Detection and Analysis of Plant Diseases Using Image Processing Technique
Detection and Analysis of Plant Diseases Using Image Processing Technique
Detection and Analysis of Plant Diseases Using Image Processing Technique
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3190
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
propose a software which is based on neural network. In this acknowledgment is accomplished through PCA or GLCM and
project we are going to develop a system which detect the arrangement through SVM or ANN. Procedures, for example,
diseases on leaf in which the images will be capture by smart middle channel, histogram balance, picture smoothening,
phones because in today’s era everyone has smart phones image honing, and so on., can be utilized for performing
hence every farmer will be able to capture images and picture improvement. A portion of the calculation
upload those to detect diseases. This software will solve and procedures that can be utilized for surface element
answer different type queries and particular person can ask extraction are Gabor channel, shading co-event techniques,
queries in their own language for his/her convenience. If wavelet change, and so forth.
they are looking for the remedies of particular disease the
they can login and get the remedies. 3. STEPS FOR PLANT DISEASE DETECTION
2. LITERATURE SURVEY In this section, the basic steps for the disease detection as
shown in fig:
Monica Jhuria et al uses image processing for
detection of disease and the fruit grading in [1]. They have
used artificial neural network for detection of disease. They
have created two separate databases, one for the training of
already stored disease images and other for the
implementation of the query images. Back propagation is
used for the weight adjustment of training databases. They
consider three feature vectors, namely, color, textures and
morphology [1]. They have found that the morphological
feature gives better result than the other two features.
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3191
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
valuable tool in many field including health care, image 4. arrange Eu [] [] in ascending order
processing, traffic image, pattern recognition etc. There are
4. classify the pixel into the cluster having centroid j for
different techniques for image segmentation like threshold
which the pixel has minimum Euclidian distance
based, edge based, cluster based, and neural network
based1. From the different techniques, one of the most 5. end for
efficient methods is the clustering method. Again, there are
6. calculate centroid mean
different types of clustering: K-means clustering, Fuzzy C-
means clustering, mountain clustering method and 7. check whether any Euclidian distance is greater than
subtractive clustering method. One of most used clustering centroid mean or not.
algorithm is k-means clustering. It is simple and
8. if Euclidian distance of any pixel is greater than centroid
computationally faster than the hierarchical clustering. In
mean then
addition, it can work for large number of variable. However,
it produces different cluster result for different number of 9. make the pixel as centroid and repeat step 4 until the
number of cluster. So it is required to initialize the proper centroids get stable
number of number of cluster, K2. Again, it is required to
10. rearrange clusters to form new-clustered image
initialize the k number of centroid. Different value of initial
centroid would result different cluster. So selection of proper 11. save image on server
initial centroid is also an important task. Nowadays image
segmentation becomes one of important tool in medical area [C] Feature Extraction
where it is used to extract or region of interest from the
background. So medical images are segmented using Feature Extraction is an important part in the disease
different technique and process outputs are used for the detection. It plays an important role in identification of an
further analysis in medical. t plant. object. Feature extraction is used in many applications in
image processing. Color, texture edges, morphology are the
K-Means Clustering: features, which are used in disease detection.
Clustering is a method to divide a set of data into a specific Monica jhuria et al took color, morphology, texture as feature
number of groups. It’s one of the popular method is k-means for the disease detection. It is found that morphological
clustering. In k-means clustering, it partitions a collection of result gives more result than any other features. Texture
data into a k number group of data11,12. It classifies a given shows how the color is distributed in the image, hardness of
set of data into k number of disjoint cluster. K-means the image.
algorithm consists of two separate phases. In the first phase
it calculates the k centroid and in the second phase it takes [D] Detection and Classification of Plant Diseases
each point to the cluster which has nearest centroid from the
respective data point. There are different methods to define The final stage is the detection of the diseases and with the
the distance of the nearest centroid and one of the most used help of disease classify the plants with the disease matches
methods is Euclidean distance. Once the grouping is done it with the given dataset. For the disease detection and
recalculate the new centroid of each cluster and based on classification, we are implementing the deep learning
that centroid, a new Euclidean distance calculated between algorithm. Deep learning algorithm is used to classify the
each center and each data point and assigns the points in the specified image into appropriate disease hence it will be easy
cluster, which have minimum Euclidean distance. Each to detect the disease and find out the remedy over the
cluster in the partition is defined by its member objects and disease. Deep learning algorithm is the part where we are
by its centroid. The centroid for each cluster is the point to finding out the relevancy count of the pixels by comparing
which the sum of distances from all the objects in that the images with the data set. According to the relevancy
cluster is minimized. So K-means is an iterative algorithm in count we will find out the matched disease.
which it minimizes the sum of distances from each object to
its cluster centroid, overall clusters. Deep Learning Algorithm
K mean Clustering Algorithm 1. upload image and read it into pix [][]
2. Initialize Pix [][] with image pixels
1. Initialize Pix [] with image pixels 3. for i=0 to pix [][]. len
2. select Random Centroids [] a. match pix [][] attributes with dataset
pixels’ attributes
3. For i=0 to pix.len b. store matching result in db
1. for j=0 to Centroids [].len 4. end for
2. calculate Eu[i] [j] = (i, sqrt (Sum (power (pix[i]- 5. calculate weights for every pixel
centroid[j]),2)) 6. calculate z for matching diseases z=sum (w)
3. end for 7. take average of z=avg (z)
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3192
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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