The Big Picture: (Share and Enjoy)
The Big Picture: (Share and Enjoy)
The Big Picture: (Share and Enjoy)
As they grow older, and their habits become Third Eye loves Frothers and will go out of
more exclusive or exotic, they soon find that their way to help them with sponsorship and
they need to turn to crime to finance their management of their careers.
habit. So it is for the Frother snatched from the
jaws of Justice by SLA Industries.
The Frothers soon turn to robbery, burglary, But their are other Frothers, those born with
extortion, anything to get the money to buy the addiction, those that come from a long
the drugs they need. The Downtown police line, often of seven or eight generations, of
will eventually catch up to them. drug addicts. These Frothers have entirely
This is when their life with SLA Industries different mental and spiritual make ups from
really begins. their brethren from the streets.
SLA Industries actively 'headhunt' Frothers, Frothers born to the tradition of drugs have
keeping an eye out for promising candidates enhanced physical attributes and their bodies
coming into police custody. already have the craving for narcotics, in
The offer is one the Frother can't turn down. extreme cases babies have been born already
Once in custody they are given the choice of addicted to UVTM, the ultimate combat drug.
the death penalty, life imprisonment, or a Frothers with a family history of addiction
contract with SLA Industries, where they will tend to be very withdrawn, most become
have legal access to the best drugs money can sociopaths, all have great difficulty forming
buy. relationships with any but their family. Such
Once within SLA Industries, these Frothers Frothers have become known as 'Old
become combat drug junkies, needing their Frothers'.
fix of RushTM or UVTM before they go into Old Frothers tend to shun the use of
combat. Once they have their fix, they fight recreational drugs, concentrating on combat
with a berserk ferocity that strikes fear in the drugs, they are prepared to shoot up with
hearts of their opponents. Frothers use Power combat enhancers even if there is no apparent
Claymores and other close combat weapons, need. Old Frothers have a very warped
they shun the use of rifles and such. They outlook on life, accepting that their lives are
want to get down and dirty, mixing it with going to be cut short by their addictions, they
their bare hands if they have to. lead hectic, violent lives, trying to cram in as
As soon as Frothers are recruited by SLA much experience as they can before they
Industries, they adopt an identity different burn out.
from their past life. They will always change Old Frothers often seek the social company
their name, and sometimes have their records of Wraith Raiders, though they find it
altered to hide their past history. They see impossible to work together.
their employment in SLA Industries as a Old Frothers will not accept White, Grey or
'rebirth'. Most Frothers draw on the Yellow BPN's, they simply do not have the
inspiration of ancient clans and tribes for patience for these assignments.
their new appearance and identity.
In 'quiet' moments of their lives, Old Frothers
The 'old world' traditions of the Highland will often disappear into the Cannibal
clans are a favourite source from which they Sectors, sometimes for days at a time. No one
draw, adopting the clan tartans and names of is quite sure what they do there, maybe they
the period. All Frothers leave their hair to just need to unleash their violence on
grow long and wild, often they dye it many something, and they find the Cannibal
colours and weave beads or cloth into it. Sectors full of appropriate targets.
Frothers are not concerned with camouflage Old Frothers have a loathing for DarkNight
or stealth. They want to make a massive that far surpasses other Operatives hatred of
impact both physically and visually on their these arch enemies.
surrounding environment. Thresher hold a special place within the heart
of all Old Frothers, and they will go out of
tHE bIG pICTURE – SLA Industries Fanzine – Issue 2 - © 2001 Max Bantleman
their way to get assignments that will bring reads signals of threat on a subconscious
them into conflict with them. level.
Minute changes in air pressure and
While Frothers in general will gladly enter temperature betray the presence of enemies,
into combat with anything that moves, Old slight muscle twitches or subtle changes in
Frothers will not willingly attack anyone they body stance allow
see as grossly inferior to them.
Old Frothers will also learn to use some the Frother to read when a person is about to
pistols, as well as their close combat launch an attack.
weapons, their favourite is the KK30
'Ripper'. Old Frothers have an affinity for the Game System Stuff
GASH 021070 Chain Axe.
To use this skill, a normal skill roll is made.
NEW ABILITIES If successful, the Frother has the skill
AND SKILLS 'switched on' for a number of minutes equal
to his Concentration. During this time he will
Know/Detect Poison be able to 'sense' hidden enemies or people in
his company that intend violent actions
This is an ability acquired by all Frothers, towards him.
though Old Frothers are born with it. For instance, a Frother using this skill while
Frothers become sensitised to what they put walking down a dark corridor would be
into their bodies, they seem to instinctively aware of anyone hiding in a doorway, or
know when something would do them harm, sneaking along behind them. The range of the
or if a drug is 'unclean', that is, laced with detection is again moderated by the Frothers
impurities or poison. Concentration. Concentration is equal to
meters for detection purposes.
Game System Stuff After the state of Other Awareness has
passed, the Frother receives a penalty of -3 to
This ability requires a Diagnose roll (D20 vs all Concentration rolls a number of turns
Diagnose, equal to or less than means equal to 20 minus their Diagnose.
success). Frothers that have progressed to the
regular use of UVTM gain a -3 modifier to the Vision Truth
roll, they seem more sensitised to poisons.
The Frother may only roll for substances that This is a skill and may be 'bought' as any
are meant to be ingested into the body, such other.
as food, drink or drug capsules, etc. They Vision Truth is a twisted interpretation of the
may not use this skill to determine if a 'soft drug' Personal InterestTM.
creature has a poisonous bite for example. The Frother must saturate himself with the
drug, taking at least four doses within an
Other Awareness hour. This leads to the Frother becoming an
insatiable sexual machine for the first hour of
This is a skill based on the Diagnose the drugs affect. The affected Frother will
characteristic, and must be bought the same seek to have sexual intercourse with
as any other skill, it is thought to be unique to everyone and anyone they come into contact
Frothers, though some say Shaktar have with. After this period of hectic activity, the
access to it as well. Frother lapses into a coma like state, wherein
This is a type of combat sense, based on the they dream 'true' dreams.
use of forces known as Sa-chi (pronounced These dreams have often been called truth
'ssarchy'). visions as they seem to reveal some elements
The Frother has become saturated with of the future to the dreaming Frother.
combat drugs to the point where his body
tHE bIG pICTURE – SLA Industries Fanzine – Issue 2 - © 2001 Max Bantleman
Such things as the whereabouts of a him, causing him to suffer the Detox. Effects
particular person or item, the outcome of a immediately upon taking.
battle, the winner of a race or the arrival of a
being or event are all often revealed to the The Game Effects of Shatter are as follows:
Frother. 1 free phase per round, 6 hours duration, no
There is, however, a high price for these Phys or Cool rolls for 12 hours, damage cut
visions. by 50% duration 6 hours.
Firstly the dreams cannot be controlled. The Addiction: -1 Phys per dose, +3 Ranks
Frother may have visions that are of use to Psychosis.
them or they may not, sometimes the dreams Detox. Effects: -1 Str, -1 Phys, -1 Hits
become terrible nightmares. permanent. -2 Concentration permanent.
Secondly, upon awakening, the Frother Addiction: Continuous.
suffers a -2 Phy, -2 Cool and -1 Conc penalty Cost: 30cr per dose.
for a whole four hours.
If after taking the massive dose of Personal Old Frothers must exercise their Shatter Use
Interest, the Frother does not manage to skill every time they use the drug.
satisfy their sexual appetites, they will
immediately suffer the Detox. Effects of the After a number of uses equal to the Old
drug (-1 Cool, -1 Conc permanent). They will Frothers Physique, the user is said to be
also have dreadful nightmares for the next 'saturated' with the drug. The Old Frother
seven days, during which time they will not may then try to control the effects of the
benefit from any soft or medical drugs. mutant DNA strain on their body.
deformity in a limb or facial feature, sudden point where he will not take any other actions
spurt of growth (or shrinking). apart from those associated with solving his
current 'problem'.
Failure does not mean the Frother may not Bubbles comes in ready to use, one shot
try again at his next saturation point, he may syringes. It is dark blue in colour, it breaks
even try to reverse the effects of his previous down into a harmless acid on contact with the
failure. air.
those around you. Users of Gelly cannot be * Special: If the user of Bozerker does not
provoked into violent action, unless their life enter into frantic activity, preferably combat,
is threatened, when they will 'flip out'. for a number of turns equal to their Physique
Gelly cannot be used in conjunction with any immediately after taking Bozerker, they
other drug, if mixed, the user will suffer suffer the Addiction penalty straight away.
stomach cramps and vomiting for 24 hours. Being addicted they will need to take at least
Gelly is available in small green capsules or one fix per day, or suffer the Detox. Effects.
as a liquid for injection.
Game Effects: +2 to Cool for 2 hours
Push is a clean out drug much like FlushTM. Addiction: -1 Phys, -1 Char per 20 doses.
The main difference being in the speed of the Detox. Effects: -3 Cool, -1 Dia.
affects, and their violent nature. Addiction: 2 doses per day.
Push can be fatal to certain users, mainly Cost: 150u
those whose body has been 'saturated' with a
drug, or those mixing drugs. * Special: The user of Gelly must try to
The user of Push has his natural immune 'cheer up' those in his immediate vicinity. If
system boosted to aid in the 'burn off' of he does not, or he fails to manage this, he
unwanted substances within the bodies will immediately suffer from the effects of a
chemistry. Unfortunately, one of the side Rank 7 Paranoia Psychoses. The Psychoses
affects is severe vomiting and diarrhea, may (or may not) have lingering effects, at
which can last for 2 days. the Gamesmasters discretion (is there really
Push is available as an injected fluid. It is any doubt?).
produced and distributed by Pod
Pharmaceuticals, a small soft company Push
operating from Downtown.
Game Effects: Prevents Detox. Effects from
STREET DRUGS any other drug, -1 to Phys, -2 to Str for 2
days after taking.
Bubbles Addiction: -1 Str per 30 doses.
Detox. Effects: -1 Str Permanent.
Game Effects: Focuses users mind, Addiction: 1 per day.
accelerates concentration and shuts out Cost: 200u
'distractions'. +2 to Concentration for 1 hour. *Special: Push acts within 2-12 hours, after
Addiction: -2 Phys / 10 doses this period any other drugs will have been
Detox. Effects: -2 Concentration (instant flushed from the body. Using Push to flush
effect after coming down, lasts for 2 hours). out a body that has been 'saturated' with any
Addiction: 2 doses per day. drug is a dangerous business. The user must
Cost: 700u make a Physique roll (D20 vs Physique,
lower or equal to for success), if they succeed
Bozerker the drug works, if they fail, they die.
Police, they are given the stark choice; life cloth over it, or by tying strips of the tartan to
imprisonment, the death penalty or a contract the armour in as many places as possible.
with SLA Industries. The clan Mcleod are tried and proven
Once they become Operatives, these new warriors. They show scorn and contempt for
recruits embark upon their lives as Frothers. stealth, wanting only to strike fear into the
As Frothers they completely change their hearts of their enemies.
identity, associating themselves with the 'old The battle cry of the clan Mcleod is; "Mcleod
world' clans. to blood and honour".
We have gathered details of four of the most
prominent clans, some actively recruit young THE CONNAUCHT CLAN
Frothers, others are joined through birth.
Listed here are three Frother clans and one The Connaucht clan is the youngest of the
'Old Frother' clan / family. Frother clans. They are the most violent of
the 'new' Frother clans, believing that there is
THE CLAN MCLEOD only one way to live life; hard and fast. Most
members of the Connaucht clan are over the
The clan Mcleod can trace it's roots back to edge on UV, never really coming down from
the end of the Conflict Wars, it is one of the the effects of the combat drug.
oldest, most respected and feared clan The Connaucht clan are the most prolific
organisations in the world of Progress. drug users. They will try anything and
Clan members are recruited from the young everything that will enhance their combat
Frothers while they are training in Meny. capability. Many members of the clan are
Once approached by the clan Mcleod, you also addicted to one or more 'soft' drugs, such
are not approached again, if you do not join as FlipTM or SloshTM.
at the first invitation you are an outsider Connaucht clan members are the least
forever. disciplined of all the clans, they are highly
The clan Mcleod is a tribal based clan, with individual, using the clan to gain better drugs
the emphasis on respect and honour being and to support them in legal battles with the
shown to your elders. The clan will offer authorities.
many benefits to the new Frother, including Rank within the clan is governed strictly by
training, counseling, legal representation and combat experience. The better your
of course a supply of drugs. reputation, the higher your standing.
There is a strict 'code' enforced by the clan The Connaucht clan has no 'colours', it has no
Mcleod. The code is honour based and recognised tartan or any form of 'uniform'.
stresses the need for the Frother to show Members of the clan are expected to dress in
loyalty to the clan above all else (apart from the most outrageous manner possible, using
SLA Industries of course). as many clashing colours as possible. The
The clan Mcleod follow the tradition of being Connaucht clan supplies LumoTM to it's
clean shaven, some members place scars on members at a 50% discounted rate.
their cheeks. All of the clan members wear
their hair long, either in 'dreads', plats or Members of the clan are notorious for their
spiked. Weaving beads and cloth strips into neglect of personal hygiene.
the hair is a common practice. The clan
colours are red, green, blue and purple. All The Connaucht clan shows no respect to any
members of the clan are forbidden to wear of the other clans, for this reason it is often in
yellow. The tartan is worn in the kilt and in conflict with one or more of the other clans
as many other items of clothing as the on Mort.
Frother wishes. If a clan Mcleod Frother
wears armour, they are expected to 'dignify' it The battle cry of the Connaucht clan is;
with the clans tartan, either through wearing "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!"
tHE bIG pICTURE – SLA Industries Fanzine – Issue 2 - © 2001 Max Bantleman
THE McCULLOCH CLAN descent back to 615 SD. All Frothers in the
clan are family members, at the moment the
The McCulloch clan is not really a clan at all, clan numbers some 135 members.
it is more like a business organisation. The
McCulloch clan is also known as the 'Frother Tradition is the key to the clan McKillip,
Firm'. they have their own tartan and all clan
Members of the clan are those Frothers that members must wear kilts at all times.
are only Frothers in the 'loosest' sense, they All members show respect to their elders and
have nothing to do with kilts, tartans, and do to their brethren, if a clan member needs help
not really like the label of 'clan' either. your are honour bound to aid them. In the
The McCulloch clan was forced into whole history of the clan there has only ever
existence by the other Frother clans, in an been one 'expulsion' for lack of honour.
attempt to keep the peace between the The McKillip clan has often been likened to a
Frothers. Shaktar family unit, so strong are the bonds
Members of the McCulloch clan are simply of family and loyalty.
Operative drug pushers and users. Due to the long line of the clan, they are
All members of the clan are addicted to at masters of control over the drugs they are
least two drugs, they turn to the clan to feed born addicted to.
their habit and to finance their lifestyle. The children are quickly educated in the
Members of the clan are often ways of the drugs, being shown the many
indistinguishable from other Operatives, they uses and applications of all pharmaceutical
only reveal themselves in their use of products available in the world of Progress.
narcotics. The McKillip clan pioneered the technique of
The McCulloch clan has often been likened Shatter Use.
to a criminal style operation, with members Occasionally a 'new' Frother will be brought
constantly 'bending' the law. It is rumoured to the attention of the clan elders, either
that the clan has it's fingers in many pies, through their deeds in battle or their
including prostitution and the notorious 'Skin particular skill in drug use. Such Frothers are
Trade'. invited to be 'friends' of the McKillip clan.
Members of the clan are encouraged to keep This bond is as strong as normal citizens
the secrecy of the clan, to never reveal family ties, it guarantees aid from the clan,
another clan member and to always hold the and they in return, expect to be answered
clan above all others (some say members are when they call.
sworn to place the clan above SLA Industries
itself). As the McKillip clan is a family, they are the
McCulloch clan members wear 'normal' only Frother clan to help the older members
operative clothing, they are usually well of the clan. Most other clans expect their
groomed, even meticulous in their members to die off before they reach 30, the
appearance. There is no preference within the McKillip clan recognises that there is a need
clan for any sort of weapon, though a for older, wiser members of the clan.
members drug addiction may limit their Once a Frother of the McKillip clan reaches
choice of weapon. 30, they are 'retired' to the Council. On the
The clan has no battle cry or motto, members Council they use their knowledge to help
are taught to be discreet at all times. younger members grow.
The McCulloch clan is universally despised
by all other Frother clans. Council members are also frequently
consulted on matters of tradition and history,
THE CLAN McKILLIP some work as 'advisors' for Third Eye. The
training school at Meny recruits instructors
The clan McKillip is a ninth generation 'Old from the ranks of the elders of the McKillip
Frother' clan. It can trace it's direct line of clan.
tHE bIG pICTURE – SLA Industries Fanzine – Issue 2 - © 2001 Max Bantleman
All clan members specialise in the use of answer to the harsh world of the now defiled
close combat weapons, favouring either the Underground.
Chainaxe or the Power Claymore. All clan Spike Bats are huge, bat like creatures with
members are also taught the benefits of the tail of a lizard and two extra spider like
unarmed combat, often specialising in limbs sticking out from just under their
Martial Arts. Gymnastics, Wrestling and wings. The demented ravings of many
Acrobatics are also actively taught. Operatives are testimony to the affect of the
The McKillip clan has a large number of Spike Bat's 'bite'.
rituals and initiation rites that mark each
stage of the Frothers development. Certain Stats. Min. Max. Norm.
items of dress and colours are forbidden to
the younger members of the clan, the Black STR 3 5 4
Glove being the most notable. Black Glove is DEX 6 11 8
a term used to describe the clans own version DIA 3 6 4
of the ITB Mutilator. It is worn as a sign of CONC 1 3 2
rank, being exclusive to Frothers of SCL 6 or COOL 7 10 8
higher, the glove has the following stats; HITS 6 10
Weight 5kg 20kg 12kg
'M c K i l l i p ' M u t i l a t o r Height 30cm 60cm 45cm
Wingspan 40cm 80cm 60cm
6 2 2 150c 1kg SKILLS RANK
Sharon will not be too hard to find, even if shoot up with Bozerker, she may be cleaned
the Operatives have a Third Eye crew in tow. out. Third Eye will discourage this.
She is beyond reason and will fight to the Sharon has the following skills and
bitter end. equipment:
Sharon is not adverse to using her FEN 603,
though she much prefers her Power SKILL RANK STAT
Claymore and Mutilator Fist.
Detect 7 Conc
Sharon is addicted to Blaze UVTM, she has SLA Information 4 Know
also recently discovered the delights of Rival Company 4 Know
Bozerker. As a final fling Sharon will shoot Streetwise 6 Know
up with Bozerker as well as Blaze UVTM. In Unarmed Combat 8 Str
this state she is almost unstoppable, but will Blade, 2-H 10 Str
die from the effects of the drugs in 24 hours. Hide 6 Dex
Sneak 7 Dex
Sharon Twistle Martial Arts 6 Dex
Climb 6 Phys
Classification: Frother Acrobatics 5 Phys
Package: Kick Murder Blade, 1-H 7 Str
Squad: Bomber Pistol 5 Dex
Department: Extermination Rifle 4 Dex
Strength 12 Drive Motorcycle 5 Dex
Dexterity 9 Seduction 7 Char
Diagnose 7 Persuasion 5 Char
Concentration 7 Evaluate Oppo. 8 Know
Charisma 9 Sign Language 7 Know
Physique (10) 8
Knowledge 7 Advantages / Disadvantages
Cool 10
Walk 1 Ambidextrous, Compulsion
Run 2 (Nymphomaniac) 5, Psychopathy 5,
Sprint 4 Delusions 9.
Movement 42
Half Movement 84 Weapons And Armour
No Movement 168
FEN 603 10mm Auto Pistol
Sharon is 21 years old, she is 6' tall and Power Claymore
weighs roughly 150 lbs. She has dark brown MAC Knife
eyes, black hair and a tanned complexion. In ITB Mutilator Fist
normal circumstances she would be Striker Motorcycle Protection
considered quite beautiful. Flak Jacket
Vertical (obstructed/slippery): 0.5m ps. from one end of the frequency to the other,
Through liquid: 0.3m ps. pitch and length of the 'scream' is randomly
So a running grenade set with a five second set to cause maximum confusion.
fuse, let loose over rough, obstructive terrain, In sensor mode the Screamer reacts to
will travel 5 meters before it explodes. movement within either a 10m, 30m or 50m
radius, the range is set when setting function.
Running grenades may also be turned into Any one listening to the Screamer will be
'contact' explosives, or mines. effectively deafened, possibly stunned. The
Once the fuse is set and the legs spring out, victim must make a Phys roll to avoid being
the user must twist the central casing back stunned, if they fail, they suffer a -3 modifier
round to it's starting position, this locks the to all activities while in the presence of the
legs so they do not move. The fuse then acts Screamer.
as a timer, after which the legs become Anyone with audio sensory equipment that is
detectors, detonating the grenade when blasted by the Screamer, will take 2 points of
anything puts any pressure on them. concusisve damage to the head. They will
During the initial fuse setting, the grenade is recover this if they spend two turns in a silent
very robust and may even be thrown with environment.
some force to trick in a wall before the The Screamer, once activated, may not be
sensors in the legs kick in to make it a mine. turned off. It will run for the full 24 hours
Running Grenades may only be bought on duration of it's power cell, the only way to
the black market. Roughly one in five is a shut it off is to destroy it.
dud, with no explosive capacity at all. Screamers are becoming increasingly popular
with Operatives who need to enter the
Grenade Blast PEN Cost Weight Cannibal Sectors, or any other place they are
Type Rating likely to encounter 'beasts'.
Concus. 0 -5 350u 0.8kg The Screamer is identical to the Thumper
Frag 12 5 400u 0.8kg beacon in all respects, except;
Smoke n/a n/a 120u 0.8kg Screamer is 85cm long and is 30mm in
diameter. The Screamer weighs 2kg. The
Smoke grenades produce a cloud of dense Screamer costs 10c.
black smoke which covers an area of 12m.
The smoke will disperse from an enclosed Nightfire Hover Bike
space in 15 minutes, and from an open space
in about 8. The Nightfire Hover Bike is produced
exclusively by Darkwing, a wholly owned
SLA Screamer Beacon subsidiary of SLA Industries.
The SLA Screamer Beacon is manufactured The Nightfire is essentially a 'street' version
by Stik, a fully licensed subsidiary of SLA of the SCAF multi-prop turbine hover bike.
Industries. The Nightfire has had the ball mounted FEN
The Screamer Beacon is an advance of the Power Reaper removed, as well as the firm
Thumper Beacon, it has the same basic point it was mounted on. The Nightfire can
functioning abilities as the Thumper, but it take no on board armament.
may also be 'charged' to perform the roll of
Screamer. In addition the Nightfire has no vertical take
A simple switch on the side of the beacon off and landing ability.
moves it from Thumper to Screamer. The VTOL ability has been sacrificed in
Once in Screamer mode, the beacon has a order to allow the Nightfire to carry a
choice of two settings; automatic or sensor. Motorcycle reactor similar to that of the
When in automatic, the beacon will emit a Calaharvey Urbaniser, this gives much
constant stream of audio signals, ranging improved ground performance.
tHE bIG pICTURE – SLA Industries Fanzine – Issue 2 - © 2001 Max Bantleman
testing ground for some of their more often respond to the call of a fire, especially
'specialised' products. one started with a bomb. Black Order
At the moment, Pod's biggest seller is Push, ambush anyone who responds to the fire call,
the system flush drug. aiming to steal as much equipment as
possible before they are either outnumbered
Game System Stuff or outgunned (by SCAF Shivers for
Pod are currently under investigation from As the fire bombings are mainly to allow
the Department of Pharmacology, which may ambush and theft, they are frequent and
issue a Yellow BPN to gather information on indiscriminate. Rarely do Black Order plant
the soft company. bombs in Uptown or Central, preferring to
Pod prices are roughly 10% cheaper than wage their campaigns in the Suburbs, or even
other soft companies. They can also supply on occasion in Downtown.
SLA Industries drugs, such as BassTM or The 'beacon approach' is the name given to
FlipTM at 10% below the current black market the other main Black Order tactic. One of the
price. Order places himself in a position dominating
Pod may be closely linked to the McCulloch the surrounding terrain, then proceeds to kill
Frother 'clan', which would explain their people using a sniper rifle. The targets are
longevity and their access to Karma products. not important, the object of the exercise is to
If this link is proven the Department of attract the maximum attention from SLA
Internal Affairs may decide to initiate an Industries in the shortest time. Third Eye are
inquiry, placing Grey BPN's in the process. also quick to respond to a beacon in progress.
Pod have access (in extreme emergencies) to When the forces of SLA Industries respond
both DarkNight and Thresher contacts. to the call, they are attacked by the main
DarkNight will only help Pod if they think Black Order force, which lies in wait along
they are 'buying in' to the company, either the response route.
through product supply or loyalty. The beauty of this approach is it draws the
public's attention away from the main aim of
BLACK ORDER Black Order. They are thought of as insane
killers, rather than calculating terrorists.
Company Slogan: "SLA Industries destroyed SLA Industries always respond to 'beacons'
the truth. Progress is a lie." with Red BPN's.
Wire broadcasts artists on the Deth Jam label, Recently Deth Jam have become involved in
as well as main stream 'company' artists. sponsorship. They have also started 'working'
Most of what Deth Jam refer to as 'their own for other people, mainly other soft
unique sound' has been labelled as "Deth companies, producing theme tunes and
Rack Muzak". All sounds are sampled from advertising tracks.
combat, mostly hand to hand, with some It will cost you 300 u to have Deth Jam
firefight sounds, these are placed over produce a 'track' for you.
insanely heavy bass beats. The 'vocal' can Last month Deth Jam's turnover was
consist of anything from spoken words to estimated at 340,000 u by the Department of
screaming Frother speak. Corporate Sector.
Once an Operative or a serial has been Possession of any Deth Jam material is
brought to the public's attention, you can be punishable by a fine, 'working' for them (i.e.
sure Deth jam will be offering them a 'deal' in letting them sample sounds from your
the near future. combat, either knowingly or unknowingly)
Their last major success was a release called brings an immediate SCL decrease.
"Ded Witness", a project involving the Prop
Scat-Man and the notorious Serial Cognates;
Uncle Sam's Slaughterhouse.
Many of the sounds on Ded Witness were
sampled from actual killings made by Scat
Man and the Uncle Sams, including some
dying words spoken by two Operatives
ambushed in Downtown. This interview was conducted by Frank
Needless to say Ded Witness drew the wrong Weiss, for Inter-Com, a licensed station from
sort of attention from SLA Industries, who Third Eye. All material is © 901 Eye 4 Inter-
want to shut down Deth Jam real bad. Com.
Deth Jam have managed to draw a lot of
support from the 'ordinary' citizen of Mort, At the end of last year one name was on
this makes them a sensitive target for SLA everyone's lips, the Contract Killer Lucy
Industries, who are waging a war of Craznek, otherwise known as Juce.
'information' to win back the support of the After the new years first Gore Zone, she was
masses before they move in to destroy Deth firmly established as the number one killer
Jam. on the block.
Frank Weiss met up with her after the
Game System Stuff Butthead / Clawtooth confrontation.
Deth Jam has seventy members in it's FW : "Thank you for giving us this interview.
employ, many of these are Props and How does it feel to be the number one draw
Gangers, there are only actually a handful of for Gore Zone?"
'creative' types in the firm. J : "Now we both know that wont last, don't
The distribution network for Deth Jam we? But, yeah, at the moment it feels good.
products is widespread, from Mort Central to Real good."
Downtown, if you know the right person you FW : Many people were surprised when you
can get hold of the latest release. left the Red Mist Squad to go solo, was this
Typically, Deth Jam have little or nothing to an easy decision?"
do with SLA Industries or Operatives. This J : "My time with Red Mist was a blast. But I
does not stop them killing anyone who gets think I had gone as far as I could go you
in their way at a 'recording session', whether know, SCL 6, the only way was down."
this is in the gang sectors of Downtown, or FW : "The Cloak Division investigation had
the Malls of the Suburbs. nothing to do with your decision?"
J : "Do ya think?"
tHE bIG pICTURE – SLA Industries Fanzine – Issue 2 - © 2001 Max Bantleman
Advantages / Disadvantages
PP 70 Powercell Armour
FEN 270671 Scout Helmet
KK30 'Ripper' (back up weapon)
DPB Gash Fist
ITB Mutilator
MJL Power Disc
MJL Power Claymore 300
BLA 046M 'Blitzer' (back up only)