Sleep Disorders Residual Functional Capacity Questionnaire
Sleep Disorders Residual Functional Capacity Questionnaire
Sleep Disorders Residual Functional Capacity Questionnaire
Please answer the following questions concerning your patient's impairments. Attach all relevant treatment
notes, laboratory and test results which have not been provided previously to the Social Security
4. Identify all of your patient’s symptoms, including:
__ Cataplectic attacks __ Sleep paralysis __ Fatigue
__ Hypnagogic phenomena __ Sleep attacks __ hypertension
__ Insomnia __ Personality change __ Sleep apnea
__ Obesity __ Chronic pulmonary __ Memory impairment
__ Disturbance in cognitive function __ Excessive daytime sleepiness
__ Other : _____________________________________________________________
5. For the above symptoms, estimate frequency and duration of each symptom _____________________
6. Does your patient normally have signs just prior to a spell? ___Yes ___No
If yes, please describe typical signs: ___________________________________________________
7. Do certain situations (e.g., exertion, stress, fatigue, excitement) tend to trigger these spells? ___Yes
If yes, please list these situations: __________________________________________________
8. Does abuse of alcohol or drugs cause or contribute to your patient’s symptoms? ___Yes ___No
9. Do emotional factors contribute to the severity of your patient’s symptoms and functional limitations?
___Yes ___No
10. Are your patient’s impairments (physical impairments plus any emotional impairments) reasonably
consistent with the symptoms and limitations described in this evaluation? ___Yes ___No
If no, please explain:_____________________________________________________________
11. Treatment and response, including list of medications prescribed and their side effects on your patient
(e.g., drowsiness, ataxia, nystagmus, etc.):
12. Is your patient presently taking medications as prescribed? ___Yes ___No
14. Have your patient’s impairments lasted or can they be expected to last at least 12 months? ___Yes
15. Please check appropriate boxes below which describe the limitations from your patient’s impairments:
Exertional limitations:
Non-exertional limitations:
Indicate areas where your patient has serious limitations in performing the following activities in the
workplace on a sustained basis:
17. Are you patient’s impairments likely to produce “good days” and “bad days”? ___Yes ___No
If yes, please estimate, on the average, how often your patient is likely to be absent from work as a result
of the impairments or treatment:
___ Never ___ Less than once a month
___ About once a month ___ About twice a month
___ About three times a month ___ About four times a month
___ More than four times a month
18. Please describe any other limitations (such as limitations in the ability to sit, stand, walk, lift, bend, stoop,
limitations in using arms, hands, fingers, limited vision, difficulty hearing, need to avoid temperature
extremes, wetness, humidity, noise, dust, fumes, gases or hazards, etc.) that would affect your patient’s
ability to work at a regular job on a sustained basis:
19. What is the earliest date that the description of symptoms and limitations in this form applies? ________
Physician’s Signature Date form completed
Address: __________________________________________