Correlation Between Particle Size/ Domain Structure and Magnetic Properties of Highly Crystalline Fe O Nanoparticles
Correlation Between Particle Size/ Domain Structure and Magnetic Properties of Highly Crystalline Fe O Nanoparticles
Correlation Between Particle Size/ Domain Structure and Magnetic Properties of Highly Crystalline Fe O Nanoparticles
Highly crystalline single-domain magnetite Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) are important, not only
for fundamental understanding of magnetic behaviour, but also for their considerable potential
applications in biomedicine and industry. Fe3O4 NPs with sizes of 10–300 nm were systematically
investigated to reveal the fundamental relationship between the crystal domain structure and
the magnetic properties. The examined Fe3O4 NPs were prepared under well-controlled crystal
growth conditions using a large-scale liquid precipitation method. The crystallite size of cube-like
NPs estimated from X-ray diffraction pattern increased linearly as the particle size (estimated by
transmission electron microscopy) increased from 10 to 64.7 nm, which indicates that the NPs have a
single-domain structure. This was further confirmed by the uniform lattice fringes. The critical size of
approximately 76 nm was obtained by correlating particle size with both crystallite size and magnetic
coercivity; this was reported for the first time in this study. The coercivity of cube-like Fe3O4 NPs
increased to a maximum of 190 Oe at the critical size, which suggests strong exchange interactions
during spin alignment. Compared with cube-like NPs, sphere-like NPs have lower magnetic coercivity
and remanence values, which is caused by the different orientations of their polycrystalline structure.
Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (NPs) have attracted considerable interest as a result of their attractive proper-
ties, such as their strong magnetic moment, biocompatibility, chemical stability, and magnetoelectric properties1.
Numerous reports have described their advances in nanotechnology and their development of a wide range of
applications, such as medical application2, catalysis3, Li batteries4, printer toners5, and wastewater treatment6. For
the broad application of these NPs, control of the crystal size, shape, and domain structure is important for defin-
ing their chemical and physical properties7. This was demonstrated in our previous study8 of photoluminescent
NPs, for which the performance was attributable to the domain size rather than the particle size. The particle size,
which originates from the magnetic domain structure, has also been recognised as a key factor in the application
of magnetic NPs.
The relationship between particle size and the magnetic properties, such as the coercivity (Hc), of Fe3O4 NPs
has been widely reported. The critical size of magnetic NPs, which indicates the transition from a single- to
multi-domain structure, was evaluated by the change in Hc with respect to the particle size. However, the critical
size for Fe3O4 NPs has not yet been systematically demonstrated because this value depends on the crystal struc-
ture, which can have spherical, cubic, or multiple phases. Therefore, investigation of the critical size on the basis
of the crystal structure is necessary.
The particle size required to achieve superparamagnetism in Fe3O4 NPs is widely estimated to be below
20 nm6, 9–11, whereas the critical size for forming a multi-domain structure has been theoretically estimated to be
76 nm for cubic12 and 128 nm for spherical Fe3O4 NPs13. However, the critical size for cubic Fe3O4 NPs has been
experimentally determined to be higher than 160 nm14. Much smaller critical sizes of 30–46 nm15–18 have also
been reported for cubic Fe3O4 NPs. Multi-granule Fe3O4 NPs with sizes of 16–512 nm showed a transitional size
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China. 2Department
of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi,
Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan. 3Technical Strategy Department, Research and Development Division, Toda Kogyo
Corporation, Otake, Hiroshima, 739-0652, Japan. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed
to T.O. (email: [email protected])
of approximately 120 nm19. Although the effects of size and shape on the behaviour of magnetic particles have
been known for more than half a century10, the quantitative effects on Zn0.4Fe2.6O4 NPs remained undiscovered
in the size range of 20–140 nm until 201220, when the critical size was found to be approximately 60 nm, and the
saturation magnetisation (Ms) was found to be lower for spherical particles than for cubic ones.
Owing to the experimental difficulty in controlling particle sizes over a wide size range21, a systematic investi-
gation of the magnetic domain structures of the most commonly used Fe3O4 NPs is still lacking, although such an
investigation is needed to meet the currently increasing requirements for various applications. The current study
therefore investigates the size dependence of the magnetic properties of Fe3O4 NPs with sizes of 10‒300 nm. The
study includes cube- and sphere-like NPs that were produced under well-controlled crystal growth conditions
on a large scale. The critical size of highly crystalline cube-like Fe3O4 NPs was examined through the correlation
between the particle size measured by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the crystallite size estimated
by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The value was further confirmed by observing the lattice fringes and examining the
dependence of Hc on the particle size. The high Hc value obtained in this study is discussed in detail in terms of
the spin interactions in a single-domain structure.
Two types of highly crystalline Fe3O4 NPs, i.e., cube-like and sphere-like ones, were synthesised on a large scale
under precise control of the Fe2+ concentration, pH, temperature, and aeration rate. The cube-like Fe3O4 NPs
were prepared by a two-stage oxidation reaction, which is described in patent No. US 5843610A (Toda Kogyo
Co., Ltd., Japan)22. In contrast, the sphere-like Fe3O4 NPs were prepared by a one-stage oxidation reaction, which
is described in patent No. US 4992191A (Toda Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan)23. All data generated or analyzed during
this study are included in this article and its Supplementary Information files.
The morphologies of the prepared NPs were analysed using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE
SEM; Hitachi S-5000, Tokyo, Japan) and TEM (JEM-2010, 200 kV, JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The crystallite size
and chemical composition of the prepared NP samples were examined by XRD (RINT2000, Rigaku Denki Co.
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), using Cu Kα radiation with a scanning range of 2θ 10–80°. Their magnetic performance was
assessed using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID, Quantum Design, Tokyo, Japan), oper-
ated at 300 K. The prepared cube-like NPs with particle sizes (dp) of 9.6, 19.6, 24.4, 31.9, 45.3, 64.7, 130, 243, and
287 nm were named as C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9, respectively. The sphere-like NPs with dp of 93.3
and 121 nm were named as S1 and S2, respectively.
Figure 1. Scanning electron microscopy images of cube-like Fe3O4 nanoparticles with various particle sizes.
(a) 9.6, (b) 19.6, (c) 24.4, (d) 31.9, (e) 45.3, (f) 64.7, (g) 130, (h) 243, and (i) 287 nm, which are named as C1‒C9,
Figure 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of cube-like Fe3O4 nanoparticles with various particle sizes.
Figure 3. Relationship between average particle size and crystallite size. The solid line shows the trend in the
relationship for cube-like Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The black open triangles were replotted from Table 1 in ref. 19
for multi-granule Fe3O4 nanoparticles.
Figure 4. (a) Hysteresis loops of cube-like Fe3O4 nanoparticles, and particle size dependence of (b) saturation
magnetization and (c) remanent magnetization for all Fe3O4 nanoparticles.
The hysteresis loops for these particles, shown in Fig. 4(a), show the ferrimagnetic nature of the Fe3O4 NPs.
The cube-like Fe3O4 NPs possess high Ms values, which are affected by the dp as shown in Fig. 4(b). The Ms value,
obtained by applying the law of approach to saturation26, increases with increasing dp for all samples, including
the sphere-like NPs. This trend is consistent with those found in other reports on Fe3O4 NPs with diameters lower
than 100 nm5, 16, 27, 28. The Ms value increased from 54.7 emu/g (9.6-nm NPs) to 84.7 emu/g (287-nm NPs), which
is close to the theoretically estimated Ms for bulk Fe3O4 (92 emu/g). The Hc and remanent magnetisation (Mr),
which are also affected by dp, are shown in Figs 4(c) and 5. These values increase from around 0 for the 9.6-nm
NPs, which are known to be superparamagnetic26, 29, 30, to a maximum value of around 190 Oe (Hc) and 13 emu/g
Figure 5. Magnetic performance of Fe3O4 nanoparticles measured at 300 K: particle size dependence of the
coercivity (Hc). The black open triangles, violet open circles, and blue open circles were replotted from refs 14,
15 and 19, respectively.
(Mr) at a dp of around 80 nm, and then decrease continuously with further increases in dp. The trends in these two
parameters are consistent with previous theoretical estimations10, 19, 31, and they have similar characteristics to
those obtained for Zn0.4Fe2.6O4 NPs20. The initial increase in Hc with domain size corresponds to the sixth power
of the domain size. The high Hc value may be caused by the strong spin interactions in highly crystalline Fe3O4
NPs during spin alignment, which has previously been observed in soft magnetic NPs32.
By fitting the measured Mr and Hc values using a log-normal distribution function, shown by the dark blue
solid line, the critical sizes for the maximum Mr and Hc values were determined to be 77 ± 2 nm and 75 ± 3 nm,
respectively. On average, therefore, the critical value for the transition is about 76 ± 4 nm. This value is consistent
with the critical size of 76 nm estimated theoretically for the transition from single- to multi-domain behavior12.
Furthermore, the critical size of about 76 nm is almost the same as the transition size obtained from the relation-
ship of dc and dp, as shown in Fig. 3. Single-domain cube-like Fe3O4 NPs, such as those with a size of 64.7 nm, can
be applied effectively as starting materials for many real products, especially for new rare-earth-free magnets with
high magnetic moments, by transformation into α″-Fe16N2 NPs and subsequent dispersion and assembly under
a magnetic field33–38.
The crystalline properties of the NPs affect their magnetic properties, especially Hc. The different crystalline
properties of the cube- and sphere-like NPs result in their different magnetic performances, as shown in Figs 4(c)
and 5. The measured Mr and Hc values for the sphere-like NPs (S1 and S2) are both lower than the corresponding
fitted values for the cube-like NPs. This may be caused by their composite small crystallite size. A comparison
of the hysteresis loops of the two NPs with similar dp (C7 and S2) in Supplementary Fig. S5 shows the difference
between the two samples, although their Ms values are similar (79.4 and 79.7 emu/g as listed in Supplementary
Table S1). The multiple orientations of the polycrystalline in the sphere-like NPs, which lead to the multiple ori-
entations of their easy axes, is considered to be the reason for their lower Mr and Hc values compared with those
of the cube-like NPs. This is consistent with a previous study on the particle-size and shape dependence of Fe3O4
NPs5. However, further theoretical explanation and experimental investigation are still required.
The magnetic properties, including the Ms, Mr, and Hc, of Fe3O4 NPs are highly influenced by the particle
size and domain structure. The Ms increases with increasing particle size, regardless of the crystal structure and
particle shape. After exceeding the superparamagnetic limit, the Hc and Mr values increase with increasing par-
ticle size up to a maximum value of about 190 Oe and 13 emu/g, respectively, at the critical size of 76 nm. Above
this critical size, the Hc and Mr values decrease with further increases in the particle size, and the cube-like Fe3O4
NPs change from a single- to multi-domain structure. The multiple orientations of the crystallites within the
multi-domain-structured NPs lead to the decrease in the Hc value. These findings suggest that considerable atten-
tion should be given to the particle size and crystalline properties of Fe3O4 NPs, which have potential biomedical
and industrial applications. These applications require that magnetic particles are sized appropriately to achieve a
good balance between effective surface area and satisfactory magnetic performance.
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This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 26709061 and 16K13642. This work was partly
supported by the Center for Functional Nano Oxide at Hiroshima University. The authors also gratefully
acknowledge the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan for providing
scholarships (C. W. K.). The authors further thank Prof. Takahiro Onimaru, Prof. Toshiro Takabatake, and
Prof. Hiroshi Fukuoka from Hiroshima University. We also thank Dr. Makoto Maeda of NBARD, Hiroshima
University, for his assistance with the TEM analysis.
Author Contributions
Contributions of each Author is as follows: Qing Li: Writer of the manuscript and conducted the analyses.
Christina W. Kartikowati: Writer of the manuscript and conducted the analyses. Shinji Horie: Synthesis of
nanoparticles. Takashi Ogi: Supervision on manuscript writing and analyses. Toru Iwaki: Supervision on
manuscript writing and analyses. Kikuo Okuyama: Supervision on manuscript writing and analyses.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09897-5
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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