Combine Eccentric Pile Cap - Fardhah

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Pile Cap Eccentricity Analysis for Two Columns Combined Pile Cap

Experiment Findings · July 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20639.66725


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2 authors, including:

Azhar Ahmad
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Pile Cap Eccentricity Analysis for Two Columns Combined Pile Cap
Fardhah Manirah Azman1, Ir Azhar Ahmad2
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
[email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT. This paper presents program undertakes the eccentricity analysis of pile cap system for two columns combined pile
cap under assumption of axial and piles working load. The program is developed by using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet which
involved three phases; analyse combined pile cap subjected to zero and non-zero eccentricity, establish chart for maximum allowable
eccentricity for certain amount of loading and procedure for additional pile. For the first phase, the number and arrangements of
piles, and centroid of pile group due to zero and non-zero eccentricity is determined. The continuation from the first phase, the
maximum allowable eccentricity before pile load exceed pile capacity is determined to produce a chart and the last stage involved
procedure in determining number of additional pile required and a chart to determine the optimum location to install the pile is
established. From the results, a graph of Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Charts for common pile group arrangements is
produced for reference to evaluate the safety and reliability of pile caps that has been designed earlier with zero eccentricities against
actual pile eccentricities recorded on site. Another graph has been developed which was Optimum Additional Pile Location Chart
for additional pile/s if the earlier piles are driven with excessive eccentricity. In overall, the program is made to solve the problem
of eccentricity on site during installation of pile and to provide an immediate on-site field solution.

Keywords: Pile Cap Eccentricity Analysis; Eccentricity Limit Chart; Additional Pile.

Pile cap is one of the components of pile foundations that placed on top of a pile group. It can be combined under certain
circumstances after taking some factors into considerations. The importance of foundation is very significant in structural system to
the overall structure. However, in some cases, foundations can fail due to various reasons and one of the factor is pile eccentricity.
Pile eccentricity happens when there is short comings of driving pre-designated piles at exactly correct position the ground which
is common problem on site. This results in deviation of nearly all individual piles within a pile group. The deviation of these piles
may jeopardize the reliability of pile caps which initially designed with zero eccentricity and the distribution of loading to the ground
since the pile group centroid is changed.

Problem Statement
The short comings of driving pre-designated piles at exactly correct position the ground has introduced the ‘pile eccentricity’
and questions of how safe and reliable was the pile caps which has been designed earlier with zero eccentricities is arouse. The
previous research has found that the norm adopted maximum eccentricity value of 75 mm for each individual piles is quite
misleading. The critical factor is not the eccentricity of individual piles but the overall pile group centroid that influences the safety
and reliability of pile group load carrying capacity. The issues addressed is the allowable eccentricity limit for each pile or rather
pile group arrangements such that previous pile cap designs are still safe and applicable. Other than that, the problem is extended
when the eccentricities beyond ‘allowable’ limits occur. The pile groups and the pile caps are not able to sustain the loads due to
eccentric moments which causes loads distributed to piles to be greater than the pile working load capacities. Hence, a program is
developed to analyse both issues addressed earlier in order to solve the problem and to provide better understanding for on-site field

The main purpose of the research is to analyze combined pile cap due to eccentricity that occur during installation of pile. The
objectives of this study are:
1. To develop Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet for analyzing two columns combined pile cap with zero and non-zero pile
2. To establish Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Chart that can be used on site for immediate checking;
3. To establish an Optimum Add-On Pile Location Chart for cases where excessive eccentricities occur.

Scope of Study
The study is carried out with the purpose of developing a program to analyze the eccentricity occur for combined pile caps. In order
to ensure that the results obtained can help to achieve the objectives of this study, the scope has been limited to two columns
combined pile caps only and the pile cap shape is rectangular which commonly used on site. Other than that, the pile type is fixed
to square pre-cast reinforcement concrete pile as other material is not valid for any results produced from the program. The working
load capacity of piles is based on assumption and the range of pile group is advised from four to nine piles only. The problem occur
on site is strictly for pile eccentricity in order for the program to run well. Any other type of failure is neglected. In addition, the
study utilizes the formulas and graphs in Microsoft Excel to calculate, analyze and produce outcome from the spreadsheet.

Pile cap serves to transfer load from the column to the pile underneath and it should be design accordingly to prevent large value
of shear forces and bending moment. It is constructed due to large loading or low bearing capacity of soil at site, where other type
of foundation is not suitable and economic [1]. The pile cap must be rigid and capable of transferring the loads to the piles
underneath. Typical arrangement and dimension of pile caps for various number of piles are shown in Figure 1[2]. For safe,
economical pile foundations in construction, it is necessary to determine the allowable load capacity of a single pile under various
load conditions. There are three types of actions acting on piles which are vertical load, horizontal load and moment in the column
and bending moment. These reactions are resolved into vertical, horizontal and moment components, and are taken as the factored
values of axis, lateral and moment force effects, respectively at the top of the pile cap. The bending moment will exist in the design
calculation for the load distribution if the centroid of the column is deviated from the centroid of pile group [3]. The presence of
bending moment will change the distribution of loading to pile group as piles that are located farthest from the centroid of pile group
will receive a bigger loading as compared to the nearest piles. Load carried by the piles due to vertical load and bending moment
can be obtained by using the following equation: 𝐹 = ± 𝑋 [4]. The moment usually absent at the structural member in ideal
situation. Since the load distribution to the pile is equal to the direction piles on the axial force, thus the load distribution for each
pile will be equal to the total load acting on pile cap centroid divided by the number of piles. Therefore, load per pile foundation
subject to axial load only can be calculated by using this equation: 𝑃 = while foundation subject to axial load and moment can
𝑁+𝑊 𝑀𝑥𝑖 𝑀𝑦𝑖
be calculated by using this equation: 𝑃 = + + [5]. Furthermore, eccentricity can occur in two direction which is X and
𝑛 𝐼𝑥 𝐼𝑦
Y direction and both direction need be included in the calculation of the load distribution on piles due to vertical loads [6]. There
are several similarities that are commonly used in the distribution of vertical load on the pile due to eccentricity of pile. For pile
𝑁 𝑁𝑒 𝑁𝑒
groups arranged with an axis of symmetry, the equation of the distribution can be used as follows: 𝑃𝑛 = ± 𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑛 ± 𝑦𝑦 𝑥𝑛 [7].
𝑛 𝐼𝑥𝑥 𝐼𝑦𝑦
The maximum allowable eccentricity is 75 mm only for all directions of the single pile as referred to Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) in
Spesifikasi Piawai Untuk Kerja-Kerja Bangunan [8]. The eccentricity of pile will affect the load distribution to the pile either in
reduction or addition of load. However, it can be neglected considerably if the value of the eccentricity is at the allowable limit,
which is only cause an increase in load that does not exceed 7% of original load [9]. By doing some renovation of the other piles,
the eccentricity values for group of piles can be reduced if there is eccentricity in the first pile driven.

Figure 1: Typical arrangement of Pile Caps and Dimension of Pile Caps for various Pile Group

This research consisted of three key activities; the development of Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet program to analyze combined
pile cap subjected to zero and non-zero eccentricity, establishing of net pile group eccentricity chart in order to determine maximum
allowable eccentricity and procedure in determining new location of additional pile in case of excessive eccentricity.

Development of Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Program

There are two phases in the development of a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet program, which are analysis of combined pile cap with
zero eccentricity and analysis of combined pile cap with eccentricity. The user need to key in required data such as loading on both
columns, distance between two columns and the value of eccentricity. The number of piles and size of pile cap required are
determined and the centroid point for both pile cap and pile groups are located. The pile capacity for each pile is calculated for zero
eccentricity and non-zero eccentricity. The validity of the results are checked by using load balance checking.

Establishing Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Chart

After analysis of combined pile cap is completed and the validity of the results is approved, the maximum allowable eccentricity
for the pile cap is determined. Trial and error method is used in order to determine the maximum eccentricity pile can occur before
it exceeds pile capacity. There are three cases that were considered; eccentricities in X-direction only, eccentricities in Y-direction
only and eccentricities in both X-Y directions. The value can be positive or negative depending on the direction. The nearest
eccentricity value to pile capacity will be recorded and a net pile group eccentricity limit chart is produced which can be used later
on site for quick checking whether the net pile group eccentricities are within safe limits.

Additional Pile Procedure

During construction, the piles installed are mostly deviated from its designated position. Some pile can sustain the loading despite
the eccentricity but some of it cannot do so. This is because the deviated pile subjected to moments which causes loads distributed
to piles to be greater than the pile working load capacities. In order to rectify the problem, the most practical solution adopted on
site is by installing additional pile/s. Thus, the pile cap need to undergo several procedure when there is an excessive eccentricities
that are beyond allowable limit as referred to previous chart established in second stage. The add-on pile position is determined by
multiplying the centroid of pile group (before additional pile) to the number of piles. After additional of pile, the pile capacity
checking is performed to ensure the load per pile is not exceed the pile capacity. The optimum position of add-on single pile chart
is established which can then be utilized on site to locate optimum add-on pile position.


The results on the development of Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet program in analyzing combined pile cap subjected to zero and
non-zero eccentricity are discussed herein. The verification of the developed program was checked with load balance checking and
results is tested and proven by comparing to theories stated before.

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Program

Analysis of Combined Pile Cap with Zero Eccentricity. The program requires the inputs from the user; the axial load for column
one and two, the distance between two columns, the k value, the conversion factor, the diameter of precast RC pile and the pile
working load in order to perform the analysis. The program is running automatically once the user key in the desired value in yellow
box provided. Based on the results, the axial load, N1 and N2 is 1000 kN and 1100 kN respectively. The distance between two
columns is 1750 mm, the diameter of precast RC pile is 300 mm ×300 mm, the pile working load is 300 kN, the conversion factor
is 1.4, the k value is 4 and the ultimate loading, Nultimate is 2100 kN. The calculated value of number of piles for ultimate loading
2100 kN is 5.40 piles which is equals to 6. The number of piles provided is higher than the calculated value. This is because if the
lesser number of piles is chosen, the piles is insufficient to sustain loading from top. The outcome is acquired by dividing the ultimate
load with the pile capacity.
The centroid loading is a crucial factor for eccentricity analysis that governs the safety and reliability of pile group. For zero
eccentricity, the position of centroid loading of columns and pile groups are aligned on the same point indicated that the loading
distribution is equal to each pile. The position for centroid of column and pile group for zero eccentricity is fixed to (0.00,0.00).
From this, the location of piles based on previous number of piles obtained and columns are determined as tabulated in Table 1 and
visualized by using graph as show in Figure 3.

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 C1 C2
X-Coordinate -1200.00 0.00 1200.00 -1200.00 0.00 1200.00 -916.67 833.33
Y-Coordinate 600.00 600.00 600.00 -600.00 -600.00 -600.00 0.00 0.00

Table 1: Position of piles and columns with zero eccentricity

From Figure 2, it can be seen that the position of pile one, two, and three are completely mirrored with pile four, five and six.
The coordinates are determined from the typical pile arrangement set for six pile group as shown in Figure 1. Pile spacing is fixed
to kØ for six pile group and the dimension of pile cap is determined which is 1800 × 3000 × 1100 mm. This is the theoretical
position of pile group that has been determined initially during design stage with zero eccentricity. The centroid line for both pile
cap and pile group are located on the same line thus indicates that there is no eccentricity happens. Load per pile is distributed evenly
to all piles since there is no moment induced due to zero eccentricity hence the design is assumed safe and reliable.

P1 P2 P3 Legend
Centroid line
(Pile Cap)

C1 C2 Centroid line
1 (Pile Group)

P4 P5 P6

Figure 2: The analysis of pile cap due to zero eccentricity

Analysis of Combined Pile Cap with Eccentricity. The value of eccentricities is inserted into the software to get the new centroid
loading of pile group since there is deviation happens. The new positions of piles is obtained as tabulated in Table 2 when the value
of eccentricities shown in Figure 3(a) is taken into account. The net eccentricity for this case is (-238.00,84.00). The new centroid
loading of pile group is deviated from its original position as shown in Figure 4(b). The original position of pile group initially was
(0.00,0.00) but after eccentricity happens, the new centroid point is determined at (-39.67,14.00) which is the same as net centroid
of pile group.
Table 2: Position of piles and column with eccentricity

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 C1 C2
X-Coordinate -1125.00 -98.00 1215.00 -1155.00 -150.00 1075.00 -916.67 833.33
Y-Coordinate 625.00 525.00 600.00 -500.00 -566.00 -600.00 0.00 0.00

Green- New
75.00 15.00 Centroid Line



(a) (b)
Figure 3: The eccentricities on each pile (a), the deviation of centroid loading pile group due to eccentricity

The distribution of loading per pile is affected by the presence of eccentricity to the the centroid of the pile cap. The load received
by each pile is not distributed uniformly. The moment is induced when the vertical load transfer from top is not lies on the same
centroid of pile cap. The new load distributions need to be calculated by considering the eccentricity using formula stated below:
𝑀𝑦 = (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 × (𝑒𝑥 (−1)) (Equation 1)
𝑀𝑥 = (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 × 𝑒𝑦 ) (Equation 2)
(𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑+𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡) 𝑀𝑥 𝑦 𝑀𝑦 𝑥
𝐹𝑖 = ± ± (Equation 3)
(𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠) 𝐼𝑥 𝐼𝑦

The load distribution obtained from the calculation for each piles must be compared to pile capacity. If the load receives by any pile
exceeds the pile capacity, the pile is considered fail. The moment acting is assumed to be in clockwise direction. This program act
as an indicator for pile capacity checking whether it is pass or fail in terms of loading. The load balance checking is performed
afterwards in order to verify the load distribution throughout the piles is sufficient to sustain the loading. It is done by comparing
total service load per piles with the total axial load per pile subjected to moment in X and Y direction. Results shows that both values
are the same which is 1648.50 kN thus indicates that the loading distributed to all piles are sufficient. Table 2 shows the pile capacity
checking with eccentricity that has been obtained from the program when the above value set of eccentricities takes place.

Table 3: The distribution of loading for ultimate load 2100 kN with eccentricity.

Pile Service Load+Sw/n Mxy/Ix Myx/Iy Load per Pile (kN) Checking (< 300kN, OK!)
P1 274.75 7.21 13.51 254.03 OK!
P2 275.75 6.03 0.73 267.99 OK!
P3 274.75 6.92 15.61 283.45 OK!
P4 274.75 6.07 13.88 266.94 OK!
P5 274.75 6.85 1.37 280.22 OK!
P6 274.75 7.25 13.87 295.87 OK!
Total Load 1648.50 BALANCED

Establishing Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Chart

After analysis of combined pile cap is completed and the validity of the results is approved, the maximum allowable eccentricity
for the pile cap is determined. The value of eccentricity can exceed the norm 75 mm in all directions as long as the pile capacity is
not exceed the working load. Trial and error method is used in order to determine the maximum eccentricity pile can occur before
it exceeds pile capacity. There are three cases that were considered; eccentricities in X-direction only, eccentricities in Y-direction
only and eccentricities in both X-Y directions. The value can be positive and negative depending on the direction. The nearest
eccentricity value to pile capacity is recorded and a net pile group eccentricity limit chart is produced which can be used later on
site for quick checking whether the net pile group eccentricities are within safe limits.
From the results as shown in Figure 4, three sets of loading are used to establish the Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Chart. The
ratio of Nservice/pile capacity are taken with an increment of 0.25 starting from 5.25, 5.5 and 5.75 with each value of ratio differ in
ultimate loading. The range of ultimate load assumed in order to obtain this chart is between 1995 kN to 2205 kN. The pile cap is
considered safe and reliable as long as the net pile group eccentricity is inside the safe zone. The bigger the number of loading, the
smaller the area for safe zone. For ultimate loading, N = 2100 kN, the ratio of Nservice/pile capacity = 5.5. Therefore, the maximum
allowable net eccentricity before exceeding working load capacity is 438 mm if the piles are moving in X-direction only, 330 mm
if the piles are moving in Y-direction only and 186 mm if the piles are moving for both direction. The value is valid only for Pre-
Cast RC Pile 300 × 300 mm with 300 kN working load. The net eccentricity for this case is (-238.00,84.00).

Net Pile Group Eccentricity

X = 238.00 mm
Y = 84.00 mm

Safe zone
Nultimate = 2100 kN
Ratio = 5.5

Safe zone
Nultimate = 2200 kN
Ratio = 5.75

Figure 4: 6 Pile Group: Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Chart (300 mm Square Pile @ 300 kN working Load)

Additional Pile Procedure

Additional pile is required when load distributed to piles are greater than the pile working load capacities. The program determined
the location of add-on pile based on the net pile group eccentricity. From the acquired results earlier, the net pile group eccentricities
are still within safe zone. The ultimate load then is changed to 2205 kN and the subsequent ratio is 5.75 while other parameters
remains. Therefore, the area for safe zone became smaller which means less value of net eccentricity is allowed before the load
exceed the pile working load. After increasing the ultimate loading, the location of net pile group eccentricity is outside the safe
zone (now orange) as shown in Figure 5. Hence some pile is subjected to failure. The checking for pile load distribution (before
add-on pile) is performed in the Table 4. The results shows that Pile 6 is failed due to exceed pile working load. Thus, additional
pile is installed to reduce load on all piles and the location of the new pile is determined.

Table 4: The distribution of loading for ultimate load 2205 kN with eccentricity.

Pile Service Load+Sw/n Mxy/Ix Myx/Iy Load per Pile (kN) Checking (< 300kN, OK!)
P1 287.25 7.54 14.12 265.59 OK!
P2 287.25 6.31 0.76 280.19 OK!
P3 287.25 7.23 16.33 296.34 OK!
P4 287.25 6.34 14.51 279.08 OK!
P5 287.75 7.16 1.44 292.97 OK!
P6 287.75 7.58 14.50 309.33 FAILED!
Total Load 1723.50 BALANCED

The Optimum Position of Add-On Single Pile chart is established as illustrated in Figure 5(a) in order to locate the optimum
location for additional pile. The chart is produced based on pile group centroid multiplying with number of piles. From the results,
the X-axis is the pile group centroid prior to add-on pile and Y-axis is the coordinate of add-on pile. Pile group centroid before
addition of pile is located at (-39.67,14.00). From the chart, optimum location for a single add-on pile is at (238.00,-84.00) which
results in the net of pile group centroid returning to (0.00,0.00)

238.00 P1 P3
P2 Add-On

C1 C2

-39.67 P4 Failed Pile

P5 P6

(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) 6 Pile Group: Optimum Add-On Pile Location Chart, (b) The location of piles with add-on pile

Figure 5(b) illustrates the position of pile with eccentricity with additional pile. The optimum location for additional pile is
determined so that the new centroid of pile group is balanced with load distribution. After location of additional pile is determined,
the final verification is performed to ensure that by inserting new pile, the load distribution not exceeding pile working load. Pile
working load is reduced about 15% from 300 kN to 255 kN. The checking is performed by using load balance check as shown in
Table 4.
Table 4: Pile capacity checking (After add-on pile)

Pile Service Load+Sw/n Mxy/Ix Myx/Iy Load per Pile (kN) Checking (< 300kN, OK!)
P1 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
P2 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
P3 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
P4 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
P5 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
P6 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
Add-On Pile 246.21 0.00 0.00 246.21 OK!
Total Load 1723.50 BALANCED

The formula used to calculate load distribution is as stated in Equation 3. Since the new pile group centroid is (0.00,0.00), thus the
moment is zero. The load distribution for Pile 6, the one that failed before is now less than pile working load hence the structure is
safe and reliable again to use. The installing additional pile helps to reduce the intensity of loads distributed to all piles which can
helps lower down the value so that it would not exceed pile working load. The Optimum Add-On Pile Location chart can be used
further by extending the middle line. This chart is developed for engineers on site to give immediate solution in case there is pile
failure happens.

In this paper, a full spreadsheet for pile cap eccentricity analysis for two columns combined pile cap with range of four to nine
pile group was proposed. This program serves to reduce time and save cost to solve problem regarding pile eccentricity for engineers.
Findings conforming to the objectives of this study can be summarized as below:
1. A program for analyzing two columns combined pile cap with zero and non-zero eccentricity using Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet was developed. The advisable number of pile for combined pile cap is in range of four to nine pile group.
2. A Net Pile Group Eccentricity Limit Chart to determine the maximum allowable net eccentricity was established by using
trial and error checking. The chart can be used on site for immediate checking.
3. An Optimum Add-On Pile Location Chart was established to determine the optimum location of additional pile for cases
where eccentricities takes place. Load balance check was conducted for verification.

This study concludes that, the critical factor to determine the safety and reliability of the pile cap is not the eccentricity of
individual piles but the overall pile group centroid. The higher the loading, the smaller the allowable eccentricity limit for pile group
arrangement. The charts produced are applicable to use on-site for immediate checking and solution. By utilizing Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet, the results are produced accurately and practical to be considered for further development.

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