Allyssa Charrisse H. Gallo Bsbio 1-A

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GE 1 SS: Understanding The Self

Allyssa Charrisse H. Gallo BSBIO 1-A

Module IV
Activity 1.1
Face the mirror and ask yourself the following questions. Explain to yourself the answers to
your questions.
a. Am I beautiful?
Yes, I do believe I am beautiful in my own way. People have different kinds of beauty, and I
believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How I see myself should not be the same as how
other’s display themselves to the world, and that was what I realized. Before, I used to ask myself
why am I not as pretty as other girls, or am I not beautiful? As a youngster, I thought beauty is
merely about the outer physique of an individual—the color of your skin, your hair, how pointed
your nose is, your body size, the external part of you that stands out, and because of this, it
bothered me. Right now, I began to gain appreciation to myself because I don’t have to wait for
other’s approval of how the way I should look. I just liked being me, and that is what matters.
b. What makes me beautiful?
It makes me beautiful in ways I am not the only one who celebrate and appreciate its self-
beautification. I don’t think there is someone who is not beautiful in this world. Other’s may not
believe on that, but it really depends on how you view the things around us, the people around us.
It is in open-mindedness that beauty develops.

c. How can I keep this beauty to lifetime?

I could keep this beauty in lifetime through encouraging and lifting everyone who have been
doubting themselves, who thought they are lacking of beauty just because of what they see in the
mainstream media is apart from them. Moreover, I this beauty can linger for a lifetime as I don’t
compare and think of other’s criticism about the way I look.
GE 1 SS: Understanding The Self

Activity 1.2
1. Look at the mirror (better if you are able to see your entire body). From head to toe, scrutinize
yourself, and then fill-up the table below. Be properly guided by the following rubric of scoring in
making your answer.

Relevance of answer to the question--------------------------- 3

Thoroughness of answer------------------------------------------- 3
Organization and logic of answer-------------------------------- 2
Mechanics of writing
(spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity of prose) ----------- 2
Highest Possible Score-------------------------------------------- 10

Inherited traits you have that Inherited traits you have that Inherited traits you have that
is most likely similar to your is most likely similar to your is most likely similar to your
father mother mother and father

Traits that are similarly to my Traits that are similarly to my Traits I got from both parents
father are: the eyes’ shape, mother are: the nose, my are: the eye color which is
lips, face shape, and structure height, right-handedness, the dark brown, and the hair
of the feet. fingers and fingernails, the color which is darker black
way I write, the hairstyle, and
My lips are similarly to my cognitive function.
father’s thick lips. The face
shape is similarly to my Mother is taller than my
father’s oval shape. father, and I inherited that
one. I have a wavy type of
hairstyle, just like my mother,
and my how I hold a pen
resembles how my mother’s
hold it too.

2. Are you happy for having those traits? Why so? (Answer in not more than 5 sentences)
I realized I should be happy with those traits, just like how my parents are happy seeing me. I
didn’t have the reason to compare because each and every one of us share different inheritance of
traits based on our parents’ traits. The reason you have those eyes are because of either your
mother’s or father’s dominant gene that you acquired. And, it is reasonable why you appear as
how you should be.
GE 1 SS: Understanding The Self

2. Answer the self-test: self-esteem on the article I asked you to read. Do you have a high or low
I got 20 points based on Rosenberg self-esteem scale. It only meant that I have an average
self-esteem towards myself. I am capable of not tolerating any dislike about any part of my
physical body.
3. Based on the article I asked you to read, what do you intend to do now to improve your body
image and self-esteem? Or to maintain it?
First, I need to remind myself that any comparison I make with other people is a disrespect to
myself. I need to respect and learn to accept me. I need to take care of my body through eating
healthy food and do exercises. I don’t need any validation or reassurance from other people of how
they wanted me to look based on their own beauty standards. Lastly, engage into resiliency or
skills programs that could improve my self-esteem.

Assessment Task
Name: Allyssa Charrisse H. Gallo Date: 01/11/2022
Program, year and section: BSBIO 1-A Score: ________

Direction: Answer the following

I. Fill-up answer on the space provided
1. The shape of your nose is a trait transmitted to you by your parents through the process called
2. This process begin during FERTILIZATION.
3. How do you think about yourself is your BODY IMAGE.
4. When the gene is dominant, the feature it controls will appear every time the gene is present.
Recessive traits will only appear if IT IS PAIRED WITH ANOTHER RECESSIVE GENE.
5. When changes in genetic coding happens, it is called MUTATION/S.
6. Self-esteem is how you appreciate and respect yourself as a person, and how your opinion
matters when you look through inside and outside of yourself.
GE 1 SS: Understanding The Self

7-10. identify what degree of body image. Refer your answer as:
a. positive body b. poor body image
A 7. Black is beautiful
A 8. Feeling comfortable having short limbs
B 9. If only I’m fairer like you, I would be very happy
B 10. I may be smaller than you are, but I am healthy.

II. Based on your readings from the websites I asked you to read, answer the following:
Discuss briefly how culture influences your body image, self-esteem and mental health.
Your point shall be based on how you integrate your readings from the website. Be properly
guided by the following rubric in scoring of your answer.

Relevance of answer to the question--------------------------- 3

Thoroughness of answer------------------------------------------- 3
Organization and logic of answer-------------------------------- 2
Mechanics of writing
(spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity of prose) ----------- 2
Highest Possible Score-------------------------------------------- 10

In the Philippines, the impact of Western culture in displaying body image is critical. Western
culture hyper-focuses on diet. Therefore, Filipinos preferred to gain thinner body form because for
us it is aesthetically complimentary to the society. Some were already creating their own unhealthy
diet such as not eating at all. Likewise, with how we see our skin tones compare to those in
Western-country people. Skin-whitening soaps began to commence, because for Filipinos having
whiter skin is their definition of beauty’s complexion.
The media has a vital role in improving and reducing one’s self-esteem. Mainstream media
usually displays almost-perfect-like-barbie-and-ken kind of image. This results into women and
men copying that because for them it is appealing, and maybe they will be accepted in the society.
We will try to alter changes in our body through plastic surgeries or liposuction, to imitate what
we see through the media. Thus, this would only reduce our self-esteem and how we value
ourselves because we do not meet the satisfaction with our body image.
Because we are not satisfied with our body image, and we are not happy with how we look
anymore, mental health issues appear. Mental health could be associated with different disorders
such as anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder. It is still better to
GE 1 SS: Understanding The Self

support and appreciate one’s own beauty regardless of her/his body type, height and skin color.
Moreover, media should portray and represent diverse models based on one’s natural beauty.
III. Cartooning
Think of anything that best describes how you value and take care of yourself. Illustrate in
the round frame below. Be properly guided by the following rubric in making your cartooning.

Content and Knowledge-----------------------------------2

Work quality / effort -----------------------------------2
Creativity ------------------------------------2
Format/ Presentation -------------------------------------2
Expectations/Potential -----------------------------------2
Highest possible score -----------------------------------10

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