Aqualyng Corp Brochure
Aqualyng Corp Brochure
Aqualyng Corp Brochure
Company Profile
Aqualyng is a global leader in Over the past decade, Aqualyng has
seawater desalination using built and operated desalination plants
reverse osmosis technology. in 7countries around the world. Our
With competitive advantage gained technology solutions and modular
via our proprietary technologies desalination water systems
and state-of-the-art products & have brought about cost efficiencies
services, we apply our engineering, and reduced assembly times for plants
development, construction in the GCC, Africa, and China. By applying
management, and operations some of the most advanced engineering
& maintenance capabilities to know-how in the industry, Aqualyng’s
produce desalinated water when team of industry professionals are
and where it is most needed dedicated to helping communities,
across the globe. businesses and industries around
the world overcome water shortages.
1989 Bjørn Lyng unveils the Anfi del Mar tourist resort in Gran Canaria
1998 Installation of the first commercial desalination plant at Anfi Del Mar
2002 Aqualyng AS, Aqualyng›s parent company, establishes itself permanently in Vanvikan, Norway
2006 The company takes the decision to focus on Build Own Operate desalination projects as a primary business activity
2008 The company takes initial strides into the lucrative Chinese market
Aqualyng was founded as a Lyng resort which he had developed Aqualyng has historically been a
Group company. The Lyng Group is in the Canary Islands in the early provider of advanced technology
a renowned Norwegian industrial 1990s. Aqualyng is today owned energy recovery equipment for
conglomerate working across by Staur Holding AS, The Lyng desalination plants. Today, the company
sectors in areas as diverse as Group AS, Aqua Venture AS, Pareto is focused on not just selling this
electronics, energy, and offshore and CLSA Capital Partners. equipment but selling water produced
drilling. The company was the by building, owning, and operating
brainchild of noted Norwegian desalination plants employing Aqualyng
industrialist, Mr. Bjørn Lyng, who equipment and technology.
started Aqualyng to serve water
needs at the Anfi del Mar hotel
Proven, Patented Technologies implement customized solutions recovery system, The Recuperator.
We have been installing desalination fit to each consumer’s purpose and Unlike other suppliers who depend
plants with our own technology since consumption parameters. on 3rd party energy recovery devices,
1998. Our technological innovations we have complete control over
and system design are carefully tested Strength & Flexibility the process and guarantee record
through multiple installations, backed The Aqualyng family comprises low-energy consumption with
up by test results that are unmatched top desalination experts from around significantly reduced costs.
in the industry. the world. Our team has the flexibility
and inventiveness to tackle minute An Experienced Team
Project Development demands and enter regions sometimes Aqualyng prides itself on having sought
Capabilities eschewed by mega corporations, out and attracted talented individuals
With the renewed vision of the while maintaining the strength, to help us build an in-house team
company to participate in water structural capabilities and logistical capable to meet our high targets.
industry privatization initiatives around resources to satisfy the most
the world and to sell water under long exhaustive client requirements.
term contracts such as in BOO/BOOT
projects, our project development team Proprietary Energy-saving Device
is supported by the company’s in-house Aqualyng is currently the only
engineering, construction management, developer of desalination projects
and O&M capabilities to devise and with its own patented energy
The Recuperator:
Our Key Competitive Advantage
From the very beginning, Reverse of more efficient equipments and the system. The Recuperator allows
Osmosis Desalination has been focused better materials, have resulted in the pressurized brine to “recycle”
on the improvement and development a reduction of operating costs as well itsenergy back to the membranes
of the membrane elements, which are as an incremental decrease in the in conjunction with a booster
considered the heart of the process. system life-cycle costs. pump – the brine is replaced with
The ultimate objective in the process pretreated seawater at an
Workings identical flow.
is to have membranes, in terms
of material and configuration, The Recuperator uses the saline reject
that feature high productivity; high (brine) from the membranes Remarkable Efficiencies
salt rejection; and resistance to high to pressurize pre-treated seawater Via The Recuperator, Aqualyng has
operating pressures, chemical products in a sequential process regulated by brought high-effciency energy recovery
and pollutants present in the the brine flow from the RO membranes. to projects in Taiwan, Oman, Egypt
feed water. The device consists of vertically and the Canary Islands. The latest
standing pairs of duplex stainless Recuperator installment is in a
The development of Aqualyng’s steel chambers that work alternatively 50,000 m3/day plant currently
system design technologies, together in a compression-transfer and under construction in China.
with many years of experience in the decompression-discharge sequence.
operation of RO systems, better Pre-treated seawater comes from
pre-treatment solutions and the use a pressurized feeding tank to keep
constant flow and pressure into
Fast Water is a series of modular Easy to transport, install and operate, Aqualyng looks after the
water treatment plants employing Fast Water is an equally adept solution commissioning, installation, technical
Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology. to temporary water supply needs and assistance, regular servicing and
The units are designed to produce water supply droughts in arid, desert remote monitoring of Fast Water,
potable water at flow rates ranging climates - giving harsh climates a vital, ensuring fresh water
from 250m3/day to 1000m3/day. refreshing boost. Compact and mobile, – whenever, wherever.
This product suite offers an energy- Fast Water can be quickly transported
efficient, cost effective solution to various environments to service
catering to the water needs different water needs.
of the Power, Construction, Oil & Gas,
Petrochemicals, Agriculture, Chemicals,
Mining & Minerals, Metal Processing,
Food & Beverage, Hotel & Tourism
and Water Bottling Industries.
Fast Water 10
• Optimally Sized • High Purity Water • Reliability
Fast Water’s compact dimensions allow Fast Water systems remove not only With a long history of successful
it to be delivered quickly and at short dissolved ions, but also bacteria, project involvement in the Canary
notice via routine shipping methods. pyrogens, organics, particles, colloids, Islands and other developments based
color & oxidizing agents up to 99.9%. around the world, Fast Water has the
• Flexible credibility to deliver on its promises.
The product’s fexible configuration • Operationally Efficient
allows for a large range of Fast Water is energy-efficient, • Ready Availability
capacities,to meet wide ranging low-maintenance and cost-effective, Through a well-coordinated
client requirements. making it the ideal purchase for large network of sub-suppliers and short
industries and mid-sized factories alike. manufacturing lead times, Fast Water
• Easily Operable can be delivered as and when customer
Easy to install, easy to operate – Fast • Various Options needs are identified
Water is a no-fuss solution to several Units can be purchased or leased,
industry requirements. and the entire system can also be
monitored remotely. Further, clients
can choose between customized
and off-the-shelf units.
Fast Water’s compact size allows for quick and low cost shipping.