Hydraulic Brakes

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5108 Hydraulic Brakes

Hydraulic Brakes


Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
BrakeandClutchPedal ReleaseBracketto Pedal MountingBracketBolt 22N4m 16lbft
Bracketto SteeringColumn
glefirljfeofggmcgfittglrgcekfilBFijtlease 22Nm 16lbft

BrakeHose FittingBolt 40N4m 30lbft

BrakePedal BracketBolt 9 N4m 80lb in
BrakePedal BracketNut 19Nm 14lbft
BrakePipe Fitting 18N-m 13lbft
MasterCylinderNut 50Nm 37lbft
PowerBrakeBoosterPumpBracketBolt 22N4m 16lbft
PowerBrakeBoosterPumpBracketBoltandNut 22Nm 16lbft
PowerVacuumBrakeBoosterBolt 19Nm 14lbft

Brake Component Specifications

Application Metric English
BrakeCaliperBleederValve 17N4m 13lbft
RearBrakeCylinderBleederValve 9N4m 8OIbin

Brake System Specifications

Application Metric English
Maximumspecificationwith450N (101lbs)offorceappliedtothepedal 48-58 mm in
withtheignitionOFF andtheboosterpowerreservedepleted.

Schematic and Routing Diagrams

Hydraulic Brakes 54109



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2013 (5377994)
5H 0 Hydraulic Brakes

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

DTC C0267

Diagnostic Instructions
4 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
4 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
4 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC C0267: Low Brake Fluid indicated
For symptom byte information refer to Symptom Byte
List on page 6—85.
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal C026700 C026700 — —-
Ground — C026700 —— -

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical information Reference

The brake fluid level switch monitors the level of the 4 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. When the 4 Connector Repairs on page 11—548
electronic brake control module sees low brake fluid
4 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
level, the DTC is set. Connections on page 11-531
Conditions for Running the DTC 4 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
IgnitionON. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Low brake fluid level is detected for 8 3. information

Action Taken When the DTC Sets CircuitlSystem Verification

4 The electronic brake control module disables the 1. Verify that the brake is above minimum level.
traction control and stability control for the :> If low
duration of the ignition cycle. Refer to Brake Fluid Loss on page 5—127.
4 The traction control/stability controI-active 11 If above minimum level
indicator turns ON.
N lgnition ON.
4 The brake warning indicator turns ON.
3. Verify the scan tool Brake Fluid Level Sensor
Conditions for Clearing the DTC parameter is OK.
The condition for setting the DTC is no longer present. :> If the parameter is Low
Information Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If the parameter is OK
Schematic Reference
4. All OK.
Hydraulic Brake Schematics on page 5—109
CircuitlSystem Testing
Connector End View Reference
1. lgnition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 disconnect the harness connector at the B20 Brake
Fluid Level Switch. it may take up to 2 min for all
Description and Operation vehicle systems to power down.
Hydraulic Brake System Description and Operation on
page 5-181

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54111
. Test for less than 10 Q between the ground circuit Symptoms - Hydraulic Brakes
terminal 2 and ground.
Note: The following steps must be completed before
If 10 Q or greater using the symptom tables.
2.1. lgnition OFF.
1. Perform the Brake System Vehicle Road Test on
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end page 5-141 before using the hydraulic brake .
to end. symptom tables in order to duplicate the customers
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the openlhigh resistance concern.
in the circuit. Review the system operation in order to familiarize
=>if less than 2 Q, repair the openlhigh resistance yourself with the system functions. Refer to the
in the ground connection. following:
if less than 10 Q 4 Brake Warning System Description and
Operation on page 5181
4 Hydraulic Brake System Description and
Verify the scan tool Brake Fluid Level Sensor
Operation on page 5181
parameter is Low.
4 Brake Booster Vacuum Assist Description and
If the parameter is not Low Operation on page 5180
4.1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness 4 Brake Assist System Description and Operation
connector at the K17 Electronic Brake Control on page 5-180
4 ABS Description and Operation on page 5—51
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit terminal 1 and ground. VisuallPhysical Inspection
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect
ground on the circuit. the operation of the hydraulic brake system. Refer
=>If infiniteresistance, replace the K17 Electronic to Checking AftermarketAccessories on
Brake Control Module. page 11-525.
If the parameter is Low Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
components, for obvious damage or conditions,
. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal which could cause the symptom.
circuit terminal 1 and ground.
. Verify the scan tool Brake Fluid Level Sensor intermittent
parameter is OK. Faulty electrical connections or wiring may be the
If the parameter is not OK cause of intermittentconditions. Refer to Testing for
6.1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness IntermittentConditions and Poor Connections on
connector at the K17 Electronic Brake Control page 11-531.
Module, ignition ON. Symptom List
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit and ground. Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
=>lf 1 Vor greater, repair the short to voltage on
4 Brake Booster Pump Motor Malfunction on
the circuit.
page 5112
0 If less than 1V. 4 Brake Warning Indicator Malfunction on
6.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end page 5114
to end. 4 Brake Pulsation on page 5-116
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the openlhigh resistance 4 Brake System Noise on page 5—117
in the circuit.
4 Braking Action Uneven - Pulls to One Side on
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K17 Electronic page 5—118
Brake Control Module. 4 Braking Action Uneven - Front to Rear on
U If the parameter is OK page 5—120
7. Test or replace the B20 Brake Fluid Level Switch. 4 Brake Pedal Excessive Travel on page 5121
4 Brake Pedal Excessive Effort on page 5-123
Repair Instructions
4 Brakes Drag on page 5125
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair. 4 Brake System Slow Release on page 5-126
0 Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch Replacement 4 Brake Fluid Loss on page 5127
on page 5—150
Control Module References on page 6—3for
electronic brake control module replacement,
programming and setup.

54112 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Booster Pump Motor Malfunction

Diagnostic Instructions
4 Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
4 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
4 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
BrakeBoosterPumpMotorB+ 1
BrakeBoosterVacuumSwitchlgnition -
BrakeBoosterPump MotorControl 1
BrakeBoosterPump MotorGround - A—A—A—l ANA
1.BrakeBoosterPump MotorAlwaysOff
2. BrakeBoosterPumpMotorAlways On

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

The brake booster vacuum switch monitors the amount 1. Verify that the brake booster vacuum system has
of vacuum available to the power brake booster. When no damage, leakage or incorrect installation.
the vacuum within the system drops, the switch within =>If damage, leakage or incorrect installation is
the brake booster vacuum switch closes allowing found
voltage to be supplied to the brake booster pump
motor. Refer to Brake Assist System Diagnosis on
page 5138.
Reference Information U If the inspection is OK
Schematic Reference 2. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Hydraulic Brake Schematics on page 5109 CircuitlSystem Testing
Connector End View Reference 1. lgnition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the M9 Brake
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Booster Pump Motor. Itmay take up to 2 min for all
Description and Operation vehicle systems to power down.
2. Test for less than 10 0 between the ground circuit
Brake Booster Vacuum Assist Description and terminal1 and ground.
Operation on page 5-180
=>If 10 Q or greater
Electrical Information Reference 2.1. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
4 Circuit Testing on page 11-526 to end.
4 Connector Repairs on page 11-548 =>If2 Q or greater, repair the openlhigh resistance
4 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor in the circuit.
Connections on page 11-531 2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the openlhigh resistance
4 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 in the ground connection.
U if less than 10 Q
Scan Tool Reference
3. IgnitionON.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-113
. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the B+ 6.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit terminal 5 and ground. circuit and ground.
if the test lamp does not illuminate and the :> if less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
circuit fuse is good ground on the circuit.
4.1. IgnitionOFF. :> Ifinfinite resistance, replace the M9 Brake
4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end Booster Pump Motor.
to end. U If the test lamp illuminates
2 If2 Q or greater, repairthe openlhigh resistance 7. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
in the circuit. the control circuit terminal 2 and ground.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and =>If the test lamp illuminates
there is voltage at the fuse.
Repair the short to voltage on the control circuit.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is open U If the test lamp does not illuminate
4.1. IgnitionOFF. 8. Connect a 10 A fused jumper wire between the
ignition circuit terminal 1 and the control circuit
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the B+ terminal 2.
circuit and ground.
9. Verify the M9 Brake Booster Pump Motor activates.
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
=>If the brake booster pump motor does not
ground on the circuit.
=>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the M9 Brake 9.1. lgnition OFF
Booster Pump Motor.
9.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
If the test lamp illuminates to end.
. lgnition OFF, connect the harness connector at the =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe openlhigh resistance
M9 Brake Booster Pump Motor and disconnect the in the circuit.
harness connector at the B190 Brake Booster
Vacuum Switch, ignition ON. =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the M9 Brake Booster
Pump Motor.
. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
ignition circuit terminal 1 and ground. U If the brake booster pump motor activates
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 10. Test or replace the B19C Brake Booster Vacuum
circuit fuse is good Switch.
6.1. lgnition OFF. Component Testing
6.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
to end. the M9 Brake Booster Pump Motor. Install a 30 A
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance fused jumper wire between the B+ circuit terminal 5
in the circuit. and B+. Install a 7.5 A fused jumper wire between
=>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and the ignition circuit termina|2 and B+. Install a
there is voltage at the fuse. jumper wire between the ground circuit terminal 1
and ground.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is open . 2. Verify the M9 Brake Booster Pump Motor activates.
6.1. IgnitionOFF. =>if the brake booster pump motor does not
6.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
circuit and ground. Replace the M9 Brake Booster Pump Motor.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to U If the brake booster pump motor activates
ground on the circuit. 3. All OK.
U Ifinfinite resistance
Repair Instructions
6.3. Disconnect the harness connector at the
M9 Brake Booster Pump Motor. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Power Brake Booster Pump Replacement on
page 5-178

521-14 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Warning indicator Malfunction

Diagnostic Instructions
4 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
4 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
4 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
BrakeFluidLevelSignal C026700 C026700 1 —-
Park BrakeSignal 1 1 1 -
Ground — C026700 — —-
1. BrakeWarningIndicatorMalfunction

CircuitlSystem Description 3. Verify the scan tool Electronic Brake Control

Module Brake Fluid Level Sensor is Ok.
The instrument cluster turns ON the brake warning
indicator for 5 s after ignition ON. The body control :> If the parameter is Low
module monitors the parking brake switch and will Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Brake Fluid
request the instrument cluster via serial data to turn the Level Switch Malfunction.
brake warning indicator ON when the parking brake is
applied. When the electronic brake control module <=If the parameter is Ok
detects a fault, it sends a serial data message to the 4. Verify the scan tool Body Control Module Park
instrument‘cluster commanding the indicator ON. Brake Switch parameter changes between Applied
and Released while applying and releasing the
Reference Information parking brake.
Schematic Reference =>if the parameter does not change
Hydraulic Brake Schematics on page 5-109 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Park Brake
Switch Malfunction.
Connector End View Reference U If the parameter changes
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 5. Verify the brake warning indicator turns ON and
OFF, when commanding the instrument cluster All
Description and Operation Indicators On and Off with a scan tool.
Hydraulic Brake System Description and Operation on =>If the brake warning indicator does not turn ON
page 5-181 and OFF
Electrical Information Reference Replace the P16 InstrumentCluster.
4 Circuit Testing on page 11-526 U If the brake warning indicator turns ON
and OFF
4 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
6. All OK.
4 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 CircuitlSystem Testing
4 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 Note: Circuit/System Verification must be performed
Scan Tool Reference before CircuitlSystem Testing.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool Brake Fluid Level Switch Malfunction
information 1. lgnition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
CircuitlSystem Verification disconnect the harness connector at the 820 Brake
Fluid Level Switch. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for
1. Verify that the brake fluid is above minimum level. all vehicle systems to power down.
=>lf low 2. Test for less than 10 0 between the ground circuit
Refer to Brake Fluid Loss on page 5127. terminal 2 and ground.
U If above minimum level =>If 10 Q or greater
2. Ignition ON. 2.1. lgnition OFF.

Hydraulic Brakes 5—115
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end 3. lgnition ON.
to end. 4. Verify the scan tool Park Brake Switch parameter
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance is Released.
in the circuit. If the parameter is Applied
=>If less than 2 Q, repair the openlhigh resistance 4.1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness
in the ground connection. connector at the K9 Body Control Module.
If less than 10 Q 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
lgnition ON. circuit terminal 1 and ground.
. Verify the scan tool Electronic Brake Control 2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Module, Brake Fluid Level Sensor parameter ground on the circuit.
is Low. =>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K9 Body
If the parameter is not Low Control Module.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness If the parameter is Released
connector at the K17 Electronic Brake Control Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
Module. ‘ circuit terminal 1 and ground.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal Verify the scan tool Park Brake Switch parameter
circuit termina|1 and ground. is Applied.
=>lfless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to If the parameter is Released
ground on the circuit.
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
=>If infinite resistance, replace the K17 Electronic connector at the K9 Body Control Module,
Brake Control Module. ignition ON.
if the parameter is Low 6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal circuit and ground.
circuit termina|1 and ground. =>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Verify the scan tool Electronic Brake Control the circuit.
Module, Brake Fluid Level Sensor parameter is Ok. U Ifless than 1 V.
If the parameter is Low 6.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
6.1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness to end.
connector at the K17 Electronic Brake Control =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Module, ignition ON. in the circuit.
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K9 Body Control
circuit and ground.
=>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
U if the parameter is Applied
the circuit.
7. Test or replace the B80 Park Brake Switch.
U If less than 1V.
6.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end Repair Instructions
to end. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the openlhigh resistance page 6-92 after completing the repair.
in the circuit. Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch Replacement
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K17 Electronic on page 5-150
Brake Control Module. Parking Brake Indicator Switch Replacement on
U If the parameter is 0k page 5-188
7. Test or replace the B20 Brake Fluid Level Switch. Control Module References on page 6-3 for body
control module replacement, programming and
Park Brake Switch Malfunction setup.
1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B80 Park Brake Switch.
2. Verify that the B80 Park Brake Switch has no
physical damage or incorrect installation.
lf physical damage or incorrect installation is
Test or replace the B80 Park Brake Switch.
if the inspection is OK

., ,\
5:110 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Pulsation
Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:Fluctuationorpulsationis feltthroughthebrakepedal,steeringwheel,seat,floor,andlorinthe vehicleONLYwhen
Wereyou sentherefromthe HydraulicBrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page 5-111
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemfor thefollowingconditions:
4 Excessivethicknessvariationof rotorfrictionsurfaces
4 Excessiveassembledlateralrunout(LRO)ofrotorfriction
4 Hardspots,heatchecks.blueingdiscolorationof rotor
frictionsurfaces;possiblydueto brakedrag
4 Excessivecorrosionof rotorfrictionsurfaces;includingred,
2 grayor blackoxidation
4 Loose,damagedor missingcaliperor lininghardware
4 Bentofdamagedcaliperor mountingcomponent
4 ExcessiveLRO ofwheelhub/axieflange;dueto damage
andlorlooseor excessivelywornbearings
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Disc BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-128.
Didyoufindand correcta condition? , Go to Step4 Go to Step3
1. inspectthedrumbrakesystemfor thefollowingconditions:
4 Outof roundor damageddrum
4 Excessiveradialrunoutofdrumfrictionsurface
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationofdrum
frictionsurface;possiblydueto brakedrag
3 4 Bentofdamageddrum
4 Excessiveradialrunoutofwheelhub/axleflange;duet6
damageandlorloose or excessivelywornbearings
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto G S -
DrumBrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5—131. 0 to ymptoms
Didyoufindand correcta condition? Go to Step4 page 5-111
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor
4 2. Roadtestthevehicle in orderto confirmproperoperation.
Referto BrakeSystem VehicleRoad Testonpage 5-141.
Istheconditionstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54117

Brake System Noise

Step Action Yes No
WereyousentherefromtheHydraulicBrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakes
Go to Step2 onpage5—111
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Liningwearindicatorcontactwithrotor
4 Debristrappedbetweenrotorand splashshieldor backingplate;
andlordebristrappedbetweenrotorand linings
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 Aftermarketlinings
4 Glazedlinings
4 Distorted,crackedordamagedlinings
4 Excessivelywornlinings
4 Damagedor excessivelyworncaliperhardwareandlorlining
2 4 Incorrectlyinstalled,looseor missingcaliperhardwareandlor
4 Lack oflubricationor excessivecorrosionon metaltometal
4 Bentordamagedsplash shieldor backingplate
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationof rotorfriction
4 Glazedrotorfrictionsurfaces
4 Bentordamagedcaliperor mountingcomponent
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Disc
BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-128.
Didyoufindand correcta condition? Go to Step10 Go to Step3
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Glazedlinings
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 Aftermarketlinings
4 Distorted,damagedor excessivelywornlinings
4 Improperadjustment
4 Weakor damagedreturnspringor springs
4 Weakor damagedholddownspringor springs
4 Cracked,scored,excessivelywornor damageddrum
3 4 Outofroundor damageddrum
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationof drumfriction
4 Threaded0r spiralgroovesin drumfrictionsurface
4 Distortedor damagedbackingplate
4 Lack oflubricationon backingplate
4 Excessivedustor foreignmatterin drum _
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Drum
BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-131.
Didyoufindand correcta condition? Go to Step10 Go to Step4

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
54118 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake System Noise (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectthebrakeassist systemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Lackoflubricationor excessivelywornpushrodor pedalpivotsor
4 Bentordamagedpedalpushrod,pedal,or pedalbracket
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingvacuumboosterandlorcheck
4 Lowpowersteeringfluidlevel.if equippedwithhydraulicboost
4 Improperlytensioned,excessivelywornor damagedpower
steeringbelt,if equippedwithhydraulicboost
4 Restrictedreturnhosefromhydraulicbooster,if equipped
4 Improperlyoperatinghydraulicbooster,ifequipped
4 Improperlyfunctioningpowersteeringsystem,if equippedwitha
4 Contaminatedpowersteeringfluid,if equippedwithhydraulic
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Brake
Assist SystemDiagnosisonpage 5-138.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step10 Go to Step5
1. inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthefollowingconditions.
4 improperoperationofwheelcylinderpistons,ifequipped
4 Improperoperationof caliperpistons
4 Contaminatedbrakefluid
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Hydraulic
BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5134.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step10 Go to Step6
Isthevehicieequippedwitha drum-in-rotor typeof parkbrakesystem? Go to Step7 Go to Step9
Ensuretheparkbrakeshoesare notadjustedtootightly,possiblycausinga
Are theparkbrakeshoes adjustedtootightly? Go to Step8 Go to Step9
1. Clean andinspecttheparkbrakeshoes forexcessivewearand/or
2. Inspectthedrumportionoftherotorsfor excessivewear,blueing
3. Ifanyoftheseconditionsare present,replacetheaffected
4. Adjusttheparkbrakesystem.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step10 Go to Step9
Inspecttheparkbrakesystemforproperoperation.Referto Park Brake
SystemDiagnosis(DrumBrake)on page5-183or Park BrakeSystem Go to Symptoms-
Diagnosis(DiscBrake)onpage 5-185. HydraulicBrakes
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step10 onpage5-111
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor disconnected
1O 2. Roadtestthevehiclein orderto confirmproperoperation.Referto
BrakeSystemVehicleRoad Testonpage 5-141.
is theconditionstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

BmHngAdannmmn-PMBto 6. Steering components that are not operating

correctly may cause a disturbance to the vehicle
One Side during application of the brake system.
Test Description
The number below refer to the step number on the
diagnostic table:
5. Suspension components that are not operating
properly may cause a disturbance to the vehicle
during application of the brake system.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5=119

Braking Action Uneven - Pulls to One Side

Action I Yes | No
DEFINITION:Vehiclepullsto one sideonlywhenbraking.
Go to Symptoms-
Wereyou sentherefromthe HydraulicBrake Symptomtable? HydraulicBrakeson
1 Go to Step2 page 5-111

1. Inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthe followingconditions:
4 Kinked,pinchedor damagedbrakepipeor flexible
4 Stickingor improperlyoperatingcaliperpiston
2 4 Stickingor improperlyoperatingwheelcylinderpistons
4 Brakefluidleak
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
HydraulicBrakeSystemDiagnosison page 5—134.
Go to Step7 Go to Step3
Didyou findand correcta condition?
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemforthe followingconditions:
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 Glazedlinings
4 Distorted,crackedor damagedliningson one side
4 Loose,damagedor missingcaliperhardwareandlorlining
3 4 Incorrectliningsonone side
4 Hardspots,heatchecks, blueingdiscolorationofrotor
frictionsurfaces;possiblydue to brakedrag
4 Glazedrotorfrictionsurfaces
4 Bentor damagedcaliperor mountingcomponent
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Disc BrakeSystemDiagnosison page 5-128.
Go to Step7 Go to Step4
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition?
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystemforthe followingconditions:
4 improperadjustmentor improperadjusteroperation
4 Weakor damagedreturnspringor springs
4 Glazedlinings
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 4 Distortedor damagedlinings
4 incorrectliningson one side
4 Excessivelywornor damageddrumon one side
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
DrumBrake SystemDiagnosison page 5-131.
Go to Step7 Go to Step5
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition?
1. inspectthesuspensionsystemfor thefollowingconditions:
4 incorrecttirepressure
4 Loose suspensioncomponentconnections
4 Excessivelywornor damagedsuspensioncomponents
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.
Referto Symptoms- SuspensionGeneralDiagnosison
page 16-35.
Go to Step 7 Go to Step6
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition?

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
54120 Hydraulic Brakes

Braking Action Uneven - Pulls to One Side (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectthesteeringsystemfor thefollowingconditions:
4 Loosesteeringcomponentconnections
6 4 Excessivelywornor damagedsteeringcomponents
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto G t S m tm _
Symptoms- PowerSteeringSystemonpage 15-11. Hfidfauficgrgke: on
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 page 5-111
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor
7 2. Roadtestthevehiclein orderto confirmproperoperation.
Referto BrakeSystemVehicleRoad Testonpage5-141.
Istheconditionstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

Braking Action Uneven - Front to Rear

Test Description
The number below refers to the step number on the
diagnostic table:
5. Suspension components that are not operating
properly may cause a disturbance to the vehicle
during application of the brake system.

Braking Action Uneven - Front to Rear

Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:Brakingactionor stoppingforcesensitiveor grabbingandlormorepronounced atthefrontor at therearaxle.
Sensitiveor grabbingbrakes:Excessivebrakejump-inforcerelativeto brakepedalinput.
WereyousentherefromtheHydraulicBrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 , HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page 5-111
1. Inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Improperoperationofwheelcylinderpistons,if equipped
4 Improperoperationofcaliperpistons
4 Kinked,pinchedor damagedbrakepipeor flexible
2 4 Brakefluidleak
valve,if equipped
4 Improperlyfunctioningproportioning
4 Improperoperationofdynamicrearproportioning (DRP)
system,if equipped
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 Go to Step3
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 Glazedlinings
4 Distorted,crackedordamagedlinings
4 Excessivelywornlinings
4 Aftermarketlinings
3 4 Damagedor excessivelyworncaliperhardwareandlor
4 Hardspots,heatChecks,blueingdiscolorationof rotor
4 Glazedrotorfrictionsurfaces
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Disc BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage5-128.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 Go to Step4

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5- i2’i

Braking Action Uneven - Front to Rear (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystemforthefollowingconditions.
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 Improperadjustment
4 Excessivelywornor damagedlinings
4 Weakor damagedreturnspringor springs
4 4 Excessivelywornor damageddrums
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationof drum
4 Distortedor damagedbackingplate
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 Go to Step5
1. Inspectthesuspensionsystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Loosesuspensioncomponentconnections
4 Excessivelywornor damagedsuspensioncomponents
5 2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.
Referto Symptoms- SuspensionGeneralDiagnosison
page 16-35.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 Go to Step6
1. inspectthebrakeassistsystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Binding,bentor damagedpedalpushrod,pedal,or pedal
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingvacuumbooster,
if equipped
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatinghydraulicbooster,
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Go to Symptoms-
BrakeAssist SystemDiagnosisonpage 5-138. HydraulicBrakeson
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 page5-111
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor
7 2. Roadtestthevehiclein orderto confirmproperoperation.
Referto BrakeSystemVehicleRoad Testonpage5-141.
is theconditionstill present? Go to Step2 SystemOK

Brake Pedal Excessive Travel

Step Action | Yes No
away,or pedalis spongy.
WereyousentherefromtheHydraulicBrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page5-111
inspectthetravelandfeelof brakepedalapplies.Performthefollowing:
1. Applythebrakepedalseveraltimestofullydepletethepower
2. Withpowerreservedepleted,applythebrakepedalwithtight,
andfeel. __
3. Applythebrakepedalwithlight,steadypressure,thenwithout
4. Applythebrakepedalslowly,thenreleaseandapplythepedal
Didyoucompletethe brakepedaltravelandfeei inspections? Go to Step3

53122 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Pedal Excessive Travel (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthe conditionslisted,based
on thefollowingsymptomsobservedduringthepedaltraveland
4 Pedalfeelwas spongy.
—Air in hydraulicsystem
—Soft,weakor damagedhydraulichoses;expandingunder
4 Pedalfellawayand/ortraveledto or almosttofloor.
—Poor brakefluidquality;lowboilingpoint
4 Pedalwas somewhatfirmthendroppedslightly,or pedalrose
withsuccessiveapplies,or pedaltravelwas differentbetween
3 slowandquickapplies.
—Poor brakefluidquality;lowboilingpoint
—Bindingwheelcylinderpistons,if equipped
4 Pedal returnedto restslowlyafteranyoftheapplies.
—Bindingwheelcylinderpistons,if equipped
2. Repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Hydraulic
3. Re-inspectbrakepedalapplytravelandfeel. .
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step9 Go to Step4
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystem,if equipped,forthefollowing
4 Improperadjustmentor improperadjusteroperation
4 Glazed or excessivelywornlinings
4 Cracked,distortedor damagedlinings
4 Cracked,excessivelyworn,distortedor damageddrums
4 4 Beii-mouthor barrel-shapeddrumfrictionsurface
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationofdrumfriction
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Drum
3. Re—inspectbrakepedalapplytravelandfeel.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step9 Go to Step5
1. inspectthedisc brakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Cracked,excessivelywornor damagedlinings
4 Cracked,excessivelywornor damagedrotors
4 Improperlyoperating,bindingor damagedcaliperhardware
4 Looseor missingcaliperhardwareand/orlininghardware
5 4 Excessiveassembledlateralrunout(LRO)ofrotorfriction
4 Bentor damagedcaliperor mountingcomponent
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Disc
3. Re—inspect brakepedalapplytravelandfeel.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step9 Go to Step6

Hydraulic Brakes 5-123

Brake Pedal Excessive Travel (cont'd)

Yes No
Step . Action
Inspectforproperbrakepedaltravel.Referto BrakePedal Travel
6 Measurementand Inspectiononpage 5-141. Go to Step7
Go to Step8
Isthe brakepedaltraveldistancewithinthe acceptablelimits?
1. Inspectforworn,missing,misaligned,bentor damagedbrake
4 Forthe brakepedal pushrodcomponentinspection,referto
BrakePedal PushrodInspectiononpage 5—145.
4 Inspectthebrake pedalbushingsfor binding,excessivewear
7 and/ordamageand inspectthe brakepedalfora misaligned,
2. Replacethe brakepedalsystemcomponentsthatareworn,
missing,misaligned,bentor damaged.
Didyoufindand replaceany worn,missing,misaligned,bentor Go to Step9 Go to Step8
damagedbrakepedal systemcomponents?
1. Inspectthebrakeassist systemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Vacuumleaks andlorimproperlyoperatingcheckvalve,
if equippedwithvacuumassist
4 Powersteeringfluidleaks,if equippedwithhydraulicpower
8 assist
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingbrakeboosterassembly
Go to Symptoms_
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Brake HydraulicBrakes on
Assist SystemDiagnosison page 5-138.
Go to Step9 page 5-111
Didyoufindand correcta condition?
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwere removedor disconnected
9 2. Roadtestthevehicle in orderto confirmproperoperation.Referto
Brake SystemVehicleRoad Teston page5-141. SystemOK
Go to Step2
Istheconditionstill present?

Brake Pedal Excessive Effort

I Yes No
Step Action
DEFINITION:Brakepedalrequiresan increasedamountof inputfromthedriver
distanceis increased.
Go to Symptoms-
Wereyou senthere fromtheHydraulicBrake Symptomtable? HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page 5-111

1. Inspectthebrakeassist systemfor thefollowingconditions:

4 Vacuumleaks,if equippedwithvacuumpowerassist
4 Powersteeringfluidleaks,if equippedwithhydraulicpower
4 Lackof lubrication,bindingor excessivelywornpushrodor
2 pedalpivotsor pivotbushings
4 Bentor damagedpedal pushrod,pedal,or pedalbracket
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingbrakeboosterassembly
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
BrakeAssist SystemDiagnosison page 5-138.
Go to Step6 Go to Step3
Didyou findand correcta condition?

2013 (5377994)
5-124 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Pedal Excessive Effort (cont'd)

Step ' Action Yes No
1. Inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Bindingcaliperpistons
4 Bindingwheelcylinderpistons,if equipped
4 Internallydamagedflexiblebrakehoses;hindering
4 Externalbrakefluidleaks
3 4 Kinkedor damagedflexiblebrakehoses and/orpipes
4 Internalbrakefluidleaks;improperlyoperatingmaster
4 Poor brakefluidquality;lowboilingpoint
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step6 Go to Step4
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Excessivelywornlinings
4 Glazed linings
4 Cracked,distortedor damagedlinings
4 Contaminatedlinings
4 Binding,damagedor excessivelyworncaliperhardware
4 4 Lack of lubricationor excessivecorrosionon metalto metal
4 Excessivelywornor corrodedrotorfrictionsurfaces
4 Glazed rotorfrictionsurfaces
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationof rotor
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
Disc BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-128.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step6 Go to Step5
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystem,if equipped,forthefollowing
4 Excessivelywornlinings
4 Improperadjustmentor improperadjusteroperation
4 Glazed linings
4 Cracked,distortedor damagedlinings
4 Contaminatedlinings
5 4 Outof roundor damageddrum
4 Beii—mouth or barrei-shapeddrumfrictionsurface
4 Hardspots,heatchecks,blueingdiscolorationof drum
4 Lack oflubricationon backingplate
4 Excessivedustorforeignmatterin drum
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto G t S _
DrumBrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-131. on
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step6 page 5-111
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor
6 2. Roadtestthevehiclein orderto confirmproperoperation.
Referto BrakeSystemVehicleRoad Testonpage5—141.
Istheconditionstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54125

Brakes Drag
Yes No
Step Action I
by brake system
delayedrelease;vehicie motionmaybe hindered
DEFINITION:Brakesystemdoes notfullyreleaseor has
withoutappiyingbrakes. Go to Symptoms-
Wereyousent herefromthe HydraulicBrakeSymptom HydraulicBrakes on
1 Go to Step2 page 5-111
2 is thevehicleequippedwithan adjustablestoplamp Go to Step3 Go to Step4
adjustablecruise control release switch?
to ensurethat
1. Inspectthestoplampswitchfor properadjustment
thebrakepedalis fully releasing.
equipped,for proper
3 2. inspectthe cruise controlreleaseswitch,if fully releasing.
adjustmentto ensurethatthe brakepedalis Go to Step 15 Go to Step4
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7
typeof park brake system? Go to Step5
4 Isthevehicleequippedwitha drum-in—rotor
Ensuretheparkbrakeshoes arenotadjustedtootightly,
5 causing drag under certainconditions. Go to Step8
Go to Step6
L Are theparkbrakeshoes adjustedtoo tightly?
excessivewear andlor
1. Clean and inspecttheparkbrakeshoesfor
2. Inspectthedrumportionof the rotorsfor excessive
6 discoloration and heat spots.
the affected
3. Ifany oftheseconditionsare present,replace
4. Adjustthepark brakesystem. Go to Step15 Go to Step8
Didyou findand correcta condition?
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystem,if equipped,gfor
4 Improperadjustment
4 Weakor damagedreturnspringor springs
4 Distortedor damagedlinings
7 4 Outof roundor damageddrum
4 Weakor damagedholddownspringor springs
4 Lack of lubricationon backingplate
4 Distortedor damagedbackingplate
Referto Drum
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.
Brake SystemDiagnosis onpage 5-131.
Go to Step 15 Go to Step8
Didyou findand correcta condition?
Referto Park Brake
inspecttheparkbrakesystemfor properoperation. Park Brake System
SystemDiagnosis(Drum Brake) onpage 5-183or
8 Diagnosis (Disc Brake) onpage 5-185. Go to Step9
Go to Step 15
Didyou findand correcta condition?
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemforthefollowing
missing caliper hardwareand/
4 Binding,incorrectlyinstalledor o f liningsandof
or lining hardware—Ensure free movement
caliper,if equipped with slidingtype caliper.
metalto metal
4 Lack of lubricationor excessivecorrosionon
9 4 Distortedor damagedlinings
4 Damagedor excessivelyworncaliperhardware
4 Bentor damagedcaliperor mountingcomponent
Referto Disc
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.
Brake SystemDiagnosisonpage 5-128.
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 10
Didyoufindand correcta condition?
1. Separatethe brakeboosterpushrodfromthe
determine if the brake dragcondition
10 2. Inspectthe brakecornersto
is stiIlpresent. Go to Step 11
condition? Go to Step12
Dothe brakecornersstill exhibitthebrakedrag

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes

Brakes Drag (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectthepushrodforimproperpositionandlordamage.
Correctlypositionor replacethepushrodif necessary.
11 2. Inspectthebrakepedalassemblyfordamageandreplaceif
Didyoucompletetherepairor replacement? Go to Step15
1. Forvacuumboostsystems,disconnectthevacuumcheckvalve
fromtheboosterto relievevacuumreserve.
2. Separatethemastercylinderfromthebrakebooster.Do not
12 disconnectanybrakepipes.
3. Inspectthebrakecornerstodetermineifthebrakedragcondition
is stillpresent.
Dothebrakecornersstillexhibitthebrakedragcondition? Go to Step14 Go to Step13
13 Go to Step15
Didyoucompletethe replacement?
1. inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthe followingconditions:
4 Improperoperationofwheelcylinderpistons,if equipped
4 Improperoperationofcaliperpistons
4 Contaminatedbrakefluid
14 4 internallydamagedflexiblebrakehoses;hinderingbrake
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingmastercylinder
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Go to Symptoms-
HydraulicBrake SystemDiagnosisonpage5-134. HydraulicBrakeson
Didyoufindand correcta condition? Go to Step 15 page5-111
1. installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor disconnected
15 2. Roadtestthevehiclein ordertoconfirmproperoperation.Referto
BrakeSystemVehicleRoad Testonpage 5-141.
is theconditionstill present? Go to Step2 SystemOK

Brake System Slow Release

Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION:Brakesystemreleasesandreturnsto restslowly;vehiclemotionis hinderedby brakesystembrieflyafterrelease
of brakepedal.
Wereyou sentherefromthe HydraulicBrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page5-111
1. inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemforthe followingconditions:
4 improperoperationofwheelcylinderpistons,if equipped
4 Improperoperationofcaliperpistons
4 Internallydamagedflexiblebrakehoses;hinderingbrake
4 Contaminatedbrakefluid
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingmastercylinder
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto
HydraulicBrake SystemDiagnosisonpage5—134.
Didyoufindand correcta condition? Go to Step6 G0 to Step3

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-127

Brake System Siow Release (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectthebrakeassist systemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Binding,bentor damagedpedalpushrod,pedal,or pedal
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatingvacuumbooster,if equipped
3 4 Restrictedreturnhosefromhydraulicbooster,if equipped
4 Damagedor improperlyoperatinghydraulicbooster,
if equipped
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Brake
Assist SystemDiagnosisonpage 5-138.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step6 Go to Step4
1. Inspectthedrumbrakesystem,if equipped,forthefollowing
4 Weakordamagedreturnspringorsprings
4 Distortedor damagedlinings
4 4 Outofroundor damageddrum
4 Lack oflubricationon backingplate
4 Distortedor damagedbackingplate
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Drum
BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-131.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step6 Go to Step5
1. Inspectthedisc brakesystemforthefollowingconditions:
4 Damagedor excessivelyworncaliperhardwareandlorlining
4 Distortedor damagedlinings
5 4 Lack oflubricationor excessivecorrosionon metalto metal
4 Bentor damagedcaliperor mountingcomponent
2. Adjust,repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Disc Go to Symptoms_
BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-128. HydraulicBrakeson
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step6 page 5-111 ’
1. installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor disconnected
6 2. Roadtestthevehiclein orderto confirmproperoperation.Referto
BrakeSystemVehicleRoad Testonpage5141.
Istheconditionstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

Brake Fluid Loss

Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION:Brakefluidlevelis lownotrelatedto liningwear.
WereyousentherefromtheHydraulicBrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page 5—111
1. Inspectthefollowinghydraulicbrakesystemcomponentsfor
4 Flexiblebrakehoseconnections;threadedandbolted
4 Flexiblebrakehosecrimpingjoints
4 Brakepipefittings '
4 Caliperpistonseals
2 4 Wheelcylinderpistonseals, if equipped
4 Mastercylinderreservoir
4 Mastercylinderreservoirlowpressurehose,if equipped
4 Brakepressuremodulatorvalve(BPMV)assembly,ifequipped
2. Repairor replacecomponentsas necessary.Referto Hydraulic
BrakeSystemDiagnosisonpage 5-134.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step5 Go to Step8

5-128 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Fluid Loss (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Disconnectthevacuumcheckvalvefromtheboosterto relieve
2. Separatethemasteroylinderfromthevacuumbrakebooster.Do
3 notdisconnectanybrakepipes.
3. inspecttherearof themastercylinderfora brakefluidleak.
. . ‘ Go to Symptoms-
4. Inspectforbrakeflutdin thevacuumbrakebooster. HydraulicBrakeson
Didyoufindthebrakefluidleak? Go to Step4 page 5-111
4 Replacethebrakemastercylinderandthevacuumbrakebooster. __
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step5
1. Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedordisconnected
5 2. Roadtestthevehicleto confirmproperoperation.Referto Brake
SystemVehicleRoad Testonpage 5—141.
Istheconditionstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

Disc Brake System Diagnosis 12. Disc brake rotor shields/backing plates that come
in contact with disc brake rotors may cause brake
Test Description system noise.
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the . Disc brake rotor thickness variation that exceeds
diagnostic table: the maximum acceptable level can cause brake
9. Lubricant leaks from non-brake system
components may come in contact with and 19. Disc brake rotbr thickness variation thatexceeds
contaminate brake system components. the maximum acceptable level can cause brake
10. Lubricant leaks from non—brakesystem .
components may come in contact with and 22. DISCbrake rotor assembled lateral runout(LRO)
contaminate brake system components that exceeds the maxnmumacceptable level can
' lead to thickness variation.

Disc Brake System Diagnosis

1Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:This diagnostictableis designedto diagnoseONLYthecomponentsoftheDISCbrakesystemin orderto
determineif theDISCbrakesystemis operatingcorrectly.Youwillbedirectedby theappropriateSymptomtabletogotoother
brakesystemdiagnostictablesas appropriate.
Wereyou sentherefroma BrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page 5111
Visuallyinspectthedisc brakepadsforthefollowingconditions:
Referto BrakePad Inspectiononpage 5-58.
4 Liningthicknessbelowspecifications
2 4 Unevenandlorabnormalwear—edge-to-edgeandlorside-to-side
4 Loosenessordamage~includingbrakepadhardware
4 Evidenceofcontamination froman externalsubstance
Didyoufindanyconditionsto indicatea concernwithanyofthefront
and/orreardisc brakepads? Go to Step3 Go to Step12
3 Are anyofthefrontdisc brakepadscontaminated? Go to Step8 Go to Step4
4 Are anyofthefrontdisc brakepadswornunevenly? Go to Step7 Go to Step5
5 Are anyofthefrontdisc brakepadsandlorbrakepadhardwarelooseor
damaged? Go to Step7 Go to Step6
1. Removeandinspecttheworndisc brakepadsforglazing,
looseness,heatspotsor damage.
6 2. Replacetheworndisc brakepadsas a completeaxleset.Referto -
FrontDisc BrakePads Replacementonpage5—6 1.
Didyoucompletetheinspectionand replacement? Go to Step 12

Hydraulic Brakes 5-129

Disc Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
Caution: Supportthe brakecaliperwithheavymechanicwire,
or equivalent,wheneverit is separatedfromits mountand thehydraulic
flexiblebrakehoseis still connected.Failureto supportthe caliperin
thismannerwillcause theflexiblebrakehose to bearthe weightof the
caliper,whichmaycause damageto thebrakehose andin turnmay
causea brakefluidleak.
Note: Do NOT disconnectthehydraulicbrakeflex hosesfromthe
1. Removethefrontbrakecaliper,as appropriate,fromthe mounting
bracketand supportthe brakecaliper.Referto FrontBrake
CaliperReplacementonpage 5-65.
2. Inspectthedisc brakecalipermountingbracketand themounting/
4 Bindingor seized hardware
4 Worn,damagedor missinghardwarecomponents
4 Loose,bent,cracked,or damagedbrakecaliper mounting
3. Replacecomponentsas required.Referto FrontBrake Caliper
BracketReplacementonpage 5-70
4. Replacethe unevenly-worn, looseor damageddisc brakepads as
a completeaxle set.Referto FrontDisc BrakePads Replacement
onpage 5-61.
Go to Step 12
Didyou completethe inspectionand replacement?
1. Inspectthedisc brakecalipers,brakehoses andbrake pipesfor
evidenceof an externalbrakefluidleak.
2. Replaceanycomponentsfoundtobe leakingbrakefluid.Referto
thefollowingproceduresas required:
4 FrontBrake CaliperOverhaulonpage 5-69
4 FrontBrake CaliperReplacementonpage 5-65
4 FrontBrakeHose Replacementonpage 5-162
4 BrakePipe Replacementonpage 5-158
Didyou findand correctthe sourceof theleak causingcontamination of
Go to Step 11 Go to Step9
1. inspectthewheeldriveshaftouterseals fordamageandevidence
ofa greaseleak.
2. Replaceanywheeldriveshaftseal thatis foundto be leaking
greasewhichmaybe thesourceofthe contaminationto thebrake
pads.Referto FrontWheelDriveShaft OuterJoint andBoot
Replacementonpage 7-11.
Didyoufindand correctthesourceofthe leak causingcontamination of
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Inspecttheautomatictransmissioncoolingsystem lines,
ifequipped,fordamageandevidenceof an externalfluidleak
whichmay be thesource ofthe contaminationtothe pads.
10 2. Replaceany componentsfoundto beleakingwhichmay bethe
sourceof the contaminationto thepads.
Didyou findandcorrectthesourceofthe leakcausing contamination of
Go to Step 11
the pads?

2013 (5377994)
5-‘l30 Hydraulic Brakes

Disc Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Clean theremainingdisc brakesystemcomponentsto remove
anytracesof thecontaminant.
Caution: Supportthebrakecaliperwithheavymechanicwire,
or equivalent,wheneverit is separatedfromitsmountandthehydraulic
flexiblebrakehoseis stillconnected.Failuretosupportthecaliperin
thismannerwillcause theflexiblebrakehoseto beartheweightof the
caliper,whichmaycausedamagetothebrakehoseandin turnmay
causea brakefluidleak.
Note: Do NOTdisconnectthehydraulicbrakeflex hosesfromthe
2. Removethefrontdisc brakecaliperfromthebrakecaliper
mountingbracketandsupportthebrakecaliper.Referto Front
11 BrakeCaliperReplacementonpage5-65.
3. Inspectthedisc brakecalipermounting/slidinghardwareforthe
Referto FrontDisc BrakeMountingandHardwareInspectionon
page 5-59.
4 Bindingor seized hardware
4 Distorted,worn,damagedor missinghardwarecomponents
4. Replacethebrakemounting/sliding hardwarecomponentsas
required.Referto FrontDisc BrakeMountingandHardware
Inspectiononpage 5-59.
5. Replacethecontaminatedbrakepadsas a completeaxleset.
Referto FrontDisc BrakePads Replacementonpage5—61.
Didyou completethecleaning,inspectionandreplacement? Go to Step 12
1. Checkthethicknessof eachofthedisc brakerotors.
Note: Makethefollowingdetermination andanswerthequestion
individuallyforEACH rotor.
12 2. Makea determinationforeachbrakerotorif thebrakerotorcan be
REFINlSHED and REMAINABOVE theminimumrequirements.
Referto BrakeRotorThicknessMeasurementonpage5-55.
REFINlSHiNG? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 16
Note: Makethefollowingdetermination andanswerthequestion
individuallyforEACH rotor.
lnspecteachofthebrakerotorsfor thicknessvariationthatexceedsthe
13 maximumacceptablelevel.Referto BrakeRotorThicknessVariation
Measurementonpage 5—55.
maximumacceptablelevel? Go to Step15 Go to Step 14
1. lnspecteachofthe brakerotorsforthefollowingsurfaceandwear
Referto BrakeRotorSurfaceand WearInspectiononpage5-56.
4 Heavyrustandlorpitting
4 Cracksand/orheatspots
4 Excessiveblueingdiscoloration
14 4 Deepor excessivescoringbeyondmaximumacceptablelevel
Note: Makethefollowingdetermination andanswerthequestion
individuallyforEACH rotor.
2. Makea determinationforeach brakerotorif thebrakerotor
requiresrefinishingbasedupontheresultsof theinspection.
3. Ifthebrakerotorexhibitsanyof theconditionslistedpreviously,it
DoesthebrakerotorrequireREFINlSHiNG? Go to Step 15 Go to Step20

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54-131

Disc Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No

1. Refinishthebrakerotor.Referto BrakeRotorRefinishingon
page 5-85.
15 2. Inspectthebrakerotorthickness.Referto BrakeRotorThickness
Wereyouable toREFINISHthebrakerotorwithinthe minimum
requirements? Go to Step20 Go to Step 19
16 is thebrakedisc at or belowtheDISCARD requirements? Go to Step 19 Go to Step 17
Note: Makethefollowingdeterminationandanswerthe question
individuallyforEACH rotor.
lnspecteachof thebrakerotorsforthicknessvariationthatexceedsthe
17 maximumacceptablelevel.Referto BrakeRotor ThicknessVariation
Measurementonpage 5-55.
maximumacceptablelevel? Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
1. Inspecteachofthebrakerotorsforthefollowingsurfaceandwear
Referto BrakeRotorSurfaceand WearInspectiononpage5—56.
4 Heavyrustandlorpitting
4 Cracksandlorheatspots
4 Excessiveblueingdiscoloration
18 4 Deeporexcessivescoringbeyondmaximumacceptablelevel
Note: Makethefollowingdeterminationandanswerthequestion
individuallyforEACH rotor. ‘
2. Makea determination foreach brakerotorif therotorrequires
replacementbaseduponthe resultsofthe inspection.
Ifthebrakerotorexhibitsanyofthe conditionslistedpreviously,it
DoesthebrakerotorrequireREPLACEMENT? Go to Step 19 Go to Step20
Note: Whenevera brakerotoris replaced,the assembledlateralrunout
(LRO)ofthebrakerotormustbe measuredtoensureoptimum
performanceofthedisc brakes.
Replacethebrakerotor.Referto FrontBrakeRotorReplacementon
page 5-77.
Didyoucompletethe replacement? Go to Step22
Note: Makethefollowingdeterminationandanswerthe question
individuallyforEACH rotor.
lnspecteachofthe brakerotorsfor assembledlateralrunout(LRO)that
20 exceedsthemaximumacceptablelevel. Referto BrakeRotor
DoesthebrakerotorexhibitassembledLRO thatexceedsthe
maximumacceptablelevel? Go to Step21 Go to Step22
CorrecttheLRO foreach brakerotorthatwas determinedto haveLRO
exceedingthemaximumacceptablelevel. Referto BrakeRotor
21 AssembledLateralRunoutCorrectiononpage5—83.
Didyoucompletetheoperation? Go to Step22
Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor disconnected Disc Brake
duringdiagnosis. SystemOK
22 ReturntoSymptom

Drum Brake System Diagnosis

Test Description
The number below refers to the step number on the
diagnostic table:
18. Drum brake backing plates that come in contact
with brake drums may cause brake system noise.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
5- l 32 Hydraulic Brakes

Drum Brake System Diagnosis

Step 1 Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:This diagnostictableis designedto diagnoseONLY thecomponentsoftheDRUM brakesysteminorderto
determineiftheDRUM brakesystemis operatingproperly.Youwillbe directedby theappropriateSymptomtabletogoto other
brakesystemdiagnostictablesas appropriate.
Wereyou sentherefroma BrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page5-111
1. Removethebrakedrums.Referto BrakeDrumReplacement
(J93,J94)onpage 5-90.
2. Inspectthedrumbrakeshoes forthefollowingconditions:
4 Liningthicknessbelowspecifications
2 4 UnevenandlorabnormalWear—edge-to-edgeandlor
4 Looseness,damage,glazing,or incorrectliningmaterial
Didyoufindany conditionsto indicatea concernwithanyof thedrum
brakeshoes? Go to Step3 Go to Step 7
3 Are anyofthebrakeshoes contaminated? Go to Step4 Go to Step5
1. inspectthewheelcylindersforevidenceofanexternalbrake
4 2. Replaceanywheel cylinderthatis foundtobe leakingbrakefluid. —-
Referto Rear Brake CylinderReplacementonpage 5-102.
Didyoucompletethe inspectionandreplacement? Go to Step6
1. Inspectthedrumbrake hardwareforanycomponentswhichare
worn,damaged,discoloreddueto stress,brokenor missing.Refer
toDrumBrake HardwareInspectiononpage5-89.
5 2. Replacecomponentsas required.Referto DrumBrakeHardware
Replacement(J93,J94)onpage 5-97. -
3. Replacethedrumbrakeshoes.Referto BrakeShoeReplacement
(J93,J94)onpage 5-92.
Didyoucompletethe inspectionandreplacement? Go to Step8
1. Cleantheremainingdrumbrakesystemcomponentsto remove
anytracesofthe contaminants.
2. Inspectthedrumbrake hardwareforanycomponentswhichare
worn,damaged,discoloreddueto stress,brokenor missing.Refer
to DrumBrake HardwareInspectiononpage5-89.
3. Replacethedrumbrakehardwarecomponentsas required.Refer
to DrumBrakeHardwareReplacement(J93,J94) onpage 5-97.
4. Replacethecontaminatedbrakeshoes.Referto BrakeShoe
Replacement(J93,J94)onpage 5-92.
Didyoucompletethe cleaning,inspectionandreplacement? Go to Step8
1. Inspectthedrumbrakehardwareforanycomponentswhichare
worn,damaged,discoloreddueto stress,brokenor missing.Refer
to DrumBrakeHardwareInspectiononpage5-89.
2. Replacecomponentsas required.Referto DrumBrakeHardware
Replacement(J93,J94)onpage 5-97.
Didyoucompletetheinspectionand,if necessary,thereplacement? Go to Step8
1. Checkthediameterofeachofthe brakedrums.
Note: Makethefollowingdeterminationandanswerthe question
individuallyforEACH brakedrum.
8 2. Makea determinationforeach brakedrumif thedrumcan be
REFINlSHED and REMAINABOVE theminimumrequirements.
Referto BrakeDrumDiameterMeasurementonpage5-87.
REFINlSHiNG? Go to Step9 Go to Step 11

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54133

Drum Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspecteachof the brakedrumsforthefollowingsurfaceandwear
RefertoBrakeDrumSurfaceand WearInspectiononpage5-88.
4 Brakingsurfaceconditions
4 Brakingsurfacewearconditions
—Deepor excessivescoringbeyondmaximumacceptable
9 —Radialrunoutbeyondmaximumacceptablelevel
Note: Makethefollowingdeterminationandanswerthequestion
individuallyforEACH brakedrum.
2. Makea determinationforeach brakedrumif thedrumrequires
refinishingbasedupontheresultsof theinspection.
4 Drumexhibitsone or moreofthebrakingsurfaceconditions
4 Drumis beyondtheacceptablelevelin one or moreofthe
DoesthebrakedrumrequireREFINlSHiNG? Go to Step 10 Go to Step 14
1. Refinishthebrakedrum.Referto BrakeDrumRefinishingon
10 2. Inspectthebrakedrumdiameter.Referto BrakeDrumDiameter
Measurementonpage 5-87.
Wereyouableto REFINISHthebrakedrumwithintheminimum
requirements? Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
11 is thebrakedrumat or belowtheDISCARD requirements? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Inspecteachof thebrakedrumsforthefollowingsurfaceandwear
Referto BrakeDrumSurfaceand WearInspectiononpage5—88.
4 Brakingsurfaceconditions
4 Brakingsurfacewearconditions
12 —Radialrunoutbeyondmaximumacceptablelevel
Note: Makethefollowingdeterminationandanswerthequestion
individuallyforEACH brakedrum.
2. Makea determinationforeach brakedrumif thedrumrequires
Ifa brakedrumexhibitsanyofthefollowingconditions,it requires
4 Drumexhibitsone or moreofthebrakingsurfaceconditions
4 Drumis beyondtheacceptablelevelin oneor moreofthe
DoesthebrakedrumrequireREPLACEMENT? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 14
Replacethebrakedrum.Referto BrakeDrumReplacement(J93,J94) ‘
13 onpage5-90. _
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step 14

2013 (5377994)
5-134 Hydraulic Brakes

Drum Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Inspectthebrakeshoes forproperadjustment.Referto DrumBrake
14 Adjustmentonpage5-105.
Are thebrakeshoesadjustedproperly? Go to Step18 Go to Step 15
forfreemovementandcorrectoperation.Referto DrumBrake
15 AdjustingHardwareInspectiononpage 5-89.
correctly? Go to Step17 Go to Step 16
Replacethedrumbrakeadjustinghardwarecomponentsas necessary.
Referto DrumBrakeAdjustingHardwareReplacement(J93,J94) on
16 page 5-100. -
Isthereplacementcomplete? Go to Step17
Adjustthedrumbrakeshoes.Referto DrumBrakeAdjustmenton
17 page5'105- ‘ Returnto Symptom
Wereyouableto completetheadjustment? G0 to Step20 Table
18 4 Excessivewearor rust
4 Damageandlorevidenceofcontactwiththebrakedrum
Doesthedrumbrakebackingplateexhibitany of theseconditions? Go to Step19 Go to Step20
Repairor replacethedrumbrakebackingplateas necessary.Referto
19 Rear BrakeBackingPlate Replacementonpage 5—95. _
Didyoucompletethe repairor replacement? Go to Step20
Installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor disconnects DrumBrake
20 duringdiagnosis. ' SystemOK _
Didyoucompletethe operation? Returnto Symptom

Hydraulic Brake System Diagnosis

Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION:This diagnostictableis designedtodiagnoseONLY thecomponentsoftheHYDRAULIC brakesystemin orderto
determineif theHYDRAULICbrakesystemis operatingproperly.Youwill be directedby theappropriateSymptomtabletogoto
otherbrakesystemdiagnostictablesas appropriate.
Wereyousent herefroma BrakeSymptomtable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HydraulicBrakeson
Go to Step2 page 5-111
inspectandadjustthe brakefluidlevelin thebrakemastercylinder.
Referto MasterCylinderReservoirFillingonpage5-145.
Was thebrakefluidlevellow? Go to Step3 Go to Step4
1. Inspectthebrakefluidforthefollowingconditions,indicatingbrake
4 Fluidseparation,indicatingtwotypesoffluidare present
4 Fluiddiscoloration
—Darkappearance/suspended particlesinfluid—dirt,rust,
2. inspectthemastercylinderreservoircap diaphragmandthe
Do anyoftheaboveconditionsexist? Go to Step5 Go to Step6

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-135

Hydraulic Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
1. Inspectthebrakefluidfor thefollowingconditions,
4 Fluidseparation,indicatingtwotypesoffluidare present
—Swirledappearance—oil—based substance
—Layeredappearance_ silicone-based substance
4 Fluid discoloration
—Darkappearance/suspended particlesin fluid—dirt,rust,
2. inspectthe mastercylinderreservoircap diaphragm andthe
reservoir—to-master cylindergrommetsfor swelling,indicatingfluid
contamination. Go to Step 12
Go to Step5
Doanyofthe above conditionsexist?
1. Flushthe hydraulicbrakesystem.Referto Hydraulic
System Flushing onpage 5-172.
2. if thebrakefluidWAS contaminatedwithan oil—based or a
silicone—based fluid,indicated byfluid separation and/ora swollen
mastercylinderreservoircap diaphragmandlorswollen
reservoir-to-master cylindergrommets,performthefollowing
steps.Referto the proceduresindicated.
2.1. RemoveALL ofthefollowingcomponentslisted.Each
2.2. Cleanoutthe hydraulicbrakepipes usingdenatured
or equivalent.
2.3. Drythe brake pipesusing non-lubricated, filteredair.
following components listed.
2.4. Repairor replaceALL ofthe
Each componentcontainsinternalrubberseals/liningswhich
havebeen contaminated.
4 Replacethebrakemastercylinderreservoircap
4 MasterCylinderReplacementonpage 5-147
4 Brake mastercylinderreservoir:Cleanthe brake master
cylinderreservoirusingdenaturedalcohol,or equivalent,
thendry the reservoirusing non—lubricated, filteredair,
or if necessary,replacethebrakemastercylinder
4 FrontBrake Hose Replacementonpage 5-162
4 Rear Brake Hose Replacement(BodytoAxle - Drum
Brake)on page 5-164or Rear Brake Hose Replacement
(BodytoAxle -Disc Brake)on page 5-165or Rear Brake
Hose Replacement(Axleto Caliper)on page 5—167
4 FrontBrake CaliperOverhaulonpage 5—69
4 FrontBrake CaliperReplacementonpage 5-65
4 Rear Brake CylinderReplacementonpage 5102
4 Brake Pressure ModulatorValveReplacementon
page 5-40
3. Ifthe brakefluidwas NOTcontaminatedwithan oil-basedfluid,
butWAS contaminatedwithwateror dirt,rust,corrosion, andlor
brakedust, replace thebrake master cylinder reservoir cap
diaphragmwhichmay have allowedmoistureor dirtto enterthe
4. Refilland bleedthe hydraulicbrakesystem.Referto Hydraulic
Brake SystemBleeding(Pressure)onpage 5-169or Hydraulic
Brake SystemBleeding(Manual)onpage 5-170.
Didyou completethe operationandany requiredrepairsandlor Go to Step9

2013 (5377994)
54 35 Hydraulic Brakes

Hydraulic Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. inspectthefollowinghydraulicbrakesystemcomponentsfor
externalfluidleaks.Repairor replaceanyofthecomponents
foundto be leakingbrakefluid.Refertothe appropriate
4 Brakemastercylinderreservoircap diaphragm
4 MasterCylinderReplacementonpage5147
4 FrontBrakeHose Replacementonpage5-162
4 Rear BrakeHose Replacement(BodytoAxle -DrumBrake)
onpage 5-164or Rear BrakeHoseReplacement(Bodyto
Axle -Disc Brake)onpage 5-165or Rear BrakeHose
Replacement(AxletoCaliper)onpage 5-167
4 BrakePipe Replacementonpage 5-158
4 FrontBrakeCaliperOverhaulonpage5—69
4 FrontBrakeCaliperReplacementonpage5-65
4 Rear BrakeCylinderOverhaulonpage 5-104
4 Rear BrakeCylinderReplacementonpage5-102
4 BrakePressureModulatorValveReplacementonpage 5-40
2. Ifyou repairedor replacedanyofthebrakesystemcomponents
listed,bleedthehydraulicbrakesystem.Referto HydraulicBrake
SystemBleeding(Pressure)onpage 5-169or HydraulicBrake
4 Thepresenceofair inthesystemat a bleedervalvelocation
otherthanat therepairlocation,exceptifthe brakemaster
4 An unrestrictedandevenflowof brakefluidperaxleduringthe
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step7 Go to Step 12
Was thereair in thesystemat a bleedervalvelocationotherthanat the
proportioning valveassembly,was replaced? Go to Step 19 Go to Step8
Was theflowof brakefluidunrestrictedandevenperaxleduringthe
bleedingprocedure? Go to Step9 Go to Step 10
cylinders,if equippedforproperoperation.Referto HydraulicBrake
Was thehydraulicfunctionofthebrakecalipers/wheelcylinders
operatingproperly? Go to Step21 Go to Step 14
10 Was theflowofbrakefluidrestrictedor uneventhroughfrontaxle
hydrauliccomponentsduringthebleedingprocedure? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
11 Was theflowof brakefluidrestrictedor uneventhroughrearaxle
hydrauliccomponentsduringthebleedingprocedure? Go to Step 17
Inspectthehydraulicfunctionof thebrakecalipers/wheelcylindersfor
properoperation.Referto HydraulicBrakeComponentOperation
12 VisualInspectiononpage5-144.
Was thehydraulicfunctionofthebrakecalipers/wheelcylinders
operatingproperly? Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13

Hydraulic Brakes 5-137

Hydraulic Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Determineif thebrakecaliperis restrictingtheflowofbrakefluidand/or
1. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe
Vehicleonpage 1-31.
2. Removethetireandwheelassemblies.Referto Tireand Wheel
RemovalandInstallationonpage 16—60.
13 3. Openthesuspectedbrakecaliperbleedervalve.
4. Usinga largeC—clamp, compressthebrakecaliperpistonand
observeforan unrestrictedflowof brakefluidandforfree
movementof thebrakecaliperpiston.
5. Close thecaliperbleedervalve.
Wastheflowof brakefluidunrestrictedanddidthecaliperpistonmove
freely? Go to Step 17 Go to Step 14
Repairor replaceany brakecaliper/wheelcylinderthatwas not
4 FrontBrakeCaliperOverhaulonpage5-69
14 4 FrontBrakeCaliperReplacementonpage 5-65
4 RearBrake CylinderReplacementonpage5102
Didyoucompletetherepairandlorreplacement? Go to Step21
Bleedthehydraulicbrakesystemto observeforthepresenceofair in
thesystemandto observeforan unrestrictedandevenflowof brake
fluidperaxleduringthebleedingprocedure.Referto HydraulicBrake
15 SystemBleeding(Pressure)onpage5-169or HydraulicBrakeSystem
Wasthereair in thesystem? Go to Step 19 Go to Step 16
16 Wastheflowof brakefluidunrestrictedandevenperaxleduringthe
bleedingprocedure? Go to Step21 Go to Step 17
1. Inspectthehydraulicbrakepipesandflexiblebrakehosesfor
signsof a fluidrestriction;such as beingbent,kinked,pinchedor
damaged.Referto BrakePipe andHose Inspectionon
2. Replaceanyof thehydraulicbrakepipesand/orflexiblebrake
hosesfoundto be bent,kinked,pinched,or damaged.Refertothe
followingproceduresas necessary:
4 FrontBrakeHose Replacementonpage5-162
4 Rear BrakeHose Replacement(BodytoAxle —DrumBrake)
onpage5-164or Rear BrakeHose Replacement(Bodyto
Axle - Disc Brake)onpage 5—165 or Rear BrakeHose
Replacement(Axleto Caliper)onpage5-167
3. Ifnoneofthehydraulicbrakepipesorflexiblebrakehoseswere
visiblybent,kinked,pinched,or damaged,replacethehydraulic
brakeflexhose at therestrictedlocation.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step21 Go to Step 18
Replacethebrakemodulatorassembly,in orderto correctthehydraulic
brakedynamicrearproportioning mechanicaloperation.Referto Brake
18 PressureModulatorValveReplacementonpage5-40.
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step21
1. Inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemcomponentsforbrakefluid
seepageat a seal andlorfittinglocation,whichmayhavedrawnair
2. Inspectthehydraulicbrakesystemcomponentsforevidenceofa
19 recentrepair,whichmayhaveintroducedairintothesystem.
3. Repairor replaceanyofthecomponentsfoundto be installed
incorrectlyor seepingbrakefluid.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step21 Go to Step20

54138 Hydraulic Brakes

Hydraulic Brake System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectthebrakemastercylinderforinternalfluidleaks.Referto
BrakeSystemInternalLeak Testonpage 5-143.
20 2. Repairor replacethebrakemastercylinderif it is foundto be
leakingbrakefluidinternally.Referto MasterCylinder
Replacementonpage5-147. ReturntoSymptom
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step21 Table
installor connectcomponentsthatwereremovedor disconnected HydraulicBrake
21 duringdiagnosis. SystemOK
Didyoucompletetheoperation? Returnto Symptom

Brake Assist System Diagnosis

Step Action Yes No
DEFINlTlON:This diagnostictableis designedtodiagnoseONLY thecomponentsofthebrakeASSIST systemin orderto
determineifthebrakeASSISTsystemis operatingproperly.YouwillbedirectedbytheappropriateSymptomtabletogo toother
brakesystemdiagnostictablesas appropriate.
1 Wereyou sentherefroma BrakeSymptomtable? Go to Step3 Go to Step2
Wereyou sentheredirectlyfroman electricaldiagnosticto Go toDiagnostic
2 investigatevacuumas a possibleconcern? ' StartingPoint- Vehicle
Go to Step5 onpage 6-66
lnspectforproperbrakepedaltravel.Referto BrakePedal Travel
3 MeasurementandInspectiononpage 5-141.
is thebrakepedaltraveldistancewithintheacceptablelimits? G0 to Step5 Go to Step4
1. lnspectforworn,missing,misaligned,bentor damagedbrake
4 Inspectthebrakepedalfora misaligned,bentandlor
damagedcondition. .
4 Inspectthebrakepedalbushingsforexcessivewearand/ Go to”WW” Brake
4 or damage SystemDiagnOSIs on
' page 5-134to check
2. Replacethebrakepedalsystemcomponentsthatareworn, forinternaland
missing,misaligned,bentor damaged. externalfluidleaksand
Didyoufindandreplaceanyworn,missing,misaligned,bentor air in thehydraulic
damagedbrakepedalsystemcomponents? Go to Step5 brakesystem
Check theenginevacuumsourcethatsuppliesvacuumto the Go to EngineControls
vacuumbrakebooster.Referto Brake SystemVacuumSourceTest Diagnostics
onpage 5—142. information to check
5 is thevacuumreadingwithintheacceptablelimits? forvacuumissues,
Go to Step6 if equipped
6 Doestheconditionoccurduringcoldstart-upconditions? Go to Step 7 Go to Step8
Check enginevacuum,andvacuumpumpoperation,if equipped,
underthesamecoldstart-upconditions.Referto EngineControls
7 Diagnostics.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step22 Go to Step9
8 Duringthevacuumsourcetest,didthevacuumboostercheckvalve
operateproperly? Go to Step 10 Go to Step9
9 Replacethevacuumboostercheckvalve,if equipped.
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step 10
Ifequippedwitha boostermountedseparatevacuumsensor,
10 or damage.
listed? Go to Step 11 Go to Step12

Hydraulic Brakes 54139

Brake Assist System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Didyoucompletethe replacement? Go to Step 12
1. Ifthevehicleis equippedwitha vacuumsensor,installa
scan tool.
12 2. UsingtheDataDisplayfunction,determineif brakebooster
vacuumsensordatais availablewithineitherthechassis
is vacuumsensordataavailablethroughthescan tool? Go to Step 13 Go to Step16
Performthevacuumboosterleak-downtestusinga scan tool:
1. Releasethebrakepedal.
2. Acceleratetheengineto approximately3000RPM, then
3. TurntheignitionOFF.
4. TurntheignitionON. Do notstarttheengine.
5. Observeandrecordthevacuumsensorreadingonthescan
13 toolovera periodof60seconds. ,
Note: Vacuumreadingswilldecreaseby approximately2.7kPa
(0.8Hg)forevery305m (1000ft)ofelevationabovesea level.
6. Determinetherateofvacuumleak.
Maximumallowablevacuumleakrate:10kPa (3in Hg)
Was therateofvacuumleakwithinthe specifiedallowablerange? Go to Step 18 Go to Step14
1. Depletethevacuumreserveby pressingthebrakepedal
severaltimes,or by removingthevacuumboostercheck
2. Separatethemastercylinderfromthevacuumbrakebooster.
Do notdisconnectanybrakepipes.Referto MasterCylinder
14 3. Ifequippedwitha vacuumseal on therearofthemaster
cylinder,inspecttheseal fordamageandcorrectpositioning
onthemastercylinder.Replacethevacuumseal as
4. Carefullyreinstallthemastercylindertothebrakebooster.
Referto MasterCylinderReplacementonpage 5-147.
Didyoucompletetheoperation? Go to Step 15
Performthevacuumboosterleak-downtestusinga scan tool:
1. Releasethebrakepedal.
2. Acceleratetheenginetoapproximately3000RPM, then
releasethethrottle.Wait2—3secondsand repeatonce.
3. TurntheignitionOFF.
4. TurntheignitionON.Do notstarttheengine.
5. Observeandrecordthevacuumsensorreadingon thescan
15 toolovera periodof60seconds.
Note: Vacuumreadingswilldecrease byapproximately2.7kPa
(0.8Hg)forevery305m(1000ft)ofelevationabovesea level.
6. Determinetherateofvacuumleak.
Maximumallowablevacuumleakrate:10kPa (3in Hg)
in 60seconds
Was therateofvacuumleakwithinthespecifiedallowablerange? Go to Step22 Go to Step21

5-140 Hydraulic Brakes

Brake Assist System Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Separatethemastercylinderfromthevacuumbrakebooster.
Do notdisconnectanybrakepipes.Beforeremovingthe
mastercylinder,firstdepletethevacuumby removingthe
checkvalveor applyingthebrakepedalseveraltimes.Referto
MasterCylinderReplacementonpage 5-147.
16 2. Ifequippedwitha vacuumseal ontherearofthemaster
cylinder,inspecttheseal fordamageandcorrectpositioning
3. Ifequippedwitha vacuumseal thatis partof thebooster,
Doesthevacuumseal exhibitanyoftheconditionslisted? Go to Step17 Go to Step18
1. if equippedwitha vacuumsealon therearofthemaster
cylinder,replacethevacuumseal as necessary.Ensurethe
seal is positionedcorrectlyduringinstallation.
2. Ifequippedwitha vacuumsealthatrequiresreplacementand
17 whichis partofthebooster,theboosterassemblymustbe _
3. Carefullyreinstallthemastercylindertothebrakebooster.
Referto MasterCylinderReplacementonpage 5-147.
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step18
1. Ifstillseparated,reinstallthemastercylindertothebooster.
Referto MasterCylinderReplacementonpage 5-147.
2. if theenginewas startedafterreinstallingthemastercylinder
WiththeengineOFF, depressthebrakepedalseveraltimesto
18 depletethevacuumreserve.
3. Depressandmaintainmoderatefootpressureon thebrake
4. Starttheengineandobservepedaloperation.
5. Observeforaudiblevacuumleaks.
The brakepedalshouldfallslightly,thenhold.
Istherean audiblevacuumleakcomingfromthebrakepedalarea? Go to Step21 Go to Step19
19 Didthebrakepedalfallslightlyaftertheenginewas started,
thenhold? Go to Step20 Go to Step21
1. Releasethebrakepedal.
2. Acceleratetheengineto approximately3000RPM, then
releasethethrottle.Wait243 secondsand repeatonce.
3. TurntheignitionOFF.
20 P Wait60seconds.
5. Depressthebrakepedal2 timesto checkforvacuumbooster
4 Bothpedalappliesshouldbe assisted
4 The amountof assistcoulddiminishslightlywiththe
Werebothpedalappliespowerassisted? Go to Step22 Go to Step21
Replacethevacuumbrakebooster.Referto PowerVacuumBrake
21 BoosterReplacementonpage5—173. _
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step22
installor connectanycomponentsthatwereremovedor BrakeAssist
22 disconnectedduringdiagnosis. SystemOK _
Didyoucompletetheoperation? Returnto Symptom

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-141

observe for brake system noise from the side of the

Road Test
Brake System Vehicle vehicle closest to them, while you observe both the
pedal effort and the pedal travel.
Preliminary Inspections
4 Ifthe brake pedal apply effortwas excessive,
1. Visually inspect easily accessible brake system or the pedal travel was excessive, DO NOT
components for obvious damage and/or leaks continue to test drive the vehicle until it is
which may indicate that the vehicle should not be repaired.
driven until further inspections have been
4 if the brake pedal apply effortwas not
completed. excessive and the pedal travel was not
. inspect the brake master cylinder reservoir fluid excessive, proceed to step 9.
level and adjust only if necessary for brake system Drive the vehicle in the opposite direction, at the
road testing. Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir same low speed and lightly apply the brakes while
Filling on page 5-145. driving past the assistant. Have the assistant
. Inspect the tire inflation pressures and adjust as observe for brake system noise from the side of the
necessary. vehicle closest to the assistant.
4. Inspect the tire tread patterns to ensure that they 10. Drive the vehicle at a low speed and shift the
are the same or very similar, especially per axle. transmission into NEUTRAL without applying the
5. Ensure that the vehicle is not loaded unevenly prior brakes. Observe for a rapid deceleration in vehicle
to brake system road testing. speed, indicating possible brake drag.
Procedure 11. Select a smooth, dry, clean and level road that is
Road Testing as free of heavy traffic as possible for brake
Warning: Road test a vehicle under safe conditions system moderate speed road testing.
and while obeying all traffic laws. Do not attempt 12. Drive the vehicle at a moderate speed. Observe for
any maneuvers that couldjeopardize vehicle a pull andlor incorrect tracking of the vehicle
control. Failure to adhere to these precautions without the brakes applied.
could lead to serious personal injury and vehicle
13. While continuing to drive the vehicle at a moderate
damage. speed, perform several light applies of the brakes.
1. Start the engine and allow it to idle. Observe the pedal effort and the pedal travel,
2. Visually inspect if the brake warning indicator lamp observe for brake system noise, pulsation andlor
remains illuminated. brake drag.
3. Ifthe brake system warning lamp remains 4 Ifthe brake pedal apply effortwas excessive,
illuminated, DO NOT proceed to test drive the or the pedal travel was excessive, DO NOT
vehicle until it is diagnosed and repaired. Refer to continue to test drive the vehicle until it is
Symptoms - Hydraulic Brakes on page 5-111. repaired.
Select a smooth, dry, clean and level road or large 4 if the brake pedal apply effortwas not
lot that is as free of traffic and obstacles as excessive and the pedal travel was not
possible for brake system low speed road testing. excessive, proceed to step 14.
With the transmission in PARK or Neutral, lightly 14. While continuing to drive the vehicle at a moderate
apply the brake pedal. Observe both the pedal feel speed, perform several moderate applies of the
and the pedal travel. brakes. Observe the pedal effort and the pedal
travel, observe for brake system pulsation andlor
4 Ifthe brake pedal apply felt spongy, or the pedal uneven braking action —either side to side, or front
travel was excessive, DO NOT drive the vehicle to rear.
until it is repaired.
A small amount of vehicle front and dip is expected
4 Ifthe brake pedal apply did not feel spongy and during a moderate apply of the brakes.
the pedal travel was excessive, proceed to
step 6. 15. Ifthe brake pedal apply effortwas excessive,
or the pedal travel was excessive, DO NOT
Release and apply the brakes. continue to test drive the vehicle until it is repaired.
While continuing to apply the brakes, shift the
transmission into DRIVE or 1st, release the brakes Brake Pedal Travel Measurement and
and allow the engine to idle the vehicle away from
the stopped position. Observe for a slow release of Inspection
the brake system. Special Tools
With the aid of an assistant to observe the vehicle's
performance from outside of the vehicle, drive the CH-28662 Brake Pedal Effort Gauge
vehicle at a low speed and lightly apply the brakes For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
while driving past the assistant. Have the assistant page 5-181.
1. With the ignition OFF and the brakes cool, apply
the brakes 3—5times, or until the brake pedal
becomes firm, in order to deplete the brake booster
power reserve.

2013 (5377994)
5-142 Hydraulic Brakes
7. Average the first and second measurements
recorded for the 2 applies of the brakes.
8. Subtract the initial unapplied distance (a),from the
average applied distance (b) to obtain the brake
pedal travel measurement (0).
Maximum brake pedal travel —measured with the
ignition OFF, brake booster power assist depleted,
and the brakes cool.

Brake System Vacuum Source Test

4 Engine temperature, accessory load, and
elevation level will affect engine vacuum.
4 Vacuum readings will decrease by approximately
2.7 kPa (0.8 in Hg) for every 305 m (1000ft) of
elevation above sea level.
1. Disconnect the engine vacuum hose from the
vacuum brake booster check valve.
2. Install a vacuum gauge to the engine
2. Install the CH-28662 gauge (1), orequivalent, to vacuum hose.
the brake pedal (3). 9’ Install a scan tool to the vehicle.
3. Measure and record the distance (a) from the 4. Start the engine and allow the engine to idle until
brake pedal (3)to the rim of the steering wheel (2). normal operating temperatures are reached.
Note the points of measurement. Note: To obtain the gauge pressure from the manifold
absolute pressure (MAP) sensor, subtract the absolute
pressure of the MAP sensor from atmospheric
5. With the vehicle in PARK or NEUTRAL with the
park brake on, the engine idling, and the air
conditioning (A/C) system OFF, check to see if the
engine vacuum reading is the gauge pressure
calculated from the pressure of the MAP sensor
indicated on the scan tool.
6. Turn the ignition OFF.
7. Ifthe engine vacuum reading is within the specified
normal range, proceed to step11.
8. Ifthe engine vacuum reading is NOT within the
specified normal range, inspect the engine vacuum
hose for the following conditions.
4 Loose connection to the engine
4 Collapse, deformation or contamination
4 Cracks, cuts, or brittleness
9. Ifany of these conditions were found with the
2327964 engine vacuum hose, replace the hose, then
repeat steps 2—5.
4. Apply and maintain a force of 445 N (100 lb) to the 10. If none of these conditions were found with the
brake pedal, as indicated on the CH—28662 engine vacuum hose, then there is an engine
gauge (1), or equivalent. vacuum source problem, check the engine vacuum
5. While maintaining 445 N (100 lb) offorce to the system.
brake pedal (3), measure and record the 11. Remove the vacuum brake booster check valve
distance (b)from the same point on the brake from the booster.
pedal (3) to the same point on the rim of the 12. Install the check valve to the engine vacuum hose.
steering wheel (2).
13. Install the vacuum gauge to the check valve.
6. Release the brake pedal (3) and repeat steps 4
and 5 to obtain a second measurement. After 14. Start the engine and allow the engine to idle in park
obtaining a second measurement, proceed to or neutral with the park brake on and with the A/C
step 7. system OFF, until normal operating temperatures
are reached.
15. Turn the ignition OFF.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5=143
Note: To obtain the gauge pressure from the manifold components exhibit signs of brake fluid leakage,
absolute pressure (MAP) sensor, subtract the absolute repair or replace those components. After the
pressure of the MAP sensor from atmospheric repair or replacement, reinspect the hydraulic
pressure. brake system to assure proper function.
16. Visually inspect the engine vacuum reading is
Brake System, Internal Leak Test
maintained at the same gauge pressure as the
pressure obtained form the MAP sensor as Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
indicated on the scan tool. page 0-4.
17. Ifthe engine vacuum reading is maintained within Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
the specified normal range, proceed to step 19. Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7.
18. if the engine vacuum reading is NOT maintained 1. Start the engine and allow it to idle.
within the specified normal range, replace the 2. Apply light, steady pressure to the brake pedal.
vacuum brake booster check valve, then repeat Observe both the brake pedal feel and travel.
steps 12—16.
3. Release the brakes and turn the ignition OFF.
19. Inspect the vacuum brake booster check valve
grommet for the following conditions: 4. Ifthe brake pedal apply felt spongy, but the brake
pedal travel was not excessive, perform the
4 Loose connection to the vacuum brake booster following steps:
4 Deformation or contamination 4.1. inspect the brake system for external leaks.
4 Cracks, cuts or brittleness Refer to Brake System External Leak
20. Ifany of these conditions were found with the Inspection on page 5-143.
check valve grommet, replace the grommet. 4.2. Pressure bleed the brake system in order to
purge any air that may be trapped in the
Brake System External Leak system. Refer to Hydraulic Brake System
Inspection « Bleeding (Pressure) on page 5-169 or
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual) on
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on page 5-170.
page 0-4.
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7.
1. In order to inspect for external brake fluid leaks,
first inspect the fluid level in the master cylinder.
While a slight brake fluid level drop can be
considered a normal condition due to brake lining
wear, a very low level may indicate a brake fluid
leak in the hydraulic system.
2. lfthe fluid level is abnormally low, adjust the brake
fluid level. Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir
Filling on page 5-145.
3. Start the engine and allow it to idle.
4. Apply constant, moderate foot pressure to the
brake pedal.
Ifthe brake pedal gradually falls away while under
foot pressure, there may be a brake fluid leak.
5. Turn the ignition OFF.
6. Visually inspect the following brake system
components for brake fluid leaks, excessive
corrosion, and damage. Give particular attention to 2327963
all brake pipe and flexible hose connections to 5. Ifthe brake pedal apply did not feel spongy, but the
ensure that there are not any slight brake fluid brake pedal travel was excessive, perform the
leaks —even though the brake pedal may feel firm following steps:
and hold steady:
5.1. Loosen the master cylinder—to-vacuumbrake
4 Master cylinder brake pipe fittings booster retaining nuts.
4 All brake pipe connections 5.2. Carefully pull the master cylinder away from
4 Brake pipes the vacuum brake boosterjustenough to
4 Brake hoses and connections inspect the mounting surface of the master
4 Brake calipers andlor wheel cylinders cylinder.
7. While slight dampness around the master cylinder 5.3. lnspect the master cylinder mounting surface
reservoir can be considered acceptable, brake fluid at the primary piston (2)for brake fluid leaks.
leaking from any of the brake system components
requires immediate attention. lf any of these

54144 Hydraulic Brakes
6. lfthe master cylinder exhibits any leakage around . Have an assistant apply and release the brake
the primary piston (2), then the primary piston pedal several times while you observe the
primary seal (4) and/or secondary seal (3) is operation of the hydraulic brake caliper.
leaking and the master cylinder requires overhaul 4.1. Observe the brake caliper piston (1) for
or replacement. unrestricted and even movement during each
. if the master cylinder primary piston (2) does not apply of the brake system (5).
exhibit any leakage, pressure bleed the brake 4.2. Observe the brake caliper piston (1)for an
system. Refer to Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding unrestricted and even return motion during
(Pressure) on page 5169 or Hydraulic Brake each release of the brake system (6).
System Bleeding (Manual) on page 5-170. . Ifthe brake caliper piston (1) did not exhibit
. Ifthe brake pedal apply did not feel spongy, and unrestricted and even movement during brake
the brake pedal travel was initially steady and not system apply and/or release, the piston square
excessive, but then gradually fell, then the master seal (3) may be worn or damaged and the brake
cylinder requires overhaul or replacement due to caliper may require overhaul or replacement.
an internal leak past the secondary piston (1) from
the secondary piston primary seal (6) or secondary Drum Brakes
seal (5).
. Ifthe brake pedal apply did not feel spongy, and
the brake pedal travel was initially steady and not
excessive, then fell slightly, then became steady
again, then the brake pressure modulator valve
(BPMV) may be leaking internally, and may require

Hydraulic Brake Component

Operation Visual Inspection

Disc Brake


. With the rear tire and wheel assemblies and the
brake drums removed, visually inspect the wheel
cylinder pistons boot sealing areas to ensure that
there are no brake fluid leaks.
. If any evidence of a brake fluid leak is present, the
brake wheel cylinder requires replacement.
. Using firm hand pressure, simultaneously and
evenly apply force on both brake shoes in order to
compress the wheel cylinder pistons into
their bore.
2327961 . Evenly release the force from both brake shoes to
allow the wheel cylinder pistons to return.
1. With the tire and wheel assemblies removed and . Ifone or both of the wheel cylinder pistons did not
the brake rotors retained by wheel lug nuts, exhibit unrestricted and even movement during
visually inspect the brake caliper pistondust apply andlor release of force, the wheel cylinder
boot (2) sealing area to ensure that there are no may require replacement.
brake fluid leaks.
. if any evidence of a brake fluid leak is present, the
brake caliper requires overhaul or replacement.
. While the brake system is at rest (4),observe the
position of the brake caliper piston (1) in relation to
the brake caliper housing.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-145

Brake Pipe and Hose Inspection Brake Pedal Pushrod Inspection

Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7.
1. Visually inspect all of the brake pipes for the
following conditions:
4 Kinks, incorrect routing, missing ordamaged
4 Leaking fittings, excessive corrosion
2. if any of the brake pipes exhibited any of the
conditions listed, then the identified pipe, or pipes,
require replacement.
3. Ensure that the vehicle axles are correctly
supported at ride height in order to maintain the
proper relationship of the flexible brake hoses to
the chassis.

1. Disconnect the brake pedal pushrod (2) from the
brake pedal.
2. Reposition the pedal pushrod boot (1) toward the
front of the vehicle to expose as much of the pedal
pushrod (2) as possible.
3. Inspect the brake pedal pushrod (2) for
4. Ifthe brake pedal pushrod (2) is not straight, then
the pushrod requires replacement.
5. Return the pedal pushrod boot (1) to its original
position on the pedal pushrod (2).
6. Connect the brake pedal pushrod (2) to the brake

Repair Instructions
4. Visually inspect all of the flexible brake hoses for
Master Cylinder Reservoir Filling
the following conditions:
4 Kinks (1),improper routing, twists, chafing, Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
missing or damaged retainers page 0-4.
4 Leaking connections, perished, cracked, Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
blistered, brittleor bulging hoses Electrical Components Caution on page 0—7.
5. Ifany of the flexible brake hoses exhibited any of 1. Visually inspect the brake fluid level through the
the conditions listed, then the identified flexible brake master cylinder reservoir.
brake hose, or hoses require replacement. 2. Ifthe brake fluid level is at or below the haIf—full
6. Squeeze the flexible brake hoses with firm finger point during routine fluid checks, the brake system
pressure to inspect for soft spots (2), indicating an should be inspected for wear and possible brake
internal restriction. Inspect the entire length of fluid leaks.
each flexible brake hose. 3. lfthe brake fluid level is at or below the half—full
7. Ifany of the flexible brake hoses were found to point during routine fluid checks, and an inspection
have soft spots (2),then the identified flexible of the brake system did not reveal wear or brake
brake hose, or hoses require replacement. fluid leaks, the brake fluid may be topped—offup to
the maximum-fill level.
4. If brake system service was just completed, the
brake fluid may be topped—offup to the
maximum-fill level.

5-146 Hydraulic Brakes
5. Ifthe brake fluid level is above the half—fullpoint,
adding brake fluid is not recommended under
normal conditions.
6. if brake fluid is to be added to the master cylinder
reservoir, clean the outside of the reservoir on and
around the reservoir cap prior to removing the cap
and diaphragm. Use only GM approved brake fluid
from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.

Master Cylinder Reservoir


Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
Electrical Components Caution on page 0—7.
1. Remove the brake master cylinder. Refer to Master
Cylinder Replacement on page 5-147.
3. Remove the master cylinder reservoir(1)by
carefully pulling straight upward.
4. Remove the brake fluid level indicator switch,
if necessary. Refer to Brake Fluid Level Indicator
Switch Replacement on page 5150.

2. Remove and discard the brake master cylinder
reservoir roll pin (1).

5. Remove the brake master cylinder reservoir
seals (1).
6. If replacing the master cylinder reservoir, discard
the reservoir seals.


Hydraulic Brakes 5-147

Installation Procedure

5. Install a new brake master cylinder reservoir
2511341 roll pin (1).
1. Lightly lubricate the brake master cylinder reservoir 6- Install the brake master cylinder. Refer to Master
seals (1)with GM approved brake fluid from a Cylinder Replacement on page 5—147.
clean, sealed, brake fluid container.
2. Install the lubricated brake master cylinder Master Cylinder Replacement
reservoirseals to the brake master cylinder.
Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7.
1. Place the ignition switch in the OFF position.
2. Remove the battery.Refer to Batte/y Replacement
on page 9-719.
3. Disconnect the brake fluid level indicator switch
electrical connector.
4. Using a suitable suction device, remove and
properly discard the brake fluid from the brake
master cylinder reservoir.
5. On manual transmission equipped vehicles,
disconnect the clutch master cylinder reservoir
hose. Refer to Clutch Master Cylinder Reservoir
Hose Replacement on page 17-407

3. Install the master cylinder reservoir (1) by firmly
pressing straight downward.
4. Install the brake fluid level indicator switch,
if removed. Refer to Brake Fluid Level Indicator
Switch Replacement on page 5-150.

2013 (5377994)
5-‘l48 Hydraulic Brakes

1 s; "
’9 . .‘.fixes. :4 /
4111\4... \ \44@

2511297 2511323
6. Disconnect the master cylinder secondary brake 10. Remove the master cylinder nuts (1).
pipe fitting (1)- 11. Remove the brake master cylinder.
7. Cap the brake pipe fitting and plug the master
cylinder outlet port to prevent brake fluid loss and

12. Remove the master cylinder seal (1).
2511300 13. inspect the master cylinder seal for damage or
deterioration and replace, if necessary.
8. Disconnect the master cylinder primary brake pipe
fittin (1) 14. Remove the brake fluid level indicator switch,
9 ' . . . if necessary. Refer to Brake Fluid Level Indicator
9. Cap the brake pipe fitting and plug the master Switch Replacement on page 5-150_
cylinder outlet port to prevent brake fluid loss and
contamination. 15. Remove the master cylinder reserVOIr,
if necessary. Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir
Replacement on page 5-146.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the master cylinder resen/oir, if removed.
Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir Replacement
on page 5146.
2. Bench bleed the master cylinder. Refer to Master
Cylinder Bench Bleeding on page 5-150.

Hydraulic Brakes 5-149
3. Installthe brake fluid level indicator switch,
if removed. Refer to Brake Fluid Level Indicator
Switch Replacement on page 5-150.



7. Connect the master cylinder primary brake pipe
fitting (1) and tighten to 18N4m(13 lb ft).
4. Installthe master cylinder seal (1).
5. Installthe master cylinder to the power vacuum
brake booster.

8. Connect the master cylinder secondary brake pipe
fitting (1) and tighten to 18N4m(13 lb ft).
9. On manual transmission equipped vehicles,
connect the clutch master cylinder reservoir hose.
_ , 2511323 Refer to Clutch Master Cylinder Reservoir Hose
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. . Replacement on page 17.407
6. Installthe master cylinder nuts (1) and tighten to 10. Connect the brake fluid level indicator switch
50 N4m(37 ”J ft)- electrical connector.
11. install the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement on
page 9—719.
12. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on
page 5169 or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5—170.

5-150 Hydraulic Brakes

Master Cylinder Bench Bleeding 8. Continue to depress and release the primary piston
until fluid flows freely from the ports with no
evidence of air bubbles.
9. Remove the transparent hoses from the master
cylinder reservoir.
10. Install the master cylinder reservoir cap and
11. Remove the fittings with the transparent hoses
from the master cylinder ports. Wrap the master
cylinderwith a clean shop cloth to prevent brake
fluid spills.
12. Remove the master cylinder from the vice.

Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch


Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the brake fluid level indicator switch
electrical connector.

2327941 \ o k ' ///

Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on 7
4' (9.631
U) '~\\\!
page 0-4. '
c §‘1\{\{‘\‘\‘»4 /
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and 5" \ v%
Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7. 4.43
1. Secure the mounting flange of the brake master
cylinder in a bench vice so that the rear of the
primary piston is accessible.
2. Remove the master cylinder reservoir cap and
3. Install suitable fittings to the master cylinder ports
that match the type of flare seat required and also
provide for hose attachment.
4. Install transparent hoses to the fittings installed to
the master cylinder ports, then route the hoses into
the master cylinder reservoir.
5. Fill the master cylinder reservoir to the maximum
fill level with brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake 2910018
fluid container. Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir
Filling on page 5-145. 2. Using a small, flat—bladedtool, lift the locking tab
6. Ensure that the ends of the transparent hoses on the underside of the brake fluid level indicator
running into the master cylinder reservoir are fully switch (1) and remove the switch.
submerged in the brake fluid. 3. Inspect the master cylinder reservoirfor damage
7. Using a smooth, round-ended tool, depress and and replace, if necessary. Refer to Master Cylinder
release the primary piston as far as it will travel, a Reservoir Replacement on page 5-146.
depth of about 25 mm (1 in), several times.
Observe the flow of fluid coming from the ports. Installation Procedure
As air is bled from the primary and secondary 1. Install the master cylinder reservoir, if removed.
pistons, the effort required to depress the primary Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir Replacement
piston will increase and the amount of travel will on page 5-146.


Hydraulic Brakes 0-151

\1\\‘\\\\ K
‘\ \Mfid‘
. \\ /‘fl\_
.-,4.‘ \ ,,
4 .N‘tmfi‘w W
.. V '—“_
:1 1' ll I

2910018 2539300
2. install the brake fluid level indicator switch (1) by 3. Remove the brake pedal assembly upper nuts (1)
pressing the switch firmly into the brake master
cylinder reservoir.
3. Connect the brake fluid level indicator switch
electrical connector. //\¥,

Brake Pedal Assembly Replacement ‘1'.

/V:- ‘ "lttlull'é‘
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.

‘ /I

. 411/’a‘\\
V\‘ 1. 2539301
- \Ftfirfl'fi! .-.
?&‘w‘ e I 4. Remove the brake pedal assembly lower nuts (1)
~ x“ 16‘ /,, ‘ ‘
5. Remove the steering column. Refer to Steering
Column Replacement on page 15-33.

2. Remove the power vacuum brake booster bolts (1).

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic {5377994)
5-152 Hydraulic Brakes

2539302 2539304
6. Remove the brake pedal release bracket bolt (1). 8. Remove the brake pedal release bracket (1).
9. Disconnect the brake pedal position sensor
electrical connector.
10. On manual transmission equipped vehicles,
disconnect the clutch pedal position sensor
electrical connector.

7. Remove the brake pedal release bracket bolts (1).

11. On manual transmission equipped vehicles,
disconnect the clutch master cylinder pushrod
retainer (1). Refer to Clutch Master Cylinder
Replacement on page 17—408

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 51-153

Vi? _


/@ gm t——“


12. On manual transmission equipped vehicles, 15. Remove the right upper brake pedal assembly
remove the clutch master cylinder bolts (1) and bolt (1).
position aside the clutch master cylinder (2)without
disconnecting the clutch fluid pipe. Clutch Master
Cylinder Replacement on page 17-408
13. Position aside any wiring harnesses attached to
the brake pedal assembly bracket, as necessary.

16. Using a suitable tool, carefully cut off the 2 upper
brake pedal assembly locating pins (1).
17. Remove the brake pedal assembly from the
2511810 vehicle.
18. Remove any necessary components from the
14. Remove the left upper brake pedal assembly brake pedal assembly.
bolt (1).
Installation Procedure
1. Using a suitable tool, carefully cut off the 2 upper
brake pedal assembly locating pins.
2. Install any removed components from the brake
pedal assembly.
3. Install the brake pedal assembly to the vehicle.

2013 (5377994)
5-154 Hydraulic Brakes

/17/1. ‘1‘“ “‘-

. 1“!“-~ \

2539301 2511814
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 6. Install the right upper brake pedal assembly
4. Install the brake pedal assembly lower nuts (1)and bolt (1) and tighten to 9N°m(80 lb in).
tighten to 19 Nm (14 lb ft).

v ', §§\ -¥
/\ T—F—fif—X

7. Install the teftupper brake pedal assembly
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. bolt (1)and tighten to 9 NW(80 lb in).
5. Install the brake pedal assembly upper nuts (1)and
8. Reposition any wiring harnesses attached to the
tighten to 19 N-m(14 lb ft). brake pedal assembly bracket, as necessary.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54 55

2492203 2539304
9. On manual transmission equipped vehicles, install 12. Install the brake pedal release bracket (1).
the clutch master cylinder bolts (1) and the clutch
master cylinder(2). Refer to Clutch Master
Cylinder Replacement on page 17—408.

13. Install the brake pedal release bracket bolts (1)and
2530987 tighten to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

10. On manual transmission equipped vehicles,

connect the clutch master cylinder pushrod
retainer (1). Refer to Clutch Master Cylinder
Replacement on page 17—408.
11. On manual transmission equipped vehicles,
connect the clutch pedal position sensor electrical

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
5-156 Hydraulic Brakes
Brake Pressure Modulator Valve Pipe

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7.
Caution: Always connect or disconnect the wiring
harness connector from the EBCM/EBTCM with the
ignition switch in the OFF position. Failure to observe
this precaution could result in damage to the EBCM/
1. Remove the battery.Refer to Battery Replacement
on page 9-719.
2. Clean the area surrounding the brake pressure
modulator valve (BPMV) of any accumulated dirt
H and debris.
14. Install the brake pedal release bracket bolt (1) and
tighten to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).
15. Connect the brake pedal position sensor electrical
16. Install the steering column. Refer to Steering
Column Replacement on page 15-33.

15 (“:13

3. Disconnect the master cylinder secondary brake
pipe fitting (1)from the master cylinder.
4. Plug the master cylinder outlet port to prevent
brake fluid loss and contamination.

17. Install the power vacuum brake booster
bolts (1) and tighten to 19 N-m(14 lb ft).
18. Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-157

2495345 2495349
5. Disconnect the master cylinder secondary brake 10. Disconnect the master cylinder primary brake pipe
pipe fitting(1)from the BPMV. fitting (1)from the BPMV.
6. Plug the BPMV inlet port to prevent brake fluid loss 11. Plug the BPMV inlet port to prevent brake fluid loss
and contamination. and contamination.
7. Remove the master cylinder secondary brake pipe 12. Remove the master cylinder primary brake pipe
assembly. assembly.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the master cylinder primary brake pipe

. '2

\V" .


8. Disconnect the master cylinder primary brake pipe
fitting(1)from the master cylinder.
9. Plug the master cylinder outlet port to prevent 2495349
brake fluid loss and contamination.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Connect the master cylinder primary brake pipe
fitting (1) to the BPMV and tighten to 18 Nm
(13 lb ft).

5458 Hydraulic Brakes

1 M "“1
\a\%§4\%§ “

“1151 4"?"

2511300 2511297

3. Connect the master cylinder primary brake pipe 6. Connect the master cylinder secondary brake pipe
fitting (1)to the master cylinder and tighten to fitting (1)to the master cylinder and tighten to
18N-m (13 lb ft). 18 N-m(13 lbft).
4. Install the master cylinder secondary brake pipe 7. Install the battery.Refer to Battery Replacement on
assembly. page 9—719.
8. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on
page 5-169 or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5—170.

Brake Pipe Replacement

Special Tools
CH-45405 Brake Pipe Flaring Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 5—181.

5. Connect the master cylinder secondary brake pipe
fitting (1) to the BPMV and tighten to 18 Nm
(13 lb ft).

Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-159
Warning: Always use double walled steel brake
pipe when replacing brake pipes. The use of any
other pipe is not recommended and may cause
brake system failure. Carefully route and retain
replacement brake pipes. Always use the correct
fasteners and the original location for replacement
brake pipes. Failure to properly route and retain
brake pipes may cause damage to the brake pipes
and cause brake system failure.
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
Electrical Components Caution on page 0—7.
Note: When servicing the brake pipes, note the
- Ifsectioning the brake pipe, use replacement
pipe ofthe same type and outside diameter.
- Use fittings ofthe appropriate size and type.
- Only create flares of the same type or design as
originally equipped on the vehicle.
1. Inspect the area of brake pipe to be repaired or
replaced. 900939
2. Release the brake pipe to be replaced from the 9. Strip the nylon coating from the brake pipe and to
retainers, as required. be flared, if necessary.
3. Select an appropriate location to section the brake 9.1. Select the appropriate blade on the coating
pipe, if necessary. stripping tool included in the CH-45405 Brake
- Allow adequate clearance in order to maneuver Pipe Flaring Kit, by unthreading the blade
the CH-45405 Brake Pipe Flaring Kit. block from the stripping tool and installing the
' Avoid sectioning the brake pipe at bands or block with the desired blade facing the tool
mounting points. rollers.
4. Using a string or wire, measure the length of the Specification
pipe to be replaced including all pipe bends. 0 6.35 mm (0.250 in) blade for 4.76 mm
5. Add to the measurement taken the appropriate (3/16in) diameter pipe
additional length required for each flare to be - 9.50 mm (0.374 in) blade for 6.35 mm
created. (1/4in) and 7.94 mm (5/16in)
Specification diameter pipe
- 6.35 mm (0.250 in) for 4.76 mm (3/16in) 9.2. Insertthe brake pipe end to be flared into the
diameter pipe stripping tool to the depth of the ledge on the
' 9.50 mm (0.374 in) for 6.35 mm (1/4in) tool rollers.
diameter pipe 9.3. While holding the brake pipe firmly against the
' 12.67 mm (0.499 in) for 7.94 mm (5/16in) stripping tool roller ledges, rotate the
diameter pipe thumbwheel of the tool until the blade contacts
the brake pipe coated surface.
Note: Ensure that the brake pipe end to be flared is cut
at a square, 90 degree angle to the pipe length. Note: Do not gouge the metal surface of the
brake pipe.
6. Using the pipe cutter included in the CH—45405
Brake Pipe Flaring Kit, carefully cut the brake pipe 9.4. Rotate the stripping tool in a clockwise
squarely to the measured length. direction, ensuring that the brake pipe end
remains against the tool roller ledges.
7. Remove the sectioned brake pipe from the vehicle.
9.5. After each successive revolution of the
8. Select the appropriate size of brake pipe and tube stripping toot, carefully rotate the thumbwheel
nuts, as necessary. The brake pipe outside of the tool clockwise, in order to continue
diameter determines brake pipe size. stripping the coating from the brake pipe until
the metal pipe surface is exposed.
9.6. Loosen the thumbwheel of the tool and
remove the brake pipe.
Note: Ensure that all loose remnants of the nylon
coating have been removed from the brake pipe.
9.7. Inspect the stripped and of the brake pipe to
ensure that the proper amount of coating has
been removed.

5460 Hydraulic Brakes
Specification 14. Select the corresponding die set and install the die
, 6.35 mm (0250 in) for 4.76 mm (3/161“) halves into'the die cage Wlththe full, flat face Of
diameter pipe one duefacmg the clamping screw, and the
. 9 50 mm (0 374 in)for6 35mm (“4 in) counterbores of both dies facmg the forming ram.
and 7.94 mm (5/16in) diameter pipe

900947 15. P_lacethe flat face of an unused die (1) against the
10. Chamfer the inside and outside diameter of the glgeatitraslyerfelgéfligabrgféggfggg 9%: firmly
pipe with the de-burring tool included in the . '
OH _45405 Brake Pipe - Kit.
- Flaring - 16. Insertthe prepared end of. the pipe . flared
. to be .
. . . through the back of the dies until the pipe ISseated
11. Install the tube nuts on the brake pipe, noting their against the flat surface of the unused die (1)
orientation. '
17. Remove the unused die (1).
12. Clean the brake pipe and the CH-45405 Brake Ensure that the rear of both dies are seated firmly
Pipe Flaring Kit of lubricant, contaminants, and
against the enclosed end of the die cage.
19. Firmly hand tighten the clamping screw (2) against
the dies.

13. Loosen the die clamping screw of the CH-45405 900944
Brake Pipe Flaring Kit.
20. Select the appropriate forming mandrel and place
into the forming ram.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54 61
21. Rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve clockwise to 28. While guiding the finishing cone into the exposed
the closed position. and of pipe to be flared, operate the lever of the
. Rotate the body of the CH—45405Brake Pipe CH-45405 Brake Pipe Flaring Kit until the finishing
Flaring Kit until it bottoms against the die cage. cone bottoms against the dies.
29. Rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve
counterclockwise to the open position to allow the
hydraulic forming ram to retract.
30. Loosen the die clamping screw and remove the
dies and pipe.
31. If necessary, lightly tap the dies until the die halves

23. While guiding the forming mandrel into the
exposed end of pipe to be flared, operate the lever
of the CH-45405 Brake Pipe Flaring Kit until the
forming mandrel bottoms against the
clamping dies.
24. Rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve
counterclockwise to the open position to allow the 1201234
hydraulic forming ram to retract. 32. Inspect the brake pipe flare for correct shape and
diameter (a).
. 6.74—7.10mm(0.265—0.279in)f1are diameter
for 4.76 mm (3/16in) diameter pipe
' 8.57—9.27mm (0344—0358 in) flare diameter
for 6.35 mm (1/4in) diameter pipe
- 10.42—10.79mm (0410—0425 in) flare
diameter for 7.94 mm (5/16 in) diameter pipe
33. lf necessary, using the removed section of brake
pipe as a template, shape the new pipe with a
suitable brake pipe bending tool.
Note: When installing the pipe, maintain a clearance of
19 mm (3/4in) from all moving or vibrating components.
34. Install the pipe to the vehicle with the appropriate
brake pipe unions, as required.
35. If previously released, secure the brake pipe to the
36. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on
900948 page 5-169 or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5—170.
25. Insertthe finishing cone into the forming ram.
37. With the aid of an assistant, inspect the brake pipe
26. Rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve clockwise to flares for leaks by starting the engine and applying
the closed position. the brakes.
27. Rotate the body of the CH-45405 Brake Pipe
Flaring Kit until it bottoms against the die cage.

- Sonic
5-162 Hydraulic Brakes

Front Brake Hose Replacement

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Dust Warning on page 0-4.
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on (GI)
page 0-4.
Danger: Do not use a service jack to lift this
vehicle. Lifting the vehicle with a jack could cause
the vehicle to slip off the jack and roll; this could
cause injury or death.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.

fix 9 F“ \ /
5. Remove the brake hose retainer(1).
b91 ©
1 , H \ \\

° :_ a)
“31 @215 /

:LQJ 7' . °
V (‘7

W. l m...

3. Remove the brake pipe fitting (1)from the front
brake hose.
4. Cap the brake pipe fitting to prevent brake fluid
loss and contamination.
6. Release the brake hose grommet (1)from the strut

Hydraulic Brakes 51 63

11’! ,_3.

! ' ' «(c 5‘


2387041 2396315
7. Remove the brake hose fitting bolt (1). 3. Installthe brake hose grommet (1)to the strut
8. Remove and discard the brake hose fitting bracket.
gaskets (2)from the brake hose fitting(3).
9. Remove the brake hose.
Installation Procedure
090 7!
Q9») lfa: V
(D) I Q ‘
. *4: @31

Rfil’fifié‘t’m" //
51% Ag \ ~"”""§~;~E,


4. Installthe brake hose to the wheelhouse bracket
and install the retainer(1).
1. Assemble the brake hose fitting bolt (1)and the
new brake hose fitting gaskets (2)to the brake
hose fitting(3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Install the brake hose assembly to the brake
caliper and tighten the fitting bolt to 40 Nm
(30 lb ft).

5:1 64 Hydraulic Brakes


1 @35\\ ./

o \
_ ’4’ A \
, __._ a
.2.» t@:; _/

mjl ~


WV} 1 W...

2512985 2456822
5. Installthe brake pipe fitting(1) to the front brake 3. Disconnect the brake pipe fittings (1)from the
hose and tighten the fittingto 18 N-m(13 lb ft). brake hose.
6. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to 4. Cap the brake pipe fittings to prevent brake fluid
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on loss and contamination.
page 5-169 or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5-170.
Install the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.

Rear Brake Hose Replacement (Body

to Axle - Drum Brake)

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Dust Warning on page 0-4.
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.

5. Remove the brake hose locking clips (1).
6. Remove the brake hose.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5—165
Installation Procedure Rear Brake Hose Replacement (Body
1. Install the brake hose to the brackets on the rear to Axle - Disc Brake)
and axle and floor panel.
Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Dust Warning on
page 0-4.
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.

2. Installthe brake hose locking clips (1).

3. Remove the brake pipe fitting (1)from the rear
brake hose.
4. Cap the brake pipe fitting to prevent brake fluid
loss and contamination.

‘ \ '- ((

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Connect the brake pipe fittings (1)to the brake
hose and tighten to 18 N-m(13 lb ft).
4. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on
page 5—169or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5—170.
5. Install the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16—60.


52166 Hydraulic Brakes
5. Remove the brake hose retainer (1). Installation Procedure
1. Install the brake hose.


6. Remove the brake pipe fitting (1)from the rear 2844653
brake hose. 2. Install the brake hose retainer(1).
7. Cap the brake pipe fitting to prevent brake fluid
loss and contamination.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the brake pipe fitting (1)to the rear brake
8. Remove the brake hose retainer (1). hose and tighten the fitting to 18 NW(13 lb ft).
9. Remove the brake hose.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 51 67

Rear Brake Hose Replacement (Axle

to Caliper)

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Brake Dust Warning on
page 0-4.
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.

4. Install the brake hose retainer (1).

,3. Remove the brake pipe fitting (1)from the rear
brake hose.
4. Cap the brake pipe fitting to prevent brake fluid
loss and contamination.

5. Install the brake pipe fitting(1)to the rear brake
hose and tighten the fitting to 18 N-m(13 lb ft).
6. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on
page 5169 or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5-170.
7. Install the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.


2013 (5377994)
51 68 Hydraulic Brakes
5. Remove the brake hose retainer(1).

\. 3
. X .[r/

11’1‘9’4355 5““;
9'96 (

3 2 %%
3. Install the brake hose to the wheelhouse bracket
2843788 and install the retainer(1).
6. Remove the brake hose fitting bolt (1).
Note: Do not reuse the brake hose fitting gaskets.
7. Remove and discard the brake hose fitting
gaskets (2)from the brake hose fitting (3).
8. Remove the brake hose.
Installation Procedure

4. Install the brake pipe fitting(1)to the rear brake
hose and tighten the fitting to 18 Nm (13 lb ft).
5. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on
page 5-169 or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding
(Manual) on page 5-170.
2843788 6. Install the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
1. Assemble the brake hose fitting bolt (1)and the page 16-60.
new brake hose fitting gaskets (2)to the brake
hose fitting (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 078.
2. Install the brake hose assembly to the brake
caliper and tighten the fitting bolt to 40 N-m
(30 lb ft).

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5=~169

Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding the component and repeat steps 3.3—3.8until
each of the ports on the component has
(Pressure) been bled.
Special Tools 3.10. After completing the final component port
bleeding procedure, ensure that each of the
- CH—29532Diaphragm Type Brake Pressure brake pipe fittings is properly tightened.
Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the
- CH-35589-A Brake Pressure Bleeder Adapter maximum—filllevel with the approved brake fluid
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. Ensure
page 0-4. the master cylinder reservoir remains at least
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and half—fullduring this bleeding procedure. Add fluid
Electrical Components Caution on page 0—7. as needed to remain the proper level.
1. Place a clean shop cloth beneath the brake master Clean the outside of the reservoir on and around
cylinder reservoir to catch brake fluid spills. the reservoir cap prior to removing the cap and
2. With the ignition OFF and the brakes cool, apply
the brakes 3—5times, or until the brake pedal effort Set up the brake pressure bleeder following the
manufacturer's instructions. _
increases significantly, to deplete the brake
booster power reservoir. Open the brake pressure bleeder fluid valve to
3. Ifyou have performed a master cylinder bench allow pressurized brake fluid to enter the brake
bleeding on this vehicle, or if you have system.
disconnected the brake pipes from the Wait approximately 30 seconds, and then inspect
proportioning valve assembly or the brake the entire hydraulic brake system in order to
modulator assembly, you must perform the ensure that there are no existing external brake
following steps to bleed air at the ports of the fluid leaks. ‘
hydraulic components. Any brake fluid leaks identified require repair prior
3.1. Fill the master cylinder reservoir to the to completing this procedure.
maximum-fulllevel with the approved brake
fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.
lf removal of the reservoir cap and diaphragm
is necessary, clean the outside of the reservoir
on and around the cap prior to removal.
3.2. With the brake pipes installed securely to the
master cylinder, proportioning valve assembly,
or the brake pressure modulator valve
assembly, loosen and separate one of the
brake pipes from the port of the component.
Note: For the proportioning valve assembly or the
brake pressure modulator valve assembly, perform
these steps in the sequence of system flow; begin with
the fluid feed pipes on the master cylinder.
3.3. Allow a small amount of brake fluid to gravity
bleed from the open port of the component.
3.4. Connect the brake pipe fitting to the
component and tighten securely.
3.5. Have an assistant slowly depress the brake
pedal fully and maintain steady pressure on
the pedal. 2327910
3.6. Loosen the same brake pipe fittingto burge air
from the open port of the component. Install a proper box-end wrench onto the RIGHT
REAR wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve (1).
3.7. Tighten the brake pipe fitting, then have the
assistant slowly release the brake pedal. . Install a transparent hose over the end of the wheel
hydraulic Circuit bleeder valve (1).
3.8. Wait 15 seconds, then repeat steps 3.3—3.7
until all air is purged from the same port of 10. Submerge the open end of the transparent hose
each component. into a transparent container (2) partially filled with
the approved brake fluid from a clean, sealed
3.9. With the brake pipe fitting installed securely to brake fluid container.
the master cylinder, proportioning valve
assembly, or brake pressure modulator 11. Loosen the bleeder valve to purge air from the
assembly after all air has been purged from wheel hydraulic circuit. Allow fluid to flow until air
the first port of the component that was bled, bubbles stop flowing from the bleeder, then tighten
loosen and separate the next brake pipe from the bleeder valve.
12. Tighten the wheel circuit bleeder valve securely.

2013 (5377994)
5:170 Hydraulic Brakes
13. install a proper box—endwrench onto the LEFT use of any type of fluid other than the recommended
FRONT wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve. type of brake fluid, may cause contamination which
14. install a transparent hose over the end of the wheel could result in damage to the internal rubber seals and/
hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, then repeat steps or rubber linings of hydraulic brake system
10—12. components.
15. Install a proper box—endwrench onto the LEFT Ifhydraulic components were serviced on only one
REAR wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve. wheel hydraulic circuit, perform the following
16. Install a transparent hose over the end of the wheel procedure.
hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, then repeat steps Bleeding a Single Hydraulic Brake Circuit
10~12. 1. With the ignition OFF and the brakes cool, apply
17. install a proper box—endwrench onto the RIGHT the brakes 3—5times, or until the brake pedal effort
FRONTwheeI hydraulic circuit bleeder valve. increases significantly, in order to deplete the
18. Install a transparent hose over the end of the wheel brake booster power reserve.
hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, then repeat steps 2. Place a clean shop cloth beneath the brake master
10—12. cylinder to catch brake fluid spills.
19. After completing the final wheel hydraulic circuit 3. Clean the outside of the reservoir on and around
bleeding procedure, ensure that each of the 4 the reservoir cap prior to removing the cap and
wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valves is properly diaphragm.
tightened. 4. Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the
20. Close the brake pressure bleeder fluid valve. maximum-full level with GM approved brake fluid
21. Remove the brake pressure bleeder from the brake from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. Add
master cylinder reservoir. brake fluid as needed to ensure that the brake
22. Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the master cylinder reservoir remains at least half—full
maximum-full level with the approved brake fluid throughout the bleed procedure. The reservoir cap
from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. must be installed at all times except when filling the
reservoir. Refer to Fluid and Lubricant
23. Slowly depress and release the brake pedal. Recommendations on page 1—35.
Observe the feel of the brake pedal.
5. Install a proper box-end wrench onto the wheel
24. Ifthe brake pedal feels spongy, repeat the bleeding hydraulic circuit bleeder valve which has been
procedure again. Ifthe brake pedal still feels serviced.
spongy after repeating the bleeding procedure,
perform the following step: 6. install a transparent hose over the end of the
bleeder valve.
24.1. Inspect the brake system for external leaks.
Refer to Brake System External Leak 7. Submerge the open end of the transparent hose
Inspection on page 5—143. into a transparent container partially filled with
brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid
24.2. Ifequipped with antilock brakes, using a scan container.
toll, perform the antilock brake system
automated bleeding procedure to remove 8. Have an assistant slowly press the brake pedal
any air that may have been trapped in the fully and maintain steady pressure on the pedal.
brake pressure modulator valve (BPMV). 9. Loosen the bleeder valve to purge airfrom the
Refer to Antilock Brake System Automated wheel hydraulic circuit.
Bleed on page 5—38 10. Tighten the bleeder valve, then have the assistant
25. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF. Check slowly release the brake pedal.
to see if the brake system warning lamp is 11. Wait 15 seconds, then repeat steps 8—10until all air
illuminated. is purged from the wheel hydraulic Circuit.
Note: DO NOTallow the vehicle to be driven until it is 12. After all air has been purged from the hydraulic
diagnosed and repaired. circuit, tighten the bleeder valve and install the
26. Ifthe brake system warning lamp remains dust cap.
illuminated, refer to Symptoms - Hydraulic Brakes 13. Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the
on page 5-111. maximum-fill level with GM approved brake fluid
from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding 14. Slowly press and release the brake pedal. Observe
the brake pedal feel.
15. lfthe brake pedal feels spongy, perform the
Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on Bleeding the Complete Brake Hydraulic System
page 0-4. procedure:
Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and 16. Turn the ignition key ON, with the engine OFF.
Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7. Check to see if the brake system warning lamp
Caution: Only use products that comply with GM remains illuminated.
specifications and check manufacturer information Note: DO NOTallow the vehicle to be driven until it is
respectively. We recommend the use of GM genuine diagnosed and repaired.
products. instructions must be followed at all times. The

Hydraulic Brakes 5-1'71

17. Ifthe brake system warning lamp remains 6.10. Repeat steps 6.2—6.7for the rear port of the
illuminated, refer to Diagnostic Starting Point - brake master cylinder.
Vehicle on page 6—66. 6.11. After all air is purged from the rear port of the
brake master cylinder, tighten the rear
Bleeding the Complete Brake Hydraulic System master cylinder brake pipe fitting. Refer to
1. With the ignition OFF and the brakes cool, apply Fastener Tightening Specifications on
the brakes 3—5times, or until the brake pedal effort page 5-108.
increases significantly, in order to deplete the 6.12. Slowly press and release the brake pedal.
brake booster power reserve. Observe the brake pedal feel.
. Place a clean shop cloth beneath the brake master 6.13. Ifthe brake pedal feels spongy, proceed to
cylinder to catch brake fluid spills. step 7.
Clean the outside of the reservoir on and around 6.14. if the brake pedal feels firm, proceed to
the reservoir cap prior to removing the cap and step 24.
. Ifthe brake pipes have been removed from the
Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the brake pressure modulator valve (BPMV) assembly,
maximum—fulllevel with GM approved brake fluid if equipped, or the brake proportion valve
from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. Add assembly, if equipped, air must be purged from
brake fluid as needed to ensure that the brake each port of the respective assembly beginning
master cylinder reservoir remains at least half—full with the feed pipes from the master cylinder.
throughout the bleed procedure. The reservoir cap
must be installed at all times except when filling the 7.1. Loosen and separate one of the master
cylinder brake pipe fittings from the inlet port of
reservoir. Refer to Fluid and Lubricant
Recommendations on page 1-35. the assembly to be bled.
7.2. Allow a small amount of brake fluid to gravity
if the master cylinder was replaced, the master
cylinder must be bench bled. Refer to Master bleed from the open port of the assembly.
Capture and properly dispose of the brake
Cylinder Bench Bleeding on page 5—150.
fluid in an approved container.
Ifthe brake pipes have been removed from the
master cylinder, the following steps must be 7.3. install the brake pipe fitting and to the inlet port
performed. of the assembly and tighten securely.
7.4. Have an assistant slowly press the brake
6.1. With the rear brake pipe installed securely to
the master cylinder, loosen and separate the pedal fully and maintain steady pressure on
front brake pipe fitting from the front port of the the pedal.
brake master cylinder. 7.5. Loosen the same brake pipe fitting to purge air
from the open port of the assembly.
6.2. Allow a small amount of brake fluid to gravity
bleed from the open port of the master 7.6. Tighten the brake pipe fitting,then have the
cylinder. Capture and properly dispose of the assistant slowly release the brake pedal.
brake fluid in an approved container. 7.7. Wait 15 seconds, then repeat
6.3. install the front brake pipe fitting to the front steps 7.4-7.6 until all air is purged from the
port of the brake master cylinder and tighten brake pipe fitting of the assembly.
the fitting.Refer to Fastener Tightening 7.8. Repeat steps 7.1—7.7for all of the remaining
Specifications on page 5-108. ports of the assembly.
6.4. Have an assistant slowly press the brake 7.9. After bleeding each port of the assembly,
pedal fully and maintain steady pressure on tighten all of the brake pipe fittings on the
the pedal. assembly. Refer to Fastener Tightening
6.5. Loosen the front brake pipe fitting from the Specifications on page 5108.
front port of the brake master cylinder to purge 7.10. Fill the master cylinder reservoir to the
air from the master cylinder port. maximum-full level with GM approved brake
6.6. Tighten the front brake pipe fitting,then have fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid
the assistant slowly release the brake pedal. container.
6.7. Wait 15 seconds, then repeat 7.11. Slowly press and release the brake pedal.
steps 6.4—6.6until all air is purged from the Observe the brake pedal feel.
front brake pipe fitting of the front port of the 7.12. if the brake pedal feels spongy, proceed to
master cylinder. step 8.
6.8. After all air is purged from the front port of the 7.13. Ifthe brake pedal feels firm, proceed to
brake master cylinder, tighten the front master step 24.
cylinder brake pipe fitting. Refer to Fastener . Install a proper box—endwrench onto the RIGHT
Tightening Specifications on page 5-108. REAR wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve.
6.9. With the front brake pipe fitting installed . Install a transparent hose over the end of the
securely to the front port of the brake master bleeder valve.
cylinder, loosen and separate the rear brake
pipe fittingfrom the rear port of the brake
master cylinder.

2013 (5377994)
51 72 Hydraulic Brakes
10. Submerge the open end of the transparent hose Hydraulic Brake System Flushing
into a transparent container partially filled with GM
approved brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake Warning: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning on
fluid container. page 0-4.
11. Have an assistant slowly press the brake pedal Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
fully and maintain steady pressure on the brake Electrical Components Caution on page 0-7.
pedaL 1. lnspect the brake fluid for the following conditions,
12. Loosen the bleeder valve to purge airfrom the indicating brake fluid contamination:
wheel hydraulic circuit. - Fluid separation, indicating 2types offluid are
13. Tighten the bleeder valve, then have the assistant present. A substance other than the
slowly release the brake pedal. recommended brake fluid has been introduced
14. Wait 15 seconds,then repeatsteps11-13 until all into the brake hydraulic system.
air is purged from the wheel hydraulic circuit. —Swirled appearance —oil-based substance
15. Tighten the RIGHT REAR hydraulic wheel circuit -—Layered appearance —silicone-based
bleeder valve securely. substance
16. Install a proper box—endwrench onto the LEFT - Fluid discoloration, indicating the presence of
REAR wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, then moisture or particles that have been introduced
repeat steps 9—14.. into the brake hydraulic system.
17. Install a proper box—endwrench onto the RIGHT —Cloudy appearance —moisture
FRONT wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, then —— Dark appearance/suspended particles in fluid
repeat steps 9—14.. —dirt, rust, corrosion andlor brake dust
18. Install a proper box-end wrench onto the LEFT 2. Inspect the master cylinder reservoir cap
FRONT wheel hydraulic circuit bleeder valve, then diaphragm and the reservoir-to-master cylinder
repeat steps 9-14.. grommets for swelling, indicating brake fluid
19. After completing the final wheel hydraulic circuit contamination.
bleeding procedure, tighten all of the wheel 3. if the brake fluid WAS contaminated with an
hydraulic circuit bleeder valves and install the oil—basedor a silicone-based substance, indicated
bleeder valve dust caps. by fluid separation and/or a swollen master
20. Fill the master cylinder reservoir to the cylinder reservoir cap diaphragm andlor swollen
maximum-full level with GM approved brake fluid reservoir—to-mastercylinder grommets, perform the
from a clean, sealed brake fluid container. following:
21. Slowly press and release the brake pedal. Observe 3.1. Remove ALL of the following components
the brake pedal feel. listed from the vehicle. Each component
22. Ifthe brake pedal feels spongy, perform the contains internal rubber seals/linings which
following procedure. have been contaminated by the contaminated
brake fluid in the brake hydraulic system.
22.1. Ifequipped with antilock brakes, install a
scan tool and perform the Antilock Brake Refer to the procedures indicated:
System Automated Bleed on page 5-38 to . Master Cylinder Replacement on
remove air which may be trapped in page 5-147
the BPMV. . Front Brake Hose Replacement on
22.2. Inspect the hydraulic brake system for page 5-162
external leaks. Refer to Brake System - Rear Brake Hose Replacement (Body to
External Leak Inspection on page 5-143. Axle - Drum Brake) on page 5—164or Rear
22.3. Repeat the Bleeding the Complete Brake Brake Hose Replacement (Body to Axle -
Hydraulic System procedure. Disc Brake) on page 5—165or Rear Brake
23. Ifthe brake pedal still feels spongy, pressure bleed Hose Replacement (Axle to Caliper) on
the hydraulic brake system. Refer to Hydraulic page 5-167
Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) on page 5-169 ~Front Brake Caliper Replacement on
or Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual) on page 5-65
page 5—170 - Rear Brake Cylinder Replacement on
24. Turn the ignition switch ON with the engine OFF. page 5—102
Check to see if the brake system warning lamp . Brake Pressure Modulator Valve
remains illuminated. Replacement on page 5—40
Note: DO NOTallow the vehicle to be driven until the 3.2. Clean out all the hydraulic brake pipes using
brake system is diagnosed and repaired. denatured alcohol, or equivalent.
25. if the brake system warning lamp remains 3.3. Dry the brake pipes using non-lubricated,
illuminated, refer to Diagnostic Starting Point - filtered air.
Vehicle on page 6-66.

Hydraulic Brakes 5-173
3.4. Repair or replace ALL of the following
components listed and install them to the
vehicle. Each component contains internal
rubber sealsllinings which have been
contaminated by the contaminated brake fluid
in the brake hydraulic system.
Refer to the procedures indicated:
- Master Cylinder Replacement on
page 5147; also perform the following:
- Clean the brake master cylinder reservoir
using denatured alcohol, or equivalent, then
dry the reservoir using non—lubricated,
filtered air. Inspect the reservoir for cracks
andlor damage and replace if necessary.
Refer to Master Cylinder Reservoir
Replacement on page 5-146.
- Front Brake Hose Replacement on
page 5-162
- Rear Brake Hose Replacement (Body to
Axle - Drum Brake) on page 5-164 or Rear
Brake Hose Replacement (Body to AX/e - 2512974
Disc Brake) on page 5-165 or Rear Brake
Hose Replacement (Axle to Caliper) on . Remove the power brake booster vacuum check
page 5-167 valve (1)from the power vacuum brake booster.
Front Brake Caliper Replacement on . Remove the instrument panel lower trim pad cover.
page 5-65 Refer to InstrumentPanel Lower TrimPad Cover
Replacement (WithoutAAL) on page 2-40 or
Rear Brake Cylinder Replacement on InstrumentPanel Lower TrimPad Cover
page 5—102 Replacement (With AAL) on page 2-41.
° Brake Pressure Modulator Valve
Replacement on page 5-40
4. Ifthe brake fluid WAS NOT contaminated with an
oil-based or a silicone-based substance, but WAS
contaminated with water or dirt, rust, corrosion,
andlor brake dust, replace the brake master
cylinder reservoir cap diaphragm which may have
allowed the moisture or particles to enter the
hydraulic system.
5. Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the
maximum-fili level with the approved brake fluid
from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.
6. Pressure bleed the hydraulic brake system. Begin
the procedure with the pressure bleeder reservoir
filled to the maximum-fill level with the correct
brake fluid as indicated. Refer to Hydraulic Brake
System Bleeding (Pressure) on page 5-169 or
Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual) on
page 5—170.

Power Vacuum Brake Booster

Replacement 2539396

Removal Procedure . Compress the tabs on the top and bottom of the
brake booster pushrod retainer (1)and lift the
1. With the engine OFF, apply and release the brake brake pedal (2) rearward to disconnect the brake
pedal several times until the pedal becomes firm to pedal from the power brake booster pushrod.
deplete the power vacuum brake booster vacuum
reserve. . Inspect the brake booster pushrod retainer for
damage and replace, if necessary.
2. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721. . Remove the master cylinder. Refer to Master
Cylinder Replacement on page 5-147.
3. Disconnect the power vacuum brake booster
vacuum sensor electrical connector, if equipped.

5-174 Hydraulic Brakes
Installation Procedure
1. Install the power vacuum brake booster gasket,
if removed.

9 . Ifequipped with antilock brakes, disconnect the
front and rear brake pipe fittings (1)from the brake
pressure modulator valve (BPMV). Refer to Brake
Pressure Modulator Valve Replacement on 2511360
page 5-40.
2. Installthe power vacuum brake booster and bolts.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Note: Do not over tighten the power vacuum brake
booster bolts. if the power vacuum brake booster bolts
are over tightened, the brake pedal may remain applied
after a high pressure brake pedal application.
3. Installthe power vacuum brake booster
bolts (1)and tighten to 19 N-m(14 lb ft).

10. Completely loosen the power vacuum brake
booster bolts (1).
11. Remove the power vacuum brake booster.
12. Inspect the power vacuum brake booster gasket
for damage and replace, if necessary.

4. if equipped with antilock brakes, connect the front
and rear brake pipe fittings (1)to the brake
pressure modulator valve (BPMV). Refer to Brake
Pressure Modulator Valve Replacement on
page 5-40.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 54175
5. Install the master cylinder. Refer to Master Cylinder 10. Install the instrument panel lower trim pad cover.
Replacement on page 5-147. Refer to Instrument Panel Lower TrimPad Cover
Replacement (WithoutAAL) on page 2-40 or
InstrumentPanel Lower TrimPad Cover
Replacement (WithAAL) on page 2—41.
11. Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9—721 .
Power Brake Booster Vacuum Check
Valve and Hose Replacement
a ‘2 " \"’
, //\\\ Removal Procedure
1. With the engine OFF, apply and release the brake
pedal several times to deplete the power vacuum
brake booster vacuum reserve.

6. Installthe power brake booster vacuum check
valve (1)to the power vacuum brake booster.
7. Connect the power vacuum brake booster vacuum
sensor electrical connector, if equipped.


2. Disconnect the power brake booster check
valve (1)from the power vacuum brake booster

8. Installthe power brake booster pushrod
retainer (1)to the power brake booster pushrod,
if removed.
Note: Ensure the power vacuum brake booster
pushrod retainer is fully seated in the brake pedal arm.
9. Position the brake pedal (2)to the power brake
booster pushrod retainer and firmly seat the brake
pedal to the retainer.


2013 (5377994)
5:176 Hydraulic Brakes
3. Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum pipe Power Brake Booster Vacuum
quick connect (1)from the intake manifold
vacuum port. Sensor Replacement
4. Remove the power brake booster vacuum pipe. Removal Procedure
Installation Procedure 1. With the engine OFF, apply and release the brake
pedal several times to deplete the power vacuum
1. Install the power brake booster vacuum pipe to the brake booster vacuum reserve.
2. Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum
sensor electrical connector.

2. Connect the power brake booster vacuum pipe 2511345
quick connect (1)to the intake manifold
vacuum port. 3. Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum
sensor (1)from the power vacuum brake booster

Note: A small amount of denatured alcohol may be 2511347
used to lubricate the power vacuum brake booster
grommet. . Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum 'pipe
3. Install the power brake booster check valve (1)to quick connect (1)from the power brake
the power vacuum brake booster grommet. booster pump.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5a'l 77

2511350 2511347
5. Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum pipe 3. Connect the power brake booster vacuum pipe
quick connect (1)from the intake manifold fitting. quick connect (1)to the power brake
6. Remove the power brake booster vacuum pipe and booster pump.
vacuum sensor assembly.
Installation Procedure
1. install the power brake booster vacuum pipe and
vacuum sensor assembly.

Note: A small amount of denatured alcohol may be
used as a lubricant for assembly.
4. Connect the power brake booster vacuum
sensor (1) to the power vacuum brake booster
2511350 grommet.
2. Connect the power brake booster vacuum pipe 5. Connect the power brake booster vacuum sensor
quick connect (1)to the intake manifold fitting. electrical connector.

5178 Hydraulic Brakes

Power Brake Booster Pump


Removal Procedure
1. With the engine OFF, apply the brake pedal
several times until the brake pedal becomes firm to
deplete the vacuum brake booster vacuum
2. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.
3. Disconnect the power brake booster pump
electrical connector.

7. Remove the power brake booster pump front
bracket bolt (1).

4. Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum pipe
quick connect (1)from the power brake
booster pump.
5. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
6. Remove the left front tire and wheel assembly.
Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
on page 16-60.
8. Disconnect the power brake booster pump vent
hose grommet (1).
9. Release the vent hose from the vehicle body.

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5-179

2511351 2511355
10. Remove the power brake booster pump bracket . Install the vent hose to the vehicle body.
bolt (1)and nut(2). ‘ . Connect the power brake booster pump vent hose
11. Lower the vehicle. grommet (1).
12. Remove the power brake booster pump.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the power brake booster pump.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.

6. install the power brake booster pump front bracket
bolt (1) and tighten to 22 Nm (16 lb ft).
7. Install the left front tire and wheel assembly. Refer
to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.
2511351 8. Lower the vehicle.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the power brake booster pump bracket
bolt (1) and nut (2)and tighten to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

5=180 Hydraulic Brakes
System Operation
Under normal driving conditions, without the brakes
applied, vacuum is allowed to act on both sides of the
diaphragm within the vacuum brake booster. When the
brake pedal is applied, the effort by the driver is
multiplied due to the relative length of the brake pedal
in relationship to its pivot point and the point at which
the push rod to the vacuum brake booster is attached.
Movement of the push rod causes a valve within the
vacuum brake booster to close between the two sides
of the diaphragm, thus isolating each side. Italso
allows a valve to open that allows atmospheric
pressure to act on the pedal side of the vacuum brake
booster while maintaining vacuum on the vacuum
source side of the diaphragm. The movement of the
brake pedal pushrod is transferred to the hydraulic
brake master cylinder via the vacuum brake booster.
The pressure differential within the vacuum brake
booster reduces the effort required by the driver in
applying the brakes.
Brake Booster Vacuum Assist
9. Connect the power brake booster'vacuum pipe
quick connect (1) to the power brake Description and Operation
booster pump. In order to assure that vacuum is available to the
10. Connect the power brake booster pump electrical vacuum brake booster, the car can contain a vacuum
connector. pump either in addition to the normal intake manifold
vacuum source or as stand—alone.The pump provides
11. Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray negative pressure when the engine cannot properly
Replacement on page 9-721. accommodate the requirement, e.g. cold start, heavy
throttle, high altitude and turbo pressure.
Description and Operation
The mechanical vacuum pump is driven by a camshaft.
Brake Assist System Description and The pump delivers maximum vacuum irrespective of
Operation engine RPM. This means that the pump, in certain
situations, delivers more negative pressure than the
System Component Description system uses.
The brake assist system consists of the following: Electrical
Brake Pedal: Receives, multiplies and transfers brake A low vacuum switch controls the 12 V to the relay coil
system input force from driver. in the brake vacuum assist pump. When more vacuum
Brake Pedal Pushrod: Transfers multiplied input force is needed the vacuum switch closes. The relay coil
received from the brake pedal to the vacuum brake closes the relay contact and connects the electric motor
booster. to ground. The electric motor is fed with 12 V. When
Vacuum Brake Booster: Uses source vacuum to sufficient vacuum is reached the switch opens and the
decrease effort required by driver when applying brake pump stops.
system input force. At rest, source vacuum is applied to A venturi is connected between the intake manifold and
both sides of the vacuum diaphragm for single booster. the vacuum brake booster, amplifying the vacuum. This
Return springs maintain the booster in a rest position. reduces the on-time for the pump. To prevent air flowing
When brake system input force is applied, vacuum to in the wrong direction check valves are used.
the rear of the diaphragm is cut off, and air at
atmospheric pressure is admitted in its place. This
provides a decrease in brake pedal effort required.
When input force is removed, vacuum again replaces
atmospheric pressure within the booster.
Vacuum Source: Supplies force used by vacuum
brake booster to decrease brake pedal effort.The
source vacuum for a spark ignition engine is normally
derived from the intake manifold.
Vacuum Source Delivery System: Enables delivery
and retention of source vacuum for vacuum brake

2013 (5377994)
Hydraulic Brakes 5481

Brake Warning System Description System Operation

and Operation Mechanical force is converted into hydraulic pressure
by the master cylinder, regulated to meet braking
Brake Warning Indicator system demands by the pressure balance control
system, and delivered to the hydraulic brake wheel
The instrument cluster turns the brake warning
circuits by the pipes and flexible hoses. The wheel
indicator ON when the following occurs:
apply components then convert the hydraulic pressure
- The instrument cluster performs the bulb check. back into mechanical force which presses brake linings
The brake warning indicator illuminates for 5 s. against rotating brake system components.
- When the Electronic Brake Control Module
(EBCM) detects low brake fluid level it sends a Special Tools and Equipment
serial data message to the instrument cluster,
which will illuminate the red brake indicator.
- The Body Control Module (BCM) detects that the Illustration Tool Number]Description
parking brake is engaged. The instrument cluster
receives a serial data message from the BCM
requesting illumination.
Driver Information Center Messages CH 28662
When the Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) J 28662
detects low brake fluid level it sets DTC C0267 and BrakePedal EffortGauge
sends a serial data message to the Driver Information
Center , which will display Brake Fluid Low message.

Hydraulic Brake System Description 1006

and Operation

System Component Description

The hydraulic brake system consists of the following: CH 29532
Hydraulic Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir: J 29532
Contains a supply of brake fluid for the hydraulic brake DiaphragmPressure
system. Bleeder
Hydraulic Brake Master Cylinder: Converts
mechanical inputforce into hydraulic output pressure.
Hydraulic output pressure is distributed from the master 153125
cylinder through two hydraulic circuits, supplying
diagonally-opposed wheel apply circuits.
Hydraulic Brake Pressure Balance Control
System: Regulates brake fluid pressure delivered to
hydraulic brake wheel circuits, in order to control the CH 35589-A
distribution of braking force. Pressure balance control J 35589—A
on non-ABS equipped vehicles, is achieved through a BrakePressureBleeder
proportioning valve assembly. Pressure balance control Adapter
on ABS equipped vehicles, is achieved through
electronic brake distribution (EBD), which is a function
of the ABS modulator.
Hydraulic Brake Pipes and Flexible Brake Hoses:
Carries brake fluid to and from hydraulic brake system
Hydraulic Brake Wheel Apply Components:
Converts hydraulic input pressure into mechanical CH 45405
output force.
J 45405
BrakePipe FlaringKit



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