Neurotransmitter Chart-1

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Neurotransmitter Chart


Neurotransmitter Function Effect of Deficit Effect of Surplus Additional Notes

Excitatory: Alzheimer’s Disease Severe Muscle Spasms
Released by motor neurons. Stimulates
muscle contraction; involved in attention,
(Ach) memory, learning and general intellectual
Inhibitory: Parkinson’s Disease Schizophrenia
Dopamine (DA) pleasurable sensations involved in voluntary Drug Addiction
movement, attention, and learning
Inhibitory: Depression, Autism
moods and emotional states, hunger mood disorders
Serotonin regulation of sleep and wakefulness
Excitatory: Mental disorders, Anxiety
Used for arousal in the flight/fight response, especially depression
Norepinephrine (NE) modulation of mood, plays a role in learning
and memory retrieval
GABA Inhibitory: Anxiety, seizures, Sleep and eating
(gamma-aminobutyric helps to offset excitatory messages and tremors, and insomnia disorders
regulate daily sleep-wake cycles
Inhibitory: Body experiences pain Body may not give
Endorphins involved in pain perception and positive adequate warning about
emotions. Similar to opiate family of drugs. pain. Artificial highs
Excitatory: Too much glutamate
Used in memory, learning, movement. Helps (and too little GABA)
Glutamate messages cross the synapse more efficiently associated with epileptic

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