Classification of Fruits and Detection of Disease Using CNN
Classification of Fruits and Detection of Disease Using CNN
Classification of Fruits and Detection of Disease Using CNN
using CNN
Dr. Roshani Raut Ms Sakshi Pawar Mr Devanshu Mr Shubham Bhosale Mr Rishabh Nabar
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Fig. 4.
In the above Fig. 3. The feature map matrix From the dataset, we have picked pictures
is regenerated as a vector (x1, x2, x3, …). from totally different classes. Among them
With the Fully connected layers, we have a to form the training set we have used (80%)
tendency to combine these features to form a pictures and also the rest (20%) pictures
model. And therefore the last step of this used for testing the model. The network
model is the final output that is extracted model is trained for ten epochs.
when following all above stages.
In this paper, we've applied a convolutional
For training and testing, all the pictures were neural network on the fruits dataset so as to
designated from Kaggle. This dataset search out the higher classification
contains 9747 pictures. These images performance of the network. For
contain totally different fruits. This dataset determinative classification accuracies,
contains the following: we've taken cases where we have applied
∙ Training set size: 7840 pictures. totally different combinations of hidden
∙ Testing set size: 1907 pictures layers (convolution and pool) for 10 epochs
The fruit pictures were reaped by recording and calculated the accuracies on the
the fruits whereas they're turned by a motor Training and Testing set. The Tensorflow
so manufacturing frames. A study is placed library in python was used to attain these
behind the fruits as a background. Because accuracies.The accuracy obtained which was
of the inequality within the lighting a flood highest was to be found at 98% on test
fill kind formula was developed that images (Conv1, pool1, Conv2, pool2 with
extracted the fruit from the background. dropout). The best performance of the
After removing the background all the fruits network on the test set consecutively
were scaled right down to 100×100 pixels of occurred at 7 up to 10 epochs. The highest
ordinary RGB fruit images. Fig. 4. shows training and test accuracy was attained on
samples of fruit pictures from the dataset. CNN by doing various combinations of
hidden layers and increasing the number of
There were losses for various epochs for classification performance gets better For
various combinations of convolution and fruit image detection, CNN additionally
pool. Totally different responses were found showed considerably higher accuracy than a
in several combinations. The loss curve standard methodology did. Besides, this
responded during a downward direction approach is additionally a lot faster to
within the beginning. The loss was the deploy for new fruits.
foremost for the first epochs and step by step
slowly decreased up to 10 epochs. The loss
soothed from about 0.0793 from 8 epochs up
to 10 epochs.
Following are the output figures for Training VI. COMPARISONS
and Testing which classify Good Fruit from
Rotten Fruit and Grade the fruits for Fruit Feature Classifier Accuracy References
Orange Color, ANN 88% G.Capizzi,et
Texture al 2016
Fig. 8 Grade B