Eng Masterrheobuild 850 Tds
Eng Masterrheobuild 850 Tds
Eng Masterrheobuild 850 Tds
Product Data
Structure of the Material Naphthalene Sulphonate Based
Appearance Brown
Specific gravity @ 20°C 1.153 - 1.213 kg/lt
pH-value 5-7
Alkali content (%) ≤ 10.00 (by mass)
Chloride content (%) ≤ 0.10 (by mass)
Corrosion behavior Contains only components according to BS EN 934-
1:2008, Annex A.1
Dangerous substances Comply with annex AZ.
Shelf life 12 months if stored according to manufacturer’s
instructions in unopened container.
Storage conditions Store in original sealed containers and at temperatures
between 5°C and 30°C. Store under cover, out of direct
sunlight and protect from extremes of temperature.
Failure to comply with the recommended storage
conditions may result in premature deterioration of the
product or packaging.
Handling and transportation Refer to MasterRheobuild 850 Safety Data Sheet.
Refer to MasterRheobuild 850 Safety Data Sheet.
*For full information on Health and Safety matters “BASF Türk Kimya San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Construction
regarding this product the relevant Health and Safety Chemicals Division" (the Company) endeavors to
Data Sheet should be consulted. ensure that advice and information given in Product
Data Sheets, Method Statements and Material Safety
The following general comments apply to all Data Sheets (all known as Product Literature) is
products. accurate and correct. However, the Company has no
control over the selection of its products for particular
As with all chemical products, care should be taken applications. It is important that any prospective
during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes, customer, user or specifier, satisfies him/her-self that
mouth, skin and foodstuffs, (which may also be the product is suitable for the specific application. In
tainted with vapor until the product is fully cured and this process, due regard should be taken of the
dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin immediately. nature and composition of the background/base and
If accidentally ingested, seek medical attention. Keep the ambient conditions both at the time of
away from children and animals. Reseal containers laying/applying/installing the material and when the
after use. completed work is to be brought into use.