Lipase: Calib. Conc. Check Vial Label
Lipase: Calib. Conc. Check Vial Label
Lipase: Calib. Conc. Check Vial Label
(Enzymatic/Colorimetric Method)
Kit for the quantitative determination of Lipase in human Serum and Plasma.
Lipases are enzymes which hydrolyze glycerol esters of A1: BUFFER (REAGENT 1)
long fatty acids. The enzyme and its cofactor Goods Buffer (pH 8.0) : 55mmol/L
colipase are produced in the pancreas, lipase being also Taurodesoxycholate : 4.4mmol/L
secreted in small amounts by the salivaryglands as well Desoxycholate : 8.1mmol/L
as by gastric, pulmonary and intestinal mucosa. Bile Calcium chloride : 16mmol/L
acids and colipase form micellar Colipase : 2.1 mg/L
complexes with the lipids and bind lipase on the Detergent&Preservative
substrate / water interface. Determination of lipase is
used for investigation of pancreatic disorders. In acute A2: SUBSTRATE (REAGENT 2)
pancreatitis the lipase concentrations rise to Tartrate Buffer : (pH 4.0) 7.6mmol/L
2-50 fold the upper reference limit within 4-8 hours Taurodesoxycholate : 17.5mmol/L
after the beginning of abdominal pain peaking at Lipase Substrate : 0.6 mmol/L
24 hours and decrease within 8 to 14 days. Elevated Stabilizer&Preservatives
lipase values can also be observed in chronic STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS AND REAGENT STABILITY
pancreatitis and obstruction of the pancreatic duct. The reagents are stable up to the end of the indicated
expiry date if stored at 2 – 8 °C and when the
METHOD: contamination isavoided. Do not freeze the reagents!
A synthetically produced lipase substrate (1,2-o- REAGENT PREPARATION
dilaurylrac-glycero-3-glutaric acid-(6- The reagents are ready to use. Do not shake.
methylresorufin) ester) is added to a micro-emulsion SPECIMEN:
which is specifically split by lipase in the Serum or Heparin Plasma
presence of colipase and bile acids. The combination of Stability : 7 days at 20 - 25 °C
lipase and bile acids make this specific and 7 days at 4 - 8 °C
reliable for pancreatic lipase without any reaction due 1 Month at -20 °C
to lipolytic enzymes or esterases. The reagent Discard contaminated specimens.
composition has been thoroughly optimized so there
are no serum matrix effects.The generated SYSTEM PARAMETERS
methylresorufin-ester is spontaneously degraded to
Reaction Type (Mode) : Kinetic
methylresorufin. The absorbance by this red dye
is directly proportional to the lipase activity in the Reaction Direction : Increasing
sample. Wave Length : 578 nm
Flow Cell Temp. : 37°C
Zero Setting with : Distilled Water
Delay Time : 120 Seconds (2 Mins)
Measuring Time : 120 Seconds (2 Mins)
Reagent Volume : 1.0 ml (R1) + 200 μl(R2)
Sample Volume : 20 μl
Calibrator : Calib. Conc. Check Vial Label
Linearity : 220
Units : U/L
High Normal : 64 U/L
(Enzymatic/Colorimetric Method)
Kit for the quantitative determination of Lipase in human Serum and Plasma.