3 Class Note For Video
3 Class Note For Video
3 Class Note For Video
Read the brochure(s) and study this Guides and Notes related to the Cyberport Creative Micro Fund
("CCMF") Hong Kong Programme before submitting your application.
Contact Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited ("Cyberport") by phone or email when
you have any queries in the application.
1.1 An applicant entering the CCMF Hong Kong Programme may choose either:
a) Hong Kong Young Entrepreneur Programme ("HKYEP"), or
b) Professional Stream
1.3 For Individual Application, the principal applicant should be Hong Kong Permanent Identity
Card holder. For Company Application, the company should be registered and incorporated
in Hong Kong. Application is open to applicants aged 18 or above upon the application deadline.
1.4 For Individual Application for HKYEP, the principal applicant should be a Hong Kong
Permanent Identity Card holder and aged 18 – 35 upon the application deadline.
1.5 All applicants of Company Application for HKYEP should be at least 18-year-old and the age
of one of the business owner(s) is 18 – 35 upon application deadline. In addition, the designated
business owner shall play the same position in the company during the CCMF project period.
The company should be registered and incorporated in Hong Kong.
1.6 All applicants of Individual Application and Company Application for Professional Stream
(i.e. the principal applicants and members of the project management team given in the CCMF
Application Form) should be at least 18-years-old upon the application deadline.
1.7 All applicants of Individual Applications, the founders/ co-founders or directors of Company
Applications cannot be the founders/ co-founders or directors who are working for the following:
1.7.1 same or similar project or company in the same nature currently in any incubation
programme(s) operated by Hong Kong Design Centre or Hong Kong Science &
Technology Parks Corporation
1.7.2 same or similar project that has previously joined and graduated from any incubation
programme operated by Hong Kong Design Centre or Hong Kong Science & Technology
Parks Corporation.
1.8 Applicant does not allow using the same project or similar project previously admitted into CCMF
Programmes including CCMF Hong Kong Programme, CCMF Cross-Boundary Programme and
Cyberport University Partnership Programme to apply CCMF.
1.9 If an applicant of the same project applying for Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) and
Cyberport Incubation Programme (CIP) at the same intake, HKCMCL shall only consider the
application of CIP without further notice.
1.10 Applicants of CCMF Hong Kong Programme shall submit the online CCMF Application Form via
Cyberport Entrepreneurship Management System (“EMS” with supporting documents (whenever
required) by the application deadline.
1.11 EMS online application should be submitted by the principal applicant of Individual Application
or the founder/ co-founders and director of the Company Application. Otherwise, it will not be
1.12.2 Only the shortlisted applicants will be invited to the Presentation Session.
2 Project Nature
2.1 All projects must be rooted in digital tech related areas and in idea stage or in the stage of
prototype development.
2.2 Projects have not accepted any offer and received funding granted by other publicly-funded
organisations/programmes before and during CCMF application stage and in the project period.
Examples of publicly funded organisations/ programmes are listed in Schedule 1 attached.
2.3 Cyberport and/or the Vetting Team reserve the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to
define and decide on whether a project satisfies the requirement stated in Section 1 and 2 above.
3.1 Applicants should make a true, full and accurate disclosure of their participation in any other
publicly and/or privately funded programmes for their projects, similar digital tech projects and
other digital tech projects including, but not limiting to:
c) all grants or funding received by the Applicant (or any company established by the applicant)
in the past 18 months prior to the date of submission of the CCMF application and the scope
of expenditure incurred by the Applicant for such grants or funding; and
d) all grants or funding which the Applicant (or any company established by the Applicant)
anticipates to receive or becomes entitled to receive in the 18 months after the date of
submission of the CCMF application and the scope of expenditure for such grants or funding.
For company applicants, disclosure of (b) and (c) above extend to the proposed or similar
digital tech projects participated by their directors and shareholders.
3.2 Applicants must, at any time when requested, provide evidence of payments made or received
in respect of such publicly and/or privately funded programmes.
3.3 Applicants must inform Cyberport immediately if there are any subsequent changes to the
information provided in accordance with 3.1 above (and when requested, provide evidence of
payments made or received in respect of such programmes after the date of submission).
3.4 In any time, applicants/ CCMF Grant Recipients have obligation to update Cyberport
Entrepreneurs Team on their projects and company status for any publicly-funded programme
applied/ to be applied, and any offer is granted/ to be granted by other publicly-funded
organisations/ programmes during application stage and the 6-months CCMF project period.
3.5 Applicants and CCMF Grant Recipients shall not accept any offer of Incubation Programmes
operated by Hong Kong Design Centre and Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks
Corporation or equivalent as stated in Schedule 1 of this document on the same project or
project in similar nature/ field during the 6-months CCMF project period. Otherwise, related
Applicant(s) and CCMF Grant Recipient(s) are required to withdraw from the CCMF application/
3.6 Any applicant and/or the CCMF Grant Recipient violated any term in this document, application
form and the CCMF Agreement is required to withdraw from the CCMF application/ programme.
Cyberport has reserved the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to ask for withdrawal or
to terminate the applicants/ Recipients in CCMF application stage/ scheme, and to ask for the
refund of grant offered.
The Vetting Team shall consider the following criteria weighted as follows in determining a
prospective project’s potential to become a CCMF Grant Recipient:
The ability of the project management team reflected from its prior track record, execution ability,
good probability of launch to market, individual qualifications, and team job allocation.
Effective communication and the qualities of vision, direction, short and long term objectives,
market need for product, target market and marketing strategy, and realistic assessment of the
project viability. In addition, a product launch within three months from grant disbursement will
be encouraged.
Creativity and Innovation of the Proposed Project, Product and Service (30%)
Factors such as the use of innovative technologies, creative solutions, disruptive technology
capability, emerging, or breakthrough problem-solving technologies.
Preference will be given to projects that incorporate social responsibility objectives as a project
focus (including contribution to open source, creative commons and other “progressive”
technologies with a social focus), demonstration of ethical decision making, or contribution
towards solving problems that originate from the social environment.
Final funding decision is subject to the Vetting Team’s evaluation. No appeal or request for
explanation of the decision will be considered.
5 Result Announcement
5.1 Email notifications shall be sent to the applicants on the final vetting result, which is subject to
reference check by Cyberport.
6.1 Successful applicants shall sign and return a CCMF Grant Recipient Agreement to confirm their
acceptance of the offer for admission to the CCMF Scheme within 30 calendar days of the date
of the Result Announcement.
6.2 If Cyberport does not receive the signed CCMF Grant Recipient Agreement from a successful
applicant within the time frame stated above, Cyberport shall assume that the applicant has
withdrawn its applications. The subject application will be dismissed without further notice.
7.1 CCMF Grant Recipient shall mean the individual, company or team (as applicable) who has
entered into the CCMF Grant Recipient Agreement with Cyberport.
7.2 CCMF Grant Recipients are required to implement their projects within a period of 6 months.
During this 6-month period, CCMF Grant Recipients are required to submit interim and final
8 Funding
8.1 A grant totalling HK$100,000 shall be paid to the CCMF Grant Recipient in the following stages:
8.1.2 HK$10,000 shall be paid to the CCMF Grant Recipient after the signing of the CCMF
8.1.3 HK$45,000 shall be paid after the Interim Report is approved by the Senior Manager,
Entrepreneurs Team of Cyberport.
9.1 To ensure openness, fairness and integrity of CCMF, each applicant/CCMF Grant Recipient
9.1.2 Observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Hong Kong Legislation - Cap. 201) and
shall advise its employees, agents, subcontractors and other personnel who are in any
way involved in its application/project (the "Personnel") that they shall observe the
same and that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any
advantages as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance in relation to the
9.1.3 Not offer or give or agree to give any person employed by Cyberport , the members of
the Vetting Team or acting on its behalf, any gift or consideration of any kind as an
inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do
any act in relation to CCMF or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to
any person in relation to CCMF;
9.1.4 Promptly declare and notify Cyberport in writing of any potential or actual conflict of
interests upon becoming aware of the same. "Conflict of interests" shall include (but
are not limited to) any situation where the personal/financial interest of an applicant/
CCMF Grant Recipient or its Personnel, conflict or compete, or may be expected to
conflict or compete, with the role, duties and/or impartiality of such applicant/ CCMF
Grant Recipient or Personnel under CCMF;
9.1.5 Warrant that the applicant/ CCMF Grant Recipient is the original creator of its project
and its project is original. To the best of the applicant’s / CCMF Grant Recipient’s
knowledge, the applicant's/ CCMF Grant Recipient's project and the product(s) and/or
service(s) to be developed as a part of the project are not under development or
available anywhere in the world;
9.1.6 Ensure that the development, completion and use of the project and the product(s)
and/or service(s) to be developed as a part of the project will not infringe the rights or
intellectual property rights of any other party (whether registered or not), including but
not limited to patent rights, trade mark rights, and copyright;
9.1.7 Apply the grant prudently, efficiently and solely for the purpose of the project approved
under CCMF;
9.1.8 Not give away, share or otherwise use any grant to be received from the CCMF in
contravention of the law or any of the terms which apply to application for funding from
the CCMF;
9.1.9 Abide by the principles of openness, fairness and competitiveness in the procurement
of any goods/services in connection with CCMF; and
9.1.10 Take all necessary measures (including by way of a code of conduct or contractual
provisions) to ensure that its Personnel are aware of and comply with the requirements
under these Guides, the CCMF Application Form and any other relevant agreement(s)
between the applicant/CCMF Grant Recipient .
9.2 Cyberport has absolute discretion to revoke any application and call for refund of the full amount
of grant received by the CCMF Grant Recipient if any member of the applicant/ CCMF Grant
Recipient breaches any of the terms and conditions in these Guides, the CCMF Application
Form and any other relevant agreement(s) between the applicant/CCMF Grant Recipient and
Cyberport. If any of the conduct of the applicant/ CCMF Grant Recipient amounts to or may
amount to a breach of criminal law, Cyberport would report their conduct to the relevant law
enforcement body.
Schedule 1
Examples of publicly funded organisations / programmes include, but are not limited to:
Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (the “BUD Fund”)
Design Incubation Programme (DIP) of HKDC
Incu-App Programme of HKSTP
Incu-Tech Programme of HKSTP
Incu-Bio Programme of HKSTP
Leading Enterprises Acceleration Programme of HKSTP
Funding Programmes by the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) of the HKSAR