MM203 Laboratory Report

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MM203 Practical Report Paul Young

MM203 Laboratory Report

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Dublin City Univerity
Crank & Con-Rod Apparatus
!a"e# Paul Young
$D !u"ber# %%%%%%%%
Progra"""e# C&M2' ME2 or MEDM2
Table of Contents
) $ntroduction#****************************************************************************************************************2
2 &i"#****************************************************************************************************************************2
3 +ac,ground -heory#****************************************************************************************************2
. Procedure#********************************************************************************************************************3
/ Reult#************************************************************************************************************************.
0 Calculation#****************************************************************************************************************/
1 Dicuion#*******************************************************************************************************************1
2 Concluion#******************************************************************************************************************1
3 Reference#******************************************************************************************************************2
MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
1 Introduction
Cran, and connecting rod "echani" are ued to convert rotational "otion into
reciprocating "otion and vice vera* -hi i an e4a"ple of a "echani" 5hich ha a
ingle degree of freedo"' lin,ing the angle of the cran, to the poition of the piton in the
cylinder* &l"ot all internal co"bution engine ue thi technology to tranfor" the
energy in the e4ploion of the fuel into the "ore ueful and controllable rotation of the
cran,haft and fly5heel*
2 Ai!s
-he ai" of thi practical are#
)* -o deter"ine the relationhip bet5een the rotation of the cran, and the piton
2* -o oberve ho5 thi relationhip i affected by change in the cran, radiu and the
length of the connecting rod*
3* -o undertand the lin, bet5een the angular velocity of the cran, and the
tranlational velocity of the piton*
3 "ack#round T$eory
-he ditance bet5een the piton and the centre of the cran, i controlled by the triangle
for"ed by the cran,' the connecting rod and the line fro" the piton to the centre of the
cran,' a ho5n in 6igure )* Since the length of the cran, and connecting rod are
contant' and the cran, angle i ,no5n the triangle OAP i co"pletely defined* 6ro"
thi geo"etry' the ditance s i given by 7)8#

2 2 2
in co r l r s + = 9):
-he right"ot poition of P occur 5hen the cran, and connecting rod are in line along
the a4i at P and the ditance fro" O to P i l ; r* Since the ditance "eaured in the
e4peri"ent ue thi poition a the reference location' the ditance "eaured i given by#
[ ]
2 2 2
in co r l r r l s r l x + + = + = 92:
-hi "ean that x i a function of the cran, angle and that the relationhip i not linear*
Figure 1 - Geometry of Crank and Connecting Rod Mechanism

r l

MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
% &rocedure
-he apparatu i operated by hand and the "eaure"ent "ay be read fro" the cale on
the e<uip"ent* -he "eaure"ent 5ere recorded 5ith the "echani" tationary* 6igure
2 ho5 the e<uip"ent indicating the cale "ar,ed*
Figure 2 - Crank and Con-Rod Aaratus !taken from manufacturers "e#site $2%&
-he procedure i divided into three part' each aociated 5ith one of the ai" above#
Part ) invetigate the relationhip bet5een cran, angle and poition*
Part 2 loo, at the effect of changing the cran, and connecting rod i=e*
Part 3 co"pare the angular velocity of the cran, 5ith the velocity of the piton*
4.1 Part 1: Crank Angle and Piston Position
-he apparatu 5a et up to have the "ini"u" cran, radiu and connecting rod length*
-hee 5ere "eaured and recorded' and the ratio bet5een the t5o 5a calculated* -he
piton 5a e4tended to it furthet poition fro" the cran, centre and the poition cale
et to read =ero* -he cran, 5a repeatedly rotated through )0, and the poition of the
piton recorded each ti"e' until the cran, had rotated through )20*
4.2 Part 2: Effect of Changing Crank Radius and Con-Rod
-he procedure outlined in part ) 5a follo5ed for a connecting rod length of 2/0 ""*
-he reult 5ere then co"pared 5ith thoe of part ) to etablih the effect of changing
the length of the con>rod*
&ngle of
Cran, Scale
Poition of
Piton Scale
MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
Uing the 2/0 "" con>rod' the cran, radiu 5a then changed to 3)*2/ "" and /0 ""'
repeating the "eaure"ent on both occaion* -hi allo5 the effect of changing the
cran, radiu to be een*
4.3 Part 3: Crank Angular Velocit and Piston Velocit
Detail of part three 5ould be here*
' Results
-he reading fro" Part ) are ho5n in -able ) belo5* -hee ho5 that a the cran, angle
increae the poition of the piton "ove further a5ay fro" the tarting point* 6ro" the
y""etry of the "echani" it i au"ed that increaing the cran, angle by a further )0
degree to )30 5ould reult in the a"e diplace"ent a )10' repeating the lit of
diplace"ent reading in revere order until the cran, had gone through one full cycle*
'a#(e 1) Readings from Crank * Con-Rod Aaratus for Parts 1 * 2
+,uiment -ettings
?ength of Con>Rod' l 9"": 200 2/0 2/0 2/0
Cran, Radiu' r 9"": 2/ 2/ 3)*/ /0
Ratio' l/r 2 )0 1*33 /
Measurements from Oeration
Cran, &ngle' 9: Piton Diplace"ent' x 9"":
0 0
5ould be
filled out
in your
)0 0
20 )
30 3
.0 /
/0 2
00 ))
10 )/
20 )3
30 2.
)00 22
))0 32
)20 30
)30 .0
).0 ..
)/0 .0
)00 .2
)10 .3
)20 /0
-hee reading "ay alo be preented a a graph a ho5n in 6igure 3 clearly ho5ing
that the poition of the piton doe not follo5 a traight line*
MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
Figure . - Grah of Piston Position /s0 Crank Ang(e for Part 1
( Calculations
-he calculation ho5n here belong to Part 3 5hich loo, at the relationhip bet5een the
angular velocity of the cran, and the velocity of the piton*
-he velocity of the piton i "ay be calculated by differentiating the reading fro" Part
)* -he for"ula i given by#
) 2
) 2

x x
-hi "ay then be converted to a velocity by "ultiplying the reult to give the rate of
change of poition of the piton a a function of ti"e*

+y etting the angular velocity of the cran, to be contant the "ultiplier in e<uation . i a
contant* $t i i"portant to note that the angle "ut be converted to radian for the
calculation* Selecting the i"plet contant for angular velocity of @ ) rad( i"plifie
the calculation* -he reult of the calculation i valid for the "id>point bet5een the t5o
data point ued in the e<uation* &gain the infor"ation "ay be preented in tabular or
graphical for"at*
MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
'a#(e 2 - Resu(ts of Ca(cu(ation of Piston 1e(ocity 2ased on the Measurements Recorded for Part 1 in
'a#(e 1
Figure 3 - Grah of Piston 1e(ocity /s0 'ime for a Constant Angu(ar 1e(ocity of Crank of 1 rad4s
MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
) *iscussion
-he reading in -able ) and 6igure 3 clearly ho5 that there i a piton poition
aociated 5ith each angle of the cran,* -he diplace"ent follo5 a "ooth path 5hich
i non>linear' a predicted by e<uation 2* 6igure / co"pare the theoretical calculation
and the "eaured value ho5ing that the "eaured value i lightly "aller than the
theory ugget* -hi could be attributed to play in the Aoint 5hich "ean that the cran,
rotate through a "all angle ta,ing up the lac, before the piton tart to "ove*
&nother point to note i that the a"plitude of the "ove"ent of the piton i /0 ""' or
t5ice the cran, radiu a predicted by the theory*
Figure 5 - Comarison of 'heoretica( and +6erimenta( Resu(ts
-he dicuion 5ould continue on the other ele"ent of the e4peri"ent* B
+ Conclusion
-he relationhip bet5een the "ove"ent of the piton and the cran, angle ha been ho5n
to follo5 the theoretical for"ula* S"all error 5ere introduced to the "eaure"ent due
to play in the Aoint' and the range of "ove"ent i t5ice the length of the cran,* -he path
follo5ed by the piton i non>linear' having no velocity at the 0 and )20 and a
"a4i"u" velocity at the 30cran, angle.
MM203 Practical Report Paul Young
, References
)* D*C* Dunn' http#((555*freetudy*co*u,(dyna"ic(velaccdiag*pdf' &cceed
6ebruary )0
2* -D Education and -raining ?td*' http#((555*t<*co"(product(cart(cart(bg*apE
nfid@MM)*CPF' &cceed 6ebruary )0

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