UV Solutions
UV Solutions
UV Solutions
UV AOP System
for Drinking Water
UV-C and Food Contact Surfaces
UV Dosimeter Badges
FEP for UV Sterilization
Featured articles
by Dr. Keith Warriner, CPHAZ, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Ontario
4 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
28 46
Departments 6
President’s Letter
From the Editor-in-Chief
Operator’s Corner
Technology Showcase:
8 Focus on Healthcare Healthcare
and UV Disinfection 26 Association News
10 Focus on Water 32 Industry News
12 Focus on Food 44 Application Highlight:
and Beverage Safety UV Disinfection for
14 Application Highlight: Healthcare
AOP for Drinking Water 50 Calendar/Ad Index
he IUVA recently moved to holding many of its events online. Virtual events lack some of the
person-to-person interaction that is valuable when meeting more traditionally, but the upside is
that virtual events are less expensive from every perspective and can be arranged much more
quickly in response to a changing world.
One such change that has happened fast within the IUVA, and to the UV industry overall, is the many
new opportunities to use UV for air and surface disinfection. There are obvious immediate applications
Ron Hofmann for UV in this context for controlling COVID-19, but, looking ahead, it’s easy to see a long-term role for
IUVA president UV air and surface disinfection in all aspects of public health protection. The IUVA’s online activities
/ professor, in recent months have reflected this. In early December, the IUVA hosted a very successful virtual
University of conference on UV disinfection for air and surfaces, bringing together key regulators and decision-makers
Toronto in this sector. I’m not sure that such an event could’ve been put together so quickly and effectively using
a more traditional conference format.
Contact: ron.
hofmann@ IUVA is quickly reorienting some of its upcoming virtual events to include a stronger focus on air and
utoronto.ca surfaces. One of these events is the International Conference on UV LED Technologies and Applications
(ICULTA), scheduled for April 2021, in partnership with the German-based “Advanced UV For Life”
consortium. While this virtual conference will focus on UV LEDs, there will be a session dedicated to
COVID-19, as well as many excellent talks related to air and surface disinfection. The IUVA also is
planning its next World Congress for June 2021. The virtual platform will make it easier to ensure that
we can invite some of the key stakeholders in the rapidly evolving air and surface disinfection sector to
participate and to present their perspectives.
While air and surface disinfection to reduce the spread of illness in hospital rooms, airplanes and gyms is
exciting, it also is going to be difficult to do right. I hope that we’ll start to see some enthusiastic scientific
dialogue on this topic at our upcoming IUVA events. I hope to see you there!
n behalf of all of us at IUVA and UV Solutions – Innovations for Industry, Public Health, and
the Environment, we hope that 2021 brings to each of our readers all that they hope it will. This
2021 Quarter 1 edition truly captures the breadth and depth of the UV technology industry.
Timely contributions from our members who are working daily in the ongoing battle to control the
COVID-19 pandemic are emphasized throughout, including a timely piece that looks at UV applications
in a post-pandemic world and another that is an update of information being released on the UV dose
response of SARS-CoV-2 – an area where new data appears just about every week. This edition also has
Jim Malley articles ranging from UV 101: An Overview of UV Technology to UV LEDs, as well as UV application
UV Solutions highlights and discussion of using fluoropolymers in UV-C equipment. Operator’s Corner provides
editor-in-chief experiences with using two types of commercially available UV reactive dosimeter badges to provide
/ University rapid, inexpensive, relative checks on UV disinfection devices being used to treat air and surfaces.
of New
Hampshire IUVA Healthcare and the Food and Beverage Group’s columns bring us an update on activities in those
groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. For 2021 Quarter 1, we are happy to announce a new column
Contact: focusing on One Water, which will be provided each quarter by our YP members.
iuva.org Please note that the information provided in UV Solutions is reviewed by one technical Editor-in-
Chief and by a professional publications staff, but it is not subjected to a rigorous peer-review process.
Authors provide information in an open and collaborative manner with opinions, conclusions and
recommendations presented from their perspectives and experiences, which may not reflect, nor is there
any implied or expressed guarantee of their validity by IUVA or Peterson Publications.
6 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
UVC Light
© Copyrights reserved, Olympia Lighting, Inc. USA 2021 OLYMPIA® is a registered trademark of Olympia Lighting, inc.
www.OlympiaLighting.com [email protected]
Ph.D. student,
of Civil and
of New
10 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
processes as both a disinfection barrier and a treatment for
CECs. Continued focus on improved operation, maintenance,
control and overall cost reduction for these processes is being
reported around the globe.
However, if the surfaces being treated are small enough adapted to their hosts than to the
– such as yogurt cups – solution engineers instead opt to
pass them through a relatively slowly moving UV-C tunnel
microbiological validation surfaces
conveyor system as a technique to overcome the amount utilized in a lab setting.
of shadowing present on the target surface due to static
methods. In such tunnels, there is more design freedom to
enable 3D exposure of the parts of the product that can be Finally, the culmination of design activities to circumvent
potentially shadowed on the conveyor belt surface and to all the detrimental attributes of food contact surfaces
provide more controlled coverage than in a static system. that undermine efficient pathogen reduction is applying
Applications of this germicidal light delivery option include germicidal technology that delivers a high enough intensity
food surface treatment of fresh, short shelf-life fruits, some of light (mW/cm2) to within the pathogen species or groups
vegetable products, and bakery products such as buns and of pathogen species dwelling surface, for the required
bread, as well as containers of foodstuffs moving through on residence time(s), to inactivate the target organisms to the
to a high-care or high-risk part of a factory. degree regulations or food safety experts specify. Given
Fresnel equations describe the intensity dependence on the
Progressing through the enumerated considerations, different previously described reflection, as well as the absorption and
organisms can respond to UV-C exposure depending attenuation of transmission power, clearly physics governs
on the surface composition. While a great deal of the illumination processes.
protection from exposure phenomena is due to the surface
topography dynamics, some foodborne pathogens are better Hence, there is no doubt more experimental work is required
biologically and chemically adapted to their hosts than to to better understand these photonic phenomena within
the microbiological validation surfaces utilized in a lab pathogen-rich contaminated food contact surfaces for widely
setting. The reality manifests itself when technicians are deployed low-pressure mercury lamps and even more so
using surrogates for worst case organism inactivation testing. with the advent of UV-C LED and Excimer Lamp sources
For example, food safety technologists have seen different with even less studied wavelength-to-surface interactions.
norovirus surrogates behave differently when inoculated on Generating the right testing data to demonstrate validation
a stainless steel surface than when intermingled naturally for more surface types and microorganisms would be highly
within the skin and top surface of a blueberry. beneficial for the UV-C community. This activity would
help materials better see the light and boost confidence of
Engineering around surface topography and evolutionary customers that the systems can deliver the clear benefits
blocking mechanisms is only the start. The more complex when correctly specified and applied. n
the optical profile of the surface, and its departure from
perfectly smooth homogenous micro material, the more The IUVA Food and Beverage Safety Working Group
the application of wavelength dependent Snell’s Law and explores the latest updates on the science-based validation
the resultant reflection of germicidal light off that surface and commercialization of UV-C technology for plant
come into play, along with transmission scattering within the growth stimulation or suppression, nutrition enhancement,
material. It is well documented that impinging on simpler-to- fungicide and pesticide reduction, wash water sanitation and
profile smoother surfaces, like stainless steel or packaging, postharvest disinfection, as well as use for nonthermal, low
germicidal light at a specific wavelength can achieve 3- to UVT beverage treatment.
5-log reductions depending on the target organisms and
dosages applied. But under same conditions for complex Contact: Dr. Danny Bayliss, Danny.Bayliss@campdenbri.
mixed material food surfaces, only a range of 0.5- to 2.5-log co.uk; Dr. Tatiana Koutchma, [email protected];
microbial reductions tend to be achieved. Peter E. Gordon, [email protected]
Ruibao Jia,
Song and
Guifang Li
Urban Water
Supply and
Water Quality
School of
Municipal &
Figure 1. Qingyun Shuanglonghu Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP)
14 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
previous guideline. To mitigate water quality risks and meet to the Yellow River Diversion reservoir with a shallow
more stringent drinking water health standards, UV-based bottom, it typically has micro pollutant issues and significant
advanced oxidation process (UV-AOP) has attracted seasonal taste and odor issues caused by algal bloom. The
increasing attention for consideration in drinking water reservoir water is of mesotrophic or eutrophic level, and the
systems in China, especially in Shandong. eutrophication index (TSI) is between 35 and 51. The total
number of algae varies greatly from year to year, with an
Among UV-AOPs, UV/H2O2 is a well-established technology average of 5 to 50 million/L.
used in full-scale for several decades (Li et al., 2020). The
effectiveness of the UV/H2O2 has been demonstrated for Diatoms are dominant in spring, and blue-green algae are
several classes of organic pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, dominant in summer. High content of organic matter, oxygen
pesticides, industrial compounds, etc. However, there was consumption is generally between 2 and 4 mg/L, mainly small
no precedence of applying UV/H2O2 at full-scale, in a real molecules (molecular weight<3k Dalton accounts for about
municipal DWTP in China. The first such application was 60% to 70%). The bromide ion concentration is between 60
installed in Shuanglonghu drinking water plant in Qingyun and 422 μg/L, and the concentration of ammonia nitrogen
County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China (Figure 1). is low (generally < 0.5 mg/L). There is a high potential of
It has been successfully operated since June 2020. bromate formation when ozonation is used.
Water quality and treatment train Qingyun county is at the end of the Yellow River water
Shuanglonghu-Yellow River Diversion reservoir is the intake point in Shandong Province, which is located in
source of the drinking water treatment plant. The designed the coastal saline alkali land. Its water quality challenge is
storage capacity of the reservoir is 9.9 million m3, and the more significant than those in other cities and counties. The
designed water level and depth are 13.03 m and 8.50 m conventional water treatment process cannot consistently
respectively. It is a typical plain shallow reservoir in northern
China. Because the water source of the waterworks belongs continued on page 16
Backed by Science.
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16 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
uvsolutionsmag.com 2021 Quarter 1 | 17
UV Dosimeter Badges:
An Emerging Tool
for Monitoring Delivered Dose
Alexa M. ith interest in ultraviolet surface
Trautz disinfection increasing due to
research the recent coronavirus pandemic,
engineer, scientists are finding alternative tools for
University assessing the effectiveness of ultraviolet light.
of New One technology that has gained attention is the
Hampshire, dosimeter badge.
of Civil and A dosimeter badge is a reusable or single-use
Environmental label that changes color proportionally to the
Engineerin dose of radiation it receives. Alternative names
for dosimeter badges are Radiochromic Film1
and Dose Indicators.2 The dosimeter badges on
the market are made from proprietary chemical
compounds that react when exposed to radiation.
The chemical makeup of a dosimeter badge is a
function of the type of radiation with which it
reacts. When radiation of a specific wavelength
is applied to a dosimeter badge, the chemicals
on the outer surface undergo a reaction, causing
their color to change.3
18 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
were altered from their original bright yellow color. Standard
room lighting consists of conventional 32W T8 fluorescent
tubes providing an illuminance of 500 lux for eight hours a
day, along with some natural sunlight entering through the
windows. It took less than half an hour for DB-B to begin
reporting a perceived dose of 10 mJ/cm2. DB-A transformed
to a darker shade of yellow after three days of normal room
lighting but never reached the minimum readable dose for
the DB-A scale, which was 50 mJ/cm2.
Accuracy tests
To evaluate the accuracy of the doses determined with the
dosimeter badges, a recently calibrated IL1700 radiometer
was utilized to compare the known dose at a location based on
the measured irradiance to the color of the dosimeter badges
after receiving that dose. The radiometer was fitted with an
SED240 sensor, a wide-angle diffuser and a 254 nm filter.
Exposure tests
Each dosimeter badge was first assessed to see how it
interacted with standard room lighting. When exposed to
standard laboratory room lighting, both dosimeter badges
uvsolutionsmag.com 2021 Quarter 1 | 19
continued from page 19
three irradiance values was calculated to use as the known
irradiance at that location. Figure 2 demonstrates the set-up
for this process. This known value then was divided by each
dose value given on both color scales for each dosimeter
badge to calculate the length of time each badge would need
to be irradiated by the collimated system to achieve each dose
at that location.
continued on page 22
20 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
continued from page 20
Figure 4. Summary of the results from the accuracy test. Twelve trials were completed for DB-A, and 18 trials
were completed for DB-B. “Matched” indicates the perceived dose was equal to the known dose and “Unclear”
indicates that the dosimeter badge dose was undeterminable.
color scale, then it was recorded as “Unclear.” After every disinfection device (i.e., the Lumin™) The four objects were
expected dose for a type of dosimeter badge was determined, a razor, comb, sunglasses and keys.
the radiometer was placed underneath the collimated beam
again to confirm the irradiance has not significantly varied at Before dosing any object, the irradiance in the center of
that test location. the Lumin™ was measured using the IL1700 radiometer.
The center of the Lumin™ also was marked to ensure the
The entire process of setting a location, determining the objects would later be placed in the correct location. This
irradiance, calculating the time for each dose, dosing the was repeated five times before testing DB-A and another
badges and comparing each perceived dose to each expected five times before DB-B and an average of all 10 was used to
dose was repeated at three different locations for DB-A and calculate the expected dose in the center of the device.
two different locations for DB-B. DB-B was tested at one
less location because the time to reach the maximum doses Six dosimeter badges were attached to each object
for DB-B was 20 times longer than that of DB-A. individually. Each badge placement was documented by
photographing the object in two positions, one displaying
Figure 4 summarizes the results from these experiments. the side of the object that would face the lamp and the other
For DB-A, the perceived dose matched the expected dose showing the opposite. The lamp-facing side of the object was
25% of the time and was undeterminable 50% of the time. named Side-1, and the bottom-facing side was named Side-2.
For DB-B, the perceived dose matched the expected dose
17% of the time and was undeterminable 78% of the time. After documentation, each individual object was placed in
When the dosimeter badges produced perceived doses that center location of the Lumin™ and dosed for one minute. The
were readable but did not match the expected dose, they were object was removed from the UV device and the dosimeter
consistently underestimations. badges were observed to assess where UV light touched the
object during the dose. Along with this, more photos were
Complicated object taken to document the color change around the object. Each
Four objects were selected to evaluate the usefulness of the dosimeter badge on the object was compared to the color scale
dosimeter badges as an identifier for UV dose on varying and the largest dose perceived was recorded. The maximum
complicated geometries in a typical commercial UV-based dose received by both dosimeter badges was 50 mJ/cm2. This
22 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
Dose Hard SiC
UV Detectors, and
UV/UVI Radiometers
disagreed with the expected dose based on receiving the
measured irradiance for one minute at that location within the
Lumin™, which was calculated to be 284 mJ/cm2.
Table 1. Image of each object after being dosed for one minute within the Lumin™ with DB-A attached. While
being dosed Side-1 was facing the lamp, while Side-2 was facing the bottom of the Lumin™.
the badge will be able to report. Similarly, the variety of what doses match each color, researchers could predict the
colors offered on the corresponding color scale can have a irradiance at a set location using the dosimeter badge.
major impact on the interpretability of the dosimeter badge.
These are all key factors that can impact overall usefulness of This work also could be greatly benefitted by the
this tool and should be considered before purchase. accompaniment of a colorimeter, a device that can translate
color into number values. There were attempts made
The dosimeter badges unexpectedly acted as an easy alert during this study to utilize iPhone colorimeter apps during
early in experimentation that the radiometer being utilized experimentation to read more accurately the dosimeter
was not set to the correct calibration constant. After fixing the badges, but none were successful. This was caused by the
calibration constant, the radiometer readings began agreeing inability to consistently capture images with equal lighting.
with the dosimeter badges more often. This suggests that the Greater success could be found with a colorimeter that is of
dosimeter badges could act as a quick test for UV researchers higher quality. n
that their other equipment is functioning properly.
Contact: Alexa M. Trautz, [email protected]
As interest in room and surface disinfection continues References
to increase, alternative tools for evaluating the extent and 1. Soares, Christopher G. “Radiochromic Film.” United States Department
of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009.
effectiveness of UV devices are crucial. Dosimeter badges https://www.aapm.org/meetings/09SS/documents/23Soares-Radiochro-
are effective tools for simply confirming whether a UV dose micFilm.pdf
has been received at a specific location. They also can act
2. Cadnum, Jennifer L, et al. “Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) Monitoring Made
as another signal to researchers that their radiometer needs Ridiculously Simple: UV-C Dose Indicators for Convenient Measure-
recalibration. It is especially important to assess one’s ment of UV-C Dosing.” U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2019.
research needs before selecting a dosimeter badge as a UV 3. Kurz, Wolfgang, et al. “UV‐Sensitive Wearable Devices for Colorimetric
assessment tool because the dosimeter badges available Monitoring of UV Exposure.” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 8, no. 6,
on the market can vary significantly in radiation range, 2020, p. 1901969., doi:10.1002/adom.201901969.
readability and adhesion. 4. Lindblad, Marie, et al. “Ultraviolet-C Decontamination of a Hospital
Room: Amount of UV Light Needed.” Burns, vol. 46, no. 4, June 2020,
Additional studies pp. 842–849., doi:10.1016/j.burns.2019.10.004.
To further the industries’ understanding of dosimeter badges 5. “Dosimetry Badges for Radiation Safety.” Dosimetry Badge, 11 Aug.
and their uses for UV researchers, tests should be conducted 2017, www.dosimetrybadge.com/dosimetry-badges-radiation-safety/.
that map out the ranges of possible doses equal to each color
on a scale. This should be done with colorimeter badges that
feature multiple colors on their scale. With the knowledge of
24 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
Drink with Confidence This new reflector design has the potential of rapidly and
significantly increasing the water temperature, substantially
improving the efficacy of the design. Additionally, he is
Disinfect with UV studying the synergetic effect of UV-A radiation and heat,
Oxidize with UV-AOP proving that with the new reflector arrangement, the amount
Protect the Public Health of UV radiation needed to remove all biological contaminants
from the water was reduced by three orders of magnitude, as
verified by controlled experimentation with E. coli. These
findings have helped to improve system performance,
reducing the time needed to purify water.
There is a new episode of the IUVA YP’s podcast, Wavelength. Fatih Atci is a lecturer at the Central
In this episode, the team interviews Dr. Erin Mackey from Research Laboratory at the Karadeniz
Brown and Caldwell and Dr. Jim Malley from the University Technical University. He received his B.S.
of New Hampshire about the challenges and future of PFAS and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
control in drinking water. The podcast can be found on the from Karadeniz Technical University in
IUVA website. 2016 and 2020, respectively. His M.Sc.
research focused on the in-duct UV-C
YP Spotlights air disinfection systems. He also has
Alison (Ali) Su is a fifth-year bioengineering graduate student published an article in a peer-reviewed journal about this
in Dr. Amy Herr’s Lab at UC Berkeley. At the beginning topic. He is now working on improving the disinfection
of the COVID-19 pandemic, Su joined efficiency of in-duct UV LED systems.
N95decon.org, a volunteer consortium of
scientists focused on evidence-based N95 The YP Committee exists to increase interest and involvement
respirator decontamination strategies, to in the IUVA and UV industry among young professionals
study UV-C decontamination of N95 (YPs), defined as students and professionals less than
respirators for crisis capacity reuse. After 35 years old or with less than 5 years of experience post-
recognizing an urgent need for robust, graduation in UV-related industry, government or academia.
scalable and inexpensive UV-C dose If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like
measurement tools, Su teamed up with fellow lab members to get more involved, feel free to contact us via social media
to develop workflows to quantify photochromic indicators as (@IUVAYP) or by email ([email protected]). n
UV-C dosimeters for measurements on 3D N95 surfaces (Su
1-800-288-9288 • 1-800-615-3726
[email protected]
Figure 1. Premier Doug Ford of Ontario decontaminates bags using the Clean Flow
process based on hydroxyl-radical generation from the UV-C photo-degradation of
hydrogen peroxide and ozone.
28 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
These ranged from robots harnessed with UV-C lamps UV-C wands
to UV-wands that could be used for spot disinfection. In Within the pandemic, the market was flooded with domestic
many instances there was no data to prove efficacy or safety UV-C wands or other personal disinfection units. The majority
protocols for application and maintenance. The customers in of UV devices (especially those based on LEDs) are likely
retail and restaurants asked few questions, given the crisis to be UV-A (400 nm) that exhibit negligible antimicrobial
for finding interventions to ensure their businesses would activity. Other devices based on UV-C lamps are likely to be
survive. low powered (2 mW/cm2), which requires extended exposure
times of 10 min to have any impact. However, in many
After the initial panic, more rational interventions were instances the manufacturer would suggest it can be waved
sought in an attempt to look at long term strategies that could over an area to magically make the surface sterile. Although
benefit beyond the pandemic and, at the very least, prepare such devices are relatively harmless, a concern is that when
better for the next. users encounter industrial-standard devices they may have
the same casual manner, thereby causing negative health
Revive the campaign effects. It is estimated that UV wands must deliver a dose of
against single-use plastics 20 to 100 mJ/cm2 to support adequate microbial reductions,
Early in the pandemic there was an immediate ban on thereby requiring relatively high UV intensity. To use these
reusable bags, despite having no evidence that people could devices, there is a need to wear protective equipment such
catch COVID-19 from reusable bags. The net result was to as gloves, full coverage clothing and eye protection to avoid
return to the plastic bag that everyone knows is bad for the contact with skin and eyes (Figure 2).
environment and went against the philosophy of sustainability.
By making a hasty decision, retailers are now not in position Room and other enclosed
for ways to welcome back reusable bags. The answer is to spaces disinfection
provide customers a service for decontaminating bags and The disinfection of rooms using UV-C has been widely
bins in a visual way but without needing to queue for an
continued on page 30
excessive time. In this regard, a UV-C-based technology that
was adapted to rapidly decontaminate N95 masks would be
an ideal application. The technology is based on generating
hydroxyl-radicals from the UV-C degradation of hydrogen
peroxide. In one example, the items to be decontaminated
are passed through a conveyer where hydrogen peroxide mist
is introduced with simultaneous exposure to UV-C for 30
seconds (Figure 1). Critically, the technology can penetrate
shaded areas inaccessible to UV-C, thereby enabling
disinfection of a broad range of items.
In-store decontamination
of foods and packaging
Early in the pandemic there was a focus on the conveyance THE HEART AND SOUL OF YOUR UV BWTS EQUIPMENT
of SARS-CoV-2 on packaging and foods, with the Chinese – MADE IN GERMANY –
adding fuel to the fire by reporting positive tests on chicken
The heart: Our medium pressure UV lamps
in addition to seafood. A viral YouTube video suggested We develop and manufacture most powerful UV lamps to the highest quality
washing packaging and fresh produce in soap or leaving standards to achieve excellent lifetime and utmost UV efficiency.
groceries outside for 72 hours, waiting for the virus to die The soul: Our electronic lamp controls
off. Although many raccoons were grateful, it was clear at the The ELC® X series combines excellent lamp control performance with highest
reliability in marine environment applications.
time, and subsequently emerged, that transmission of viruses
Our highly flexible engineering and manufacturing guarantees perfect
from surfaces is low. Yet, UV tunnels were installed at integration into your UV ballast water treatment system.
retailers whereby foods and packages were passed through;
although, it was evident there was no consideration for safety
in relation to user exposure to UV-C light. The safety limit
of UV-C for eight hours is 6 mJ/cm2, which is equivalent to eta plus electronic gmbh
10 minutes in the sunlight with a UV index of 10. On this www.eta-uv.com
basis, there are benefits to UV-C disinfection for inactivating
common pathogens encountered on fresh produce and other
foods, but safety standards need to be met.
Air disinfection
and filtration
In the early days of the
pandemic the airborne route
of virus transmission was
dismissed to avoid panic buying
of masks that were needed by
frontline workers. However,
by June there was an abrupt
Figure 2. Examples of UV wands for domestic (left) and industrial applications
U-turn by Public Health to
recommend the use of masks,
even simple cloth masks. By
September, mask wearing
become widespread and a focal
point of contention.
30 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
UV disinfection systems, the UV must be correctly fitted to
minimize light straying to the floor. This is achieved through
guards that ensure light is directed horizontally and upwards.
The disinfection of rooms using
It also is important that maintenance staff are properly trained
to install and maintain the lamps.
UV-C has been widely practiced
within hospital surgery rooms
where high-intensity UV is applied
The most common light sources for upper-level UV
treatment are low-pressure mercury lamps emitting at 254
when unoccupied.
nm. An estimated intensity of 17 mW/m3 is satisfactory to
decontaminate air, provided it is combined with adequate
circulation via fans that draw the air upwards.
There are systems based on Far-UV (222 nm) that have been If there is a silver lining, it is that the pandemic accelerated
installed directly above enclosed areas. It is reasoned that the the introduction of infection control technologies that had
shorter wavelengths are less penetrating in air and lack the hitherto been considered nonessential in the sector. In the time
energy to penetrate eyes or skin. However, there are concerns of crisis, it was encouraging to see UV-based technologies
of the longer wavelengths being emitted that includes UV-C. come to the fore, even though many systems introduced were
Of greater concern is the use of pulsed xenon UV lamps for air ineffective or hazardous. In the course of the second wave,
disinfection, especially with roaming robots, where exposure it can be anticipated that the science will prevail in a post-
of people in close proximity represents an unacceptable risk. COVID-19 world, with benefits extending into the future. n
UV Lamp Consulting Adds assortment of UV-A (365 nm) and germicidal UV-C (254
Ray Tracing Optical Design nm) low-pressure CCFL lamps and LEDs, plus inverters and
UV Lamp Consulting, Fort Myers, Florida, consulting drivers to operate the light sources. For more information,
experts that cover all varieties of UV-C applications, has visit www.jkllamps.com.
announced the addition of Ray Tracing optical design to
its range of professional services. Effective ultraviolet UVC Photonics Releases UV-C Laser
system design requires skillful combination of several UVC Photonics, Oviedo, Florida, a maker of deep
areas of technical expertise: advanced optical simulation ultraviolet diode laser modules, has released the world’s
simplifies communication of one of the most complex design first deep ultraviolet
parameters, giving clear visualization of where UV power is lasers for disinfection and
delivered (or not). Rapid quantification of prototype efficacy sterilization applications
speeds optimization and reduces total development cost. For at 261 nm. The beam
more information, visit www.uvlampconsulting.com. allows for efficient system
architectures for the
NICHIA’S Latest UV-C LED Disinfection inactivation of pathogens
Efficacy Proven to Combat Viruses on surfaces, in the air and
NICHIA, Tokushima, Japan, an LED manufacturer, has in water. Because the beam is collimated, the light can be
launched its newest deep UV LED, the NCSU334B. The selectively targeted from a distance up to several meters to
UV-C LED technology high-use surfaces such as door handles, elevator buttons or
was tested at Tokushima keypads. In air or water applications, the collimation allows
University to demonstrate long path length interactions, which reduce the required
its bacteria and virus power. For more information, visit www.uvcphotonics.com.
disinfection efficiencies.
Experiments conducted by Biotek Shield Neutralizes
the university’s Graduate Airborne COVID-19 Virus
School of Biomedical Aero Biotek, Wichita, Kansas, has developed a virus-
Sciences confirmed that neutralizing system for fighting airborne contaminants. The
irradiating SARS-CoV-2 with NICHIA’S NCSU334B for 30 device, called Biotek Shield, is
seconds, with 51mJ/cm2, exhibited 99.99% inactivation, a designed to be installed in the air
key activation log to achieve. The experiment was operated conditioning system of vehicles
based of the NCSU334B’s binned input power and conditions or buildings and uses UV-C
of 1.7mJ/cm2 and 5 cm distance. For more information, visit (ultraviolet) light technology to
www.NICHIA.com. neutralize pathogens like bacteria
and viruses – including H1N1,
JKL Components Introduces GB-UV2 Kit SARS, West Nile, tuberculosis
JKL Components Corporation, Pacoima, California, has and coronavirus. Biotek Shield
introduced its UV Kit GB-UV2. The kit provides a range of operates silently and invisibly.
components needed for Aero Biotek has contracted with
product development a certified lab to test the effectiveness of Biotek Shield on
of equipment utilizing neutralizing easily communicable contaminants. Once testing
UV-A and UV-C is complete, the lab is expected to certify that the UV-C light
light sources. The used in Biotek Shield will neutralize 99.9999% of virus cells,
kit is intended for rendering the virus unable to replicate itself or infect humans.
designers seeking For more information, visit www.biotekshield.com.
small-scale UV sources
for confined space Pure Lighting Introduces First
applications, including Hybrid UV-C Fixture
disinfection chambers, Pure Lighting Company, Wayne, New Jersey, a maker of
biological analysis UV-C disinfection technologies, has launched a significant
equipment, document development in the new paradigm of pandemic-resistant
authentication and security ink recognition. UV-C and building practices. The Hybrid UVC Disinfection Fixture
UV-A technology product development for key industries provides 99.99% effective whole-room (surface and air)
including medical and dental, pharmaceutical, security and disinfection during times of non-occupancy and safe and
handheld sterilization. JKL’s UB-UV2 LED kit includes an effective air purification through three layers of disinfection.
32 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
It is now available
and has been designed
for use in high-
traffic commercial
facilities including
schools, universities,
offices, restaurants,
transportation hubs and places of worship. The Hybrid UVC
Disinfection Fixture is designed to provide comprehensive
disinfection treatments for areas of approximately 3,000 ft3.
By providing five- to 10-minute whole-room disinfection, the
fixture achieves 99% disinfection against exposed pathogens,
and via air purification during periods of occupancy it works
to maintain this high level of purity. For more information,
visit www.pure-lighting.com.
Ultraviolet Disinfection:
Background and Basics
ltraviolet (UV) light is commonly of their strong absorption, even by air. UV-A
used for disinfection. It inactivates wavelengths, which cause suntans and are used
microorganisms (including viruses) by in tanning salons (Nilsen et al. 2016), also are
Kari Sholtes, degrading their genetic material and structural commonly used for curing anything from inks or
Ph.D. molecules so that they are no longer infectious. coatings to adhesives and nail polish (Endruweit
instructor, UV light is commonly used for disinfecting 2006). The energy carried by light is inversely
CMU/CU water, air and surfaces; however, the wavelengths proportional to its wavelength; therefore, the
Boulder Civil that are most effective at inactivating microbes shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy.
Engineering, also are considered damaging to human skin and For this reason, UV-B radiation, at shorter
Colorado Mesa eyes. This article gives an overview, for general wavelengths than UV-A, has higher energy and
University audiences, of UV disinfection. carries a greater cancer risk in humans (NTP,
2016). Even higher-energy radiation in the UV-C
Richard What is UV light? band is most commonly used for disinfection.
Simons, Ph.D. Light can be described as both a particle and a The majority of microbes show a relative peak in
head of wave, a phenomenon known as wave-particle sensitivity to radiation around 265 nm, and so the
application duality. As a particle, massless photons carry light application of UV disinfection has targeted the
science, energy throughout the universe (at the speed of “germicidal” range around this peak.
AquiSense light). As a wave, the energy is radiated by smooth
Technologies oscillations of the electromagnetic field. UV Sources of UV light
radiation is on the short-wavelength side of the As with other types of light on the electromagnetic
Sara E. Beck,
electromagnetic spectrum, occupying the range spectrum, UV light is produced both naturally
Ph.D. from 100 to 400 nm. The UV range is further and artificially. Natural UV light comes from the
assistant subdivided into four categories: UV-A (315 nm to sun; some of which reaches the Earth’s surface,
professor, 400 nm), UV-B (280 nm to 315 nm), UV-C (200 and some is absorbed by the atmosphere. Due to
University nm to 280 nm) and vacuum UV (100 to 200 nm). strong absorption of higher-energy radiation in the
of British Vacuum UV wavelengths are so-named because upper atmosphere almost no solar UV-C reaches
Babak Adeli,
director of
R&D, Acuva
Zhe Sun,
Ph.D., post-
doc, Research
Center for Eco-
Academy of
34 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
ISO 9001:2015 Registered
36 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
efficiency of these photochemical reactions varies. This in the eyes (photokeratitis). Recent studies indicate that
variation in efficiency is described by the “germicidal action far UV-C (200 to 225 nm) may provide germicidal effects
spectrum,” or spectral sensitivity, of the target microbe, and without damaging the skin or eyes; the IUVA has published
though variation is seen between microbes, a common feature a review of this technology for further reading (Simons et
is a broad peak about 265 nm, tailing to near-zero about 300 al. 2020).
nm on the longer-wavelength side and falling to ~50% around
240 nm. Some microbes, especially viruses, show a greatly Working safely with UV means understanding the physics of
increased susceptibility to shorter UV-C wavelengths (Beck the source (wavelength, power, distance), the chemistry of
et al. 2014), leading to interest in the potential of so-called the target (ozone generation, material degradation, volatile
“far UV-C” disinfection (Simons et al. 2020). compounds) and the conditions of the exposure (PPE, time,
shielding, safety interlocks). Follow institutional guidelines
Safety where appropriate, and, if in doubt, use caution to avoid
As with disinfection potential, the hazard of UV radiation unnecessary human exposure and sufficiently cover the
varies with both wavelength and exposure. The risks skin and eyes. More complete discussion of UV safety
associated with each UV source should be considered before considerations is provided in CIE 187:2010 (CIE, 2010),
use; reputable manufacturers will provide guidance for 2006/25/EC (European Parliament, 2006), and US NTP 14th
safe use. Report on Carcinogens (NTP, 2016). n
When using germicidal UV sources, safe practices are For full list of references, visit www.uvsolutionsmag.com.
required to protect any person who may be exposed. UV
radiation is hazardous to the skin and eyes, and proper Contact: Kari Sholtes, [email protected]; Richard
personal protective equipment (PPE) is often recommended; Simons, [email protected]; Sara E. Beck, sara.
common symptoms of UV overexposure are sunburn-like [email protected]; Babak Adeli, [email protected]; Zhe
reactions in skin (erythema) and a painful, itchy condition Sun, [email protected]
Our solutions, which include UV ballasts for water and air purification systems,
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Published research
This section outlines studies that have been completed on the
dose response relationship for SARS-CoV-2 and UV light.
These studies have taken place globally and cover a variety
of wavelengths, types of samples, culture methodologies and
UV sources. As with all disinfection technologies, context
matters, and it is known that relative humidity, inoculum
composition, surface texture and reflectivity, in addition to
many other factors, can impact treatment efficacy. Therefore,
differences in approaches to inoculation, exposure and
continued on page 40 ZED Ziegler Electronic Devices GmbH, Germany
(++49)3677 468 030 | [email protected] | www.z-e-d.com
Table 1. Completed studies on SARS-CoV-2 and similar pathogen UV dose response relationships. Fields
marked “-” indicate that the data was not provided in the source.
Kitagawa, et al. (2021) Effect of Ushio Care222™ (222 15 mJ/cm2; ~4.5-log Dose-reciprocity study;
intermittent irradiation… nm) (>99.99%) good UV exposure design
Crystal IS Inc., (2020) Crystal IS UV-C LED (260, 268, 5 mJ/cm2; 2.8-log Press release only;
and Boston University… 270 nm) (>99.8%) not peer-reviewed
40 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
recovery are likely to result in legitimate variation in Future research goals and conclusion
inactivation. Numerous studies have been completed on SARS-CoV-2 and
similar coronaviruses; however, variations in experimental
However, in reviewing the literature around SARS-CoV-2, set-ups and UV wavelengths, and incomplete dose data leave
and coronaviruses more generally, results were seen to researchers without a clear and consistent dose response
vary by many orders of magnitude. Some of the more relationship. Studies reporting exposure time only and not
extreme differences in dose response values appear to be irradiance or intensity limit the ability to derive true UV dose
the consequence of improper exposure, measurement of that values.
exposure and correction for known phenomena.
Low-pressure mercury vapor and KrCl* excimer lamps are
For example, not all studies reported irradiance measurements the most commonly studied UV sources, although other
and none of the studies reported accounting for surface UV sources such as UV-C LEDs and pulsed UV also are
reflection of UV radiation at the air-water interface. That presented. Among high-quality studies, there appears to
said, there are some studies of high quality within this review be good agreement of UV dose response values across the
that provide detailed method description. UV-C spectrum, indicating that wavelength does not play a
substantial role in disinfection efficacy. However, further work
A summary analysis of the methodology applied in each is required to refine this understanding to build transferability
publication is included within the online version of this of inactivation studies across the UV-C spectrum.
article, with a list of those publications provided in Table 1.
Most importantly, future tests must be vigilant in recording
Current research the methods used and the actual dose applied, not simply
Table 2 summarizes publications currently in preprint but that exposure time so the tests can be replicated. While there is
have not yet passed peer review. Many other studies likely
are occurring, but their data is not yet publicly available. continued on page 43
✓ High efficiency
Exchange ideas with UV LED developers and users from a wide range of
fields, from medical diagnostics and plant growth lighting to analytics and
sensor technology to curing of materials.
› Talks by internationally recognized speakers have already been confirmed.
Stay up to date!
www.ICULTA.com Jointly organized by
Table 2. Preprint publications investigating SARS-CoV-2 inactivation by UV light; not yet peer-reviewed
much work left to be done, the UV community is on the right This article is presented in a shortened format for the
track to gather the needed data and work together to stop the UV Solutions print copy. To view the full article, including
spread of SARS-CoV-2. data and references,visit www.uvsolutionsmag.com.
or so long, nursing homes and long- ramping up testing efforts to ensure those who are
term care facilities have been plagued infected are quarantined in a timely manner.
with various virus out breaks. Their
generally older demographic and confined spaces The use of technology
make them highly susceptible to acquiring and in healthcare
transmitting viruses amongst each other. The healthcare industry is burdened with the
challenges of healthcare-acquired infections
The COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly (HAIs) amongst patients. It is estimated that
difficult for these communities, having seen nearly 700,000 HAI’s occur in the United States
record numbers of deaths in the nursing home each year1 and nearly 100,000 patients die
sector. Keeping this vulnerable population because of those infections.2
healthy has been caregivers’ number one priority.
New guidelines have been put in place to ensure Nurses and physicians are increasingly using
that patients and staff are safe and are not at risk technology like tablets in their day-to-day work.
of spreading viruses. Some of these new safety Upwards of 87% of physicians employ mobile
measures include social distancing, decreasing the devices in their workplace.3 Tablets help save time
number of outside visitors, making sure common between patients by being able to quickly input
spaces are regularly cleaned and disinfected, and patient information or view needed information.
44 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
They also are used for speedy patient check-ins and keeping
track of visitors inside facilities.
Nurses and physicians are increasingly
During the COVID-19 pandemic, tablets have been used in
nursing homes for residents to communicate with their loved
using technology like tablets in their
ones. Many states and organizations have allocated funds or
donated tablets so that residents have access to video chat
day-to-day work. Upwards of 87% of
apps, as well as apps to keep up morale. With this increased physicians employ mobile devices in
their workplace.3
use of technology there is an increased risk of transmitting
viruses. Proper disinfection of these mobile devices is
essential to keeping those working and living in nursing
homes safe. It also is important that proper handwashing is
being utilized. Unwashed or semi-washed hands increase the
risk of contaminating a disinfected mobile device.4 that 100% of parents’ cellphones brought in housed bacteria.
Ninety percent of parents’ hands had the same bacteria
Chemical vs. UV light disinfection as their cellphones. The same study revealed that 94% of
Chemical disinfection of high-touch surfaces is standard in parents used their cellphone at the baby’s bedside.10
most healthcare settings. Traditional disinfecting, though,
offers several challenges to ensuring that high-touch surfaces The University of Vermont implemented the technology
are properly disinfected. into its NICU, to reduce the number of bacteria brought in.
Parents’ cellphones were disinfected for 60 seconds while they
Sufficient contact time is one of the most challenging washed their hands to prepare for the visit. Charles Micelli of
requirements for chemical disinfection. Contact times vary UVM-MC said, “The proliferation of mobile devices helps
depending on the product and can take anywhere from one streamline access to our information but also introduces
to 10 minutes to be effective. This requires that the entire a roaming high-touch surface into our environment. The
surface area be wet for the period of time stated on the label.5 devices have provided us an additional method to facilitate
effective disinfection of these mobile devices.”
Ultraviolet light is an electromagnetic wave that is invisible
to the human eye, located between X-rays and visible light. Most recently, Athena Health Care Systems partnered with
UV-C light in the 200 nm to 300 nm range can be deadly iCleanse in providing another layer of safety and infection
to microorganisms. When the DNA of bacteria, viruses and control to their 51 nursing homes in New England. For
pathogens absorb this light, it renders them inert and unable over three decades, Athena Health Care Systems, based
to replicate.6 Pathogens cannot infect if they cannot replicate. in Farmington, Connecticut, has been a regional leader in
providing skilled nursing care; short-term, post-hospital
Applying the correct dosage of UV-C light is required to rehabilitation; assisted and senior living; as well as home
ensure complete inactivation of pathogens. Higher exposure health, hospice care and private duty program services.
to UV-C light ensures that nucleic acid is damaged beyond
repair.7 UV-C disinfection provides lower risk of error, unlike “The units have been well-received and greatly appreciated
chemical disinfection, which relies on an operator to ensure by the teams at our centers,” said Larry Santilli, president
adequate results.8 and CEO of Athena Health Care Systems. Santilli added:
“Nursing homes across the country have been significantly
How iCleanse helps those most vulnerable impacted by COVID-19, and Athena Health Care Systems has
iCleanse (formerly ReadyDock), provides chemical-free gone to extraordinary lengths to provide protection, whether
UV-C disinfection of mobile devices for smartphones and in the forms of PPE or the newest technology in the units, to
tablets. The intent is to take the guesswork out of disinfecting ensure the health and safety of our staff. The units provide
and ensure that roaming high-touch surfaces are disinfected not only another level of infection prevention, but they also
frequently. Designed to control the disinfection process, provide peace of mind for our dedicated, compassionate
iCleanse is engineered to ensure that disinfection happens caregivers. Chris Allen and his team have developed a great
the same way every time. Results from studies show that, tool to complement our expanding infection prevention
in a 60-second cycle, the technology kills >99.99% of the program.” n
bacteria on mobile devices.9
For a full list of references, visit www.uvsolutionsmag.com.
A study at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at the
University of Vermont Medical Center (UVM-MC), shows Contact: Chelsey Clapper, [email protected]
Use of Fluoropolymers
in UV Sterilization Equipment
n an increasingly regulated and safety- of +200°C and low temperatures of -200°C. As
conscious world, the threat of contamination such, FEP does not become degraded by the heat
is ever growing. As a result, UV sterilization or ultraviolet rays emitted by the lamps and does
equipment is becoming more and more important not brittle or discolor when used with the strong
Deverell for the medical, pharmaceutical, and food and light over time. The fluoropolymer also outlasts
managing drink industries. Used to help disinfect drinking the life of UV lamps.
director, water, sterilize food contact surfaces and hospital
Adtech equipment, and diagnose a range of medical In terms of light transmittance, FEP is comparable
Polymer conditions, fluoroethylene propylene (FEP) is to quartz. Their refractive indices are 1.344 for
Engineering variable in production of components for UV FEP and 1.553 for quartz. But while quartz needs
sterilization equipment. to be handled carefully and can easily be damaged,
FEP is strong and durable, and when coated onto
FEP for UV sterilization lamps, can make them shatterproof. All in all, FEP
Given the high strength of ultraviolet rays, most is the ideal material to produce components for
polymers are not suited to UV sterilization. UV sterilization equipment.
Various polymers have been tried over the years,
and most general-purpose polymers were found Minimal degradation in UV-C
to be useless. These polymers absorb the strong transmittance of fluoropolymers
light, age with each dose of UV radiation and UV lamp manufacturer Light Sources conducted
are damaged by the ultraviolet rays, becoming a research on the aging of fluoropolymer heat
discolored and brittle. shrink sleeves used on UV-C lamps. The main
objective was to understand the long-term change
The most successful polymers for UV sterilization in transmission of fluoropolymer heat shrink
have proved to be fluoropolymers containing high exposed to intense UV-C radiation. As part of this
amounts of -CF2 and -CF3 in their molecule chain, research, Adtech Polymer Engineering’s FEP heat
and the very best appear to be the completely shrink sleeve was tested.
fluorinated polymers.
In research, various FEP and PFA heat shrink
Fluoroethylene propylene (FEP) is inert to sleeves were tested on different UV lamps of
ultraviolet rays and has a low absorption different power levels, from amalgam to 400 mA
rate for UV. The fluoropolymer is nonstick, and 800 mA lamps. The lamps were operated for
bio-compatible, sturdy, and has a high tensile up to 8,000 hours, which accounts for half the
strength able to withstand high temperatures average lifetime.
Images 1 and 2. Flanged microbore FEP tube (left) and FEP retractable coil.
46 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
The research found fluoropolymer heat
shrink sleeves minimally degrade after
8,000 hours. The UV-C transmittance
degradation amounted to approximately
3 to 7% on amalgam lamps and 0 to
3% on standard and high output lamps.
The research also found that the power
density affects degradation. For amalgam
lamps, degradation is accelerated by the
additional heat and the increased UV-C
To cover the lamp and meet the project criteria, a custom For the full UV-C and UV-A transmittance research reports,
formed non-shrink FEP tube was created to be push-fitted visit https://adtech.co.uk/.
over the UV-C lamp. The tube cover was easy to apply as part
of the customer’s production process. In addition, the cover Contact: Samantha Deverell, [email protected]
48 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
UV Solutions is seeking
article submissions.
News releases, product
announcements, application
notes and more are welcome.
Email [email protected].
June 13-16
ACE 21
San Diego, CA
Allanson Lighting Technologies Inc. ......................... allanson.com ................................................................................. 37
American Ultraviolet ......................................................... americanultraviolet.com.......................................................... 27
AquiSense Technologies ................................................. aquisense.com .............................................................................. 31
Atlantic Ultraviolet ............................................................. ultraviolet.com ............................................................................. 33
AWWA ACE21 ...................................................................... awwa.org/ace ............................................................................. IFC
Boston Electronics............................................................. boselec.com .................................................................................. 23
Cleanbox................................................................................. cleanboxtech.com ....................................................................IBC
eta plus .................................................................................... eta-uv.com ..................................................................................... 29
Fulham..................................................................................... fulham.com / annia-lite.com ....................................................11
GenUV ..................................................................................... geni-uv.com .................................................................................... 19
iCleanse ................................................................................... icleanse.com.....................................................................................3
ICULTA ..................................................................................... iculta.com ....................................................................................... 42
International Ultraviolet Association ........................ iuva.org ............................................................................................49
LightSources, Inc. ............................................................... light-sources.com ....................................................................... 35
Nedap ...................................................................................... nedap-uv.com................................................................................ 41
Neotec UV ............................................................................. neotecuv.com ............................................................................... 26
Nichia ....................................................................................... nichia.com ....................................................................................... 21
Olympia Lighting, Inc. ...................................................... olympialighting.com ....................................................................7
Philips ....................................................................................... philips.com/uv-c ........................................................................ BC
TES ............................................................................................ hites.co.kr/eng ............................................................................... 17
Tru-D® SmartUVC ............................................................... tru-d.com ......................................................................................... 15
UV Lamp Consulting ........................................................ uvlampconsulting.com................................................................9
UV Solutions ......................................................................... uvsolutionsmag.com .................................................................49
UV-Technik............................................................................. uvtechnik.com ..............................................................................20
ZED ........................................................................................... z-e-d.com ....................................................................................... 39
50 | UVSolutions uvsolutionsmag.com
@cleanboxtech 2021 Quarter 1 | 51
cleanboxtech.com | [email protected]
UV-C disinfection