Masterprotect P 1801: Phenol Novolac Epoxy Amine Cured Primer

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MasterProtect® P 1801

Phenol Novolac Epoxy Amine Cured Primer


A deep penetrating epoxy primer. For use on
concrete and steel with MasterProtect 1800 Volume solids 69%
series novolac protective coating systems. VOC 247 g/L
Mixed density at 25°C 1.15g/cm³
• 25°C 105 minutes
MasterProtect P 1801 is applied to cementitious
• 40°C 30 minutes
and steel substrates where a strong tenacious Recoat Interval
bond is required. • 25°C 2 – 10 hours
• 40°C 55 – 80 minutes
FEATURES Initial cure 24 hours @ 25°C
• Fast curing Final cure 7 days @ 25°C
• Excellent penetration properties Bond to concrete >1.5 MPa
• May be spray applied
• Excellent overall chemical resistance APPLICATION
• Improves bond of Masterseal systems
• Highlights pinhole & blowhole defects in SURFACE PREPARATION
concrete substrate Concrete
Concrete must be cured for 28 days.
COLOUR Mechanically surface profiling is the method of
White surface preparation. Mechanically profile the
surface to CSP3 as described by the International
IMMERSION TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE Concrete Repair Institute. Voids and pinholes
must be repaired.
Immersion temperature resistance is dependant
upon exposure. Please consult BASF Technical
Service for specific information.
Steel substrates shall be prepared to SSPC-SP6
with a surface profile 50-75 micron.
• Do not use in water immersion over 60oC MIXING
• Epoxies loose gloss, discolour and will chalk in The total contents of the MasterProtect P 1801
direct sunlight exposure. reactor component shall be poured into the
MasterProtect P 1801 base component and
SURFACE AND SUBSTRATE PREPARATION mixed, with a slow speed drill and paddle for 2
minutes until a uniform colour is achieved.
Surfaces must be clean and dry. Use suitable APPLICATION
methods to remove dirt, dust, oil and all other MasterProtect P 1801 may be applied by airless
forms of contamination that could interfere with spray, brush or roller. Please refer to our latest
the adhesion of the primer. Method Statement for detailed application
MasterProtect® P 1801
MasterProtect P 1801 is supplied in 4 litre units When used as a tank lining or in enclosed areas
(4.615kg). through air circulation must be used during and
after application until the application is cured. In
STORAGE addition to ensuring proper ventilation,
Up to 12 months when stored under cover, out appropriate respirators must be used by all
of direct sunlight and protected from extremes application personnel. Treat splashes to eyes
of temperature. and skin immediately. If accidentally ingested,
seek immediate medical attention. Keep away
from children and animals. Reseal containers
after use
No additions or omissions are required and on
no account should attempts be made to split
Field service, where provided, does not
constitute supervisory responsibility. For
additional information contact your local BASF
Use acetone in case of spillage, absorb and BASF reserves the right to have the true cause
dispose of in accordance with local regulations. of any difficulty determined by accepted test
Read and follow all caution statements and on QUALITY AND CARE
the MSDS for this product. Employ proper
safety precautions: Wear protective clothing, All BASF Products are manufactured under a
management system independently certified to
gloves, organic vapour respirators and eye
conform to the requirements of the quality,
protection. Mixed material should be sprayed or
environmental and occupational health and
poured out into trays and brushed or rolled
safety standards of ISO 9001 and BASF ESHQ
before the pot-life of the material. Do not leave
mixed quantities beyond 300grams or 200ml to recommendations.
sit for prolonged time or exposed to high
temperatures as this can cause exothermic
* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
reaction to occur and excessive smoking. If
smoking of the product should occur, quickly fill ® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
it with sand and remove it to a well ventilated
area. Do not breathe in the smoke. Reseal
containers after use. For further information,
refer to material safety data sheet.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

PT BASF Indonesia
Bank Tower 27th Floor
Ciputra World 1 Jakarta
Jl. Prof.
Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5
Jaka 12940
Phone: +6221 29886000

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