The research methodology refers to the most appropriate way of conducting research
and developing an optimal technique for responding to the study problem. It requires the
research scheme, data gathering, unit of analysis, sampling frame, proposed data inquiry and
the summary of this chapter. Furthermore, it is important that the sampling process and
methods used in the collection of data have been selected and examined systematically and
As it has been indicated earlier, the main purpose of this research is to know the
effectiveness of e-hailing service of grab company toward the community in Klang Valley. In
this research, researches using Quantitative research involve statistics through the use of large-
scale survey. In this research, we are using the questionnaire method. Meanwhile, the
quantitative data is used by the researcher as a primary focus to capture all relevant knowledge
about this research. The questionnaire will be contributed towards community Klang Valley
who are using e-hailing grab service to fulfil the data of this research. This research has been
developed to examine the effectiveness of e-hailing service toward the community in Klang
Valley. Moreover, researchers have developed a Google Form tools to collect feedback or
information from the community in Klang, Valley about the topic relevant to our research
using the questionnaire. Next, online questionnaires were distributed by messenger channels
such as Whatsapp and Instagram designed to gather primary data from selected respondents.
The questionnaire was distributed to around 120 communities residing in the Klang Valley.
The questionnaire shall include demographic details and questions related to the research
variables of the current investigation. Meanwhile, Researchers use the Likert scale to classify
the effectiveness of the e-hailing service by the grab company against the Klang Valley
Furthermore, this research will decide if the community in Klang Valley has a good
connection to the e-hailing service offered by the grab service. As a consequence, researchers
are unable to account for any influence that lets the e-hailing by grab service have a positive
impact or not toward customer that using the service. This study would examine the efficacy of
the ehailing service in terms of fees, service and knowledge of the driver that affects
variables of interest, in an recognized systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated
research questions, test hypotheses, and calculate outcomes. Meanwhile, there are different
procedures used to gather information, all of which fall into two types, i.e. primary and
secondary data (Douglas, 2015). Based on the data collection, the researcher extracted the data
collected from the respondent through the survey or questionnaire that give to respondents had
answered. Next, all the data gathered were reviewed in order to reach the findings of this
research. Hence, the methods of processing data can be isolated into two which is primary data
Primary data talk about to the resources taken first hand from the respondent and the secondary
data refers to the resources taken from the data that is already produced by other researches
(Hussin, 2017). In this research, to collect the information, the questionnaire was circulated to
respondents through Google Form and will sent thru social media such as WhatsApp and
Instagram. From this point, on the basis of data collection the researchers will gather data from
the respondent through the questionnaire that was answered by the respondent. Therefore,
researchers will distribute the questionnaires to our target respondents which is focus on
community in Klang Valley, that have interest in using e-hailing service provided by grab.
Thus, all data gathered will be reviewed in order to obtain the result of this research. This
approach would make it easier to use in the final stage of data coding, data processing and data
Secondary data is the information that has already been composed through primary sources and
refers to the resources taken from the data that is already produced by other researches.
Meanwhile, data collection through secondary sources is intended to provide a guide to support
and give a clear image of this research, to obtain information, to find the facts and findings of
the study. The data, theory and knowledge in this analysis were extracted from the review
process of the numerous journals provided by different researchers from all over the world.
Most of the journal’s researchers taken from Google Scholar, Gutenberg.Org, Eric.ed.gov,
The unit of analysis is the major entity that analyzing in the research such as related to
individual or organizations and it probably what will be consider to be the main focus of
researcher study. Answers the question of ‘what’ and ‘who’ is being studied in a business
research (Kumar, 2019). For instance, if the unit of measurement is not clear, the researcher
would not be able to make a hypothesis, decide on the method of sampling, choose the correct
measuring instrument for data collection and identify the study issue. In this study, the
researchers have determined that the factors that influence the effectiveness of e-hailing (Grab)
toward the community is the fees of the GrabCar service, the quality of GrabCar services and
the Knowledge of GrabCar driver. The study of effectiveness of GrabCar services can provide
insight into the factor of the community choose GrabCar services as their preferred brand of
choice where they were influence by the fees, quality of services and the knowledge of
GrabCar driver.
prearranged number of observations are taken from a larger population. The methodology used
to sample from a larger population depends on the type of analysis being accomplished, but it
may include simple haphazard sampling or systematic specimen (Touvila, 2020). Sampling
methods are usually categorized in 'Probability' and 'Non-Probability' samples. This analysis
has established that the sampling type is a basic random sampling since this research study on
the efficacy of ehailing services (Grab) in the Klang Valley region in Malaysia and the size of
the population can be identified, such as the number of people using e-hailing in the Klang
Valley. There are five type of probability which Simple Random Specimen, Stratified Random
Sampling, Cluster Selection, Systematic Sample, and Other Sampler Technique. The
researchers in this study also have decided to use the simple random sampling for the study. In
this method, every individual sample has an equal chance of being selected from the population
in common people.
The researches of this study have decided population the respondents for this study is
community at Klang Valley. Therefore, the sample for this study is the community at Klang
valley whom using the e-hailing service in their daily life. Also, the questionnaires will
distribute to the samples via Social Media or email in the form of Google Form.
The population and sample for this analysis were identified in a few stages, such as the
researchers first identified the target population as the first step in the sampling process. The
definition should be consistent with the research study's goal of gathering good data. Once the
population concept is explicit, the researchers will decide the sampling framework for the
After that, the researchers picked the sampling tool and circulated the questionnaire to the
Klang Valley population in order to collect the results. The selection of the sampling approach
is informed by the research goals and the outcome of the sample. The final step is the
researcher's study and evaluation of the findings of the questionnaire. This is the final stage in
the sampling process, where the actual collection of the sample elements has already been
According to Sharma a researcher form Sri Aurobindo Medical College & PG Institute,
India, stated that data analysis is the method of systematically applying mathematical and/or
logical methods for the purpose of explaining and demonstrating, condensing and retrieving
and analyzing data. By carrying out a data analysis, the data obtained for a study can be
converted into facts and understanding, and the relationship between the variables may be
discussed. Also, by understanding the data processing process, researchers will be able to grasp
the importance of the scientific techniques, including the hypothesis evaluation and the
statistical significance of the research issues. However, there are many concerns that a
researcher should address when reviewing the data for their analysis in order to generate the
best and most reliable data. Some of the issues are such as when a researcher decides to analyze
their data, they must ensure they got the right skill to analyze those data correctly, they must be
able to distinguish different types of data and statistical test. They must also able to draw
unbiased inference and also make sure that their data has high reliability and validity
This study carried out the data analysis process by implementing the 6 basic steps of the data
Diagram: The Data Analysis Process
The data needed for study is focused on test questions or tests. This is where the
elements needed by the analysis can be defined so that data on the elements can be
obtained. For an example, based on this study, the populations (community at Klang
Valley) and samples (whom using grab service now or before) will identified. The
variables that would be studied in this research also have been identified such as
independent variables (Fees, Service and The Knowledge of Driver) and dependable
variables (the effectiveness of E-Hailing Services (Grab)) In order to collect the data
2. Data Collection
established as a data prerequisite. Researchers must ensure that the details gathered for
the analysis must be as truthful and precise as possible. (Krishna, 2019). For an
example, based on this study, the researchers have reviewed passed journals and, also
developed and distributed questionnaires to the targeted respondent via (Google form)
to get the data which is required for this study, the relevant journals were analyzed and
the questionnaires were send to the right respondent (current user of Grab services or
user that have experience using Grab services) in order to get honest and accurate
3. Data Processing
After all the related and applicable data are gathered, the data must be analyzed
or arrange for review. This involves a structured structure of the data so that it can be
conveniently examined later on. (Krishna, 2019). For an example, based on this report,
after the data are obtained from the respondents by means of questionnaires, their data
will be moved to an excel spreadsheet. This is done so that the data can be conveniently
4. Data Cleaning
Once the data is collected, compiled and converted to the spreadsheet, the data
will be checked and cleaned up to avoid any mistakes or possible errors (Krishna,
2019). For an example, based on this study, after the data have been transferred into a
spreadsheet the researcher will check all the numbers again and adjust all the missing
numbers and other errors to avoid wrong data analysis and interpretations.
5. Data analysis
Once the data has been washed, the data can be processed and the review process will
be carried out using a range of data analysis methods. For example, based on this
report, after the data has been cleaned on the spreadsheet, the data is then moved to the
SPSS framework version 23.0 for review. The SPSS (Statistics Package for Social
Sciences) framework, also known as IBM SPSS Statistics, is a software package used
to interpret statistical results. By using the SPSS system, the correlation, regression
analysis, ANOVA and more could be identified. This system will help to simplify and
6. Communication
When the data has been processed using a data processing method such as
SPSS, the data can also be displayed in different tables, diagrams, bar charts and more
and can also help you better interpret and convey the data. For example, based on this
report, once the data has been processed using the SPSS method, the data is then
'describing the specific features of the data in the report. Composed with simple
graphical analysis, they form the basic virtual of any measureable analysis of data”
(Kale, 2013). This will enable the researchers to arrange and present the data in an
In the other hand, this analysis was carried out using only the quantitative
research approach and not the qualitative research method, since it was rather time
intensive and precious. (Bowen, 2009). Quantitative analysis method can be described
as a research technique that deals with calculating and evaluating variables in order to
obtain outcomes. This includes the use and study of computational statistics using
complex mathematical methods to address questions such as who, how many, when,
when, where, how much, and how much. (Leedy & Ormrod 2001; Williams, 2011).
Thus, (Aliaga and Gunderson 2002), also defined the quantitative research method as
the clarifying of an issue or phenomenon through collecting data in numerical form and
analyzing with the aid of mathematical methods, in particular statistic. State that
quantitative research involves data collection so that information can be quantified and
claims" also points out that quantitative study starts with a problem statement, a theory
data. Overall, this study only used the quantitative research method to collect and
analyzed all its data because the quantitative method was easy to use, less time
The analysis goals were then established in order to analyze the variables found.
Population and surveys were identified and questionnaires were developed and circulated
to the respondents to gather data on variables. After that, all the data obtained are
organized and passed to the SPSS statistical programmed for descriptive analysis where
the SPSS system will compute the minimum, maximum, mean and the standard deviation
for the dependent and independent variable. Next the SPSS will measure the reliability
scale on all of the variable to make sure that the Cronbach’s Alpha is .007 only the DV
and IV can be accepted. Moreover, the SPSS software help to observe the correlation of
two things such as the correlation between DV and IV1 or DV and IV2 and so on. Then,
a regression analysis is done to analyses and estimating the relationship between the
dependent variable with one independent variable. After all the data have been analyzed
using the SPSS system, the data then are transferred and interpreted so it can be easily
of e-hailing services (Grab) for the community in Klang Valley, Malaysia. There is a
total of 4 variables listed for further analysis on the important relationship between fees,
service and knowledge of driver in Malaysia. This chapter addressed a discussion of all
the relationship seen in the analysis context. Based on the studied that has been carried
out, the researcher has been deciding to use quantitative research method. By using this
kind of method, it helps to analyze the numerical data in order to get the results and
outcome. Furthermore, this study has been classified as simple random sampling for the
sampling techniques. Most of the sampling method in this study is using simple random
method in order to ensure the standard of the study results towards the effectiveness of