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Connecting A SINAMICS G120 Drive To An S7-300/400 CPU in TIA Portal

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Application Description  06/2014

Connecting a SINAMICS G120

Drive to an S7-300/400 CPU in
TIA Portal
SINAMICS G120 (CU 240E-2 PN(-F)), SIMATIC S7-300/400

Warranty and Liability

Warranty and Liability

Note The Application Examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete
regarding the circuits shown, equipping and any eventuality. The Application
Examples do not represent customer-specific solutions. They are only intended
to provide support for typical applications. You are responsible for ensuring that
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relieve you of the responsibility to use safe practices in application, installation,
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SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Warranty and Liability ................................................................................................. 2
1 Task ..................................................................................................................... 5
2 Solution............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Overview of the general solution .......................................................... 6
2.2 Description of the core functionality ..................................................... 7
2.2.1 Configuration for the communication ................................................... 7
SINAMICS ............................................................................................ 7
SIMATIC S7-300/400 ........................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Data exchange ..................................................................................... 7
Cyclic process data exchange ............................................................. 8
Acyclic data exchange (parameter access) ......................................... 8
2.3 Hardware and software components used........................................... 9
3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application .......................................... 11
3.1 Wiring ................................................................................................. 11
3.2 IP addresses and PN device names .................................................. 12
3.3 Settings on PG/PC ............................................................................. 13
3.4 Downloading the SINAMICS configuration ........................................ 14
3.5 Downloading the SIMATIC program .................................................. 16
4 Operating the Application ............................................................................... 19
4.1 Requirements ..................................................................................... 19
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4.2 Operating the application ................................................................... 19

4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel ........................ 21
4.3.1 Screens and screen navigation .......................................................... 21
4.3.2 Process data exchange ...................................................................... 22
Control and status word ..................................................................... 22
Setpoint and actual values ................................................................. 23
4.3.3 Parameter access .............................................................................. 25
Reading/writing parameters ............................................................... 25
Fault buffer ......................................................................................... 26
5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application ................................................. 28
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange ............................................. 29
5.1.1 Accessing process data in the user program of the controller ........... 29
5.1.2 Standardizing the setpoint and actual values .................................... 29
5.1.3 Transfer methods ............................................................................... 30
Load / transfer or MOVE .................................................................... 30
“DPRD_DAT“ / “DPWR_DAT“ ............................................................ 30
“PNIO_SEND“ / “PNIO_RECV“ .......................................................... 30
5.1.4 Control and status word ..................................................................... 31
5.1.5 FB 11 “Process Data_SFC”................................................................ 33
5.1.6 The FB 13 “Process_Data_LT” and FB 14
“Process_Data_MOVE“ ...................................................................... 35
5.1.7 FB 12 “Process_Data_CP“ ................................................................. 37
5.2 Parameter access functionality .......................................................... 39
5.2.1 Job and response structure ................................................................ 39
5.2.2 The DBs “read/write_drive_parameters” and
“answer_from_drive” .......................................................................... 40
5.2.3 FB 20 “Parameter_Access” ................................................................ 42
6 Configuration and Settings............................................................................. 45
6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller ............................................... 45
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet .................. 50

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Table of Contents

6.3 Configuring the SINAMICS G120 drive via USB ................................ 56

7 Literature .......................................................................................................... 59
8 History............................................................................................................... 59
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SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 4
1 Task
2.1 Overview of the general solution

1 Task
The SIMATIC S7 300/400 can be operated as a PROFINET controller.
A SINAMICS drive can be used as PROFINET device and be controlled by the
This application example illustrates how to configure the SINAMICS and the
S7-300/400, start it up and access process data and parameters.

Overview of the automation task

The following figure gives an overview of the automation task.

Figure 1-1: Overview of the task

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or Ethernet


Requirements for the automation task

Table 1-1: Requirements
Requirement Explanation
Access to process data The drive shall be switched on and off via the control word and
the speed value is to be specified as quickly as possible.
Access to parameters Read and write access from the controller to the parameters in
the converter (in this example: ramp up and ramp down time)
should be possible and be performed using as few resources
as possible, i.e. small communication load.
Safety function of the The SINAMICS converters have the option of performing a fail-
converter safe shutdown (e.g. emergency-stop).

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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2 Solution
2.1 Overview of the general solution

2 Solution
This application example gives an example of how to connect a SINAMICS G120
to an S7-300 using a GSD file in STEP 7 in the TIA Portal.

2.1 Overview of the general solution

Schematic layout
The following figure gives a schematic overview of the most important components
of the solution:

Figure 2-1: Overview of the general solution

SINAMICS G120 S7-300/400 KTP 600

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(alternatively to parameterization
via fieldbus)


The example shows you how ...

• ...the S7-300/400 controller is configured.
• ...the communication is programmed in the S7-300/400 controller.
• ...the SINAMICS G converter is configured using STARTER.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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2 Solution
2.2 Description of the core functionality

2.2 Description of the core functionality

2.2.1 Configuration for the communication

Controller and converter are programmed with independent software packages.

Therefore, the communication data must be entered twice.

The configuration of SINAMICS G120 is performed using the STARTER
commissioning tool.
For SINAMICS one of several telegram types can be selected for the data
exchange. This defines which data is transmitted or received in which order. It is
important that the same telegram type is selected when configuring the controller.

SIMATIC S7-300/400
In this example SIMATIC S7-300/400 is programmed with STEP 7 Professional
V13. For SINAMICS G120 and the telegram type to appear in the hardware catalog
in TIA Portal, a device description file (GSD) must be imported. It is important that
the same telegram type is selected as for the configuration of SINAMICS.
When inserting SINAMICS into the SIMATIC project, the I/O addresses which shall
be used by the controller for accessing the converter are also specified.
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2.2.2 Data exchange

Data exchange between drive and PLC occurs in two areas:

• Process data,
i.e. control word(s) and setpoint(s), or status word(s) and real value(s)
• Parameter area,
i.e. reading/writing of parameter values

Note The two areas, process data and parameters, are independent from each other
and can also be used individually.

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2 Solution
2.2 Description of the core functionality

Cyclic process data exchange

Process data is transferred cyclically, which means in each bus cycle, in order for
them to be transferred as quickly as possible.
The S7-300/400 transmits the control word and the setpoint value to SINAMICS
and receives the status word and the real value.
Depending on the telegram type, two further setpoint or real values, or extended
control or status words respectively, can be transferred.
• On the controller side the process data is supplied as I/O input or output words.
• In the drive, the configuration specifies which bits of the control word are used
and which data is transmitted to the controller.

Acyclic data exchange (parameter access)

To be able to transfer parameters, telegram types were defined where four words
are provided for a parameter (PIV) transfer. Since these four words, like the
process data (PZD), are always transmitted, a permanent communication load is
produced even though the parameters themselves are generally only rarely
Apart from the cyclic data exchange there is also the option to use an acyclical
data exchange that is only used if required. This makes it possible to transfer the
parameter area acyclically on demand, without creating a permanent
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communication load. The acyclic transfer takes clearly longer than the cyclic
transfer of the process data.
In the example the acyclical data exchange is used to access the parameters.
• In the controller, parameter jobs are sent to the drive by writing data record 47,
and the response of the drive is read in by reading data record 47.
• No particular action is required on the drive side.

Note When using a CP342-1, the parameters of the drive cannot be accessed by
acyclic data exchange.

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2 Solution
2.3 Hardware and software components used

2.3 Hardware and software components used

The application document was generated using the following components:

Hardware components
Table 2-1: Hardware components
Component Qty. Article number Note
or other S7-300/400
CPU 315-2 DP/PN 1 6ES7315-2EH14-0AB0
or another module with
SM 323 1 6ES7323-1BH00-0AA0
6SL3244-0BB13-1FA0 or another
(CU 240E-2 PN-F) and SINAMICS G120 with
SINAMICS G120 1 CU240x-2 PN (-F) or
(PM240) CU250S-2
SIMATIC Panel KTP600 This panel is optional.
1 6AV6647-0AD11-3AX0
Basic color PN
Includes STARTER on
DVD and USB cable.
SINAMICS G120 Alternatively, the
PC converter 1 6SL3255-0AA00-2CA0 software can be
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

connection kit 2m downloaded and a

standard micro USB
cable be used as well.
SINAMICS IOP or 6SL3255-0AA00-4JA1 optional
The number is already
PROFINET taken into account for
6 6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0
connector plug the connection with the
PROFINET line 6XV1840-2AH10
Motor 1 1LA7083-4AA60

Standard software components

Table 2-2: Standard software components
Component Qty. Article number Note
SIMATIC STEP 7 Floating License
Professional V13 6ES7822-1AA03-0YA5
1 6SL3072-0AA00-0AG0 Free download: see /6/
GSD file for Free download: see /7/
1 -

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2 Solution
2.3 Hardware and software components used

Example files and projects

The following list includes all files and projects used in this example.
Table 2-3: Example files and projects
Component Note
60140921_SINAMICS_G120_at_S7-300400-PN_CODE_v11.zip STEP 7 project.
STARTER project
60140921_SINAMICS_G120_at_S7-300400-PN_STARTER.zip The password for the
safety settings is “12345”.
60140921_SINAMICS_G120_at_S7-300400-PN_DOKU_v11_en.pdf This document

CAUTION The STARTER example project is designed for the use with the example
components listed in Table 2-1. If a SINAMICS G120 with a different output
or a different motor is connected, without adjusting the respective
parameters, converter and/or motor can be damaged or destroyed.
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SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.1 Wiring

3 Setting Up and Commissioning the

3.1 Wiring
The figure below shows the hardware setup of the application.

Figure 3-1: Wiring


on off2 off3 Ack Rev 0 n+ n-

L1 L2 L3 PE

L+ M I 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 M

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Note The setup guidelines in the SINAMICS G120 manual (see /8/) and SIMATIC
must generally be followed.

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.2 IP addresses and PN device names

3.2 IP addresses and PN device names

In the example the following IP addresses and PROFINET device names are used:

Table 3-1: IP addresses and PN device names

IP Component PROFINET device name Converted name S7-CPU cpu 315-2 pn/dp cpuxa315-2xapnxrdp1af8 CU240E-2PN -F sinamics-g120-cu240e-v4.5 sinamics-g120-cu240e-v4.xd508bc KTP600 simatic hmi-station simaticxahmi-station4e5e PG/PC - -

The network mask is always and no router is used.

The PROFINET device name is made up of the (editable) device names that are
assigned by default from the system and which can be found in the “Properties” of
the respective device under “General”. However, in the end a converted name
according to IEC 61158-6-10 is loaded in the appropriate device. If the PROFINET
device name is already complying with the norm, it is accepted as converted name.
More details on naming can be found, e.g. in the information system (online help)
of the TIA Portal under “Assigning addresses and names for PROFINET devices”.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Name convention according to IEC 61158-6-10

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.3 Settings on PG/PC

3.3 Settings on PG/PC

Table 3-2: Instruction – settings on PG/PC
No. Action Remarks
1. Assign a free, fixed IP address
192.168.0.x to the network card
used (e.g. x = 200) and assign the
subnet mask
Navigate in Windows as follows:
>Network connections
>Right click on network card
>Internet protocol (TCP/IP)
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

2. Set the PG/PC interface. Select

“S7ONLINE (STEP7)” as access
point of the application and
“TCP/IP -> network card used” as
interface configuration used.
Navigate in Windows as follows:
>System controller used interface card
> Set PG/PC Interface

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.4 Downloading the SINAMICS configuration

3.4 Downloading the SINAMICS configuration

This chapter describes the steps for downloading the example configuration. It is
assumed that STARTER V4.3.1.0 or higher is already installed on your PG/PC.

Note • The download can be performed via Ethernet interface or USB. Below, the use of the
Ethernet interface is shown.
• Should you use a different converter or motor you need to perform your own
configuration. In that case, follow the instructions in chapter 6 “Configuration and
• The screenshots below use a general project name: “G120_at_S7”. In this example,
this stands for “G120_at_S7-300-PN”

Table 3-3: Instruction - downloading the SIMATIC configuration

No. Action Remark
1. Connect the CU 240E-2 PN-F of
SINAMICS G120 with the PG/PC.
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2. Start the STARTER

commissioning software.

3. Retrieve the STARTER project

from Table 2-3 (“File >
Retrieve…”) and open it.

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.4 Downloading the SINAMICS configuration

No. Action Remark

4. Click on “Accessible nodes”.

5. Right click on the found drive and

select “Edit Ethernet node…” from
the context menu.

6. Assign the PROFINET device

name to the IO device (drive) that
is used in the network
configuration of the CPU.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

1 2

7. Select the converter in the tree

and go online.

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.5 Downloading the SIMATIC program

No. Action Remark

8. Start the download and tick “After
loading, copy RAM to ROM”. 1
Should you receive a note which
indicates different parameters for
the power unit, you need to make
your own configuration. In that
case, follow the instructions in
chapter 6 “Configuration and

9. Go offline.
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3.5 Downloading the SIMATIC program

This chapter describes the steps for the installation of the example code into

• SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V13 or higher is already installed on your
• The SINAMICS configuration according to chap. 3.4 has already been carried

Table 3-4: Instruction - downloading the SIMATIC program

No. Action Remarks
1. Connect the controller with the You can connect both devices directly or via a switch.
PG/PC using a network cable.
2. Retrieve the project on hand as The G120_at_S7-300-PN project folder is created.
zip file on Windows level.

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.5 Downloading the SIMATIC program

No. Action Remarks

3. Double click the ap11 file in the
project folder just retrieved in
order to open the project in TIA

4. Select the controller and initiate

the loading process.

Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

5. Select the following interface

data in the “Extended download
to device” mask:
• Type of PG/PC interface:
• PG/PC interface:
 network card used
• Connection to subnet: 1
 (local) PN/IE
You may be prompted to tick
“Show all accessible devices” in
the online status information.
Click “Load” as soon as the CPU
is reached.

6. Exit the “Load preview” mask

with the “Load” button…
…and subsequently the “Load
results” mask with the “Finish” 2
button. “Start modules after
downloading to device” has to be
ticked. 3

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3 Setting Up and Commissioning the Application
3.5 Downloading the SIMATIC program

No. Action Remarks

7. To be able to run the KTP600
operator panel as simulation on
your PG/PC, select it and start 2
the simulation.
(If you would like to connect a
real KTP600 to the controller
instead of the simulation,
continue with step 0.)

8. Connect the KTP600 to the

power supply and open the
PROFINET settings in the
Control Panel. 2

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9. Make the entries according to

the screens on the right.
Exit the PROFINET settings with
“OK” and close the Control
Panel. Subsequently prepare the
loading process by clicking the
“Transfer” button.

10. Connect the operator panel with

an Ethernet patch cable directly
to the PG/PC or via a switch and
start the data transfer. 2
The operator panel will
subsequently start automatically.
Now connect the operator panel
with the controller (not necessary
when using a switch)

11. Execute a restart of the Using the stop/start button on the CPU.
controller The new restart assigns the IP addresses to the IO devices
(drive and operator panel) via the configured and already
loaded PROFINET device names.
The application is now ready for operation.

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4 Operating the Application
4.1 Requirements

4 Operating the Application

4.1 Requirements
To be able to switch on the drive via the digital inputs, the following points must be
• If the safety functions of the converter have been activated, then 24V must be
supplied at terminals 16 and 17 (DI 4 and 5) of the SINAMICS G120;
otherwise, the STO safety function is active, the yellow “SAFE” LED at the
converter is blinking and the drive cannot be switched on.
• 24V must not be supplied at terminal 8 (DI 3) of the SINAMICS G120,
otherwise the command data record is switched over.
• When using an IOP, please check that the network icon ( ) is displayed on
the top right. If the hand icon ( ) is displayed there, press the Hand/Auto
button ( ).
• When using a BOP-2, please check whether the hand icon ( ) is displayed. If
yes, press the Hand/Auto button ( ).
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4.2 Operating the application

The drive is exclusively moved via digital inputs. The HMI is only used for

Table 4-1: Digital inputs

Terminal Name Function
I 0.0 On Switching the drive on/off,
(Off2 and Off3 =1 must apply for the operation)
I 0.1 Off 2 0= Motor immediately switched off, drive spins out
I 0.2 Off 3 0= Fast stop, motor is decelerated with Off3 ramp down time
(P1135) until it stops
I 0.3 Ack Rising edge acknowledges a pending error in the drive
I 0.4 Rev Reversed direction, the polarity of the setpoint value is negated
I 0.5 0 The setpoint is set to 0.
I 0.6 n+ The setpoint value is increased
I 0.7 n- The setpoint value is decreased

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4 Operating the Application
4.2 Operating the application

To switch on the drive, please follow the steps below:

Table 4-2: Instruction – switching on drive

Steps Action Note / Result
1. Apply 24V to Off2 (I0.1) and Off3 The further required control bits for the
(I0.2). operation are set to 1 by the program.
2. Enter a pulse (switching on and This acknowledges a possibly pending
back off) to Ack (I0.3). error message.
3. Enter a pulse (switching on and The setpoint is set to 0.
back off) to 0 (I0.5).
4. Apply 24V to On(I0.0). The drive switches on.
5. Change the setpoint value with The speed of the motor changes.
inputs n+ (I 0.6), n- (I0.7) and 0
6. Remove the 24V from On (I0.0). The drive switches back off.
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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

4.3.1 Screens and screen navigation

Figure 4-1: Screen navigation

Start screen
From all
subordinate screens

From all
subordinate screens Application example Support

Online Support - Promotion

Overview screen
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Process data exchange Parameter access

Status word, Control Word

Read/write parameters

Next Back Fault buffer Back

Setpoints and actual values

Fault buffer

Quit runtime

Change language (English/German)

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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

4.3.2 Process data exchange

Both screens for the process data exchange access the idb_Process_Data_SFC
data block (DB11). The operator panel supports the process data exchange via
SFC, which has been realized in this application (see chapter 5.1.3). When
selecting a different method, the data block number must be modified accordingly
in the tag assignment in WinCC flexible.

Control and status word

Figure 4-2: Control and status word
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The bit commands, which you can partially specify via the digital input module, are
displayed in the 16 bit wide control word.
The current state of the converter is given via the also 16 bit wide status word.
The displayed control or status word is identical with that in the respective
VAT_Process_Data_... tag table.

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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

Setpoint and actual values

Figure 4-3: Setpoint and actual values
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The control tags contained in the above screen are identical with those in the
respective VAT_Process_Data_... tag table.

Setpoint speed value:

The yellow field, top left, indicates the setpoint speed value that is set via the digital
inputs I0.4 to I0.7 (see Table 4-1) in this example.

Actual values:
The current actual values speed, current and torque are displayed below the speed
setpoint value input.

Control and status word:

To keep an eye on control word and status word, without switching to the
respective screen, they are also given here as a miniature display.

Current messages:
Current faults and warnings are displayed with a respective number. A “0” means,
that no fault or alarm exists. If a message is pending it is displayed according to
Figure 4-4.

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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

Figure 4-4: Current messages as message numbers

Tap or click on the message number to display the respective message text.

Figure 4-5: Current messages in plain text

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The message text is displayed as long as the message number is pressed.

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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

4.3.3 Parameter access

Reading/writing parameters
Figure 4-6: Reading/writing parameters
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The control tags contained in the above screen are identical with those in the
respective VAT_Parameter_access_... tag table.

Table 4-3: Instructions – writing/reading parameters

Action Remark
1. Select the access type with the “Read The selected access type is displayed
parameters” and “Write parameters” via a bright green button.
2. Read parameters:
Proceed with point 3 in the table.
Write parameters: Ramp up time

When tapping or clicking the yellow Ramp down time

input fields for the ramp up/ramp down
time, a keyboard mask for the value
input opens. Close your input with the
Return key.

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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

Action Remark
3. Start the write or read job with the The job status specifies how the job
“Start” button. was completed:
Note: done = completed without errors
After a write job the new data is adopted errori = completed with errors
as read parameters in the white fields in The status relates to the processing of
the left part of the screen. After writing the instructions “RDREC” and “WRREC”
you need not trigger any additional read in FB20 “Parameter_Access” for the
job for the update. communication to the IO device. For
fault diagnostics see /1/.

Fault buffer
The screen displays the fault codes of eight current and eight acknowledged faults,
which are saved in the converter.

Figure 4-7: Display of fault buffer

Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

The fault codes in the above screen correspond to the control tags V_3_Value_00
(DW18) to V_3_Value_15 (DW48) in the “answer_from_drive” data block (DB103).
Tap or click on the message number to display the respective message text.

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4 Operating the Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

Figure 4-8: Display of fault buffer message in plain text

The message text is displayed as long as the message number is pressed.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.3 Monitoring and parameter access via operator panel

5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application

Program overview
Figure 5-1: Block structure (overview)

OB 1 FB 10

DB 10

FB 1x

DB 1x
DB 100
DB 101
“read drive parameter“
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

DB 103
“answer from drive“

DB 20

The SIMATIC program consists of three areas:

• Simulation
In this area, the control signals are created for the converter, which are then
transmitted as process data to the drive.
• Process data exchange
In this area, the process data for the converter is transmitted (e.g. one
command and setpoint) or received (status and actual values)
• Parameter access
In this area, the parameters from the converter are accessed.

Note The two communication areas, process data and parameter access, are
independent from each other and can each also be used individually.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

Figure 5-2: Block structure of process data exchange

OB 1 FB 10

DB 10

FB 1x

DB 1x
DB 100
DB 101
“read drive parameter“
“RDREC“ DB 103
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

“answer from drive“

DB 20

The process data contains values which are regularly exchanged between
controller and converter. These values are at least the control and status word as
well as the setpoint and actual value. Selecting the telegram type specifies the
exact length and structure.
The “Siemens Telegram 352, PZD 6/6” telegram type used in the example
exchanges 6 words in both directions.

5.1.1 Accessing process data in the user program of the controller

At the start of the cycle, the operating system of S7-300/400 stores the (user) data
received by the converter in the I/O input area of the CPU and transmits the data
stored in the I/O output area to the converter at the end of the cycle. In the user
program, the data can be accessed by copying from or into the I/O area.
The address areas used are defined when specifying the hardware configuration.
See step 11 in Table 6-1.

5.1.2 Standardizing the setpoint and actual values

The setpoint and actual values are transferred as standards. The standardization
and reference values are stored in parameters P2000 to P2006 of the
16384dez = 4000hex = 100% applies here, with 100% referring to the reference
value for the transferred variable.
If P2000 (reference speed or reference frequency) is 1500 rpm and if a speed of
500 rpm shall be run, then 33% or 5461dec must be transferred.
Further information is available in chapter 6 “Configuring the field bus” in the
operating instructions (/8/) of SINAMICS G120.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

5.1.3 Transfer methods

To copy the process data into or from the I/O area, the following methods can be
used depending on the requirements:
1. Load and transfer command (STL) or “MOVE” (FBD and LAD)
2. Instructions “DPRD_DAT“ / “DPWR_DAT“
3. The instructions “PNIO_SEND“ / “PNIO_RECV“ for the use of a CP 343-1
All three methods are contained in the example program. However, in OB1 only the
method with “DPRD_DAT” / “DPWR_DAT” is called up.
Load / transfer or MOVE
The simplest way is using load and transfer commands (STL) or “MOVE” (FBD and
LAD). This ensures consistency for each command (1, 2 and 4 bytes) and hence
also the consistency within the individual elements, such as control word and
setpoint value.
However, the individual elements can origin from different bus cycles or occur in
different bus cycles.
However, for the applications for which the SINAMICS G120 is usually used, this is
FB 13 “Process_Data_LT” in the example program illustrates the use of this
method in STL and the FB 14 “Process_Data_MOVE” in FBD/LAD.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

As opposed to the load, transfer or MOVE command, these instructions ensure that
the consistency is maintained across the entire process data, i.e. all elements of
the process data of a slave are transferred from the same bus cycle or are
transferred within a bus cycle. This is necessary, e.g. to enable a distributed
synchronization. In the example program, all of the 6 words are copied
Using “DPRD_Dat” / “DPWR_Dat” has no disadvantages, apart from the necessary
use of more complex instructions, which are often avoided by newcomers to
programming, and a slightly longer processing duration than for the respective
load, transfer or MOVE commands.
In the “Instructions” task card of the TIA Portal you will find the instructions under
> Expanded instructions
> Distributed I/Os
> Others
FB11 “Process_Data_SFC” in the example program shows the use of this method.
When using a CP 343-1, it is mandatory that the process data is transferred with
the instructions “PNIO_SEND“ / “PNIO_RECV”. The consistency is provided across
the entire process data. In the “Instructions” task card of the TIA Portal you will find
the instructions under…
> Communication
> Communications processor
> Simatic NET CP
When compiling the block that contains the instructions, STEP 7 generates the
system blocks FC1 (“PNIO_SEND“) and FC0 (“PNIO_RECV“).
FB12 “Process_Data_CP” in the example program shows the use of this method.

in the project navigation under the CPU in the
> Program blocks > System blocks > Program resources folder

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

5.1.4 Control and status word

The control and status word has already been defined. The subsequent figures
illustrate the control and status word when selecting the “Siemens Telegram 352,
PZD 6/6” telegram type.

Figure 5-3: Control word of the “Siemens Telegram 352, PZD 6/6” telegram type
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Note A control word for which all bits are 0 is rejected as invalid by the converter.
Therefore, at least bit 10 must always be set.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

Figure 5-4 Status word of the “Siemens Telegram 352, PZD 6/6” telegram type
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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

5.1.5 FB 11 “Process Data_SFC”

This FB shows the access to the process data with the use of the “DPRD_DAT” /
“DPWR_DAT” instructions. It is called up cyclically in OB1.

Figure 5-5: FB 11 “Process_Data_SFC“

Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Table 5-1: Interface assignment of FB 11 “Process_Data_SFC“

Name Type Start Function
control_word WORD 16#047E Control word of SINAMICS G120
The initial value sets the bits
- Bit 01 OFF2
- Bit 02 OFF3
- Bit 03 Operation block
- Bit 04 HLG block
- Bit 05 HLG stopping
- Bit 06 Setpoint value block
- Bit 10 PLC control
to “1” at a controller restart, so
the SINAMICS drive alone can be
started with Bit 00 → “1”.
setpoint REAL 0.0 Setpoint speed value [rpm]
address INT 0 I/O start address of SINAMICS G120
ref_speed_ Real 1500.0 Reference value for the speed according to the
p2000 converter configuration.
Here, the same value must be entered as in
parameter P2000 of SINAMICS G120.

ref_current_ Real 0.0 Reference value for the motor current according
p2002 to the converter configuration.
Here, the same value must be entered as in
parameter P2002 of SINAMICS G120.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

Name Type Start Function

ref_torque_ Real 0.0 Reference value for the motor torque according to
p2003 the converter configuration.
Here, the same value must be entered as in
parameter P2003 of SINAMICS G120.

status_word WORD - Status word of the SINAMICS G120
actual_speed REAL - Actual speed value [rpm]
actual_current REAL - Actual current value [A]
actual_torque REAL - Actual torque value [Nm]
actual_alarm WORD - Number of a pending alarm
actual_fault WORD - Number of a pending fault
Return_value_ WORD - Return value of the DPRD_DAT system
RD instruction called in this FB
Return_value_ WORD - Return value of the DPWD_DAT system
WR instruction called in this FB
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

The FB 11 “Process_Data_SFC” consists of the following networks:

Table 5-2: Networks of FB 11 “Process Data_SFC”

Network Function
1. The IO address of the drive (INT) is copied to a temporary WORD tag in
order to adjust the data type.
2. The temporary data area #InData is initialized with 0.
3. The process data is copied from the I/O area into the temporary #InData data
area using the “DPRD_Dat” instruction.
4. Status word, warning and faults are copied from the temporary #InData data
area to the respective block outputs, and the current actual values (WORD)
5. are copied into temporary tags (INT) for data type adjustment.
6. The current speed is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
7. The current electrical current is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
8. The current torque is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
9. The setpoint value (REAL) is converted into the standardized WORD format
by calling FC11.
10. Control word and setpoint (WORD) are copied to the temporary #OUTData
11. data area. 0 is written to the remaining 4 words.

12. The process data is copied from the temporary #OutData data area into the
I/O area using SFC 15 “DPWR_Dat”.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

5.1.6 The FB 13 “Process_Data_LT” and FB 14 “Process_Data_MOVE“

These FBs illustrate the access to the process data with load/transfer commands
(STL) or MOVE commands (FBD/LAD).
They are not called in the program example, since FB 11 “Process_Data_SFC”
with the same function is used there.

Figure 5-6 FB 13 “Process Data_LT” or FB 14 “Process Data_MOVE”

Table 5-3: Interface assignment of FB 13 “Process Data_LT“ or

FB 14 “ Process Data_MOVE“
Name Type Start Function
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

control_word WORD 16#047E Control word of SINAMICS G120
The initial value sets the bits
- Bit 01 OFF2
- Bit 02 OFF3
- Bit 03 Operation block
- Bit 04 HLG block
- Bit 05 HLG stopping
- Bit 06 Setpoint value block
- Bit 10 PLC control
to “1” at a controller restart, so
the SINAMICS drive alone can be
started with Bit 00 → “1”.
setpoint REAL 0.0 Setpoint speed value [rpm]
status_word WORD - Status word of the SINAMICS G120
actual_speed REAL - Actual speed value [rpm]
actual_current REAL - Actual current value [A]
actual_torque REAL - Actual torque value [Nm]
actual_alarm WORD - Number of a pending alarm
actual_fault WORD - Number of a pending fault

The I/O address and the standardization values of SINAMICS G120 are
programmed in the FBs and need to be adjusted there.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

The FB 13 “Process_Data_LT” consists of the following networks:
Table 5-4: Networks of FB 13 “Process Data_LT”
Network Function
1. Status word, warning and faults are copied from the #InData I/O area to the
respective block outputs, and the current actual values (WORD) are copied
into temporary tags (INT) for data type adjustment.
2. The current actual values are converted into REAL format by calling FC 10.
3. Control word and setpoint are (after conversion to the standardized WORD
format by FC 11) copied to the I/O area.

The FB 14 “Process_Data_MOVE” consists of the following networks:

Table 5-5: Networks of FB 14 “Process_Data_MOVE“
Network Function
1. Status word, warning and faults are copied from the I/O area to the
respective block outputs, and the current actual values (WORD) are copied
2. into temporary tags (INT) for data type adjustment.
3. The current speed is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

4. The current electrical current is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
5. The current torque is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
6. Control word and setpoint are (after conversion to the standardized WORD
format by FC11) copied to the I/O area.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

5.1.7 FB 12 “Process_Data_CP“

This FB shows the access to the process data when using a CP343-1.
It is not called in the program example, since the hardware configuration used in
the example does not contain a CP343-1.
PNIO devices that are addressed via a CP343-1 require the use of this method.

Figure 5-7: FB 12 “Process_Data_CP“

Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Table 5-6: Interface assignment of FB 11 “Process_Data_SFC“

Name Type Start Function
control_word WORD 16#047E Control word of SINAMICS G120
The initial value sets the bits
- Bit 01 OFF2
- Bit 02 OFF3
- Bit 03 Operation block
- Bit 04 HLG block
- Bit 05 HLG stopping
- Bit 06 Setpoint value block
- Bit 10 PLC control
to “1” at a controller restart, so
the SINAMICS drive alone can be
started with Bit 00 → “1”.
setpoint REAL 0.0 Setpoint speed value [rpm]
address INT 0 I/O start address of SINAMICS G120
ref_speed_ Real 1500.0 Reference value for the speed according to the
p2000 converter configuration.
Here, the same value must be entered as in
parameter P2000 of SINAMICS G120.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.1 Functionality of process data exchange

Name Type Start Function

ref_current_ Real 0.0 Reference value for the motor current according
p2002 to the converter configuration.
Here, the same value must be entered as in
parameter P2002 of SINAMICS G120.

ref_torque_ Real 0.0 Reference value for the motor torque according to
p2003 the converter configuration.
Here, the same value must be entered as in
parameter P2003 of SINAMICS G120.

status_word WORD - Status word of the SINAMICS G120
actual_speed REAL - Actual speed value [rpm]
actual_current REAL - Actual current value [A]
actual_torque REAL - Actual torque value [Nm]
actual_alarm WORD - Number of a pending alarm
actual_fault WORD - Number of a pending fault
Return_value_ WORD - Return value of the DPRD_DAT system
RD instruction called in this FB
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Return_value_ WORD - Return value of the DPWD_DAT system

WR instruction called in this FB

The FB 12 “Process_Data_CP” consists of the following networks:
Table 5-7: Networks of FB 12 “Process_Data_CP“
Network Function
1. The IO address of the drive (INT) is copied to a temporary WORD tag in
order to adjust the data type.
2. The temporary data area #InData is initialized with 0.
3. The process data is copied from the I/O area into the temporary #InData data
area using FC 2 “PNIO_RECV”.
4. • Status word, warning and fault are copied from the #InData temporary
data area to the respective block outputs.
5. • The current actual values (WORD) are copied into temporary tags (INT)
for data type adjustment.
6. The current speed is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
7. The current electrical current is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
8. The current torque is converted into REAL format by calling FC10.
9. The setpoint value (REAL) is converted into the standardized WORD format
by calling FC11.
10. Control word and setpoint (WORD) are copied to the temporary #OUTData
11. data area, and 0 is written to the remaining 4 words.

12. The process data is copied from the temporary #OutData data area into the
I/O area using FC 1 “PNIO_SEND”.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.2 Parameter access functionality

5.2 Parameter access functionality

Figure 5-8: Block structure of parameter access

OB 1 FB 10

DB 10

FB 1x

DB 1x
DB 100
DB 101
“read drive parameter“
“RDREC“ DB 103
“answer from drive“
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

DB 20

Acyclic parameter access occurs parallel to the cyclic process data exchange. This
saves resources, since the connection is only established on demand, i.e. when a
parameter is to be accessed.
In the controller, the “Write data record” and “Read data record” functions must be
used for this. Data record 47 must always be used.
Writing data record 47 sends a job to the converter which performs the job and
provides a response. Reading data record 47 makes the response of the converter
available in the controller so it can be evaluated.
The instructions “WRREC” and SFB 52 “RDREC” are used in the controller for
reading and writing data records.

Note Since “WRREC” and “RDREC” cannot be used with CP343-1, accessing the
parameters when using the CP is not possible.

5.2.1 Job and response structure

The structure of the jobs and responses can be found in chapter
“Configuring the fieldbus, PROFIdrive profile for PROFIBUS and PROFINET,
acyclic communication” in the manual (/8/).

Note Since the structure of the data record to be sent or received depends on the
number of jobs and their number format, a generally valid structure cannot be

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.2 Parameter access functionality

5.2.2 The DBs “read/write_drive_parameters” and “answer_from_drive”

The job to access a parameter consists of at least 10 words. Therefore, the job
should be assembled in a DB or in the memory area. In this example, this is
performed using DB 101 “read_drive_parameters” and DB 100 “Write Drive
The response by the converter also consists of several words. Therefore, the
example uses DB 103 “answer_from_drive”.
A job may contain the access to several parameters. Since the length of the data to
be transferred per job depends on the number and data types of the converter
parameters, no generally valid structure can be devised.
Therefore, in this example, only the ramp up and ramp down times (P1120 and
P1121) and a part of the fault memory (P945.x) is accessed. The job to read the
parameters is stored in DB 101 “read_drive_parameters“. The job to write them is
stored in DB 100 “write_drive_parameters”.
The response of the converter is copied to DB 103 “answer_from_drive“. The
structure contained therein corresponds to the structure for a successful reading of
the parameters.

Figure 5-9: DB 100 for writing the ramp up and ramp down times
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Ramp up time 10s

Ramp down time 15s

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.2 Parameter access functionality

Figure 5-10: DB 101 for reading the ramp up and ramp down time and 16 values of the fault memory
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Figure 5-11: DB 103 for the response of the converter (read job)

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.2 Parameter access functionality

5.2.3 FB 20 “Parameter_Access”

In the example, the parameters are accessed in FB 20 “Parameter_Access”. It is

called cyclically in OB 1.

Figure 5-12: FB20 „Parameter_Access“

Table 5-8: Interface assignment of FB 20 “Parameter_Access“

Name Type Function
Read_Write BOOL 0= Read parameters
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

1= Write parameters
Start BOOL A rising edge starts the transfer, the FB
automatically sets the signal back to 0
Ramp_time_up REAL Ramp up time to be written
Ramp_time_down REAL Ramp down time to be written
busy BOOL Access in progress
done BOOL Access successful
error BOOL Access aborted with an error
actual_Ramp_time_up REAL Read ramp up time
actual_Ramp_time_down REAL Read ramp down time

The FB 20 "Parameter_Access” consists of two parts:
• a step sequence which controls the sequence of the parameter access.
(Networks 1 to 9)
• call of the system functions “Write data record” or “Read data record”.
(network 10).

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.2 Parameter access functionality

Step sequence
The individual steps of FB 20 “Parameter_access” are represented in the following
graphic. The possible transitions between the individual steps are also displayed

Figure 5-13: Step sequence parameter access


Check for
Wait for start
errors, copy

rising START signal other faults

1 6
Start WRREC Check result
not ready fault
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

receiving finished

2 5
Wait for end Wait for end

sending finished

other faults

Check result sending successful
not ready fault Start RDREC

In the individual states of the step sequence, the following functions are executed:

Table 5-9: Function of the states of FB 20 “Parameter_Access”

State Function
0 Wait for start trigger A rising edge of the “Start” signal is waited for.
If it is detected, all output signals are deleted, “busy” is set
and step 1 is activated.
1 Start WRREC The “Start” signal is reset, the “REQ” signal of the “WRREC”
instruction is set and step 2 is activated.
2 Wait for end of It is waited until the “BUSY” signal of the “RDREC”
WRREC instruction becomes 0 again. Then step 3 is activated.

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5 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
5.2 Parameter access functionality

State Function
3 Check result of It is checked whether the data record was written
WRREC successfully.
If yes, the “REQ” signal of the “WRREC” instruction is
deleted again and step 4 is activated.
If the “WRREC” instruction reports error 16#DF80_B500
(peer not ready), step 3 is activated again so that “WRREC”
repeats the job.
If a different error has occurred, the “REQ” signal of the
“WRREC” instruction is deleted, an internal error bit is set
and step 7 is activated.
4 Start RDREC The “REQ” signal of the “RDREC” instruction is set and step
5 is activated.
5 Wait for end of It is waited until the “BUSY” signal of the “RDREC”
RDREC instruction becomes 0 again. Then step 6 is activated.
6 Check result of It is checked whether the data record was read successfully.
RDREC If yes, the “REQ” signal of the “RDREC” instruction is
deleted again and step 7 is activated.
If “RDREC” reports error 16#DE80_B500 (peer not ready),
step 5 is activated again so that the “RDREC” instruction
repeats the job.
If a different error has occurred, the “REQ” signal of the
“RDREC” instruction is deleted, an internal error bit is set
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

and step 7 is activated.

7 Check for errors, It is checked whether one of the internal error bits is set or
copy outputs whether an error bit has been set in the response of the
In the event of an error
– the “error“ output parameter of FB 20 is set,
– the “busy“ output parameter of FB 20 is deleted,
– 999999.9s is output as read time and
– step 0 is activated.
If no error bit has been set, the read times are output, the
“busy” output parameter of FB 20 is deleted and step 0 is

Calling the system functions “Write data record” or “Read data record”
Once the currently required control bits have been set in the sequence chart of
FB 20 “Parameter_Access”, the “WRREC” instruction for writing the data record
and the “RDRE” instruction for reading the data record are called in network 10.
They can be found in the “instructions” task card of the TIA Portal under…
> Expanded instructions
> Distributed I/Os
Via the “Read_Write” input variable it is selected which of the two calls enables the
“WRREC” instruction. Both calls only differ in which DB is sent to the drive: the one
to write parameters or the one to read parameters.

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller

6 Configuration and Settings

Note If you only wish to download and commission the example program, please
follow the instructions in chapter 3“Setting Up and Commissioning the

The step tables below describe what you have to do if you do not want to or cannot
use the sample code and you want to or have to configure SINAMICS G120 and
SIMATIC S7 CPU yourself.

6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller

This chapter describes how the S7-300/400 must be configured for the example
program. This chapter does not discuss integrating the operator panel or
programming the S7-300/400.

Note The screenshots below use a general STEP 7 project name: “G120_at_S7”. In
this example, this stands for “G120_at_S7-300-PN”.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

Table 6-1: Instruction for configuring the S7-300/400 controller

No. Action Remarks
1. Start the TIA Portal V13.
Go to project view if the portal
view has opened.

2. Create a new project. Assign a

project name and select a
storage path. 1

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller

No. Action Remarks

3. Insert your CPU
(e.g. CPU 315-2 PN/DP).
Make sure that the firmware
versions match.

Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

4. Open “Device configuration” and

drag the required modules (here
a DI8/DO8 module) from the
hardware catalog to the rack.
The example software uses IB0.
For this reason, leave at least 1
the I address of the inserted DI
or DI/DO module at 0 (default
value) in the “Properties”.

5. Open the “Properties” in the

device configuration of the CPU
and configure the PROFINET
interface. 4
Go to “Ethernet addresses” in
the tree. Select “Set IP address
in the project” and enter the 3
desired IP address.
Add a new subnet and select it.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller

No. Action Remarks

6. Now install the GSD file that
corresponds to the control unit of
the drive if not done yet.
For this purpose, close the
hardware and the network editor.
Load the GSDML file from the
respective Online Support page
(see /7/) to your PG/PC and
retrieve it.
Open the dialog in the TIA Portal
to select the required GSD and
install it via
>Install general station
description file (GSD).
7. Go to the network view and open
the hardware catalog.
Drag the desired drive into the
graphic area of the network view. 1 2
Use the drive
“SINAMICS G120 CU240E-2 PN-(F) V4.5“
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

from the catalog path

>Other field devices
>Siemens AG
8. Connect the IO device (drive) via
PROFINET with the CPU.
For this purpose drag a line with
the mouse button pushed down
between the Ethernet
connections of the two devices.
The drive automatically contains
the next free IP address.

9. To be able to change the IP

address of the drive, go to its
For this purpose, click the drive
and open the “Properties” tab. 1

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller

No. Action Remarks

10. If required, change the IP
address of the drive.
(In the example configuration the default address is
left as it is.)

11. Select the data records to be

transferred. 1
For this purpose, go to the
device view of the drive and drag 2
its device view open. 3
Subsequently drag the
"SIEMENS telegram 352, PZD-6/6“
from the catalog into the device
view. 4
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

12. Go to the network view again.

Configure the operator panel by 1
dragging “KTP600 Basic PN”
from the catalog to the
Enable the connection mode and
select “HMI connection” from the
drop-down list.
Create a connection graphically
between the Ethernet
connections of the KTP600 and
the PLC by dragging the mouse.
13. Show the addresses.
The KTP600 is automatically
assigned to the next free the IP

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Configuring the S7-300/400 controller

No. Action Remarks

14. Assign the devices their If not done yet already – create a physical connection
PROFINET device name online, between the device via Ethernet patch cables and possibly
if not done yet already in a a switch.
different way.
For this purpose, make a right
click on the PROFINET IO
system in the graphic area of the
network view and select “Assign
device name” from the context

15. All available PROFINET IO

nodes are listed.
Now successively assign each
device the configured
PROFINET device name and
click “Assign name”.
Select the names from the drop-
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

down list on the top right.

Afterwards refresh the window
with and check the data

The PROFINET device names themselves cannot be changed. They are derived from the
editable device name that the system assigns to each device by default in its “Properties” tab
under “General”.
16. The device and network
configuration is now completed.
2 1
Successively compile the
configurations of CPU and HMI
device for control purposes. The
compiling results can be seen in
the inspection window. The CPU
is compiled without errors. For
the operator panel you only
receive the error message that
no start screen has been defined
yet, since no images have
probably been configured yet.
Save the project.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 49
6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

Note The screenshots below use a general STARTER project name: “G120_at_S7”. In
this example, this stands for “G120_at_S7-300-PN”

Table 6-2: Instruction drive configuration via PROFINET

No. Action Remarks
1. Install the STARTER
commissioning software (see
also /6/).
2. Connect the SINAMICS G120
with your PG/PC using an
Ethernet patch cable.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

3. Start the STARTER

commissioning software.

4. Create a new project.

5. Open
“Set PG/PC interface“.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

No. Action Remarks

6. Select
as access point and TCP/IP 
internet card used as interface
configuration used.

7. Click on
“Accessible nodes“.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

8. Right click on the found drive

and select “Edit Ethernet
node…” from the context menu.

9. If required, change the IP

address of the drive to the one
that corresponds to the future

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

No. Action Remarks

10. • Update the
“Accessible nodes”.
• Tick the found converter.
• Click “Accept“. 2
• Click “Close“.

3 1 4

11. Change the name of the drive

unit according to your wishes.
Right click the drive unit and
select “Rename” in the context
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

12. Select the converter in the tree

and go online.

13. Download the hardware

configuration into your CPU.

14. Select the converter in the tree

and then press “Restore factory 2

15. Remove the checkmark for

“Save factory settings to ROM”
and then click “OK”.

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

No. Action Remarks

16. Expand the tree and double click
on “Configuration”.
Then call up the wizard. 2

17. Run the wizard and enter the

data you need.
Ensure that the “Defaults of the
setpoint/command sources” step
is selected in the field bus.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

18. Double click “Communication >

PROFINET” in the project
navigation, select one of the tabs
“Receive direction” or “Transmit
direction”, and select “Siemens 2
telegram 352, PZD-6/6)”.
The telegram type matches the
example. 3
It is decisive here, that the
same telegram is selected as for
the hardware configuration in 1
19. If you do not wish to use any When using an F-CPU you can also call the safety
safety functions, proceed with functions via the field bus. However, this is not part of this
step 26. example.
More information on this subject can be found in the Safety
Integrated function manual for the SINAMICS G120 (/8/).

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 53
6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

No. Action Remarks

20. Open “Safety Integrated” in the
project navigation and click
“Change settings”.

21. Select “STO via terminal“, and

click “Copy parameters” and
then “Activate settings”. 1
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

22. Specify a password.

Then click “Activate settings“

(The password used in this

example is “12345”)

23. Choose “Yes”, to save the

parameters in ROM.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Configuration of the SINAMICS G120 drive via Ethernet

No. Action Remarks

24. Save the configuration in ROM
(if not done yet).
For this purpose, select the drive 2
and choose “Copy RAM to ROM”
from the “Target system” menu.

25. Briefly interrupt the supply Thus the CU transfers the parameters via a reboot.
voltage of the control unit.
26. Download the configuration
created online into the PG.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

27. Go offline.

28. Save the project on your hard


29. Archive the project.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 55
6 Configuration and Settings
6.3 Configuring the SINAMICS G120 drive via USB

6.3 Configuring the SINAMICS G120 drive via USB

You can also configure the SINAMICS G120 via USB (PROFIBUS or PROFINET)
rather than via field bus.

Table 6-3: Instruction drive configuration via USB

No. Action Remarks
1. Connect the CU 240E-2 PN(-F)
of SINAMICS G120 with the
PG/PC using a USB cable.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

2. Start the STARTER

commissioning software.

3. Create a new project

4. Open
“Set PG/PC interface“.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 56
6 Configuration and Settings
6.3 Configuring the SINAMICS G120 drive via USB

No. Action Remarks

5. Select
as access point and "S7USB“ as
interface configuration used.

6. Click on
“Accessible nodes“.
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

7. Tick the detected converter and

click “Accept” to transfer the
drive unit into the project.

2 3

8. Change the name of the drive

unit according to your wishes.
Right click the drive unit and
select “Rename” in the context

9. Select the converter in the tree

and go online.

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 57
6 Configuration and Settings
6.3 Configuring the SINAMICS G120 drive via USB

No. Action Remarks

10. Download the hardware
configuration into the PG/PC.

11. Now execute the steps 14 to 23 • Resetting the drive to factory settings.
already explained in Table 6-2. • Configuring the drive via the wizard
• Specifying the data to be transferred (Siemens Tel. 352)
• Configuring safety functions
12. Assign the PROFINET device
name to the IO device (drive)
that is used in the network
configuration of the CPU.
For this purpose, go to the
expert list of the control unit and
Copyright  Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

enter the PROFINET name in

parameter 8920 (PN Name of
Station). 2 3

13. Proceed with step 24 in • Copying RAM to ROM

Table 6-2. • Forcing new CU reboot
• Loading configuration to PG/PC
• Going offline
• Saving project on hard disk
• Archiving the project

SINAMICS G120 to S7-300/400-PN

Entry-ID: 60140921, V1.2, 06/2014 58
7 Literature

7 Literature
The following list is by no means complete and only provides a selection of
appropriate sources.
Table 7-1: Literature
Topic Title / link
/1/ Reference Manual
System Software for S7-300/400 System
and Standard Functions Volume 1/2
/2/ Automating with SIMATIC S7-300 inside TIA Portal
Author: Hans Berger
STEP7 Publisher: Publicis
SIMATIC ISBN-13: 978-3-89578-382-1
S7-300/400 http://www.publicis-books.de
/3/ Automating with SIMATIC S7-400 inside TIA Portal (Jan
Author: Hans Berger
Publisher: Wiley VCH
ISBN-13: 978-3895783838
/4/ Reference to this http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/60140921
 Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved

/5/ Siemens Industry http://support.automation.siemens.com
Online Support
/6/ STARTER http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/26233208
/7/ GSD files for http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/26641490
/8/ SINAMICS G120 Operating instructions CU240x-2:
Manuals http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/94020562
Operating instructions CU250S-2:
List manual CU240x-2 (parameters and error list):
List manual CU250S-2 (parameters and error list):
Function manual Safety Integrated:

8 History
Table 8-1: History
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 05/2012 First issue
V1.2 06/2014 Standardization assigned to FB11 and FB12 and
initialization of the TEMP tag InData added

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