Lotus Notes As KMS Development Tool: As The New Technologies Are Arriving Such As

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Information technology seems to grow rapidly in the last few years in the manner of technology and
utilization. We are already discussed the need of knowledge system. In order to fulfil those needs we
have to use certain appropriate technology. The overall growth is exposed from the rapid boost of
computer potential/capability in manner of the outstanding processing speed and overall memory.
The similar thing is happened in case of different version softwares , data those updated frequently every
year. It can be said that that new millennium paradigm shift to knowledge era from information era
The popularity of expressions like knowledge technology, knowledge, and knowledge Management is very

As the new technologies are arriving such as intranets, data mining, agent technology, web casting
and video conferencing, numerous technology vendors are provides such some solutions as panaceas in
order to tackle with the business challenges of the knowledge era.

Several academic scholars and technology experts argued that there is no direct
correlation between business performance or knowledge management and IT investments.
According to Erik Brynjolfsson, whose is a information system’s professor of at MIT Sloan School,gave a
article in Information Week on Sept. 9, 1996 “The same dollar spent on the same system may give a
competitive advantage to one company but only expensive paperweights to another.” Thus, a key
Factor higher return on the dollar it is the effective use of information on
organizational performance. How industry executives should have to decipher the
mantra of "effective use".

Bina Nusantara University as an IT school in Indonesia has used knowledge management

past two years for an efficient and effective communication within the organization and improve its
Business process. This article will present our experience in the development of aknowledge-
based implementation
Management at the University in preparation to face an era of globalization

Bina Nusantara University as a leading IT school in Indonesia has used knowledge management
since last two years for proficient and effectual communication in organization and improving its
Business process. In This article will give experience in developing implementing knowledge
management in the uni as a training for facing the globalization era.

Lotus Notes as KMS development tool

Lotus Development Corporation, Notes and Domino  is consider as one of the world's

leader workgroup Systems available in  market that provide the fundamental implementation of
knowledge management system. 
If Start with a working group request, Lotus Notes
well known to have built a strong workflow capabilities on peak of his model 3C (cooperation
Communication and coordination), as shown in Figure [Lynd & Kern 2000].
These days Lotus Notes, a variation of different design, it offers project management and panel
Coordination by its growth panel room, document organization system with Domino.Doc, Real
time collaboration and application sharing facility with its Sometime server and as well as e-
Learning communications called Learning Space. The most recent addition to the family of Lotus
Notes is the product Eerie Package Raven, Lotus as the enterprise answer for Knowledge Box
Implementation Management

The allegation of a single box solution KM seems simplify things, but Raven

not extend the base capabilities of Lotus Notes as a collaborative work with major portals and

The most recent version of Domino and Lotus Notes and provides an easier integration for the Web

Submission of the application notes accordingly. We can easily deploy applications over
the Web notes
a common platform, the platform on the web-based, integrate the different parts of aKM.

Claiming to have a single out of the box solution for KM seems to oversimplify the issues, but Raven
does extend the basic capability of Lotus Notes as a groupware with portals and extensive “agents”.

The latest version of Lotus Notes & Domino provides a more seamless combination for web-based
Presentation of Notes based application. We can effortlessly deploy Notes application through the web,
Thus provided that a widespread platform, the web based platform, to integrate the different parts of a KM.
The technology K-Net : use of BINUS in knowledge management

In Indonesian IT schools the BINUS is on the top .every year the number of students are increasing
continuously,the complexness of the business process become very high,espaicially the internal and
external problem in communication arise.their are some more problems which are existing in
knowledge management:

1 with the high turnover of the employee their is lost of intellectual capital

2 For training of new employees the cost is high

3 Need arises for upto date information for real time decisions

4 Efforts can be duplicated

5 mistakes can be done again and again

6 in future development their are time and distance barriers

Few years ago, the top management of BINUS has desided to adopt knowledge management system
to solving these problems.
Figure 2 : THE Architectural Intranet BINUS


The development of knowledge management system is completed under the lotus Notes. As
knowledge stage, Lotus Notes makes the development turn into easy. Figure 2 reveals all the modules that
have been shaped and a few of them are provided by Lotus Notes where the others are urbanized in-house
using Lotus Designer. We want about 6 months for analyze all the modules explain in figure 2. For method
automation such as memento module, and workflow submission, we use the Notes Agents, which are
modified. Those agents are collective by some applications. For the records recovery process, we use
Lotus Notes indexing and penetrating capability.

Process of KMS
There are three steps which are used to build KMS at BINUS.

1. Need Detection

We experiential the running processes, and did interviews with associated staffs to imprison their
requirements of information and knowledge. This chapter develop into the most vital step because they are
the one that will use the scheme. User pleasure is one of the important parts in developing KMS.
Following the inspection results, we generate a list of modules that should be residential with right of way.

2. Construction

The construction of the system itself consists of quite a few processes such as:
System design. We design the theoretical design.
Modules construction. We build reusable modules.
Modules integration. We put together divide modules for a exact reason. Some of the
modules need an mixing to the alive data store or even alteration of some
parts of the data store itself, new file needs to be distinct to correctly served the
needs of the system.
System testing. All built modules are experienced.
They also depend on the environment of the necessary KMS according to the planned users: it
might consist of paper-based permit making explicit the enterprise sufficient members’
knowledge that had never been yet elicit and modelled. It may also be a computational memory
materializes through an sharp documentary system, a folder, knowledge base, a case-based
system, a web-based system or a multi-agent system. We note that even though paper-based or
electronic documents can themselves stand for a KMS they are often careful as a first step in the
performance of the

3. Diffusion of Knowledge

Sufficient basics of the KMS are spread to the apposite members of the project: this division may
be inactive or lively, as well the user can investigate by him-self essential information where it is
accessible, or knowledge sharing can be methodically resolute and taken in charge by person or
collection of the project. Staffs can take benefit of the extraordinary promise of admission to data,
to information and to knowledge provide by Internet. Knowledge dispersal can for example
develop the possible right to use to Internet or to an Intranet inside the business. The
socialization procedure is essential to even the method for client version. Department managers
and key powerful staffs are invited into a performance meeting where they are fully brief on the
last effect of the scheme and provided hands on tuition on how to use the system. This type
company are hoped to spread the system additional into all of the section he/she are in.

Oraganisation Culture Shift

In Binus David Coleman (1999) establish that numerous organizations implement team
work, not all of them indicate a high degree of knowledge sharing. This is not
technological trouble, but it is a logical result of a culture of collaboration rather than
opposition culture requires a knowledge management system. Changing corporate culture
cannot, if on the direction and surface as they should, make progress
Support for the functioning of systems. The team considered the expansion and support
work hard to ensure that each system has been summoned to the company intranet to life
and everything will work correctly observations are analyzed and fit well into the next version
of Windows. Management also provides loans to the staffs and directorates of ecological
fortification for their assistance to the RBM.
Appropriate price have always been an encouragement for the process of knowledge
relocate. Rector acts as the master refuses to implement the system
any document if it is performed by the system. Also regularly invites workers
Other members of the active region in the process of knowledge transfer that personally
The mission of the organization must at least partially contain the values that are part of
every professional personal mission. common phenomenon as the "body of knowledge
much more important My that the knowledge of others (my) power, not invented here
syndrome "should be replaced by different. Other ideas, such as "it is all right to make
mistakes" and "Take risks, it is not The threat to his career, but a necessity to show, as the
organization and management of the Compare leading professional organization,
improvisation, and knowledge. The threat to his career, but a necessity to show, as the
organization and management of the Compare leading professional organization,
improvisation, and knowledge.
The benefits of KMS Binus
The benefits of KMS Binus are:
    current knowledge and Information of business processes and decision making
       can be obtained by employees to access information and knowledge from anywhere
       the corporate network and a web browser  distance and time barriers may be reduced
2.The system allows employees to work with each Team asynchronously and remotely.
 knowledge capital can be minimized.
   Client (student) satisfaction, which is the real purpose of the University may not be
enough  improved if the process of improving the internal implementation of RBM.


In conclusion, the document draws attention to the experience in the implementation of RBM
university computers. We Found that there is no strong relationship between computer
spending and businesses more Performance. The most important thing is how to act and
communicate the knowledge workers social processes, collaboration, knowledge sharing
and building on the ideas of others. The man behind the weapon is very
important. management support and champions play a key role in
implementation process. Today, more and more in the near future, this information may be
freely accessible from anywhere. Therefore, knowledge is produced and reproduced
throughout the world and transported anywhere the world at minimal cost. Is expected to
contribute to a significant impact on business, economics Environmental, social and cultural
institutions. knowledge organization valuable source of information around the world and
products can reach customers around the knowledge World. Most likely, the catch rate of
global economic integration and in turn impact on social and cultural life in the
world. Characteristics of dominant firms, the process can changes can be expected of small
manufacturing companies and benefit from relatively large-scale operation indicate that the
business world today.
The degree of the company in response to technological change and technology to effective
use Create and reuse of knowledge is to give them a competitive advantage. Companies are
looking for lexible approach to develop and maintain a systematic strategy of knowledge
management integration The needs of business and IT in the conceptual model of enterprise
architecture. Knowledge management and Knowledge of processing a key role to play in the
entire process reengineering more Performance, competitive services and high quality
service and customer satisfaction

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