Robert Downey Jr. - Wikipedia
Robert Downey Jr. - Wikipedia
Robert Downey Jr. - Wikipedia
Robert John Downey Jr. (born April 4, 1965)[1] is an American act or and producer. His career has
been charact erized by crit ical and popular success in his yout h, followed by a period of
subst ance abuse and legal t roubles, before a resurgence of commercial success lat er in his
career. In 2008, Downey was named by Time magazine among t he 100 most influent ial people in
t he world,[2][3] and from 2013 t o 2015, he was list ed by Forbes as Hollywood's highest -paid
act or.[2][3]
Robert Downey Jr.
Downey in 2014
April 4, 1965
New York City, U.S.
Occupation Actor •
Years active 1970–present
Children 3
At t he age of five, he made his act ing debut in Robert Downey Sr.'s film Pound in 1970. He
subsequent ly worked wit h t he Brat Pack in t he t een films Weird Science (1985) and Less Than
Zero (1987). In 1992, Downey port rayed t he t it le charact er in t he biopic Chaplin, for which he was
nominat ed for t he Academy Award for Best Act or and won a BAFTA Award. Following a st int at
t he Corcoran Subst ance Abuse Treat ment Facilit y on drug charges, he joined t he TV series Ally
McBeal, for which he won a Golden Globe Award. He was fired from t he show in t he wake of drug
charges in 2000 and 2001. He st ayed in a court -ordered drug t reat ment program and has
maint ained his sobriet y since 2003.
Init ially, bond complet ion companies would not insure Downey, unt il Mel Gibson paid t he insurance
bond for t he 2003 film The Singing Detective.[4] He went on t o st ar in t he black comedy Kiss Kiss
Bang Bang (2005), t he t hriller Zodiac (2007), and t he act ion comedy Tropic Thunder (2008); for
t he lat t er he was nominat ed for an Academy Award for Best Support ing Act or. Downey gained
global recognit ion for st arring as Tony St ark / Iron Man in t en films wit hin t he Marvel Cinemat ic
Universe, beginning wit h Iron Man (2008). He has also played t he t it le charact er in Guy Rit chie's
Sherlock Holmes (2009), which earned him his second Golden Globe, and it s sequel, Sherlock
Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011).
Downey was born in Manhat t an, New York Cit y, t he younger of t wo children. His fat her, Robert
Downey Sr., was an act or and filmmaker, while his mot her, Elsie Ann (née Ford), was an act ress
who appeared in Downey Sr.'s films.[5] Downey's fat her was of half Lit huanian-Jewish, one-quart er
Hungarian-Jewish, and one-quart er Irish descent ,[6][7][8][9] while Downey's mot her had Scot t ish,
German, and Swiss ancest ry.[10][11][12] Robert 's original family name was Elias which was changed
by his fat her t o enlist in t he Army.[13] Downey and his older sist er Allyson grew up in Greenwich
As a child, Downey was "surrounded by drugs." His fat her, a drug addict , allowed Downey t o use
marijuana at age six, an incident which his fat her lat er said he regret t ed.[14] Downey lat er st at ed
t hat drug use became an emot ional bond bet ween him and his fat her: "When my dad and I would
do drugs t oget her, it was like him t rying t o express his love for me in t he only way he knew how."
Event ually, Downey began spending every night abusing alcohol and "making a t housand phone
calls in pursuit of drugs".[15][16]
During his childhood, Downey had minor roles in his fat her's films. He made his act ing debut at t he
age of five, playing a sick puppy in t he absurdist comedy Pound (1970), and t hen at seven
appeared in t he surrealist West ern Greaser's Palace (1972).[11] At t he age of 10, he was living in
England and st udied classical ballet as part of a larger curriculum.[17][18] He at t ended t he
St agedoor Manor Performing Art s Training Cent er in upst at e New York as a t eenager. When his
parent s divorced in 1978, Downey moved t o California wit h his fat her, but in 1982, he dropped out
of Sant a Monica High School, and moved back t o New York t o pursue an act ing career full-
t ime.[19]
Downey and Kiefer Sut herland, who shared t he screen in t he 1988 drama 1969, were roommat es
for t hree years when he first moved t o Hollywood t o pursue his career in act ing.[20]
Downey began building upon t heat er roles, including in t he short -lived off-Broadway musical
American Passion at t he Joyce Theat er in 1983, produced by Norman Lear. In 1985, he was part
of t he new, younger cast hired for Saturday Night Live, but following a year of poor rat ings and
crit icism of t he new cast 's comedic t alent s, he and most of t he new crew were dropped and
replaced.[19] Rolling Stone magazine named Downey t he worst SNL cast member in it s ent ire run,
st at ing t hat t he "Downey Fail sums up everyt hing t hat makes SNL great ."[21] That same year,
Downey had a dramat ic act ing breakt hrough when he played James Spader's charact er's sidekick
in Tuff Turf and t hen a bully in John Hughes's Weird Science. He was considered for t he role of
Duckie in John Hughes's film Pretty in Pink (1986),[22] but his first lead role was wit h Molly
Ringwald in The Pick-up Artist (1987). Because of t hese and ot her coming-of-age films Downey
did during t he 1980s, he is somet imes named as a member of t he Brat Pack.[19][23]
In 1987, Downey played Julian Wells, a drug-addict ed rich boy whose life rapidly spirals out of his
cont rol, in t he film version of t he Bret East on Ellis novel Less Than Zero. His performance,
described by Janet Maslin in The New York Times as "desperat ely moving",[24] was widely praised,
t hough Downey has said t hat for him "t he role was like t he ghost of Christ mas Fut ure" since his
drug habit result ed in his becoming an "exaggerat ion of t he charact er" in real life.[25] Zero drove
Downey int o films wit h bigger budget s and names, such as Chances Are (1989) wit h Cybill
Shepherd and Ryan O'Neal, Air America (1990) wit h Mel Gibson, and Soapdish (1991) wit h Sally
Field, Kevin Kline, and Whoopi Goldberg.[26][27][28]
In 1992, he st arred as Charlie Chaplin in Chaplin, a role for which he prepared ext ensively, learning
how t o play t he violin as well as t ennis left -handed. He had a personal coach in order t o help him
imit at e Chaplin's post ure, and a way of carrying himself.[29] The role garnered Downey an
Academy Award nominat ion for Best Act or at t he Academy Awards 65t h ceremony, losing t o Al
Pacino in Scent of a Woman.[30]
In 1993, he appeared in t he films Heart and Souls wit h Alfre Woodard and Kyra Sedgwick and
Short Cuts wit h Mat t hew Modine and Julianne Moore, along wit h a document ary t hat he wrot e
about t he 1992 president ial campaigns t it led The Last Party (1993).[31][32][33] He st arred in t he
1994 films, Only You wit h Marisa Tomei, and Natural Born Killers wit h Woody Harrelson.[34][35] He
t hen subsequent ly appeared in Restoration (1995), Richard III (1995), Home for the Holidays
(1995), Two Girls and a Guy (1997),[36] as Special Agent John Royce in U.S. Marshals (1998), and
in Black and White (1999).[37][38][39][40]
From 1996 t hrough 2001, Downey was arrest ed numerous t imes on charges relat ed t o drugs
including cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.[41] He went t hrough drug t reat ment programs
unsuccessfully, explaining in 1999 t o a judge: "It 's like I have a shot gun in my mout h, and I've got
my finger on t he t rigger, and I like t he t ast e of t he gun met al." He said he had been addict ed t o
drugs since t he age of eight , due t o t he fact t hat his fat her, also an addict , had been giving t hem
t o him.[42]
In April 1996, Downey was arrest ed for possession of heroin, cocaine, and an unloaded .357
Magnum handgun while he was speeding down Sunset Boulevard. A mont h lat er, while on parole,
he t respassed int o a neighbor's home while under t he influence of a cont rolled subst ance, and
fell asleep in one of t he beds.[43][44] He received t hree years' probat ion and was ordered t o
undergo compulsory drug t est ing. In 1997, he missed one of t he court -ordered drug t est s and
had t o spend six mont hs in t he Los Angeles Count y jail.[45]
Aft er Downey missed anot her required drug t est in 1999, he was arrest ed again. Despit e
Downey's lawyer, Robert Shapiro, assembling t he same t eam of lawyers t hat had successfully
defended O. J. Simpson during his criminal t rial for murder,[42] Downey was sent enced t o a t hree-
year prison t erm at t he California Subst ance Abuse Treat ment Facilit y and St at e Prison in
Corcoran, California. At t he t ime of t he arrest , all of Downey's film project s had wrapped and
were close t o release. He had been hired t o provide t he voice of t he devil on t he NBC animat ed
t elevision series God, the Devil and Bob, but was fired when he failed t o at t end rehearsals.[46][47]
Aft er spending nearly a year in t he California Subst ance Abuse Treat ment Facilit y and St at e
Prison, Downey, on condit ion of post ing a $5,000 bail, was unexpect edly freed when a judge ruled
t hat his collect ive t ime in incarcerat ion facilit ies (from t he init ial 1996 arrest s) had qualified him
for early release.[14] A week aft er his 2000 release, Downey joined t he cast of t he hit t elevision
series Ally McBeal, playing a new love int erest .[48] He was nominat ed for t he Primet ime Emmy
Award for Out st anding Support ing Act or in a Comedy Series and won t he Golden Globe Award for
Best Support ing Act or – Series, Miniseries or Television Film.[49][50] He also appeared as a writ er
and singer on Vonda Shepard's Ally McBeal: For Once in My Life album, and sang wit h St ing a duet
of "Every Breat h You Take" in an episode of t he series. Despit e t he apparent success, Downey
claimed t hat his performance on t he series was overrat ed and said, "It was my lowest point in
t erms of addict ions. At t hat st age, I didn't give a fuck whet her I ever act ed again."[25] In January
2001, Downey was scheduled t o play t he role of Hamlet in a Los Angeles st age product ion
direct ed by Mel Gibson.[51]
Before t he end of his first season on Ally McBeal, over t he Thanksgiving 2000 holiday, Downey
was arrest ed when his room at Merv Griffin's Hot el and Givenchy Spa in Palm Springs, California,
was searched by t he police, who were responding t o an anonymous 911 call. Downey was under
t he influence of a cont rolled subst ance and in possession of cocaine and Valium.[52][53] Despit e
t he fact t hat , if convict ed, he would have faced a prison sent ence of up t o four years and eight
mont hs, he signed on t o appear in at least eight more Ally McBeal episodes.[54]
In April 2001, while Downey was on parole, a Los Angeles police officer found him wandering
barefoot ed in Culver Cit y. He was arrest ed for suspicion of being under t he influence of drugs,
but was released a few hours lat er,[55] even t hough t est s showed he had cocaine in his
syst em.[56] Aft er t his last arrest , Ally McBeal execut ives ordered last -minut e rewrit es and
reshoot s and fired Downey, despit e t he fact t hat Downey's charact er had resuscit at ed Ally
McBeal's rat ings.[57] The Culver Cit y arrest also cost him a role in t he high-profile film America's
Sweethearts,[56] and t he subsequent incarcerat ion prompt ed Gibson t o cancel his Hamlet
product ion. In July 2001, Downey pleaded no cont est t o t he Palm Springs charges, avoiding jail
t ime. Inst ead, he was sent int o drug rehabilit at ion and received t hree years of probat ion,
benefit ing from California Proposit ion 36, which had been passed t he year before wit h t he aim of
helping nonviolent drug offenders overcome t heir addict ions inst ead of sending t hem t o
The book Conversations with Woody Allen report s t hat direct or Woody Allen want ed t o cast
Downey and Winona Ryder in his film Melinda and Melinda in 2005, but was unable t o do so,
because he could not get insurance on t hem, st at ing, "We couldn't get bonded. The complet ion
bonding companies would not bond t he pict ure unless we could insure t hem. We were
heart broken because I had worked wit h Winona before [on Celebrity] and t hought she was
perfect for t his and want ed t o work wit h her again. And I had always want ed t o work wit h Bob
Downey and always t hought he was a huge t alent ."[59]
In a December 18, 2000, art icle for People magazine ent it led "Bad t o Worse", Downey's
st epmot her Rosemary t old aut hor Alex Tresnlowski t hat Downey had been diagnosed wit h
bipolar disorder "a few years ago" and added t hat t his was "t he reason he has a hard t ime st aying
sober. What hasn't been t ried is medicat ion and int ensive psychot herapy".[60] In t he same art icle,
Dr. Manijeh Nikakht ar, a Los Angeles psychiat rist and co-aut hor of Addiction or Self-Medication:
The Truth, claimed she received a let t er from Downey in 1999, during his t ime at Corcoran II,
asking for advice on his condit ion. She discovered t hat "no one had done a complet e [psychiat ric]
evaluat ion [on him] ... I asked him flat out if he t hought he was bipolar, and he said, 'Oh yeah. There
are t imes I spend a lot of money and I'm hyperact ive, and t here are ot her t imes I'm down.'"[60] In
an art icle for t he March 2007 issue of Esquire, Downey st at ed t hat he want ed t o address "t his
whole t hing about t he bipolar" aft er receiving a phone call from "t he Bipolar Associat ion" asking
him about being bipolar. When Downey denied he had ever said he was bipolar, t he caller quot ed
t he People art icle, t o which Downey replied, "'No! Dr. Malibusian said [I said I was bipolar] ... ', and
t hey go, 'Well, it 's been writ t en, so we're going t o quot e it .'"[61] Downey flat ly denied being
"depressed or manic" and t hat previous at t empt s t o diagnose him wit h any kind of psychiat ric or
mood disorder have always been skewed because "t he guy I was seeing didn't know I was smokin'
crack in his bat hroom. You can't make a diagnosis unt il somebody's sober."[61]
2001–2007: Resurgence
Aft er five years of subst ance abuse, arrest s, rehab, and relapse, Downey was ready t o work
t oward a full recovery from drugs and ret urn t o his career. In discussing his failed at t empt s t o
cont rol his addict ive behavior in t he past , Downey t old Oprah Winfrey in November 2004 t hat
"when someone says, 'I really wonder if maybe I should go t o rehab?' Well, uh, you're a wreck, you
just lost your job, and your wife left you. Uh, you might want t o give it a shot ."[62] He added t hat
aft er his last arrest in April 2001, when he knew he would likely be facing anot her st int in prison or
anot her form of incarcerat ion such as court -ordered rehab, "I said, 'You know what ? I don't t hink I
can cont inue doing t his.' And I reached out for help, and I ran wit h it . You can reach out for help in
kind of a half-assed way and you'll get it and you won't t ake advant age of it . It 's not t hat difficult
t o overcome t hese seemingly ghast ly problems ... what 's hard is t o decide t o do it ."[62]
Downey got his first post -rehabilit at ion act ing job in August 2001, lip-syncing in t he video for
Elt on John's single "I Want Love".[63] Video direct or Sam Taylor-Wood shot 16 t akes of t he video
and used t he last one because, according t o John, Downey looked complet ely relaxed and "The
way he underplays it is fant ast ic".[64]
Downey was able t o ret urn t o t he big screen aft er Mel Gibson, who had been a close friend t o
Downey since bot h had co-st arred in Air America, paid Downey's insurance bond for t he 2003 film
The Singing Detective (direct ed by his Back to School co-st ar Keit h Gordon).[4] Gibson's gamble
paved t he way for Downey's comeback and Downey ret urned t o mainst ream films in t he mid-
2000s wit h Gothika, for which producer Joel Silver wit hheld 40% of his salary unt il aft er
product ion wrapped as insurance against his addict ive behavior. Similar clauses have become
st andard in his cont ract s since.[65] Silver, who was get t ing closer t o Downey as he dat ed his
assist ant Susan Levin, also got t he act or t he leading role in t he comedy t hriller Kiss Kiss Bang
Bang, t he direct orial debut of screenwrit er Shane Black.[66]
Aft er Gothika, Downey was cast in a number of leading and support ing roles, including well-
received work in a number of semi-independent films: A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Good
Night, and Good Luck, Richard Linklat er's dyst opian, rot oscoped A Scanner Darkly (in which
Downey plays t he role of a drug addict ), and St even Shainberg's fict ional biographical film of
Diane Arbus, Fur, where Downey's charact er represent ed t he t wo biggest influences on Arbus's
professional life, Liset t e Model and Marvin Israel.[67] Downey also received great not ice for his
roles in more mainst ream fare such as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Disney's poorly received The
Shaggy Dog.[68]
On November 23, 2004, Downey released his debut musical album, The Futurist, on Sony
Classical, for which he designed t he cover art and designed t he t rack list ing label on t he CD wit h
his son Indio.[69] The album received mixed reviews,[70][71] but Downey st at ed in 2006 t hat he
probably will not do anot her album, as he felt t hat t he energy he put int o doing t he album was
not compensat ed.[72]
In 2006, Downey ret urned t o t elevision when he did voice act ing on Family Guy in t he episode
"The Fat Guy St rangler". Downey had previously t elephoned t he show's product ion st aff and
asked if he could produce or assist in an episode creat ion, as his son Indio is a fan of t he show.
The producers of t he show accept ed t he offer and creat ed t he charact er of Pat rick
Pewt erschmidt , Lois Griffin's long lost , ment ally dist urbed brot her, for Downey.[73]
Downey signed on wit h publishers HarperCollins t o writ e a memoir, which in 2006, was already
being billed as a "candid look at t he highs and lows of his life and career". In 2008, however,
Downey ret urned his advance t o t he publishers, and canceled t he book wit hout furt her
comment .[74]
In 2007, Downey appeared in David Fincher's myst ery t hriller Zodiac, which was based on a t rue
st ory. He played t he role of San Francisco Chronicle journalist Paul Avery, who was report ing t he
Zodiac Killer case.[75]
Wit h all of t he crit ical success Downey had experienced t hroughout his career, he had not
appeared in a "blockbust er" film. That changed in 2008 when Downey st arred in t wo crit ically and
commercially successful films, Iron Man and Tropic Thunder. In t he art icle Ben St iller wrot e for
Downey's ent ry in t he 2008 edit ion of The Time 100, he offered an observat ion on Downey's
commercially successful summer at t he box office:
Yes, Downey is Iron Man, but he really is Actor Man ... In the realm
where box office is irrelevant and talent is king, the realm that
actually means something, he has always ruled, and finally this
summer he gets to have his cake and let us eat him up all the way to
the multiplex, where his mastery is in full effect.
— Ben Stiller, The 2008 Time 100, entry No. 60, "Robert Downey
In 2007, Downey was cast as t he t it le charact er in t he film Iron Man,[77] wit h direct or Jon Favreau
explaining t he choice by st at ing: "Downey wasn't t he most obvious choice, but he underst ood
what makes t he charact er t ick. He found a lot of his own life experience in 'Tony St ark'."[78]
Favreau insist ed on having Downey as he repeat edly claimed t hat Downey would be t o Iron Man
what Johnny Depp is t o t he Pirates of the Caribbean series: a lead act or who could bot h elevat e
t he qualit y of t he film and increase t he public's int erest in it .[43][79][80][81] For t he role, Downey had
t o gain more t han 20 pounds (9 kilograms) of muscle in five mont hs t o look like he "had t he power
t o forge iron".[82]
Iron Man was globally released bet ween April 30 and May 3, 2008, grossing over $585 million
worldwide [83] and receiving rave reviews which cit ed Downey's performance as a highlight of t he
film.[84][85][86] By Oct ober 2008, Downey had agreed t o appear as Iron Man in t wo Iron Man
sequels, as part of t he Iron Man franchise, as well as The Avengers, feat uring t he superhero t eam
t hat St ark joins, based on Marvel's comic book series The Avengers.[87] He first reprised t he role
in a small appearance as Iron Man's alt er ego Tony St ark in t he 2008 film The Incredible Hulk, as a
part of Marvel St udios' depict ing t he same Marvel Universe on film by providing cont inuit y among
t he movies.[88]
Aft er Iron Man, Downey appeared alongside Ben St iller and Jack Black in t he St iller-direct ed
Tropic Thunder. The t hree act ors play a Hollywood archet ype – wit h Downey playing self-
absorbed mult i-Oscar-winning Aust ralian met hod act or Kirk Lazarus – as t hey st ar in an ext remely
expensive Viet nam-era film called Tropic Thunder. Lazarus undergoes a "cont roversial skin
pigment at ion procedure" in order t o t ake on t he role of African-American plat oon sergeant
Lincoln Osiris, which required Downey t o wear dark makeup and a wig. Bot h St iller and Downey
feared Downey's port rayal of t he charact er could become cont roversial:
Stiller says that he and Downey always stayed focused on the fact
that they were skewering insufferable actors, not African
Americans. "I was trying to push it as far as you can within reality",
Stiller explains. "I had no idea how people would respond to it".
Stiller screened a rough cut of the film [in March 2008] and it scored
high with African Americans. He was relieved at the reaction. "It
seems people really embrace it", he said.[89]
When asked by Harry Smit h on CBS's The Early Show who his model was for Lazarus, Downey
laughed before responding, "Sadly, my sorry-ass self."[90]
Downey promoting Sherlock Holmes at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con
Released in t he Unit ed St at es on August 13, 2008, Tropic Thunder received good reviews wit h
83% of reviews posit ive and an average normalized score of 71, according t o t he review
aggregat or websit es Rot t en Tomat oes and Met acrit ic, respect ively.[91][92] It earned
US$26 million in it s Nort h American opening weekend and ret ained t he number one posit ion for
it s first t hree weekends of release. The film grossed $180 million in t heat ers before it s release
on home video on November 18, 2008. Downey was nominat ed for t he Academy Award for Best
Support ing Act or for his port rayal of Lazarus.[93]
Opening in lat e April 2009 was a film Downey finished in mid-2008, The Soloist. The film was
delayed from a November 2008 release by Paramount Pict ures due t o t he st udio's t ight end-of-
year release schedule.[94] Crit ics who had seen t he film in 2008 were ment ioning it as a possible
Academy Award candidat e.[95] Downey picked up an Academy Award nominat ion for t he 2008
release year for his role in Tropic Thunder.[96]
The first role Downey accept ed aft er Iron Man was t he t it le charact er in Guy Rit chie's Sherlock
Holmes. Warner Bros. released it on December 25, 2009.[97] The film set several box office
records in t he Unit ed St at es for a Christ mas Day release, beat ing t he previous record-holder,
2008's Marley & Me, by nearly $10M, and finished second t o Avatar in a record-set t ing Christ mas
weekend box office. Sherlock Holmes ended up being t he 8t h highest -grossing film of
2009.[98][99] When Downey won t he Golden Globe for Best Act or in a Mot ion Pict ure Musical or
Comedy from t he Hollywood Foreign Press Associat ion for his role as Sherlock Holmes, he not ed
in his accept ance speech t hat he had prepared no remarks because "Susan Downey (his wife and
Sherlock Holmes producer) t old me t hat Mat t Damon (nominat ed for his role in The Informant!)
was going t o win so don't bot her preparing a speech".[100]
Downey ret urned as Tony St ark in t he first of t wo planned sequels t o Iron Man, Iron Man 2, which
released in May 2010. Iron Man 2 grossed over $623M worldwide, becoming t he 7t h highest -
grossing film of 2010.[101] Downey's ot her commercial film release of 2010 was t he comedy road
film, Due Date. The movie, co-st arring Zach Galifianakis, was released in November 2010[102] and
grossed over $211M worldwide, making it t he 36t h highest -grossing movie of 2010.[103]
Downey's sole 2011 film credit was t he sequel t o t he 2009 version of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Holmes: A Game of Shadows, which opened worldwide on December 16, 2011.[104]
In 2012, Downey reprised t he role of Tony St ark in The Avengers. The film received posit ive
reviews[105] and was highly successful at t he box office, becoming t he t hird highest -grossing film
of all t ime bot h in t he Unit ed St at es and worldwide.[106] His film, t he David Dobkin-direct ed
dramedy The Judge,[107] a project co-produced by his product ion company Team Downey, was
t he opening film at t he Toront o Int ernat ional Film Fest ival in 2014.[108] Downey played Tony
St ark again in Iron Man 3 (2013),[109] Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War
(2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017),[110] Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame
(2019)[110] and t hree of his scenes from t he first Avengers and Avengers: Endgame also appear in
t he first episode of Loki.[111]
Downey host ed The Age of A.I., a YouTube document ary series released in 2019.[112] In 2020, he
st arred in Dolittle, playing t he t it ular charact er, depict ed in t he film as a 19t h-cent ury Welsh
vet erinarian who can communicat e wit h animals. This was t he second film from Team Downey. It
was a box office disappoint ment , and received negat ive reviews from crit ics, who called it "t oo
long [and] lifeless."[113]
Upcoming projects
Downey will appear in t he sport s comedy drama film All-Star Weekend, direct ed by Jamie
Foxx.[114] He will reprise his role as Holmes in a t hird film, scheduled for release on December 22,
2021, but it is put on hold indefinit ely according t o direct or Dext er Flet cher.[115][116] On July 15,
2021, it was announced t hat Downey would co-st ar in t he t elevision adapt at ion of novelist Viet
Thanh Nguyen's novel, The Sympathizer.[117] Lat er in 2021, it was revealed t hat Downey would
play Lewis St rauss in Christ opher Nolan's upcoming biographical film Oppenheimer.[118][119]
Other ventures
Downey has sung on several soundt racks for his films, including for Chaplin, Too Much Sun, Two
Girls and a Guy, Friends and Lovers, The Singing Detective, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. In 2001, he
appeared in t he music video for Elt on John's song, "I Want Love". He released a CD in 2004 called
The Futurist, and while promot ing his film Tropic Thunder, he and his co-st ars Ben St iller and Jack
Black were back-up singers "The Pips" t o Gladys Knight singing "Midnight Train t o Georgia".[120]
Downey's most commercially successful recording vent ure t o dat e (combining sales and radio
airplay) has been his remake of t he 1973 Joni Mit chell Christ mas song "River", which was included
on t he Ally McBeal t ie-in album Ally McBeal: A Very Ally Christmas, released in 2000; Downey's
charact er Larry Paul performs t he song in t he Ally McBeal episode "Tis t he Season".[121]
Production company
On June 14, 2010, Downey and his wife Susan opened t heir own product ion company called Team
Downey. Their first project was The Judge.[122]
Personal life
Downey st art ed dat ing act ress Sarah Jessica Parker in 1984 aft er meet ing her on t he set of
Firstborn. The couple lat er separat ed in 1991 due t o his drug addict ion.[123]
He married act ress and singer Deborah Falconer on May 29, 1992, aft er a 42-day court ship.[124]
Their son, Indio Falconer Downey, was born in Sept ember 1993.[125] The st rain on t heir marriage
from Downey's repeat ed t rips t o rehab and jail finally reached a breaking point ; in 2001, in t he
midst of Downey's last arrest and sent encing t o an ext ended st ay in rehab, Falconer left Downey
and t ook t heir son wit h her.[124] Downey and Falconer finalized t heir divorce on April 26, 2004.
Downey with wife Susan Downey at the 2010 Academy Awards
In 2003, Downey met producer Susan Levin, an Execut ive Vice President of Product ion at Joel
Silver's film company, Silver Pict ures on t he set of Gothika.[4] Though Susan t wice t urned down
his amorous advances, she and Downey did quiet ly st rike up a romance during product ion.[126]
Despit e Susan's worries t hat t he romance would not last aft er t he complet ion of shoot ing
because "he's an act or; I have a real job",[126] t he couple's relat ionship cont inued aft er product ion
wrapped on Gothika, and Downey proposed t o Susan on t he night before her t hirt iet h
birt hday.[126] In August 2005, t he couple were married, in a Jewish ceremony, at Amaganset t , New
York.[127][128] A t at t oo on one of his biceps reads "Suzie Q" in t ribut e t o her.[129] The Downeys’
first child, a son named Ext on Elias, was born in February 2012,[130] and t heir second, a daught er
named Avri Roel, was born in November 2014.[131][132][133]
Downey has been a close friend of Mel Gibson since t hey st arred in Air America. Downey
defended Gibson during t he cont roversy surrounding The Passion of the Christ, and said "nobody's
perfect " in reference t o Gibson's DUI.[134] Gibson said of Downey: "He was one of t he first people
t o call and offer t he hand of friendship. He just said, 'Hey, welcome t o t he club. Let 's go see
what we can do t o work on ourselves.'"[135] In Oct ober 2011, Downey was being honored at t he
25t h American Cinemat heque Awards; Downey chose Gibson t o present him wit h his award for his
life's work and used his air t ime t o say a few kind words about Gibson and explain why he chose
him t o present t he award.[136]
Downey says he has been drug-free since July 2003,[137] and credit ed his wife wit h helping him
overcome his drug and alcohol habit s, along wit h his family, t herapy, medit at ion, t welve-st ep
recovery programs, yoga, and t he pract ice of Wing Chun kung fu,[25] t he mart ial art he learned
from Eric Oram, who is also a fight consult ant in several of Downey's movies.[138][139] Oram was
Downey's personal fight coordinat or in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War.[140]
In December 2015, Downey received a full and uncondit ional pardon from Governor of California
Jerry Brown for his prior drug convict ions.[141][142] Oram wrot e a let t er in support of Downey's
pardon t o Governor Brown.[143] When asked why he was able t o make his sobriet y st ick t his t ime
on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Downey said, "It 's really not t hat difficult t o overcome t hese
seemingly ghast ly problems. What 's hard is t o decide t o do it ."[144]
Religious beliefs
Downey has described his religious beliefs as "Jewish Buddhist ",[145] and he is report ed t o have
consult ed ast rologers.[146] In t he past , Downey has been int erest ed in Christ ianit y and t he Hare
Krishna movement .[145]
Political views
In a 2008 int erview, Downey st at ed t hat his t ime in prison changed his polit ical point of view
somewhat , saying: "I have a really int erest ing polit ical point of view, and it 's not always somet hing
I say t oo loud at dinner t ables here, but you can't go from a $2,000-a-night suit e at La Mirage t o a
penit ent iary and really underst and it and come out a liberal. You can't . I wouldn't wish t hat
experience on anyone else, but it was very, very, very educat ional for me and has informed my
proclivit ies and polit ics ever since."[147] However, when asked about t he quot e in a 2015 int erview
t o promot e Avengers: Age of Ultron, he denied t hat his previous st at ement reflect ed any
longst anding beliefs on his part , and st at ed: "I wouldn't say t hat I'm a Republican or a liberal or a
Democrat ."[148]
In January 2020, during t he promot ions of his film Dolittle, Downey announced t hat he had made
t he decision t o adopt a vegan diet , in response t o t he debat e about t he climat e crisis, st at ing
t hat "I'm a one-man carbon foot print night mare colossus"[150] and believes he can do his part t o
cont ribut e. Downey previously announced his opening of The Foot print Coalit ion, an organizat ion
he launched t o reduce carbon foot print s around t he world using advanced t echnology.[151] The
Foot print Coalit ion promot es t echnologies t hat prot ect t he environment such as French insect -
farming st art up Ynsect ,[152] t he bio-based alt ernat ive t o plast ic manufact urer RWDC,[153] and
bamboo t oilet paper manufact urer Cloud Paper.[154][155]
Studio album
The Futurist (2004)
Soundtrack appearances
"The St ar-Spangled
1993 Heart and Souls OST Wit h B.B. King
Wit h Vonda
2000 "Whit e Christ mas" Ally McBeal: A Very Ally Christmas
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External links
Robert Downey Jr. Int erview: The Game's Afoot (ht t p://
obert -downey-jrt he-games-afoot .ht ml) at Los Angeles Times Magazine
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Last edited 5 days ago by GreaterPonce665