Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
The piezoelectric effect was discovered by Pierre and Jacques Curie in
1880. It remained a mere curiosity until the 1940s. The property of
certain crystals to exhibit electrical charges under mechanical loading
was of no practical use until very high input impedance amplifiers
enabled engineers to amplify their signals. In the 1950s, electrometer
tubes of sufficient quality became available and the piezoelectric effect
was commercialized.
The charge amplifier principle was patented by W.P. Kistler in 1950 and
gained practical significance in the 1960s. The introduction of MOSFET
solid state circuitry and the development of highly insulating materials
such as Teflon and Kapton greatly improved performance and propelled
the use of piezoelectric sensors into virtually all areas of modern
technology and industry.
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Basically the charge amplifier consists of a high-gain inverting voltage
amplifier with a MOSFET or JFET at its input to achieve high insulation
resistance. A simplified model of the charge amplifier is shown below in
Figure 4.
Ct = transducer capacitance
Cc= cable capacitance
Cr = range (or feedback) capacitor
Rt = time constant resistor (or insulation of range capacitor)
Ri = insulation resistance of input circuit (cable and transducer)
q = charge generated by the transducer
Vo = output voltage
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
For sufficiently high open loop gain, the cable and transducer
capacitance can be neglected and the output voltage depends only on
the input charge and the range capacitance.
= Rt
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Many Kistler charge amplifiers have selectable time constants which are
altered by changing the time constant resistor (Rt). Several of these
charge amplifiers have a "Short", "Medium" or "Long" time constant
selection switch. In the "Long" position, drift dominates any time
constant effect. As long as the input insulation resistance (Rj) is
maintained at greater than 1013 ohms, the charge amplifier (with
MOSFET input) will drift at an approximate rate of 0.03 pC/s. Charge
amplifiers with J-FET inputs are available for industrial applications but
have an increased drift rate of about 0.3 pC/s.
When measuring events with wide (or multiple) pulse widths, the time
constant should be at least 100 times longer than the total event
duration. Otherwise, the DC component of the output signal will decay
towards zero before the event is completed.
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
The steady state output voltage is essentially the input voltage at the
MOSFET Gate plus any offset bias adjustment. The voltage sensitivity
of a PIEZOTRON unit can be approximated by:
The range capacitance (Cd and time constant resistor (Rt) are designed
to provide a predetermined sensitivity (mV/g) and upper and lower
usable frequency. The exact sensitivity is measured during calibration
and its value is recorded on each unit's calibration certificate.
Time Constant
The time constant of a PIEZOTRON or PICOTRON transducer is:
TC = Rt (Cq + Cr + CG)
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Time Constant
Bias decoupling methods can be categorized as AC or DC. DC methods
of bias decoupling will not effect a low impedance transducer's time
constant and therefore permit optimum low frequency response. An
offset voltage adjust is used to "zero" the bias. AC decoupling methods,
however, can shorten the low impedance transducer's time constant
and degrade low frequency response. In low impedance systems, with
AC bias decoupling the system time constant can be approximated by
taking the product of the transducer and coupler time constants and
dividing by their sum. The resulting frequency response can be
computed as before.
Selection Matrix
Many other performance features are incorporated into Kistler's line of
power supply couplers. Included are versions with multichannel inputs,
100X gain, plug-in filters and computer control of set-up parameters.
Both systems utilize the same type of piezoelectric sensing element(s)
and therefore are AC coupled systems with limited low frequency
response or quasistatic measuring capability. Their respective time
constants determine the usable frequency range.
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Over the years, the Kistler name has become synonymous with
QUALITY. We at Kistler are dedicated to continuous improvement in all
areas: Design, Manufacturing, Quality Control, Quality Assurance and
Pressure Transducers
Most piezoelectric pressure transducers have a time constant which is
long enough to permit quasistatic calibration. The reference or standard
transducer is typically a piezoelectric transducer which is first calibrated
against a Dead Weight system. The reference and test transducers are
simultaneously pressurized in a hydraulic pump system and their
outputs are recorded on an XY-plotter. The sensitivity, linearity and
hysteresis are analyzed for each transducer.
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Kistler - Pieozoelectric Theory
Force Transducers
The calibration of force transducers is very similar to pressure
transducers. The unit under test is calibrated against a standard force
ring whose calibration is traceable to NIST. A hydraulic press is used to
generate forces for this calibration.
Kistler acceleration standards are periodically calibrated by an
independent third party providing NIST traceability. These primary
standards are used to calibrate a set of working standards at Kistler.
The working standards are configured to accept direct mounting of the
unit under test. This "Back to Back" calibration technique minimizes
errors. Calibration is performed on a sinusoidal motion shaker.
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