Pest Detection and Extraction Using Image Processi
Pest Detection and Extraction Using Image Processi
Pest Detection and Extraction Using Image Processi
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3 authors:
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All content following this page was uploaded by Bartolome T. Tanguilig Iii on 27 May 2016.
field but also subject to human error and very costly in labor; novel method to identify insects. They used integrated region
sticky trap is also economical, it measures insect movement matching and dual tree complex wavelet transform for image
and colonization but does not catch non flying insect; yellow matching. The collected images of lepidopteran insects are
pan trap is also economical; it measures insect migration, reduced into 248×200 pixels and filtered using mean shift
easy sorting and counting of samples, but the attraction is due algorithm. The processed image is segmented in region based
to color stimulus and does not catch none flying insects. on k-mean algorithm using color feature. They used a
pixel-wise segmentation to classify pixels into region
B. Feature Extraction and Image Processing
according to their color properties.
Image processing is the analysis and manipulation of
graphical images from sources such as photographs and
videos. There are three main steps in image processing; first, III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
is the conversion of captured images into binary values that a
computer can process; second, is the image enhancement and A. Image Acquisition
data compression; and the third is the output step that consists The experiments on pest detection were carried out in the
of the display or printing of the processed image. Image paddy fields. The authors setup a network of wireless
processing is used in such applications as satellite weather cameras (protected against water projection and direct sun
mapping, machine vision, and computer-based pattern light) together with the sticky traps to capture the insect pests.
recognition. The novel feature extraction presented by The cameras used are CISCO Linksys Wireless-G Internet
Phinyomark, Limsakul and Phukpattaranont [4] for Home Monitoring Camera which can capture 10 frames per
Electromyography signal used white gaussian noise to seconds at 8 megapixel resolution. The captured images were
represent interference. Two novel mean and median processed using a local machine equipped with Intel i3
frequencies were presented for robust feature extraction. The processor and 4 GB RAM. The architectural design of the
paper by Alsmadin, Omar, Noa and Almarashdeh [5], proposed system is shown on Fig. 1.
presented the development of a system that can recognize
isolated pattern of interest on image based on the
combination of robust features extraction. The system was
used as classifier for fish image recognition and able to
classify and categorize fish into poison or non-poison family.
C. Real Life Application of Image Processing in the Fields
of Agricultural Research
Several attempts have been made to build automatic insect
identification systems based on image analysis. The study
conducted by Samantha and Ghosh [6] is concentrated to
eight major insect pests based on the records of tea gardens of
North Bengal Districts of India. The authors apply correlation Fig. 1. Global architectural design.
based feature selection for the feature extraction and
reduction, and incremental back propagation neural network B. Image Pre-processing
as the neural network algorithm used for classifications. Image pre-processing creates an enhanced image that is
Do, Harp and Norris [7] designed a computerized pattern more useful in processing the still image. In RGB color
recognition system for non-specialist in recognizing arachids model, each color appears in its primary spectral components
and other arthropods to make the specimen identification of red, green, and blue. The color of a pixel is made up of
easier and accurate. The researchers promote early insect pest three components; red, green, and blue (RGB), described by
detection in greenhouse crops in order to reduce pesticide use. their corresponding intensities. RGB color image require
The target application of this system is the detection of pests large space to store and consume much time to process. In
on plant organs such as leaves. The goal of their work is to image processing it needs to process the three different
define an innovative decision support system for in situ early channels so it consumes large time. In this study, grayscale
pest detection based on video analysis and scene image is enough for the method so the authors convert the
interpretation from multi-camera data. In this research, they RGB image into grayscale image with the following formula:
used apriori algorithm to detect white flies and aphids, and
follow a generic approach to design a system that can easily I(x, y) = 0.2989×R + 0.5870×G + 0.1140×B (1)
adapt different categories of bioagressors.
Al-Saqer [8] developed a neural network-based C. Detection of Pests in the Image
identification system for pecan weevils. They used image The detection mechanism used to detect the insect pests in
descriptors as input in the neural network to recognize the the image is simple and yet efficient. The authors compared
pecan weevil. The authors collected different images of the image pixel values of the successive captured images
pecan weevil and other insects found in the paddy fields. from the camera. Two images are used in detecting the
After collecting the images they converted them into binary difference. The first image served as the reference image that
and resized to 114×134 pixels. To process the data, they used represents the reference pixel values for comparison purposes,
different image processing techniques such as Regional while the second image served as the input image. The two
Properties and Zernike Moments. images were compared to each other and the differences in
The paper presented by Zhu and Zhang [9] proposed a pixel values were determined. If the inputted image pixel
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, May 2014
values are not equal to the reference image pixel values, the
inputted image pixel will be saved as the output image pixel.
If the pixel value of the input image is equal to the reference
image then the background will be white (pixel value is 255).
Fig. 2 shows the difference between reference and input
image. After determining the difference of the reference and
input image, the input image will now be used as the
reference image and the output image will be the extract and
served as the input on the next phase.
To determine the difference of the reference and input Fig. 3. Calculates the median value of a pixel neighborhood. The selected
image, the following equation will be used: pixel value of 126 is replaced with median value of 122 because it is
unrepresentative of the surrounding pixels.
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, May 2014
IV. EXPERIMENT RESULTS [4] A. Phinyomark, C. Limsakul, and P. Phukpattaranont, “A novel feature
extraction for robust EMG pattern recognition,” Journal of Computing,
This section presents the experiment results after testing vol. 1, pp. 71-80, Dec. 2009.
the proposed system. It explains first the experimental setup [5] M. K. Alsmadin, K. B. Omar, S. A. Noah, and I. Almarashdeh, “Fish
recognition based on robust features extraction from color texture
then shows the results on different test. measurements using back-propagation classifier,” Journal of
The proposed pest detection and extraction system was Theoretical And Applied Information Technology, 2010.
tested in the practice farm of Pampanga State Agricultural [6] R. K. Samanta and I. Ghosh, “Tea insect pests classification base on
artificial neural networks,” International Journal of Computer
University, Magalang, Pampanga, Philippines. The area has
Engineering Science, vol. 2, June 2012.
50x50 meters wide. The specimens were collected on the [7] M. T. Do et al., “A test of a pattern recognition system for
sticky traps that were captured by the 4 wireless cameras identification of spiders,” Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1999.
installed in the paddy field. The cameras were used to [8] S. M. Al-Saqer, “A robust recognition system for pecan weevil using
artificial neural networks,” American Journal of App. Sci., 2012.
observe the sticky traps which capture a still image every 1 [9] L. Zhu and Z. Zhang, “Insect recognition based on integrated region
minute. These images were used both in the development and matching and dual tree complex wavelet transform,” Journal of
system testing. Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics), 2011.
The proposed pest detection system based on image
processing techniques was tested in five consecutive days in Johnny L. Miranda received BS in information
the paddy field and was found efficient. The result is shown technology and masters in information technology on
2002 and 2007. Currently, he is pursuing his doctoral
on Table I. studies in information technology at Technological
Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City. His research
TABLE I: THE DETECTED IMAGES OF DIFFERENT INSECT PESTS IN FIVE interest includes data mining, image processing,
CONSECUTIVE DAYS artificial intelligence and database.
Camera Camera Camera Camera
1 2 3 4
Day 1 15 12 13 10 50 Bobby D. Gerardo is currently the vice president of
Day 2 Administration and Finance of West Visayas State
12 10 12 10 44
University, Iloilo City, Philippines. His dissertation is
Day 3 10 13 12 11 46 “Discovering driving patterns using rule-based
Day 4 14 15 10 13 52 intelligent data mining agent (RiDAMA) in distributed
Day 5 12 11 10 5 38 insurance telematic systems.” He has published 54
research papers in national and international journals
and conferences. He is a referee of international
conferences and journal publications such as IEEE
V. CONCLUSION Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. He is interested in the
In this paper, an automatic detection and extraction system following research fields: distributed systems, telematics systems, CORBA,
was presented, different image processing techniques were data mining, web services, ubiquitos computing and mobile
used to detect and extract the pests in the captured image. The
Dr. Gerardo is a recipient of CHED Republica Award in Natural Science
presented system is simple and yet efficient. The authors used Category (ICT field) in 2010. His paper entitled “SMS-based automatic
background modeling to detect the presence of insect pests in billing system of household power consumption based on active experts
the captured image, and a median filter was used to remove messaging” was awarded best paper on December 2011 in Jeju, Korea.
Another best paper award for his paper was “Intelligent decision support
the noise produced by different lighting conditions. The using rule-based agent for distributed telematics systems,” presented at the
mechanism used to extract the detected objects from the Asia Pacific International Conference on Information Science and
image is simple, the image was scanned both horizontally and Technology, on December 18, 2008. An excellent paper award was given for
his paper “Principal component analysis mechanism for association rule
vertically to determine each coordinates and save the object mining,” on Korean Society of Internet Information’s (KSII) 2004 Autumn
image. Conference on November 5, 2004. He was given a university researcher
The result presented in this paper is promising but several award by West Visayas State University in 2005.
improvements on both materials and methods will be carried
Bartolome T. Tanguilig III was born on February 24,
out to reach the requirements of fully automated pest 1970 in Baguio City, Philippines. He took his bachelor
detection, extraction and identification system. In the future, of science in computer engineering in Pamantasan ng
other image processing techniques may be used to enable the Lungsod ng Maynila, Philippines in 1991. He finished
his master degree in computer science from De la Salle
detection and extraction more efficient and accurate. Other University, Manila, Philippines in 1999. His doctor of
future work may include the identification system of the philosophy in technology management was awarded
extracted objects. This time a neural network mechanism will by the Technological University of the Philippines,
Manila in 2003.
be used to identify and classify the detected pests. He is currently the assistant vice president of Academic Affairs and
concurrent dean of the College of Information Technology Education and
REFERENCES Graduate Programs of the Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon
City. His research entitled “J-master: an interactive game-based tool for
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(IPPM) in Rice, World Education (INGO) Philippines, Inc., 2005, ch. 6, research in the 10th National Convention for IT Education held in Ilocos
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[3] F. A. Carino, P. E. Kenmore, and V. A. Dyck, “A FARMCOP suction Panel for IT Education, Board Chairman of Junior Philippine IT
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International Rice Research Newsletter, vol. 4, ch. 5, pp. 21-22, 1979. Philippine Society of IT Educators-NCR.