De Haas Van Alphen Effect

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Electrons in Solids

Dr S A Cavill (2016)

de Haas van Alphen

de Haas van Alphen effect

Oscillations in the Magnetization(M) with B

One of many magnetic quantum effects where oscillations are seen in a physical quantity when varying
the applied magnetic field.
Q: Why?
A: Quantization of orbits in a magnetic field.
= = ,

= ,

kinetic momentum

, =

= +

de Haas van Alphen effect

Assume the orbits are quantized in a field such that

. = + 1/2 2
. =

. +

Remember that

= which can be written as

Integrating and setting the constant of integration to zero gives =


Where is the flux contained in a real space orbit

= 2

de Haas van Alphen effect

Using Stokes theorem (Maths module + also used in EM) we

can write

Where d is the area element in real space

= = + 1/2 2

The orbit of an electron is quantized in such a way that the flux through it is given by

+ 1/2 2

de Haas van Alphen effect

Area of Orbit in k-space

A line element r in the plane normal to B is related to k by

From =
So the area in k-space Sn related to the area An of the orbit in real space is


= + 1/2

From =
So the area of an orbit in k-space will satisfy
= + /

de Haas van Alphen effect

Area of Orbit in k-space

Actually we are interested in the increment B for which two successive orbits , n and n+1, have the same area in kspace at the Fermi surface i.e when



The population of orbits near the fermi level oscillates as B is varied gives rise to oscillations in the magnetic
moment of a metal. The period of oscillation allows us to reconstruct the Fermi surface.
However to see the effect experimentally we need
1: pure specimens
2: Large B fields
3: Low Temperatures no thermal population of adjacent levels
Q: What is the energy separation of the quantized orbitals A.K.A landau levels ?

de Haas van Alphen effect

Energy of Landau levels

Write A in the landau gauge.. = 0

0 = .

Equation of Motion
= = + + +


2 2
2 2


2 2 2


+ () , , = , ,

As V(z) is a constant the Hamiltonian commutes with Py and Pz so we can separate out into
, , = C exp( )

de Haas van Alphen effect

Energy of Landau levels

= +

= 0

Substitute in
2 2

2 0

2 2
cyclotron frequency

This is the equation for the Harmonic oscillator centered at X0 and oscillating at = c the cyclotron frequency.
Solutions (last year in QM)
= + / = 0, 1, .
Can also be written
= 1/2 = 1,2, .

de Haas van Alphen effect

Example: 2D system

= =
Where S is the area between successive orbits in k-space.
Area in k-space occupied by a single orbital (neglecting spin) =

2 2

Number of electron orbitals that reside on a single magnetic level (landau level)

Where =


At T = 0K
The landau levels are filled up to a magnetic quantum number s. Orbitals at the next highest level (s+1) will be
partially filled if needed to accommodate all the electrons in the system. In this case the Fermi level will lie in s+1. As
the B field increases electrons move to lower energy landau levels at the degeneracy (D) increases with B. At a certain
field the level s+1 is fully vacated and the fermi level jumps to s.

de Haas van Alphen effect

Example: 2D system
At a critical (Bs) no landau level is partially occupied.
Where s is the index of the highest filled landau level, and N is the number of electrons in the system.
= 1/2 Energy of a landau level

Total energy of the electrons in levels that are fully occupied is given by


1/2 = 2

+ 1/2 for the partially occupied levels


Total energy of the N electrons = 2 + + 1/2


The Magnetization of a system is =

M oscillates as a function of 1/B the de Haas van Alphen effect.

de Haas van Alphen effect

= + 1/2

de Haas van Alphen effect

The periodicity in the de Haas van Alphen effect measures the extremal cross section area S in k-space
of the Fermi Surface perpendicular to B.



Example: In Au for a wide range of field directions the Magnetization has a

period of 2x10-9 gauss-1. 1T = 104 Gauss. So period is 2 x 10-5 T-1. This period
corresponds to an extremal orbit area of 4.8 x 1020 m-2 using above
= 2
= 1.2 1010 1
As can be seen in the figure the Fermi surface of Au is quite spherical hence
why we can measure this value for a wide range of field directions.

Note: c > 1 to see the dHvA effect i.e. low T, pure sample, high B

de Haas van Alphen effect

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