Bagi NUMBERS 21-100

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Kelas/Semester : III (Tiga) / I (Satu)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok : Numbers


- mengidentifikasi nama bilangan 21-100;
- memperoleh data angka yang disebutkan oleh guru dengan akurat
- bertanya jawab tentang jumlah benda dengan pengucapan, lafal, dan intonasi
yang benar
- bertanya jawab tentang jumlah benda sesuai gambar dengan pengucapan,
lafal, dan intonasi yang tepat.
- Membaca nyaring nama bilangan 21–100 dengan pengucapan, lafal dan
intonasi yang tepat
- Memahami setiap nomor 21 - 100 dengan penjumlahan.
- Mengeja dan menyalin nama bilangan 21–100 dengan ejaan yg tepat;
- Menghitung penjumlahan angka 21–100; dan mencocokkan lambang dengan
nama bilangan

Linsten and Repeat

( Dengarkan dan Ulangi )
- penulisan puluhan dengan menambahkan . . .ty dibelakang huruf.

Contoh :

Two – ty = Twenty
Thtree – ty = thirty
Four – ty = Fourty

Practice 1

Listen to your teacher and cross the number.

( Dengarkan gurumu dan beri tanda silang angkanya )

23 25 27 56 60

70 80 100 90 30

20 55 65 75 85

98 88 78 68 48

84 32 76 45 63
Practice 2

Write the player’s numbers.

( Tulislah Angka / nomor punggung pemain )

1. Dino is number twenty three.

2. Toni is number

3. Ahmad is number

4. Jack is number

5. Anton is number

6. Pedro is number
Practice 3

Write the numbers based on the Pictures.

1. . 6.

............... ................ ............... ................

2. 7.

............... ................ ............... ................

3. ‘ 8.

............... ................ ............... ................

4. ‘ 9.

............... ................ ............... ................

5. 10.

............... ................ ............... ................


Practice the dialog with your friends.

( Praktekkan dialog berikut dengan temanmu )

There are twenty six


How many tables are there ?

Practice 4

Practice the dialog with your friends.

 How many chairs are there ?

There are thirty chairs.

 How many books are there ?

There are fourty one books.

 How many bags are there ?

There are fifty five bags.

 How many pens are there ?

There are sixty pens.

 How many cats are there ?

There are ninety two cats.

Practice 5

Answer these questions from the dialog based on the picture beside.
( Jawablah pertanyaan dari dialog berikut sesuai dengan gambar disamping )

1. How many watermelons are there ?

There are .....................

2. How many dolls are there ?

There are . . . . .

3. How many balls are there ?

There are . . . . .

4. How many tomatoes are there ?

There are . . . . .

5. How many pencils are there ?

There are . . . . .

Read the Sentences

( Bacalah kalimat berikut )


2 + 2 = 4
Two plus two equals four

13 + 8 = 21
Thirteen plus eight equals twenty one

20 + 25 = 45
Twenty plus twenty five equals fourty five


30 - 4 = 26
Thirty minus four equals Twenty six

66 - 11 = 45
Sixty six minus eleven equals fourty five

90 - 70 = 20
Ninety minus seventy equals twenty


6 x 7 = 42
Six times seven equals Fourty two

5 x 5 = 25
Five times five equals twenty five

7 x 9 = 54
Seven times nine equals fifty four
Practice 6

Count and change them into sentences. See the example.

( Hitung dan ubahlah kedalam kalimat. Perhatikan contoh )

Examples : 45 + 5 = 50
Fourty Five Plus Five Equals Fifty

1. 25 + 3 = .......

2. 35 + 7 = .......

3. 70 - 20 = .......

4. 11 x 2 = .......

5. 8 x 5 = .......

6. 41 + 24 = .......

7. 56 + 21 = .......

8. 85 - 35 = .......

9. 6 x 6 = .......

10. 7 x 3 = .......

Write The Answer

( Tulislah Jawabannya )

1. T Thirty five + Seven = ...........

2. Fourty three + eleven = ...........

3. Sixty - Twenty = ...........

4. Seventy four - Fouty one = ...........

5. Twenty two x Two = ...........

Practice 7

Tick ( V ) the correct statement.

Beri tanda ( V ) pada pernyataan yang benar.

1. a. Thiry five plus seven equals Forty two

b. Thiry five plus seven equals Forty three

2. a. Forty five minus five equals fourty

b. Forty five minus five equals thirty

3. a. six times six equals thity five

b. six times six equals thity six

4. a. Seventy + twenty = ninety

b. Seventy + twenty = eighty

5. a. Twenty two x two = twenty four

b. Twenty two x two = foury four.
Practice 8

Choose the correct answer !

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar

1. There are . . . .books

a. thirty
b. Thirty four.
c. Thirty five

2. There are . . . . tables

a. Four
b. Fourteen
c. Fourty

3. There are . . . . cupboards

a. seven one
b. Seventeen one
c. Seventy one

4. The number “ twenty six “is ……..

a. 26 b. 25 c. 28

5. The number “ Fifty nine “is ……..

95 b. 59 c. 50

6. Thirty six plus six equals ... .

a. Fourty two
b. Fifty two
c. Sixty two

7. Fifty minus ten equals . . . .

a. Sixty
b. Fifty
c. Fourty

8. Five times four equals ....

a. Twenty
b. Twenty five
c. Thirty

9. Seven x five = . . . .
a. Thirty four
b. Thirty five
c. Thirty six

10. Thirty + thirty = . . . .

a. Fourty
b. Sixty
c. Seventy

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