(Modified Jaffe's Kinetic Method & End Point Method) For The Determination of Creatinine in Serum and Urine (For in Vitro Diagnostic Use Only)
(Modified Jaffe's Kinetic Method & End Point Method) For The Determination of Creatinine in Serum and Urine (For in Vitro Diagnostic Use Only)
(Modified Jaffe's Kinetic Method & End Point Method) For The Determination of Creatinine in Serum and Urine (For in Vitro Diagnostic Use Only)
(Modified Jaffe's Kinetic Method & End point Method) FIXED - TIME KINETIC METHOD:
For the determination of Creatinine in serum and urine Pipette into test tubes labeled Standard (S) And Test (T)
(For In vitro Diagnostic Use Only) Addition Sequence Standard (µl) Test(µl)
Working reagent 1000 1000
Standard 50 -
Sample - 50
Creatinine is the catabolic product of creatine phosphate, which is used by the skeletal muscle. The
daily production depends on muscular mass and it is excreted out of the body entirely by the Mix well and read absorbance of S and T against distilled water at 520nm:
kidneys. Initial absorbance A0 - Exactly after 30 sec
Final absorbance A1 - Exactly after 90 sec. After Ao
PRINCIPLE: Determine A for Standard (S) and Test (T)
Alkali AS = AS1- AS0
Creatinine + Sodium Picrate Creatinine Picrate-Complex AT = AT1- AT0
(Yellow - Orange) END POINT METHOD:
Intensity of the colour formed is directly proportional to the amount of creatinine present in the Pipette into test tubes labeled Standard (S) and Test (T) :
sample. Addition Sequence S(µl) T(µl)
Working reagent 1000 1000
CONTENTS: Standard (s) 100 -
Mix well and keep at RT for 5 min. Read absorbance A 0 for S and T against distilled water at 520
2x50ml 50ml 50ml 6ml 5ml nm or with green filter (505-570 nm.)
2x100ml 100ml 100ml 12ml 5ml Stopping Solution (A3) 50 50
Mix well and keep at RT for 5 min.Read absorbance A1 for S and T against distilled water at 520
STORAGE AND STABILITY: nm or with green filter (520-570 nm.). Determine A for S and T AS = AS0 -AS1
All reagents are stable at RT (below 30°C) till the expiry mentioned on the labels. AT = AT0- AT1
REAGENT PREPARATION: a) Serum Creatinine in mg / dl = ( AT / AS) x 2
Mix one Volume of Reagent (A1) with one volume of Reagent (A2) (According to the b) Urine Creatinine in gm / L = ( AT / AS) x 2
requirement) the working reagent is stable for 1 week when stored in dark at R.T (below 30°C). c) Urine Creatinine in gm / 24 hrs. = b x24 hrs Urine volume collected in Litres.
SAMPLE MATERIAL: Serum Urine, 24 hrs collection
Serum or Urine Males 0.6-1.2mg/dl 1.1-3.0 gm
Creatinine is stable in serum for 1 day at 2-8°C Females 0.5-1.1 mg/dl 1.0-1.8 gm
It is recommended that each laboratory establish its own normal range representing its patient
Urine of 24 hours collection is preferred. Dilute the specimen
1:50 with distilled/deionised water before the assay.
GENERAL SYSTEM PARAMETER: The procedure is linear upto 20mg/dl of creatinine .If the values exceed this limit, dilute the
sample with distilled water repeat the assay. Calculate the value using the proper dilution factor.
Reaction Two Point or fixed time Sample Vol. 50 µl NOTES:
Mode Kinetic/ End point Maintain the reaction time of 20 min, as closely as possible since a longer incubation causes an
Wavelength 520 nm Reagent Vol. 500 µl(A1) + 500 µl(A2) increase in the values due to the reaction or pseudo chromogen the determination is not specific
and may be affected by the presence of large quantities of reducing substance in the sample.
Blank Distilled water Standard 2 mg / dl The reaction is temperature sensitive and all the tubes should be maintained at a uniform
Incub. Temp 37°C React. Slope Increasing temperature