B.Sc. Chemistry, Generic Elective
B.Sc. Chemistry, Generic Elective
B.Sc. Chemistry, Generic Elective
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – I
Inorganic Chemistry
Full Marks – 70 Time :03 Hours
Group - A :(Compulsory) 10 objective type questions (MCQ/True-False/Fill in the Blanks etc.) of 2 marks each.
2 x 10 = 20
Group – B :Short answer type questions. Eight questions are to be set out of which 4 are to be answered, carrying
5 marks each. 5 x 4 = 20
Group – C :Long type question : Four questions are to be set out of which two questions are to be answered each
question will carry 15 marks. 15 x 2 = 30
1. Atomic Structure :
Bohr’s model, quantum numbers, Aufbau Principle, Pauli’s exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule, Elementary idea
of failure of classical mechanics. Planck’s quantum theory, Interpretation of emission spectra of H-atom,
Rydberg’s constant, dual nature of light, Photo electric effect, de-Broglie’s equation, wave nature of paricle.
2. Periodicity :
Electronic lay out of the Periodic table, Periodicity of Properties : eg ionic, covalent and vander Waals’ radii,
ionization potential, electron affinities and electro negativity.
3. Ionic bond :
Lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle, factors favouring ionic bonds, variable valency, properties of ionic
4. Covalent bonds :
Formation of sigma and pi bonds, hybridization and directional bonding (Valence Bond Theory), structures
and shapes of BF3, PCl5, SF6, ICl, ClF3, SnCl2, H2O and NH3, properties of covalent compounds.
5. General Chemistry of groups : 1B, IIA, II B, III A, IVA and VA.
6. Extraction of the following elements :
Extraction, Properties, Compounds and uses of the following :
Silver, Gold, Boron, Tin, Lead, Chromium, Manganese and Nickel.
7. Preparation, Properties and uses of the following :
Hydrogen peroxide, Ozone, Silicone, Lunar caustic, Purple of Cassius, Fulminating Gold, Stannous Chloride,
White lead, Diborane, Red lead, Hydrazine, Hydrazoic acid, Hydroxyl amine, Oxyacids of Phosphorus.
8. Co-ordination Chemistry :
Double salt and complex salt, Werner’s theory, Nomenclature of co-ordination compounds, EAN concepts,
VB theory in complexes.
Books Recommended
Inorganic Chemistry
1. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol.- I, II and III
2. Dinesh Inorganic Chemistry, Vol.- I, II and III
3. Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry by P.L. Soni
4. Selected Topics in Inorganic by Satyaprakash, Malik, Madan and Tuli
5. Bio Inorganic Chemistry by K. Hussain Reddy
6. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by Gurdeep and Harish
7. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry by Puri, Sharma and Kalia
8. Inorganic Chemistry, by Moiller.
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – I
GE (P) 1
Inorganic Chemistry (Practical)
Full Marks – 30 Time :04 Hours
1. Qualitative analysis of inorganic salts mixture containing two basic and two acid radicals with no
interfering radical from the following :
Pb2+, Bi3+, Sn2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cr3+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Na+ , K+, Mg2+ and NH4+
Acid radicals : CO32-, SO42-, S2-, NO3- and halides.
2. Volumeticic analysis :-
(a) Mixture of NaOH and Na2CO3
(b) Mixture of NaHCO3 and Na2CO3
One experiment:
Experiment = 15 Marks
Notebook and Regularity = 10 Marks
Viva-voce = 5 Marks
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – II
Organic Chemistry
Full Marks – 70 Time :03 Hours
Group - A :(Compulsory) 10 objective type questions (MCQ/True-False/Fill in the Blanks etc.) of 2 marks each.
2 x 10 = 20
Group – B :Short answer type questions. Eight questions are to be set out of which 4 are to be answered, carrying
5 marks each. 5 x 4 = 20
Group – C :Long type question : Four questions are to be set out of which two questions are to be answered each
question will carry 15 marks. 15 x 2 = 30
1. (a) Shape and structure of organic compounds. Tetracovalency of carbon, Hybridization (sp, sp2 and sp3).
(b) Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds, Detection and estimation of elements,
determination of molecular weight.
(c) Elementary idea of electron displacement effect : Inductive effect, electrometric effect, resonance and
mesomeric effect.
(d) Isomerism : Structural and stereoisomerism , racemic mixtures and Geometrical Isomerism.
2. Alcohols : Definition, Classification and Distinction between different types of alcohols. Trihydric
alcohol-glycerol : (i) Total Synthesis from C and H (ii) Reactions.
3. Aldehydes and Ketones : General Methods of Preparation, Properties, Electronic nature of C = 0 Group.
4. Carboxylic acids : General methods of Preparation, Properties of monocarboxylic acid and their
derivatives (ester, acid chloride, an-hydride and amide). Origin of acidic properties and electronic nature of
Carboxylic group and its derivatives.
5. Hydroxyacids : Lactic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid-their isolation synthesis, properties, constitution.
Isomerism of lactic acid and tartaric acid.
6. Aromatic compounds : Benzene and its mono-substituted derivatives : Toluene, Nitrobenzene, Aniline,
Benzene diazonium chloride, Phenol, Benzaldehyde. Benzene sulphonic acid, benzoic acid (preparation,
properties and uses) Elementary idea of electrophilic substitution in benzene ring.
7. Important reactions : Perkin reaction, Friedel Crafts reaction, Cannizzaro’s reaction, Kolbe’s reaction,
Sandmeyer’s reaction, Reformatsky reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction.
Books Recommended
Organic Chemistry
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – II
GE (P)-2
Organic Chemistry (Practical)
Full Marks – 30 Time :04 Hours
1. Detection of element [N, S, P and halogens] and detection of functional group in organic compounds
containing one functional group including monosaecharides.
– COOH, Phenolic – OH, Aldehydic, Ketonic, Nitro, Amino and amides.
2. Organic preparations :
(i) Aspirin from salicylic acid.
(ii) P-methylacetanilide from p-toluidine.
(iii) Acetanilide from aniline.
One experiment:
Experiment = 15 Marks
Notebook and Regularity = 10 Marks
Viva-voce = 5 Marks
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – III
Physical Chemistry
Full Marks – 70 Time :03 Hours
Group - A :(Compulsory) 10 objective type questions (MCQ/True-False/Fill in the Blanks etc.) of 2 marks each.
2 x 10 = 20
Group – B :Short answer type questions. Eight questions are to be set out of which 4 are to be answered, carrying
5 marks each. 5 x 4 = 20
Group – C :Long type question : Four questions are to be set out of which two questions are to be answered each
question will carry 15 marks. 15 x 2 = 30
1. Gaseous State :
Kinetic theory of gases Postulates, Kinetic gas equation, Deduction of gas laws from kinetic gas equation,
R.M.S. Velocity, Aver-age velocity and Kinetic Energy of Gas molecules, Deviations from ideal behaviour.
Vender Waal’s equation of state
2. Chemical Equilibrium
Law of mass Action and its kinetic derivation, equilibrium constant relation between Kp, Kc and Kx, Le-
Chetelier’s principle.
3. Chemical kinetics
Rate of reaction, order and molecularity of reaction. First and second order reaction. Determination of order
of reaction effect of temperature on reaction rate. Activation enrgy.
4. Thermodynamics- I
System & surrounding, types of system, heat, work and internal energy. First law of Thermodynamics,
Enthaply, Heat Capacities, Relation between Cp and Cv. Calculation of W, Q, E and H in isothermal and
adiabatic expansion of gases.
Hess’s law, Kirchoff’s law, Bond energies and their calculation.
Thermodynamics- II
Second law of thermodynamics. Conversion of heat into work. Carnot theorem and Carnot cycle. Entropy,
entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes Entropy of expansion of ideal gases. Entropy of
mixing of gases.
5. Dilute solution
Colligative properties, Osmosis and Osmotic pressure, lowering of vapour pressure. Elevation of boiling
point, depression in freezing point.
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
6. Catalysis
Characteristics of catalysts, types of catalysts, enzyme catalyst. Theory of catalysis, autocatalysis.
7. Colloidal chemistry
Classification, preparation, purification and properties of colloidal solution. Peptization of colloids. Protection
of colloids. Origin of charge on colloids. Electrophoresis, coagulation, dialysis, Brownian movement, Gold
8. Electrochemistry
Specific, Equivalent and molecular conductivities. Effect of dilution on different types of conductivities.
Experimental determination of conductivities. Conductivity cell and cell constant. Ionic mobilities,
Kohlrausch’s law, Transference number. Arrhenius theory of electrolytes. Dissociation of weak and strong
Books Recommended
Physical Chemistry
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – III
GE (P)-3
Physical Chemistry (Practical)
Full Marks – 30 Time :04 Hours
1. Determination of surface tension of liquids using stalagmometer.
2. Determination of co-efficient of viscosity liquids using Ostwalds viscometer.
3. Determination of Heat of solution.
4. Determination of Heat neutralization of strong acid and strong base.
5. Determination of Partition co-efficient of solute between two immiscible liquids.
e.g. Iodine between carbon tetrachloride and water.
One experiment:
Experiment = 15 Marks
NB and Regularity = 10 Marks
Viva-voce = 5 Marks
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – IV
Analytical Chemistry
Full Marks – 70 Time :03 Hours
Group - A :(Compulsory) 10 objective type questions (MCQ/True-False/Fill in the Blanks etc.) of 2 marks each.
2 x 10 = 20
Group – B :Short answer type questions. Eight questions are to be set out of which 4 are to be answered, carrying
5 marks each. 5 x 4 = 20
Group – C :Long type question : Four questions are to be set out of which two questions are to be answered each
question will carry 15 marks. 15 x 2 = 30
1. Qualitative analysis of Inorganic salts :
Principle involved in the separation of cations. Application of solubility product and common ion
effect.Detection and removal interfering radicals (eg.PO43-, BO33-).
Special tests for the mixture of acid radicals –
(i) Carbonate in presence of sulphite
(ii) Nitrate in presence of Nitrite.
(iii) Nitrate in presence of bromide and iodide.
(iv) Chloride, Bromide and Iodide in presence of each other.
2. Principles involved in volumetric analysis –
(i) Acidimetry and alkalimetry.
(ii) Principles involved in the red-ox titrations : uses of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7
(iii) Iodometry and iodimetry.
3. Detection of elements and functional groups in the organic compounds.
Elements : N, P, S and halogens.
Functional groups : Hydroxyl, -OH (alcoholic), Nitro, -NO2, Amide – CONH2,
Ketonic =C=O, Aldehydic – CHO
Carboxylic – COOH, Phenolic – OH
Amino – NH2
4. Spectroscopy :
Ultraviolet and visible spectra (electronic spectra).Uses of UV and visible spectra. Infra-red (IR), Nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) uses of IR and NMR spectra.
5. Organic reagents in inorganic analysis :
(i) Dimethyl glyoxime (ii) 𝛼 – Furil dioxime (iii) 8-hydroxy quinoline
(iv) 𝛼- nitroso – 𝛽-naphthol (v) Cupron (vi) Cupferron
(vii) Alizarin (viii) Salicylaldoxime (ix)Dihydroxy tartaric acid
(x) 𝛼𝛼 – Dipyridyl (xi) Nitron (xii)Dithiazone
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
Books Recommended
Analytical Chemistry
1. General Chemistry by Sanyal&Sanyal
2. General Chemistry by F. M. Miller
3. Industrial Chemistry by B.K. Sharma
4. Inorganic Practical Chemistry by P.K. Banerjee
5. Organic Practical Chemistry by Banerjee &Mukhopadhaya
B.Sc. (General) Chemistry (CBCS) Semester System Syllabus, K.U. Chaibasa
B.Sc. Generic Elective
Semester – IV
GE(P)- 4
Chemistry Practical
Full Marks – 30 Time :04 Hours
1. Gravimetric estimation of Ag+, Ba2+, Cl- and SO42-
2. Preparation of potash alum.
3. Preparation of chrome alum.
One experiment :
Experiment = 15 Marks
NB and Regularity = 10 Marks
Viva-voce = 5 Marks
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