Lab Experiment - 4: Solid State Physics Lab
Lab Experiment - 4: Solid State Physics Lab
Lab Experiment - 4: Solid State Physics Lab
The Conductivity Measurements are not sufficient for the determination of the num-
ber density of Charge Carriers (n) and their mobility (µ).Moreover these Measure-
ments do not give any information about the sign of the Majority Charge Carriers.
The Hall Effect supplies all this Information.
Consider the action of the Magnetic Field on Electric Current Flowing in an extrinsic
Semiconductor. The moment the Electric Field is switch on, an Electric Current is
established , the density of which is
The Charge carriers acquire a directional velocity vd (drift velocity) in the Direc-
tion of the Field in case of Holes and against the Field in case of Holes and against
the Field in case of Electrons.
When The Magnetic field is Switched on ,a Force perpendicular to both vd and B
begins to act on electrons and Holes
F=e(vd × B)
This is called Lorentz Force whose direction is given by the Fleming Left hand
Since for electrons both e abd vd are Negative and for holes are postive, the Lorentz
force is same for both type of carriers i.e. the Lorentz Force is independent of Charge
Carrier sign,being dependent only on the direction of I and B.F is directed upwards
fir both n and p Type Semiconductors i.e.the Electrons and Hols are de-
flected in the same direction under the effects of a given electric and
Magnetic Field
The Opposite faces of the sample will become charged and as a result an Electric
Field EH will be established. This Field is called Hall Field and Phenomena is
Prepared by-Tushar Page 2 HALL EFFECT
called the Hall-Effect. The value of EH will continue to grow until the Lorentz
Force is compensated by the oppositely directed electric force qEH
eEH =F
Remember that the charge e on the carriers ispositive for holes and negative for
electrons. Thus while EH is oppositely directly in p-type and n type semicon-
ductors , the electric force eEH is in the same directed for both and that is in
a direction opposite to that of Lorentz Force.
Clearly, the Hall Field is a function of the applied magnetic Field B and the Current
density j i.e
EH = RH jB
where RH is the constant of proportionality and is called HALL Coefficient.
Thus the Hall Coefficient may be numerically defined as the Hall
Electric Field produced by unit current density and unit magnetic
Field. It is measured in unit Ωm3W eber−1
eEH = F = evdB
=eµEB (as µ = vEd )
from above Equations
RH j = µE
RH = µE j
= σE
RH = ne
Here σ and n denote the Electrical Conductivity and the Carrier concentration of
the semiconductor respectively
Apparatus :
A Thin Semi-Conductor Rectangular Slab (Length is greater than 3× Width), a
constant current power supply (0-20 mA), an Electromagnet, Caliberated Fluxme-
ter to measure the magnetic Field, a Digital milliammeter, a digit millivoltmeter, a
voltmeter, two simple keys and connecting wires .
RH = ne
As wEH is equal to the Hall Voltage VH , the Hall Coefficient RH is given by ::
Hall Angle
A Charge Carrier (electron or Hole) in the Semiconductor is under influence of two
electric Fields simultaneously, applied Electric Field (E) and Hall Field (EH ) at right
angles to each other. the Resultant Electric Field E’=E+EH will make an angle φ
with x axis or with the Direction of current. The angle φ which E’ makes with the
Direction of current is termed as Hall Angle, Thus
tan(φ)= EEH
= VVHwl
Carrier Concentration.
The Relation between the carrier concentration n and the Hall Coefficient RH is
given by
RH = ne
the carrier Concentration
n= R1 e
where e is the Electronic Charge
of the specimen.
2. Note Down the Current I through the sample and the voltage V’ across it.
3. Close the key K. The Voltage appearing along the width of the sample is called
the Offset Voltage Note it Down.
4. Open the Key K, Switch on the Electromagnetic and wait for 2-3 minutes. Close
the Key K and measure the hall Voltage developed along the width of the specimen.
Subtract the offset voltage from it to get the corrected Hall-Voltage VH . Switch off
the Magnet.
5. Increase the Current through the sample in small steps and repeat the process
to take at least 6-7 observation. Remember that while measuring V, magnetic field
should remain off. It should be switched on only for measuring VH
Width of the Specimen,b= 4mm=4×10−3m
Length of The Specimen,l=6mm=6×10−3m
Least Count of measuring instrument (Length)=0.01mm
Thickness of the specimen,t,=0.5 mm =5×10−4m
Magnetic Flux Density, B=3110 Gauss= 3110×10−4Tesla
S.No. Current I(mA) Reading of milli-voltemter Mean Value of VH (mV) I
B and I in One Direction B and I in opposite Direction
1 0.48 0.9 1.1 1.0 2.08
2 0.99 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.12
3 2.01 4.1 4.5 4.3 2.14
4 3.01 6.2 6.9 6.55 2.18
5 4.04 8.3 9.2 8.75 2.1
6 5.14 10.5 11.7 11.1 2.15
7 6.12 12.3 13.7 13 2.12
8 7.2 14.1 15.9 15 2.08
9 8.2 16.2 18.3 17.25 2.10
10 9.11 17.8 20.5 19.15 2.10
11 10.06 19.2 22.7 20.95 2.08
12 11.21 21 25.2 23.1 2.06
13 13.20 23.8 30.2 27 2.045
14 14.02 24.09 31.6 28.25 2.014
V bt
S.No. Current I(mA) Distance between Points whose potential is measured V(mV) Il
1 0.48 0.206 ×10−2 1.0 2.02 ×10−3
2 0.99 0.206 ×10−2 2.1 2.06 ×10−3
3 2.01 0.206 ×10−2 4.3 2.07 ×10−3
4 3.01 0.206 ×10−2 6.5 2.11 ×10−3
1. Mean Value of VIH =2.09 Ω
2. RH = VIBHb
5. ρ = 2.0655 × 103Ωm
6. µ = RρH
=13 m2V s−1
7. Hall Angle (θ)= tan−1(µB)
8. The Current through the sample should not be large enough to cause heating.
9.Before Starting Experiment Check that Gauss meter is showing zero value. for this
Put the Probe away from the Electromagnet and switch on the Gauss meter, adjust
its zero adjustment knob.