand without damages the effects of short circuits as per
IEC 60076-5 for at least 3 (three) seconds during and after long-time emergency loading conditions as specified
in IEC 60076-7, but at 30°C ambient temperature.

The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of harmonic voltages to elim-
inate wave form distortion and from any possibility of high frequency disturbances reaching such a magnitude
to cause interference with communication circuits.

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Built-in short circuit limiting reactors, if any, shall not be installed in a separate tank appended to the here. main

11.8.2 Windings

Due to the possibility of high transferred over-voltages medium voltage windings in power transformers hav-
ing HV windings of Um= 100 kV and above shall be designed for not less than LI: 125 kV/ AC: 50 kV. None of
the windings shall be insulated for less than LI: 95 kV/ AC: 38 kV.

Built-in series reactors, if provided, are only permitted to be connected directly in-line with the leads to the
entrances of delta-connected tertiary windings within the delta itself (subject for approval), and they shall be
designed and arranged with particular attention to keep all transferred over-voltages as low as possible and
to avoid serious resonances. Built-in neutral grounding reactors will not be accepted.

All windings and their leads shall be designed and arranged such as to withstand all kinds of over-voltages
which may be transferred from any other winding etc. Protective capacitors shall not be provided for any of
the windings. Non-linear ZnO protective elements in any windings other than regulation windings and in OLTC
will not be accepted.

Windings shall be of best modern design with conductors having practically constant cross-section along the
whole windings, and the current densities shall not exceed 3 A/mm² in any part of the windings under rated
conditions. Electrolytic copper of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality shall be used.

The insulation material of windings and connections shall be free from insulation compounds subject to sof-
tening, shrinking or collapsing during service. Moreover, none of the material used shall disintegrate, carbon-
ise or become brittle under the action of hot oil, under all specified load conditions.

Use of any kind of wood for insulation parts subject to test voltage stresses of LI: 550 kV and/ or AC: 230 kV
and above across the insulation material is not acceptable, and the Contractor/ Manufacturer is held fully
responsible for all insulation material selected.

For transformers installed indoor only thermally upgraded insulation material as described in the relevant
standards shall be used to guarantee operation at full transformer loading as specified at yearly average am-
bient air temperatures of 40°C (not exceeding daily average ambient air temperatures of 40°C in the trans-
former box) without any loss of regular/ normal life span.

Regulation windings for delta connected power windings shall be provided in mid-winding connection and,
regulation windings of auto-transformers and of step-up transformers shall be of the reversing type exclu-

Generally, all of the transformers shall have the highest losses at the highest current taps (lowest voltage taps)
and, the values for impedance voltages on extreme tappings shall not deviate from those for principal tappings
by a percentage value of more than the difference in percentage tapping factor between the concerned tap-
pings and the principal tappings. This is applicable independent on the type and arrangement of regulation

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11.8.3 Magnetic Core here.

The joints of limbs and yokes shall be designed and constructed to keep the no-load losses and the hot spot
temperature in the magnetic core as well as the noise level as low as possible by application of the step-lap
core stacking method.

To prevent closed magnetic circuit via the tank, the top main core clamping structure shall not be connected
directly to the tank cover. The magnetic core shall be earthed to the tank cover at one point only through
removable links in an appropriate terminal box, placed in an accessible position on the tank cover and which,
by disconnection, will enable the insulation between the core and transformer tank, etc., to be tested at volt-
ages up to 2.5 kV for the purpose of checking deterioration during service.

Magnetic circuits with an insulated sectional construction shall be provided with a separate link for each indi-
vidual section. Where oil ducts or insulating barriers parallel to the plane of the laminations divide the mag-
netic circuit into two or more electrically separate parts, the ducts or barriers shall be bridged and the mag-
netic circuit shall not be regarded as being of sectional construction.

The main earthing connection shall have a cross sectional area of not less than 70 mm² but connections in-
serted between laminations may have cross sectional area reduced to a minimum of 16 mm².

11.8.4 Transformer Tank

Tank stiffeners shall be provided as required, and these shall be designed to avoid water penetration. Tank
stiffeners shall not be provided with drillings for any kind of fixing material like bolts etc. Tank stiffeners on
tank walls for indoor installed transformers shall be arranged in a vertical position only (subject for approval).

The tank bottom shall be of one plane and shall be a heavy rigid base structure. The four tank walls shall be
plane and practically of one piece each and shall be welded directly onto the tank bottom without steps and
without any additional welded and/ or bolted flanges.

If heavy steel cross beams are provided as a rigid base structure the thickness of tank bottom shall not be less
than 12 mm. In case of self-supporting tank bottom without heavy steel cross beams the bottom plate shall
have a minimum thickness of 25 mm for transformers up to 30 MVA per unit, min. 30 mm for transformers up
to 63 MVA per unit, min. 40 mm for transformers up to 125 MVA per unit and at least 50 mm for transformers
above 125 MVA per unit. Laminated tank bottom will not be accepted.

Power transformers shall be equipped with manholes and hand-holes of suitable size to facilitate installation
and maintenance (i.e. tap changers, current transformers, bushings etc.). Manholes for tap changers shall have
size of minimum 800 mm x 350 mm, and they shall be arranged in a convenient floor height (subject for ap-
proval). All openings in the cover of the transformer tank for bushings, manholes and terminal boxes shall be
provided with adequate flanges.

Covers for inspection openings, hand-holes etc. located on the tank cover shall be provided with adequate gas
stoppers. All inspection covers etc. shall be provided with two lifting handles each. It must be possible to
remove any bushing completely without removing the tank cover.

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The tank cover and all covers for mounting, cleaning, manholes, hand holes and inspection openings onhere. tank
etc. shall be earthed by suitable grounding conductors of the flexible type having a cross section of minimum
95 mm². Appropriate earthing studs with bolts and washers shall be provided, all made of stainless steel.

The following moving and handling facilities additionally shall be provided for each transformer:

 Oil sampling valves (top and bottom) with suitable adapters of R ¾” male thread fitted with screwed cap
for direct connection of oil sampling facilities shall be provided and shall be arranged diagonally on one
tank wall at a convenient floor height.
 Minimum 3 (three) air vent plugs in tank cover at approved locations each close to tank outlets to the
cooling equipment suitable for temporary installation of temperature sensors directly in the hot trans-
former oil during heat-run tests.
 Minimum 3 (three) spare thermometer pockets (instead of the air vent plugs as before) in tank cover at
approved locations close to tank outlets to the cooling equipment, if required.

11.8.5 Current Transformers

Current transformers to be provided in leads directly connected to bushings shall be installed in suitable bush-
ing turrets as specified above. CT’s installed in the leads from winding exits before connecting the neutral
point shall be arranged in the upper part of the transformer and they shall be easily accessible through ap-
proved manholes on tank cover.

Current transformers to be provided between corners of stabilising windings and ground shall be of the out-
door type and shall be located outside the transformer tank (e.g. on tank cover etc., subject for approval).

All of the concerned bushing turrets shall be equipped with appropriate current transformer termination
boxes for direct connection of the related CT’s. Separate termination boxes shall be provided for current trans-
formers for protection and those used for thermal replica.

11.8.6 On-Load Tap Changers (OLTC)

The OLTC shall withstand all kinds of through-fault currents without damage. All OLTC connected to uniformly
insulated windings shall have at least same LI and/ or AC voltage withstand levels as the related windings.
OLTC connected to line terminals of auto transformers shall be insulated for minimum one basic lightning
impulse withstand level higher than that as specified for the related line terminals.

In case of auto-transformers all internal components of OLTC shall be protected by suitable means (e.g. by
additional shielding rings) from all effects of high stresses resulting from electrical field caused by stresses of
dielectric tests, wherever deemed necessary.

The power of the transformers shall remain constant at all tap positions, and the OLTC shall be capable of
successful tap changes for the maximum current to which the transformer can be loaded.

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The permissible continuous through-current of each tap changer unit at rated switching capacity shall here. cover
long-time emergency loading as per IEC 60076-7 at highest current tap and at rated system operation voltage
applied on the transformer terminals.

Any parallel connection of tap changers is not acceptable and, any tap changer designs requiring “forced cur-
rent splitting” by two parallel winding branches shall not be provided.

The AC supply of the motor drive cabinet shall occur via the control cabinet for cooling equipment or marshal-
ling box, and an appropriate MCB with trip contact shall be provided in the concerned cabinet for the outgoing
auxiliary supply cable.

11.8.7 Parallel Operation and Voltage Regulation

The power transformers of each station shall be able to be operated in parallel. Suitable automatic paralleling
equipment shall be provided which can be operated by selector switches mounted on the transformer control
panel at the control room and via the load dispatch centre.

The equipment required for automatic voltage regulation such as the voltage regulating relay, auxiliary relays,
meters, switches, overload blocking facilities, signal lamps, test terminals, etc. and all other accessories nec-
essary for operation such as connections and control cables running from the transformer towards the exter-
nal and internal circuits of the substation are to be provided under the Substation Contract.

11.8.8 Performance Characteristics of Motors

 The motors shall be capable of giving rated output without reduction in the expected life span when op-
erated continuously under the following supply conditions:

variation of supply voltage from rated motor voltage ± 10%

variation of frequency ± 5%

combined over- or under-excitation ± 10%

 The motors shall be capable of starting and maintaining the load with the applicable method of starting
without exceeding acceptable winding temperature when the supply voltage is in the range of 85% of the
rated supply voltage.
 The motors shall be suitable for full voltage direct on line starting.
 AC motors shall be of the three-phase inner squirrel-cage type.
 The vibrations of motors shall be within the limits specified in applicable standards.
 Insulation shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment suitable for hot, humid climate, and the thermal
class of insulation shall be 155 (F).
 The protection degree of the motors shall be at least IP 55.

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11.8.9 Oil Conservator here.

Two main conservator vessels shall be provided for transformers cooled by separately mounted radiator banks
as specified above. They shall be arranged along/ beyond the outer cooler banks. Oil-resistant flexible steel
pipes of short lengths and of an approved design may be provided only as compensatory pieces for connecting
of such conservators with the main expansion pipes to the transformer tank.

11.8.10 Measuring and Monitoring Equipment

The following standard accessories shall be provided for each power transformer unit:

 1 (one) twin float Buchholz relay (DN80) for transformer tank with metal gas sampling and testing device
with sight-glass, and to be operated from the ground at convenient floor height. The Buchholz relay must
be free from operation caused by pump surges. The pipes connecting the Buchholz relay shall have gate
valves on the conservator and tank side (easily accessible from tank cover) to enable dismantling of the
relay without oil leakage. Small piping from Buchholz relay to gas sampling and testing devices shall be
covered throughout the total length by approved flexible steel conduits as specified below.
 1 (one) twin float Buchholz relay (DN25) as before for the oil filled cable terminal boxes of each winding
commonly (in case of two cable boxes for neutrals: one common twin float Buchholz relay in addition.
 1 (one) single-float gas-detector relay (DN25) with alarm contact connected to the highest point of main
conservator as a leakage detector for diaphragm.
 1 (one) protective relay with trip contact (MR or equivalent) for diverter switch of OLTC. The pipes con-
necting the relay shall have gate valves on the conservator side (easily accessible from tank cover).
 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type oper-
ation indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection degree IP 65 for OLTC. The micro-
switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box of protection degree IP 55
with terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-section up to 2.5 mm².
 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type oper-
ation indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection degree IP 65 (for transformers
above 63 MVA per unit two pressure relief valves arranged on opposite ends on the tank cover). The micro-
switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box of protection degree IP 55
with terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-section up to 2.5 mm².
 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type oper-
ation indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection degree IP 65 as before for each
oil-filled cable box. The micro-switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box
of protection degree IP 55 with terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-
section up to 2.5 mm².
 2 (two) dial type thermometer for top oil temperature (Messko/ MR - System Tracy or equivalent) with
radial type main and maximum pointer, remote indicator (PT100), and four adjustable contacts for oil
temperature alarm and trip (at 95°C and 105°C) and switching OFF the cooling groups (at 65°C and 55°C).
The range of temperature indication shall be from 0°C to 140°C. In addition, one signal conditioner with
4-20 mA output, with individual MCB, for remote temperature indication shall be provided in the control

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 1 (one) thermal replica to be connected to each power winding via current transformer (for auto-trans- here.
formers an additional CT is required in the lead to the primary terminal to give a true image of the tem-
perature in the common/ secondary winding). These current transformers shall have accuracy 3 (three)
percent, and the rated primary current shall correspond to the rated current of the related transformer
winding. The effective resulting rated secondary current shall be 2 Amps. Matching units between current
transformers and thermal replicas shall not be provided.
 1 (one) dial type thermometer (Messko/ MR - System Tracy or equivalent) with radial type maximum
pointer and heating coil in thermometer pocket in tank cover for each thermal replica with two remote
indicators (PT100) and four adjustable contacts for winding hot spot temperature alarm and trip (at 115°C
and 130°C) and switching ON the cooling groups (at 75°C and 85°C). The range of temperature indication
shall be from 0°C to 160°C. In addition, a signal conditioner with 4-20 mA output, with individual MCB, for
remote temperature indication shall be provided in the control cabinet.
 1 (one) magnetic type oil level indicator (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with adjustable alarm contacts (min-
imum and maximum oil level) for each main conservator vessel.
 1 (one) magnetic type oil level indicator (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with adjustable alarm contacts (min-
imum and maximum oil level) for each conservator vessel for OLTC.
 1 (one) oil-flow indicator (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with alarm contact for each cooling pump (forced-
oil cooled transformers only).
 1 (one) ammeter for checking the output of the current transformer of each thermal replica (also to be
used during calibration). Ammeters shall have over-load scale up to at least 150%. A three-position
change-over switch for different functions is to be provided for each ammeter (subject for approval).

11.8.11 Inspections and Tests

In addition to the specified witness tests the measurements of the voltage ratio, check of vector group, the
measurement of the insulation resistance core against ground (R 60 sec.) and the measurements of the wind-
ing resistances (phase-wise as below), as well as the measurement of no-load losses shall be carried out by
the Contractor/ Manufacturer internally prior to the acceptance tests, and their results shall be presented to
the Employer/ ENGINEER during pre-test meeting prior to the witness tests.

Presentation of such internal test reports is considered for information only and shall not release the Contrac-
tor/ Manufacturer from his obligation to repeat the same tests as witness tests.

Successful witness type and routine tests shall be performed on one unit of each type before application of
routine tests on any other unit of the same type. During all applicable witness tests the applied test frequency
has to be supervised and to be stated in the test reports.

11.8.12 Factory Tests

The following tests shall be performed in the presence of the Employer/ ENGINEER:

Routine Tests

 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions (after dielectric tests).

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 Check of vector group by voltmeter method (after dielectric tests). here.
 Measurement of winding resistances of all phases (phase to neutral, where applicable) and at all tap po-
sitions (after dielectric tests).
 Measurement of no load losses and current from 90% to minimum 120% of rated voltage and/ or vice
versa in 5% intervals, at rated frequency (after dielectric tests). The highest test voltage of 120% shall be
held at this level for at least 15 (fifteen) minutes. A respective magnetising curve current from 90% to
approx. 125% shall be added to the test report.
 Measurement of load losses and impedance voltages/ short-circuit impedances at rated frequency at prin-
cipal tap position(s) and all extreme positions (after dielectric tests).
 Switching impulse test for HV windings of Um= 245 kV and above (before lightning impulse tests).
 Lightning impulse test for all power windings of transformers having windings of Um = 100 kV and above.
The following test sequence shall be applied:

▪ One or more reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral)

▪ One reduced level chopped impulse
▪ One full level full impulse (lines and neutral)
▪ One reduced level chopped impulse (lines only)
▪ Two full level chopped impulses (lines only)
▪ Two full level full impulses (lines and neutral)
▪ One or more reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral)

The peak value of chopped impulse shall be at least 1.1 times the amplitude of full impulse. However, only for
cases where the over-swing to the opposite polarity is greater than 30%, it is permissible to add a series con-
nected damping resistor in the chopping circuit to limit the amount of over-swing to the opposite polarity.
When a resistor is added in the chopping circuit, the resistor shall not decrease the over-swing to the opposite
polarity essentially below 30% of the amplitude of the chopped wave. Neutral points of the windings under
test shall not be grounded through resistors other than a measuring shunt. The best achievable impulse-shape
shall be applied by serial and/ or parallel connection of the required number of stages of the impulse generator
which can be applied to the test object by any required combination of parallel and/ or serial connection of all
available stages of the impulse generator without any restriction. With regard to the wave-shape wider toler-
ances may be accepted as per IEC 60076. Impulse tests on neutrals shall be applied directly with all line termi-
nals earthed, either solidly or through adequate resistors. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate
voltage dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/ or in oscillographic or digital records.

 Separate-source AC withstand voltage test in accordance with IEC 60076-3 (2000), clause 11 (including
measurement of charging current) after impulse tests. The peak value of voltage shall be measured during
this test.
 Induced AC voltage withstand tests

▪ in accordance with IEC 60076-3 (2000), sub-clause 12.2 for transformers having uniformly in-
sulated windings only (for three-phase windings with symmetrical three-phase voltages in-
duced in the three winding phases),
▪ in accordance with IEC 60076-3 (2000), sub-clause 12.3 for transformers having non-uniformly
insulated HV windings up to Um= 170 kV,

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 monitoring of partial discharges for all windings of Um= 100 kV and above during tests as per IEC 60076-3 here.
(2000), sub-clause 12.2 and/ or 12.3,
 measurement of partial discharges, in accordance with IEC 60076-3 (2000), sub-clause 12.4 for all trans-
formers with windings of Um= 245 kV and above at all transformer windings of Um= 100 kV and above.
 The peak value of the induced test voltage shall be measured during all induced AC voltage withstand
tests. Partial discharge monitoring (after separate source over-voltage tests) and partial discharge meas-
urements shall be performed at a test area and under test conditions where the background noise and/
or any other disturbances will be less than 100 pC (at day time as above). Partial discharge tests shall be
performed after successful completion of all other dielectric tests.
 Dissolved gas in oil analysis by chromatography prior to all tests for all power windings of transformers
having windings of Um= 100 kV and above, prior to dielectric tests and after completion of dielectric tests
(check test reports only).
 Frequency response analysis (SFRA-test) with a DOBLE-SFRA device (or equivalent) using swept frequency
in a range of 10 Hz to 2 MHz. This test is to provide base line readings of the windings in as-new condition.
The test shall be performed after successful completion of all dielectric tests.
 Measurement of the capacitance and insulation power factor at 10 kV. The tan delta value at 20°C shall
be less than 0.5%.
 Measuring of insulation resistance at 5000 V DC (R15, R60, R600). The polarisation index R10min : R1min
shall be greater than 1.1.
 Measurement of the insulation resistance (R60) between the core and tank at 2500 V DC.
 Measurement of ratio and polarity check on current transformers.
 Measurement of the harmonic content of no-load current at 90%, 100%, 110% and 120% of rated voltage
at rated frequency (after no-load test).
 Determination of efficiencies at 125%, 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% load at power factor 1.0 and 0.8 (docu-
mentation only).
 Calibration and current injection test on hot spot indicators based on results of heat run test.
 Operation tests on OLTC.
 Measurement of zero sequence impedance (at rated frequency) at principal tap(s) and all extremes, where
applicable (three-phase units only).
 Applied over-voltage test at 2000 V AC, 60 sec. on wiring, control and supervisory equipment (1000 V AC
plus 2 x Un on motors as per IEC 60034-1, and 500 V AC on PT 100, all electronic devices disconnected).

Type Tests and Special Tests

 Lightning impulse test for all power windings of transformers not having windings of Um= 100 kV and
above. The following test sequence shall be applied:
 One or more reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral)
 One reduced level chopped impulse (1st. phase only)
 One full level full impulse (lines and neutral)
 One reduced level chopped impulse (lines only)
 Two full level chopped impulses (lines only)
 Two full level full impulses (lines and neutral).
 One or more reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral in case of ZnO elements)

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The peak value of chopped impulse shall be at least 1.1 times the amplitude of full impulse. However, only for
cases where the over-swing to the opposite polarity is greater than 30%, it is permissible to add a series con-
nected damping resistor in the chopping circuit to limit the amount of over-swing to the opposite polarity.
When a resistor is added in the chopping circuit, the resistor shall not decrease the over-swing to the opposite
polarity essentially below 30% of the amplitude of the chopped wave. Neutral points of the windings under
test shall not be grounded through resistors other than a measuring shunt. The best achievable impulse-shape
shall be applied by serial and/ or parallel connection of the required number of stages of the impulse generator
which can be applied to the test object by any required combination of parallel and/ or serial connection of all
available stages of the impulse generator without any restriction. With regard to the wave-shape wider toler-
ances may be accepted as per IEC 60076. Impulse tests on neutrals shall be applied directly with all line termi-
nals earthed, either solidly or through adequate resistors. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate
voltage dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/ or in oscillographic or digital records.

 Measurement of the acoustic sound level at rated voltage and frequency.

 Measurement of the cooling losses at rated supply voltage and frequency, and check of rotation direction
of fans.
 Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis by chromatography prior to all tests for power windings of transformers not
having windings of Um= 100 kV and above, prior to dielectric tests and after completion of dielectric tests
(check test reports only).
 Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis by chromatography prior to first and after each of the heat-run tests (check
test reports only).
 Steady state temperature rise tests at every cooling method at related rated conditions and for long-time
emergency loading conditions as per IEC 60076-7 as specified in the relevant Article before. Each of the
heat-run tests shall be performed at the highest current taps of the windings under test with the highest
applicable total losses to be applied. In case of auto-transformers the winding temperature rises shall be
determined in the applicable highest current taps for both, the common and the series winding (i.e. for
both, step-down and step-up operation). During all of the heat-run tests the top oil temperature shall be
measured in tank cover directly in top oil by approved screwed-in temperature sensors at a minimum of
three points as approved. The top oil temperature may be alternatively measured in the hot transformer
oil by at least three thermometer pockets as specified above. By agreement the top oil temperature may
be additionally measured directly in the hot oil of inlets of the cooling equipment. In case of measurements
of top oil temperatures taken in pockets the final top oil temperature shall be corrected by +2 K. The
bottom oil temperature shall be measured by at least two points placed either directly into return headers
or at return headers of cooling equipment. Measurements on radiator and/ or tank walls are not accepta-
ble. Location of all measuring points, including those for measurements of ambient air temperature, is
subject for approval. The winding hot-spot temperature rise shall be determined by calculation only using
hot spot factor as specified previously. The oil used during type tests shall have same or higher kinematic
viscosity as final oil used at site for operation.
 Thermo-visual infra-red measurements during temperature rise tests for auto-transformers

Tests on Transformer Tank and Accessories

Prior to the acceptance tests, the Contractor/ Manufacturer shall submit the following test certificates as a
minimum requirement:

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 Vacuum test on tank and all other oil-filled compartments (to be applied at 1.5 mbar for at least 5 hours)here.
 Pressure test on tank and all oil filled compartments at min. 1.0 bar measured on tank bottom for at least
24 hours
 Insulating oil used during factory tests and at site
 Bushings
 Current transformers
 Buchholz relays
 Tap changers and related equipment
 Core losses of laminations (W17/50)

11.8.13 Site Tests

The following tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:

 Measurement of the excitation current with low voltage (AC, 3-phase) when the transformer is completely
 Oil tightness test on tank assembled with radiators 0.3 bar over oil level, 24 hours (on oil-filled cable ter-
mination boxes at 0.2 bar, 5 hours)
 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions
 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistances at all tap positions
 Measuring of insulation resistance at 5000 V DC (R15, R60, R600). The polarisation index R10min : R1min
shall be greater than 1.1
 Measurement of the insulation resistance (R60) between the core and tank at 1000 V DC
 Measurement of the insulation resistances on auxiliary wiring at 1000 V DC
 Measurement of the water content and of the dielectric strength of the insulation oil
 Re calibration and current injection test on winding temperature indicators (45 min)
 Functional test on cooling plant, including check of rotation direction of motors
 Functional tests on control and supervisory equipment
 Functional tests on OLTC equipment
 Visual checks

11.9 Particular Requirements Distribution and Earthing Transformers

Additionally to the requirements given above particular requirements as given below are required for Distri-
bution and Earthing Transformers.

11.9.1 General

For indoor applications epoxy-resin dry-type transformers shall be provided. These transformers shall be sup-
plied by the original transformer manufacturer. Licence products etc. are not acceptable.

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The transformers shall be capable of operating continuously at any tap position within the specified tempera- here.
ture rise limits.

Earthing transformers shall be also capable of operating continuously at any tap position within the specified
temperature rise limits at over-excitation of

 15 (fifteen) percent up to max. 2500 kVA

 10 (ten) percent from 2500 kVA up to 5000 kVA

All windings of distribution transformers of rated power of 2500 kVA and above and LV windings of earthing
transformers shall be capable of withstanding external short circuits for at least 3 seconds after all loading
conditions as specified in IEC 60076-7.

HV windings of the earthing transformers shall be capable of withstanding external short circuits for not less
than 10 seconds, and their LV windings for not less than 3 seconds. However, a study with regard to the re-
quirements for the final design and sufficient selection of rated short-time current duration and rated contin-
uous current to ground of earthing transformers shall be submitted by Contractor for approval as specified
under the relevant Article “Drawings and Documents” below”. If this study should show that higher rated
short-time current duration and continuous current for HV windings of earthing transformers would become
necessary the Contractor has to provide the same without extra charge.

The specified zero-sequence impedance of earthing transformers shall be only maintained by the design and
arrangement of the core-/ coil-assembly itself. Built-in current-limiting/ neutral-grounding reactors shall not
be provided.

Nacelle installed transformers shall be designed for an increased mechanical stability, and they shall be pro-
vided with a special corrosion protection system which meets practically the requirements for outdoor instal-
lation conditions.

11.9.2 Windings
11.9.3 Oil Immersed Type

Electrolytic copper of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality shall be used.

The insulation material of windings and connections shall be free from insulation compounds subject to sof-
tening, shrinking or collapsing during service. Moreover, none of the material used shall disintegrate, carbon-
ise or become brittle under the action of hot oil, under all load conditions.

The Contractor shall also demonstrate the ability of withstanding thermal short circuits for the windings after
full load by a calculation in accordance with IEC 60076-5. For this purpose the temperature value shall be
assumed with 105°C to be the initial winding temperature before short circuit.

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11.9.4 Dry Type here.

The windings shall be made of aluminium of high conductivity. In order to keep the inter-turn stressed to a
minimum only foil-windings shall be provided.

The insulation material shall be based on an epoxy-resin/ powdered quartz mixture which makes the windings
maintenance-free, humidity-resistant and tropicalised as well as fire-resistant (fire behaviour class “F1" in ac-
cordance with IEC 60076-11) and self-extinguishing.

The thermal class of insulation in accordance with IEC 60076-11 and IEC 60085 shall be 155 (F).

11.9.5 Transformer Tank

Steel cross beams (traverses) shall be provided as a rigid base structure and the thickness of tank bottom shall
not be less than 12 mm.

Lifting lugs shall be provided on the cover as well as rigid traverses under the bottom as a mounting base. Bi-
directional wheels with blocking facilities shall be provided for station supply and for earthing transformers.

A spare thermometer pocket shall be provided on tank cover at an approved location.

Distribution transformers other than station supply and earthing transformers shall be equipped with appro-
priate pole-mounting facilities of an approved design. The pole-mounting facilities to be delivered with the
transformers shall be complete in every respect and shall be properly co-ordinated for each transformer type
with the pole manufacturer.

The following moving and handling facilities additionally shall be provided for each transformer:

One spare thermometer pocket on tank cover at an approved location

Padlocking facilities for all isolation valves

11.9.6 Up to 2500 kVA

The transformer tank shall be of the upper flange type with bolted on cover and shall be equipped with cor-
rugated sheet steel type radiators incorporated with the tank. Cooling fins shall be welded with round stiffen-
ing rods to prevent vibration during operation of the transformers. Only hermetically sealed type of tanks
completely filled with oil shall be provided. Transformer tanks filled with nitrogen above the oil level are not

However, if the physical size of certain earthing transformers should not allow for a design with corrugated
sheet steel tank these earthing transformers shall be designed and constructed in full compliance with all
other stipulations of these specifications.

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11.9.7 2500 kVA up to 5000 kVA here.

Tank stiffeners shall be provided as required, and these shall be designed to avoid water penetration.

Vent pipes shall have minimum inside diameter of 25 mm.

It must be possible to remove any bushing completely without removing the tank cover. Easy access shall be
also provided for internal connection of bushings.

11.9.8 Housing

Epoxy-resin dry-type transformers shall be installed in a rigid corrosion-proof protective housing of at least
protection degree IP 21 with doors of suitable size for easy access of the transformer. This housing has to be
designed and ventilated in such a manner that the specified rated power of the transformer is not reduced.

The housing shall be anchored to the floor in such a manner that it is not attached to the transformer in any
way to prevent transmission of solid-borne noise.

11.9.9 Cooling

Distribution and Earthing Transformers (oil immersed type) shall be provided with a self-cooled type of cooling
system (ONAN).

Distribution Transformers (epoxy-resin dry-type) shall be provided with a self-cooled type of cooling system

11.9.10 Terminal Boxes

11.9.11 Transformer Type Oil Immersed

Air-filled cable connecting boxes shall be of protection degree IP 55 and shall contain the winding ends and
the neutral.

They shall be equipped with outdoor bushings as above but designed for site pollution severity class “c“ (me-
dium) in accordance with IEC/TS 60815, unless specified otherwise in the Technical Data Sheets.

To minimise the width of the cable box only DIN- or EN-equivalent bushings as above shall be provided for the
HV terminals. Epoxy-resin impregnated paper condenser bushings may be provided alternatively. Oil impreg-
nated paper condenser bushings and/ or mono-bloc bushings of any kind are not acceptable.

The cable terminal box shall be suitable for connections of power cables provided with outdoor sealing ends.
Insulation level and design of the terminal boxes shall be coordinated with that of the related bushings. The
clearances between live parts of bushings and against ground shall fully comply with IEC 60076-3. Insulation
level and design (clearances) shall comply with the insulation level as specified for the related windings. No
insulation barriers shall be provided in the cable boxes.

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It shall also contain internal bushing connected bus-bars to which the corresponding connecting cables for the
switchgear shall be attached.

The cable termination boxes shall be also equipped with metal cable glands. All cable glands shall be of non-
magnetic material. Gland plates shall be of stainless steel.

Appropriate earthing studs with bolts and washers, all made of stainless steel, for earthing of the cable sheaths
shall be provided inside and outside of the cable box in accordance with the actual requirements.

Wherever required, the cable boxes shall be equipped with metal-oxide surge arresters of the one-column
design (consisting only series connected MO resistors per phase), which have to be included in the transformer
supplies. Any kind of parallel connected arrangement etc. is not acceptable.

The arresters shall be provided with a polymeric housing of silicone each which shall be of an explosion and
shatter-resistant design. They shall correspond with line discharge class 4 in accordance with IEC 60099-4. The
design data of these arresters shall be properly co-ordinated with all actual requirements.

If it should not be practicable to install the required arresters in the cable boxes external provisions (not
mounted onto the transformer tank in any way) shall be made by the Substation
Contractor for connecting of those external arresters by power cables of short length which have also to be
included in the substation supplies. However, additional cable glands shall be provided under transformer
supplies for connection of the cables for those external surge arresters in such cases.

A suitable hand-hole for checking of bushings shall be provided at a location easily accessible (subject for
approval). Inspection covers shall be provided with two lifting handles each.

Ingress of foreign matters and formation of condensate in the termination boxes must be prevented. A Sili-
cagel breather of the maintenance-free type (Messko/ MR type MTraB or equivalent) of min. 1 kg Silicagel
filling capacity shall be connected to each terminal box and, the supply voltage for the same shall be provided
by the DC supply of the substation. Each Silicagel breather shall be equipped with a condition based control
unit. However, refrigerator type of dehydrating breathers will not be accepted. The containers of the dehy-
drating breathers shall not be of transparent plastics of any kind.

The dehydrating breathers shall be rigidly fastened by approved side mounting rods onto brackets at an ac-
cessible position in a convenient floor height.

11.9.12 Transformer Type Epoxy-Resin Dry-type

All terminals shall be provided for cable terminations as required. Where required, the HV terminals shall be
also provided with special contacts suitable to receive shock-proof cable plugs which have to be also included
in the supplies.

The LV windings shall be equipped with terminal link strips and cable angle brackets at the top or bottom, as

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All necessary bi-metallic and/ or other parts required for proper connection of all conductors to be connected here.
shall be included in the supplies.

Appropriate bus-bar systems connected to the LV connections shall be also provided as required.

11.9.13 Current Transformers

Current transformers for protection shall be provided in the HV line and neutral terminals of earthing trans-

The Contractor/ Manufacturer may alternatively propose a design suitable for easy removal and re-assembly
of the tank cover without lifting of the active part (core-/ coil assembly). Internal arrangement of all CT’s is
subject to full responsibility of Contractor/ Manufacturer.

11.9.14 De-energised Tap Changing Equipment

The de-energised tap changing shall be maintained by means of suitable terminal links to enable the trans-
former to be matched to the prevailing system conditions.

11.9.15 Oil Conservator

The tank conservator vessels shall be of the cylindrical type.

11.9.16 Measuring and Monitoring Equipment (oil immersed type)

Standard accessories as specified hereinafter shall be provided for station supply and earthing transformers:

 1 (one) combined protection device for monitoring of functions as specified below shall be provided for
all station supply and earthing transformers:
 dial type thermometer for oil temperature with adjustable alarm and trip contacts
 monitoring device for oil leakage and gas formation with trip contact
 monitoring device for sudden pressure with trip contact
 oil level gauge
 1 (one) spare thermometer pocket in tank cover
 1 (one) CT termination box on tank cover for direct connection of current transformers of earthing trans-
formers. The CT’s shall be also wired up to the terminals in the termination box for marshalling equipment
as specified below.

Standard accessories as specified hereinafter shall be provided for transformer of oil immersed type with oil

 1 (one) twin-float Buchholz relay for transformer tank. The pipes connecting the Buchholz relay shall have
gate valves on the conservator and tank side to enable dismantling of the relay without oil leakage.

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 1 (one) single-float gas-detector relay with alarm contact connected to the highest point of conservator here.
as a leakage detector for diaphragm.
 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type oper-
ation indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection class IP 65 for transformer main
tank. The micro-switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box of protection
class IP 55 with terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-section up to 2.5
 1 (one) dial type thermometer for top oil temperature each with radial type main and maximum pointer,
remote indicator (PT100), and four adjustable contacts for oil temperature alarm and trip (at 95°C and
105°C). The range of temperature indication shall be from -20°C to 140°C. In addition, one signal condi-
tioner with 4-20 mA output, with individual MCB, for remote temperature indication shall be provided in
the marshalling cabinet.
 1 (one) magnetic type oil level indicator (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with adjustable alarm contacts (min-
imum and maximum oil level) for each conservator vessel.

11.9.17 Monitoring Equipment (epoxy-resin dry-type)

To protect transformer of epoxy-resin dry-type against overheating a temperature monitoring system (alarm
and trip) shall be provided and be connected to the LV windings by appropriate sensors.

A MCB shall be provided for control supply for alarm and trip circuits. The control supply shall be taken from
a power source being independent from secondary side of the transformer to be monitored.

11.9.18 Inspections and Tests (Oil Immersed Type)

11.9.19 Factory Tests

The following tests shall be performed in the presence of the Employer/ ENGINEER: wherever specified for in
any part and/ or section of these specifications

Routine Tests

 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions

 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistance at all tap positions
 Measurement of zero-sequence impedances and related losses at rated frequency and specified continu-
ous neutral current for earthing transformers (at principal tap and extremes)
 Measurement of no load losses and current from 90% to approx. 115% of rated voltage or vice versa in
5% intervals, at rated frequency on distribution transformers (after dielectric tests). A respective magnet-
ising curve current from 90% to 120% shall be added to the test report
 Measurement of no-load losses and current from 90% to 120% of rated voltage and/ or vice versa in 5%
intervals, at rated frequency on earthing transformers (after dielectric tests). The highest test voltage of
120% shall be held at this level for at least 2 (two) minutes. A respective magnetising curve current from
90% to 120% shall be added to the test report
 Measurement of load losses and impedance voltages at principal tap position and extreme positions

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 Measurement of ratio and polarity check of current transformers (if any) here.
 Measuring of insulation resistance at 2500 V DC (R15, R60, R600). The polarisation index R10min : R1min
shall be:

greater than 1.0. for distribution transformers up to 2500 kVA

greater than 1.1. for distribution transformers above 2500 kVA

 Lightning impulse tests (full- and chopped-wave) on HV windings of earthing transformers. The test volt-
ages shall be measured via appropriate voltage dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters
and/ or in oscillographic or digital records
 Separate source AC withstand voltage test
 Induced AC withstand voltage test
 Applied over-voltage test at 2000 V AC, 60 sec. on wiring and supervisory equipment

Type Tests

 Lightning impulse tests (full- and chopped-wave) on HV windings of the transformers. The test voltages
shall be measured via appropriate voltage dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/
or in oscillographic or digital records.
 Steady state temperature rise test to be performed at highest current tap (in case of earthing transformers
for continuous and simultaneous transformer and reactor operation).

For distribution transformers up to 2500 kVA the top oil temperature shall be measured in spare thermometer
pockets on tank cover only. Measurements on cooling fins other than for determination of bottom oil temper-
ature are not acceptable,

for distribution transformers above 2500 kVA the top oil temperature shall be measured in tank cover directly
in top oil by approved screwed-in temperature sensors at points as approved. The top oil temperature may be
alternatively measured in the hot transformer oil by at least three thermometer pockets as specified above.
By agreement the top oil temperature may be additionally measured directly in the hot oil of inlets of the
cooling equipment. In case of measurements of top oil temperatures taken in pockets the final top oil tem-
perature shall be corrected by +2K. The bottom oil temperature shall be measured by at least two points
placed either directly into return headers or at return headers of cooling equipment. Measurements on radi-
ator and/ or tank walls are not acceptable. Location of all measuring points, including those for measurements
of ambient air temperature, is subject for approval.

Temperature rises of the windings shall be determined by loading of full continuous/ rated current of each
winding for both, the HV and the LV windings, if any, each for one hour after determination of the top oil

The measurement shall be carried out in accordance with IEC 60076-2 (and IEC 60076-6 in case of earthing
transformers including the provisions for incorporating the no-load loss in the oil temperature rise measure-

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Where both a rated continuous neutral current and a secondary winding are specified for earthing transform-here.
ers, the average and top-oil temperature rise shall be measured at a current which supplies the total loss
associated with the rated continuous neutral current, the current corresponding to the rated power of the
secondary winding and the no-load loss. The temperature rise of the main winding shall be measured at a
current corresponding to the sum of the continuous current and the appropriate current corresponding to the
rated power of the secondary winding. The temperature rise of the secondary winding shall be measured at
the current corresponding to the rated power of the secondary winding taking into account the previously
measured oil temperature rise at total loss.

11.9.20 Site Tests

The following tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:

 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions

 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistance at principal tapping and extremes
 Measuring of insulation resistance at 2500 V DC (R15, R60, R600). The polarisation index R10min: R1min
shall be:

greater than 1.0. for distribution transformers up to 2500 kVA

greater than 1.1. for distribution transformers above 2500 kVA

 Measurement of the insulation resistances (R60) on auxiliary wiring at 1000 V DC

 Dielectric strength of oil
 Functional test of supervisory equipment
 Visual checks

11.9.21 Inspections and Tests (dry-type)

11.9.22 Factory Tests

The following tests shall be performed in the presence of the Employer/ ENGINEER:

Routine Tests

 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions

 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistance at all tap positions
 Measurement of impedance voltage and load losses (at principal tap and extremes, reference tempera-
tures in accordance with IEC 60076-11)
 Measurement of no-load losses
 Measurement of insulation resistance at 2500 V DC
 Separate source AC withstand voltage test
 Induced AC withstand voltage test

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 Measurement of partial discharges here.
 Applied over-voltage test at 2000 V AC, 60 sec. on wiring and supervisory equipment

Type Tests

 Lightning impulse test on HV windings. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate voltage divid-
ers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/ or in oscillographic or digital records.
 Steady state temperature rise test. Transformers to be finally installed in a protective housing at site have
to be installed in this housing during test, and in final original arrangement during temperature rise test,
and at least three temperature sensors for measurement of the ambient air temperature shall be distrib-
uted in an approved distance around this housing.

11.9.23 Site Tests

The following tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:

 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions

 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistance at principal tapping and extremes
 Measurement of insulation resistance
 Measurement of the insulation resistances on auxiliary wiring at 1000 V DC
 Functional test of supervisory equipment
 Visual checks

11.10 Particular Requirements Shunt Reactors

Additionally to the requirements given above particular requirements as given below are required for Shunt

11.10.1 General

The reactors shall be capable of operating continuously within the specified temperature rise limits at an in-
creased voltage of at least 110% of the rated system voltage. Particular values for highest continuous opera-
tion voltages and related temperature rise limits shall be obtained from the Technical Data Sheets.

Thyristor controlled shunt reactors (TCR) shall comprise each one three-phase connected bank of single-phase
reactors, and each of their windings shall consist of two equal coils per phase (split phase windings), all ends
brought out to allow connection of thyristors to the centre of each phase winding.

For variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) with OLTC the relevant CIGRE Report 12-308 also shall be con-

For line connected shunt reactors the Bidder/ Contractor shall also calculate the value or magnitude of the
secondary arc current persisting during the dead time period of the single phase auto-reclosing cycle at the

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point of fault following disconnection of the faulted phases at both ends. In the event of this current here. being
higher than the permissible limits Bidder/ Contractor shall provide a 4-element reactor combination to ensure
successful autoreclosure. The 4-element reactor combination would require an appropriate external neutral
grounding reactor connected to the neutral of the main shunt reactor for effectively reducing the secondary
arc currents and enhancing their extinction well within the dead time period of the auto-reclosing cycle. Built-
in neutral grounding reactors will not be accepted.

Three-phase shunt reactors shall comprise each one three-phase connected reactor bank of single-phase units
as specified hereinafter.

11.10.2 Windings

Windings designed for higher insulation levels than LI: 750 kV/ AC: 325 kV the rated insulation level for neutral
points shall be at least LI: 650 kV/ AC: 275 kV, but shall not be less than required insulation levels of related
neutral grounding reactors, if any (to be determined by feasibility calculation and in accordance with IEEE Std.
32). None of the windings shall be designed for less than LI: 125 kV/ AC: 50 kV.

If the requirements as per IEEE Std. 32 etc., show that higher insulation levels and test levels than specified
are necessary for neutral grounding reactors, the Bidder/ Contractors shall also provide the same required
insulation and test levels for shunt reactor neutrals without extra price.

In all cases of three-phase reactors specified for undergoing switching impulse tests, the voltage between
phases during switching impulse test will be less than 1.5 times the test voltage. The reactor(s) shall however
be designed to withstand 1.5 times the test voltage between phases independently on the specified insulation
and test level(s).

In case of variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) with tap changers the reactive power of these reactors
shall be variable from 67% (or even less, if specified), up to the full 100% rated reactive power in steps suitably
selected and co-ordinated by the reactor manufacturer dependent on the inductance at the related tap posi-
tion and, under full consideration that the inductance is proportional to the square of the number of turns.
Particular values for the minimum and maximum MVAr ratings etc. for VSR shall be obtained from the related
Technical Data Sheets. Selection of individual tap ratings and number of taps/ steps between max. and min.
reactive power taps is subject to full responsibility of CONTACTOR/ Manufacturer. The number of steps and
taps proposed shall be clearly indicated in the related Technical Data Sheets to be duly filled-in by the Bidder.

Non-linear ZnO protective elements shall be provided for the regulation windings of variable MVAr output
shunt reactors (VSR) with OLTC, if required. All non-linear protective elements shall be indicated in the de-
tailed connection diagram to be submitted for approval.

11.10.3 Oil Immersed Type

Windings shall be of best modern design with conductors having practically constant cross-section along the
whole windings, and the current densities shall not exceed 3 A/mm² in any part of the windings under rated
conditions. Electrolytic copper of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality shall be used.

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The insulation material of windings and connections shall be free from insulation compounds subject tohere. sof-
tening, shrinking or collapse during service. Moreover, none of the material used shall disintegrate, carbonise
or become brittle under the action of hot oil, under all load conditions.

Use of any kind of wood for insulation parts subject to test voltage stresses of LI: 450 kV and/ or AC: 185 kV
and above across the insulation material is not acceptable, and the Contractor/ Manufacturer is held fully
responsible for all insulation material selected.

For reactors installed indoor of any kind (even when installed in open hall(s) of SVC) only thermally upgraded
insulation material as described in the relevant standards shall be used to guarantee operation at full reactor
loading as specified at yearly average ambient air temperatures of 40°C (not exceeding daily average ambient
air temperatures of 40°C in the reactor box) without any loss of regular/ normal life span.

11.10.4 Dry Type

Aluminium of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality shall be used. The thermal class of
insulation shall comply with class 155 (F) as per IEC 60085 and IEC 60076-11. The insulation material of wind-
ings and connections shall be of resin impregnated fibre-glass encapsulation, free from insulation composi-
tions subject to shrinking or collapse during service, and none of the material shall disintegrate or become
brittle under all load conditions.

The coils and spider arms etc. shall be completely painted with a high-quality paint. The painting shall be
weather proof and resistant against ultra-violet sun radiation and shall be of colour code RAL 7032 (pebble-
grey). The dry-film thickness shall be min. 40 µm.

The coils must be capable of withstanding movement and distortion caused by all operating conditions. All
leads or bars from the windings shall be rigidly supported. Stresses on coils and connections must be avoided.

11.10.5 Magnetic Core (oil immersed, gapped iron core type)

A radially stacked gapped-iron core-form type with high precision spacers made of ceramic in the gaps shall
be provided for these reactors.

Special attention shall be given to the design of three-phase reactors subjected for undergoing single-phase
induced AC withstand voltage tests with regard to zero-sequence flux.

For all three-phase shunt reactors of Um= 72.5 kV and above five-limb cores shall be provided exclusively.

The core and its clamping structure shall be installed insulated from the reactor tank. Suitable insulation ma-
terial shall be used to prevent unnecessary vibrations.

The core clamping structure shall not be connected directly to the tank cover. The clamping frame shall be
connected by one conductor only to the main earthing connection. Any closed circuit must be avoided.

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The magnetic core shall be earthed to the tank cover at one point only through removable links in an appro- here.
priate terminal box, placed in an accessible position on the tank cover and which, by disconnection, will enable
the insulation between the core and reactor tank, etc., to be tested at voltages up to 2.5 kV for the purpose
of checking deterioration during service.

Gapped-iron cores of shunt reactors shall be provided each with a suitable screen to be connected to the main
earthing connection at one point only to prevent closed circuit.

The main earthing connection of shunt reactors shall have a cross-sectional area of not less than 70 mm².

11.10.6 Reactor Tank

Tank stiffeners shall be provided as required, and these shall be designed to avoid water penetration. Tank
stiffeners other than used as skid base underneath the tank bottom shall not be of “H”- or “T”-profiles, and
they shall not be provided with drillings for any kind of fixing material like bolts etc.

The tank bottom shall be of one plane and shall be a heavy rigid base structure. The four tank walls shall be
plane and practically of one piece each and shall be welded directly onto the tank bottom without steps and
without any additional welded and/ or bolted flanges.

In case of self-supporting tank bottom for shunt reactors without heavy steel cross beams the bottom plate
shall have a minimum thickness of 40 mm. Laminated tank bottom will not be accepted.

Shunt reactors shall be equipped with manholes and hand-holes of suitable size to facilitate installation and
maintenance (e.g. tap changers, current transformers, bushings etc.). Manholes for tap changers (if any) shall
have size of minimum 800 mm x 350 mm, and they shall be arranged in a convenient floor height (subject for
approval). All openings in the cover of the reactor tank for bushings, manholes and terminal boxes shall be
provided with adequate flanges.

Covers for inspection openings, hand-holes etc. located on the tank cover shall be provided with adequate gas
stoppers. All inspection covers etc. shall be provided with two lifting handles each. It must be possible to
remove any bushing completely without removing the tank cover.

The tank cover and all covers for mounting, cleaning, manholes, hand holes and inspection openings on tank
etc. shall be earthed by suitable grounding conductors of the flexible type having a cross section of minimum
95 mm². Appropriate earthing studs with bolts and washers shall be provided, all made of stainless steel.

The following moving and handling facilities additionally shall be provided for each reactor:

 Oil sampling valves (top and bottom) with suitable adapters of R ¾” male thread fitted with screwed cap
for direct connection of oil sampling facilities shall be provided and shall be arranged diagonally on one
tank wall at a convenient floor height.
 Minimum 3 (three) air vent plugs in tank cover at approved locations each close to tank outlets to the
cooling equipment suitable for temporary installation of temperature sensors directly in the hot trans-
former oil during heat-run tests.

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 Minimum 3 (three) spare thermometer pockets (instead of the air vent plugs as before) in tank cover here.at
approved locations close to tank outlets to the cooling equipment.

11.10.7 Reactor Cooling

With reactors of 100 MVAr per unit and above the cooling system shall consist of at least two groups of de-
tachable radiators.

However, if a solution with radiators flanged directly onto the tank and/ or external headers at the trans-
former tank should be not practicable for these reactors, the cooling may be provided by separately mounted
radiator banks as specified hereinafter.

The cooling shall be provided in accordance with all applicable requirements as specified in the relevant Article
before, but by means of min. two separately mounted banks of detachable radiators arranged in closed rows
of equal and symmetrical groups at one alongside of the shunt reactor in a distance of not less than 1.2 m
from each other and to reactor tank.

Approved expansion pieces shall be provided in each oil pipe connection between the reactor and each cooler
bank. Appropriate supporting structure shall be provided at both ends of each cooler bank as a mini-mum

The upper common headers of each of the cooler banks shall be connected directly to the tank cover. Addi-
tional common headers shall not be provided. The upper common headers connected to the tank cover shall
be also provided with by-pass vent pipes to main expansion pipe(s) to route any gas collection to Buchholz
relay when the related shut-off valves are closed. Upper common headers must not be connected to bushing
turrets. Upper common headers shall be also connected through vent pipes to the main expansion pipe. Vent
pipes other than by-pass vent pipes for isolation valves from upper common headers to Buchholz relay shall
be provided with shut-off/ isolating valves each on header side. The lower common headers shall be installed
in a height not exceeding 2.1 m above floor level.

The following standard accessories additionally shall be provided:

 1 (one) upper and lower common header for each cooler bank each connected onto the reactor tank and
cover via isolating valves as below
 1 (one) isolating valve (of the gate valve type) for connecting each of the common headers of each cooler
bank with the reactor tank

11.10.8 Current Transformers

As far as practicable current transformers shall be installed in suitable bushing turrets as specified above. All
of the concerned bushing turrets shall be equipped with appropriate current transformer termination boxes
for direct connection of the related CT’s.

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11.10.9 On-load Tap Changers (OLTC) here.

The OLTC shall be capable of successful tap changes for all reactive power ratings to which the reactor can be
loaded. The insulation level etc. selected particularly for all taps of the complete OLTC’s shall be also fully co-
ordinated with the test requirements for these reactors as specified below. However, selection of ratings and
number of steps between max. and min. reactive power taps are subject to full responsibility of CONTACTOR/
Manufacturer. The number of proposed steps shall be indicated by the Bidder in the related Technical Data
Sheets along with his Bid.

The electrical supply for the motor drive unit of OLTC of shunt reactors with variable MVAr output (VSR) shall
be provided by means of two independent feeders (load-break switches) installed in the reactor marshalling
box in full compliance as specified below.

11.10.10 Measuring and Monitoring Equipment

The following standard accessories shall be provided for each shunt reactor unit:

1 (one) twin float Buchholz relay (DN80) for reactor tank with metal gas sampling and testing device with sight-
glass, and to be operated from the ground at convenient floor height. The pipes connecting the Buchholz relay
shall have gate valves on the conservator and tank side (easily accessible from tank cover) to enable disman-
tling of the relay without oil leakage. Small piping from Buchholz relay to gas sampling and testing devices shall
be covered throughout the total length by approved flexible steel conduits as specified below.

1 (one) twin float Buchholz relay (DN25) as before for the oil filled cable terminal boxes.

1 (one) single-float gas-detector relay (DN25) with alarm contact connected to the highest point of main con-
servator as a leakage detector for diaphragm.

1 (one) protective relay (oil flow operated) with trip contact for diverter switch of OLTC, if any. The pipes
connecting the relay shall have gate valves on the conservator side (easily accessible from tank cover).

1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type operation
indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection degree IP 65 for OLTC, if any. The micro-
switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box of protection degree IP 55 with
terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-section up to 2.5 mm².

1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type operation
indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection degree IP 65 for reactor tank (for reactors
of 100 MVAr per unit and above two pressure relief valves arranged on opposite ends on the tank cover). The
micro-switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box of protection degree IP 55
with terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-section up to 2.5 mm².

1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with metal pin-type operation
indicator and trip contact installed in metal housing of protection degree IP 65 as before for each oil-filled

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cable box. The micro-switch of the device shall be suitable wired up to a metal cable terminal box of protection here.
degree IP 55 with terminals suitable to receive crimped flexible conductors with a cross-section up to 2.5 mm².

2 (two) dial type thermometer for top oil temperature (Messko/ MR - System Tracy or equivalent) with radial
type main and maximum pointer, remote indicator (PT100), and four adjustable contacts for oil temperature
alarm and trip (at 90°C and 100°C). The range of temperature indication shall be from 0°C to 140°C. In addition,
one signal conditioner with 4-20 mA output, with individual MCB, for remote temperature indication shall be
provided in the control cabinet.

1 (one) thermal replica to be connected to the winding via current transformer. These current trans-formers
shall have accuracy 3 (three) percent, and the rated primary current shall correspond to the rated current of
the related reactor winding. The effective resulting rated secondary current shall be 2 Amps. Matching units
between current transformers and thermal replicas shall not be provided.

1 (one) dial type thermometer (Messko/ MR - System Tracy or equivalent) with radial type maximum pointer
and heating coil in thermometer pocket in tank cover for each thermal replica with two remote indicators
(PT100) and four adjustable contacts for winding hot spot temperature alarm and trip (at 113°C and 125°C).
The range of temperature indication shall be from 0°C to 160°C. In addition, a signal conditioner with 4-20 mA
output, with individual MCB, for remote temperature indication shall be provided in the control cabinet.

1 (one) magnetic type oil level indicator (Messko/ MR or equivalent) with adjustable alarm contacts (minimum
and maximum oil level) for each conservator vessel.

1 (one) ammeter for checking the output of the current transformer of each thermal replica (also to be used
during calibration). Ammeters shall have overload scale up to at least 150%. A three-position change-over
switch for different functions is to be provided for each ammeter (subject for approval).

11.10.11 Inspections and Tests (oil immersed type)

11.10.12 Factory Tests

The following tests shall be performed in the presence of the Employer/ ENGINEER:

Routine Tests

 Measurement of winding resistance. For variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) to be performed for
all tap positions.
 Measurement of reactance/ inductance. For variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) to be performed
at all tap positions.
 Determination of the impedance in Ω/ phase for variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) at all tap
 Measurement of total losses at Umax at factory ambient temperature (to be corrected to reference tem-
perature 75°C by the temperature coefficient established during type test at 1st unit). For variable MVAr
output shunt reactors (VSR) to be performed at least at the two extreme taps, i.e. at max. and min. reactive
power tap.

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 Measurement of zero-sequence reactance (three-phase units). For variable MVAr output shunt reactors here.
(VSR) to be performed at least at the two extreme taps, i.e. at max. and min. reactive power tap.
 Measurement of ratio and polarity check of current transformers.
 Measurement of vibration.
 Switching impulse test on line terminals for windings of Um= 100 kV and above. For switching impulse
tests performed on windings below Um= 245 kV the SI withstand test level shall be at least 82.5% of the
specified LI withstand test level. In all cases of three-phase reactors specified for undergoing switching
impulse tests, the voltage between phases during switching impulse test will be less than 1.5 times the
test voltage. The reactor(s) shall however be designed to withstand 1.5 times the test voltage between
phases independent on the specified insulation and test level(s). For variable MVAr output shunt reactors
(VSR) the test is to be performed at tap positions with max. reactive power.
 Lightning impulse test. For variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) to be performed at the two extreme
taps and at central tap. Hereby is understood that only one set of lightning impulse test is required for
each phase winding (same procedure as for power transformers). The following test sequence shall be

One or more reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral)

One reduced level chopped impulse

One full level full impulse (lines and neutral)

One reduced level chopped impulse (lines only)

Two full level chopped impulses (lines only)

Two full level full impulses (lines and neutral)

For variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) additional reduced full impulses for reference are required by
the Employer/ ENGINEER in case of non-linear elements being provided in regulation windings and/ or in OLTC.
The peak value of chopped impulse shall be at least 1.1 times the amplitude of full impulse in accordance with
IEC 60076-3 (2000). However, only for cases where the over-swing to the opposite polarity is greater than
30%, it is permissible to add a series connected damping resistor in the chopping circuit to limit the amount
of over-swing to the opposite polarity. When a resistor is added in the chopping circuit, the resistor shall not
decrease the over-swing to the opposite polarity below 30% of the amplitude of the chopped wave. Neutral
points or other terminals to be solidly grounded when in service shall not be grounded through resistors other
than a measuring shunt. Impulse tests on neutrals shall be applied directly with all line terminals earthed,
either solidly or through adequate resistors. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate voltage di-
viders and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/ or in oscillographic or digital records.

 Separate source AC voltage withstand test in accordance with IEC 60076-3 (2000), sub-clause 11 after
impulse tests (including measurement of charging current). In case of thyristor controlled reactors for each
part of split winding against the other one and against ground, i.e. all non-tested parts grounded.
 Induced AC withstand voltage test in accordance with IEC 60076-6, sub-clause For variable MVAr
output shunt reactors (VSR) the test is to be performed at tap positions with max. reactive power.

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 Reactors with Um ≤ 72.5 kV shall be tested according to IEC 60076-3 (2000), 12.2.1 (short-duration AC
withstand voltage test). If a test for reactors with symmetrical three-phase voltage should not be practi-
cable for three-phase reactors this shall be brought to the attention of Employer/ ENGINEER during Tender
stage. In such a case the three-phase test 12.2.1) of IEC 60076-3 (2000) may be replaced by three single-
phase tests with test connection equivalent to Figure 4 of IEC 60076-6, However, the full test
voltage as specified in the technical data sheets shall be applied between phases.
 Reactors with 72.5 kV < Um ≤ 170 kV and uniform insulation shall be tested according to IEC 60076-3
(2000), 12.2.2 (short-duration AC withstand voltage test). If a test with symmetrical three-phase voltage
should not be practicable for three-phase reactors this shall be brought to the attention of Employer/
ENGINEER during Tender stage. In such a case the three-phase test 12.2.1) of IEC 60076-3 (2000) may be
replaced by three single-phase tests with test connection as shown in Figure 4 of IEC 60076-6,
However, the test voltage (U1) as specified in the technical data sheets shall be applied between phases.
 Reactors with Um > 170 kV and non-uniform insulation shall be tested according to IEC 60076-3 (2000),
12.4 (long-duration AC withstand voltage test, including enhanced test level U1 as assigned in IEC 60076-
3 (2000), 12.4). For three-phase reactors the test may be performed as a three-phase test or as three
single-phase tests with an excitation circuit as given in IEC 60076-6,, Figure 5. If the power and/
or voltage requirement for these tests exceeds those available at the test station this shall be brought to
the attention of the Employer/ ENGINEER during Tender stage. In such a case equivalent single-phase test
application as given in IEC 60076-6,, Figure 6 may be agreed between Employer/ ENGINEER and
Contractor, on condition that the test voltages (phase-to-ground) for U1 and U2 will be increased to 1.8
Um/ √3 and 1.6 Um/ √3 respectively at an unchanged partial discharge limit not exceeding a continuous
level of 500 pC at test voltage U2 and as specified in IEC 60076-3 (2000), 12.4.
 Frequency response analysis (SFRA-test) with a DOBLE-SFRA device (or equivalent) using swept frequency
in a range of 10 Hz to 2 MHz. This test is to provide base line readings of the windings in as-new condition.
The test shall be performed after successful completion of all dielectric tests.
 Dissolved gas in oil analysis by chromatography prior to all tests, prior to dielectric tests and after comple-
tion of dielectric tests (check test reports only).
 Measurement of the capacitance and insulation power factor at min. 10 kV. The tan values at 20°C shall
be less than 0.5%.
 Measuring of insulation resistance at 5000 V DC (R15, R60, R600). The polarisation index R10min: R1min
shall be greater than 1.1.
 Calibration and current injection test on hot spot indicators based on results of heat run test.
 Measurement of the insulation resistance (R60) between the core etc., and tank at 2500 V DC.
 Applied over-voltage test at 2000 V AC, 60 sec. on wiring and supervisory equipment (500 V AC on PT 100,
all electronic devices disconnected).

Type Tests and Special Tests

 Steady state temperature rise test at specified highest continuous operation voltage. For variable MVAr
output shunt reactors (VSR) the test is to be performed at tap positions with max. reactive power. The top
oil temperature shall be measured in tank cover directly in top oil by approved screwed-in temperature
sensors at a minimum of three points as approved. The top oil temperature may be alternatively measured
in the hot transformer oil by at least three thermometer pockets as specified above. By agreement the
top oil temperature may be additionally measured directly in the hot oil of inlets of the cooling equipment.
In case of measurements of top oil temperatures taken in pockets the final top oil temperature shall be

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corrected by +2K. The bottom oil temperature shall be measured by at least two points placed either here.
directly into return headers or at return headers of cooling equipment. Measurements on radiator and/
or tank walls are not acceptable. Location of all measuring points, including those for measurement of
ambient air temperature, is subject for approval. The oil used during temperature rise tests shall have
same or higher viscosity as final oil used at site for operation.
 Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis by chromatography prior to and after the heat-run test (check test reports
 Measurement of sound level at Umax close to service temperature (at end of temperature rise test before
switching off).

Measurement of total losses at Umax close to service temperature in conjunction with temperature rise test
and determination temperature coefficient for the recalculation of the losses to the reference temperature
75°C (details are subject for approval.)

Tests on Reactor Tank and Accessories

Prior to the acceptance tests, the Contractor shall submit as a minimum requirement the following test certif-

 Vacuum test on tank and all other oil-filled compartments (to be applied at 1.5 mbar for at least 5 hours)
 Pressure test on tank and all oil filled compartments at min. 1.0 bar (> 14 PSI) for 24 hours
 Insulation oil used during factory tests and at site
 Bushings and current transformers
 Core losses of laminations (W17/50)

11.10.13 Site Tests

The following tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:

 Oil tightness test on tank assembled with radiators 0.3 bar over oil level, 24 hours (on oil-filled cable ter-
mination boxes at 0.2 bar, 5 hours).
 Measurement of reactance with low voltage (AC, 3-phase, in case of 3-phase reactors). For variable MVAr
output shunt reactors (VSR) to be performed at the two extreme taps, that is at max. and min. reactive
 Measurement of winding resistance. For variable MVAr output shunt reactors (VSR) to be performed for
all tap positions.
 Measuring of insulation resistance at 5000 V DC (R15, R60, R600). The polarisation index R10min : R1min
shall be greater than 1.1.
 Measurement of the insulation resistance (R60) between the core and tank at 1000 V DC.
 Measurement of the insulation resistances (R 60) on auxiliary wiring at 1000 V DC.
 Measurement of the water content and of the dielectric strength of the insulation oil.
 Re calibration and current injection test on winding temperature indicators (45 min).
 Functional tests on monitoring equipment.
 Visual checks.

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11.10.14 Inspections and Tests (dry type) here.

11.10.15 Factory Tests

The following tests shall be performed in the presence of the Employer/ ENGINEER:

Routine Tests

 Measurement of winding resistance

 Measurement of reactance/ inductance
 Measurement of total losses at Umax
 Lightning impulse tests with positive polarity on the incoming and outgoing terminals of all reactors. The
non-tested terminals shall not be grounded through resistors other than a measuring shunt and the best
achievable impulse-shape shall be applied by parallel connection of a sufficient number of stages of the
impulse generator. With regard to the wave-shape wider tolerances may be accepted (subject to mutual
 Induced AC withstand voltage test in accordance with IEC 60076-6
 Measurement of the acoustic sound level (sound pressure) at specified rated voltage and frequency and
at one prescribed contour located at approx. half of winding height in a distance of 2 m from winding

Type Tests and Special Tests

 Steady state temperature rise test at highest permissible continuous operation voltage

11.10.16 Site Tests

The following site tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:

 Measurement of winding resistance

 Measurement of reactance with low voltage
 Visual checks

11.11 Particular Requirements Neutral-Grounding Reactors, Filter and Damping


Additionally to the requirements given above particular requirements as given below are required for Neutral-
Grounding Reactors, Filter and Damping Reactors.

11.11.1 General

Neutral-grounding reactors shall be capable of withstanding the specified rated short time current for at least
10 seconds.

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Filter and damping reactors shall be capable of withstanding short circuits (all kinds of through-fault currents)
for at least 3 seconds.

The reactors shall be naturally air-cooled (AN).

11.11.2 Windings

Windings designed for higher insulation levels than LI: 750 kV/ AC: 325 kV the rated insulation level for neutral
points shall be at least LI: 550 kV/ AC: 230 kV. The windings of neutral-grounding reactors shall be insulated at
least commensurate with the neutral terminals to which the reactors shall be connected to. However the
insulation levels of all reactors shall also fulfil the conditions for fault criteria specified in IEEE Std. 32 without
any restriction.

If the requirements as per IEEE Std. 32 etc., show that higher insulation levels and test levels than specified
are necessary, the Bidder/ Contractors shall provide the neutral earthing reactors for the required ratings
without extra price.

The insulation material of windings and connections shall be of resin impregnated fibre-glass encapsulation,
free from insulation compositions subject to shrinking or collapse during service, and none of the material
shall disintegrate or become brittle under all load conditions.

The Bidder/ Contractor shall demonstrate the ability of withstanding thermal short circuits for the windings
after full load by a calculation in accordance with IEC 60076-5. For this purpose the temperature value shall
be assumed with 140°C for class 155 (F) to be the initial temperature before short circuit. The max. permissible
value of the average temperature of the windings after short circuit shall not exceed 250°C for copper windings
and is to be limited to 200°C for aluminium windings.

11.11.3 Air Core Type

Aluminium of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality shall be used. The thermal class of
insulation shall comply with class 155 (F) as per IEC 60085 and IEC 60076-11.

The coils and spider arms etc. shall be completely painted with a high-quality two-pack polyurethane based
insulation paint hardened with aliphatic isocyanate resin and shall be of colour code RAL 7032 (pebble-grey).
The dry-film thickness shall be min. 40 µm.

11.11.4 Gapped Iron Core, Indoor Type

Copper or aluminium of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality shall be used. Insulation
shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment suitable for hot, humid climate. The thermal class of insulation
shall comply with class 155 (F) as per IEC 60085 and IEC 60076-11.

The coil etc. shall be completely painted with high-quality two-pack insulation paint. The dry-film thickness
shall be minimum 40 µm.

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11.11.5 Terminals and Insulators for Gapped Iron Core, Indoor Type here.

The windings shall be equipped with suitable terminal link strips. All necessary bi-metallic and/ or other parts
required for proper connection of all conductors to be connected shall be included in the supplies.

Support insulators, if any, shall be of top quality electrical grade cast resin designed for site pollution severity
class “c” (medium) in accordance with IEC/TS 60815, unless specified otherwise in the Technical Data Sheets
and shall be of a uniform shade of brown.

11.11.6 Inspections and Tests

11.11.7 Factory Tests

The following tests shall be performed in the presence of the Employer/ ENGINEER:

Routine Tests

 Measurement of winding resistance

 Measurement of impedance at rated continuous current resp. measurement of inductance with filter re-
 Measurement of losses
 Measurement of quality factor for filter and damping reactors
 Lightning impulse tests with positive polarity on the incoming and outgoing terminals of all reactors

With air core type reactors, the tests shall be carried out generally according to IEC 60076-3 (2000), clause 13.
However, the front time of the impulse applied to the incoming terminal of neutral-grounding reactors shall
comply with that as specified in IEEE Std.32. The non-tested terminals shall not be grounded through resistors
other than a measuring shunt and the best achievable impulse-shape shall be applied by parallel connection
of a sufficient number of stages of the impulse generator. With regard to the wave-shape wider tolerances
may be accepted (subject to mutual agreement). The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate voltage
dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/ or in oscillographic or digital records.

With gapped iron type this test is to be carried out with the other end of the winding directly earthed. Due to
the low impedance of the reactor, the standard wave shape usually cannot be met. For more information, see
IEC 60076 4:2002, Clause A.3. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate voltage dividers and shall
be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/ or in oscillographic or digital records.

 Separate source AC voltage withstand test (after impulse tests)

Type Tests and Special Tests

 Steady state temperature rise test at rated continuous current

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11.11.8 Site Tests here.

The following site tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:

 Measurement of winding resistance

 Measurement of the insulation resistance at 5000 V DC
 Visual check

11.12 Transformer and Reactor Protection - Monitoring System

11.12.1 Fire Protection (if Required)

It may be necessary to provide integral fire protection for some transformers depending on the application,
site and rating. Where specified, the manufacturer shall include in his offer a suitable Transformer Protector
fire extinguishing system with ‘Explosion Prevention’ characteristics. A water deluge or spray system is non-
preferred and the selected system should offer the following features:

 Very rapid tank depressurisation.

 Separation of evacuated gasses from air.
 Separation of the gasses from oil.
 Channelling of the evacuated gasses away from the transformer environment.
 Nitrogen injection.

The transformer tank and installation shall be provided with the necessary flanges and valves for direct fitting
of the selected system, even if the system is not part of the initial contract (to be ordered at a later date.)

11.12.2 Fire Protection Walls (if Required)

Fire protection walls shall be provided between power transformers to prevent the spread of fire to neigh-
bouring transformers as per IEEE 979- 1994 – Guide for Substation Fire Protection. The fire protection walls
shall be designed according DIN VDE 0101 or equivalent.

The fire wall shall extend at least 600 mm horizontally and 300 mm vertically beyond any transformer compo-
nent that could be pressurized as a result of an electrical fault, including oil filled bushings. This is represented
by the distance “d” and “e” respectively (Guide for Transformer Fire Safety Practises, 537”

11.12.3 Detection, Protection and Monitoring System (if Required)

To reduce the risk of unexpected failure and the ensuing unscheduled outage, on-line monitoring to assess
continuously the condition of the transformer shall be installed. The transformer monitoring shall provide a
continuous condition assessment against any incipient fault developing in the transformer.

Visualization and monitoring shall be possible from the control room and from external locations by standard
internet browser. Communication shall be by standard IEC protocol as specified in the relevant chapters.

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A detection, protection and monitoring system shall be installed for each transformer with the followinghere. min-
imum requirements:

 on-load tap-changer monitoring

▪ I Monitoring of oltC and motor drive

▪ I Maintenance diagnostics
▪ Acoustic monitoring of tap changer etc..

 transformer monitoring

▪ I load voltage, load current

▪ I active power, reactive power and apparent power
▪ I temperatures (environment, topoil, hotspot)
▪ I aging rate and overload capacity of the transformer
▪ I Status information on the transformer protection systems
▪ I dissolved gas analysis (dga)
▪ Partial discharge (PD) detection with acoustic localization of arcing source,
▪ Insulation Degradation;
▪ Frequency response analysis (FRA);
▪ I oil level;
▪ I expanded monitoring

 Trend recording and archiving of all information relevant to determining the current transformer condition
 Superior alarm handling
 DC supply by UPS system
 Recording, storage and evaluation of all necessary values related to the transformer to enable mainte-
nance based on current conditions
 direct transmission of the information to the control system

The supply and installation shall include all the capture devices, siren, the integrated visualization system and
necessary secondary systems.

12 MV Power Cables
12.1 General

All cables shall be designed in accordance with the latest issues of IEC Publications and other standards as may
be approved by the Employer/ Engineer.

The Contractor is bound to measure and record the thermal resistivity of the backfilling material after rein-
statement every 200 m run, or as directed by the Engineer.

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Any measure shall be taken to obtain best uniform thermal resistivity all along the cable routes, and to advisehere.
the Employer on the actual current carrying capacity he is recommending for operation under site conditions.
This shall be done by means of a detailed study immediately after the respective circuit has been laid.

The cables may be exposed to the direct rays of the sun at the terminations of gantries, at river crossing
bridges, at the transformers etc. They shall be capable of withstanding such exposure continuously without
any detrimental effect on insulation, sheathing or covering. However installation of sun sheds may be required
at particular locations.

All cables and their accessories to be supplied shall have insulation levels able to withstand any voltage surges
which are normally expected to occur in the power system in which the cable is to be employed, due to switch-
ing operations, sudden load variations, faults, etc.

The cables and their accessories shall be constructed to fulfill the requirements when operating with full load
or at any load factor. Special reference is made to the climatic conditions. For laying of power cables, the
Contractor shall submit at least the following calculations and records:

 Calculation results of the continuous current rating (as indicated in the offer) of the proposed cables and
their accessories
 Calculation results of permissible overload current of the power cables, starting from 50, 75 and 100 % of
the above mentioned continuous permissible transmission capacity of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours
 Calculation of short circuit carrying capacity under short circuit conditions (1 sec)
 Report of own site measurements of the actual soil thermal resistivity and prevailing ground temperature
along the route before cable laying
 Report of density, grain size distribution, and thermal characteristics of proposed bedding and backfilling
material of power cables
 The reduction factor of permissible transmission capacity applied for the site conditions as result of the
chosen bedding and backfilling material of the power cables and including all crossing and parallel running
power cables
 Calculation of induced voltages on pilot/telephone cables installed in parallel with the power cables, if
 Calculation of induced voltages and currents in the power cable sheaths at full load and at short circuit
 Calculation of earthing wire cross sections

12.2 Incidental Charges and Erection

The Contractor shall lay and assemble all specified cables completely and shall, pursuant to a final site test,
hand them over in working order. The incidental charges and erection work shall, in particular, besides all
other necessary work and charges as covered by the Tender Documents, include:

Survey of the cable routes which are selected by the Employer/ Engineer, and survey of the soil thermal resis-
tivity to be expected along the cable routes, selection of delivery cable lengths and all necessary fittings.

Supervision of excavation and, if necessary, shuttering and dewatering of the cable trenches, as well as the
preparation of the cable ducts and supporting structures for installation of the cables

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Cable laying, including bedding into the ground, or laying in ducts and rooms, fastening on racks, cable brackets here.
or supporting structures, cable ducts including cable racks, as well as cable-supporting structures and sealing
ends and joint supports

Supervision of procurement and filling-in of cable bedding and backfilling material which shall have a maxi-
mum thermal resistivity of 120 cm°C/W under operation conditions and shall be chemically neutral. In case
the thermal resistivity exceeds 120 cm°C/W, even under completely dried out conditions, the Contractor shall
submit an alternative proposal to cope with the thermal design of the bedding and backfilling material

Measurement of the thermal resistivity of the backfilling material along the cable route

Supervision of procurement and laying of concrete slabs, supervision of procurement and laying of cable ducts
at road crossings

Provision of auxiliary erection structures such as tarpaulins, free-standing structures, etc.

Supply of all material necessary for jointing, terminating and fixing the cables to the switchgear (and trans-
formers/ reactors, if any), as well as cable trays, clamps, grounding material and all further tools and accesso-
ries required for proper installation

Assembly ready for use, including assembly for the connection of joints and sealing ends, including cast resin
cones, cable oil for joints and terminations, as well as making the electrical connections

12.3 Sealing and Drumming

Immediately after tests at the Contractor's premises, both ends of every length of cable shall be sealed with a
metal cap (with pulling eye for power cables) which shall be plumbed to the sheath.

All cables and conductors shall have the inner ends brought out and suitably fixed to the drum to avoid any
damage during handling or pulling operations.

The cables shall be rolled on strong wooden or steel drums provided with suitable wooden battens to protect
the cables from damage. They shall also be suitable for storage in the open air without additional protection
by casing or shutters for a period of at least two years.

The drums shall be marked in English to indicate the direction of rolling, and also as stipulated in the Special
Conditions of Contract, Shipping Marks, plus the following:


For all spare cut lengths of cable which are to be delivered to the Employer's stock, approved sealing caps of
correct sizes shall be supplied and properly mounted immediately after the respective cable length is cut.

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12.4 Standards here.

The cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation shall satisfy IEC 60502. and

IEC 60028 International standard of resistance for copper

IEC 60060 High voltage test techniques
IEC 60071 Insulation co-ordination
IEC 60093 Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating
IEC 60183 Guide to the selection of high voltage cables
IEC 60183-1 Amendment to IEC 60183
IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60229 Tests on cable over-sheaths, which have a special protective function and are applied by
IEC 60230 Impulse tests on cables and their accessories
IEC 60287 Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables (100 % load factor)
IEC 60330 Methods of test for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables
IEC 60332-1 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions
IEC 60502 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables (Um 36 kV)
IEC 60502-2 Amendment
IEC 60840 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables and their accessories (Um 36kV-170 kV )
IEC 60811 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables
IEC 60853 Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current ratings of cables
IEC 60949 Calculation of thermally permissible short circuit currents, taking into account non-adia-
batic heating effects
IEC 60986 Guide to the short circuit temperature limits of electric cables

All cables proposed by the Tenderer shall be type tested. The type test certificate shall be included in the
Tender or submitted at signature of Contract at the latest.

Before energising a cable circuit, including all accessories, tests shall be performed on the complete installa-

For the pressure tests of high voltage power cables at site shall be performed with AC voltage only. The Con-
tractor shall make available a suitable AC cable testing set.

12.5 Tests for MV XLPE Cables

Routine cable tests according to IEC 60502/ IEC 60840

 In addition, the following shall be performed:

▪ Conductor resistance test (IEC 60228)

▪ Capacitance test

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▪ Insulation resistance test here.
▪ Test on corrosion - resistant covering (IEC 60229)

Tests after installation including all accessories:

 According to IEC 60502/ IEC 60840

 In addition, the following shall be performed:

▪ DC conductor resistance test (IEC 60228)

▪ Capacitance test
▪ Insulation resistance test

12.6 MV Voltage XLPE Cables

12.6.1 Cable Construction

The conductors shall be made of round, stranded, soft annealed, electrolytic copper wires or aluminium, and
the cable shall be proof against water penetration in longitudinal axis. The conductors shall be screened by
extruded semi-conductive XLPE. This in turn shall be covered by the XLPE insulation. Another semi-conductive
screen shall cover the insulation etc. The design of the cable construction shall follow the cable cross section
drawing as provided in the tender documents.

Phase identification shall be provided on the screen by colour code red, yellow and blue.

The outer covering shall be preferably high density polyethylene, termite-resistant, vermin-proof, and suitable
for the prevailing service conditions at site.

A distinctive marking, including the following details, shall be embossed continually along with the whole outer

 Manufacturer's name and/ or trade mark

 Year of manufacture
 Nominal voltage
 Marks one meter apart showing the cable length

The Tenderer must prove by calculation that the core screens are adequate to meet the systems highest short
circuit current.

Jointing of cables in runs will not be accepted except if not explicitly approved by the Employer/ Engineer.

Single core cables shall be laid in three-foil formation.

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12.6.2 Sealing Ends here.

Cable sealing ends for power cables of appropriated size and type are required for connection of metal-clad
switchgears, GIS, transformers and overhead lines. The terminations shall be suitable as necessary for use on
switchgear, transformer cable boxes designed for either compound filling or air clearance (without compound)
and overhead line termination.

Design of cable sealing ends has to be closely co-ordinated with the supplier of the equipment, the cable has
to be connected to, and the manufacturer

The system cyclic loading and fault condition shall in no way affect the termination. The supplier shall provide
evidence with his offer that the terminations have been tested in a recognised laboratory. The details of test
and method shall also be submitted.

The manufacturer shall supply evidence of experience indicating places where his products are being used.

The terminations shall be supplied complete with lugs, tubes, tapes, copper braids, lead wire and other nec-
essary accessories. The exact dimensions of existing cable boxes (if any) will be given to the successful Ten-
derer upon his request. The termination shall not be impaired by the effects of humidity and/or atmosphere
containing salt-laden sand.

All kind of Power cables shall be properly glanded on the gland plate of the equipment to be connected. The
screen of the cable shall be earthed separately to allow disconnection for test purposes.

12.6.3 Outdoor Terminations

Outdoor terminations shall be suitable for termination of power cables on towers for connection of OHL and
in air insulated cable boxes of transformers.

The termination shall be made by using stress control cones. The sealing end shall consist of prefabricated
epoxy, silicone rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber or ethylene-propylene-terpolymer rubber and joined to the
cable afterwards of stress control cones moulded in one piece together with the cable insulation or made of
crepe paper (elastic paper method) or of self-vulcanising insulation tapes. The stress control cone material
should have the same thermal expansion coefficient as the cable.

The creepage distance of outer stress relive cone with alternating fins shall be as per requirements. The ter-
mination shall be supplied complete with fixing brackets, bushings, etc.

Glands and gland plates for the cables shall be made from non-magnetic material.

12.6.4 Indoor Terminations

Indoor terminations shall be used for connection of conventional air insulated indoor switchgear and try-type
transformers installed indoors. The sealing ends shall be of the same type as described above, however with-
out alternating fins.

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For connection of SF6 type indoor switchgears, plug in sealing ends shall be used. here.

The sealing ends for three core cables (if any) shall permit crossing of cable cores without damage to the
insulation, and all spacing shall be designed under consideration of the climatic conditions prevailing at site.

ectors. The number of splice slots shall equal to the number of fibres plus 20%.

12.7 Cable Installation

12.7.1 Cable in Concrete Trenches

All concrete trenches/ troughs and covers shall be provided and shall be subject to the approval of the Em-
ployer/ Engineer. Concrete trenches of an approved size and layout with pre-cast concrete covers may be cast
in sidu or constructed out of pre-cast trench pieces. All concrete trenches shall be cast or placed on lean con-

All power cables installed in reinforced concrete trenches/ troughs shall be supported by means of suitable
spacers. For cable movements the snaked laying of cables is required. The cables shall be laid in a regular
snaked form in the horizontal or vertical planes and they shall be secured at regular intervals by clamps or
straps. The distance between the fixing points and the straps must take into account electrodynamic stresses
under short circuit conditions.

All cables shall run in a neat and orderly manner and the crossing of cables within the trench/ trough shall be
avoided as far as possible. Cables of different voltages and purpose shall be kept separate. Separation may be
achieved by an adequate space between the cable, laying of cables on different cable trays or in different cable

On completion of the cable laying all concrete trenches supplied under this Contract shall be inspected, and
the Contractor shall be responsible for the replacement of any broken parts at no additional cost.

12.7.2 Cables Supported on Racks or Trays

The Contractor shall supply all racks, trays and supporting steelwork for the cables supplied and installed under
this Contract.

All cables shall be run with particular regard to neatness of appearance. Multiple runs shall be marshalled so
that cables entering or leaving the run do so in an orderly and logical manner.

When cables are laid on cable racks (which shall be provided with holes to improve ventilation), except other-
wise accepted, not more than one circuit shall be placed on one cable rack and shall be laid in snaked form.
Cable racks arranged one above the other shall be at least 0.3 m apart.

Non-magnetic clamps must be used for this purpose, to brace the cables against dynamic impulse forces dur-
ing short-circuits.

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The spacing of cable-supporting steelwork shall be to the approval of the Employer/ Engineer. here.

Wherever cables and accessories are installed and exposed to direct solar radiation, sun shields of approved
material and design shall be applied and installed.

Movable footbridges shall be provided in order to enable the Contractor's and any maintenance personnel to
step over the cables; number and design shall be subject to approval.

For the cable basement of substations the Contractor shall prepare the arrangement and layout for all cables
including all future cables in order that crossings are avoided and sufficient space for future connections is
provided. This work shall be co-ordinated with the relevant substation contractors and the design shall be
subject to the approval of the Employer/ Engineer.

All iron parts such as footbridges, cable-supporting structures, etc. shall be corrosion protected as described
hereinafter and shall be properly grounded. This is also valid for all nuts and bolts unless they are of stainless

Consideration of Induced Voltage

 For, the protection/ telephone cables laid in power cable trenches or in the vicinity of such power cables
have to be protected against damage by induced high voltages occurring in case of asymmetrical power
cable operation, e.g. during short circuits.
 Thus the Tenderer must prove by calculation on the induced voltages whether the sheaths and insulations
of the offered cables are sufficient for the given network configuration.

12.8 Cables and Cable Support Systems

12.8.1 General

The Contractor shall include all cables and cable support systems needed for the substation in his scope of
supply. He shall also include any 33 kV cables with terminations forming the connections to the 33 kV overhead

12.8.2 Outdoor Cables

 All outdoor cables shall be armoured to resist attack from rats and other rodents. The cables shall be
 Penetrations between indoor and outdoor shall be by water and pressure-tight MCTs (multi-cable transits
consisting of embedded frame and closed with sealing blocks).
 The exact route of embedded cables, as built, shall be shown on drawings.

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12.8.3 Indoor Cables here.

 Generally all indoor cables shall be halogen-free. Exceptions may be granted for small-power services,
where any acids caused by fire or overheating cannot reach switchgear rooms, control equipment rooms
or other premises containing sensitive electrical equipment.
 Wall and floor penetrations through fire barriers shall be through MCTs certified as fire barriers.
 Cables shall be arranged to minimise electromagnetic impacts between the cables. Cables entering enclo-
sures containing computerised equipment should be arranged according to the single entry principle, and
have their screens earthed through the cable glands.

12.8.4 Cables for Protective Actions

Cables serving duplicated protective actions should follow separate and well distanced routes as far as possi-

13 Earthing System
13.1 General

Earthing and bonding shall be in compliance with IEC guidelines for earthing systems in power supply and
distribution systems.

The scope of supply includes the following earthing systems:

 Earth-electrode under switchyard

 Earth-electrode under every building within the substation
 Connections between all earth-electrodes
 Earthing and bonding grid in any building or premise fed with electricity See 1 “Introduction and General
Technical Requirements” .

The Contractor shall prepare a study demonstrating that the earth-electrode and earthing grid are adequately

Earth-electrode resistance shall be measured after completion.

13.2 Earth Electrode

Earth electrodes embedded in the ground shall be established. Conductors shall be of copper, or shall be cop-
per clad. The outer (peripheral) wire of the earth electrode shall consist of 2 stranded copper conductors of
size 95 m2. These conductors shall be embedded with a spacing of 10 cm.

Comers and endpoints of horizontal earth-electrode wires shall be furnished with vertical earthing rods of
minimum25 m length drilled into rock or driven into the ground. Drilled holes should be filled with a suitable
conducting material (e.g. carbon-powder or similar).

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Embedded joints shall be made by thermite welding (Cadweld or similar). Risers from the electrode, andhere. main
wires within the electrode, shall be dimensioned to withstand the maximum prospective short-circuit and
earth-fault currents.

Comers and endpoints of horizontal earth-electrode wires shall be furnished with vertical earthing rods of
minimum25 m length drilled into rock or driven into the ground. Drilled holes should be filled with a suitable
conducting material (e.g. carbon-powder or similar).

Earth electrodes shall be designed to keep step and touch voltages during faults at a safe level.

13.3 Earthing Grid

An earthing and bonding mesh grid shall be established at all premises housing major electrical equipment.
The earthing grid shall be connected in the open inside buildings. At outdoor locations the parts of the earthing
grid may be embedded underground, and may be combined with the earth electrode. All conductors forming
the earthing grid shall be fully sized.

The earthing grid shall be continuous throughout the substation and extend up to 1 m outside the substation
fence as per IEEE Std. 80-2000.

A main function of the earthing grid is to serve as protective earth (PE), but it also serves to conduct incoming
overvoltage surges safely towards physical ground and to the nearby structures.

The earthing grid shall be connected to the earth-electrode at suitable locations.

No part of the earth electrode shall be allowed to constitute the sole connection between any separated parts
of the earthing grid.

13.4 Earthing of Equipment

Generally all electrical equipment shall be connected to the earthing grid.

For low-voltage equipment the earth-conductor shall be run together with the phase-conductors of the power
supply. It may be a dedicated conductor inside the supply cable, it may be the cable screen if sufficiently di-
mensioned, or it may be a separate conductor outside the cable, but in close proximity to it. The principle is
that the return path for the earth-fault current shall be as close to the forward path as possible. This will
minimize impedance in the circuit, as well as minimizing spreading of magnetic field caused by the fault-cur-

Additional earth-conductors should be used, where there is a need to reduce the voltage rises in the earthing
system during faults. For solidly earthed supply systems, there will normally be a need for such additional
earth-conductor or bonding to nearby structures.

To prevent electro voltaic differences between metallic materials no direct contact between Cu and galvanized
steel is allowed in outdoor installations. Cu may be tinned or run in isolated covers.

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13.5 Safety-Earthing During Work here.

All high-voltage and medium-voltage equipment shall have facilities for safety-earthing of the part being
worked on. Generally this should be accomplished by earthing-switches.

Parts which are not covered by these earthing-switches shall include contact-points for applying portable
earthing apparatus.

The Contractor shall supply all necessary types of portable earthing apparatus and voltage testers together
with storage racks.

13.6 Documentation

The Contractor shall prepare a layout diagram of the earthing grid and earthing electrode. The earthing grid
and the earth-electrode shall be shown on spot plans, showing the locations of the grids and specifying the
dimensions of the conductors.

The Contractor shall prepare a study, demonstrating that all parts of the earth system are meeting the appli-
cable requirements.

14 AC Station Service Supply

14.1 General

The station service supply system shall receive power from one or several station service transformer(s). The
station service supply shall be fed from the station service transformer with an AC three phase system voltage
of nominal 415/240 V, solidly grounded neutral.

Earth and neutral shall be kept in separate conductors throughout the distribution system, including the con-
sumers. (Five-wire system, TN-S)

For illumination, small-power socket-outlets, domestic appliances and other small-power applications, 240 V
single-phase shall be used.

The system shall include one main switchgear. It shall include bus-sectionaliser if it is fed from more than one
transformer. The number of station service transformers is specified in the “Scope of supply” and on single
line drawings.

The system shall include sub-switchgears as needed.

The system shall include motor control centres (MCC) and singly mounted motor starters as needed.

The system shall meet the requirements described in 1 “Introduction and General Technical Requirements”

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The system shall be designed with 25 % spare capacity for future expansions. (This spare capacity shall not
include contingency to cope with uncertainties in the load schedule.)

The Contractor shall design the control power distribution systems such that they meet the following require-

The voltage at component terminals shall suffice with good margin for proper performance of all components,
and at any location in the system.

Any insulation failure (earth-faults and short-circuit) shall be detected with good margin and tripped.

Fault-clearing devices for DC-systems shall be of a type designed for interrupting DC. (Melting fuses, specially
rated miniature-circuit-breakers or similar.)

There shall be separate power supply branch circuits, individually protected by MCBs per switchbay, for:

 Protection
 Alarms
 Control and regulations

Power Supply Interruptions

The power supply systems shall be designed such that the sub-station will continue in service even if there are
short-time collapses of voltage caused by short-circuits or supply switch-over sequences (minus 100 % voltage
drop for durations less than 0.5 second). Controls for important consumers must be designed such that these
types of incidents will not cause drop-out of the supply.

All parts shall continue in service, even for rapid variations of:

 Frequency: plus/minus 10 %.
 Voltage: plus/minus 10 %

Discriminative Fault Clearance

All power supply systems shall be designed such that fault tripping will be discriminative. This is particularly
important for power supply to control systems. This will require special attention by the Contractor when
designing the systems, as it is difficult to achieve discrimination between fuses and miniature-circuit-breakers
(MCBs) and between MCBs in series (MCBs normally have same short-circuit tripping time independent of
current rating).

Power supply to control systems must be split up in several branches, to ensure that a single fault cannot
cause loss of important functions. Circuits going out from control cabinets to field- mounted items should be
fused separately. This is particularly important when it comes to items serving protection systems.

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14.2 415Y/240 V-AC System here.

14.2.1 415Y/240 V-AC Main Switchgear

Neutral earthing of the system shall be by removable link between the N-bar and the PE-bar. The purpose of
this link is to enable checking of the insulation of the neutral conductors.

The switchgear shall be designed with withdraw able switching devices (circuit-breakers, starters, groups of
MCBs, etc.) The withdrawable units shall be interlocked such that the current must be switched off before
moving the unit.

Circuit-breakers for incoming supplies shall be of a design that enables remote operation of them. The incom-
ing supply shall be provided with:

 Energy metering (kWh, kVArh, kWpeak, kVArpeak)

 Ampere-meter
 Volt-meter
 Short-circuit protection, minimum2zones (100 % discrimination is a must!)
 Over-load protection

All outgoing branches shall be provided with:

 Short-circuit protection
 Over-load protection
 Further protection as detailed in the protection section of this design report
 Ampere-meter for circuits loaded with motors 8 kW or more, and other load 12 kW or more.
 Alarm if power supply is not available (e.g. open MCB)

14.2.2 415Y/240 V AC Sub-Switchgears

Sub-switchgears and distribution panels to be provided as needed.

Switchgears and panels containing three phases shall include volt-meter. Volt-meter is not required for switch-
gears and panels containing single-phase only.

14.3 Uninterruptible Power Supply System (UPS)

The 240 V-AC single phase UPS may be supported by the 110 V-DC batteries, or have its own batteries.

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15 Small Power Supply here.

15.1 Illumination - Outdoor

15.1.1 Scope of Supply

 There shall be light fixtures outside the entrance of each building.

 Illumination for entrances shall be controlled by photo-cell. All other illumination shall be switched on/off

15.1.2 Design

Outdoor light-fixtures and switches shall be of a rugged and weather-protected design. Enclosure shall be IP45
for fixtures and IP55 for switches. Light-fixtures shall include drainage hole for condense. The design shall
prevent intrusion of insects.

Sealings shall be long-term resistant to hot climate and sunshine.

Light-switches shall be two-pole type.

All cable entries shall be from the underside. (Any horizontal cable entry shall be arranged with drip-bend.)

15.2 Illumination - Indoor

15.2.1 Scope

All indoor premises shall have adequate illumination.

15.2.2 Design

Location of light-fixtures shall be coordinated with all other installations in the area, and be arranged in a way
that ensures adequate illumination levels anywhere of the premises.

Light switches shall be placed at all entrances to a room.

15.3 Emergency Illumination

Light-fixtures with built-in battery shall be placed over all escape doors and hatches out from cable cellars.

15.4 Spare Parts, Tools and Consumables

Contractor shall propose spare parts and special tools. Include minimum one spare light-fixture with built-in

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A suitable quantity of light-bulbs and fluorescent tubes must be included. here.

15.5 Socket-Outlets and Small-Power Supplies

15.5.1 Socket-Outlets for General Purposes

There shall be plenty of 240 V-AC socket-outlets for general purposes at all premises, except for small rooms
and closets.

15.5.2 Socket-Outlets for Welding Purposes

There shall be one 415 V-AC socket-outlets for electrical welding machines. The socket-outlets shall be 4-pole,
5-pin type, size 32 A.

15.5.3 Socket Outlets for Outdoor

Any outdoor socket-outlets shall include cover and be IP55. Outdoor socket-outlets shall be disconnected by
to-pole switch.

15.6 Small-Power Supplies and Other Services

The contractor small provide all necessary electrical supplies, including starters, switches etc. to serve all elec-
trical equipment at the substation. (E.g. ventilation, cooling, heating, water supply, drainage, sewage, kitchen
appliances, etc.)

16 DC Power Supply System

16.1 Introduction

The 110 Vdc battery and charger system shall be used for powering all the DC equipment to be supposed to
be connected to the 110 V level and shall comprise 2 x 50% rated duty Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) type battery
units, 2 x 100% rated battery float/boost chargers and duplicated distribution panels.

The 48 Vdc battery and charger system shall be used for powering the telecommunication equipment and
shall comprise 2 x 50% rated duty Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) type battery units, 2 x 100% rated battery
float/boost chargers and duplicated distribution panels.

The system shall be designed for ease of maintenance and shall include a variety of built-in alarms associated
with vital operating param.

Operation of any MCB or other protection system in the DC station service supply shall be also signalled on an
annunciator panel in the substation control room.

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16.2 Functional Requirements here.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and provision of the DC systems.

The chargers shall be sized to ensure that one charger alone can supply the total normal consumption of the
two distribution panels. During normal operation both rectifiers shall be in operation, and they shall be able
to operate in parallel.

The system shall have, as a minimum, the following features:

 High operational security and reliability.

 Alarm monitoring facilities.
 Simple operation and fault diagnosis.

The output of the battery and charger system shall be 48 volts (positive earth) and shall continuously supply
the power requirements of the load. There shall be no power interruption to the load during mains power
failure or when the mains power is restored.

16.3 System Capacity and Performance

The ampere capacity of the batteries shall be adequate when fully charged to maintain the stated load in
normal operation within its stated voltage limits for a period of at least 10 hours:

The batteries shall normally be kept charged by a dual battery charger unit, each charger comprising a float
charger with manual boost charge facilities.

The rating of each charger shall be sufficient to carry the specified maximum load including the spare capacity,
whilst maintaining the battery in a fully charged condition.

The boost charger shall be rated to restore the fully discharged battery to the fully charged condition within
12 hours, without interrupting supplies to the equipment.

When the battery is connected to the charger, the psophometric noise level at the output, for loads between
0 % and 100 per cent, shall not exceed the equivalent of 2 mV at a frequency of 800 Hz after weighting as
specified by ITU-T recommendations for any operational condition.

Automatic control of the output dc voltage is required. Variation shall not exceed 0.5 V from2 % to 100 % full
load current.

16.4 Alarm Indications

The battery and charger system shall be provided with efficient built-in self-monitoring and alarm facilities. An
alarm shall be activated when a fault is detected. Alarm conditions shall be displayed locally. Voltage free
contacts wired to cabling terminals shall also be provided to enable remote indication of each alarm.

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As a minimum the following remote signals shall be provided for connection to external systems such as SCADA here.
telemetry system:

 AC supply fail.
 Battery voltage high.
 Battery voltage low.
 Charger fail indication.
 Battery earth fault.
 DC supply fail.
 Output dc MCB Trip (Common for all MCBs).

Sufficient alarm initiation outputs shall be provided to allow each alarm of the 48 Vdc power supply system to
be displayed at up to three remote locations.

16.5 Battery and Charger Equipment

16.5.1 Batteries

The batteries shall be designed to give at least 10 years life from the date of installation.

The batteries shall operate in floating service, i.e. they shall be continuously connected to load and to the
charging rectifiers.

The batteries shall be housed in the battery room and shall be mounted on heavy-duty epoxy coated metal
racks suitably protected against corrosion and attack by the battery electrolyte. The battery shall be spaced
so as to permit sufficient access to all individual cells to allow replacement of cells and/or checking cell voltages
and connections. Racks shall be assembled clear of walls to permit access on all four sides of the battery bank.

Battery trays shall be factory treated with an electrolyte corrosion resistance coating.

The positive and negative terminals of each cell shall be clearly marked and permanently indicated. The posi-
tive and negative terminals of each complete battery shall be indicated by red and black markings respectively
in an approved form. Each cell shall be identified by a number formed in a non-corrodible material and fixed
to the cells to be visible when installed on the racks.

16.5.2 Chargers

The batteries shall normally be kept fully charged by a dual battery charger unit. Each battery charger shall be
capable of simultaneously supply the full load and trickle charging the batteries. Under normal condition, each
battery charger shall support half the load. In the event of a failure of one of the battery chargers, the healthy
charger shall automatically take-over the full load current without supply interruption. Manual change-over
of chargers shall also be possible.

The battery charger shall be of the solid state static thyristor or switch-mode rectifier type suitable for dc
power supply and charging of the associated storage battery. The rated output and current of rectifier shall

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correspond to the requirements of system load and battery charging. The operation of the rectifier shall be
fully automatic.

The output voltage shall be maintained constant and just sufficiently above the open circuit voltage of battery
to keep the battery in a fully charged condition, independent of load variations or variations of ac input voltage
within the specified limits. Provisions shall be made to adjust the charging voltage for a fully charged battery
with an accuracy of at least 1%, and to move the setting point within a range of 10%.

The rectifiers shall be fed from the LVAC main switchgear. Double wound transformers shall be provided at
the input side of rectifier to prevent galvanic connection between the dc and ac system.

The charging rectifier shall normally operate in the float charge mode. It shall be possible to select the charger
to ‘Boost charge’ mode. When selected to ‘Boost charge’ mode, the battery condition shall be monitored and
on achieving a fully charged condition, the rectifier shall automatically regulate the charging current and
change over to the ‘Trickle charge mode’. In addition to Boost and Float Charge modes, the charger shall also
be equipped with manual equalizing mode for initial conditioning and periodical maintenance of batteries.
Irrespective of the mode of operation the load voltage will be maintained to nominal level by the automatic
introduction of suitable dropping diodes.

The output dc voltage control range shall be adjustable and the range of voltage shall be stated in the Tender.

The dual battery charger unit shall be housed in the LVAC room or in the telecommunication room. Final loca-
tion to be decided and agreed by the Engineer. Alarm signals from the charger shall, besides the local indica-
tion, also be brought to an annunciator panel in the substation control room.

16.5.3 48V DC Distribution Board

The 48 Vdc distribution boards shall supply power to telecommunications equipment. The board shall be com-
posed of standard cubicle of approved construction.

The busbars shall be made of copper painted with suitable paint while all connection points shall be tin-plated.
The busbars shall be supported by insulators having high mechanical and electrical strength, sufficient creep-
age distance and shall be able to withstand all short-circuit conditions without damage. To ensure maximum
safety to personnel, the busbars shall be completely insulated at the front.

The busbar shall be supervised by an under voltage relay to be set at 80% of rated voltage with time delay
between 0-5 s.

Switching of the outgoing feeders shall be effected by two pole, manually operated miniature circuit breakers.

The miniature circuit breakers shall be equipped with an adjustable, temperature compensated thermal over-
load and an adjustable magnetic instantaneous over current release for automatic tripping. The short circuit
rating shall be adequate to protect each circuit against the effects of a fault at the outgoing terminal of the

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Auxiliary contacts shall be provided on each circuit breaker for signalling circuits, and the signals shall, besides
the local indication, also be brought to an annunciator panel in the substation control room.

The Contractor shall submit a calculation of selectivity between all protective devices in a circuit for all 48 Vdc
feeders to the Engineer for approval. Time delayed releases shall be used wherever necessary in order to
provide proper selectivity between circuit breakers of a circuit. Resetting shall also be provided.

The above-mentioned protective devices shall withstand the specified short currents. Auxiliary contacts shall
be provided on each circuit breaker for signalling circuits.

The number of spare ways for future loads shall be at least 100 % of the number required for the specified

16.5.4 110 V DC Distribution Board

The board shall be composed of standard cubicle of approved construction.

The busbars shall be made of copper painted with suitable paint while all connection points shall be tin-plated.
The busbars shall be supported by insulators having high mechanical and electrical strength, sufficient creep-
age distance and shall be able to withstand all short-circuit conditions without damage. To ensure maximum
safety to personnel, the busbars shall be completely insulated at the front.

The busbar shall be supervised by an under voltage relay to be set at 80% of rated voltage with time delay
between 0-5 s.

Switching of the outgoing feeders shall be effected by two pole, manually operated miniature circuit breakers.

The miniature circuit breakers shall be equipped with an adjustable, temperature compensated thermal over-
load and an adjustable magnetic instantaneous over current release for automatic tripping. The short circuit
rating shall be adequate to protect each circuit against the effects of a fault at the outgoing terminal of the

Auxiliary contacts shall be provided on each circuit breaker for signalling circuits. Auxiliary contacts shall be
provided on each circuit breaker for signalling circuits, and the signals shall, besides the local indication, also
be brought to an annunciator panel in the substation control room.

The Contractor shall submit a calculation of selectivity between all protective devices in a circuit for all 48 Vdc
feeders to the Engineer for approval. Time delayed releases shall be used wherever necessary in order to
provide proper selectivity between circuit breakers of a circuit. Resetting shall also be provided.

The above-mentioned protective devices shall withstand the specified short currents. Auxiliary contacts shall
be provided on each circuit breaker for signalling circuits.

The number of spare ways for future loads shall be at least 100 % of the number required for the specified

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16.6 Schedules and Calculations here.

16.6.1 Load Schedules

The Contractor shall prepare load schedules for all station service systems:

 415 V-AC
 110 V-DC
 48V DC
 240 V-AC UPS

The load schedules shall be used to calculate anticipated peak-loads and average loads for these systems in
such way that they can be used for deciding rating of all parts of the systems:

 Transformers
 Switchgears
 Cables and feeder circuits
 Batteries
 Battery-chargers
 Inverters

16.6.2 Voltage Drop Calculations

The Contractor shall prepare voltage-drop calculations with basis in the load schedules and specified variations
in the supply voltage.

The calculations shall serve to as written proof that all consumers will receive voltage within acceptable limits.

16.6.3 Protection Study

The Contractor shall prepare a protection study covering all systems serving station services. The study shall
serve as written proof for the following:

 All possible short-circuits and earth-faults will be detected and disconnected;

 All over-loading will be detected and disconnected;
 All disconnections of faults or over-loads will be performed discriminatively.

17 Substation Control System

17.1 Scope of Supply

The scope of supply for the local substation control system in the initial project stage shall include:

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 Control and protection system for the 220 kV voltage level with possibility to include the 440 kV voltagehere.
level at a later stage.
 Control and protection system for the MV system
 Control and protection for all low-voltage systems, including DC systems and UPS systems
 Overall substation control
 Voltage regulation for HV power transformers
 Furniture in Operators’ Room
 Protection study
 Cause and action schedule
 Alarm annunciation schedule
 Functional descriptions
 Manual and drawings for operation, maintenance, trouble-shooting and repair
 Back-up of software
 Special tools for checking, modifying and re-entering settings and software

17.2 General Design Requirements

All parts shall be of power transmission standard, with high reliability and life expectance. Equipment designed
for domestic use is generally not acceptable.

All items shall have the highest class of electromagnetic immunity, and/or be placed in enclosures that provide
such immunity.

17.3 Structure

The control and protection system shall be structured with a number of local control and protection systems.
These local systems shall be controlled by a bay control unit which communicates with a central substation
control system via a substation bus system conforming to IEC 61850.

The local control and protection systems shall be independent of each other. It shall be possible to operate
the individual parts of the substation from their local control systems.

17.4 Bay Control Units (BCU)

Bay control units shall be installed separately for each switchbay HV and MV. Bay control may not be combined
for different voltage levels of transformer switchbays.

The BCUs shall be of the numerical micro-processor based type and shall provide the necessary inputs, outputs
and serial interfaces. Features and functionality of the BCUs may differ depending on the related feeder / bay
type, but the different types of BCUs shall be kept to a minimum. The BCUs shall include measuring function
and backup protection functions 50/51 and 50N/51N in each bay.

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The devices shall operate independently from each other and the operation shall not be affected by any here.fault,
which occurs at the substation level or in any neighbouring bay.

Local/remote key-switches per feeder / bay shall be provided in order to allocate the control either to the
device itself or to a higher level. Furthermore the units shall provide suitable displays indicating the switching
status of the related bays primary equipment and relevant process data such as measured values of active /
reactive power, current, voltage etc., alarms and events.

Switches with motor drive shall be controllable via the BCU. Commands shall only be executed, when the
applicable interlocking conditions are fulfilled. The BCU shall furthermore be able to indicate important alarms
in the feeder/ bay via LEDs and alarm- respectively event list.

The BCU shall constantly collect and pre-process status information, alarms and measured values from the
related feeders/ bays.

The BCU shall be equipped with the necessary amount of binary input, binary output and analogue input cards.
Push-buttons shall allow control of circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches, and navigation
through the win-dows. The BCU shall be equipped with serial interfaces for programming of the BCU and con-
nection to substation level.

In general the BCUs shall provide the possibility to subsequently extend the number of Inputs and Outputs by
means of I/O card modules.

The unit shall have a self-monitoring scheme for supervision of the whole BCU including DC supply supervision.
Appropriated alarms shall be dispatched to the higher control levels in case of faults within the unit.

For compartibility reasonspreference is given to BCU-types commonly installed / available in TANESCO’s HV /

MV network. The main manufacturers of BCUs currently in operation are Alstom, NR, ABB and EFACEC.

17.5 Central Substation Control System

The Central Control System shall consist of duplicated computers and operator consoles, all communicating
via the bus system conforming to IEC 61850. The computers shall serve as back-up for each other. The plant
shall continue in undisturbed service even if one computer fails.

Communication between the Central Control system and the local control systems shall be such that it can
suffer minimum one failure without disturbing operation of the plant.

The man-machine interfaces shall include:

 Two operator position with monitor (two for each), key-board and mouse
 One printer for printing of reports and schedules
 One printer for colour printing in A4 and A3 formats
 Two color printers with scanning and copying functionality
 Two table with adjustable height

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 Two adjustable high-quality office chair with wheels here.
 Cabinets for storing of manuals, drawings and print-outs

Table for the operator shall include space for consulting drawings and simultaneously making notes.

Power supplies (socket-outlets) to the man-machine interface shall be dedicated for the purpose.

17.5.1 Operation

The Central Control System shall be prepared for following operation modes:

 Local control from substation control room.

 Remote control from regional dispatch centre.

Central control system shall operate the following items:

 220 kV and 33 kV circuit-breakers

 220 kV isolators
 earth-switches in the 220 kV voltage levels (if applicable)
 Set-points for voltage regulation of 220 kV.

17.5.2 Communication with Dispatch Centre

The Employer is presently implementing an extensive upgrading and expansion of the SCADA system for the
grid. The Contractor must adapt to the principles ruling this upgrading.

The Central Control System shall communicate with the dispatch centre through optical fibres included in the
earth wires of the HV transmission line, connecting to the TANESCO internal fibre optic telecommunication
system at the Geita node point.

The Dispatch center in this case shall mean both the Regional Control Center (RCC) and National Control Center
(NCC) in Ubungo.The signals shall be structured according to IEC 60870-5-101/104, depending on the telecon-
trol protocol currently in operation.

The Contractor shall provide all systems, equipment and cabling into the termination panel for the optical
fibres. The Contractor must co-ordinate with the Employer to ensure that the signals from/to the substation
matches the systems in the dispatch centres.

Signals to be transmitted for HV and MV systems are:

 Energy m
 Voltages
 Currents
 Bus bar frequency
 Active and reactive power

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 Temperatures on transformers here.
 Circuit-breaker positions (individually for single-phase breakers)
 Switch-isolator positions
 Isolator positions
 Earth-switch positions
 Up to 15 alarms per bay
 The contractor of the 220 kV transmission link Geita – Nyakanazi shall also take into consideration the
process visualisation of additional feeders (Geita) and additionl substations (Nyakanazi) in the existing
SCADA system. The existing data model of TANESCO’s SCADA – system (Alstom e-Terra Platform) installed
in the NCC has to be modified accordingly within the scope of this project. The integration of the new SAS
of Nykanazi into the existing SCADA – system shall include:
 Modification / update of existing data-model / data base
 Process visualisation of additional feeders and ubstations
 Re-tuning of power system applications (as far as pplicable)
 Ensuring remote control and monitoring of Nyakanazi substation and the additionl Geita feeders from
NCC. The NCC shall be able to control all feeders in TANESCO’s HV grid down to the 33 kV bus bar only.
The local substation automation system shall be able to control all feeders.
 The additional feeders of Geita substation have to be itegrated into the existing substation automation
system as well as in the NCC Ubungo. The new SAS of Nyakanazi shall be designed in order to be integrated
in the future regional CC at a later stage.

17.5.3 Process Visualisation

Display pictures available on the operator monitors should include, but not be limited, to:

 Substation overall
 220 kV system details
 Transformer details
 33 kV system details
 415 V-AC system details
 DC and UPS system details
 Substation general (temperatures, ventilation, drainage, etc.)
 Energy status for each measuring point, totally and accumulated last month (kWh, kVArh, kWpeak, kVAr

All display pictures shall include the following common information:

 Alarm status, and text of the most recent alarm being still active
 Frequency
 Voltage in % on 220 kV system
 Voltage in % on 33 kV system
 Voltage in % on 415 V-AC system
 Quick buttons for selecting other pictures

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Display pictures shall be in colours, and shall have different colours for different voltage levels. Colourshere.shall
be approved by the Employer.

The various display pictures shall include following information for the systems shown:

 Active and reactive power

 Voltage
 Current
 Circuit-breaker position
 Isolator position
 Earth-switch position
 Indication if a circuit is unavailable (e.g. because of work on the line).

Voltages and currents shall generally be indicated by two figures: kV or A and % of rated value.

The display pictures on the substation control system and the Dispatch centers shall match the Employers
applicable standards.

The Contractor shall carry out integration into the existing Protection, Control and communication for the
existing system. This shall include but not limited to SCADA. Integration of the substation SAS into the SAS for
existing substations shall also be included in the scope of the Contractor.

17.5.4 Alarm and Event Lists

Alarms are all signals reflecting an abnormal situation. The signals may be warnings to the operators or con-
firmation of which protective function has caused a trip.

 Time for the alarm shall be shown.

 Alarm appearance shall diversify between:

▪ Alarm active, not acknowledged

▪ Alarm not active, not acknowledged
▪ Alarm active, acknowledged

The event list shall include all alarms (on/off) plus all other major events. Such events are switching of circuit-
breakers, isolators and earth-switches, adjustment of voltage set-points, and tap-changer positions.

Time for the event shall be shown.

17.5.5 Common Requirements

Sampling time for alarm and event lists should ensure time tagging to be accurate at millis level.

Alarm and event schedules shall be prepared in a format suitable for print-out.

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The alarm system shall include audible alarms, which can be heard anywhere inside the control building. Fa-
cility from muting the audible alarms shall be provided.

17.5.6 Reports

The Central Control System shall include automatic generation of reports. The reports shall include key pa-
rameters for the period reported, such as:

 Energy balance (kWh, kVArh, kWpeak, kVArpeak) at intervals during the last month
 Voltage high and low
 Running hours for each step-down transformer, last month and accumulated
 Temperatures

Detailed parameter and format of the reports to be agreed with the Employer. There must be reports that
show load variations (hourly figures) over the day.

17.5.7 Alarm Annunciation Schedule

The Contractor shall prepare an “Alarm Annunciation Schedule”.

The schedule shall include all alarm texts that are included in the Central Control System. For each and every
entry there shall be a reference to the primary signal source, possible causes for the signal and reference to
circuit-diagram or other document covering the signal source.

17.5.8 Factory Acceptance Tests

The control system shall be subject to extensive function testing at the manufacturer’s works. The Employer
and Engineer will witness this test.

The test stand shall include simulation of the most important param to be monitored by the operators.

The test period allocated shall suffice for thorough testing of all functions.

The Employer and Engineer shall be given opportunity to request modifications to enhance user- friendliness
of the system.

17.6 Voltage Regulation / OLTC - Control

All HV Power Transformers equipped with on-load tap changers (OLTC) shall be controlled by voltage regula-
tors. The voltage regulators shall facilitate automatic and manual control, and shall be suitable for addition of
future voltage regulated power transformers which might be paralleled, as well as for possible extension of
single busbar systems to future double busbar systems.

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18 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) here.

18.1 General

Dependoing on the data acquisition technology applied in existing Geita substation it will be necessary to
extend the substation automation system in order to cover the complete amount of data points of two addi-
tional 220 kV feeders.

The contractor shall be responsible for the integration of additional feeders into the substations data model.
Type and amount of additional I/O cards for RTU extension shall be identified within the frame of a detailed
site visit.

18.2 Time Synchronization

The time within the substation protection units shall be set by a dedicated clock synchronisation unit where
specified. Time synchronization of all protection units shall be centralized at the station level equipment like
station computer or gateway (if any). The time shall then be distributed to the IED via the optical inter-bay
bus. An accuracy of ±1 ms within the station is required

19 Standby Diesel Generator Set

19.1 Generalities

The new substation in Nyakanazi shall be equipped with a stand-by Diesel generator. The Gen-Set shall provide
a rated generation capacity of 315 kVA and shall be designed to start up automatically in case of power failure.

In case of loss of the 400 V main power supply, the main power circuit breaker opens, the group will start and
will be connected automatically as soon as it is synchronised (substation supply is buffered by the battery and
charger systems until the Diesel Genset is up). The group will be disconnected and stop automatically after a
5 minutes, in case the power supply from the grid has been restored and the main power circuit breaker is
automatically closed.

The diesel generator set will be located in a separate building, near the substation building. A daily tank of fuel
oil will be installed inside the Diesel Genrerator building. In addition an external tank for fuel oil , a comple-
mentary external tank will be installed outside of the building. It must have sufficient capacity to supply the
group in continuous operation at full load for 24 hours. The diesel engine shall be supplied by gravity from the
daily tank, and electrical pumps will transfer the fuel oil from the external main tank to the daily tank.

The diesel generator shall be able to start by it’s own dedicated battery (12 or 24 V).

The starting and operation of the emergency diesel generator set shall be independent of any common auxil-
iary sources of the substation (air, water, DC and AC current) in order to be able to start the diesel-generator
unit in case of lack of all outside electrical sources (black start).

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19.2 Diesel Engine here.

A standby Diesel generator 315 kVA, 400/230 V +/- 10% will be provided and will include:

 A diesel engine;
 A generator with brushless excitation;
 A fuel supply system;
 A control panel including indicators;
 An automatic speed control system;
 An automatic voltage regulation system;
 The protection devices;
 An exhaust system.

The standby diesel generator will be placed in a separated building located near the substation building. The
expected life time shall be 25 years and it must have a sufficient capacity to supply the following consumers:

 Battery chargers;
 Lighting of building and switchyard;
 Motors of circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches;
 Protection and control relays;
 Anti-condensation heaters;
 Air conditioning of necessary rooms (control and control panel rooms, ...);
 Any other consumers necessary for the proper operation of the substation.

The noise level from the diesel generator plant, including exhaust system, fan units, building ventilation sys-
tems etc., shall not exceed the value defined previously in the main characteristics table.

In order to comply with this requirement, the Contractor shall define the characteristics of the building and
material and he shall supply the necessary sound absorbers to be installed at the openings.

19.2.1 Engine Type

The Diesel Engine shall be of heavy duty type to continuously drive the electric generator at the synchronism
speed of 1,500 rpm maximum, the engine shall be suitable to run with local fuel oil.

The motor is directly coupled to the generator, the two devices being mounted on a metal frame supported
by vibrations dampers.

19.2.2 Starting Device

The engine is designed for a cold start up using battery. The starting system includes a battery of sufficient
capacity to allow eight consecutive starts without recharging.

A mounted auxiliary generator will automatically load the battery.

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19.2.3 Cooling System here.

The diesel engine shall be water cooled by means of a closed water cooling loop. Proper inhibitors shall be
added in the water to protect the cooling system against corrosion & sludge. The water shall be boosted by a
centrifugal pump fitted on the engine; it shall be cooled by a fan directly driven by the engine.

The cooling and combustion air shall be taken outside of the room and blown by an axial fan.

The hot air shall be sent outside through a duct equipped at its outlet with a balance trap.

If necessary, a fan installed in the upper part of the room shall be provided to allow the removal of the heat,
so that the temperature increase does not rise above 5°C.

The Contractor shall define all air circuits between the diesel room and the outside and supply necessary me-
tallic air ducts, sound absorbers and fittings.

19.2.4 Exhaust System

The exhaust system shall include the silencer, manifold, expansion joints, flexible couplings, the pipe insula-
tion, a drainage pipe and all fittings.

The silencer shall be design so that the noise level does not exceed 75 dBA at a distance of 10 m.

The exhaust pipes inside the room shall be insulated with glass wool with a minimum thickness of 50 mm,
covered with a shell made of aluminium sheet.

19.2.5 Fuel Oil Supply System

The fuel oil supply system shall be composed of a complete set and including:

 A daily tank with a capacity of 200 litters inside the generator building;
 An external main tank to reach a total capacity of 720 litres;
 The fuel transfer pumps: an electric pump and a manual pump;
 Pipework, instruments and pipes fittings.

19.2.6 Speed Control System

The speed controller shall be of type: “Woodward UG8”, or equivalent. The frequency shall be maintained
within ± 1%.

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19.3 Generator And Excitation here.

19.3.1 Type and Capacity

The generator shall be synchronous type, air cooled. The generator characteristics shall be as follows:

 Voltage: 400/230 V three-phase + neutral;

 Frequency: 50 Hz;
 Power (see table), with cos p = 0.8 in continuous duty;
 Continuous running duty type S1 as per IEC 60034-1.

19.3.2 Excitation and Voltage Regulator

The excitation will be brushless type with rotating diodes, and will be controlled by a static exciter.

The “generator-exciter-regulator” will be completely autonomous and independent of any external source.

The automatic voltage regulator must be able to maintain the output voltage within the limits defined below:

 ± 5% of nominal voltage in steady state;

 ± 15% at the step loading or rejection of 100% of the nominal load.

20 Metering
20.1 General

All metering equipment shall meet the requirements in IEC 62053-23.

Meters shall be designed for 110 V+15/-25 %, 50 (47-53) Hz and 1/5 A secondary voltage/current from meas-
uring transformers. Auxiliary supply for the meters shall be 110 V, 50 Hz from the voltage transformers, or 110
V DC from the DC supply system. Secondary current 1 or 5 A from current transformers shall be decided on a
later stage for each individual meter.

20.2 Meters for Outgoing 220 kV and MV Lines

Multifunction meters shall provide the following functions:

 conform to the requirement of IEC 61334-4-4-1 (DLMS Standard protocol).

 be able to communicate with the control system with pulses and on an IEC 60870-5-103, MOD Bus proto-
 conform fully to IEC 60687 for class 0.2S Energy Meters and any other relevant specifications;
 the kWh meters and recorders shall be of class 0.2S and class 0.5 for the kVArh.
 be programmable and relevant software and connection cable to laptop shall be provided;

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 have memory and be capable of storage of at least 12 months’ load profile and other data e.g. freezed here.
monthly readings;
 be capable of bi-directional metering so as to record faithfully, both export and import quantities. The
quantities to be displayed shall be determined by the user through use of software that shall be provided;
 be configurable for use in three phase 3/4-wire networks systems 3x/110V, /5 (1) A;
 be usable on phase voltages of magnitudes ranging from 100V to 500V, 50 Hz and shall have voltage-surge
protection that meets IEC 60687 specifications;
 have a non-volatile memory so as to ensure no loss of data during power failures;
 security passwords and switches to prevent unauthorized programming of the meter;
 support multi-tariff metering;
 incorporate instrumentation for the following measures, visible on the meter display:

▪ MW; MVAR; MVA; Power factor.;

▪ phase currents; phase voltages and the angle between individual phase voltage;
▪ corresponding phase current;
▪ maximum demand for MW, MVAR and MVA;

 have programmable CT and VT ratios;

 have an accurate internal quartz controlled clock. It should be possible to reset the clock without loss of
billing data;

The meter errors shall comply with the requirement IEC 60687.

21 Substation and Line Protection System

21.1 General

The Contractor’s scope of supply shall include all sensors, protection relays and other systems necessary to
detect and clear all defects that may jeopardise personnel safety, equipment, the substation, the transmission
and distribution lines, and the environment. It shall also include warnings of situations that may develop into
such hazard.

Particular effort must be made in designing a protection system that will ensure discriminative tripping, and
with minimal risk of false or unselective tripping.

All electrical systems shall include protection against short-circuits and earth-faults.

Battery-fed systems shall have adequate protection to prevent mal-operations or damages when the battery
becomes discharged.

Facilities to collect oil leakages shall include facilities or alarms to prevent the collector from being filled up in
such way that it will not function as intended.

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Control and Relay Board shall be of panels of simplex or duplex type design as indicated in bill of quantity. It is
the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the equipment specified and such unspecified complemen-
tary equipment required for completeness of the protective/control schemes be properly accommodated in
the panels without congestion and if necessary, either add more number of panels or provide panels with
larger dimensions. No price increase at a later date on this account shall be allowed. However, the width of
panels that are being offered to be placed in existing switchyard control rooms, should be in conformity with
the space availability in the control room.

Cable entries to the panels shall be from the bottom. Cable gland plate fitted on the bottom of the panel shall
be connected to earthing of the panel/station through a flexible braided copper conductor rigidly.

Relay/protection panels of modern modular construction would also be acceptable.


All equipment on and in panels shall be mounted and completely wired to the terminal blocks ready for exter-
nal connections. The equipment on front of panel shall be mounted flush.

Equipment shall be mounted such that removal and replacement can be accomplished individually without
interruption of service to adjacent devices and are readily accessible without use of special tools. Terminal
marking on the equipment shall be clearly visible.

The Contractor shall carry out cut out, mounting and wiring of the free issue items supplied by others which
are to be mounted in his panel in accordance with the corresponding equipment manufacturer's drawings.
Cut outs if any, provided for future mounting of equipment shall be properly blanked off with blanking plate.

The centre lines of switches, push buttons and indicating lamps shall not be less than 750 mm from the bottom
of the panel. The centre lines of relays, m and recorders shall not be less than 1000 mm from the bottom of
the panel.

The centre lines of switches, push buttons and indicating lamps shall be matched to give a neat and uniform
appearance. Likewise the top lines of all meters, relays and recorders etc. shall be matched.

No equipment shall be mounted on the doors.

At existing station, panels shall be matched with other panels in the control room in respect of dimensions,
colour, appearance and arrangement of equipment (centre lines of switches, push buttons and other equip-
ment) on the front of the panel.

21.2 Design of Protection Relays for Electrical Systems

The protection relays measuring electrical quantities shall be digital, programmable types and designed for
communication through a bus in accordance with IEC 61850.

The relays shall be of high quality. They shall be produced by a recognised western European manufacturer.

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Protection relays shall be stabilised against over-harmonics, inrush currents, and other phenomena, thathere. may
cause false tripping.

The protective relays and their auxiliary relays shall operate successfully for any value of the DC supply voltage
between 85 % and 120 % of the rated voltage of 110 V without exceeding the temperature rise limits for the
operating coils.

The protective relays and necessary auxiliaries shall be housed in the metal-sheeted enclosure, and shall be
properly shielded against electromagnetic interference.

The relay scheme shall include test facilities, which enable testing of the relay at site, without interrupting
service of the primary system.

Each protective relay shall be equipped with adequate electrically independent contacts of adequate rating
for trip and alarm functions. Test facilities shall be provided as an integral part of each protective Switchgear
relay panel for testing of current and voltage transformer secondary circuits and trip circuit using secondary
injection test equipment.

All protective relays shall withstand the maximum prospective fault-current that flows through the primary

Protective relays and current-transformers must be designed and co-ordinated such that saturation in the
current-transformer will not prevent the relay from detecting and tripping the fault.

All protection relays shall have the capability of communicating via IEC 61850.

21.3 Protection Study

The Contractor shall perform a Protection Study for the substations including load flow and short circuit cal-
culations. This study must be coordinated with the protection data from interconnected substations and from
the distribution systems.

The protection system shall be designed to ensure back-up tripping in case a protective item or a circuit-
breaker should fail to disconnect the fault.

The Protection Study shall define all protections needed, and specify the basic settings of these protections.
The study will be subject to the Employer’s approval.

The as-built documentation shall include a set of detailed setting schedules, which shall record all settings
entered into each and every protection relay.

The protection relays to be installed for the protection of transmission lines, transformers and other HV/MV
equipment shall be numeric of robust type, insensitive to changes of temperature, vibration, etc.

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Input from the measuring transformers shall be based on 1A, 110 V AC. The relay’s power supply must accept here.
a rated operating voltage from 90 - 240 V AC/DC without the use of external resistors and without external
reconnections and shall be designed to withstand the high voltage interference which is normally experienced
in high voltage switching stations.

There shall be galvanic isolation on all inputs and outputs including power supply input. Isolated opto inputs
must accept a rated operating voltage from 24 - 250 V DC without the use of external resistors and without
external reconnections.

The Contractor shall endeavour to standardise the equipment by using as few different types of instruments,
relays, switches and other devices as possible.

21.4 Relay Construction and Mounting

The relays shall comply with the requirements of IEC 61850 and IEC 60255. Modular constructed equipment
shall be tested as a complete assembly and details of such tests shall be agreed with the Project Manager
when details of the construction are known. Constructional details shall satisfy the following requirements as

Relay contacts shall be suitable for making and breaking of the maximum currents which they require in nor-
mal services. Where contacts of the protective relays are not sufficient for circuit breaker tripping, auxiliary
trip relays shall be provided in order to prevent damage to relay output contacts. Operating time for such
tripping relays shall not significantly affect the overall fault clearing time.

A watchdog relay must detect internal fault including low auxiliary voltage. The auxiliary voltage supply to
each discriminative relay unit shall be continuously monitored and an alarm shall be given whenever the volt-
age exceeds the limits for reliable protection operation.

The measured service currents and/or service voltages must be visible at the front display of the relay. In order
to see all values at the same time, a four-line front display must be used. It shall also be possible to select
default display.

The relay must store a record of the fault-trip values to facilitate post fault analysis including, such as currents,
voltages, operating time identification of the faulted phase and faulted zone etc. The values must be available
at the front display of the relay and transferable to the supervisory system. The storage must not be depend-
able of the auxiliary supply.

It must be possible to do all settings both from the relay front panel and/or with a PC through connection in
the front panel of the relay

The relay must have a complete number keyboard in the front panel for settings and downloading of measured
values on the front panel display

Wherever practicable the design of the relay schemes shall be based on the "fail-safe" principle. For example,
care shall be taken to ensure that loss of DC supply or an open circuit does not cause incorrect opening or

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closing of circuit breaker. Circuit breaker or disconnector repeat relays should be of the non-latching type and
a discrepancy alarm shall be provided to check correct operation of the relays following a circuit breaker or
disconnector operation.

The lockout tripping relays shall be of the latching type and shall be hand and electrically reset.

In order to achieve a high degree of security in function, the protection system of each high voltage main
component (lines, power transformers, shunt reactors, etc.) shall consist of two separated protection sets,
main 1 and main 2 where applicable. Where two protection sets cover the same fault they shall be divided
into two electrically and mechanically separate parts by means of:

 Separated DC power supply,

 separated boards,
 separate current transformer cores,
 separate voltage circuits,
 separated tripping devices,
 separate tripping coils,
 separated cables,
 separated relay protection channels.

Strict requirements shall be given on selectivity in isolation. Only the minimum possible part of the plant shall
be tripped to isolate the fault or clear the abnormal conditions.

The Contractor shall for each substation carry out the protection plan for relay settings. The plan shall be
submitted to the Project Manager for approval.

All necessary intermediate currency and voltage transformers, converters, and auxiliary power supply units
shall form part of the supply.

The user manual shall be user-friendly and divided into one general hardware and software description and
one setting manual describing only the specified functions and necessary settings for the different types of

21.5 Fault Clearing Time

The protection system plus the circuit breakers shall have fault clearing time of not more than 100 ms for
voltages 220 kV and 150 ms for voltages below.

21.6 Trip Circuits

All trip circuits shall be duplicated with one group tripping the circuit breaker directly and the other routed via
a trip relay with heavy duty contacts. All lockout trips shall be routed via a hand reset/electrical reset relay
with heavy duty contacts. Closing of circuit breakers from substation control systems or local operation cubicle
shall be inhibited if the lockout trip relays are not reset. The trip circuit supervision shall be independent of

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the protection relays and provided to monitor each pole of each trip circuit on circuit breakers with separatehere.
mechanism per pole with the circuit breaker in both the open and close. The status of the trip circuit shall be
indicated on the panel.

An alarm shall be given to signal faulty trip circuits. The alarm shall be time delayed to prevent operation
during momentary dips in the DC supply.

21.7 Fault Recorder and Fault Locators

Fault recorders and fault locators must be integrated in the line protection relays and use the same input
parameters as the main protection function. The fault recorders must provide records for fault analysis in the
“Standard Common Format for Transient Date Exchange (IEEE-COMTRADE)” Necessary signals from the trans-
formers shall be included.

In addition, individual stand-alone fault locators/disturbance recorder shall be installed in separate fault loca-
tor panels in addition to having the same functionality in the line protection relays.

21.8 Supervision

The supply shall include hardware and software for remote setting, supervision, and data acquisition of the
protection relays, fault locators, and fault recorders. The software will be installed on a central PC with “win-
dows” operating system. The centrally installed software shall make it possible to contact the relays over the
telephone network via modems installed in each substation. The Contractor shall supply and install the mo-
dems, connect the relays and test the complete chain of control.

21.9 Protection of HV and MV System

The HV and MV equipment and system protection shall be operated from the 110 V DC power supply, allowing
for a variation of +10% -15%. All protection systems shall be installed in dedicated panels. Besides local an-
nunciation at the panel itself, protection alarm and trip signals shall also be brought to the annunciator panel
in the substation control room.

21.9.1 220 kV Transmission Line Protection

Facilities shall be provided to enable one protection (main or backup) to be taken out of service for mainte-
nance or testing without affecting the operation of the other in any way. The facilities shall include duplicate
breaker trip coils, separately fused DC circuits and the use of separate CT and VT windings. The protection
relays shall be arranged to initiate a single pole auto-reclosing on outgoing transmission line circuit breakers.

The line protection schemes shall contain the following protection relays:

 Distance Protection Relay (ANSI Function 21)

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 Instantaneous and time delayed overcurrent and earth fault protection (ANSI Functions 50/51here. and
50N/51N) as back-up of the Main protection.
 Line differential protection as part of the main 1 protections for the line (ANSI Function 87L).
 Three phase directional over current and Earth fault relay
 Sensitive Earth fault relay
 Single pole auto reclose Relay
 Switch Onto Fault Protection (SOTF)
 Trip circuit supervision visible from the front of the panel without having to open the panel door.
 Intertrip signalling for direct transfer trip initiated by breaker failure protection, overvoltage protection,
and SOTF protection)

Main 1 and Main 2 protections shall be provided by different manufacturers. These shall be coordinated with
the protections in existing substations.

The protection scheme to be apploied for the 220 kV HV transmission line shall be as follows:

 Line Distance protection-Main I Protection (To have other back up protection functions) ;
 Line differential Protection-Main II protection (To have other back up protection functions);
 Back up directional overcurrent protection;
 Bay Control Unit for Control and measuring (Including Synch-check function) ;
 Auto Reclose relay (To have capability for 1P,3P.1+3P,OFF operations through selector switch ) ;
 Trip circuit supervision relay visible from the front of the panel without opening the panel door.

21.9.2 Distance Protection

Distance relays of full scheme non-switched type for phase/earth and phase/phase faults and with up to four
measuring zones. In addition to the above the numerical relays must have the following characteristics:

 Ratings: AC Inputs: 110 V, 1 A (three phase) ;

 Power Supply Voltage: 110 VDC. (Universal power supply of 30-300VDC is preferred) ;
 The relays shall be of Numeric design;
 Impedance criteria;
 Three zones phase -phase Protection;
 Three zones phase -earth Protection;
 Additional Zone 4 Protection;
 Automatic Switch on to fault;
 Independent settings for each zone;
 Distance to fault measurement;
 Display: On operation, the relay should display the faulted phase(s), time and zone of operation and dis-
tance to fault;
 Power Swing detection: Blocking/non-blocking selectable by user;
 Scheme communication logic and residual current compensating;
 IDMT Three Phase/Over current and Earth fault Protection;
 Fuse failure supervision;

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 Auto-reclose logic 1 and/or 3 phases; here.
 Three pole tripping logic;
 Disturbance and event records including software for disturbance analysis;
 Fault record should be incorporated;
 At least six (6) Binary inputs;
 Mho/Quadrilateral characteristics;
 Stability against Switching inrush currents and Reverse faults;
 Clear faulted phase indication;
 Clear fault identification even for boundary conditions;
 Software necessary for all above functions shall be provided;
 Three sets of Installation, Commissioning and maintenance manuals shall be provided;

Distance protection signalling

For distance relays, where the length of the OHL permits, the main distance protection shall preferably be
designed for direct interfacing to a pair of optical fibres for tele-protection communication. Should line length
be a limiting factor then a digital tele-protection signalling unit or Multiplexer shall provide the necessary tele-
protection communications between circuit-end relays.

The distance protection shall be provided with an integral, two-way, high-speed, high-security intertripping
channel, where energisation of an intertrip send optical isolator of one relay will cause dedicated intertrip
receive contacts of the remote relay to operate. Alternatively, a separate intertrip channel shall be provided
via dedicated intertripping equipment.

All these functions must be integrated in a compact package and a user-friendly menu driven interface should
be available to enable the setting and testing of the relays.

21.9.3 Line Differential Relay

Current differential protection signalling

Current differential relays shall be designed for direct interfacing to a pair of optical fibres to provide the
necessary digital communications between circuit-end relays. For OHL circuits where relay to relay direct fibre
connection cannot be provided, due to length or no OPGW, then digital communication shall be achieved by
connection to a multiplexer.

In the case of relay fibre optic direct connection, the OPGW (if available) shall provide a pair of fibres plus a
pair of spares for each main protection.

The current differential protections shall remain stable during charging current inrush and with the presence
of steady-state charging current. For current differential protection via fibre optics pilots, upon opening of the
220 kV feeder disconnector the current differential function shall be blocked and a stub protection function
integral to the main protection relay shall be invoked. This will also block the remote end terminal differential
function and in this respect the Contractor shall ensure the feeder is adequately protected by high speed
protection should the feeder be energised from the remote terminal up to the local line disconnector;

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21.9.4 Auto-Reclose here.

Faults occurring on an overhead line feeder are mostly transient and following a short delay after tripping the
line can reclose and the supply of power re-established. The majority of transient faults on overhead line
feeders are earth faults that are usually the result of lightning strikes, vegetation or animal contact. Following
the initial fault, the insulation of the line is re-established once arc products have dispersed and the line can
be re-energised.

Since earth faults are statistically the most common fault then single pole auto-reclose can be beneficial. The
benefits of single pole auto-reclose are that synchronism between two generators is not lost as two phases
still link the systems and the faulted phase can reclose without any check synchronism requirements. The
disadvantages are increased complexity of protection and control circuitry as well and protection setting con-
siderations for the period when the faulted phase is open.

The circuit breakers also require individual tripping and closing mechanisms per phase. The Employer’s power
network principally uses AIS switchgear that is equipped with single-phase tripping and closing. It is for the
above reasons that single-phase auto reclose is applied throughout. However the option of choosing three
phase auto-reclose shall be provided by means of a selector switch.

The auto-reclose relay shall operate in a single phase auto-reclose mode (unless selected otherwise) for all
line faults detected in the protected zone with respect to current differential protection and instantaneous
elements of the distance protection. A separate auto-reclose relay shall be provided instead of integral main
protection and auto reclose as this separate arrangement permits either main protection to be out of service
without affecting the auto-reclose availability and avoids complex race issue between systems. It may not be
desirable for the network to operate with auto-reclose in service if one of the main protections is out of ser-
vice. In this case the network operators can switch the auto –reclose relay out of service if required. IN/OUT
switching shall be available both locally at the relay panel and by remote operation via the SCS system.

The auto-reclose scheme shall be one shot only and shall go to lockout mode if a second fault occurs within
the reclaim time following the first shot reclose.

In the case of three phase auto-reclose sequence, there is a possibility that the power system may be split and
one part of the system may lose synchronism with respect to the other part. Any resulting circuit breaker auto-
reclose, without a check synchronism reference may result in an out of synchronism closure that damages the
power system both electrically and mechanically. The severity of the damage depends on the degree of out of
synchronism at the instant of closure. For these reasons all 3-phase auto-reclose shall be performed with a
check synchronism.

For existing substation where a central check synchronism relay is used, the availability of a signal from this
scheme shall be investigated and if practical utilised. Alternatively, if the central check synchronisation scheme
cannot provide the necessary signals then an auto reclose relay with an integral check synchronism feature
can be provided and connected to busbar and line voltage transformers.

The auto-reclose relay shall be provided with indications and alarms for:

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 In/out of service; here.
 Auto-reclose relay healthy;
 Auto-reclose in progress;
 Auto-reclose lockout;
 Auto-reclose complete.

The alarms shall be available locally on the relay and via the SCS.

21.9.5 Circuit Breaker Failure

For circuit breakers adjacent to the busbars, the breaker fail protection shall be integral to the busbar protec-
tion scheme and so arranged to trip the mid diameter (in case of 1 and ½) and intertrip the circuit remote
terminal circuit breaker.

For the mid diameter circuit breaker, separate breaker fail protection shall be provided and the appropriate
trip and intertrip scheme designed to open all adjacent circuit breakers upon stage-2 operation.

Non-current based transformer protection operation shall also initiate Circuit breaker failure protection.

21.9.6 Three Phase Numeric Directional Over Current and Earth Fault Relay

Should incorporate the following features:

 Relay must be of Numerical design;

 Current setting range for over current relay 0.5 In-2.4 In;
 Current setting range for earth fault relay 0.05 In-0.8 In;
 Quadrature connection for polarising voltage (Vn=l 10) ;
 High set Element, with a setting range of l-32 In;
 The phase and earth directional elements should be individually selectable;
 I.D.M.T characteristics according to BS 142 or IEC 60255 and Definite time characteristic;
 The normal operating boundary shall be +/-90 degrees from relay characteristic angle Relay sensitivity
should be 1% of rated value of current and current polarising voltage at an angle equal to the relay char-
acteristic angle;
 Time setting multiplier 0.05 - 1.0;
 Broken conductor protection feature;
 Negative sequence Protection Feature;
 Thermal Protection;
 Circuit Breaker Maintenance;
 Incorporate Fault records, Event Records and disturbance records;
 Configurable output relays with ability to output starting elements to control Tripping of other upstream
Protection relays;
 Must provide all technical and operations manuals and configurations and settings software.

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21.9.7 Sensitive Earth Fault Relay. here.

Should incorporate the following Features;

 Relay must be of Numerical Type;

 Current setting range for earth fault relay 0.005 In-0.8 In;
 Definite time delay characteristic; setting range, 0-30 S.;
 Circuit Breaker Maintenance;
 Fault records, Event Records and disturbance records;
 Drop off /pickup ratio >90 %;
 Low transient overreach < 10 %.

The sensitive earth fault function shall be integrated into the main protection.

21.9.8 Autoreclose Relay

Shall incorporate the following features:

 Selectable 1-3 auto-reclose shots;

 Independent set dead time for each shot;
 Auto-reclose inhibit after manual close;
 Separate input for over current high set element and I.D.M.T element;
 Auto-reclose inhibition for over current high set element.

21.9.9 Breaker Failure Protection

Breaker Failure Protection shall be initiated in case any of the protection relays issues a trip signal to the circuit
breaker and the current flow is not interrupted.

21.9.10 Direct Transfer Trip Signalling

Direct Transfer Trip Signalling shall communicate with the remote end via OPGW and transfer trip signals from
the breaker failure protection, the oervoltage protection and the switch-onto-fault protection. The signalling
shall be inhibited when the line disconnector is in open status.

21.9.11 HV Power Transformer Protection

Power transformers shall be protected by the usually applied gas and oil surge and pressure detectors, oil and
winding temperature monitoring devices, including the monitoring and protection of the tap changer and/or
the cable connection chambers, as described in the transformer section.

Beside these protection systems as built into or mounted on the power transformer, at least the following
additional electrical protection relays shall be provided:

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 Differential protection; here.
 Earth fault protection;
 Backup short circuit and earth fault protection (all windings);
 Thermal overload protection;
 Sensitive earth fault protection.

The respective protection shall be mounted in a cubicle provided with all auxiliary relays fro alarming and
tripping and it shall receive from the transformer local control kiosk/marshalling box the corresponding cabling
and wiring at adequate number of terminals. All alarms and tripping orders shall be suitabley indicated at the
front of the power transformer protection cubicle(s).

Tripping interface shal be provided such that any protection relay's tripping on the higher voltage side shall
trip the lower voltage side circuit breaker and vice versa for transformer faults. Back-up protection for other
than transformer faults (external faults), installed at the low voltage side of the transformer shall only trip the
low voltage side circuit breaker and keep the transformer energised from the primary network side.

The protection relays for power transformers shall be mounted on a panel or panel section or in a cubicle
associated with the winding to which the relevant CT is connected. For overall protection the relays shall be
situated on the panel section or in a cubicle associated with the highest voltage winding.

21.9.12 Transformer Differential Protection

A three phase biased differential relay with a variable bias ratio is required. This ratio must be such that with
maximum mismatch between the HV and HV/MV CTs due to tap changing, the relay will always securely re-
strain in the presence of maximum through fault current.

The relay must not operate in the presence of magnetizing inrush current, yet must be capable of rapid tripping
in case of energising onto a fault.

The transformer differential relay shall also be designed with built-in unrestrained high-set overcurrent units.
These units shall off-set for slowing down of the restraint differential units in case of CT saturation occurring
during severe internal faults.

A tripping time of less than 20 ms (including main tripping contactor) with a differential current equal to five
times nominal setting current is reqired.

Setting of bias and basic sensitivity must be adjustable in steps during service.

All necessary interposing transformers with test terminal facilities must be provided whtich shall be ade-
quately rated to ensure correct relay performance during maximum through fault conditions.

On delta-connected tertiary sides of transformes, an earthing transformer shall be installed inside the zone of
it's differential protection.

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21.9.13 Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Protection here.

Three single phase and one earth, directional normal IDMTL elements shall be provided for overcurrent pro-
tection. The IDMTL curves shall be such as to give tripping after three s for ten times the current setting when
a time multiplier setting of 100 % is applied.

The overcurrent IDMTL elements shall have current ranges from 50 % to 200 %, adjustable in steps of 2.5 %.

Each overcurrent element shall be supplemented with an instantaneous element having a range of 5 to 16
times nominal current. It must also be capable of being set to infinity.

Tripping shall occur from the instantaneous elements in less than 20 ms including main tripping contactor
when three times the setting current is flowing.

The instantaneours and the IDMT elements shall have separate trip and alam contacts and separate trip indi-
cators. The instantaneous contact of the instantaneous element will be connected in series with the directional
element, whereas the timed contact will be independent.

An earth fault element connected to the power transformer's neutral CTs and having the same curve specifi-
cation like the overcurrent elements shall be provided.

The earth fault element shall have current ranges from2 % to 80 %, adjustable in steps of 2.5 %.

The time settings for both overcurrent and earth fault IDMTL elements shall be continuously variable from 0
to 1.0, as an alternative, with steps of at least 0.01 from 0.05 to 1.0.

The IDMT elements provided for the earth fault protection also shall have separate trip and alarm contacts
and separate trip indicators.

The Contractor may provide all the specified elements in one casing or built into a 19" swing frame of a trans-
former protection cubicle or may provide each element in a separate casing or may provide a casing for the
overcurrent elements and a casing for the earth fault elements all mounted suitably into the transformer pro-
tection panels.

21.9.14 Sensitive Earth Fault Relay

Sensitive earth fault protection shall be provided on the neutral of the earthing transformer to cater for high
resistance earth faults which remain undetected by the distance or inverse minimum time earth fault protec-
tion, and shall comprise of a definite time overcurrent relay.

As the relay will have very low setting, it is essential that the burden imposed by the relay is small and the
thermal dimensioning will be coordinated with the max. short circuit near the busbar during 500 ms.

It will have a definitive time characteristic with a range between 0-10 sec. with step not more than 0.1 sec.

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21.9.15 Thermal Overload Relay here.

With a compensating circuit for increase of cooling medium temperature as well as a thermal replica of the
protected object.

A display on the front of the relay indicating actual load condition and thermal status of the protectd trans-

Two different stages, the first to give a warning, whereas the second stage will provide a tripping of the trans-

21.9.16 Restricted Earth Fault Protection

Restricted earth fault protection relays shall be installed based on the transformer vector grouping.

21.9.17 Breaker Failure Protection

Breaker Failure Protection shall be initiated in case any of the protection relays issues a trip signal to the circuit
breaker and the current flow is not interrupted. Non-current based transformer protection operation shall
also initiate Circuit breaker failure protection,for example by transformer trip signals from the Buchholz relay,
the overpressure relay, Oil temperature and winding temperature trip signals.

21.9.18 Protection of Medium Voltage Feeders

If not otherwise specified in the special substation requirement the following protection features shall be
available in MV feeders equipped with circuit breakers.

Protection Function ANSI Nr.

Protection MV level
Distance protection phase 21
Autoreclose 79
Overcurrent with time delay (inverse time and constant time characteristic) 51
Ground fault overcurrent with time delay (inverse time and constant time characteristic) 51N
Instantaneous overcurrent 50
Instantaneous ground fault overcurrent 50N
Synchrocheck (VT on outgoing side of the feeder required) 25
Circuit breaker failure protection 50BF

Type of feeder Protection Device

Transformer feeder 51, 51N, 50, 50N, 25, 50BF
Line feeder 21, 51, 51N, 50, 50N, 25,79, 50BF, 81U
Busbar Sectionalizer 50, 50N, 51, 51N, 25, 50BF

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Station supply feeder 51, 51N, 50, 50N here.

Each feeder shall be protected by one main distance protection with the back-up overcurrent function imple-
mented in the Bay Control Unit (BCU). The BCU shall also have the measuring function.

21.9.19 Overcurrent Phase and Earth-Fault Protection

The relays shall provide instantaneous and time-delayed tripping of the circuit breaker. Time-delayed tripping
shall be possible accordant to IDMT characteristics provided in the IEC Standard and also with constant time
characteristic. For IDMT at least five different characteristics shall be selectable. The current range shall be
adjustable from 50 % to 200 % in steps of 2.5 %, for earth-fault protection from 10 % to 80 % in steps of 2.5
%. The time settings shall be continuously variable from 0 to 1.0 or, as an alternative with steps of at least 0.01
from 0.05 to 1.0. The instantaneous element shall have a setting range 2 to 30 times nominal current. It must
also be capable of being set to infinity. Tripping shall occur from the instantaneous unit in less than 40 ms
including main trip relay when two times the setting current is flowing. Directional elements are to be used
where applicable.

21.9.20 Auto-Reclosure Scheme

The Auto-reclosure module shall have the possibility of single-phase (depending on voltage level) and three-
phase reclosure modes from the distance protection. Any particular requirements of the circuit breaker mech-
anism shall be considered and catered for in the application of the reclosing equipment.

Auto - Reclose shall be:

 Normally set as single shot, but will be adjustable for multishot.

 Initiated from Zone 1 as well as Zone 2 accelerated protection relay operations.
 Blocked for Non- Directional Earth-Fault operation.

Reclose onto a fault shall cause a lockout of the circuit breaker under all auto-reclose options.

The auto-reclosing equipment shall be provided with a lockable ON/OFF switch mounted on the front of the
cubicle. Auto-reclosure ON/OFF can be set furthermore by command from SCS and SCADA/EMS.

Separate time delays for high-speed three phase and single phase auto-reclosure schemes shall be available.
A blocking time of about ten second will be applied after a successful auto-reclosure. In this period the circuit
breaker will definitively open in case of any fault on the protected feeder.

In the case that line reactors are present and a 4th coil is implemented in the star point to earth connection,
the calculation on the dimensioning of this 4th coil to-gether with the capacitances Phase-Phase in case of
single phase to earth fault need to be provided by the Contractor. The 4th coils mission is to reduce the sec-
ondary arc current to levels of 30-40 A. So that the maximum dead time (single phase to earth faults) expected
will be between 800 to 900 ms.

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21.9.21 Synchrocheck Equipment here.

Circuit breakers, line and bus couples and sectionalizers as well as the secondary side transformer circuit
breakers at 33 kV and above shall have check synchronism (controlled closure) equipment.

Closure of the circuit breaker shall only be possible when the phase angle, slip and voltage difference between
the measured voltages are within preset ranges. Permitted phase angle difference shall be adjustable in the
range of 5 to 100 degrees, the slip shall be adjustable in the range of 0.05 to 0.5%, and the voltage difference
shall be adjustable from2to 20%.

A VT is required on the outgoing side of the feeder.

21.9.22 MV Power Transformer Protection

Power transformers shall be protected by the usually applied gas and oil surge and pressure detectors, oil and
winding temperature monitoring devices, including the monitoring and protection of the tap changer and/or
the cable connection chambers, as described in the transformer section.

Beside these protection systems as built into or mounted on the power transformer, at least the following
additional electrical protection relays shall be provided:

 Short circuit and overcurrent protection (all windings);

 Differential protection;
 Earth fault protection;
 Thermal overload protection;
 Restricted earth fault protection.

21.9.23 Transformer Protection 33 kV Transformers (HV side)

The protection contains the following protection relays on the HV side:

 Biased differential protection relay for two winding Transformer.

 HV and LV restricted earth fault relay.
 HV Three-Phase Over current and Earth fault Protection Relay
 Auxiliary relays with annunciator for the following transformer functions

▪ Tx Buchholz gas;
▪ Tx Buchholz surge;
▪ OLTC Buchholz gas;
▪ OLTC gas relay;
▪ Pressure relief;
▪ Winding temperature Alarm;
▪ Winding temperature trip;
▪ Oil temperature alarm;

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▪ Oil temperature trip; here.
▪ Tx oil level low;
▪ OLTC oil level low.

 Standby earth fault relay. Biased differential protection for a two winding transformer

Overall differential protection equipped with over current stabilising for external faults and insensitive to in-
rush current. The operating time of the protection shall be less than 20ms. This is considered main 1 trans-
former protection. This should incorporate the following features:

 Relay Must be of Numerical design

 Pick up setting range, 0.1 to 0.5In
 Should incorporate a high-set Element with a setting range of up to 20In.
 Magnetising current inrush restraint
 Integral CT ratio compensation (0.1-2) and vector group compensation
 Measurement and indication on the MMI, of phase, differential and bias currents
 Storage of Fault records and Event records; the Fault flags should be accessible on the relay LCD screen
without opening the relay cover.
 Overfluxing restraint
 Overfluxing protection with Alarm and Trip functions
 5th harmonic restraint feature on the differential Element.
 Appropriate Dual Bias characteristic to ensure relay stability for heavy through faults
 Should incorporate a disturbance recorder feature.
 Red L E D to indicate Tripping
 Relay Self diagnostic and Alarm feature

Ability to Latch output contacts to prevent TX re-energizing before carrying out investigations. Three Phase Numeric IDMTL Over Current and Earth Fault Relay

Should incorporate the following Features;

 Relay must be of Numerical Type

 Current setting range for over current relay 0.5In-2.4In
 Current setting range for earth fault relay 0.05In-0.8In
 I.D.M.T characteristics according to BS142 or IEC 60255 i.e. SI,VI,EI,LTI, including definite time for the high-
set Elements.
 Time setting multiplier 0.05 -1.0
 Broken conductor protection feature
 Negative sequence Protection Feature
 Highset Element for both over current and earth fault
 Protection, with a setting range of 1 -30In.

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 Thermal Protection here.
 Dedicated Breaker Fail Protection.
 Circuit Breaker Maintenance
 Fault records, Event Records and disturbance records.
 Configurable output relays with ability to output starting elements to control Tripping of other upstream
Protection relays.
 Drop off /pickup ratio >90%
 Low transient overreach < 10% Restricted Earth Fault Relay

 Relay must be of Numerical type

 Relay should reject harmonics produced by C.T saturation
 Current setting range 0.05-0.8In
 Operating time < 25ms at 5 times the setting

Restricted earth fault and differential protection functions shall be provided in separate units.

21.9.24 Bus Bar Protection

21.9.25 Under Frequency Relay

Each bus bar shall be equipped with a separate under frequency relay for load shedding of all outgoing break-
ers. Each trip circuit shall be equipped with a clearly marked isolating link.

The relay shall be numeric having four independently time delayed settings in the range 50-47Hz with a reso-
lution of 0.1 Hz.

The selection of outgoing feeders to be tripped shall be realised by a selection switch per feeder (0, stage 1,
stage 2, stage 3, stage 4)

21.9.26 Bus bar Protection

Bus bar protection schemes shall be provided at bus bars for 220 kV in the new substations of Nyakanazi. In
substation extensions, any existing bus bar protection shall be extended such as to include the extensions.
Low impedance schemes will be acceptable provided full bus bar protection coverage to include single phase
and phase to phase faults can be achieved. The type of tripping criteria has to be fully described and preference
will be given to systems with more than two criteria checks before tripping. The bus bar protection relays must
be of the numeric type with full discrimination between the bus bars even with closed bus coupler. It shall
have CT supervision.

The busbar protection scheme shall be current differential protection of numerical design of either the cen-
tralised or distributed principle. Main Busbar 1 and Main Busbar 2 protections shall be installed in their own
separate panels.

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The bay units shall acquire the necessary current signals and they shall monitor the position of the busbar here.
selector switch auxiliary contacts for each bay, as necessary. They shall also provide the breaker fail protection
functionality for each busbar adjacent circuit breaker.

Provision shall be made for future substation extension by ensuring the busbar protection scheme is installed
with bay modules for two future “spare” bays to ensure there will be no future problems with software ver-

The busbar protection shall include checking techniques to detect analogue input errors that might provoke
an incorrect trip under load. In addition, the sensitivity of the busbar protection should be settable such that
it cannot trip for any current measuring error under load conditions whilst still providing adequate sensitivity
under minimum plant conditions.

Check zone functionality shall be integral to the numerical busbar protection scheme and hence a separate
relay providing check zone functionality is not required.

21.9.27 Breaker Failure Protection

The breaker backup protection shall only isolate the bus bar to which the faulty breaker is connected. I.e. the
station shall, as far as possible, remain in operation by a breaker failure. The bus bar protection can be used
for selection of breakers to be tripped.

21.9.28 Bypass Trip Logic and Bus Coupler

Where bus coupler is specified or already installed, the trip signals of any bypassed circuit breaker shall be
instantaneously transferred to the bus coupler.

Electrical interlocks shall be provided to ensure that only one circuit can be put on bypass at any one time.
This is only possible through the reserve bus bars.

The bus coupler protection shall in addition to possible bypass consist of a 3-pole IDMTL overcurrent relay and
one IDMTL earth fault relay, all with standard inverse.

21.9.29 Relay Test Equipment

The relay test equipment shall be a portable three phase unit with facilities for testing of over current relays,
negative sequence relays, differential relays, earth fault relays both directional and non-directional as well as
auto reclosing equipment. All sources of test units shall be integrated in the unit Digital display for volt and
amps shall have 1% accuracy whereas the digital timer shall have a resolution not less than 1 msec. It shall be
possible to connect the unit to a personal computer and necessary software for data recording and data han-
dling shall be included.

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21.9.30 Relay Settings here.

The Contractor based on network and equipment requirements shall provide the protection setting. The Con-
tractor, prior to making all commissioning tests, shall apply the settings to the equipment.

21.9.31 Tests
21.9.32 Factory Acceptance Tests

The control system shall be subject to extensive function testing at the manufacturer’s works. The Employer
and Engineer will witness this test.

The test stand shall include simulation of the most important param to be monitored by the operators.

The test period allocated shall suffice for thorough testing of all functions.

The Employer and Engineer shall be given opportunity to request modifications to enhance user- friendliness
of the system.

Protection setting should be made, and the protective action verified by injection or other type of simulation.

21.9.33 Site Acceptance Test

All control and protective functions shall be tested at Site.

When testing protective functions, it must be seen to that the whole protective circuit is tested. Simulation of
faults should be as realistic as possible.

All measurements shall be checked and calibrated.

All as-built settings and calibrations should be recorded in suitable schedules or documents being part of the
plant documentation.

22 Telecommunication Systems, LDC Integration

22.1 General Requirements

The new telecommunication systems to be provided at the substations shall be designed to transmit and re-
ceive data and voice signals. The objectives of the telecommunication systems shall provide the relevant com-
munication facilities and interfaces at the new substations and shall be integrated into the existing telecom-
munication network. All process information acquired in the new substations shall be transferred to the Na-
tional Conntrol Centre. All necessary hardware and software shall be provided to enable full integration to be

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It is envisaged that the new telecommunication equipment shall be based on synchronous digital hierarchy here.
(SDH) technology operating at STM-1 or STM-4 transmission level. The final choice will be decided by the En-
gineer during the detailed design stage. All necessary optical boosters and pre-amplifiers shall be provided to
enable satisfactory communications between substations without using intermediate repeaters or regenera-
tors. The operating wavelength of the SDH network shall be 1310 nm or 1550 nm as appropriate.

The SDH network shall be designed for digital transmission using single mode optical fibres and shall conform
to relevant ITU-T recommendations for the specified transmission bit rates. A minimum of 8 out of 48 fibre
cores will be made available for use by the telecommunication system. The total number of 48 fibres shall be
composed of 24 single mode fibres ITU-G652 and 24 fibres ITU-G655.

The existing telecommunication network backbone is based on fibre optic provided by OPGW installed on
overhead lines. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the supplied equipment is capable to
interface with the existing telecommunication equipment. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for
checking whether any existing equipment can be utilised for accommodating the required communication
services. Should the bidder have any additional / special requirements he should clearly state these in the

The SDH multiplexers shall be capable of being upgraded to the next hierarchy level, by exchanging appropri-
ate modules at a later stage, in order to provide a higher transmission rate using the same optical fibres. The
maximum transmission capacity that the proposed SDH network can achieve and whether the upgrading can
be carried out whilst the system is carrying live traffic shall be stated in the Tender.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any modifications and re-allocations of existing channel assignment
required to ensure that the telecommunication system can be developed and existing facilities are fully mi-
grated to the new network with minimal disruption to power system operation.

A diagram showing the bidder’s proposed telecommunication system and a detailed description on the func-
tionality provided shall be submitted with the Tender.

The new telecommunication equipment shall conform to the latest editions of the International Electro-tech-
nical Commission (IEC) Specifications, ISO Standards, IEEE Standards, and International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) Specifications.

22.1.1 Design and Operational Philosophy

The design philosophy of the new telecommunication system is that failure of any single component shall not
cause failure of critical function. In addition, the telecommunication system shall be capable of providing a
fully resilient network in which all speech and data signalling channels can be automatically re-routed in the
event of a trunk/node failure and/or traffic congestion occurring anywhere on the network.

Cross-connection design criteria of channels shall be as follows:

 Transmission of “main” and “standby/backup” channels over physically separated multiplex equipment as
much as possible.

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Telecommunication equipment supplied shall be equipped with dual redundant hot-standby control modules here.
and power supply units. The equipment shall preserve configuration data during power failure and all modules
shall be capable of hot swappable.

Appropriate number of 2 Mb/s tributaries on the STM-1 system will be utilised to provide voice and data
signalling connectivity using first order multiplexing equipment. The 2 Mb/s transmission system will intercon-
nect the following end-user facilities:

 High speed (64 kb/s) data channels according to ITU-T G.703.

 Low speed data channels (up to 9.6 kb/s asynchronous according to ITU-T V.24/V.28).
 Voice channels (EandM24 wire).
 Remote subscriber channels.

The telecommunication system shall also have provision for an engineering order wire (EOW) facility capable
of providing a dedicated telephone communication system for commissioning/maintenance purposes be-
tween communication nodes.

Major communication equipment fault alarms shall be transmitted to the appropriate Control Centre via the
telecommunication infrastructure in order to inform the system operators about the operational status of the
telecommunication equipment. In addition, it is envisaged that remote supervision and monitoring of the new
communication equipment will be via the existing telecommunication network management systems. All nec-
essary hardware and software interfaces to enable integration with the existing telecommunication network
management systems shall be provided under the Contract. Full details showing how this is achieved shall be
submitted in the Tender.

22.1.2 Expansion and Upgrade Capability

The telecommunication system supplied by the Contractor shall employ open standard concept in design and
shall offer greatest flexibility for future expansion and upgrade of the system and facilities.

System expansions and upgrades carried out at a later date shall be possible by means of minor modifications
and/or by the addition of extra equipment modules to the telecommunications system. The following future
upgrade options shall be possible:

22.1.3 Telephony

For tendering purpose, the telecommunication system shall be capable of supporting:

 3 simultaneous voice channels at each substation.

Telephone handsets shall be of modern design and equipped with push buttons for call selection and shall be
suitable for desktop or wall mounted installation.

The final design and colour of the telephone handsets shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.

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22.1.4 Power Supply here.

A 48 Vdc power supply system shall be provided at each new substation for powering the telecommunication
systems. The 48 Vdc power supply system shall consist of duplicated 100% float/boost chargers and two sets
of storage battery. In the case of mains failure, the autonomy of the system shall be 10 hours. Power supply
system operating in so called full float regime shall be used. The batteries and the chargers shall be sized to
support the full load and 50 % spare capacity over and above the required loading requirements.

22.1.5 Interfaces with other Systems/Equipment

The telecommunication system shall be equipped with the necessary hardware including interconnection ca-
bling and software to enable interfaces with the following systems to be made:

 Existing telecommunication systems.

 Existing telecommunication network management systems.

The Contractor shall be responsible for resolving and co-ordinating with other contractors or Authorities to
ensure that the interfaces and the final installation between the telecommunication systems and other sys-
tems are fully compatible both physically and operationally. Failure to co-ordinate or delay in providing or
timely requisition of the necessary interfacing information/ requirements shall be at the risk of the Contractor
and the Contractor shall bear any costs which may arise as a result thereof for the provision of modification
to other works which are involved with or subject to another contract.

22.2 Fibre Optic Communication System

22.2.1 General Requirements
22.2.2 Introduction

The SDH system shall be designed for digital transmission using single mode optical fibres and shall conform
to the ITU-T recommendations G.703, G.704, G.707, G.783, and G.957.

The multiplexing structure of the proposed SDH system shall allow existing PDH signals (2 Mbit/s) as far as
applicable to be carried over the synchronous network and shall permit the extraction of individual circuits
from high capacity systems without having to demultiplex the whole system. Cross connect facilities shall be
provided to enable interconnections between different channels and network components.

The fibre optic communication system shall be provided with direct software control of network functions and
in-service provision, and comprehensive network management and distributed bandwidth on demand facili-
ties. In addition, remote test control and centralised alarm gathering and reporting features shall also be pro-

All electrical and electronic equipment supplied shall be properly grounded and shielded to protect the equip-
ment and operating personnel from effects of induced currents and voltages. The equipment shall be rack

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mounted and be of modular design construction and be housed in approved equipment enclosures. The en-
closures shall be provided with lockable doors.

The equipment shall not generate any type of electromagnetic interference at a level which could be detri-
mental to the performance of other equipment or which could cause annoyance or discomfort to personnel.
Details of electromagnetic emission levels shall be included in the Tender. Where the performance of the
equipment could be susceptible to interference, the Contractor shall state the maximum level of such inter-
ference, which will not cause equipment malfunctioning.

Built-in test and self-monitoring facilities shall be provided to enable maintenance personnel to break-in
and/or make bridging measurements without degradation or interruption of service.

In order to maximise the benefit of the communication network and to facilitate the operation and mainte-
nance of the SDH and PDH equipment, the system shall include network management capability so as to facil-
itate system performance monitoring, alarm and fault monitoring, system configuration, bandwidth manage-
ment, dynamic allocation, automatic re-routing, prioritising of channels, testing and maintenance facilities etc.

A redundant configuration for ensuring minimum down time in case of equipment failure shall be provided.
Any failure shall produce automatic switch-over to the back-up unit and initiation of an alarm. Bidders shall
provide detailed design philosophies for equipment and routing redundancy.

The fibre optic communication equipment shall be capable of providing proper performance for at least 15

22.2.3 Loss Budget Calculations

The Contractor shall carry out loss budget calculations for each transmission link. The calculations shall include
both a ‘worst case’ and a ‘typical’ loss budget calculation, using the respective maximum and average attenu-
ation predicted for each component in the system.

The optical power budget calculation shall take into account of the following param:

 Mean launch power.

 Receiver sensitivity.
 System design penalties.
 Margin for age degradation and temperature.
 Connector losses.
 Maximum installed cable loss.

System performance calculations shall include a minimum safety margin of 3 dB.

Preliminary loss budget calculations shall be included in the Tender. Detailed calculations shall be submitted
during the detail design stage for the approval of the Engineer.

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22.2.4 Functional Requirements here.

22.2.5 General

The SDH system shall have the following features:

 High operational security and reliability.

 High quality transmission in accordance with ITU-T recommendations.
 Flexibility for adaptation to the desired transmission capacity.
 Integrated monitoring facilities.
 Comprehensive operation and fault diagnosis.
 Redundancy capability where required.
 Direct and easy access to the transmitted base band signal.
 Direct connection to multiplexing equipment employing pulse code modulation (PCM) techniques.
 Capability of routing TCP/IP traffic.
 Support Q3 interface in accordance with ITU-T G.773.

As far as practicable all fibre optic communication equipment shall provide self diagnostic functionality and
separately indicate any faults / outages. Corresponding alarms shall be transmitted to the substation control
room as well as to higher order dispatching facilities. The designs shall also include diagnostic test facilities to
allow step-by-step checking of the performance of the equipment.

22.2.6 System Capacity and Performance

The system shall be capable of being upgraded to the next STM hierarchy level by exchanging appropriate
modules at a later date, to provide a higher transmission rate using the same optical fibres and repeater loca-
tions, if any.

The overall mean equivalent bit error rate (BER) of the SDH system between any two end terminals shall not
be worse than 10-9 under normal operating conditions. The typical error rate for each traffic path shall be
stated. End to end error performance shall be in accordance with the requirements of ITU-T recommendation

The automatic switch-over to standby transmitter criterion shall be BER>10-9. Switching shall also be possible
manually for maintenance purposes. The switchover shall be transparent to the data stream.

Jitter performance on STM-1/4 interfaces shall be in compliance with ITU-T recommendations G.813 and

The SDH system shall include provision for overcoming impairments caused by transmission delays. Details of
the performance of the proposed SDH system shall be included in the Tender.

The SDH system shall preserve configuration data during power failure or management connection failure.
During power or management connection failure alarm logs and performance monitoring statistics shall be

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Signal synchronising facilities are required to enable the system to be implemented effectively, and facilitieshere.
for connection of unused multiplexer inputs to appropriate signals as specified by the manufacturer shall be
provided. In addition, details of how the Bidder intends to perform synchronisation across the fibre optic com-
munication network shall be included in the Tender. Alternatively a time synchronisation system based on GPS
clock system could be included

22.2.7 SDH Equipment

22.2.8 General

The SDH equipment shall perform both multiplexing and optical line terminating functions. The aggregate
ports of the SDH equipment shall be duplicated and shall be capable of operating in a ‘1 + 1’ protected mode
as part of a point to point link, or as an ‘east/west’ mode when used in a drop and insert chain in a ring. All
features and functions of the SDH equipment shall be readily software configurable to suit operational re-
quirements of the SDH system.

The SDH equipment shall be capable of being configured as a hub, cross connection, repeater, add/drop mul-
tiplexer or terminal multiplexer.

The SDH equipment shall be equipped with a range of plug-in tributary interfaces to support a comprehensive
range of plesiochronous and synchronous tributaries including 2 Mb/s, 34 Mb/s, 140 Mb/s, and from STM-1
operation. Cross connection levels shall include 64 kb/s, VC-12, VC-3, and VC-4.

Each SDH equipment shall comprise, the following functional elements:

 Optical line interface.

 Electrical line interface.
 Tributary module.
 Switching unit.
 Control and alarm functions.
 Engineering order wire (service telephone) unit.
 Service data interface.
 Ethernet interface.

Additional interface modules shall be provided as the case may be. The equipment shall furthermore allow to
connect A/D-converters, Transducers or protocol converters as required

22.2.9 Optical Line Interface

The SDH equipment shall be capable of supporting the following optical interfaces:

 S-1.1, L1.1, and L-1.2 STM-1 interfaces in accordance with ITU-T G.957.
 S-4.1, L4.1, and L-4.2 STM-4 interfaces in accordance with ITU-T G.957.

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The optical interface shall carry out the parallel to serial conversion of traffic from the switch unit into a here.
1 (155 Mb/s) or STM-4 (622 Mb/s) stream. The optical section shall convert electrical signals into an optical
signal for transmission over an optical fibre and perform a reciprocal function on the receive side. Each optical
line system shall be suitable for duplex operation at optical wavelength of 1550 nm over 2 optical fibres.

The electro-optic converter shall have a power output suited to the requirements of the fibre optic links and
shall be suitable for transmission length of at least 120 km without the use of intermediate repeaters. All
necessary optical boosters and pre-amplifiers shall be provided to suit the optical performance requirements
of the fibre optic link.

22.2.10 Electrical Line Interface

The equipment shall support standard electrical tributary interfaces in accordance with ITU-T recommenda-
tion G.703. The electrical interface shall perform the same electrical functions as the optical interface unit.
STM-1 electrical line signals shall be in accordance with ITU-T recommendation G.709.

It shall be possible to use an electrical interface unit as a tributary module to enable STM-1 signals to be ter-
minated when the equipment is configured as an ‘Add/Drop’ mutiplexer. A 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet LAN inter-
face shall also be supported.

22.2.11 Tributary Module

The tributary module shall perform the selective extraction/insertion of tributaries to and from the STM-1
signal whilst enabling other traffic to pass through without interruption.

The tributary module shall be capable of supporting tributary data rates of 2 Mb/s, 8 Mb/s, 34 Mb/s and 140

The data from each tributary shall be mapped into virtual containers and tributary units in accordance with
ITU-T recommendation G.774 which shall make up the SDH payload before being sent to the switch unit.

22.2.12 Switching Unit

A switching unit shall be provided to allow traffic from any line interface unit to be connected to any tributary
port or any other line port. In addition it shall allow full cross connections between tributaries.

The switching unit shall provide the change over facility from faulty units to the standby units to achieve 1+1

22.2.13 Control and Alarms Functions

Comprehensive control and alarm functions shall be included to provide performance monitoring, alarm and
fault monitoring, system configuration, bandwidth management, dynamic allocation, automatic re-routing,

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prioritising of channels, testing and maintenance facilities etc. These functions shall interface to the telecom-here.
munication network management system to allow the control and alarm monitoring of the equipment to be
carried out locally and remotely.

The equipment shall be provided with a fault location and supervisory system to monitor the status and alarms
of the SDH equipment. The fault location and supervision system shall provide in-service bit error monitoring

The following alarms shall be provided on the SDH equipment as a minimum:

 Loss of incoming signal or loss of frame alignment.

 Optical transmit power low.
 Laser current high.
 Bit error rate (BER) threshold high.
 Optical receive level low.
 Multiplex input fail.
 Loss of clock signal.
 Distance alarms.
 Power supply fail or out of limits.

An alarm monitoring system shall be provided to monitor and display the locally derived alarms and if appli-
cable adjacent repeater station alarms, showing the location of each alarm displayed. The system shall be
capable of providing details of origin, date and time of the occurrence of alarms. It shall be possible to change
alarm severity and threshold levels manually.

Alarm indications shall be clearly displayed through LEDs on the front panel of the module. It shall also be
possible to remotely display some of the alarms locally at that site via voltage free contacts.

The alarm monitoring system shall form an integral part of the network management system. The alarm con-
cept shall conform to ITU-T recommendation G.784. Test points shall be available on each unit to help in failure

Digital data streams shall be monitored at all levels. Equipment power supplies shall be monitored and a fuse
alarm indication shall be provided for each cabinet or rack.

22.2.14 Engineer Order Wire

An engineer order wire (EOW) telephone system shall be provided at each SDH terminal site. The system shall
operate on a service channel in the STM-1/4 bit stream. The system shall be configured as an omnibus circuit,
with a telephone handset, selective calling to reach any station along the route and an audible alert provided
at each terminal.

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22.2.15 Service Data Interface here.

Means shall be provided for accessing auxiliary channels using spare bytes in the SDH ‘overhead’ bit stream to
enable management signals from additional equipment such as primary access multiplexers to be transmitted
over the fibre optic communication system.

The number, bit rate and type interfaces available shall be stated by the Bidder.

22.2.16 Ethernet Interface

The SDH equipment shall be capable of supporting a 10/100 Mb/s BaseT interface complying with IEEE stand-
ard 802.

22.2.17 Primary Access Multiplexing Equipment

22.2.18 General

Primary access multiplexing equipment shall be provided as necessary and shall comply with the relevant ITU-
T recommendations. The digital interface of the multiplexing equipment shall be of a time division multiplex
signal conforming to the ITU-T recommendation G.703 to enable direct connection to the SDH optical multi-
plexing equipment.

All primary access multiplexing, de-multiplexing, and signal processing, and conditioning equipment shall be
provided to interconnect SCADA, and telecommunication equipment to the fibre optic communication system.
It shall be the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the types and quantities of primary multiplexing equip-
ment provided shall be capable of meeting the required number of communication channels specified, includ-
ing redundancy requirements.

All equipment shall be wired for their maximum capacity. Future extension shall be possible by simple field
installation of appropriate modules.

22.2.19 Multiplexer

The primary digital multiplexing equipment shall be capable of combining timeslots into a digital 2048 kb/s
data stream conforming to the ITU-T recommendation G.703.

The multiplexing equipment shall have the following features:

 Sample rate for each channel shall be 8 kHz with maximum deviation of 50 parts per million, with 8 coding
bits per sample, giving 256 quantisation levels, resulting in a 64 kb/s rate for each channel.
 Encoding law shall be in accordance with the requirements of ITU-T G.771.
 Jitter characteristics shall be equal to or better than ITU-T G.703.
 The 2 Mb/s interface shall be 2048 kb/s 50 parts per million with a HDB3 line code conforming to the
ITU-T G.703.

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Signal synchronising facilities are required to enable the system to be implemented effectively, and facilitieshere.
for connection of unused multiplexer inputs to appropriate signals as specified by the manufacturer shall be
provided. In addition, details of how the Bidder intends to perform synchronisation across the fibre optic
transmission network shall be included in the Tender.

Communications interfaces shall be capable of being made available by means of insertion of appropriate
plug-in cards into the multiplexer rack to support the following user interfaces:

 4-wire to 4-wire voice frequency.

 2-wire to 2-wire voice frequency.
 2-wire EandM signalling.
 4-wire EandM signalling.
 2-wire with ring down suitable for a remote subscriber telephone connection.
 2-wire loop disconnect signalling.
 4-wire to 4-wire voice frequency with FSK modem and channel fail detection.
 Data interface suitable for multirate synchronous/asynchronous data signalling.
 64 kb/s data channel according to ITU-T G.703.
 2 Mb/s data interface according to ITU-T G.703.
 Alarm collection interface.

The types and quantities of the cards for the 30 PCM channels (64 kb/s) shall be supplied so as to meet the
requirements of the project.

22.2.20 Alarm Indications

The PCM multiplexing equipment shall have extensive alarm monitoring facilities. In the event of failure, ap-
propriate alarm indications shall be initiated. Alarm indications shall be clearly displayed through LEDs on the
front panel of the module. It shall also be possible to remotely display some of the alarms locally at that site
via voltage free contacts.

22.2.21 User Interfaces

User interfaces shall be provided by the Contractor to accommodate various voice frequency (VF) and data
channels requirements. The user interfaces shall allow direct connection to SCADA and other communication

Any special interfaces which are considered necessary for the provision of a full and complete installation of
the communication system shall be included in the offer and full details shall be supplied with the Tender.

22.2.22 Telephony Interface

4-wire voice frequency channel interfaces shall comprise 600 ohm balanced circuits with a bandwidth of 300
Hz to 3400 Hz. VF signal levels shall be adjustable within the range:

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Input -16 to +1 dBm here.
Output -7 to +7 dBm

E and M signalling interfaces shall be provided on each 4-wire VF channel.

2-wire analogue subscriber interfaces shall permit direct connection of subscriber sets to the telephone ex-
change equipment. Interfaces shall comprise balanced circuits with E and M signalling and recall facilities and
shall be suitable for both standard telephone instruments and telephone consoles using dual tone multi-fre-
quency (DTMF) signalling. Telephone ringing supplies shall form part of the interface equipment.

Signalling (E and M) channel interfaces shall be suitable for a maximum signalling rate of 300 baud. The inter-
face shall be capable of operating from an external power supply with either positive or negative polarity
grounding and a maximum potential of 100 V. The E-lead shall be capable of switching currents up to 100 mA.

The external connections of both VF and E and M circuits shall be isolated from the associated board circuits.
Where modems are connected to communication cables, barrier transformers shall be supplied for protection
against induced overvoltages.

22.2.23 Data Interface

Data interfaces of the following types shall be capable of being made available by insertion of appropriate
cards into the multiplexer rack for direct connection to computer systems. The following data interfaces shall
be supported as a minimum:

 64 kb/s data interface according to ITU-T recommendation G.703.

 Multirate 0.6 to 64 kb/s data interface according to ITU-T recommendations X.21/V.11.
 Multirate 0 to 19.2 kb/s data interface according to ITU-T recommendations V.24/V.28.
 nx64 kb/s data interface according to ITU-T recommendation V.35.
 2 Mb/s HDB3 coded signals on line interfaces conforming to ITU-T recommendation G.703 using 120 ohms
balanced impedance, with co-directional interface synchronisation.

Sub-multiplexing up to 8 low speed (0 to 1 200 baud) asynchronous data inputs over a single 64 kb/s commu-
nication channel shall be possible.

22.2.24 Cross Connection Equipment

Cross connection equipment shall be provided as necessary to enable interconnections between different
channels and network components be made.

Cross connection functions available shall include pass through, broadcast, add/drop and loopback.

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22.2.25 Power Supply Requirements here.

The fibre optic communication equipment shall be designed to operate from a 48 VDC (positively earthed)
supply. The equipment shall have protection against transient voltages and operate without degradation in
performance for a supply voltage variation stipulated in the Technical Schedules.

All interconnection cabling from the equipment to power source and any necessary devices to protect the
fibre optic communication equipment from damage in the event of overload shall be provided.

The power supply input to individual items of equipment comprising the fibre optic communication system
shall be individually fused.

22.3 Fibre Optic Distribution Frame

In order to connect the fibre optic telecommunication equipment to the fibre termination box in the substa-
tion building, separate fibre distribution frames, (Optical Distribution Frames (ODF)) shall be installed inside
the appropriate telecommunication cabinet or in a separate cabinet to be supplied by the Contractor. The
protection class of the cabinet housing the ODFs shall be as a minimum IP 54.

The Optical Distribution Frame (ODF) shall provide interface between various equipment, as far as applicable,
for the termination of fibre optic connections. The ODF shall be of the one tablet type providing 48 connectors
in two layers for 24 fibres ITU-G652 and 24 fibres ITU-G655.

The cabinets housing the ODFs shall be of the closed cabinet design as already specified. All fibres of the in-
coming and outgoing Fibre Optic Cable shall be terminated in a splice box each inside the ODF. Furthermore
all fibres of the splice box shall be terminated at connectors mounted on a distribution panel located at the
front of the ODF.

The ODF shall be connected to the fibre optic termination box via patch cords, 2.1 mm of LSOH materials
according to ITU-T G652 quality. The fibre plugs shall be SC/PC or LC/PC type (max. 0.1 dB insertion loss) ac-
cording to IEC 61754-15 LSH fibre optic connector family part 15.

The connector quality shall comply with IEC 60874-10ST with class 0 ferrules according to IEC 60874-7.

22.4 Digital PLC Equipment

In order to back-up the fibre optic telecommunication system, a digital PLC – link shall be established on the
220 kV T/L Geita and Nyakanazi. The equipment shall be available in single and double channel versions. The
transmission path between the substations shall be established in phase – phase coupling. PLC equipment
shall be offered with the respective coupling equipment such as wave traps, coupling devices and auxiliary
equipment necessary for proper installation and function of the PLC – links.

Within the frame of the Project, digital PLC – link shall deem as a backup solution for the transmission of data,
voice and teleprotection signals in case the Fo- link is down. Consequently a digital PLC link shall be installed

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on the transmission line between Geita and Nyakanazi In general the Manufacturer and Type of thehere. PLC-
equipment to be installed has to be co-ordinated between the Contractors of the Naykanazi and respectively
Geita substation projects , in order to ensure a proper functionality of the mentioned devices.

22.4.1 General Requirements

The equipment shall comply with the following standards:

▪ IEC 60495 Single Side Band Power :Line Carrier Terminals

▪ IEC 60950 / EN 60950 Product Safety

 Electro-magnetic compatibility :

▪ EMC EN 50081-2 Generic emission standard – industrial environment

▪ EMC EN 50082-2

 Integrated tele-protection devices

▪ IEC 60834-1 Ed. 1999 Tele-protection Equipment of power systems – Performance and testing
– Part 1, command systems
▪ EN 60950 – 1 Ed 02 2005 Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements

Type test certificates: Compliance with the above mentioned standards has to be demonstrated by type test

The design of the digital PLC shall be modular in order to facilitate maintenance. In general the equipment
shall comprise the PLC unit, a MUX- module, Power supply module and if applicable, amplifier module. A tele-
protection module might also be integrated in the digital PLC-unit. Otherwise external tele-protection devices
shall be connected to the digital PLC.

22.4.2 PLC Coupling Equipment

The existing PLC coupling equipment (Line traps, coupling capacitors, coupling units), shall be investigated in
order to check the inter-compatibility.

22.4.3 Line Traps

The line traps shall comply with the transmitted frequency range, subject to the approval of the clients and
the engineer. They shall be supplied and completely assembled with field adjustable tuning devices, mounting
accessories and HV connections.

The protective device at the line trap shall at least provide a nominal discharge current of 6 kA. The rated
continuous current shall be at least 2 kA. The rated short time current shall be 40,0 kA. The line traps shall be
for suspension or pedestal mounting, subject to design of substation modification.

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22.4.4 Coupling Capacitors here.

The coupling capacitors shall be connected to the HV -conductors and include all supporting structures, foun-
dations, mounting accessories as well as connections to the earth point system as necessary.

22.4.5 Coupling Units

The coupling units for coupling of the PLC terminal equipment at the HV system shall be complete with hybrid
transformers, protective devices, drainage coils, grounding switches, watertight housing. They shall be
mounted on the supports of the coupling capacitors/wave traps and include the respective connection to

22.5 PAX and Telephone Equipment

Within the frame of the Geita – Nyakanazi 220 kV transmission line project, a new PAX shall be installed in S/S
Nyakanazi in order to allow voice telephony to the counterpart substation Geita, as well as to other substations
in the TANESCO power grid and to the LDC in Ubungo. The new PAX shall apply for 24 telephone extensions in
the first stage; however the equipment shall allow to be extended in the future. The PAX-system shall be used
for internal as well as external telephony. External Voice telephony shall be implemented via the FO-link to
Geita and / or digital PLC equipment. In afddition a connection to the public switched telephone network
(PSTN) shall be established.

Telephone Sets

All subscriber positions shall be equipped with a standard single line push button telephone set. The keypad
and the dialling from the telephone set must conform to the ITU-T Q23 standard. It shall be possible to attach
a hands-free unit, if required.

In addition two weather-proof telephone sets for outside installation shall be provided.

22.6 VHF / UHF Telecommunications

TANESCO intends to establish a VHF/UHF radio communication system in Nyakanazi substation in order to
allow communication / coordination of maintenance teams working in the Nyakanazi area. The system shall
be able to provide VHF mobile communication for vehicels as well as, local walkie – talkie communication in
the substation compound.

22.6.1 UHF Radio Stations

UHF Radio stations for send / receive shall be installed in each of the above mentioned substations. The equip-
ment shall be of the modular type and shall be housed in standard 19” rack cabinets. The radio station shall
be designed for operation under harsh environmental and climatic conditions. The insulation class of the

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standard cabinets shall be IP 54. The equipment shall allow permanent operation within a temperature range here.
of -25 – 55°C. Short term operation shall be possible within a temperature range of -30 – 70°C.

22.6.2 VHF / UHF Transmitters

The UHF transmitter output power shall have at least +40 dBm. The actual power will depend upon the results
of the radio coverage study and the design criteria for every single link. The VSWR of the power amplifier to
the antenna shall be internally supervised. In case high VSWR will occur the actual output power shall be
reduced to protect the amplifier.

The spurious Emissions of the transmitter shall be at least 70 dB below the RF carrier mean power level.

The harmonic attenuation of the transmitter shall be at least 60 dB with reference to the transmitter mean
power level.

22.6.3 VHF / UHF Receivers

The receiver sensitivity excluding RF channel branching filter for a Bit Error of 10-6 shall be minimum –85 dBm,
but depends on the results of the radio coverage study.

The receiver noise figure excluding RF channel branching filter shall be documented by the Bidder.

The Bidder shall document the IF bandwidth, adjacent channel and image frequency rejection of the receiver.

An omnibus service channel facility shall be provided to enable point to point communications between the
several sites. A feature for calling and alerting the counterpart location shall be included.

22.6.4 Power Supply

The power supply of the VHF / UHF station shall preferably be implemented with either 220/240 VAC / 50 Hz
or 48 VDC, generated from the substation internal auxiliary power supply. The total current consumption of
the radio units depends on the modules used and the output power of the UHF transmitter. Each UHF base
radio station shall be equipped with a suitable emergency power supply to allow continuous operation of the
equipment for at least 4 hours in case of a primary power supply failure.

22.6.5 Coaxial – Cable

High frequency (HF) coaxial cable shall be used to link the UHF – radio equipment and the the related outdoor
antenna. The HF coaxial cable shall conform to the mechanical and electrical design data, specified in the data

N-connectors with an impedance of 50 Ohm shall be used only. Each connector shall be protected by a shrink

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22.6.6 UHF Antenna and support structures here.

The Contractor shall design and supply antenna systems for all radio equipment being supplied as part of the
Contract. Each antenna system shall comprise the following:

 Antennas
 Feeder cable
 Connectors
 Support clamps and grounding elements.

Detailed location description and type of antenna structure and the mounting arrangements for the antennae
at all locations shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer. Details of earthing of the coax – cable shall
be presented in drawings of approval.

Antennas for use with all radio equipment shall

 Have the necessary gain and radiation pattern to give the required coverage
 Be designed to minimize interference with other radio channels and users
 Have spurious emission and transmit power characteristics which comply with the levels specified in IEC
Publication 495 and the performance requirements of the appropriate Licensing Authority
 Be designed to match radio equipment and feeder cables and waveguides
 Have necessary mechanical strength, wind-loading characteristics, etc., for use under the severe environ-
mental conditions which apply in the work sites
 Comply with all the requirements of the national radio licensing authority.

The construction of antennas shall ensure that connections between feeders, and radiators are totally encap-
sulated. Exposed metallic radiators shall be of corrosion-resistant material. Exact locations and mounting ar-
rangements for all fixed station antennas shall be agreed by TANESCO.

To facilitate easy disconnection of the antenna, the antenna feeder shall be terminated in an “N” series con-
nector not more than 2 m from the antenna and designed to mate with the remainder of the antennae feeder
system. All aerial and feeder connections shall be weatherproofed. The Contractor shall provide suitable
heavy-duty in-line and crossover clamps and other supports as necessary to mount all antennas.The Contrac-
tor shall take account of the effect of the mast or tower structure and mounting arrangement on the radiation
pattern and shall take all steps necessary to obtain the required radiation pattern. Training and Testing

Factory tests of the several telecommunication sub-systems shall be carried out at the manufacturer’s works
by simulation to prove it’s compliance with the scope.


In addition the Contractor shall provide training courses concerning the sub-systems relevant for the telecom-
munication part of the project:


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 PLC here.
 SDH-Equipment
 VHF/UHF – Radio

The training courses shall be implemented before the factory testing. The main subject of the training courses
shall mainly focus on parameter setting, general maintenance of the equipment and troubleshooting in case
of problems. Furthermore, the Employers personnel shall assist the Contractor during the maintenance period
as training on the job and shall attend the following site test.

23 Video Surveillance System (CCTV)

23.1 General Requirements

This part of the Specifications covers the definition of the scope of work as well as the technical description of
all material and equipment required for the IP-based video surveillance system in a substation.

The work includes the connection to the communication system for voice and data transmission in the Em-
ployer’s-internal telecommunication network, based on an IP-system over SDH, with a transmission capacity
of STM-4 (622 Mbit/s). The telecommunication concept is based upon a conventional IP over SDH system for
the transmission of process data and voice over IP over the Employer owned fiber optic network.

The Scope of work of the project comprises the design, manufacture, testing, delivery, transportation and
erection/installation as well as the commissioning of all relevant equipment required for the video surveillance

The works shall be on turnkey basis and the Contractor shall design the system, interfaces and equipment,
supply all necessary equipment and material, install, test and commission all parts of the works to render a
completely functional system, integrated in the substation control environment and connected to the tele-
communication system of the Employer and integrated in the supervision and control environment in the
National Control Centre (NCC).

23.2 Type of Equipment

The Surveillance CCTV system shall ensure effective surveillance of the areas of the substation as well as create
a tamper-proof record for post event analysis.

The System shall provide an online display of video images on TFT monitors located in the substation control
room as well as in the control rooms of the National Control Centre (NCC). As a minimum, a web browser
access shall be possible.

The System shall facilitate viewing of live and recorded images and controlling of all cameras connected to the
substation internal LAN by the authorized users.

System should provide inter-operability of hardware, OS, software, networking, printing, database connectiv-
ity, reporting, and communication protocols. System expansion should be possible through off-the-shelf avail-
able hardware.

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23.3 Scope of Supply, Installation and Commissioning here.

The CCTV System shall comprise the cameras and all other equipment like multiplexers, amplifiers, audio fa-
cility at both camera and control room site (as required), all cabling, fixing hardware, monitors, console, etc.
The CCTV system shall be connected either directly to the telecommunication equipment to be installed in the
substation or to the gateway computer of the local control system.

23.3.1 Cameras

IP-based Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) cameras shall be installed. The exact location of the IP- cameras will be fixed
during the approval stage.

A close coordination is required with the design of the lighting system. The locations of the cameras and of
the flood lights must be coordinated to allow the full view to all details of the facilities during nighttime.

The cameras shall be installed shall cover:

 The switchyard;
 the entrance to the substation (guard house);
 the control building (control room);
 The locations in the switch yards must be chosen as to allow the full supervision of the switch yard bays
as well as the power transformers.

In case the design of the offered cameras does not allow to fulfil the above requirements with the above
defined numbers of cameras, the Bidder shall state this and shall offer the required number of cameras.

23.3.2 CCTV System Local Area Network (CCTV System LAN)

The equipment of the CCTV system LAN shall be of substation hardened type. The Bidder shall proof that the
equipment has already been installed successfully in electricity transmission and/or distribution substations

23.3.3 CCTV Server System:

The substation CCTV server system shall be installed in the control building of the substation. It shall comprise
the components

 CCTV controller / camera server with video analytics application software and gateway for access from
National Control Center
 Digital network video recorder (DNVR) system
 Network Attached Storage (NAS) / RAID Back-up system

23.3.4 CCTV Substation Workplace

The workplace shall be installed in the substation control room. It shall be equipped with:

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 CCTV – Operator Console here.
 2 high resolution LCD monitors (LED backlight technology),
 keyboard and device to control the cameras
 Color printer to print-out

23.3.5 Remote Operator Console in the Guard House

The remote CCTV operator console to be installed in the guard house shall generally provide the same func-
tionality as the one installed in the substation control room, however it shall not be equipped with a separate
printing device.

 CCTV Operator Console

 1 high resolution LCD monitor (LED backlight technology),
 keyboard and device to control the cameras

23.3.6 Software Licenses:

All software licenses shall be provided by the Contractor.

23.3.7 Installation and Commissioning:

The contract shall be on turnkey basis and the Contractor shall install, test and commission all parts of the
works to render a completely functional system, integrated in the substation control environment of the sub-
station and connected to the telecommunication system of Employer and integrated in the supervision and
control environment in the National Control Centre (NCC) and Back-up Control Centre (BCC).

23.4 Standards

To achieve the required standards of performance and reliability, in the harsh substation environment intelli-
gent video surveillance solutions are required that are designed specifically for such environments. The equip-
ment should have the following specifications:

 Compliance with IEEE and IEC standards for electrostatic discharge, fast transients, radiated emissions,
surge withstand capability, dielectric strength, pulsed magnetic fields, and disturbances.
 No fans or moving parts for increased reliability and higher mean time between failures
 IEC61850-3, IEEE 1613 environmental requirements for EMI

The software components within the video surveillance solution must also be designed for the substation
environment. Video analytics software must be designed and tuned for outdoor environments to ensure
proper identification and classification of events and reduced false alarms. Additionally, all software compo-
nents of the solution must interoperate with other software packages or systems used within the substation.
This includes specific SCADA, protocols, interfaces, and remote communications methods used within the
electric utility industry.

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23.5 Documentation here.

23.5.1 General

All updating of the existing documentation with respect to the modifications and extensions under this project
shall be included as well as the documentation of all new installations and functions. All documentation shall
be delivered in both hard and soft copies.

23.5.2 Documentation of Software Functionality

The Contractor shall provide a documentation of all software modules, a description of their functions. For all
software, operating systems, application modules and other software the Con-tractor shall inform of the level
of ownership (i.e. owner, source code license, reseller etc.).

23.5.3 Interface Documentation

Detailed interface documentation shall be provided for all hardware and software subsystems. Especially the
hardware interfaces to other systems

23.5.4 Documents for Approval

The following documents must be submitted for approval and distributed as per General Conditions of these
Bidding Documents:

 Drawing list
 Block diagrams showing system
 System documentation describing the system design and function
 Detailed interface descriptions
 Dimension drawings for installations
 Layout drawings for installations
 Test procedure protocols
 Time Schedules

23.5.5 As-Built Documentation

The as-built documentation shall comprise the documents, which had to be submitted for approval, latest
corrected revision and furthermore the following documentation:

 Manuals for all delivered equipment with technical descriptions and detailed schedules, drawings, circuit
diagrams and commissioning instructions
 Site specific documentation locations of each installed equipment, cable routes, circuit diagrams, cable
tables etc.
 Operation and maintenance documentation describing fault location and correction.

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The Contractor shall deliver for each site one set of site-specific documentations and one set of operation here.
instructions and manuals for all installed equipment.

Documentation for all equipment, apparatus and other small items shall be included in the delivery. Also cat-
alogues or copies of relevant pages from catalogue shall be submitted, if applicable.

23.6 Technical Specification of the Surveillance CCTV System

23.6.1 General Requirements

 The Proposed CCTV system shall be an open standard based integrated system with IP network centric
functional and management architecture aimed at providing highspeed manual/automatic operation for
best performance.
 System shall use video signals from various types of indoor/outdoor CCD color cameras installed at differ-
ent locations, process them for viewing on workstations/monitors at substation control room and remote
control rooms at NCC.
 System shall simultaneously record all the cameras after compression using MPEG 4 or better standard.
 Power supply of the video surveillance system components shall be effected via redundant DC/AC and/or
DC/DC converters from the substation DC uninterruptible power supply (station battery).

23.6.2 Cameras

 Digital CCD Color Video Cameras with individual IP address.

 Signal format: color/black-white
 The video signal shall be compressed using MPEG-4 or better standard and streamed over the IP network.
 Streams, minimum requirements: Simultaneous dual streams, MPEG-4 multicast streaming
 White balance: automatic with manual override
 Shutter speed: automatic / manual 1/1.5 - 1/30,000
 Video SNR: > 50 dB.
 Cameras shall be of Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) type. Pan and tilt range shall be chosen adequate to the purpose
and location of the cameras.
 Cameras shall be equipped with zoom lenses; the zoom range shall be selected adequate to the purpose
and location of the cameras. Switchyard cameras shall have a zoom range of 20x optical or better, 10x
 Zoom speed: min. 3 steps (approx. 3 / 4 / 6 sec at optical range)
 Cameras shall be equipped with 1-megapixel sensors or better.
 Light sensitivity: 0.1 lux at 1/5 sec color PAL or better; 0.02 lux at 1/1.5 sec b-w, or better
 Cameras shall be equipped with infra-red (IR) illumination where applicable.
 Cameras types shall be Dome type cameras. Depending from the location (indoor/outdoor,
switchyard/substation entrance) the Bidder shall propose the adequate type.
 Cameras shall support power over Ethernet (PoE) for single cable connections, in case no fiber optic based
LAN up to the cameras is foreseen.
 Protection class of camera housings shall be minimum IP 42 for indoor and minimum IP 66 for outdoor

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 The cameras shall be installed preferably on the substation structures or, in case not possible on suitablehere.
poles/towers (these towers/poles will then be part of the scope of supply together with all fixing materi-
als). CCTV System LAN

The CCTV system LAN shall consist of a central switch of the central system in the control building and decen-
tralized switches in the switchyards.

 Fast Ethernet 100 Mbit/s) or Gigabit Ethernet (PoE)

 All Ethernet switches shall be of substation hardened type. The Ethernet switches shall support power
over Ethernet (PoE).
 The connections between the switches in the field and with the central switch shall be based on fiber optic
cables. CCTV Server System

The central system shall comprise:

 CCTV controller / camera server with video analytics application software and gateway for access from
NCC via companie’ internal communication system
 Digital network video recorder (DNVR) system
 Network Attached Storage (NAS) / RAID Back-up system CCTV Controller - Camera Server

The CCTV controller shall be capable to control all cameras under the scope of this specification and shall be
expandable for at least 10 more future cameras.

 Video display control software shall provide matrix features for grouping and managing cameras, shall
support automated tasks for recording and guard tours, full remote control
 Pan/Tilt facility shall be provided and shall include Auto Pan/On/Off, Random Pan/On/Off in addition to
the manual Pan/Tilt.
 Joystick or Mouse-Keyboard controllers shall be used for Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and other functions of desired
 Decoding and encoding video, audio and control data; transmission over IP-network;
 Multi-cast streaming for simultaneous transmission to several receivers;
 Audio input and output
 Video and audio encoding as per MPEG-4.
 Recording resolution and frame rate for each camera shall be user programmable.
 Remote control of all internal functions via web browser; also, remotely e.g. from NCC/BCC
 Password protection to prevent unauthorized connection or alternations to configuration;
 Contact output for external equipment, client/server based alarm processing software;
 Configuration via web browser;

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 Configuration upload via network. here.
 Minimum number of channels for simultaneous playback from the DNVR system: 8
 Video analytic functions: Motion detection, missing objects, foreign objects, out of focus, camera occlu-
sion, etc.
 Hardware: The hardware shall be standard hardware of the manufacturer, adequate for harsh substation
 Gateway for access from NCC and BCC via the telecommunication system of Employer. Ethernet over SDH
communication via the Employer owned fibre optic network.
 The CCTV server shall be equipped with all peripherals (keyboard, mouse, monitor etc.) to administer,
manage and maintain the system.

Moreover, the installed video control software should provide the following features:

 support of multi-casting capability;

 automatic search for video servers in the IP-network;
 set-up and deletion of connections between cameras and monitors via drag & drop function;
 several simultaneous live picture connections to cameras in the network;
 programming of alarm-triggered automatic events;
 programming of automatic recording events;
 remote maintenance for devices and IP cameras. Digital Network Video Recorder (DNVR) System

 The digital network video recorder shall offer both video stream management and video stream storage
management. Recording frame rate & resolution in respect of individual channel shall be programmable.
 DNVR system shall comprise a comprehensive data base for received video streams
 Activation of recording function on operators request, playback and simultaneous recordings
 System should ensure that once recorded, the video cannot be altered.
 System shall provide sufficient storage of all the camera recordings for a period of 30 days or more at 25
FPS, at 4 Cl F or better quality using necessary compression techniques for all cameras (extended capacity
of cameras i.e. present capacity + 25 %).
 System storage capacity shall be at least twice 1 TB in RAID 1 configuration.

23.6.3 Network Attached Storage (NAS) / RAID Back-up system

A NAS system shall be provided for sufficient storage capacity for long term storage.

 The NAS shall comprise a hard disc array with 2 x 2 TB in RAID 1 configuration.
 Software to archive retrieve the videos stored in the DNVR
 Suitable software to back-up and recover the central server system

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The substation area under surveillance shall be monitored and controlled from the substation control room
through a workstations and joystick or keyboard/mouse controllers

 The workplace system shall be installed in the substation control room.

 The workplace shall be equipped with 2 high resolution monitors (LED backlight technology) of minimum
21”, joystick or keyboard/mouse controllers
 Color printer to print-out video images, logs etc. shall be provided.
 The surveillance software shall enable

▪ Display on one screen up to 3x3 displays

▪ Picture-in-picture displays
▪ Sequential mode and multi-display mode

A remote CCTV operator workplace shall be installed in the guard house, consisting of a CCTV operator con-
sole, high-resolution monitor (LED backlight technology) of minimum 21”, joystick or keyboard/mouse con-
trollers. Ancillary Equipment

All ancillary equipment, cabling, wiring, terminating, auxiliary contacts, civil work, supporting structures, if
applicable, modification of existing equipment and any other material as far as not included under other men-
tioned items but necessary to form a complete and functional system shall be included in the tender.

23.7 Spare Parts, Tools and Measuring Equipment

23.7.1 Quantity of Mandatory Spare Parts

The amount of spare parts shall be calculated as follows:

 2 Cameras;
 5 printer / toner cartridges;
 1 Monitor;
 1 operator workstation;
 1 Ethernet switch.

23.7.2 Special Equipment

All tools and measuring equipment required to allow all normal and routine maintenance, fault diagnoses,
fault location, fault remedy and repair to be undertaken for erection, assembly and disassembly, service, test
and maintenance shall be offered.

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23.8 Tests here.

23.8.1 Notice and Verification of Tests

Before delivery to the site, all software and hardware shall be tested at the supplier’s premises.

The Contractor shall submit certified copies of all tests after completion and receive Employer approval for
the test documentation before proceeding with shipment of equipment to site. The tests and verification shall
be carried out as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) before delivery from factory

 Verification during and after commissioning
 System Acceptance Test (SAT) when the complete telecommunication systems are finally commissioned.

23.8.2 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT)

The CCTV equipment shall be subjected to comprehensive test to confirm their conformance with the contract
and specification requirements.

Evidence shall be given to prove that the proposed CCTV equipment under this specification has been sub-
jected to all insulation and EMC type tests at an internationally recognized testing station. The Bidder/Con-
tractor shall supply certified copies of type test certificates covering the proposed CCTV equipment.

23.8.3 Site Acceptance Tests (SAT)

Site Tests shall be performed, comprising as a minimum the following tests:

 installation checks
 wiring, termination and earthing
 checking the system function
 checking the communication links up to the LDC from the main and standby routes.

Site Acceptance Tests shall be done after installation of the complete systems to check the operation of all the
components parts of the system. Following successful completion of this, a facility check of all functions, ca-
pabilities, etc. shall be made.

All tests shall be witnessed by Employer/Engineer and shall be carried out to their satisfaction. Four weeks
before the commencement of testing of equipment the Contractor shall furnish to Engineer/Employer, for
approval, a detailed schedule of all tests and checks to be carried out. As each item on this test schedule is
completed in the Engineer’s/Employer presence and to his satisfaction, its completion shall be certified by
Contractor and countersigned by Engineer/Employer.

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23.9 Training on the Job here.

All training documentation shall be available in English language. The following Training shall be offered as a
Training on the job Duration Trainees
Explanations, demonstration of the works 16 h during work Up to 3
Joint installation and commissioning — Up to 3
Operator Training: Operating of the system 2 x 1 day Up to 6

24 Drawings, Documentation and Samples

The drawings are provided for tender purposes only. Within the offer the Bidder has to provide the drawings
as required in the technical specifications in chapter H “General Technical Requirements” item 1.4.9 “Submit-
tals to be Attached to the Bid and as per Technical Data Sheets.

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I. Particular Technical Specifications

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Table of Content for Section

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1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. I-2

1.1 Environmental Data .......................................................................................................................................... I-2
1.2 Technical Standards .......................................................................................................................................... I-2

2 Basic Electrical Design Data ................................................................................................................................ I-2

2.1 Insulation Co-ordination .................................................................................................................................... I-2
2.2 Correction of Installation Altitude ..................................................................................................................... I-3
2.3 Creepage Distance ............................................................................................................................................. I-3
2.4 System Neutral Point ......................................................................................................................................... I-3
2.5 Short-Circuit Levels ............................................................................................................................................ I-4
2.6 Substation Electrical Clearances ........................................................................................................................ I-4
2.7 Busbar System 220 kV ....................................................................................................................................... I-4
2.8 Soil Investigations.............................................................................................................................................. I-5

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1 General
1.1 Environmental Data

The following summarized climate data will form the design data for the working conditions of the equipment.

Unit Value
Maximum ambient temperature °C 35
Minimum ambient temperature °C 10
Mean maximum daily temperature °C 25
Annual average temperature °C 25
Maximum solar radiation (worst case) W/m² 1 200
Isokeraunic level 160
Altitude m < 1500
Max. Wind
- Height above ground 0 – 30m m/s 28
- Height above ground 30 – 50m m/s 45
Relative humidity, average % rel. 90
Average rainfall annually mm/a 1250
Earthquake Loading g 0,1

1.2 Technical Standards

Design of the electrical system as well as the technical specifications and the related calculations shall be based

 the Recommendations published by IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission;

 and/or EN (European Standards);
 the Tanzanian standards for local conditions.

Contractor, main subcontractors, and manufacturers are to be certified according to ISO 9001.

2 Basic Electrical Design Data

2.1 Insulation Co-ordination

Standardized levels for the highest system voltages Um related to the rated voltages are defined in IEC 60071-

The IEC levels define the test voltages for the insulation of high voltage equipment for sea level. For heights
above 1000 m an altitude correction factor Ka has to be considered to calculate the required withstand volt-
ages in air.

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IEC 60071-1 Voltage Range I (1kV < Um ≤ 245 kV) Table 2 here.

For range I, only phase-to-earth standard withstand voltages are defined, which have to cover phase-to-earth,
phase-to-phase and longitudinal insulation

Nominal System Voltage [kV] Highest System Volt- Power Frequency Withstand Volt- Lightning Impulse Withstand
age age 50 Hz, 1 min Voltage
[kV] [kV] [kVpeak]
33 36 70 170
220 245 460 1050

2.2 Correction of Installation Altitude

The insulating capacity of insulation in air decreases with rising altitude due to the lower air density. In con-
formity with IEC 62271-102, the rated lightning impulse voltage values given are valid up to an installation
altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. At altitudes of 1,000 m and higher, the insulation level must be corrected.

The atmospheric correction factor Ka to apply is can be calculated according to the following equation:

𝑚( )
𝐾𝑎 = 𝑒 8150


 H is the altitude above sea level in m;

 m is defined as 1 for Lightning Impulse (LI) and short duration AC test voltages.

According to the above equation, for an altitude above sea level equal to 1,500 m and the factor m = 1, the
atmospheric correction factor Ka for phase-to-earth insulation results equal to:
𝑚( )
𝐾𝑎 = 𝑒 8150 ≅ 1.063

2.3 Creepage Distance

The creepage distance is defined according in IEC 60815, first edition 2008, as the ratio of the leakage distance
measured between phase and earth over the root mean square (rms) phase to phase value of the highest
voltage for the equipment.

Creepage distance of 31 mm/kVrms is adopted as standard value for the whole project.

2.4 System Neutral Point

The choice of the system neutral points has been done in conformity with the existing standard at TANESCO,
as listed below.

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System Neutral Point here.
220 kV Neutral solidly grounded
33 kV Neutral solidly grounded
0,4 kV, LV Network Neutral of transformers solidly grounded

2.5 Short-Circuit Levels

The neutral earthing mode for the network has a direct influence on a number of significant network param-

 The earth fault current;

 Touch voltage and step/tread voltage;
 Level of overvoltage;
 Level of disturbance of surrounding networks.

The neutral earthing has a significant influence on the construction of networks; especially the insulation of
the conductors and the equipment must take account of the potential overvoltage influenced by the system
neutral earthing. The choice of the system neutral points shall be done in conformity with the existing standard

The following minimum rated short-circuits levels shall be used for the equipment to be installed:

System Short-Circuit Level

[kAeff, 1s]
400 kV 40.0
220 kV 40.0
33 kV 25.0

2.6 Substation Electrical Clearances

Substation Electrical Clearances according to IEC 61936-1 - Minimum 220 kV

Phase to earth clearance (minimum) [mm] 2600
Phase to phase clearance (minimum) [mm] 3600
Safety distance – horizontal/vertical (where pedestrian access is permitted) [mm] 5650
Height to insulation (where pedestrian access is permitted)) [mm] 2500

2.7 Busbar System 220 kV

The bus bar shall be constructed in such a manner that future extension on both ends will be possible without
necessity to shut down both bus bars at the same time. It shall be dimensioned for the rated short circuit
current. The general construction of the connections and their insulator shall be mechanically strong and shall

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withstand all the stresses which may be imposed on them during ordinary work due to fixing, vibrations, cli-
matic conditions, short circuit, or other causes.

The data shall be 3200 A, 40.0 kA short circuit capacity.

2.8 Soil Investigations

The report gives a summary of the geotechnical investigations carried out in Geita and Nyakanazi in connection
with the proposed electrification of north–west Tanzania 220 KV transmission system Geita – Nyakanazi and
associated rural electrification. The investigations were carried out in December 2015

Geotechnical investigations were carried out for determination of profile(s) and engineering characteristics of
the underlying soils/rock, foundation design parameters of the sub-surface layers, chemical content of the
subsoil with their effects on performance of foundation, appropriate types of foundation, founding depths,
and safe bearing capacities.

The results are given in chapter

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J. Technical Data Sheets

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Table of Content for Section

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1 General Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... J-2

2 Substation High Voltage and Medium Voltage Equipment ................................................................................. J-3

2.1 220 kV Circuit Breaker ....................................................................................................................................... J-3
2.2 220 kV Isolator Switch (Centre – Break Type).................................................................................................... J-5
2.3 220 kV Current Transformers ............................................................................................................................ J-5
2.4 220 kV Voltage Transformers ............................................................................................................................ J-6
2.5 220 kV Surge Arresters ...................................................................................................................................... J-6
2.6 220 kV Post Insulators ....................................................................................................................................... J-7
2.7 220 / 33 kV Power Transformer / 40 MVA (ONAF) /31,5 MVA (ONAN) ............................................................ J-7
2.8 Shunt Reactor 10 MVAr ...................................................................................................................................J-10
2.9 Transformer Fault Detection, Protection and Monitoring System (if required) ..............................................J-11
2.10 33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) ..................................................................................................J-12

3 Substation Auxiliaries and Low Voltage Equipment ......................................................................................... J-17

3.1 33/0.43 kV, 315 kVA, Auxiliary Transformer ...................................................................................................J-17
3.2 Emergency Diesel Generator 315 kVA .............................................................................................................J-18
3.3 Low Voltage AC Distribution Panel for Auxiliary Services ................................................................................J-19
3.4 Battery Bank 110 V DC, 300 Ah .......................................................................................................................J-20
3.5 Battery Charger 110 V .....................................................................................................................................J-20
3.6 Battery Bank -48 V DC, 300 Ah ........................................................................................................................J-22
3.7 Battery Charger -48 V ......................................................................................................................................J-23

4 Protection, Control and Telecom ...................................................................................................................... J-24

4.1 Protection Relays .............................................................................................................................................J-24
4.2 Control and Monitoring System ......................................................................................................................J-40
4.3 PABX and Telephone Sets ................................................................................................................................J-46

5 Closed Circuit TV System (CCTV) ....................................................................................................................... J-47

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1 General Instructions

All the technical data sheets have to be stamped and signed by the Bidder.

The "Technical Data Sheets" form an integral part of the Technical Specification and shall be completed as

 The Bidder shall be bound to adhere strictly to the requirements, design data and criteria as stated in
these "Technical Data Sheets" or elsewhere in the Technical Specification.
 The "Technical Data Sheets" columns of the following pages must be filled-in by the Bidder, without omis-
sion. The manner and breakdown of these pages must not be changed i.e. the Bidder must in no case add
or change something within the requirements or the "Required" columns.
 The required values/specified ratings for the different technical items can also be taken out of the descrip-
tions of the respective “Technical Specifications”. In case no specific values are required, the Bidder shall
insert the value corresponding to his proposed equipment.
 The values stated by the Bidder shall be guaranteed values.
 If a particular item is not applicable or not quoted, the letters NA (not applicable) or NQ (not quoted) shall
be typed in the space provided. For any data not duly inserted in the data sheets, the most unfavourable
data stated by any competitor will be used for evaluation purposes.

If the Bidder's offer contains deviations from the "Technical Specification" (required standard ratings), these
and any further explanations must be stated on extra sheets only, clearly declared as "List of Deviations".

 All these points in which the "Technical Specification" (required standard ratings) cannot be fulfilled shall
be stated and explained separately.
 Whenever the Bidder is able to offer better values than required, he is invited to state this.
 The expression "or equivalent" for the manufacturers' names as well as for any technical data is unac-
ceptable and shall be disregarded.
 The Bidder shall take care, that only the metric measurement system (SI) will be accepted.

To substantiate the given information, all equipment shall be further explained by attaching respective bro-
chures, drawings, photographs and/or any other descriptive documentation useful for clear identification of
the offered equipment.

In case the attached documentation contains different types of the required equipment, the offered type must
be clearly marked.

Supplementary documents shall be provided under a separate sub-chapter to the present one, clearly split
and marked with the corresponding specification number.

Each interested Bidder will receive one CD together with the Tender Documents containing the files of the
Technical Data Sheets and the Bill of Quantities.

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The Bidder shall fill in these tables and provide a hard copy and a soft copy with the filled in tables with his

All pages of this chapter must contain the stamp of the Contractor and must be duly signed by the Contractor’s
authorised person.

Insulation in Air – Atmospheric Correction Factor:

The short time power-frequency withstand voltage and the standard lightning impulse withstand voltage given
in the tables of the Data Sheets are those for the height of 1.000m (if not otherwise explicitly specified in the
data sheet).

For the testing of insulators at standard conditions at levels below 1000 m the atmospheric correction factor
must be applied.

2 Substation High Voltage and Medium Voltage Equipment

2.1 220 kV Circuit Breaker

220 kV Circuit Breaker Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type of circuit breaker outdoor type
Type of arc quenching medium SF6
Model to be specified
Rated maximum voltage kV 245
Rated service voltage kV 220
Rated lightning impulse (BIL) peak 1050
(at altitude less than 1000 M)
Power frequency withstand voltage rms 460
(at altitude less than 1000 M)
Rated frequency Hz 50
Number of phases 3
Rated current A 2000
Short circuit breaking current kA 40.0
Short time withstand s 1
DC component time constant ms 45
Maximum breaking time ms 50
Maximum closing time ms 100
Related short circuit making current kA 80
Number of tripping coils 2
Number of closing coils 1
Rated power of trip coils w
Rated power of closing coil w
Operating sequence - O – 0.3 s – CO – 3 min
– CO

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220 kV Circuit Breaker Unit Requested Provided here.
Annual rate of gas leakage at normal pressure % ≤ 1%
Minimum creepage distance mm/kV 31
Rated TRV for faults at terminals
TRV peak value to be specified
TRV rate of rise kV 218
Initial TRV kV/s 2
Time to peak of initial TRV kV 1.4
micro s 0.4
First phase to clear factor 1.5
Maximum over voltage factors for any switching P.U 2.3
Maximum over voltage factors when interrupt- P.U 2.3
ing rated line/cable/capacitor banks charging
Maximum over voltage factors when switching P.U 2.3
small inductive and reactive current

Maximum time interval between closure of first ms 3

and last phase of three phase circuit breaker
Minimum time from extinction of main arc to
contact make during autoreclsoe time
Operating mechanism
Type to be specified
Motor voltage V DC 110
Rated power of motor W
Type of device (Motor charged) Spring
For closing
For opening
Closing and opening coil voltage V DC 110
Number of closing coils 1
Spring charging time s to be specified
Manual spring release yes
Hand operating facilty yes
Mechanical Interlocking facility with isolators yes
Emergency trip facility yes
Mechanical On and OFF indicators yes
Number of opening coils 2
Number of auxiliary contacts available 5 No., 5 NC
Main dimensions:
Depth mm to be specified
Height mm to be specified
Weight kg to be specified
Accessories in the motor mech. enclosure
Operation counter yes
Local manual control yes
Test switches (dc) yes
Heater yes

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220 kV Circuit Breaker Unit Requested Provided here.
Weatherproof, corrosion resistance enclosure IP65
Accessories in the central control panel
Anti-pumping relay yes
Local/distance command selector switch yes
Local operation push buttons yes
Minimum pressure lock-out and alarm relay yes
Lighting, heating and service plug yes
Terminal blocks yes
Test switches (DC) yes
Phase discrepancy timer relay yes
Mounting brackets and hardware yes
With all necessary accessories for installation to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 62271-100

2.2 220 kV Isolator Switch (Centre – Break Type)

220 kV Isolator Switch Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type outdoor
Type of operation center break
Earthing on one side yes/no yes
Nominal voltage kV 220
Rated voltage kV 245
Rated nominal current A 2000
Rated short time current Ith (1s) kA 40,0
Rated short-circuit making current Idyn (peak) kA 80
Rated phase-to-ground lightning impulse with- kV 1050
stand voltage (peak)
Rated power frequency shortwithstand voltage kV 460
Rated frequency Hz 50
Protection class - IP 55
Drive - 1 or 3 pole
Type of drive - Electric
Power supply for drive V 110 DC
Power supply for auxiliary contacts V 110 DC
Power supply for heater V 240/400 AC
Manual operating facility yes/no yes

2.3 220 kV Current Transformers

220 kV Current Transformers Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture

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220 kV Current Transformers Unit Requested Provided here.
Type outdoor
Nominal voltage kV 220
Rated voltage kV 245
Rated secondary currents A 1
Class accuracy for metering - 0.2
Class accuracy for measurement - 0.5
Class accuracy for protection system - 5 P 20
Number of cores -
• metering 1
• measuring 1
• protection 3
Rated burden VA 50
Transformation ratio - 200 - 400 – 1000
1/1/1/1/1/1 A
Rating of protective cores VA 50
Rating of measuring cores VA 30
Rated phase to ground power frequency with- kV 1050
stand voltage (peak)
Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV 400
Rated short time current Ith (1s) kA 40,0

2.4 220 kV Voltage Transformers

220 kV Voltage Transformers Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Nominal voltage kV 220
Rated voltage kV 245
Transformation ratio - 220/0.1/0.1/ 0,1 kV
<z Hz Hz I 3
Capacity of main winding VA 100
Capacity of secondary winding VA 100
Accuracy class for metering - 0.2
Accuracy class for measuring - 0.5
Accuracy class for protection - 3P
Rated phase-to-ground lightning impulse with- kV 1050
stand voltage (peak)
Rated power withstand voltage (peak) kV 460

2.5 220 kV Surge Arresters

220 kV Surge Arresters Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name

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220 kV Surge Arresters Unit Requested Provided here.
Country of Manufacture
Nominal voltage kV 220
Rated voltage kV 198
Rated continuous voltage kV 20
Rated discharge current kA 10
220 kV Lighting Arrester Discharge Counter
Type outdoor
Counter indication digital
Protection class IP 55
Number per three arresters 1

2.6 220 kV Post Insulators

220 kV Post Insulators Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Rated voltage kV 245
Rated phase to ground lightning impulse with- kV 1050
stand voltage (peak)
Rated power frequencywithstand voltage (peak) kV 460

2.7 220 / 33 kV Power Transformer / 40 MVA (ONAF) /31,5 MVA (ONAN)

220 / 33 kV Power Transformer Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type 3-phase, oil-im-
mersed, with on-load
tap changer
Standards IEC 60076
Installation outdoor
Rated maximum voltage (Primary / Secondary) kV 245 / 36
Rated service voltage
Primary side (high voltage) kV 220
Secondary side (low voltage) kV 33
Rated no-load voltage at rated frequency on:
-HV, principal tapping kV to be specified
-HV, extreme plus tapping kV to be specified
-HV, extreme minus tapping kV to be specified
-LV kV to be specified
Rated power ONAN / ONAF MVA 31,5 / 40
[Performance Guarantee]

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220 / 33 kV Power Transformer Unit Requested Provided here.
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated current
-Primary side (high voltage) A to be specified
-Secondary side (low voltage) A to be specified
Vector group Dyn11(d)
Impedance voltage of:
ONAF centre tap % 11.5
Insulation uniform
Type of cooling ONAN/ ONAF
Tapping range ± 1.67%
in ± 8 steps
No-load losses at rated frequency and 100% kW to be specified
voltage - maximum value [Performance Guaran-
Load losses at rated frequency and 100% voltage
(75°C) - maximum value: [Performance Guaran-
-ONAN kW to be specified
-ONAF kW to be specified
Material of winding copper
Temperature rise at rated power over 40°C max-
imum ambient [Performance Guarantee]
- oil (upper level) °C 45
- winding °C 55
Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV 275/70
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage:
- HV windings kVpeak 1050

- LV windings kVpeak 170

Short circuit impedance referred to the first

winding in the following pairs: [Performance
-At principal tap: high voltage - low voltage  / ph to be specified
-At extreme plus tap: high voltage - low voltage  / ph to be specified
-At extreme minus tap: high voltage - low volt-  / ph to be specified
Maximum noise level (Lp) [Performance Guaran- dB (A) 65
tee] IEC 60076-10
Harmonics [Performance Guarantee] IEC 60076 % 5
Maximum no-load current % In 0.2
Painting Admiralty Grey
-length mm to be specified
-width mm to be specified
-height mm to be specified

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220 / 33 kV Power Transformer Unit Requested Provided here.
-distance between wheels' centres mm to be specified
Total weight kg to be specified
Oil weight kg to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60076

Transformer Bushings
Maximum current carrying capacity of bushings:
-HV A 120% of IN
-LV A 120% of IN

Rated service voltage of bushings:

-HV kV 220
-LV kV 33
-HV, neutral kV to be specified
-LV, neutral kV to be specified

1 minute, 50 Hz dry withstand voltage:

-HV bushing kV to be specified
-LV bushing kV to be specified

1 minute, 50 Hz wet withstand voltage:

-HV bushing kV to be specified
-LV bushing kV to be specified
-TV bushing kV to be specified
-HV, LV neutral bushings kV to be specified
Impulse withstand voltage:
-HV bushing kV to be specified
-LV bushing kV to be specified
On-Load Tap Changer
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Type: Equivalent to Maschinenfabrik Rhein- Vacuum type
hausen (MR)
Rated current A 175
Rated short-time current
-1 s (maximum) kA 40.0
-3 s kA to be specified
Step voltage V to be specified
Number of steps 17
On-load tap changer ±8 x 1.67%
Minimum number of operations opera- 200,000
Motor drive
Type to be specified
Supply voltage V AC 415/240
Insulation level voltage to earth to be specified
Insulation level
Voltage to earth Vrms to be specified

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220 / 33 kV Power Transformer Unit Requested Provided here.
Impulse test voltage Vpeak to be specified
One-min. power frequency test voltage (50 Hz) Vrms to be specified
Internal insulation levels / one-minute power
frequency test voltage:
-between selected and pre-selected tap Vpeak to be specified

-across fine tap winding Vpeak to be specified

-between phases of fine tap winding Vpeak to be specified

2.8 Shunt Reactor 10 MVAr

Shunt Reactor Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type of reactor 3 Phase
Frequency Hz 50
Nominal Power MVar 10
Nominal Voltage kV 220
Maximum Voltage, ambient Temp. of 45°C kV 245
Vector Group YN
Cooling Type ONAN
No. of Radiators for cooling ≥2
Temperature Rise with one radiator out of ser-
windings °C 60
oil, top of the tank °C 55
surface core °C 75
Positive and zero sequence reactance
At nominal voltage and frequency (10 MVar) Ω / ph
At 140 % of the voltage relative to 10 – 1 MVar Ω / ph
Reactive Power at 245 kV MVar
Dielectric withstand test
Rated lightning impulse Withstand voltage (peak kV 950
value) (peak)
Voltage withstand at higher frequency (min. 15 kV 360
s (line)) (peak)
Power frequency voltage 50 Hz (1min) (neutral) kV (eff) 140
Minimum distance between phase terminals HV mm 2250
Characteristics of bushings
Outdoor insulation porcelain
Type of bushing HV Oil / paper condensa-
Rated Voltage Line / Neutral kV (eff) 220 /

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Shunt Reactor Unit Requested Provided here.
Rated Current Line / Neutral A
Power Frequency 50 Hz – 1 min under rain (neu- kV
HV bushings creepage distance mm
Winding Characteristics
Material copper
Current density A/mm
Main Windings
Regulating winding
Weight of copper
Magnetic Core characteristics
Max magnetic induction with a minimum of Tesla
turns (maximal power) and applied voltage of
1,4 x 220 kV
Core weight kg
Vibrations / acoustic noise, stresses in the tank
with voltage of 245 kV / 50 Hz
Sides and lit of the tank, average amplitude
Max Value of all points of the tank
Acoustic noise dB
Stresses in the welds of the tank caused by vi-
Current transformer in line and neutral bushings yes

2.9 Transformer Fault Detection, Protection and Monitoring System (if


Detection, Protection and Monitoring System Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Country of origin
Type reference yes
On-load tap-changer monitoring
Monitoring of oltc and motor drive yes
Maintenance diagnostics yes
Acoustic monitoring of tap changer yes
Transformer Monitoring
I load voltage, load current yes
I active power, reactive power and apparent yes
I temperatures (environment, topoil, hotspot) yes
I aging rate and overload capacity of the trans- yes

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Detection, Protection and Monitoring System Unit Requested Provided here.
I Status information on the transformer protec- yes
tion systems
I dissolved gas analysis (dga) yes
Partial discharge (PD) detection with acoustic lo- yes
calization of arcing source,
Insulation Degradation; yes
Frequency response analysis (FRA); yes
I oil level; yes
I expanded monitoring yes
Trend recording and archiving of all information yes
relevant to determining the current transformer
Recording, storage and evaluation of all neces- yes
sary values related to the transformer to enable
maintenance based on current conditions
direct transmission of the information to the con- yes
trol system
Trend recording and archiving of all information yes
relevant to determining the current transformer
DC supply by UPS system yes
Communication protocol yes
Central Monitoring System details yes

2.10 33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)

33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Country of origin
Common Features
Type tested Yes/no yes
Institute of type testing
First commercial operation
Standards IEC 60694
Single or three phase encapsulated
Rated Voltage kV 33
Max. continuous system voltage kV 36
Impulse withstand voltage
At nominal gas pressure kV 170
At minimum gas pressure kV
Power frequency withstand voltage (1min)
At nominal gas pressure kV 70
At minimum gas pressure kV

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33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear Unit Requested Provided here.
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated short circuit current (3s) kA 25
Rated peak short circuit current kA 63
Insulation medium of bus bar SF6
Conductor material copper
Material of enclosure Steel minimum 2 mm
Rated bus bar current A 1250
Weight of one feeder module kg
Degree of protection
MV switchgear cubicle IP 64
LVcompartments IP3XD
Feeder width of cubicle mm
Rated SF6 pressure bar
Setting of pressure relief device bar
Admissible minimum gas pressure at rated volt- bar
Quantity of gas for one feeder
Leakage rate of SF6 gas per compartment / per % Max 2
33 kV GIS Circuit breakers
Circuit breaker design Vacuum circuit
breaker for GIS instal-
Rated maximum voltage kV 36
Rated service voltage kV 33
Rated lightning impulse (BIL) peak 170
(at altitude less than 1000 M)
Power frequency withstand voltage rms 70
(at altitude less than 1000 M)
Rated frequency Hz 50
Number of phases 3
Rated current
Incomers and feeders 800
Bus coupler A 1200
Short circuit breaking current kA 25
Short time withstand s 1
DC component time constant ms 45
Maximum breaking time ms 50
Maximum closing time ms 120
Related short circuit making current kA 62.5
Number of tripping coils 2
Number of closing coils 1
Operating sequence - O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min -
Annual rate of gas leakage at normal pressure % ≤ 1%
Minimum creepage distance mm/kV 31

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33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear Unit Requested Provided here.
Operating mechanism
Type to be specified
Motor voltage V DC 110
Motor power rating
Closing and opening coil voltage V DC 110
Number of closing coils 1
Number of opening coils 2
Spring charge time s
Manual release spring yes
Hand operating facility yes
Emergency trip facility yes
Mechanical Off and On indicators yes
Number of auxiliary contacts available 5 No., 5 NC
Main dimensions:
Depth mm to be specified
Height mm to be specified
Weight kg to be specified
Accessories in the motor mech. enclosure
Operation counter yes
Local manual control yes
Test switches (dc) yes
Heater yes
Weatherproof, corrosion resistance enclosure IP65
Accessories in the central control panel
Anti-pumping relay yes
Local/distance command selector switch yes
Local operation push buttons yes
Minimum pressure lock-out and alarm relay yes
Lighting, heating and service plug yes
Terminal blocks yes
Test switches (DC) yes
Phase discrepancy timer relay yes
Mounting brackets and hardware yes
With all necessary accessories for installation to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 62271-100
33 kV GIS Disconnectors and earthing switches
Mechanical Interlock yes
Rated maximum voltage kV 36
Rated service voltage kV 33
Rated lightning impulse (BIL)(at altitude less peak 170
than 1000 M)
Power frequency withstand voltage rms 70
Rated short-time current kA 25
Rated frequency Hz 50
Number of poles 3
Rated current A 800
Hand operating facility yes

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33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear Unit Requested Provided here.
Locking arrangement in Off and On yes
Automatic isolation of control supplies when yes
lock off
Rated power of operating coil W
Rated Motor power W
Minimum creepage distance mm/kV 31
Operation motorized
Opening time s ≤ 15
Closing time s ≤ 15
Rated peak withstand current kA 62.5
Minimum clearance in air:
Between phases mm 320
To earth mm 320
For isolating distance mm to be specified
Type of operating mechanism:
For disconnector Motorised
For earthing switch manual
Rated supply voltage for operating mechanism V DC 110
33 kV GIS Voltage Transformers
Rated maximum voltage kV 36
Rated primary voltage kV 33/√3
Rated secondary voltage (second winding) kV 0.1/√3
Rated secondary voltage (third winding) kV 0.1/√3
Rated frequency Hz 50
Impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 micro s wave peak 170
Power frequency withstand voltage rms 70
Power frequency withstand voltage secondary rms 2
Rated output (second winding/ third winding): VA 100/100
Accuracy class
For metering 0.2 S
For measuring 0.5
For protection 3P
Voltage factor at rated voltage:
Continuous 1.2
30 second 1.5
Thermal limit burden VA to be specified
Normal temperature rise: 28
Total height mm to be specified
Minimum creepage distance: mm/kv 31
Size and section of terminals bolts mm to be specified
Weight of oil per pole kg to be specified
Weight total per pole kg to be specified
Type of oil and reference specification to be specified
Permissible secondary short circuit current A to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 61869
Rated maximum voltage kV 36

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33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear Unit Requested Provided here.
Rated service voltage kV 33
Rated lightning impulse (BIL) kV 170
Power frequency withstand voltage kV 70
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated primary current
for line feeder A 800 - 400 - 200
for transformer feeder A 800 - 400 - 200
Rated secondary currents A 1-1–1-1
Number of cores:
for measuring purposes 1
for metering purposes 1
for protection purposes 2
Rated burden for measuring core VA 30
Accuracy class 0.5 FS 5
Rated burden for metering core VA 30
Accuracy class 0.2 S
Rated burden for protection cores VA 30
Accuracy class 5 P 20
Short-time current ratings:
Thermal (Ith) kA 25
Dynamic (Idyn) kA 62.5
The minimum guaranteed instrument security to be specified
factor, for metering current transformer
Impulse wave to be specified
Mechanical load of primary terminal:
Dynamic load N to be specified
Static load N to be specified
Minimum creepage distance mm/kV 31
Size and section of terminal bolts to be specified
Weight per pole kg to be specified
Weight of oil per pole kg to be specified
Type of oil and reference specification to be specified
Dimensions mm to be specified
With all accessories for installation to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 61869
33 kV GIS Surge Arrester
Nominal system voltage kV 33
Rated operating voltage (Ur) kV 30
Rated continuous operating voltage (Uc) kV 21
Rated frequency Hz 50
Nominal discharge current kA 10
Residual voltage for:
Lightning current 8/20 impulse kV to be specified
Step current 1/20 impulse of 10 kA kV to be specified
Switching current 30/60 impulse of 500 A/1000 kV to be specified
High current 4/10 impulse withstand value kA 100

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33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear Unit Requested Provided here.
Low current, long duration current impulse with- A 1000
stand (upper value)
Line discharge class 3
Absorption capability in kJ/kV of arrester rating kJ/kV 8
at thermal stability
Pressure relief class class A
Suitability for fault current kA 40
Power frequency 1 min. withstand voltage, wet kV 70
Maximum RIV at 1000 kHz measured at 1.05 micro V 500
time the system highest voltage
Impulse withstand voltage of arrester insulation peak 170
external assembly
Maximum short circuit rating kA 25
Overall height of arrester mm to be specified
Creepage distance mm/kV 31
Weight of arrester kg to be specified
Arrester classification heavy duty, station-type
gapless metal oxide or equivalent
Accessories: 33 kV surge arrester discharge
Type Indoor GIS
Counter indication digital
Protection class IP 54
Number per 3 arresters 1
Applicable Standard(s) IEC 60099-1, 1A, 2, 4

3 Substation Auxiliaries and Low Voltage Equipment

3.1 33/0.43 kV, 315 kVA, Auxiliary Transformer

33/0.43 kV Auxiliary Transformer Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type 3-phase, oil-im-
Installation indoor
Maximum Opering Voltage kV 36 / 0.430
Rated service voltage:
- Primary side (high voltage) kV 33
- Secondary side (low voltage) kV 0.4
Rated power kVA 315
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated current:
- Primary side (high voltage) A to be specified
- Secondary side (low voltage) A to be specified
Vector group Dyn11
Impedance voltage % 4

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33/0.43 kV Auxiliary Transformer Unit Requested Provided here.
Type of cooling ONAN
Off-load tap changer regulation ± 2 x 2.5%
- No-load losses W to be specified
- Load losses W to be specified
Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV 70
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage peak 170
Sound power level dB (A) 65
Painting Admiralty Grey shade
Length mm to be specified
Width mm to be specified
Height mm to be specified
Distance between the wheel's centres mm to be specified
Total weight kg to be specified
Oil weight kg to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60076

3.2 Emergency Diesel Generator 315 kVA

315 kVA Emergency Diesel Generator Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type: Group diesel engine ok
and generator on frame
Situation Indoor
Engine Type diesel, four-stroke
Rated speed rpm 1500
Cooling system Water, external radia-
Black Start Battery start
Fuel capacity 720 liters or 24 hours
running time
(continuously and full
Noise Level Less than 75 dB (A) at
full load and at 10 m
distance from the
diesel room
Phases Three-phase
Frequency Hz 50
Rated voltage V 230/400 ± 10 %
Rated Power kVA 315

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315 kVA Emergency Diesel Generator Unit Requested Provided here.
Excitation system Brushless - Self Ex-
Insulation class class “F”
Degrees of protection IP 23
Control Panel Yes

3.3 Low Voltage AC Distribution Panel for Auxiliary Services

Low Voltage AC Distribution Panel Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type metal clad, indoor, air
Installation indoor
Rated Voltage V 415/240
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated currents A to be specified
Material copper
Short-circuit current (1 s.) kA 10
Number of 3-phase outgoings to be specified
Number of 1-phase outgoings to be specified
Protection IP 4X
Main 3-phase 4-poles moulded case circuit to be specified
breaker for incoming feeder
3 current transformer to be specified
3-phase active energy meter to be specified
1 AC current meter to be specified
1 current switch, 3 positions to be specified
1 AC volt meter to be specified
1 rotary voltage switch, 7 positions to be specified
3-phase 4-pole moulded case circuit breaker for to be specified
outgoing feeders
1-phase 2-pole moulded case circuit breaker for to be specified
outgoing feeders
1 outlet socket 220 V, 50 Hz, 10 A to be specified
length mm to be specified
height mm to be specified
depth mm to be specified
Weight kg to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60364
IEC 60439
VDE 0100

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3.4 Battery Bank 110 V DC, 300 Ah here.

Battery Bank 110 V DC, 300 Ah Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Model to be specified (NiCd)
Installation indoor, vertically on
Electrolyte to be specified
Container lid styrene acrylonitrile
(SAN) plastic
Positive electrodes tubular plate, lead
calcium alloy
Connector technique bolted connectors,
completely insulated
Number of cells to be specified
Nominal voltage V DC 110
Nominal capacity at 10 hour discharge rate Ah 300
Float voltage per cell V to be specified
Float charging current A to be specified
Boost charging voltage per cell V to be specified
Boost charging current A to be specified
Battery voltage at end of duty cycle V to be specified
Short circuit current A to be specified
Internal resistance  to be specified
Life expectancy years ≥ 20
Cycling capacity cycles > 1,200
Weights and dimensions:
total weight of battery (incl. electrolyte) kg to be specified
weight per cell (incl. electrolyte) kg to be specified
width x depth x height per cell mm to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60896
IEC 61056

3.5 Battery Charger 110 V

Battery Charger 110 V Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Model to be specified
Design fully electronic stand-
ard design
Characteristics I/U characteristic
with high tempera-
ture stability
Circuit configuration 3-phase full wave
bridge circuit

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Battery Charger 110 V Unit Requested Provided here.
Installation: indoor, in metal-clad cubicles with
front door; all equipment accessible from the
front side
Protection class IP41
AC supply:
Rated service voltage V 415/240
Frequency Hz 50
Rated current A to be specified
DC output:
Rated service voltage V 110
Voltage setting range % ±5
Float charging voltage V 125 (at 2.23 V/cell)
Boost charging voltage V 2.4 per cell
Regulation error of output voltage:
at load variation 0-100% % ±1
at frequency variations 50 Hz % ±5
at input voltage variation % ± 10
Output voltage regulation with current limiting ±2% within voltage
range range of 80-100%
Regulation characteristic I/U as per DIN 41773
or equivalent
Ripple content % < 10 (pp) without bat-
Permissible humidity acc. to IEC
Radio interference "A" according to EN
Derating factor (thyristors) 2.3 as per VDE 0160
Cooling natural circulation
Fuse switch disconnector (charger output) to be specified
Control unit with integrated mains filter, phase to be specified
failure supervision, soft start facility, pulse
blocking, cut-in delay
Monitoring devices:
Detailed fault alarm including collective fault to be specified
alarm and additional visual signalling at front
Three-phase overvoltage and undervoltage su- to be specified
Current-controlled DC undervoltage supervision to be specified
DC overvoltage supervision with delayed/unde- to be specified
layed cut-off
Integrated supervision of thyristor fuses to be specified
Fuse supervision of auxiliary and control circuits to be specified
Ripple monitoring to be specified
Time to recharge battery to 80% capacity from hour 10
fully discharged state

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-22

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220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
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Battery Charger 110 V Unit Requested Provided here.
Volt meter and ammeter (charger output) to be specified
Battery tension, consumer tension to be specified
Charger current, consumer current to be specified
Disturbance reports:
Main failure, rectifier tensions too low to be specified
Battery circle too low, rectifier tension too high, to be specified
battery deeply unloaded
Battery circle disturbed, ground fault plus/minus to be specified
Capacity test negative, short circuit to be specified
Efficiency % 80
Weight kg to be specified
Width x depth x height mm to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60146
IEC 60364
IEC 60439
IEC 60947

3.6 Battery Bank -48 V DC, 300 Ah

Battery Bank -48 V DC, 300 Ah Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Model to be specified (NiCd)
Installation indoor, vertically on
Electrolyte to be specified
Container lid styrene acrylonitrile
(SAN) plastic
Positive electrodes tubular plate, lead
calcium alloy
Connector technique bolted connectors,
completely insulated
Number of cells to be specified
Nominal voltage V DC - 48
Nominal capacity at 10 hour discharge rate Ah 300
Float voltage per cell V to be specified
Float charging current A to be specified
Boost charging voltage per cell V to be specified
Boost charging current A to be specified
Battery voltage at end of duty cycle V to be specified
Short circuit current A to be specified
Internal resistance  to be specified
Life expectancy years ≥ 20
Cycling capacity cycles > 1,200
Weights and dimensions:
total weight of battery (incl. electrolyte) kg to be specified

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-23

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Battery Bank -48 V DC, 300 Ah Unit Requested Provided here.
weight per cell (incl. electrolyte) kg to be specified
width x depth x height per cell mm to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60896
IEC 61056

3.7 Battery Charger -48 V

Battery Charger -48 V Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Model to be specified
Design fully electronic stand-
ard design
Characteristics I/U characteristic
with high tempera-
ture stability
Circuit configuration 3-phase full wave
bridge circuit
Installation: indoor, in metal-clad cubicles with
front door; all equipment accessible from the
front side
Protection class IP41
AC supply:
Rated service voltage V 415/240
Frequency Hz 50
Rated current A to be specified
DC output:
Rated service voltage V -48
Voltage setting range % ±5
Float charging voltage V
Boost charging voltage V
Regulation error of output voltage:
at load variation 0-100% % ±1
at frequency variations 50 Hz % ±5
at input voltage variation % ± 10
Output voltage regulation with current limiting ±2% within voltage
range range of 80-100%
Regulation characteristic I/U as per DIN 41773
or equivalent
Ripple content % < 10 (pp) without bat-
Permissible humidity acc. to IEC
Radio interference "A" according to EN
Derating factor (thyristors) 2.3 as per VDE 0160
Cooling natural circulation

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-24

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Battery Charger -48 V Unit Requested Provided here.
Fuse switch disconnector (charger output) to be specified
Control unit with integrated mains filter, phase to be specified
failure supervision, soft start facility, pulse
blocking, cut-in delay
Monitoring devices:
Detailed fault alarm including collective fault to be specified
alarm and additional visual signalling at front
Three-phase overvoltage and undervoltage su- to be specified
Current-controlled DC undervoltage supervision to be specified
DC overvoltage supervision with delayed/unde- to be specified
layed cut-off
Integrated supervision of thyristor fuses to be specified
Fuse supervision of auxiliary and control circuits to be specified
Ripple monitoring to be specified
Time to recharge battery to 80% capacity from hour 10
fully discharged state
Volt meter and ammeter (charger output) to be specified
Battery tension, consumer tension to be specified
Charger current, consumer current to be specified
Disturbance reports:
Main failure, rectifier tensions too low to be specified
Battery circle too low, rectifier tension too high, to be specified
battery deeply unloaded
Battery circle disturbed, ground fault plus/minus to be specified
Capacity test negative, short circuit to be specified
Efficiency % 80
Weight kg to be specified
Width x depth x height mm to be specified
Applicable standard(s) IEC 60146
IEC 60364
IEC 60439
IEC 60947

4 Protection, Control and Telecom

4.1 Protection Relays

Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-25

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5
Differential protection requirements
Phase segregated protection Yes
Ratio and Vector correction for CTs Yes
Adjustable biased differential protection char- yes
Sensitivity ms <30
For phase faults
For earth faults
Operating time
Distance protection requirements
3 zone ph-ph and ph-E yes
Phase fault and Earth fault characteristic yes
shapes (Mho, Quad)
Operating time ms <30
Power swing Blocking ( depending on relaying yes
point in the power system
Voltage transformer supervison yes
time delay for all zones yes
Zone enable/disable for all zones yes
Other requirements
Thermal overload, 49 no
Circuit breaker failure 50BF (dependent on ap- yes
Event recording function yes
Disturbance recording function yes
Fault locator function yes
Intergral operator interface for local interroga- yes
Programmable scheme logic yes
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management.
Carry continuous current 1A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive yes
25W inductive (L/R 40ms)
Self-checking facility yes
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-26

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300nm and 1550nm single
Control yes
Communication ports ( Front/rear etc) (Note:
Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC) Physsical links
(R485/Fibre optic Protocol supported IEC
60870-5-104 IEC 61850
Type tests
Atmospheric Operation -25°C and 55°C for yes
96hrs, IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 hrs, IEC
Relative Humidity Operation at 93% Tested to yes
IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56 days
Enclosure IEC 60529 IP50 yes
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 Yes for all
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs
250V for other circuits 1000V open contact
withstand Dielectric tests IEC 60255-5-Series C
of table 1
Impulse voltage IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5 kV
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, Yes
IEC 60255-22-1 severity class II
Electrostatic discharge
IEC 60255-22-2 severity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III
Test method A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions
IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance
IEC 60255-22-4 severity level Iv
Type test certificates to be provided
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-27

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Distance protection requirements
3 zone ph-ph and ph-E yes
Phase fault and Earth fault characteristic yes
shapes (Mho, Quad)
Operating time ms <30
Power swing Blocking ( depending on relaying yes
point in the power system
Voltage transformer supervison yes
Time delay for all zones yes
Teleprotection modes PUR/POR/Block yes
DEF plain and Blocking modes yes
Z1 min and max operating time (mid Zone)
Zone enable/disable for all zones yes
Other requirements
Thermal overload, 49 no
Circuit breaker failure 50BF- (dependent on ap- yes
Event recording function yes
Disturbance recording function yes
Fault locator function yes
Intergral operator interface for local interroga- yes
Programmable scheme logic yes
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management .
carry continuous current 1A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive yes
25W inductive (L/R 40ms)
Self checking facility yes
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300nm and 1550nm single
Control yes
Communication ports (Front/rear etc),
(Note: Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC)
Physsical links (R485/Fibre optic)
Protocol supported:
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 61850
Type tests

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-28

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Atmospheric Operation -25°C and 55C for 96h, yes
IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity yes
Operation at 93%, Tested to IEC 60068-2-3
with severity class 56 days
Enclosure ,IEC 60529 IP50 yes
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 Yes for all
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation, 1000 V high impedance pro-
tection CT inputs Yes for all
250V for other circuits, 1000 V open contact
withstand Dielectric tests, IEC 60255-5-Series C
of table 1,
Impulse voltage, IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, IEC 60255-22-1
severity class II, Yes for all
Electrostatic discharge, IEC 60255-22-2 sever-
ity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance,
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III, Test method
A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions, IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance , IEC 60255-22-4 se-
verity level Iv
Type test certificates to be provided
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5
State principle of operation i.e low impedance
Integral check zone feature (state principle of Yes
Distributed bay modules and central Unit (Y/N) Yes
Maximum number of bays yes
Isolator replica ms <30
CT saturation detector and stabilisation
Integral CT Supervision yes

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-29

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
CT matching Functions yes
Phase segregated protection ms <30
Two stage breaker failure for Phase faults and
Earth fault
Facility to initiate the scheme by auxialiary con- Yes for all
tacts I,e Bucholz operation
2 out 4 check of current detectors Inde-
pendently settable delay times for operation
with and without current
Input trip contact
Other requirements
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management .
carry continuous current 1A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive, 25W inductive (L/R yes
Self checking facility yes
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300nm and 1550nm single
Control yes
Communication ports ( Front/rear etc)
(Note: Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC)
Physsical links (R485/Fibre optic)
Protocol supported
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 61850
Type tests
Atmospheric Operation -25C and 55C for 96h, yes
IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity Operation at 93% Tested to yes
IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56 days
Enclosure IEC 60529 IP50 yes
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 Yes
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2 Yes
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3 yes
Rated Insulation Yes
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs Yes
250V for other circuits yes

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-30

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
1000V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, IEC 60255-22-1
severity class II Yes for all
Electrostatic discharge, IEC 60255-22-2 sever-
ity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance,
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III, Test method
A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions, IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance, IEC 60255-22-4 se-
verity level Iv
Type test certificates (copy of original) to be
Multifunction Overcurrent and Earth fault pro-
tection (50/51/50N/51N
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5
Number of phase CT inputs
Number of earth fault CT inputs
Standard, Very and Extreme inverse and defi- Yes
nite time characteristics curves conforming to
Number of inverse overcurrent functions per
Number of high set overcurrent functions per
Number of low set overcurrent functions per
Number of inverse earth fault functions
Number of high set earth fault functions
Number of low set earth fault functions
Number of group setting
Earth fault element suitable of high impedance Yes
REF (with external resistor)
operating time at 5X setting when configured ms 30
for REF
Suitable for Blocked overcurrent busbar pro- yes
tection scheme
Other requirements

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-31

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Thermal overload, 49 (Y/N)
Directional O/C and E/F (Y/N)
Number of output relays
Rated for tripping
Rated for control and alarm
Integral metering functions yes
Opto-isolator inputs yes
Event recording function yes
Disturbance recording function yes
Intergral operator interface for local interroga- yes
Programmable scheme logic yes
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management.
carry continuous current 1 A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive yes
25 W inductive (L/R 40 ms)
Self checking facility yes
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300 nm and 1550 nm sin-
gle mode
Control yes
Communication ports ( Front/rear etc)
(Note: Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC)
Physsical links (R485/Fibre optic)
Protocol supported
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 61850
Type tests
Atmospheric Operation -25C and 55C for 96h, yes
IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity yes
Operation at 93%
Tested to IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56
Enclosure yes
IEC 60529 IP50
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2 Yes
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3 For all

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-32

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
Rural Electrification
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Rated Insulation
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs Yes
250V for other circuits For all
1000V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, Yes
IEC 60255-22-1 severity class II For all
Electrostatic discharge
IEC 60255-22-2 severity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III
Test method A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions
IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance
IEC 60255-22-4 severity level Iv
Type test certificates to be provided
Multifunction Directional Overcurrent and
Earth fault protection (50/51/50N/51N
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5
Number of phase CT inputs
Number of earth fault CT inputs
Three phase VT input
Method of determining zero sequence voltage
Broken delta VT input (Y/N)
Derived mathematically (Y/N)
Standard, Very and Extreme inverse and defi-
nite time characteristics curves conforming to Yes for all
Number of inverse DOC functions per phase
Number of high set DOC functions per phase
Number of low set DOC functions per phase
Number of inverse DEF functions
Number of high set DEF functions
Number of low set DEF functions
Number of group setting
Other functions provided
Non directional O/C 50/51 (Y/N) Yes for all

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-33

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Non directional E/F 50N/51N (Y/N)
Thermal Overload 49 (Y/N)
Suitable for Blocked overcurrent busbar pro-
tection scheme
Earth fault element suitable of high impedance
REF (with external resistor)
Number of output relays
Rated for tripping
Rated for control and alarm
Other requirements
Integral metering functions yes
Opto-isolator inputs yes
Event recording function yes
Disturbance recording function yes
Intergral operator interface for local interroga- yes
Programmable scheme logic yes
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management .
carry continuous current 1A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive yes
25W inductive (L/R 40ms)
Self checking facility yes
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300nm and 1550nm single
Communication ports ( Front/rear etc), (Note: Yes for all
Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC), Physsical
links (R485/Fibre optic), Protocol supported
IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850
Type tests
Atmospheric Operation -25C and 55C for 96h,
IEC 60068-2-1 Yes for all
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity
Operation at 93% Yes for all
Tested to IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56
Enclosure IEC 60529 IP50 yes
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 Yes for all

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-34

Electrification of North West Tanzania
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation Yes for all
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs
250V for other circuits
1000V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, Yes for all Yes
IEC 60255-22-1 severity class II
Electrostatic discharge
IEC 60255-22-2 severity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III
Test method A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions
IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance
IEC 60255-22-4 severity level Iv
Type test certificates to be provided
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5
Differential protection requirements
Phase segregated protection Yes
Ratio and Vector correction for CTs Yes
Adjustable biased differential protection char- yes
Sensitivity ms <30
For phase faults
For earth faults
Operating time
5th Harmonic restraint yes
Other requirements
High set element yes
Magnetising current inrush restraint yes
Measurement and indication on MMI of phase yes
HV and LV differential and bias current
Separate function that performs overfluxing Yes
protection with trip and alarm functions

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-35

Electrification of North West Tanzania
220 kV Transmission System Geita – Nyakanazi and Associated
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Overcurent and earth fault yes
Event recording function yes
Disturbance recording function yes
Latching output contact yes
Intergral operator interface for local interroga- yes
Programmable scheme logic yes
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management.
carry continuous current 1A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive,25W inductive (L/R yes
Self-checking facility yes
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300 nm and 1550nm single
Control, Communication ports ( Front/rear yes
etc), (Note: Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC),
Physical links (R485/Fibre optic)
Protocol supported
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 61850
Type tests
Atmospheric Operation -25C and 55C for 96h, yes
IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity yes
Operation at 93%
Tested to IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56
Enclosure yes
IEC 60529 IP50
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation Yes for all
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs
250V for other circuits
1000V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, IEC 60255-22-1 Yes for all
severity class II
Electrostatic discharge, IEC 60255-22-2 sever-
ity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance,
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III, Test method
A, 27Mhz through 500 MHz
Electromagnetic Emissions, IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance, IEC 60255-22-4 se-
verity level Iv
Type test certificates (copies of the original) to
be provided
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design (microprocessor based, numeri- Numerical
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Input frequency range (50Hz Nominal) Hz 47.5-52.5
Differential protection requirements
Phase segregated protection Yes
Principal of operation – high impedance yes
Ratio correction for CTs Yes
Stabilising resistor and voltage dependent re- yes
sistor included
Sensitivity For earth faults
Operating time at 5X s <25
reject harmonics produced by CT saturation yes
Other requirements
Event recording function yes
Disturbance recording function yes
Latching output contact yes
Intergral operator interface for local interroga- yes
Programmable scheme logic yes
User friendly HMI, Window based software for yes
relay setting, relay configuration and event,
disturbance and fault record management.
carry continuous current 1A yes
Make 6A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive yes
25W inductive (L/R 40ms)
Self-checking facility yes

Tender_sub_fi5 20-21-00098 2017-11-17 Page J-37

Electrification of North West Tanzania
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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Intergral intertrip send and receive, with exter- yes
nal input interface
Protection yes
Direct optical fibre 1300 nm and 1550nm sin-
gle mode
Communication ports ( Front/rear etc) Yes for all
(Note: Two Rear ports for NCC and RCC)
Physical links (R485/Fibre optic)
Protocol supported
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 61850
Type tests
Atmospheric yes
Operation 25C and 55C for 96h, IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity yes
Operation at 93%
Tested to IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56
Enclosure yes
IEC 60529 IP50
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 Yes for all
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation Yes for all yes
1000 V high impedance protection CT inputs
250 V for other circuits
1000 V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5 kV
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, Yes for all
IEC 60255-22-1 severity class II
Electrostatic discharge
IEC 60255-22-2 severity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III
Test method A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions
IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance
IEC 60255-22-4 severity level Iv

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Type test certificates (copy of original) to be
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Relay design(Electro-mech, static, numerical)
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Operating time ms
Supervision of the whole trip circuit with CB
open and closed
Relay operated indicator
Type tests
Atmospheric yes
Operation -25C and 55C for 96h, IEC 60068-2-1
Transport/storage – 25 and 70C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity Operation at 93% Tested to yes
IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56 days
IEC 60529 IP50
Mechanical Environment Yes for all
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1
Shock and bump IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation Yes for all
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs
250V for other circuits
1000V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burst disturbance test, Yes for all
IEC 60255-22-1 severity class II
Electrostatic discharge
IEC 60255-22-2 severity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III
Test method A, 27Mhz through 500Mhz
Electromagnetic Emissions
IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance
IEC 60255-22-4 severity level Iv
Type test certificates to be provided
Manufacturer’s name to be specified

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Auxialliary Voltage range (Vn= 110 V dc Vdc 77-150
Is relay mechanically latched or self resetting
Method used to reset latched relay (Hand or
Minimum voltage at which reliable operation Yes
carry continuous current 5A yes
Make 30A max. for 0.2s yes
Break dc 50W resistive yes
25W inductive (L/R 40ms)
Relay operated indicator type yes
Type tests
Atmospheric yes
Operation -25 C and 55 C for 96 h, IEC 60068-
Transport/storage – 25 and 70 C for 96 h, IEC
Relative Humidity yes
Operation at 93%
Tested to IEC 60068-2-3 with severity class 56
Enclosure yes
IEC 60529 IP50
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 Yes for all
Shock and bumpIEC 60255-21-2
Seismic IEC 60255-21-3
Rated Insulation Yes for all
1000V high impedance protection CT inputs
250V for other circuits
1000V open contact withstand Dielectric tests
IEC 60255-5-Series C of table 1
Impulse voltage
IEC 60255-5 test voltage 5kv
Electromagnetic compatibility
1Mhz Burs disturbance test,
IEC 60255-22-1 severity class II Yes for all
Electrostatic discharge
IEC 60255-22-2 severity class III
Radiated Electromagnetic field Disturbance
IEC 60255-22-3 severity class III
Test method A, 27 MHz through 500 MHz
Electromagnetic Emissions
IEC 60255-25
Fast transient disturbance

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Protection Relays Unit Requested Provided here.
IEC 60255-22-4 severity level Iv
Type test certificates to be provided

4.2 Control and Monitoring System

4.2.1 Telecommunication System

Telecommunication System Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type reference
Pre-wired yes
Floor-mounted yes
Steel sheet thickness mm ≥2
Protection class IP 52
Maximum height m 2.25
Door material glass
Bay units:
Spare units for additional bays Pcs. yes
1 spare for each type of Bay unit to be provided
Power supply from station battery V DC 110
Central Processing Units (PCU):
Microprocessor bus architecture bit 32
Memory for system software type PROM
Application software in battery-buffered RAM or yes
Automatic time synchronization at all nodes of yes
the network
Fault indication LEDs on modules and alarm yes
messages on monitors
Basic functions: logic, sequence control, data yes
processing, including code conversion, text and
alarm signal editing, and function units for bi-
nary processes
Cycle times, selectable (for each control module) ms 10, 20, 40, 50, 100,
200, 250, 500, 1000,
Programming language: Elements for logic, con- yes
trol loops, arithmetic
Minimum number of I/0 channels per computer (see rel. chapter)
(analogue in / digital in / digital out)
Spare % 25
Video display and control system:
Power supply from station batteries V DC 110
Number of monitors for each control system Pcs. 3
Number of function keyboards:

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Telecommunication System Unit Requested Provided here.
liquid-proof keyboard Pcs. 1
exchangeable extended keyboard Pcs. 1
Hardcopy printer Pcs. 1
Event and record printer Pcs. 2
Bus data channels Pcs. 1
Event list events min. 400
Alarm list alarms min. 100
within computer ms 1
between computers ms 5
External alarm outputs Pcs. 6
Diagramme change speed s 5
Diagramme updating:
event-driven s 1
cyclic, adjustable s 3 to 10
Transfer of manual command inputs s 1
Communication links:
Data transmission rate Mbit/s 10
Data transmission mode as serial bus to IEEE yes
802.3 and CSMA / CD (Ethernet type)
Conductor as duplex fibre optic cable yes
Data transmission rate Mbit/s 10
Number of buses per processing unit no. 2
Nodes per buses Pcs. max. 45
Transmission range (with fibre optic cable) m 1000
Programming and services unit (personal com- notebook or personal
puter or programming unit): computer
Main processor type (or better) Pentium 166xx
Main memory Mbyte min. 512
Hard disc Gbyte min. 100
Monitor type active LCD
Interfaces serial and parallel
Operating system OS or UNIX, Win-
dows, latest version
Weight kg < 10
Ambient temperature:
Operation °C 15 - 50
Storage °C 0 - 60
Transport °C -30 - +60
Electromagnetic interference tests:
Insulation test, voltage test, individual test:
Applicable standards IEC 60255-5, IEC
Test voltage AC kV/Hz 2/50
or DC (1 minute) kV 2.85
external circuits against internal circuits

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Telecommunication System Unit Requested Provided here.
external circuits against earth and against earth
internal circuits against earth
Impulse voltage test, type test:
Applicable standards IEC 60255-5
Test level level III
Test voltage kV 5
External circuits against internal circuits µs pulse: 1.2/50
External circuits against earth
HF interference test, type test:
Applicable standard IEC 60255-22-1
Test level III
Test voltage (1 MHz attenuated, repeat rate
Common mode voltage kV 2.5
Differential voltage kV 1.0
Transient disturbance values / burst, type test
Applicable standard IEC 60801-2
Test voltage kV/ns 4, 5/50
Burst duration ms 15
Repetition time ms 300
Electromagnetic fields, type test
Applicable standards IEC 60801-3
IEC 60255-22-3
Electromagnetic discharges, type test
Applicable standard IEC 60801-2
Test conditions front door closed,
closed panel (cov-
Test voltage kV 8
Electric meter
A 3x5

Metering 400
Thermal 500
Short circuit peak value of 50 lmax
and >25 lmax during 1
Rated voltage (Un) V 3 x 240 / 400
Rated frequency Hz 50
Accuracy class 0.2
No creep on voltage variation V 0.8 ÷ 1.15 Un
Starting load max. A 0.05% lb

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4.2.2 Fibre Optic Multiplexing Equipment (SDH) here.

Fibre Optic Multiplexing Equipment (SDH) Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Fibre optic Multiplexing Equipment (SDH)
Manufacturer’s name to be specified
Country of manufacture yes
Type reference
Applicable standards for insulation / EMC / ESD
Protection IEC 60265-4, -5, -6
(22-1, -2, -3, -4) class
IEC 6081-1, -2, -3, -4
IEC 60834-1
Telecontrol IEC 60255-4, -5, -6,
class II/III
IEC 60801-1, -2, -3, -4
IEC 60870-1, -2, -3, -4
OLTE transceiver characteristics:
Optical wave length nm 1550 or 1310
Optical source laser
Optical source life span better than 15 years
Optical fibre type single mode
Optical connectors Type FC-PC
Jitter performance: ITU-T recommenda-
tion G.823
Power supply V 48 V DC
Capacity Mbps STM-4
Digital multiplexers:
spare channel capacity after commissioning on ≥ 30%
each transmission section (both main and
Optical fibre characteristics:
Number of fibres 48 minimum
Core diameter m 8.3 or 9 with a ± 3%
Cladding design m either matched or de-
Clad diameter m 125.0 ± 2
Core-clad concentricity less than 2%
Coating diameter m 250 ± 15
Coating concentricity ≥ 0.7
1310 nm dB/km ≤ 0.40
1550 nm dB/km ≤ 0.22
Bending attenuation:

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Fibre Optic Multiplexing Equipment (SDH) Unit Requested Provided here.
1310 nm (75 mm) dB ≤ 0.05 (100 turns)
1550 nm (75 mm) dB ≤ 0.10 (100 turns)
Temperature dependence dB/km ≤ 0.05 (-20 to +85°C)
Cut-off wave length nm ≤ = 1250
Chromatic dispersion:
Zero dispersion at: nm 1310 ± 12
Zero dispersion slope (max.) ps/nm² 0.092
Zero dispersion at nm 1550 ± 15
Zero dispersion slope (max.) ps/nm² 0.085
Mode field diameter:
1300 nm mm 9.30 ± 0.50
1550 nm mm 10.50 ± 1.00
IL proof test level g/m² 35 x 106
Splice attenuation dB/spli 0.02
Connector loss dB/con ≤ 0.5
Construction requirements:
Transmission param:
Bit error rate (path including terminals at n x 2 < 1 x 10-10
Jitter performance n x 2 Mbit/s acc. to G.823
Isolation (0.5 J, 1 min.) kV/DC 2
Pulse 1.2/50 µs kV 1
Telephone system
Number of subscriber lines 12
Number of substation internal telephone sets 12
Number of trunk lines 1
Equipped spare capacity after commissioning % 30
Capacity for additional lines % 50 (min.)

4.2.3 Digital PLC Equipment

Digital PLC Equipment Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Digital PLC Equipment
Type of Modulation
HF Frequency Range
HF Bandwidth
Output Power
output Impedance
Return loss

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Digital PLC Equipment Unit Requested Provided here.
tapping loss
Power supply
Operating Temp.
rel. Humidity
Degree of protection
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Weight (kg)
HF Coupling Unit
Compliant with IEC 60481
return loss
equipment side dB
Line side dB
lins side impedance range Ω
equipment side impedance range Ω
Main Arrester nominal discharge current kA
Drain Coil
Impedance at 50 Hz Ω
Unit withstand voltage kV
current carrying capacity at 50 Hz (nominal tem- A, rms
perature rise)
current carrying capacity at 50 Hz for 0.2 sec A, rms
Insulation level for one Minute
between coil and earth
between coil and screen
Ambient temp. Range for guaranteed operation
relative humidity
HF cable
Rated impedance at 100 kHz
short time test voltage
continous test voltage
Attenuation in frequency range 35-500 kHz
Mutual capacitance
Minimum bending radius
Length of cable on drum
cable weight
Line Trap
Name of manufacturer
Country of manufacture
Standard IEC 353
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated current A 400, 800
Short time current 1 s kA 40
Rated inductivity at 100 kHz mH 0.4

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Digital PLC Equipment Unit Requested Provided here.
rated short time current (1sec) kA
rated short time current IEC kA
Weight (kg)
mounting (suspension / pedestral)
coupling capacitors
type test certificate (yes/no)
power system frequency Hz
Rated capacitance pF
HF capacitance (300 Hz) pF
equivalent resistance Ω
rated voltage line to ground kV
test voltage 1 min kV
Test impulse voltage kV
arcing distance mm
creepage distance mm /
Dimensions mm
Diameter mm
Height kg
Weight (kg)

4.3 PABX and Telephone Sets

PABX and Telephone Sets Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
PABX and Telephone Sets
Type / Model
type test certificate (yes/no)
Analogue interfaces are available
PABX is modular expandable
max. number of subscribers
max. number of parallel conversations
Number of lines to PSTN
Remote - busy indication
Power Supply V -48 DC
Power consumption W
Permissible voltage tolerance %
PABX mounted in 19 " rack

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PABX and Telephone Sets Unit Requested Provided here.
functions / features
call priorities
Hot line extensions
call diversion on busy
call diversion on no answer
call transfer
call forwarding
call waiting
call Pickup
Conferencing (max. No. Of participants)
Auto dialing connections:
Night service
Operation Temp. °C
rel. Humidity %
Degree of Prot.
Dimensions mm
Weight kg
Shortcut dialing
Telephone sets
Type / Model (desk type)
Type / Model (wall type)
Type / Model (outdoor type)
type test certificate (yes/no)
Input impedance Ω
Volume control
Microphone supply
Optical indication
material of housing
colour of housing
Dimensions (W x H x D)

5 Closed Circuit TV System (CCTV)

Closed Circuit TV System Unit Requested Provided

Manufacturer’s Name
Country of Manufacture
Type / Model
Type / Model
Digital CCD Color Video Cameras with individual
IP address
Server System

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Closed Circuit TV System Unit Requested Provided here.

Controller CameraServer System


Digital Network Video Recorder (DNVR) System


Network Attached Storage (NAS) / RAID Back-

up system

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K. Drawings and Reports

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Table of Content for Section

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you want to appear here. - Error! Use the Home tab to apply
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1 Single Line, Sections and Buildings .................................................................................................................... K-2

2 Coordinates – ARDHI Survey ............................................................................................................................. K-3

2.1 220 kV OHL Geita - Nyakanazi .......................................................................................................................... K-3
2.2 Nyakanazi Substation Plot Coordinates ........................................................................................................... K-3

3 Equipment Drawings ......................................................................................................................................... K-4

3.1 Chain Linked Fence ........................................................................................................................................... K-5
3.2 Cable Ducts ....................................................................................................................................................... K-6
3.3 Roads ................................................................................................................................................................ K-6
3.4 Septic Tank ....................................................................................................................................................... K-7

4 Geotechnical Engineering Report ...................................................................................................................... K-8

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1 Single Line, Sections and Buildings

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2 Coordinates – ARDHI Survey here.

2.1 220 kV OHL Geita - Nyakanazi

During the line survey performed in December 2016 by ARDHI University team, the centreline and wayleave
corridor for the 220kV powerline from Geita to Nyakanazi was recorded with higher precision. The results are
given in the table Datum WGS 84.

Angle Tower Chain Span E N Remark

E6-geita SS 0 410204.822 9677456.917 Tower No.01

E5 8.7 8.7 407463.604 9669206.912 Angle
E4 26.9 18.1 389880.258 9664949.668 Angle
E3 38.3 11.5 378391.260 9665214.988 Angle
E2 45.9 7.5 371074.000 9666993.423 Angle
Bwanga 57.5 11.7 359465.044 9666012.836 Angle
W10 64.4 6.9 359379.801 9659200.492 Angle
W9 80.3 15.9 351547.650 9645407.609 Angle
W8 88.1 7.7 344346.683 9642625.603 Angle
W7 92.4 4.3 340178.597 9641490.076 Angle
W6 102 9.3 331059.276 9643477.988 Angle
W5 114 12.6 318942.891 9647001.196 Angle
W4A1 128 13.3 311607.286 9658022.746 Angle
W3A1 136 8.4 305493.337 9663673.965 Angle
W2A1 139 2.8 302934.973 9664690.567 Angle
W1 140 1.4 302024.752 9665728.626 Angle
Nyakanazi SS 144 3.4 301479.262 9669063.920 Nyakanazi substation

Partial pegging of the centre line was done base on the previous coordinates.

2.2 Nyakanazi Substation Plot Coordinates

S/no. Point E N Remark

1 Kbss01 301224.000 9669380.000 Substation plot-corner
2 Kbss02 301478.000 9669063.000 Substation plot-corner
3 Kbss03 301795.000 9669315.000 Substation plot-corner
4 Kbss04 301537.000 9669621.000 Substation plot-corner

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3 Equipment Drawings

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3.1 Chain Linked Fence

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3.2 Cable Ducts

3.3 Roads

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3.4 Septic Tank

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4 Geotechnical Engineering Report

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