About Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Graduate Programs
About Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Graduate Programs
About Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Graduate Programs
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Each topic will be treated in the context of a typical engineering E37 MEMS 301 Thermodynamics
application. Prerequisite: Math 217. This course of classical thermodynamics is oriented toward
Credit 3 units. EN: TU mechanical engineering applications. It includes properties
and states of a substance, processes, cycles, work, heat, and
E37 MEMS 202 Computer-Aided Design energy. Steady-state and transient analyses utilize the First
and Second Laws of Thermodynamics for closed systems and
An introduction to computer-aided engineering design in the
control volumes, as well as the concept of exergy. Prerequisites:
context of mechanical and structural engineering. Students
Chem 105 or 111A, Math 132, Physics 197.
learn the fundamentals of spatial reasoning and graphical
representation. Freehand sketching skills, including pictorial Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
and orthographic views, are applied to the design process.
Computer modeling techniques provide accuracy, analysis, E37 MEMS 305 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
and visualization tools necessary for the design of structures, Laboratory
devices and machines. Topics include: detailing design for Laboratory experiments and exercises focusing on fluid
production, fasteners, dimensioning, tolerancing, creation of properties, flow phenomena, thermal science and heat transfer
part and assembly drawings, computer-aided design, analysis phenomena; calibration and use of instrumentation; acquisition,
and optimization of parts and assemblies; solid modeling of processing, and analysis of data; principles of experimentation
complex surfaces, assembly modeling, assembly constraints, and measurement; statistical analysis of data; preparation of
and interference checking. laboratory reports; and presentation of data. Prerequisite: MEMS
Credit 2 units. EN: TU 3410. Corequisite: MEMS 3420.
Credit 2 units. EN: TU
E37 MEMS 203 Advanced CAD
Computer-aided design, analysis and optimization of parts E37 MEMS 3110 Machine Elements
and assemblies; solid modeling of complex surfaces, creation This course includes weekly lectures and a bi-weekly lab.
of detail drawings, dimensioning and tolerancing; assembly Lectures introduce the engineering design process, review
modeling, assembly constraints, interference checking; motion stresses and failure theories, and present a variety of machine
constraints, force and acceleration analysis, thermal analysis; elements (such as bearings, shafts, gears, belts, springs, etc.)
part optimization for weight, strength and thermal characteristics and their governing equations. In lab, students use a commercial
using SOLIDWORKS software. Prerequisite: MEMS 202 or CAD package (SolidWorks) to create and constrain models of
equivalent. machine assemblies, analyze stresses in machine components,
Credit 3 units. EN: TU and create animations to demonstrate machine motion.
Course material is presented in the context of a semester-long
E37 MEMS 205 Mechanics and Materials Science Laboratory engineering design problem that culminates in a final group
Laboratory experiments and exercises focusing on mechanical project. Student teams generate their own design concept
properties of engineering materials; metallography; heat to embody in CAD and characterize it with engineering and
treatment; beam deflection; stress and strain measurement; analytical models. Prerequisite: MEMS 253. Corequisite: MEMS
properties and structure of engineering materials; calibration and 3610.
use of instrumentation; acquisition, processing, and analysis Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
of data; principles of experimentation and measurement;
statistical analysis of data; preparation of laboratory reports; E37 MEMS 3410 Fluid Mechanics
and presentation of data. Prerequisite: MEMS 253. Corequisite: Fundamental concepts of fluids as continua. Topics include:
MEMS 3610. viscosity, flow fields, velocity, vorticity, streamlines, fluid statics,
Credit 2 units. EN: TU hydrostatic forces, manometers, conservation of mass and
momentum, incompressible inviscid flow, dimensional analysis
E37 MEMS 253 Statics and Mechanics of Materials and similitude, flow in pipes and ducts, flow measurement,
Principles of statics, solid mechanics, force systems and boundary-layer concepts, flow in open channels. Corequisite:
equilibrium. Equivalent systems of forces and distributed forces. MEMS 255. Prerequisites: Math 233 and Math 217.
Applications to trusses, frames, machines, beams, and cables. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Mechanics of deformable solids and indeterminate problems.
Stress, strain, deflection, yield and failure in beams, columns, E37 MEMS 3420 Heat Transfer
and torsion members. Prerequisite: Physics 197. Corequisite: Introductory treatment of the principles of heat transfer by
Math 217. conduction, convection, or radiation; analysis of steady and
Credit 3 units. EN: TU unsteady conduction with numerical solution methods; analytical
and semi-empirical methods of forced and natural convection;
E37 MEMS 255 Dynamics boiling and condensation heat transfer; and radiation heat
Review of vector algebra and calculus. Kinematics of a particle. transfer. Prerequisites: MEMS 3410 and 301, ESE 319, and
Newton's laws and the kinetics of a particle. Work and energy. MEMS 201 or ESE 318.
Impulse and momentum. Kinematics of rigid bodies. General Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
theorems for systems of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies. The
inertia tensor. Computer problems form a significant part of the E37 MEMS 350 Solid Mechanics
class. Corequisite: Math 217. A continuation of MEMS 253 containing selected topics in
Credit 3 units. EN: TU the mechanics of deformable solids, presented at a level
intermediate between introductory strength of materials and
advanced continuum mechanics. Lectures will discuss elastic
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
and elasto-plastic response, failure criteria, composites, beams, presentation of data. Prerequisite: MEMS 3110. Corequisite:
and structural stability as well as provide an introduction of the MEMS 4310.
tensorial formulation of stress and strain and the governing Credit 2 units. EN: TU
equations of 3D linear elasticity. Mathematical methods from
calculus, linear algebra and linear differential equations will be
E37 MEMS 4101 Manufacturing Processes
used. Computer problems form a significant part of the class.
MEMS 255 not required. Prerequisite: MEMS 253. Corequisite: Manufacturing processes and machinery are explained and
MEMS 201 or ESE 318. described. Topics include: analytical tools of machine science,
heat transfer, vibrations and control theory are applied to the
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
solution of manufacturing problems, analytical development and
application of engineering theory to manufacturing problems,
E37 MEMS 3601 Materials Engineering machine tools and automated production equipment.
The application of fundamental materials science principles Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
in engineering disciplines. Topics include: design of new
materials having unique property combinations, selection of
E37 MEMS 411 Mechanical Engineering Design Project
materials for use in specific service environment, prediction of
materials performance under service conditions, development Student groups work on an open-ended mechanical design
of processes to produce materials with improved properties, problem and finish the semester by presenting a physical
structural and functional use of metals, polymers, ceramics and prototype and a formal report to an external review board.
composites. Groups are guided through the engineering design process by
completing a set of project deliverables. The quality of these
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
deliverables provides a basis for evaluation of individual and
team performance. This course emphasizes the importance
E37 MEMS 3610 Materials Science of user-centric design, communication and presentation skill,
Introduction to properties, chemistry and physics of engineering consideration of real-world constraints, sketching and creativity,
materials; conduction, semiconductors, crystalline structures, prototyping, and data-driven decision making using engineering
imperfections, phase diagrams, kinetics, mechanical properties, models and analyses. Prerequisites: MEMS 3110 & MEMS
ceramics, polymers, corrosion, magnetic materials, and thin 3420.
films; relationship of atomic and molecular structure to physical Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
and chemical properties; selection of materials for engineering
applications; relationships between physical properties,
E37 MEMS 412 Design of Thermal Systems
chemical properties and performance of engineering materials.
Prerequisite: Chem 105 or 111A and 151. Analysis and design of advanced thermo-fluid systems.
Student teams participate in the design process, which
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
could involve research, design synthesis, codes, standards,
engineering economics, a design project report, and formal
E37 MEMS 400 Independent Study presentations. Topics include thermo-fluid systems and
Independent investigation on topic of special interest. components such as power, heating and refrigeration systems;
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and permission of pumps, fans, compressors, combustors, turbines, nozzles,
department chair. Students must complete the Independent coils, heat exchangers and piping. Prerequisite: MEMS 301
Study Approval form available in the department office. Thermodynamics.
Credit variable, maximum 6 units. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 4001 Fundamentals of Engineering Review E37 MEMS 424 Introduction to Finite Element Methods in
A review and preparation of the most recent NCEES Structural Analysis
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam specifications is offered Application of finite element methods to beams, frames, trusses
in a classroom setting. Exam strategies will be illustrated using and other structural components. Modeling techniques for
examples. The main topics for the review include engineering different types of structural engineering problems. Topics in
mathematics, statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, heat stress analysis, applied loads, boundary conditions, deflections
transfer, mechanical design and analysis, material science and and internal loads, matrix methods, energy concepts, structural
engineering economics. A discussion of the importance and mechanics and the development of finite element modeling
responsibilities of professional engineering licensure along with methods. Prerequisites: MEMS 253 and MEMS 350.
ethics will be included. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Credit 1 unit.
E37 MEMS 4301 Modeling, Simulation and Control
E37 MEMS 405 Vibrations and Machine Elements Laboratory Introduction to simulation and control concepts. Topics include:
Laboratory experiments and exercises focusing on vibration of block diagram representation of single- and multiloop systems;
mechanical systems; kinematic response, dynamic response, control system components; transient and steady-state
and design of mechanisms and machine components; performance; stability analysis; Nyquist, Bode and root locus
displacements, velocities, and accelerations in mechanical diagrams; compensation using lead, lag and lead-lag networks;
systems and components; response to static and dynamic design synthesis by Bode plots and root-locus diagrams; state-
forces; transient and steady state response; design of variable techniques; state-transition matrix; state-variable
mechanical components for power transmission; calibration and feedback. Prerequisites: MEMS 255, ESE 318 and ESE 319.
use of instrumentation; acquisition, processing, and analysis Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
of data; principles of experimentation and measurement;
statistical analysis of data; preparation of laboratory reports and
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
E37 MEMS 4310 Dynamics and Vibrations E37 MEMS 5102 Materials Selection in Design
Introduction to the analysis of vibrations in single-degree and Analysis of the scientific bases of material behavior in the light
multidegree of freedom systems; free and forced vibration of of research contributions of the past 20 years. Development of
multidegree of freedom and distributed parameter mechanical a rational approach to the selection of materials to meet a wide
systems and structures; methods of Laplace transform; complex range of design requirements for conventional and advanced
harmonic balance; matrix formulation; Fourier series; and applications. Although emphasis is placed on mechanical
transient response of continuous systems by partial differential properties, acoustical, optical, thermal and other properties of
equations. Prerequisites: MEMS 255, ESE 319, and MEMS 201 interest in design are discussed.
or ESE 318. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5104 CAE-Driven Mechanical Design
E37 MEMS 4401 Combustion and Environment An introduction to the use of computer-aided engineering
Introduction to combustion and its application in devices. (CAE) tools in the mechanical design process. Topics include:
Topics include: chemical thermodynamics and kinetics; ignition integrating engineering analysis throughout the process;
and explosion; deflagration and detonation waves; transport multidisciplinary optimization; and computer-aided design
phenomena and the governing equations for heat and mass directed toward new manufacturing processes. Students
transfer in chemically reacting flows; laminar and turbulent flame will work with commercial and research software systems to
propagation; non-premixed flames; the emission of combustion- complete several projects. Students should have experience and
generated pollutants and subsequent interaction with the familiarity with a CAD tool, optimization and the finite element
environment; toxic-waste incineration; and practical combustion method. Prerequisite: MEMS 202 Computer-Aided Design or
devices. Prerequisites: MEMS 301, MEMS 342 or equivalent. equivalent.
Credit 3 units. EN: TU Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 463 Nanotechnology Concepts and Applications E37 MEMS 5301 Nonlinear Vibrations
The aim of this course is to introduce to students the general In this course, students are introduced to concepts in nonlinear
meaning, terminology and ideas behind nanotehnology and dynamics and vibration and application of these concepts
its potential application in various industries. The topics to nonlinear engineering problems. Specific topics include:
covered will include nanoparticles (properties, synthesis modeling of lumped and continuous nonlinear systems (strings,
and applications), carbon nanotubes (properties, synthesis beams and plates); vibrations of buckled structures; perturbation
and applications); ordered and disordered nanostructured and other approximate analytical methods; the use and
materials and their applications, quantum wells, wires and dots, limitations of local linearization; properties of nonlinear behavior,
catalysis and self-assembly, polymers and biological materials, such as dimension and Lyapunov exponents; stability of limit
nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, nanomanufacturing and cycles; bifurcations; chaos and chaotic vibrations; experimental
functional nanodevices, health effects and nanotoxicity, and so methods and data analysis for nonlinear systems. Concepts are
on. Prerequisite: none. Students with a background in general reinforced with a number of examples from recently published
physics, chemistry and biology should be able to comprehend research. Applications include aeroelastic flutter, impact
the material. dynamics, machine-tool vibrations, cardiac arrhythmias and
Credit 3 units. control of chaotic behavior.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 500 Independent Study
Independent investigation on topic of special interest. E37 MEMS 5302 Theory of Vibrations
Prerequisites: graduate standing and permission of the Analytical methods in vibrations. Topics include: Duhamel's
department chair. Students must complete the Independent integral, Laplace and Fourier transforms and Fourier series
Study Approval Form available in the department office. with applications to transient response, forced response and
Credit variable, maximum 6 units. vibration isolation; Lagrange's equations for linear systems,
discrete systems, degrees of freedom, reducible coordinates,
holonomic constraints and virtual work; matrix methods and state
E37 MEMS 5001 Optimization Methods in Engineering variable approach with applications to frequencies and modes,
Analytical methods in design. Topics include: mathematical stability and dynamic response in terms of real and complex
methods; linear and nonlinear programming; optimality modal expansions, dynamic response of continuous systems
criteria; fully stressed techniques for the design of structures by theory of partial differential equations, Rayleigh-Ritz and
and machine components; topological optimization; search Galerkin energy methods, finite difference and finite element
techniques; and genetic algorithms. Prerequisites: calculus and algorithms.
computer programming. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
and innovative energy-conversion schemes. Prerequisite: E37 MEMS 5412 Computational Fluid Dynamics
graduate standing or permission of instructor. Computational fluid dynamics relevant to engineering analysis
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU and design. Topics include: fundamentals of finite-difference,
finite-volume and finite-element methods; numerical algorithms
E37 MEMS 5402 Radiation Heat Transfer for parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic equations; convergence,
stability and consistency of numerical algorithms; application
Formulation of the governing equations of radiation heat transfer.
of numerical algorithms to selected model equations relevant
Topics include: electromagnetic theory of radiation; properties of
to fluid flow, grid-generation techniques and convergence
ideal and real surfaces; techniques for solutions of heat transfer
acceleration schemes. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing
between gray surfaces; radiation in absorbing, emitting and
or permission of the instructor.
scattering media.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
and on-site campus tours of state-of-the-art building energy and terms of displacement potentials and stress functions. Solution
environmental systems. of two-dimensional problems using complex variables and
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU conformal mapping techniques. Variational and minimum
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5422 Solar Energy Thermal Processes
Fundamentals of radiation heat transfers and solar radiation,
including basic terminology, atmospheric scattering and E37 MEMS 5501 Mechanics of Continua
absorption, radiation interactions with surfaces, and selective A broad survey of the general principles governing the
surfaces. Components, cycles, and materials of concentrating mechanics of continuous media. Topics include general vector
solar power plants, including parabolic trough and solar and tensor analysis, rigid body motions, deformation, stress
towers. Overview over thermal storage, other solar thermal and strain rate, large deformation theory, conservation laws
technologies and photovoltaics. This course includes a final of physics, constitutive relations, principles of continuum
project. Prerequisite: MEMS 3420 or equivalent. mechanics and thermodynamics, and two-dimensional continua.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU Prerequisite: ESE 501/502 or instructor's permission.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5423 Sustainable Environmental Building
Systems E37 MEMS 5502 Plates and Shells
Sustainable design of building lighting and HVAC systems Introduction to the linear theory of thin elastic plates and
considering performance, life cycle cost and downstream shells. The emphasis is on application and the development
environmental impact. Criteria, codes and standards for comfort, of physical intuition. The first part of the course focuses on the
air quality, noise/vibration and illumination. Life cycle and analysis of plates under various loading and support conditions.
other investment methods to integrate energy consumption/ The remainder of the course deals mainly with axisymmetric
conservation, utility rates, initial cost, system/component deformation of shells of revolution. Asymptotic methods are
longevity, maintenance cost and building productivity. Direct and used to solve the governing equations. Applications to pressure
secondary contributions to acid rain, global warming and ozone vessels, tanks, and domes. Prerequisites: BME 240 or MEMS
depletion. 253; ESE 318 and ESE 319 or equivalent.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5424 Thermo-Fluid Modeling of Renewable E37 MEMS 5506 Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics
Energy Systems Current experimental methods to measure mechanical properties
of materials are covered. Lectures include theoretical principles,
Overview of sustainable energy systems. Fundamentals of
measurement considerations, data acquisition and analysis
energy conversion. Renewable energy sources and energy
techniques. Lectures are complemented by laboratory sections
conversion from wind, biomass, solar-thermal, geothermal and
using research equipment such as biaxial testing machines,
ocean/waves. Applications to energy storage, fuel cells, green
pressure myographs, indentation devices for different scales,
air and ground transportation, energy-efficient buildings. Energy-
and viscometers.
economics modeling, emissions modeling, global warming and
climate change. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5507 Fatigue and Fracture Analysis
E37 MEMS 5425 Thermal Management of Electronics The course objective is to demonstrate practical methods
for computing fatigue life of metallic structural components.
As the demand for higher performance electronics continues its
The course covers the three major phases of metal fatigue
exponential growth, transistor density doubles every 18 to 24
progression: fatigue crack initiation, crack propagation and
months. Electronic devices with high transistor density generate
fracture. Topics include: stress vs. fatigue life analysis,
heat and thus require thermal management to improve reliability
cumulative fatigue damage, linear elastic fracture mechanics,
and prevent premature failure. Demanding performance
stress intensity factors, damage tolerance analysis, fracture
specifications result in increased package density, higher
toughness, critical crack size computation and load history
heat loads and novel thermal management technology. This
development. The course focus is on application of this
course gives an overview of thermal management for micro/
technology to design against metal fatigue and to prevent
power electronics systems and helps engineers to develop a
structural failure.
fundamental understanding of emerging thermal technologies.
This course will include the following topics: background of Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
electronics packaging; thermal design of heat sinks; single
phase and multiphase flow in thermal systems; two-phase heat E37 MEMS 5510 Finite Element Analysis
exchange devices for portable and high powered electronic Theory and application of the finite element method. Topics
systems; computational fluid dynamics for design of thermal include: basic concepts, generalized formulations, construction
systems. Prerequisites: senior or graduate standing. of finite element spaces, extensions, shape functions, parametric
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU mappings, numerical integration, mass matrices, stiffness
matrices and load vectors, boundary conditions, modeling
E37 MEMS 5500 Elasticity techniques, computation of stresses, stress resultants and
natural frequencies, and control of the errors of approximation.
Elastic constitutive relations for isotropic and anisotropic
Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
materials. Formulation of boundary-value problems. Application
to torsion, flexure, plane stress, plane strain and generalized Credit 3 units. EN: TU
plane stress problems. Solution of three-dimensional problems in
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
E37 MEMS 5515 Numerical Simulation in Solid Mechanics I E37 MEMS 5562 Cardiovascular Mechanics
Solution of 2D and 3D elasticity problems using the finite This course focuses on solid and fluid mechanics in the cardiac
element method. Topics include: linear elasticity; laminated and cardiovascular system. Cardiac and cardiovascular
material; stress concentration; stress intensity factor; solution physiology and anatomy. Solid mechanics of the heart, heart
verification; J integral; energy release rate; residual stress; valves, arteries, veins and microcirculation. Flow through the
multi-body contact; nonlinear elasticity; plasticity; and buckling. heart chambers and blood vessels. Prerequisites: graduate
Prerequisites: MEMS 424 Finite Elements or MEMS 5704 standing or permission of instructor.
Aircraft Structures and MEMS 5500 Elasticity or MEMS 5501 Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Mechanics of Continua and graduate standing or permission of
E37 MEMS 5564 Orthopaedic Biomechanics-Cartilage/
Credit 3 units.
Basic and advanced viscoelasticity and finite strain analysis
E37 MEMS 5516 Numerical Simulation in Solid Mechanics II applied to the musculoskeletal system, with a primary focus
Solution of 2D and 3D elasticity problems using the finite on soft orthopaedic tissues (cartilage, tendon and ligament).
element method. Topics include: laminates and composite Topics include: mechanical properties of cartilage, tendon and
materials; nonlinear elasticity; plasticity; incremental theory of ligament; applied viscoelasticity theory for cartilage, tendon and
plasticity; residual stress; geometric nonlinearity; membrane and ligament; cartilage, tendon and ligament biology; tendon and
bending load coupling; multi-body contact; stress intensity factor; ligament wound healing; osteoarthritis. This class is geared
interference fit; and buckling analysis. Prerequisite: graduate to graduate students and upper-level undergraduates familiar
standing or permission of instructor. with statics and mechanics of deformable bodies. Prerequisites:
Credit 3 units. BME 240 or equivalent. Note: BME 590Z (463/563) Orthopaedic
Biomechanics—Bones and Joints is not a prerequisite.
E37 MEMS 5520 Advanced Analytical Mechanics Credit 3 units. EN: TU
Lagrange's equations and their applications to holonomic and
nonholonomic systems. Topics include: reduction of degrees of E37 MEMS 5565 Mechanobiology of Cells and Matrices
freedom by first integrals, variational principles, Hamilton-Jacobi At the interface of the cell and the extracellular matrix,
theory, general transformation theory of dynamics, applications mechanical forces regulate key cellular and molecular events
such as theory of vibrations and stability of motion, and use that profoundly affect aspects of human health and disease.
of mathematical principles to resolve nonlinear problems. This course offers a detailed review of biomechanical inputs that
Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing or permission of drive cell behavior in physically diverse matrices. In particular,
instructor. cytoskeletal force-generation machineries, mechanical roles
Credit 3 units. EN: TU of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions, and regulation of matrix
deformations are discussed. Also covered are key methods
E37 MEMS 5560 Interfaces and Attachments in Natural and for mechanical measurements and mathematical modeling of
cellular response. Implications of matrix-dependent cell motility
Engineered Structures in cancer metastasis and embryonic development are discussed.
Attachment of dissimilar materials in engineering and surgical Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
practice is a challenge. Bimaterial attachment sites are Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
common locations for injury and mechanical failure. Nature
presents several highly effective solutions to the challenge of
bimaterial attachment that differ from those found in engineering E37 MEMS 5566 Engineering Mechanobiology
practice. This course bridges the physiologic, surgical and Engineering Mechanobiology is a new paradigm for
engineering approaches to connecting dissimilar materials. understanding and manipulating the biological function
Topics in this course are: natural bimaterial attachments; of plants, animals, and their cells. Mechanical force has
engineering principles underlying attachments; analysis emerged as a critical component of all biological systems,
of the biology of attachments in the body; mechanisms by providing mechanisms to sculpt plants and animals during
which robust attachments are formed; concepts of attaching morphogenesis, to enable cell migration, polarization,
dissimilar materials in surgical practice and engineering; proliferation, and differentiation in response to physical changes
and bioengineering approaches to more effectively combine in the environment, and to modulate the function of single
dissimilar materials. molecules. This course provides a foundation for understanding
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU these factors across plant and animal cells. The course begins
with an introduction to plant and animal cell biology and
principles of signaling, then progresses to an overview of the
E37 MEMS 5561 Mechanics of Cell Motility cell wall and ECM and an introduction to the mechanics and
A detailed review of biomechanical inputs that drive cell motility statistical mechanics of solid, viscoelastic, and fibrous continua.
in diverse extracellular matrices (ECMs). This class discusses The course then focuses on the questions of how do cells feel,
cytoskeletal machineries that generate and support forces, how do cells converse with the ECM and wall, and how do cells
mechanical roles of cell-ECM adhesions, and regulation of remember? Prerequisites: undergraduate calculus and physics.
ECM deformations. Also covered are key methods for cell Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
level mechanical measurements, mathematical modeling of
cell motility, and physiological and pathological implications of
mechanics-driven cell motility in disease and development. E37 MEMS 5601 Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Credit 3 units. A materials science-based study of mechanical behavior of
materials with emphasis on mechanical behavior as affected
by processes taking place at the microscopic and/or atomic
level. The response of solids to external or internal forces as
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
influenced by interatomic bonding, crystal/molecular structure, E37 MEMS 5607 Introduction to Polymer Blends and
crystalline/noncrystalline defects and material microstructure Composites
are studied. The similarities and differences in the response of The course covers topics in multicomponent polymer systems
different kinds of materials viz., metals and alloys, ceramics, (polymer blends and polymer composites) such as: phase
polymers and composites are discussed. Topics covered include separation and miscibility of polymer blends, surfaces and
physical basis of elastic, visco elastic and plastic deformation interfaces in composites, microstructure and mechanical
of solids; strengthening of crystalline materials; visco elastic behavior, rubber toughened plastics, thermoplastic elastomers,
deformation of polymers as influenced by molecular structure block copolymers, fiber reinforced and laminated composites,
and morphology of amorphous, crystalline and fibrous polymers; techniques of polymer processing with an emphasis on
deformation and fracture of composite materials; mechanisms composites processing, melt processing methods such as
of creep, fracture and fatigue; high strain-rate deformation of injection molding and extrusion, solution processing of thin films,
crystalline materials; and deformation of noncrystalline materials. selection of suitable processing methods and materials selection
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU criteria for specific applications. Advanced topics include:
nanocomposites such as polymer/CNT composites, bioinspired
E37 MEMS 5602 Non-metallics nanocomposites, and current research challenges. Prerequisite:
Structure, mechanical and physical properties of ceramics and MEMS 3610 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
cermets, with particular emphasis on the use of these materials Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
for space, missile, rocket, high-speed aircraft, nuclear and solid-
state applications. E37 MEMS 5608 Introduction to Polymer Science and
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU Engineering
Topics covered in this course are: the concept of long-chain or
E37 MEMS 5603 Materials Characterization Techniques I macromolecules, polymer chain structure and configuration,
An introduction to the basic theory and instrumentation used in microstructure and mechanical (rheological) behavior, polymer
transmission electron, scanning electron and optical microscopy. phase transitions (glass transition, melting, crystallization),
Practical laboratory experience in equipment operations, physical chemistry of polymer solutions (Flory-Huggins theory,
experimental procedures and material characterization. solubility parameter, thermodynamics of mixing and phase
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU separation), polymer surfaces and interfaces, overview of
polymer processing (extrusion, injection molding, film formation,
fiber spinning) and modern applications of synthetic and bio-
E37 MEMS 5604 Materials Characterization Techniques II polymers.
Introduction to crystallography and elements of X-ray physics. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Diffraction theory and application to materials science including
following topics: reciprocal lattice concept, crystal-structure
analysis, Laue methods, rotating crystal methods, powder E37 MEMS 5612 Atomistic Modeling of Materials
method, and laboratory methods of crystal analysis. This course will provide a hands-on experience using atomic
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU scale computational methods to model, understand and predict
the properties of real materials. It will cover modeling using
classical force-fields, quantum-mechanical electronic structure
E37 MEMS 5605 Mechanical Behavior of Composites methods such as density functional theory, molecular dynamics
Analysis and mechanics of composite materials. Topics include simulations, and Monte Carlo methods. The basic background of
micromechanics, laminated plate theory, hydrothermal behavior, these methods along with examples of their use for calculating
creep, strength, failure modes, fracture toughness, fatigue, properties of real materials will be covered in the lectures.
structural response, mechanics of processing, nondestructive Atomistic materials modeling codes will be used to calculate
evaluation, and test methods. Prerequisite: graduate standing or various material properties. Prerequisites: MEMS 3610 or
permission of the instructor. equivalent or permission of instructor.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5606 Soft Nanomaterials E37 MEMS 5613 Biomaterials Processing
Soft nanomaterials, which range from self-assembled Biomaterials with 3D structures are important for tissue
monolayers (SAMs) to complex 3D polymer structures, regeneration. The goal of this class is to introduce various
are gaining increased attention owing to their broad-range types of biomaterials and fabrication approaches to create
applications. The course introduces the fundamental aspects of 3D structures. The relationship between material properties,
nanotechnology pertained to soft matter. Various aspects related processing methods, and design will be the primary focus. The
to the design, fabrication, characterization and application topics include degradable biomaterials for scaffold fabrication,
of soft nanomaterials are discussed. Topics covered include processing of tissue engineering scaffolds, processing of tissue
but are not limited to SAMs, polymer brushes, layer-by-layer engineering hydrogels, processing of drug delivery systems, and
assembly, responsive polymers structures (films, capsules), scaffold surface modification.
polymer nanocomposites, biomolecules as nanomaterials and Credit 3 units. EN: TU
soft lithography.
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5614 Polymeric Materials Synthesis and
Polymer is a class of widely used material. Polymer performance
is highly dependent on its chemical properties. The goal
of this class is to introduce methods for the synthesis and
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
modification of polymers with different chemical properties. considerations such as noise and aesthetics. Prerequisite:
The topics include free radical polymerization, reversible senior or graduate standing in engineering or permission of the
addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization, atom instructor.
transfer radical polymerization, step growth polymerization, Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
cationic polymerization, anionic polymerization, ring-opening
polymerization, and bulk and surface modification of polymers.
E37 MEMS 5706 Aircraft Performance
Credit 3 units. EN: TU
This course introduces the principles and applications of
aerodynamics to determine the performance of typical jet engine
E37 MEMS 5700 Aerodynamics and propeller airplanes. The performance calculations include
Fundamental concepts of aerodynamics, equations of flight conditions of takeoff, climb, level flight, and landing. The
compressible flows, irrotational flows and potential flow theory, topics covered also include range and endurance computation,
singularity solutions, circulation and vorticity, Kutta-Joukowski turning flight, flight envelope, constraint analysis and design
theorem, thin airfoil theory, finite wing theory, slender body process. The knowledge and skill gained in this course can
theory, subsonic compressible flow and Prandtl-Glauert rule, be readily applied in the preliminary design of an airplane.
supersonic thin airfoil theory, introduction to performance, basic Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing in engineering, or
concepts of airfoil design. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
permission of instructor. Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
E37 MEMS 5801 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems I
E37 MEMS 5701 Aerospace Propulsion Introduction to MEMS: Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
Propeller, jet, ramjet and rocket propulsion. Topics include: are ubiquitous in chemical, biomedical and industrial (e.g.,
fundamentals of propulsion systems, gas turbine engines, automotive, aerospace, printing) applications. This course covers
thermodynamics and compressible flow, one-dimensional important topics in MEMS design, micro-/nanofabrication, and
gas dynamics, analysis of engine performance, air breathing their implementation in real-world devices. The course includes
propulsion system, the analysis and design of engine discussion of fabrication and measurement technologies (e.g.,
components, and the fundamentals of ramjet and rocket physical/chemical deposition, lithography, wet/dry etching, and
propulsion. packaging), as well as application of MEMS theory to design/
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU fabrication of devices in a cleanroom. Lectures cover specific
processes and how those processes enable the structures
needed for accelerometers, gyros, FR filters, digital mirrors,
E37 MEMS 5703 Analysis of Rotary-Wing Systems microfluidics, micro total-analysis systems, biomedical implants,
This course introduces the basic physical principles that govern etc. The laboratory component allows students to investigate
the dynamics and aerodynamics of helicopters, fans and wind those processes first-hand by fabricating simple MEMS devices.
turbines. Simplified equations are developed to illustrate these Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU
principles, and the student is introduced to the fundamental
analysis tools required for their solution. Topics include:
harmonic balance, Floquet theory and perturbation methods. E37 MEMS 5912 Biomechanics Journal Club
Credit 3 units. EN: BME T, TU This journal club is intended for graduate students and advanced
undergraduates with an interest in biomechanics. We review
landmark and recent publications in areas such as brain,
E37 MEMS 5704 Aircraft Structures cardiovascular and orthopedic biomechanics, discussing both
Basic elements of the theory of elasticity; application to torsion experimental and modeling approaches. This course meets once
of prismatic bars with open and closed thin-wall sections; the weekly at a time to be arranged.
membrane analogy; the principle of virtual work applied to 2D Credit 1 unit. EN: TU
elasticity problems. Bending, shear and torsion of open and
closed thin-wall section beams; principles of stressed skin
construction, structural idealization for the stress analysis of E37 MEMS 597 MEMS Research Rotation
wings, ribs and fuselage structures. Margin of safety of fastened Independent research project that will be determined jointly by
connections and fittings. Stability of plates, thin-wall section the doctoral student and the instructor. Assignments may include
columns and stiffened panels. Application of the finite element background reading, presentations, experiments, theoretical,
method for the analysis of fastened connections, structural and/or modeling work. The goal of the course is for the doctoral
fittings and problems of local stability of aircraft structural student to learn the background, principles and techniques
components. associated with research topics of interest and to determine a
Credit 3 units. mutual fit for the student's eventual doctoral thesis laboratory.
Credit 3 units.
E37 MEMS 5705 Wind Energy Systems
A comprehensive introduction to wind energy systems, a E37 MEMS 598 Energy Analysis and Design Project
practical means of extracting green and sustainable energy. The Energy Analysis and Design Project is designed to provide
Topics include: a historical perspective of wind turbines; mechanical engineering skills in energy applications, renewable
horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbines; the basic energy, and technologies related to energy which can involve
parameters such as power rating and efficiency; the structural heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. The project
components ranging from blade and hub to nacelle and topic can be chosen by the student or can be developed by both
tower; wind turbine aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and control the student and faculty sponsor. The subsequent research and
systems; blade fatigue; statistical wind modeling; unsteady analysis, conducted under the guidance and direction of the
airfoil aerodynamics and downstream wake; and environmental faculty sponsor, results in a final project report that is approved
Bulletin 2019-20
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science