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Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 43405-025

Semestral Report
For the Period July–December 2020
February 2021

Georgia: Urban Services Improvement Investment

Program – Tranche 3

Prepared by United Water Supply Company of Georgia for the Ministry of Regional Development
and Infrastructure of Georgia and the Asian Development Bank.
This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may
be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area.
Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 43405-025

Reporting Period: July-December 2020



Prepared by: Ketevan Chomakhidze, Environmental Specialist, “United Water

Supply Company of Georgia”, Tbilisi, Georgia

For: The Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia

and the Asian Development Bank

Endorsed by: Maka Goderdzishvili, Head, Department of Environmental Protection

and Permits, “United Water Supply Company of Georgia”

February 2021

ADB Asian Development Bank

DC Design Consultant
DEPP Department of Environmental protection and Permits
DDR Due Diligence Report
EA Executing Agency
EARF Environmental Assessment and Review Framework
EHS Environmental Health & Safety
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIP Environmental Impact Permit
EMP/ Environmental Management Plan/ Site-Specific Environmental Management Plan
ES/ SES Environmental Specialist/ Senior Environmental Specialist
GoG Government of Georgia
GRC Grievance Redress Committee
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
IPMO Investment Program Management Office
USIIP Urban Sector Improvement Investment Program
IA Implementing Agency
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility
MoENRP Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection
MoRDI Ministry of Regional Development & Infrastructure
NEA National Environmental Agency
PMD Projects Management Department
SC Supervision Consultant
UWSCG United Water Supply Company of Georgia
WSS Water Supply & Sewerage

1 introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Preamble ................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Headline Information ............................................................................................... 4
1.3 Project Description .................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Project Contracts and Management ........................................................................ 7
1.5 Project Activities during Current Reporting Period................................................. 14
1.5.1 Project Activities during the Reporting Period ................................................ 14
2.1 Description of Any Changes to Project Design ...................................................... 15
2.2 Description of Any Changes to Agreed Construction methods .............................. 16
3 Environmental Safeguard activities .............................................................................. 17
3.1 General Description of Environmental Safeguard Activities................................... 17
3.2 Site Audits ............................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Issues Tracking (Based on Non-Conformance Notices) ........................................ 23
3.4 Trends .................................................................................................................. 23
3.5 Unanticipated Environmental Impacts or Risks ..................................................... 24
4 Results of environmental monitoring ............................................................................ 25
4.1 Overview of Monitoring Conducted during Current Period..................................... 25
4.2 Trends .................................................................................................................. 26
4.3 Summary of Monitoring Outcomes ........................................................................ 26
4.4 Material Resources Utilisation ............................................................................... 26
4.4.1 Current Period ............................................................................................... 26
4.4.2 Cumulative Resource Utilisation .................................................................... 26
4.5 Waste Management (Kut-01, ABA-01, URE-01) ................................................... 26
4.6 Health and Safety ................................................................................................. 27
4.6.1 Community Health and Safety ................................................................................ 27
4.6.2 Worker Safety and Health .............................................................................. 27
4.10 Training................................................................................................................. 27
5 functioning of the SEMP............................................................................................... 28
5.1 SEMP Review ....................................................................................................... 28
6 good practice and opportunity for improvement............................................................ 29
6.1 Good Practice ....................................................................................................... 29
6.2 Opportunities for Improvement .............................................................................. 29
7 summary and recommendations .................................................................................. 29

7.1 Summary ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 31


1.1 Preamble

1. This report represents the Semi - Annual Environmental Monitoring Review (SAEMR) for
“Urban Services Improvement Investment Program” (USIIP), Tranche 3 and describes the
period of July-December 2020.

2. This report is the 10th Semi-Annual EMR for the T3 of “Urban Services Improvement
Investment Program”.

1.2 Headline Information

3. During the reporting period, on November 16, 2020, the site-specific environmental
management plan was updated as part of the GUD-03 sub-project due to changes in the
project design, In particular, treatment plant No 5 was removed from the sub-project. More
detailed information is presented in paragraph 29-30 below.

4. During the reporting period, changes were made to the design of ABA-01 sub-project,
covered by Variation Order # 03. As a result of these changes Environmental and Social Due
Diligence Report was developed by UWSCG and will be submitted in the next reporing period
January-June 2021. All findings and recomnedations of this report will be reflected in the next
SAEMR, January-June 2021.


2.1 Project Description

5. The Urban Services Improvement Investment Program was developed as the Government’s
response to the lack of adequate and/or safe water supply, sewerage and sanitation in urban
areas of Georgia. This is intended to optimize social and economic development in selected
urban areas through improved urban water and sanitation services, and is financed by the
ADB through its Multi-tranche Financing Facility. The Ministry of Regional Development and
Infrastructure is the Executing Agency and the “United Water Supply Company of Georgia”,
LLC is the Implementing Agency of the Investment Program. UWSCG is a 100% state-owned

6. The Investment Program will improve infrastructure through the development, design and
implementation of a series of subprojects, each providing improvements in a particular sector
(water supply and/or sewerage) in one town. Subprojects will rehabilitate existing
infrastructure and/or create new and expanded infrastructure to meet the present and future
demand. Water supply improvements will include source augmentation and head works,
pumping systems, treatment facilities, transmission and distribution network; and, sewerage
improvement works will include sewer network, pumping stations, main collectors and waste
water treatment plants.

7. Tranche 3 of the Investment Program includes:

- Construction of Water Supply and Wastewater Network in Ureki/Phase 3 (URE-01);
- Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ureki (URE-02);
- Construction and Rehabilitation of Water Supply System in Kutaisi/Phase 2 (KUT-01)
- Construction of New Transmission Pipeline in Abasha (ABA-01)
- Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plants in Gudauri (GUD-03)

The following projects are financed under Tranche 3:

8. Construction of Water Supply and Wastewater Network in Ureki/Phase 3 (URE-01). The
project comprises of the construction of 1 water supply pumping station and 31 sewage
pumping stations (Shekvetili - 18, Ureki - 13; construction of new reservoirs (2,000 m³ x 3,000
m³ and 1 x 1,200 m³); Distribution network - laying of approximately 70 km water supply
pipelines (distribution network will be divided into 3 areas), laying of approximately 70 km
sewage pipelines; installation of approximately 1,500 water meters; Wells - drilling of 10
drinking water wells.

9. The Contract is signed with JV of Peri Ltd (Georgia) Leading Partner and Slon LLC
(Azerbaijan) on October 28, 2014. Commencement date was November 24, 2014. Initial
Completion date was scheduled on November 22, 2018 but due to changes in the design of
project, which include the construction of an Aqueduct across the Natanebi River, the
construction of Gabion wall to protect well fields from flooding and erosion, and the
construction of an additional deep well No. 8 along the banks of the Natanebi River,
completion date was extended to September 2019. The project is foreseen to serve 35,000
tourists and 5,400 local inhabitants by year 2040. An independent consultant is hired by
SC/EPTIS to conduct Post Construction Audit and to prepare Post Construction Audit Report
under URE-01 sub-project. the results and main findings of above report will be reflected in
the next Semi-annual EMR statement of January-June 2021.

T1-T3 BAEMRs may have some overlap, due to the financing arrangements of Ure-01 project, which is simultaneously financed by
T1,T2 and T3.
10. Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ureki (URE-02). The project comprises
of the construction of new Wastewater Treatment Plant with the capacity of 6,570 m³/day.

11. The contract URE-02 was signed on April 30, 2015 with JV of Ludwig Pfeiffer Hoch-und
Tiefbau GmbH and Co.KG ProtechnoSrl (Germany) / Aritim (Turkey), the contract was
completed on June 9, 2018.

12. The Post-Construction Environmental Audit was conducted and relevant Audit report was
prepared in June 2019.

13. Construction and Rehabilitation of Water Supply System in Kutaisi/Phase 2 (KUT-01).

The project envisages construction of Kvitiri 973 m³/h capacity and Mukhrani 660 m³/h
capacity pumping stations; Reservoirs - construction of Near East and Mukhrani reservoirs
with the capacity of 9,000 m³ (2x4,000+1,000). Distribution network - 332.1 km.

14. United Water Supply Company of Georgia signed a contract with SMK Ulusal Insaat Ve
Ticaret A.S. (Turkey) for implementation of KUT-01 project on 22 April 2015. The initial date
of completion of the contract - June 8, 2018 was extended until July 2020. An independent
consultant was hired by SC/EPTISA to conduct Post construction audit under KUT-01 sub-
project and submit Post Construction Audit Report to UWSCG and ADB. The aforementioned
audit report will be submitted during the next reporting period and, accordingly, the main
findings of this report will be reflected in the next SAEMR, January-June 2021.

15. Construction of New Transmission Line in Abasha (ABA-01). Within the Aba-01 project
the following major works will be carried out: approximately 15 km long 500 mm diameter
transmission pipeline will be installed from headworks to the town of Abasha, chlorination
building will be constructed and the water meter will be installed at the headwork.

16. The contract for implementation of ABA-01 was signed on October 13, 2017 with AS Inshaat–
N, LLC (Azerbaijan). The initial date of completion of the contract - June 8, 2018 was extended
until December 2020.

17. Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plants in Gudauri (GUD-03). The Proposed
project originally envisaged construction of 5 Waste Water Treatment Plants with different
sizes but using the same technological process:

- New Gudauri. The new development in the north of Gudauri (ab. 750 m3/day) and
Gudauri Heights (350 m3/day).
- Upper and Central Gudauri: Located at the same site that the old WWTP, near the
church (estimated up to 2000 m3/day).
- Gudauri Downtown. In the head of the big plot of the plateau, down the downtown. (ab.
350 m3/day).
- Plateau-Lower Gudauri. At the end of the plateau for the new development (ab. 750
- Seturebi. One plant to treat the water in Seturebi village (ab. 350 m3/day).

Due to the changes in project design, the WWTP#5 with the capacity of 350 m3/day was
extracted from the project and currently only construction of above-mentioned four WWTPs
are considered under the GUD-03 sub-project. Since WWTP #5 was planned to be
constructed in the separate part of Gudauri, so called village Seturebi, which has no
connection with the other 4 treatment plants and network, WWTP #5 will not be
accommodated and treated in the other 4 WWTPs, just no longer will be constructed.

18. The Contract was signed on June 3, 2019 with “China Nuclear Industry 23 Construction Co.”
LTD (CNI23). The initial date of completion of the GUD-03 sub-project coincided with the
completion date of the USIIP and fell on April 2021. Due to the fact that the deadline for the
completion of the USIIP has been extended until March 29, 2024, and the construction work
on the GUD-03 has not yet begun, the deadline for the implementation of GUD-03 sub-project
will be accordingly extended. The exact timeline for GUD-03 sub-project has not yet been
determined as yet and will be presented in the next EMR from January to June 2021.

19. Contract variation order was submitted by Project Team Leader under GUD-03 sub-project
regarding the UWSCG’s decision to exclude construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant
#5 in the village Seturebi. No-objection was issued by ADB on 14 Dec 2020 with required
tasks to be undertaken by the PIU environmental specialist, in particular:

• To update SEMP to be consistent with the revised components and including COVID-19
specific measures in the health and safety plan;
• To contribute in updating Social Due Diligence Report to be consistence with the revised
project design;
• To submit the updated IEE consistent with revised components by March 2021, for
review and disclosure at ADB web site, which should include: i) zonal maps (sewerage
networks and WWTPs), detailed information, and photo-documentation of the WWTPs; ii)
the communities and stakeholders in village Seturebi are updated on most recent
information; iii) detailed report on consultations, information dissemination, focus group
discussions, and detailed information on how the projects addressed the
suggestions/concerns received; iv) photo-documentation and baseline conditions of pre-
work conditions of project sites; v) details of contractor’s staff involved in environment,
health and safety; indicative cost for environmental management and compliance to
safeguards requirements.

20. Construction activities is planned to start in Q1 2021.

2.2 Project Contracts and Management

21. The main institutions that are involved in implementation of the EMP are UWSCG executing
agency (EA), Supervision Consultant (SC) the Contractor and to a lesser extent the Ministry
of Environment and Natural Resources Protection (MoENRP).

22. Investment Program Management Office (IPMO) established within UWSCG is responsible
for the day to day management of the project including implementation of the EMP. The IPMO
has an Environmental Specialist who is responsible for management of the environmental
aspects of USIIP.

23. The IPMO (Environmental Specialist) responsibilities in respect of implementation of the EMP
are as follows:
(i) Approve the Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP)
before Contractor takes possession of construction site;
(ii) Monitor implementation of EMP and ensure the environmental safeguards
(iii) Review the updated IEE and/or SEMP and send it for clearance to ADB;
(iv) Ensure that contractors have access to the EMP and IEE report;
(v) Finalize SAEMRs (and Final EMRs upon project completion), send it to
ADB and address potential ADB's comments until SAEMR disclosure;
Provide ENG and GEO final versions of SAEMRs to be uploaded on
UWSCG website;

(vi) Review and approve the Corrective Action Plan and provide to ADB for
review and comments if any;
(vii) Participate in public consultations during project implementation;
(viii) In case of need assist IPMO Social/Resettlement Consultant in resolving
process of environmental safeguards related complaints;
(ix) Assist in organizing trainings for the Contractors in coordination with
ADB/RETA consultant;
(x) Participate in external trainings in environmental management and
environmental auditing

24. The SC includes a full time Environmental Specialist to assist the IPMO supervise and
monitor implementation of the EMP during construction.

25. The Contractor also appoints a full time Environmental specialist to be a senior member
of the construction management team based on site for the duration of the contract. The
ES shall have a university degree (preferably at Masters level) in Environmental Science
or related discipline and have at least 10 years work experience in environmental
management of infrastructure project

26. Department of Environmental Protection and Permits of UWSCG work together with
IPMO on addressing the Environmental Safeguard issues of USIIP. More detailed
description of implementation arrangements; responsibilities and staffing are provided
in the Table 1 below.

Table 1: Institutional Arrangement, Responsabilités and Staffing

Construction Supervision Protection and Permits
Contractor (Environmental IPMO (Environmental
# Millstones/Actions Consultant (Environmental Department
Specialist) Specialist)
Specialist) (Environmental

Prepare Specific EMP (SEMP)

Environmental planning Review and endorse the SEMP; Review and approve the
with supplemented Topic
and management Monitor implementation of SEMP on SEMPs; Work together with IPMO
Specific EMPs at pre-
Contractors daily basis; Monitor monthly Monitor implementation of EMP on addressing the
1 construction stage based on
Environmental environmental monitoring reports or and ensure the environmental environmental non-
Management Plan (site- results prepared by the Contractor safeguards compliance. compliance issues, if any.
Implement SEMP approved by
specific EMP) and report to IPMO.

Liaise with CSC in

Approve the design change to be preparing updated IEE
Provide details of design
submitted to IPMO; Make Review the updated IEE and/or and/or SEMP; Upload the
changes to CSC required to
2 Changes in design environmental assessment of the SEMP and send it for clearance approved IEE/SEMP
update IEE/EIA, or SEMP;
change and update the IEE and/or to ADB provided by IPMO to
Implement updated SEMP.
SEMP. UWSCG website for Public

Inform CSC about unanticipated Make environmental assessment of Review the updated IEE and/or Liaise with CSC in
3 Unanticipated impacts impact and follow the the unanticipated impact and update SEMP and send it for clearance preparing updated IEE
instructions received from IPMO. the IEE and/or SEMP to ADB and/or SEMP

Construction Supervision Protection and Permits
Contractor (Environmental IPMO (Environmental
# Millstones/Actions Consultant (Environmental Department
Specialist) Specialist)
Specialist) (Environmental

1. Prepare inputs to environmental

part of quarterly construction progress
1. Finalize SAEMRs (and Final
EMRs upon project completion),
2. Prepare inputs to semi-annual Upload the approved
send it to ADB and address
Prepare monthly environmental environmental monitoring report reports (ENG and GEO)
potential ADB's comments until
4 Reporting monitoring reports and send it to (SAEMR) to be submitted to IPMO for provided by IPMO to
SAEMR disclosure;
CSC and IPMO further review, comments and UWSCG website for Public
2. Provide ENG and GEO final
improvement. Disclosure
versions of SAEMRs to be
3. Conduct Post-Construction Final
uploaded on UWSCG website.
Environmental Audit and prepare final
environmental audit report.

Obtaining environmental
5 Permits and clearances NA NA NA
permits and clearances

Review and approve the CAP

Prepare a corrective action plan Assist contractor in preparing the
6 Non-compliances and provide to ADB for review
and comments if any.


Participate in public Organize public consultations: inform Participate in public
PCs, CSC will present the
7 Public consultations consultations during project people about activities and prepare consultations during project
topics related to
implementation the record of consultations. implementation
environmental issues

Construction Supervision Protection and Permits
Contractor (Environmental IPMO (Environmental
# Millstones/Actions Consultant (Environmental Department
Specialist) Specialist)
Specialist) (Environmental

In case of need assist IPMO

UWSCG maintains GRM
1. Ensure that grievances, if any, are Social/Resettlement Consultant
applicable to all projects.
Project site Focal person to being properly documented and in resolving process of
UWSCG will ensure IPMO
record environmental grievances addressed timely and effectively. environmental safeguards
Grievance Redress information on grievances
8 in the logbook and follow up 2. Assist IPMO to develop related complaints;
Mechanism is consolidated into the
with UWSCG established consolidated GRM database and Assist IPMO
UWSCG grievances (both -
practice for grievance redress consolidation of GRM cases both for Social/Resettlement Consultant
environmental and social)
ENV and Social safeguards in GRM database consolidation
without duplication.
and data analysis.

Organize trainings for the

Assist the IPMO in organization of Contractors in coordination with Participate in external
Attend on-site trainings
trainings for the Contractors on ADB/RETA consultant. trainings in environmental
9 Trainings organized by IPMO and
environmental safeguards Participate in external trainings management and
ADB/RETA Consultant
requirements. in environmental management environmental auditing
and environmental auditing

27. A list of main organizations involved in the USIIP/T3 and relating to environmental safeguards
is presented in Table 2 below.

Table 2: List of Main Organizations under USIIP/T1

Type of Name of Environmental Name and contact details

project Agency/Company Staff
Lender Asian Country Ninette R. Pajarillaga
Development Bank Environmental
Focal E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Nino Nadashvili

+995 595 070442
Georgia Resident [email protected]

ADB RETA Keti Dgebuadze

+995 577232937
Consultant [email protected]
[email protected]
Borrower 1. UWSCG UWSCG, 2. Ms. Maka Goderdzishvili
Department of
Environmental 3. Tel: +995 599 229925
Protection and
Permits, Head 4. E-mail:
[email protected]

UWSCG/IPMO 5. Ms. Ana Onashvili

Department of
Projects 6. Tel: +995 599 692090
Head 7. E-mail:

[email protected]


Type of Name of Environmental Name and contact details
project Agency/Company Staff
Borrower 9. UWSCG/USIIP/T3 Environmental Ms. Ketevan Chomakhidze
+995 577 380309
[email protected]
Supervision 10. A Consortium of Environmental Mr. Irakli Legashvili
Consultant Consulting Firm led Specialist:
by Eptisa Servicios
de Ingeniria S.L. +995 577 177016
(Spain) in 11.
association with
SAFEGE (Belgium) [email protected]
and JSC Georgian 12.
Water Project
Contractor 13. JV of Ludwig Environmental Mr.Nikoloz Meparidze
Pfeiffer Hoch-und H&S Specialist
URE-02 Tel:
Tiefbau GmbH and
Co.KG +995 599 346821
ProtechnoSrl E-mail:
(Germany) / Aritim
(Turkey) [email protected]

Contractor 14. JV of Peri Ltd Environmental Mr. Levan Asabashvili

(Georgia) Leading H&S Specialist
URE-01 Tel: +995 599 962 693
Partner and Slon
LLC (Azerbaijan) Email:
[email protected]

Contractor 16. SMK Ulusal Insaat Environmental Ms. Natia Babukhadia

Ve Ticaret A.S. Specialist
KUT-01 E-mail: [email protected]
15. Tel:
+995 595 150444

Type of Name of Environmental Name and contact details
project Agency/Company Staff
H&S Specialist Mr. Beso Balanchivadze
[email protected]
+574 188 653
Contractor 17. AS Inshaat–N, LLC Environmental Mr. Nodar Usupishvili
(Azerbaijan) H&S Specialist
ABA-01 E-mail
[email protected]
+995 577 68 16 71

Contractor 18. “China Nuclear Environmental Mr. Aleksandre (Sasha)

Industry 23 H&S Specialist Mchedlishvili
Construction Co.”
[email protected]
+995 574 02 77 33

2.3 Project Activities during Current Reporting Period

28. During the reporting period, construction work was carried out only under ABA-01 sub-project,
since all construction work has already been completed under USIIP/T3 and has not yet
commenced under GUD-03 sub-project, therefore only ABA-01 is reported in this semi-annual
EMR. Contractor under ABA-01 sub-project has intensified all activities to improve the progress
of the works on sites. The SC gave processed frequent instructions to the Contractor for the
planning and outstanding documents preparation which shall ensure steady improvement of the
works progress.

2.3.1 Project Activities during the Reporting Period


Progress of construction activities during the reporting period, July-December 2020 is presented
in the Table 3 below.

Table 3: ABA-01, project progress during the July-December 2020
ABA-01 July-December 2020
Total 93% 14%
Earthworks 99% 29%
Pipes 100% 13%
Manholes and chambers 99% 10%
Surface reinstatement 50% 50%

2.4 Description of Any Changes to Project Design

29. In the reporting period July-December 2020, changes to project design under USIIP/T3 were
made within the frameworks of the ABA-01 and GUD-03 subprojects.

30. As a result of this changes within the framework of the GUD-03 sub-project: Construction of 5
WWTPs in Gudauri, WWTP No. 5 was removed from the project and instead of five treatment
facilities only four will be built.

31. It should be noted that WWTP No. 5 was intended for the Seturebi village located before the
entrance to Gudauri, and it was envisaged to build an individual sewerage network and waste
water treatment plant with a separate discharge point for this village, which had nothing in
common with the other four WWTPs. Accordingly, the removal of WWTP # 5 from the entire
project will not affect the design and techilogical process of GUD-03 sub-project. As a result of
these changes, during the reporting period the SEMP for GUD-03 subproject has been updated
accordingly by contractor, endorsed by SC, reviewed/commented by the RETA International
Environmental Consultant of ADB under RETA 8663 - Ms. Keti Dgebuadze and approved by

32. As for ABA-01 sub-proect: Constrution of Water Supply System in Abasha, the following additional
activities covered by the variation order N. 03:
• Construction of UWSCG's Service Center. The civil work include demolition works,
earthworks, concrete works, masonry walls, roof wood construction, finishes, mechanical
and electrical installations.
• Provision and installation of SCADA system. Installation of SCADA system data from
water flow meter chamber to Chlorination Room.
• Repairing of Well №11 Building. Works for Rehabilitation of well #11 within the VO-03
include civil works of the existing Building; new Roof, Metal works (platform, crane,
Handrail), Electrical installation and ventilation, new concreting of the bottom chamber,
installation of valves, fittings, finishes. Connection of OD500 to the well #11.
• Repairing of Well №1 to №10. Civil works for Reconstruction of well head for well 9 and
10 and replacing existing R/C roof for wells N.1 to N. 8 including DI 600 Cover and air
exchange box.
• Rehabilitation of Well access road. Civil works for access road to the wells within the VO-
• Fence for Well Field. Change in quantity covered by VO-03 for barbed wire for fence type
2 (from 4 layers to 8 layers as demanded by the Employer) and adjustment in quantities
for poles, RC foundation and wire mesh for fence type 1.

• Earthworks for Pipes. Change in quantity for Earthworks for pipes due to change in
quantity for pipes.
• Installation of water supply pipes. Additional quantity for pipes and saddles OD63 and
OD90 in villages and the Abasha City as demanded by the Employer. Adjustment in
quantity for pipeline OD500 and OD110
• Additional house & apartment block connection. Additional connection for 5 residential
buildings: N14 and N30 Rustaveli str, N3 Mshvidoba str; former public school in vil.
Abashispiri and building adjacent to administrative center of vil. Gezat. Additional house
connection in villages: Maidan, Samikao, Gezat-Gulukheti, Ontopo and Old Abasha.
• Installation of AMR water meter in village reconnection. Additional quantity within the VO-
03 for installation of new water meter chamber in Abasha Villages and make direct
connection to house pipeline.
• Installation of AMR water meter on existing system. Additional works within the VO-03 for
installation of new water meter on existing system in Abasha city and Villages. To raise
elevation of existing water meter box from the ground level of 20 cm to avoid filling of box
with water during rain. Additional quantities for Switching of inlets from an old network to
a new polyethylene network.
• Pressure testing of new installed pipelines. Additional quantity added in VO-03 for
pressure testing cleaning and flushing according to change in quantity for pipes.
• Crossing of Roads and Railway. Additional works within the VO-03 for Crossings of Roads
and new Railway crossing.
• Pressure Testing, Cleaning, flushing and disinfection and fixing damages on existing
system. Additional quantity for Pressure Testing, Cleaning, flushing and disinfection on
existing system.
• Fixing damages on existing system. Additional quantity for fixing damages in existing
system (pipeline; valve & hydrants) according to the Survey works & AS-Built.

33. As a result of these changes Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report was developed by
UWSCG and will be submitted in the next reporing period January-June 2021. All findings and
recomnedations of this report will be reflected in the next SAEMR, January-June 2021.

2.5 Description of Any Changes to Agreed Construction methods

34. During the reporting period July-December 2020, there were no changes to the agreed
construction methods under USIIP / T3.

3.1 General Description of Environmental Safeguard Activities

35. Individual and joint on-site monitoring activities were conducted by Environmental Monitoring
Specialist of SC and Environmental Specialist of USIIP during the reporting period only under
ABA-01 sub-project, since all other subprojects are either already completed or not started
yet (GUD-03).

36. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020, the Government of Georgia and its Ministry of
Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs
of Georgia, issued the General Guidelines Related to Infection (COVID-19) Caused by Novel
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which applies to all sectors of economic activity.

37. The General Guideline for COVID-19 was also developed by the Government of Georgia
specifically for the construction sector (Please see Annex C of this report).

38. Based on the above mentioned guidelines the construction staff must not appear in the
workplace if they:

• Left the affected country over the past 14 days;

• Were in close contact with infected person/persons for the past 14
days (they must be self- isolated/quarantined as per the rule);
• Have symptoms of respiratory infection (coughing, temperature,
sneezing, difficulty in breathing, general weakness etc.);
• Are among the ones who have high risk of getting infected with
COVID-19 or serious complications: over 70 years of age, people
suffering from chronicle diseases (cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes,
bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases.

39. Additional measures were carried out by Supervision Company EPTISA based on the
requirements of the UWSCG and Emergency Management Plan of COVID 19 was developed
for construction activities carried out under USIIP -T3 (please see Annex D). All EH&S
documents, including Health and Safety Plans, as well as Site-Specific Environmental
Management Plans were updated by contractors under USIIP/T3.

40. Environmental Monitoring Specialist hired under the ABA-01 project by contractor Mr. Nodar
Usupishvili conducted the day-to-day monitoring of the construction sites, developed the
monthly monitoring reports and submitted to SC/Eptisa.

41. Environmental Monitoring Specialist of Eptisa, Mr.Irakli Legashvili conducted monthly

monitoring of project sites under T3 and developed Non-compliance Notices were required.
He also developed quarterly environmental monitoring reports based on the monthly reports
submitted by Contractor and environmental site inspections and submit to UWSCG.

42. Environmental Specialist of USIIP Ms. Kate Chomakhidze performed monitoring of

contractor’s performance in accordance with the requirements of approved IEE/EMPs,
SEMPs, and other environmental commitments of the contractor. USIIP/ES developed Semi-

Annual Environmental Monitoring reports and submitted to ADB based on the quarterly
reports prepared by SC and monitoring results.

3.2 Site Inspections/Audits

43. Inspection and monitoring of construction sites under ABA-01 project was conducted by ESs
of USIIP and Eptisa. The schedule of Joint inspection and summary of audits carried out
under ABA-01 sub-projects is provided in the Table 4 below.
Table 4. Summary of site inspections/audits

Date of Name of Auditors Purpose of Summary of any Cross Implement

visit Company name audit significant reference to ation
findings Audit report progress
Name of
Continuous ABA-01 Nodar Day to day Environmental, Weekly Completed
Usupashvili monitoring of Health and Safety Monitoring
ly during
Environmental sites issues on Checklists
reporting Specialist of construction sites
period with Regular cleaning
Environmental of the construction
and HES site
December requirements
2020) All photo-
are presented in
Annex A and
Annex B of this
13 July Environmental Construction Verbal Completed
specialist of site should be Instruction
USIIP properly were given to
Ms.Ketevan fenced from contractor to
Chomakhidze all sides and immediately
proper improve the
Environmental warning and situation
monitoring information
specialists of signs should
SC/EPTISA be arranged
Notice issued
Mr.Irakli at the
Legashvili entrance and (Please see
perimeter of Annex B)
Nodar the site,
Usupashvili please see
Environmental photo below. All photo-
Specialist of materials are
contractor presented in
Date of Name of Auditors Purpose of Summary of any Cross Implement
visit Company name audit significant reference to ation
findings Audit report progress
Name of
p.32 (Annex

ated soil) for
purposes should
properly on the
territory primarily
agreed with the

always should Was not
use complete completed
PPE, please at the end
see photo of the
below reporting
31, 2020,
nt was
given mid
of the
Please see
para 46,48

Date of Name of Auditors Purpose of Summary of any Cross Implement
visit Company name audit significant reference to ation
findings Audit report progress
Name of
Construction Completed
waste should
be timely
removed from
site and

Was not
at the end
should be
of the
and stored
31, 2020,
nt was
given mid
of the
Please see
para 46-48

Proper waste Completed

should be
installed and
waste and

Waste should
be placed only
at the proper
Date of Name of Auditors Purpose of Summary of any Cross Implement
visit Company name audit significant reference to ation
findings Audit report progress
Name of
container and

Site internally Completed

should be
properly and

12 Environmental Monthly Soil Verbal Completed

monitoring Monitoring (surplus/accu instruction
specialists of Report mulated soil) was given to
SC/EPTISA for backfilling contractor to
Mr.Irakli purposes improve the
Legashvili should be situation
Environmental ed properly,
Specialist of please see
Contractor photo below
Mr. Nodar

waste should
be timely
removed from
site and
please see
photo below

Date of Name of Auditors Purpose of Summary of any Cross Implement
visit Company name audit significant reference to ation
findings Audit report progress
Name of

construction Was not
should be at the end
of the
segregated reporting
and stored period
31, 2020,
nt was
given mid
of the
Please see
para 46-48

18 Environmental Monthly Proper waste Verbal Completed

monitoring Monitoring containers instruction
specialists of Report should be was given to
2020 SC/EPTISA installed and contractor to
Mr.Irakli labeled improve the
Legashvili (Household situation
waste and
Environmental Hazardous
Specialist of waste)
Mr. Nodar
Waste should
be placed only
at the proper
container and
3.3 Issues Tracking (Based on Non-Conformance Notices)

44. Several Non-Conformances have been observed during the site visits under, ABA-01 sub-
project. The contractors were always informed on the detected non-conformances and were
demanded to improve on the deadline set and send photos of improvements made together
with the corrective action plans. Environmental team of EPTISA and UWSCG/USIIP
monitored the improvements during the next monitoring visits. All Non-conformance Notices
issued during the reporting period is presented in ANNEX B of this Semi-Annual EMR.
45. A summary of the identified environmental issues for July-December 2020 is presented below.

Table 5: Summary Table ABA-01

Total Number of Issues for Project 13

Issues Opened This Reporting Period 3
Issues Closed This Reporting Period 10
Percentage Closed 77%

46. As it is presented in table 5 above, four issues are still opened during the reporting period
under CHI-01 sub-project: (i) Construction site should be properly fenced from all sides
and proper warning and information signs should be arranged at the entrance and
perimeter of the site; (ii) Workers always should use complete set of PPE; (iii)
Construction waste should be timely removed from the construction site and disposed
properly and (iv) all construction materials should be properly segregated and stored

47. The UWSCG Department of Environment protection and Permits (DEPP) and its USIIP
Environmental Specialist, Ms. Kate Chomakhidze, as well as IPMO / UWSCG had always
discussed the inconsistencies and findings presented in Table 5 above with the contractor. In
some cases, this has led to online meetings to discuss non-compliances identified during the
site visit and mitigation measures that need to be implemented immediately.

48. DEPP, together with IPMO / Project Management, will continue to discuss these issues with
contractors in the next reporting period, and the minutes of these meetings, as well as key
findings, will be reflected in the next semi-annual EMR, January-June 2021.

3.4 Trends

47. To identify trends in environmental issues information from previous Semi-Annual EMR
(January-June 2020) is used. The summary of the issues is provided in the Table 6 below.

Table 6: Summary of identified trends in environmental issues
Semi-Annual Total No of % issues % issues
EMR Issues Closed closed late
January-June 26 85% 15%
July-December 21 77% 23%

49. All major Non-Conformances under USIIP/T3 during the reporting period are provided in an
Annex B of this report. All EH&S issues, 23% of which is still opened are presented in para
46 above and are as follows: Construction site should be properly fenced from all sides and
proper warning and information signs should be arranged; Workers always should use
complete set of PPE; Construction waste should be timely removed from the construction site
and disposed properly and all construction materials should be properly segregated and
stored adequately.
50. Recommendations to address environmental issues under ABA-01 sub-project is presented
in table 9 below. Deadlines for improvement is indicated mid-January 2021. All improvments
with relevant photo-documentation will be presented in the next SAEMR, January-June 2020.

3.5 Unanticipated Environmental Impacts or Risks

51. During the reporting period , COVID-19 is viewed as an unanticipated impact and risk to the
community and workers, however, IPMO, SC and CC have taken all appropriate measures to
minimize this risk. These measures, inter alia, included updating the relevant SEMPs by the
contractor, developing emergency management plan by SC, etc. More details are provided in
paragraphs 34-38 above.

4.1. Overview of Monitoring Conducted during Current Period

52. During the reporting period Environmental measurements of Noise level and Ambient air
Quality were carried out by contractor under Kut-01 and Ure-01 projects.
53. Noise and air pollution standards defined by IFC/WHO 1999, are presented in the Table 7
and 8 below.

Table 7: Noise Level Guidelines

Noise dBA dBA

National Regulations WHO
Receptor Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime
07:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 07:00 07:00- 22:00 22:00- 07:00

Residential; 55 45 55 45
Industrial; 70 70 70 70

54. Air pollution standards by IFC/WHO 1999, are presented in the Table 8 below.

Table 8: Air pollution Guidelines

Contaminants IFC/WHO Guideline Value (Limit)

1 2
(*IFC does not have a standard for
“inorganic dust”. Instead IFC applies
standards for PM2.5 and PM10).

Inorganic dust PM10 – 0,02/1 Year

0,05/24 Hour
PM2,5-0,01/1 Year
0,025/24 Hour
Carbonic monoxide n/a
0,2/ 1 Hour
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
0,04/1 Year
Aldehyde n/a

55. During the reprting period construction work under USIIP / T3 was carried out only whithin the
ABA-01 sub-project and therefore only ABA-01 is reported. However, the contractor did not
provide any measurement data, as none of the activities under the sub-project had a potential
to generate significant noise and air pollution, as there were no sensitive receptors in the
proximity of the construction sites (approximetly 1km). Also construction activities did not
involve high noise/vibration generating activities like pile-driving or rock cutting.
Notwithstanding the above, ES UWSCG / USIIP asked SC to issue a non-compliance notice
to the contractor to ensure that environmental quality measurements are carried out in the
first quarter of 2021 and to provide the measurement data to UWSCG.

4.2 Trends

56. No Environmental Quality Measurements is conducted by contractor under ABA-01 sub-


4.3 Summary of Monitoring Outcomes

57. Contractor is requested to carry out above Environmental Quality Measurements in the first
quarter of 2021 and submitt measurement data to SC and UWSCG.

4.4 Material Resources Utilisation

4.4.1 Current Period

58. The contractor did not provide any information on the material resources utilization under the
ABA-01 subproject, despite the fact that the contractor was strictly requested to provide this
information. UWSCG ask SC to issue Non-Compliance Note to contractor to collect this data
for the next reporting period, which will be reflected in the Semi-annual EMR of January-June
4.4.2 Cumulative Resource Utilisation


4.5 Waste Management (ABA-01)

4.5.1 Current Period

59. At the construction sites under ABA-01 sub-project, there are mainly produced household,
construction (inert, surplus soil) and hazardous waste. Mainly household waste is collected in
municipal containers which are served by the local cleaning service. There is need of routine
organization and cleaning of sites. Contractors always have separate containers for
household and hazardous waste with proper labeling at the construction site.

60. The construction waste that is allocated at the construction site is removed for its final disposal
that is managed by formal agreement with local municipality.

61. The local municipality is responsible for the disposal of household waste under ABA-01 sub-
projects as well.

4.5.2 Cumulative Waste Generation

4.6 Health and Safety

4.6.1 Community Health and Safety

62. No community incidents have been reported by contractor and SC during the reporting period
under KUT-01 and ABA-01 projects.

63. Relevant measures are undertaken for COVID-19 prevention at construction sites, more
detailed information is provided in the Paragraphs 32-36 above.

4.6.2 Worker Safety and Health


64. Environmental H&S Manager of ABA-01 project Mr. Nodar usupashvili was performing every
day monitoring, induction and supervision of ongoing works according to HSE standards and
by requirements of ADB/UWSCG/EPTISA and kept H&S incidents/accidents/Near Misses log

65. Health & safety and environment issues which were covered during the reporting period are
as follows:
▪ Toolbox Talk
▪ PPE;
▪ Reinforcement;
▪ Ground works;
▪ Manual works.

66. No workers incidents have been reported during reporting period under ABA-01 sub-project.

4.7 Training

67. Routine personnel trainings and toolbox talks happen by the construction companies almost
on daily basis under ABA-01 sub-projects. SC also provides routine instructions and verbal
trainings for Construction Company environmental and H&S officers.


5.1. SEMP Review

68. During the reporting period, the Site-Specific Environmental Management Plan was updated
under GUD-03 subproject due to changes in the project design on November 16, 2020.

69. The following SSEMPs were prepared by contractor, within the framework of URE-01, URE-
02, KUT-01, ABA-01 and GUD-03 projects during the previous reporting periods:

- Location Specific EMP for Construction of Gudauri WWTPs (September 2019).

- SSEMPs for Ureki Well Fields (May 2016)
- Reservoir#1 (November 2016)
- Water Supply Pumping Station (November 2016)
- Reservoir #2 (Laituri Reservoir) (August 2018);

- SSEMP for Ureki Waste Water Treatment Plant (November 2015)

- SSEMP for Godogani Reservoir (August 2016)
- SSEMP Mukhnari Reservoirs (March 2016)
- SSEMP Aqueduct River Crossing (December 2019)
- SSEMP Partskanakanebi Chlorine Station (January 2020)

- SSEMP for Abasha Service Center (February 2020)

70. All SSEMPs under GUD-03, KUT-01, URE-01, URE-02 and ABA-01 projects were prepared
by Contractor, endorsed by SC and approved by UWSCG and reviewed/commented by the
RETA International Environmental Consultant of ADB under RETA 8663 - Ms. Keti

71. All of the SSEMPs listed above are effective, mitigation measures are still relevant, no
changes are required.


6.1. Good Practice

72. There is need to improve close monitoring, guidance and interactions between IPMO,
consultant supervision team and contractors to avoid non-conformances and improve current
situations in order to improve the tracking of actions to address non-conformances under
USIIP/T3 sub-projects.

6.2 Opportunities for Improvement

73. During the next the reporting period the tracking of actions to address non-conformances will
be improved by PIU. Close monitoring, guidance and interactions between PIU, SC and CC
will be improved to avoid non-conformances and improve current situations. All non-
conformances addressed will be reflected in the next SAEMR, January-June 2021summary
and recommendations


7.1 Summary
74. Individual and joint on-site monitoring activities were conducted by Environmental Monitoring
Specialist of SC and Environmental Specialist of USIIP on a regular basis.

75. Due to the outbreak of the new Coronavirus - COVID-19 the Government of Georgia and its
Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and
Social Affairs of Georgia, issued the General Guidelines Related to Infection (COVID-19)
Caused by Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which applies to all sectors of economic activity.

76. The General Guideline for COVID-19 was also developed by the Government of Georgia
specifically for the construction sector.

77. Additional measure were carried out by Supervision Company EPTISA based on the
requirements of the UWSCG and Emergency Management Plan of COVID 19 was developed
for construction activities carried out under USIIP/T1-T3.

78. The monitoring activities included monitoring of compliance of construction activities to the
IEE/EMP and SEMP requirements under ABA-01 sub-project.

79. Due to the changes in project design under GUD-03 sub-project SEMP was updated by
contractor, endorsed by SC and approved to UWSCG after reviewed/commented by the
RETA International Environmental Consultant of ADB under RETA 8663 - Ms. Keti

80. Dut to the design changes under ABA-01 sub-project, covered by VO No3, UWSCG has
prepared an Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report that will be submitted to ADB in
the next reporting period and will be reflected in the next SAEMR - January-June 2021

81. Environmental Specialist of USIIP Ms. Kate Chomakhidze performed monitoring of

contractor’s performance in accordance with the requirements of approved IEE/EMPs,
SEMPs, and other environmental commitments of the contractor. USIIP/ES developed Semi-
annual monitoring reports and submitted to ADB based on the quarterly reports prepared by
SC and monitoring results.

82. Non-Conformance Notice has been issued to the contractor by the environmental specialist
of SC. Mitigation measures in order to reduce major environmental impacts have been
instructed to CC during the monitoring visits.

83. In accordance with the IEE, and the accompanying Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP), the
Contractor is required to undertake parametric measurements and observations on air quality,
noise and socio-cultural resources.

84. Necessary instructions have been given to the Contractor by UWSCG and SC to follow the
EMP’s and SSEMP’s requirements for ABA-01 sub-project.

7.2 Recommendations

85. During the reporting period, from July-December 2020, the T3 of Investment Program was
implemented in accordance with the requirements of ADB - SPS 2009 and the National

86. More detailed recommendations/next steps for the implementation of T3 during the next
reporting period January-June 2021 are provided in the Table 9 below:

Table 9: Recommendations to Address Environmental Issues under ABA-01 sub-project

Recommendations ABA-01 project

Construction site should be properly fenced from all Contractor is given strong
sides and proper warning and information instruction to improve the
signboards should be arranged at the entrance and situation immediately,
perimeter of the site. develop CAP (if requested)
and send improved photos of
Site to SC and UWSCG by
Workers always should use complete set of PPE. the mid of January 2021.

Construction waste should be timely removed from

the construction site and disposed properly and all
construction materials should be properly
segregated and stored adequately.

87. Conduct monitoring of Noise and Ambient Air quality under ABA-01 project near the sensitive
receptors of Construction sites in March 2021.

Table 10: The Specific Plan for Environmental Measurement under ABA-01 Project

Parameters Quarterly measurement

Dust March 2021
PM2.5 March 2021
PM10 March 2021
Vibration March 2021
Carbon monoxide March 2021
Nitrogen dioxide March 2021

Sulfur dioxide March 2021
Noise March 2021

88. Conduct Post Construction Audit under KUT-01/Phase II sub-project and submit Post
Construction Audit report to ADB in Q1 of 2021.

89. Reflect all major findings and recommendations of this report in the next SAEMR January-
June 2021.

90. Conduct Post Construction Audit under UR-01 sub-project and submit Post Construction Audit
report to ADB in Q1 of 2021.

91. Reflect all major findings and recommendations of this report in the next SAEMR January-
June 2021.



Abasha - UWSCG's Service Center area during construction; front view, Photo-01

Abasha – City Distribution Network, Photo-02

Abasha – Headwork, Rehabilitation of existing buildings for Well Field, Photo-03

Abasha office – Prevention means against COVID-19 virus; disinfection procedures, Photo-04

Abasha office – Prevention means against COVID-19 virus, Photo-05

Abasha - UWSCG's Service Center area, construction getting towards the end; front view,

Non-compliance Notice, ABA-01, 13 July, 2020




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