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Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016; pp 731-737.

ISSN: 2454-5422
Bio-Conversion of wastewater nutrients using Eichornia crassipes
Kumar.D1*, Veerabahu.C2 and Arumugam.A3

Research Department of Zoology, V.H.N.S.N. College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar, India.

Department of Zoology, V.O.Chidambaram College Thoothukudi, India.

*Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Fish Orange molly selected for the present investigation. Three types of feed were
prepared viz; Conventional control feed (D1), Raw Eichornia incorporated feed (D2),
Decomposed Eichornia incorporated feed (D3) using different ingredients. 40% protein
was maintained in all the three types of feeds. The experiments were conducted for 21
days in 13-lt plastic troughs. The D3 showed the best assimilation efficiency (98.9%),
Gross growth efficiency (11.67%) and Net growth efficiency (11.80%). But D1 recorded
the best consumption (2.4%), Assimilation (2.31), Metabolism (2.14). The D3 showed the
best final dry wt (0.36 mg/g). best mean wt. (0.11g) and production of (0.21g)
Keywords: Molly, Sewage, Nutrition and Eichornia.
Sewage consists of approximately 99.5 to 99.9% water and 0.1 to 0.5 percent inorganic
and organic matters in suspended and soluble forms. The main organic components are
nitrogenous compounds, protein and urea, carbohydrates including sugars, starch and
cellulose; Nogales et al., (1994) studied the nutrient removal potential of water hyacinth.
Eichornia are free floating plant with their leaves above the water surface, roots are
within water. The water hyacinths are found to be very efficient in scavenging inorganic
and organic compounds from water. The use of water hyacinth to treat domestic sewage
is also being used in the state of Texas USA, (Deiges, 1979). The nutritional quality of

Kumar et al 2016


Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016. ISSN: 2454-5422

water hyacinth is greatly enhanced when grown in highly fertile environments. Water
hyacinth grown in two heavily loaded sewage lagoons gave the following average
analysis 22.9% crude protein 2.12% fat 18.3% fibre17.8% ash 3.65% kjeldhal nitrogen
and 0.87% phosphorus (Wolverton and Mc Donald, 1980). Freshly harvested aquatic
plants contain enormous quantities of minerals depending on plant type.
Raw wastewater may contain pollutants such as oxygen-depleting substances, suspended
solids, nutrients, toxic chemicals and pathogens (Mihelcic and Zimmerman, 2010), that
must be given suitable treatment before it is released to the environment. Over the years,
several wastewater treatment technologies have been designed and operated at full scale
while some more recent ones are on experimental scale. These technologies are classified
as physical, aquatic, or terrestrial systems (UNEP-IETC, 1998). Recent studies have
confirmed that in aquatic wastewater treatment systems, aquatic weeds are low-cost
powerful bioagents which purify wastewater lying under them by physical, chemical and
biological actions (Abbasi and Abbasi, 2010).
Among these aquatic weeds, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has received great
attention because of its obstinacy and high productivity especially when grown in
domestic sewage lagoons (McDonald and Wolverton, 1980). Water hyacinth is also
known to have a promising potential for the removal of toxic metals and other pollutants
from aquatic environments (Mahamadi and Nharingo, 2010), though the purification of
sewage by water hyacinth has not yet been generally embraced in some parts of the world
(Alade and Ojoawo, 2009). Meanwhile in other parts, majorly developed countries, water
hyacinth has been used to remove nutrients or pollutants from wastewaters (Yedla et al.,
2002; Xia, 2008; Abbasi and Abbasi, 2010).
Materials and Methods
Sewage water collected from the buckle channel of Tuticorin town was subjected to
aeration for improving the dissolved oxygen availability for 15 days. The different
nutrient parameters were analyzed as per the methodologies of FAO (1975) and Eichornia
was introduced after the oxidation was completed after two weeks. The Eichornia grown
in this sewage was harvested and used as a feed component. The biochemical constituents
like carbohydrates, protein, and fat were estimated as per methods of FAO (1975). The
harvested Eichornia was dried and the compounded diet was prepared by using tapioca
flour, Rice bran, Fish meal and ground nut oil cake along with sun dried Eichornia
Kumar et al 2016


Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016. ISSN: 2454-5422

powder in different percentages based on their protein contents (Table -2). Three types of
feeds experimental Eichornia feed (raw) Eichornia feed (decomposed) and control feed
each containing 40% protein were prepared adopting the box model of Ali (1982). Feed
trials were conducted in molly fingerlings of average weight 0.15g and the different
growth parameters viz: gross growth rate, net growth rate, relative growth rate and FCR
were calculated at the end of the feed trials.
The biomass of the plant cultured was found to be considerably increased from 50 g to
130 g during a period of 40 days. In the feed trials conducted the assimilation efficiency
did not vary significantly between control and raw Eichornia feed. But there was
significant difference (P<0.025) between raw and decomposed feed. The gross growth
efficiency varied significantly (P<0.005) between all the three types of feed and the
decomposed feed ranked first followed by the raw eichornia incorporated feed. The mean
net growth efficiency also showed the same phenomenon. The food conversion ratio
recorded in the three- test feeds showed high level of significance (P<0.005) in all the
Feed trials conducted with the control and two types of feeds (all with 40% protein
content) showed high variation in the growth parameters recorded. Similar trials with
weeds incorporated in pelleted feeds in fish have been reported by Tan (1970) Hajra and
Tripathi (1985), Hajra (1987), Patra and Ray (1988) and Das et al., (1989). The highest
production of 0.21gm was registered in the case of decomposed Eichornia incorporated
feed, while in the fresh plant was used as a component of fish feed; the recorded
production (0.14g) was comparably lower than that grown in the control feed (0.17gm).
Manimaran et al., (1997) reported that in the feed trials conducted with the koi carp fed
with lemna-incorporated feed it showed higher net growth efficiency than that fed with
control feed. However the converse was true in the case of gross growth efficiency.
Higher values of net growth efficiency recorded showed that most of the assimilated feed
was converted into body protein, with minimum loss of energy through metabolism. In
this experiment also it was observed that the assimilation efficiency gross growth
efficiency and net growth efficiency were observed to decrease in the following order.

Kumar et al 2016


Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016. ISSN: 2454-5422

Decomposed Eichornia feed Raw Eichornia feed Control feed
The crude protein content of Eichornia offers much scope as a component of low cost
feed for ornamental fishes. Similar observation was made by Hyde et al., (1984). The
water hyacinth grown in sewage water had a high concentration of protein, fat nitrogen
and phosphorus (Wolverton and Mac Donald, 1980). In this experiment during the
process of decomposition the protein level was found to be elevated and these
decomposed plants were used for the preparation of feed. Because of their higher protein
content growth rate in the fishes are also high. But in the raw Eichornia feed, production
was very low while comparing with other two types of feeds. This might be due to some
anti-nutritional factors or neuro-inhibitors present in the plant. If we eliminate these
factors by using advanced technologies the rate of production in turn may also be
In domestic wastewater, the water hyacinth can produce tremendous. Quantities of
biomass that is high in protein and minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
This harvested biomass can be used for protein extraction and concentration. So this
study is an attempt to convert this biomass into animal protein. It is also a means of
converting the waste nutrients into useful protein instead of allowing such wastewaters to
cause ecological imbalance in coastal water biotopes. Further studies on the limiting
factors in the nutrition and the actual uptake of protein by the animal tissues are needed.
The author want to thankful to College Secretary and Principal of V.O.Chidambaram
College, Tuticorin for providing lab facilities and successfully carryout this work. And
also the authors greatly acknowledged our college Secretary and Principal of V.H.N.S.N
College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar.
Abbasi S A and T. Abbasi 2010 Factors which facilitate wastewater treatment by aquatic
weedsthe mechanism of the weeds purifying action. Inter. J. Environ. Studies. 67: 349371
Alade, G. A. and S. O. Ojoawo 2009 Purification of domestic sewage by water-hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes). Int. J. Environ. Technol. & Manage. 10: 286-294

Kumar et al 2016


Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016. ISSN: 2454-5422

Ali, S.A., 1982 Feed formulation methods. In manual of Research methods for fish and
Shell fish Nutrition. CMFRI Publication Cochin. pp 95-99
Das, Isita and Ray A.K., 1989 Growth performance of the Indian Major carp labeo rohita
(Ham) on duck weed (lemna Polyrhiza Lin) Incorporated pelleted feeds. A preliminary
study J. Inland fish. Soc. India. 21 91): 19
Dinges, R 1979 Development of Water Hyacinth Waste water Treatment systems in
Texas. In Agriculture System for Waste water-In Agriculture System for treatmentsseminar proceedings and Engineering assessment, Report No: EPA 430/9.80-006.pp.193226.U.S.Environmental production Agency Washingtaon, D.C
FAO 1975 Manual of methods in aquatic environment measurement and monitoring of
water pollution.FAO.Fissh.tech.pap. No.137. pp 238
Hajra, A 1987 Biochemicaaal investigations on the protein calories availability in grass
carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella val). From an aquatic weed (Ceratophyllam demersum
Linn) in the tropics. Aquaculture. 61: 113-120
Hajra,A and S.D.Tripathi 1985 Nutritive value of Aquatic weed, (Spirodella polyrhiza
Linn) in grass Carp. Indian J. Animal Science. 55(8): 702-705
Hyde,H.C., Ross,R.S and Sturmer L 1984 Technolohy assessment of aquaculture systems
for municipal waste water treatment
Mahamadi, C. and T. Nharingo, 2010 Utilization of water hyacinth weed (Eichhornia
Crassipes) for the removal of Pb(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) from aquatic environments: an
adsorption isotherm study. Environ. Technol. 31: 1221-1228
Manimaran., B.Ramadhas,V and Santhanam R 1997 Utilization of duck weed lemna
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(Editors), Proceeding of the national Seminar on water quality issues in Aquaculture
systems pp 65-72
McDonald, R. C. and B. C. Wolverton, 1980 Comparative study of wastewater lagoon
with and without water hyacinth. Econ. Botany. 34: 101-110

Kumar et al 2016


Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016. ISSN: 2454-5422

Mihelcic, J. R. and J. B. Zimmerman 2010 Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals,
Sustainability, Design. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, U.S.A
Nogales, R.Benitez, E.Gutierrez, C.1994 Nutrient removal potential of water hyacinth
grown in Static Fe-enriched sewage water. Fresenius-Environ-Bull.1994. 3(6). pp 325330
Patra,B.C and A.K.Ray 1988 A preliminary study on the utilization of the aquatic weed
Hydrilla Verticillata (L.F.Roy les as Feed by the carp, Labeo rohita, growth and certain
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Tan, Y.T. 1970 Composition and Nutritive value of some grasses, plants and aquatic
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UNEP-IETC 1998 Sourcebook of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation
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Wolverton,B.C and McDonald,R.C 1980 Nutritional Composition of Water Hyacinths
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Yedla, S., A. Mitra and M. Bandyopadhyay 2002 Purification of pulp and paper mill
effluent using Eichornia Crassipes. Environ. Technol. 23: 453-465

IJCSR Specialities
$ Impact Factor IBI 2.9; GIF 0.676 & SIF 0.54
$ Indexed over 30 databases (US NLM,....)
$ Monthly Issue

Kumar et al 2016


Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June-2016. ISSN: 2454-5422

Table 1.Growth parameters of molly fish fed with control and experimental feeds
Growth Parameter

Conventional Control feed

Raw Eichornia
Incorporated feed

Decomposed Eichornia incorporated feed

Initial wt (g/mg)




Final day wt (g/mg)

Weight mean
w2 - w1
--------- (w)
Production (P=w2-w1)










Consumption (C)




Faceal output








Metabolism (R=A-P)




Assimilation efficiency ( A/C x 100)




Gross Growth efficiency (k1) (%) (p/c x 100)




Net growth efficiency (k2) (%) (p/a x 100)




Relative growth efficiency (g/d) (p/w/day)




FCR (c/li. increased)




Kumar et al 2016


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