Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal
How to review a paper...........................................................................................................................................................................1 Checklist for a qualitative research paper..............................................................................................................................................3 Checklist for material provided by a pharmaceutical company representative.....................................................................................4 Checklist for a paper that claims to validate a diagnostic or screening test..........................................................................................4 Checklist for a set of clinical guidelines................................................................................................................................................4 Checklist for a systematic review or meta-analysis...............................................................................................................................4 Checklist for an economic analysis....................................................................................................................................................... Checklist for health care organisations working towards an evidence based culture for clinical and purchasing decisions................ Checklist for searching !edline or the Cochrane library......................................................................................................................"
2. Paper methodology
/he design of the study is consistent with the aims - 0bservational studies - qualitative+ by interviewing - 0bservational studies - quantitative+ obtain baseline values - 1etrospective studies - information from past events - *rospective studies - following events as they happen - 2%perimental ,tudies 3 e.g. randomi4ed control trial #as the design of the study sensible' #as the study original' #ho is the study about' /he sample of the study is representative of the population as a whole How were sub.ects recruited' -re controls needed in the study - (f a cohort+ case-control+ or other non-randomised comparative study were the controls appropriate' #ho was included in and who was e%cluded from the study' /he methods of selecting cases and controls is defined well #ere the sub.ects studied in 5real life6 circumstances' #hat intervention or other manoeuvre was being considered' 7etails of the study such as numbers+ time intervals+ statistical test used are clear and appropriate /he questionnaire and proformas are appropriate and relevant to the study #as the study adequately controlled' (f a 5randomised trial6 was randomisation truly random' #ere the groups comparable in all important aspects e%cept for the variable being studied' #hat outcome$s& were measured and how' #as assessment of outcome $or+ in a case-control study+ allocation of caseness& 5blind6' -re there sources of bias in the setting of the sub.ects Have confounding influences and multiple influences been removed
#as the study large enough and continued for long enough+ and was follow up complete enough+ to make the results credible'
Checklist for health care organisations working towards an evidence based culture for clinical and purchasing decisions
LeadershipHow often has information on effectiveness or evidence based medicine been discussed at board meetings in the past 1= months' Has the board taken time out to learn about developments in clinical and cost effectiveness' InvestmentWhat resources are the organisation investing in finding and using clinical effectiveness information' (s there a planned approach to promoting evidence based medicine that is properly resourced and staffed' Using available resourcesWhat action has been taken by the organisation in response to 2>$?3& 11 $(mproving Clinical 2ffectiveness& and 2>$?4&@4 $(mproving the 2ffectiveness of the :H,&' #hat has changed in the organisation as a result' ImplementationWho is responsible for receiving+ acting on+ and monitoring the implementation of 2ffective Health Care bulletins' #hat action has been taken on each of the bulletins issued to date' Clinical guidelinesWho is responsible for receiving+ acting on+ and monitoring clinical practice guidelines' 7o those arrangements ensure that both managers and clinicians play their part in guideline development and implementation' TrainingHas any training been provided to staff within the organisation $both clinical and non-clinical& on appraising and using evidence of effectiveness to influence clinical practice' Contracts;How often does clinical and cost-effectiveness information form an important part of contract negotiation and agreement' How many contracts contain terms that set out how effectiveness information is to be used' IncentivesWhat incentives;both individual and organisational;e%ist to encourage the practice of evidence based medicine' #hat disincentives e%ist to discourage inappropriate practice and un.ustified variations in clinical decision making' Information systemsIs the potential of e%isting information systems to monitor clinical effectiveness being used to the full' (s there a business case for new information systems to deal with the task+ and is this issue being considered when purchasing decisions about information technology are made' Clinical audit;(s there an effective clinical audit programme throughout the organisation+ capable of e%amining issues of clinical effectiveness and bringing about appropriate changes in practice'