American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) The Plant Cell
American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) The Plant Cell
American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) The Plant Cell
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The Plant Cell, Vol. 2, 495-499, June 1990 ? 1990 American Society of Plant Physiologists
Maize Harvest
The 32nd Maize Genetics Meeting, held from March with 8 the
to 100 cloned genes and the approximately 660
11 in Delavan, Wisconsin, was very different from the restriction
first fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci. In
meeting in 1959. At that time, about 25 geneticists addition,
sat more cytogenetic tools are available in maize
around an oval table at Allerton Park, a small estatethan owned in any other plant. There are 879 A-A reciprocal
by the University of lllinois. The intent of the meeting translocations
was distributed over the whole genome. There
to be informal, informative, and argumentative. are The also
3184 B-A translocations (involving the accessory B
intervening years have witnessed a rapid growth in the
chromosomes), which have the ability to generate deficien-
number of participants, increasing to the currentcies or duplications
total of of defined parts of the genome. All of
more than 350. As the group grew in size, the original the translocations are slated for mapping by Coe and
room with the oval table gave way to a larger library colleagues
and, through a deficiency-generating strategy, which
in 1983 when the number exceeded 100, Allerton Park should produce a comprehensive and unparalleled physical
was reluctantly abandoned for even larger quarters. map that can be mated with the recombinational maps.
Despite this rapid growth, the organizers of the Maize Jeff Bennetzen (Purdue) has used more than 50 of the
Genetics Meetings have attempted to maintain some of maize RFLP markers to generate the first RFLP map of
the intimacy associated with the early days. This is prob? sorghum and finds that the two maps are virtually colinear
ably due to the fact that many of the "Allerton Twenty- (except for a few inversions). His finding that maize repet?
Five" are still active participants, including John Laughnan itive sequences are not homologous with sorghum se?
(University of lllinois), Ed Coe, Jr. (University of Missouri), quences may assist in very limited chromosome walks or
Oliver Nelson, Jr. (University of Wisconsin), Don Robertson in the analysis of jumping libraries.
(lowa State), Peter Peterson (lowa State), Gerald Neuffer The molecular characterization of genes previously
(University of Missouri), and Ellen Dempsey (Indiana Uni? cloned by transposon tagging, especially genes involved
versity). Even Marcus Rhoades (Indiana University) and in signal transduction pathways, represented a major em-
Charles Burnham (University of Minnesota), who were in phasis of this meeting. The ease in identifying mutants in
the now-famous 1929 photo with R.A. Emerson, George the anthocyanin pigment pathway led to the isolation of
Beadle, and Barbara McClintock, attended until the late transposable element alleles for six genes, including four
1980s. Their participation provides a sense of continuity, that encode enzymes (A1, Bz1, Bz2, C2) and two that are
which is such an important component of these meetings. presumed to be transcriptional activators (C1, R). The
This gathering represents a unique opportunity for those proteins encoded by C1 and R are not related; however,
new to the organism, such as first-year graduate students each has acidic and basic domains that are characteristic
and postdoctoral associates from other fields, to rub shoul- features of transcriptional activators. In addition, the basic
ders with geneticists who may have provided both the domains of C1 and R have amino acid similarity to the myb
insight and genetic stocks for their molecular projects. and myc binding domains, respectively (Cone et al., 1986;
The 44 verbal and 70 poster presentations at the 32nd Paz-Ares et al., 1987; Ludwig et al., 1989). Mutants of C1
Meeting clearly demonstrated that the large genome of or R fail to accumulate Bz1 or A1 transcripts, consistent
maize is not an impediment to exciting science. More than with their putative role as transcriptional activators. The
60 years of maize genetic studies have provided a wealth cloning of both the regulators and the regulated genes,
of raw materials for molecular biologists to exploit. With and the use of particle bombardment to introduce these
one foot in the past and one in the future, major progress genes into maize tissues to complement mutant pheno?
on the "Integrated Mapping Project" was reported by Ed types (Klein et al., 1989), provide the tools necessary to
Coe, Jr. (Missouri). This project serves to combine the study the mechanisms underlying correct gene expression.
more than 500 loci represented on the genetic linkage map The R gene family, on chromosome 10, controls where
and when pigment forms in the plant. More than 50 pat?
terns of pigmentation can be attributed to the genetic
1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. constitution of this gene family. Using the particle bom-
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496 The Plant Cell
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Maize Harvest 497
After almost 45 years of genetic and molecular charac? methods. These mutations feminize the tassel, which is
terization, the maize transposable elements still have se- normally completely male. Bruce Veit (USDA Plant Gene
crets to reveal. Following up on the classic studies of Expression Center) presented a double mutant analysis of
Greenblatt and Brink demonstrating Ac's propensity to the tassel seed mutations in combination with two other
transpose to linked sites, Hugo Dooner (DNA Plant Tech? mutations that affect the inflorescence, silkless and
nology, Oakland) reported on the distribution of Ac trans- branched silkless. He found that the six tassel seed mu?
positions to unlinked sites. By following the transposition tations fell into different epistatic relationships with thes
of the Ac element in the bronze-m2 (bz-m2) allele (on the two mutations, thus permitting the presentation of model
short arm chromosome 9), he found that approximately of the gene interactions. With the report of the tagging an
50% of transposed Acs were located within 4 map units cloning of tassel seed-2 (Ts2) by Alison Delong (Yale), the
of bronze. One-third of the unlinked Acs were mapped to mechanisms underlying the genetic interactions can now
the other arm of chromosome 9. The number of trans? be addressed. To tag Ts2, Delong and Steve Dellaport
posed Acs that mapped to chromosomes 5 and 7 ex- took advantage of the propensity of Ac to transpose to
ceeded random probability. Interestingly, an independent nearby sites; Ts2 was about 2 map units from the Ac-
study of the nonrandom distribution of maize transloca- containing P-vv allele in their parental stock. This strategy
tions (Walden and Jancey, 1972) suggested that chromo? of moving the "launching pad" close to the target (or vic
somes 5 and 9 are close to each other in the interphase versa) was first used in the cloning of the R locus.
nucleus, thus providing the proximity that is apparently The groups of Zac Cande and Mike Freeling are using
necessary for transposition. This study, and a previous a variety of genetic and cell biological approaches to
study by Dooner demonstrating local transposition of Ac address specific developmental questions. Cande and
in tobacco, has important implications with regard to the Chris Staiger (Berkeley) are using maize meiotic mutants
design of gene tagging strategies using the Ac element in to study microtubule function. Their immunocytological
maize and several other plants. techniques suggest that abnormal meiosis is correlated
Drew Schwartz (Indiana University) has focused on the with disruption of the cytoskeleton. It is hoped that their
methylation of elements in the Ac/Ds family. Previous Mtv-induced mutants will allow the isolation of the respon?
studies correlated inactive Ac elements with a high level sible genes. The Freeling group (Berkeley) presented sev?
of CPG methylation, especially near the Ac promoter region eral preliminary studies on the characterization of ligule
(Schwartz and Dennis, 1986). In the study reported, he formation. The ligule is a flap of tissue at the junction of
compared the methylation state of an Ac and a Ds element the leaf sheath and blade that is altered in several mutants.
on the same chromosome arm and found, surprisingly, They are using ligule development as a model system to
that only the distal element becomes methylated. Schwartz understand the relationship between timing, position, and
believes that such long-range cis effects on methylation differentiation. In addition to classic approaches of clonal
may help to explain other unusual genetic phenomena, analysis and scanning electron microscopy, they are at-
such as paramutation. tempting to transposon-tag several of the genes already
The solution to the orange pericarp mutant story may identified by standard mutations.
presage a new synergism between two powerful plant One of the highlights of the meeting was the presenta?
systems, Arabidopsis and maize. Alan Wright and Gerald tion of the structure and sequence of the Knotted (Kn)
Neuffer (University of Missouri) investigated an orange locus, a dominant leaf morphology mutant previously
pericarp mutation that was apparently caused by two cloned by tagging with Ds (Hake et al., 1989). Erik Voll-
genes because it segregated 15:1 on the ear. These loci, brecht (USDA Plant Gene Expression Center) reported
designated orpl and orp2, were mapped to chromosomes that Kn may be the first homeodomain-containing gene in
4 and 10, respectively. Wright analyzed the orange pig? plants, sharing the greatest conservation with the yeast
ment biochemically and found an excess of indole, which homeodomain-containing genes such as MATal. Neelima
is consistent with a defect in the last step of the tryptophan Sinha's (USDA Plant Gene Expression Center) clonal
pathway, catalyzed by tryptophan synthase. In collabora- analysis of Kn showed that only certain inner cells of the
tion with Karen Cone, they used a heterologous hybridi? leaf need to carry the mutant gene in order to see the
zation probe from the Arabidopsis gene (from Robert Last, mutant phenotype. Her in situ hybridization experiments
Cornell) to clone two maize trpB genes. RFLP mapping reveal that the transcript is relocalized to a novel cell type
data confirmed the identity of orpl and orp2 as duplicate in mutant leaves. These data suggest that the Kn gene
structural genes for the B subunit of tryptophan synthase. product may be involved in some aspect of maturation and
Development is another topic in which genetic studies that its inappropriate expression is, perhaps, responsible
have paved the way for molecular analysis. Developmental for the mutant phenotype.
mutations have always intrigued maize geneticists as well In an experimental approach that weds transposons and
as serving as useful chromosome markers. The tassel developmental phenomena, Rob Martienssen (Cold Spring
seed mutations, of which there are six (both dominant and Harbor) and Alice Barkan (Berkeley) presented a poster on
recessive) are being approached by a number of different the clonal inheritance of the suppression of two Mu-\n-
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498 The Plant Cell
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Maize Harvest 499
Schmidt, R.J., Burr, F.A., and Burr, B. (1987). Transposon tag? D., and Dennis, E. (1986). Transposase activity of
ging and molecular analysis of the maize regulatory locusAc controlling element in maize is regulated by its degre
opaque-2. Science 238, 960-963. methylation. Mol. Gen. Genet. 205, 476-482.
Schmidt, R.J., Burr, F.A., Aukerman, M.J., and Burr, B. Walden,
(1990). D.B., and Jancey, R.C. (1972). Analysis of pattern a
Maize regulatory gene opaque-2 encodes a protein with distribution
a of breakage points in the chromosome of Zea m
and Drosophila melanogaster. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 1
leucine-zipper motif that binds to zein DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 87, 46-50. 429-442.
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