A Study of Environmental Awareness of Students at Higher Secondary Level

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International Journal of Education

A Study of Environmental Awareness of

Students at Higher Secondary Level
B.T Assistant, Government High School, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Volume: 7 The study was carried out with a sample of 180 students from Standard XII using environmental
awareness scale for assessing the signicance difference in the mean scores of environmental
awareness. The results indicated that there was a signicant difference in the mean scores of
Issue: 3
Environmental awareness between the students belonging to science group and arts group, there
existed signicant difference in the mean scores of Environmental awareness between the students
Month: June belonging to science group and vocational group, there existed no signicant difference in the
mean scores of Environmental awareness between the students belonging to vocational group and
arts group. There existed no signicant difference in the mean scores of Environmental awareness
Year: 2019 between the students in terms of gender and in terms of types of institution.
Keywords: environmental awareness, signicance difference, groups, type of institutions,
ISSN: 2320-2653 gender.

Received: 13.05.2019 Environmental Studies

Healthy, clean and pure environment is a precious gift of nature to the
Accepted: 30.05.2019 humanity. Like many other organisms, man has to depend, for his life on
this environment. He receives his basic necessities like water, air, food and
Published: 02.06.2019 shelter from it. So neither the present generation nor the posterity has any right
to obliterate its wholesomeness or pollute it. The environmental health of a
Citation: country is, in fact, an indication of the quality of life of the people.
Danielraja, R. “A Study of The fields covered by environmental studies are as follows;
Environmental Awareness 1. The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
of Students at Higher 2. Natural resources and associated problems
Secondary Level.” Shanlax 3. Eco systems
International Journal of 4. Biodiversity and its conservation
Education, vol. 7, no. 3, 5. Environmental pollution
2019, pp. 6-10. 6. Social issues and the environment

DOI: Signicance of the Study

https://doi.org/10.34293/ Environmental issues became Hj international priorities all though they were
education.v7i3.480 seen as local or regional concerns, because they have become extraneous to
economic growth, health, nature and aesthetics. Consumption of resources for
products produced for world market (dominated by the North) causes primarily
local environmental degradation - not global. Every human being has the right
This work is licensed to decent life, but today there are elements in our environment that tend to
under a Creative militate against the attainment and enjoyment of such a life. The exacerbation
Commons Attribution- of the pollution of environment can cause untold misery. Unhappiness and
NonCommercial- suffering to human beings crop up simply because of our lack of concern for
NoDerivatives 4.0 the common good and the absence of a sense of responsibility and ethics for
International License sustaining a balanced ecosystem. If we are to aspire to a better quality of life -
one which will ensure freedom from want, from disease and from fear itself,

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International Journal of Education

then we must all join hands to stem the increasing Tools

toxification of the earth. We need to defuse this Environmental awareness assessment
environmental problem, but such needed action will questionnaire. A research tool plays a major role
come only if we reorient the citizenry’s values, i.e. in any worthwhile research, as it is the role factor
imbibe them with proper attitudes and values (ethics), in determining the sound data in arriving at perfect
specially those that will lead to a greater concern for conclusions about the problem or study in hand,
preserving balance in the ecosystem. Besides we which ultimately, helps in providing suitable
should teach them how to save the environment from remedial measures to the problem concerned.
further degradation, and help make it a healthier and The selection and use of tools can be done in two
progressive place to live in; this springs from a strong ways. The first one is to construct a tool independetly
sense of social responsibility. Hence, it becomes by the investigator for his own study. Here, there
obligatory on the part of each individual citizen to are many problems in doing so. Preparation and
develop environmental ethics that, while we aspire standardization of a perfect tool itself is a major
for the good life, should not sacrifice the future of task, and one can safely say that it is a doctroal study
the generations to come (Minda C & Sutaria 1990). itself. On construction of their own tools, Anand and
Padma (1987) feel that “ A note of caution has to be
Objectives of the Study struck when a researcher develops a tool for his study
1. To study the extend of awareness of students to by merely pooling some items and does not subject it
environmental education to the sophisticated techiniques of tool construction.
2. To study the extend of awareness of students to The result would be them obvious, a poor quality
social issues related to environmental pollution. research. With this, one can say that preparation
3. To offer a few suggestions to get over the and standardization of tools is a major task, and one
problems related to environmental pollution. should take care in aspects like selection of area and
4. To throw light on salient features of environmental sample, pooling up of statements related to the area
education. and sample, consulting the experts, and application
of sophisticated statistical techniques.
Hypotheses The second way of selection and use of tools is
1. There exists significant difference in the mean right selection of tools from already standardized ones
scores in Environmental awareness between the available in the field of study. Here also it involves
students belonging to science group and arts a redious job in locating the tools and identifying
group their usefulness to the study on hand. Even then,
2. There exists significant difference in the mean this technique is very useful when a research work is
scores in Environmental awareness between taken to study in depth and when the research work
the students belonging to science group and involves a good number of variables. Some people
vocational group believe that some of the instruments available do not
3. There exists significant difference in the mean measure up to their standards.
scores in Environmental awareness between the Hence new one, In some instances, consideration
students belonging to vocational group and arts should be given to the logistics of the situation.
group Lacking the time and financial resources of a test and
4. There exists significant difference in the mean measurement organisation, many researchers cannot
scores in Environmental awareness between the expect to produce a better instrument. In the cases,
students in terms of gender the most logical procedure that he can follow is to
5. There exists significant difference in the mean choose the best instruments available for his purpose.
scores in Environmental awareness between the Considering the flaws and merits of the selection
students in terms of types of institution. of tools in either way, the investigator was interested
in preparing standardized tools at the present study to
measure Environmental awareness of the teachers.

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Environmental awareness Questionnaire Problem Stated

The Environmental awareness questionnaire was The problem of the study pertains to the following
subjected to pre-testing, which is, in fact, a ‘dream area. What is the extent of knowledge attained by the
rehearsal’ of the final study. The Environmental students of standard XII with regards to Awareness
awareness questionnaire was administered to a of environmental pollution?
sample of hundred and twelve students studying in
schools. The validity of the EAS was found 0.84. Sample Design
This tool was finalized for the final administration The sample consists of 100 respondents for pilot
to measure the Environmental awareness of study for the purpose of standardization of test in
students in various standards. The particulars of the The sample for final study consists of 180 students
Environmental awareness questionnaire in detail are of which 90 students belong to the Government
presented herewith. institution and other 90 to Management institutions
with due representation to gender.
The Environmental awareness questionnaire Instrumentation
was constructed. This questionnaire was prepared, The investigator employed the tool
based on the articles of the experts on environmental “Environmental awareness questionnaire” for this
studies. study.

Item Writing, Editing and Revision Analysis and Interpretation

An initial pool of 60 statements were prepared. Hypothesis - 1
This pool of statements was given to 10 experienced Null hypothesis
and qualified educator, after getting its language There exists no significant difference in the mean
pruned by exerts. The experts were requested to rate scores in Environmental awareness between the
each statement. students belonging to science group and arts group.
Table 1: Difference in students due to groups
Internal Consistency and Discriminate Validity “t”
Groups N Mean SD Sig.
The reliability of Environmental awareness value
questionnaire score as calculated by split-half method Science 60 35.15 8.75
was found to be 0.88. Environmental awareness 6.00 S
Arts 60 26.50 7.07
questionnaire was administered on a sample of 100
and this analysis provided information about the
Hypothesis - 2
internal consistency and discriminate validity of
Null hypothesis
various dimensions of the scale.
There exists no significant difference in the mean
scores in Environmental awareness between the
Population and Sample for the Study
students belonging to science group and vocational
The sample for the study consists of 180 students
studying in XI and XII standard studying Government
Table 2: Difference in students due to Groups
school and Management schools Madurai District
with students belonging to both gender. Groups N Mean SD Sig.
Science 60 35.15 8.75
Limitations of the Study 8.20 S
The limitations of the study are as follows. Vocational 60 24.66 6.54
1 This study is limited to the pupils studying in
standard XII. Hypothesis - 3
2 The sample is limited to certain schools in Null hypothesis
Virudhunagar District. There exists no significant difference in the

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mean scores in Environmental awareness between scores of Environmental awareness between the
the students belonging to vocational group and arts students in terms of gender
group 5. There exists no significant difference in the mean
Table 3: Difference in students due to Groups scores of Environmental awareness between the
“t” students in terms of types of institution.
Groups N Mean SD Sig.
Vocational 60 24.66 7.07 Recommendations for Further Study
1.43 NS 1. Similar studies may be undertaken at different
Arts 60 26.50 7.07
Hypothesis - 4 2. Correlation Studies with reference to
Null hypothesis environmental awareness and different subjects
There exists no significant difference in the mean namely Botany, Zoology & Chemistry may be
scores in Environmental awareness between the made.
students in terms of gender 3. Training programmes may be envisaged for
Table 4: Difference in students due to gender teachers at post graduate level to high light the
salient features of Environmental awareness.
Gender N Mean SD Sig. 4. Research on environmental awareness associated
with preservation of nature.
Boys 90 30.04 10.59
0.36 NS 5. Student’s skill for learning about environmental ie
Girls 90 30.51 10.27 observation, collection & classification in school
may be fostered.
Hypothesis - 5
Null hypothesis Implications and Conclusion
There exists no significant difference in the mean 1. Environmental awareness plays a vital role in
scores in Environmental awareness between the preserving of nature.
students in terms of types of institution. 2. Through Environmental Awareness we can
Table 5: Difference in students due to type of create relationship between man and nature is
institution established.
“t” 3. Environmental awareness enriches one’s
Institution N Mean SD Sig.
value knowledge of balance of nature.
Government 90 30.37 10.43 4. Environmental awareness inculcates skills among
0.14 NS students which indirectly help one to become a
Management 90 30.60 10.8
nature loving scientist.
5. Through Environmental awareness whatever that
Findings of the Study
is learnt in environmental awareness is applied in
1. There exists significant difference in the mean
life situation
scores of Environmental awareness between the
6. The environmental awareness skills of the
students belonging to science group and arts
learners such as manipulation of the environment,
arranging things in the nature observation,
2. There exists significant difference in the mean
collection, classification of things in nature and
scores of Environmental awareness between
inference of scientific and environmental facts
the students belonging to science group and
out of it are nourished.
vocational group
7. A higher degree of environmenrtal awareness is
3. There exists no significant difference in the mean
essential to save the world from extinction and
scores of Environmental awareness between the
preserve the ecosystem.
students belonging to vocational group and arts
8. The issues such as global warming, soil erosion,
deforestation and depletion of ozone may cause
4. There exists no significant difference in the mean
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Author Details
R.Danielraja, B.T Assistant, Goverment High School, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email Id: [email protected]

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