Dpu414 50

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Thermal Printer

Standalone Printer Unit Printer Unit

Standalone Printe r Unit

Measuring Medical
Instrument Equipment

Max prin ting speed: 52.5 character/sec

A international charac ter
I Serial and pa rallel

Model DPU- 414- 50 B

Method Thermal serial dot printing
Number of dots/line (H x W) 9 x 32 0
Paper width (mm) 112 +0

Printing width (mm) 89.6

Speed (character/sec)max 52.5
Character matrix (H x W dots) 9x 7
Character size (H x W mm) 2. 5 x 1 .9, 2. 5 x 0.9 (Condensed)
Number of columns 40, 80 (Condensed)
Character type Extended graphics character set, Alphanumeric, International charac ters, Kataka na charac ter set
Power supply Option: S pecified AC adapter, Ni-M H battery
Battery Without (option)
Communication interface Parallel (36pins A mphenol), Serial (9pins D-SUB)
Input buf fer 28 K by tes
Command ESC/P™ conformity
Cutting Tear bar
Operating temperature (˚C) 0 to 40
Service life (line) 50 0, 000 * 1
Dimensions (W x D x Hmm) 16 0.0 x 170.0 x 66 .5 (printer unit only)* 2
Mass ( g ) Approx.5 80 (without Battery)
Standard FCC, CE , VC CI, CCC
Option AC adapter, Battery

*1 Use recommended thermal papers * 2 Excluding protrusion

Serial inte rf ace specificatio n Parall el inte rf ace specificatio n

Item Specificatio n Item Specificatio n
Bau d ra te 75, 110, 15 0, 30 0, 60 0, 1200, 24 00, 4800 , 9600 , 1920 0bps Synchr on iz atio n Synchronized with STROBE signal
Da ta bi t 7bits, 8bits Handshakin g Synchronized with AC K and BUSY signal
Pari ty bi t Odd, Even, or N one Signa l l eve l TTL level
Stop bi t 1bit
Contro l metho d H/W BUSY, Xo n/Xoff

Specifications are subject to change without notice.


Siemensstraße 9
D-63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Phone +49 6102 297 100
Fax +49 6102 297 50 100
[email protected]
www.seiko-instruments.de v201311

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