Nickel Aluminium Bronze: A Reconsideration For Valve Manufacture

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Nickel Aluminium Bronze: a

reconsideration for valve manufacture
This article looks at the history and properties of Nickel Aluminium Bronze to help understand why this material is
often overlooked. On the contrary, Nickel Aluminium Bronze has good tensile strength, is suitable against cavitation (eg
propellers in shipbuilding), does not embrittle at cryogenic temperatures, and is resistant to biofouling. Furthermore,
advancements in computer simulation have also overcome traditional challenges in casting processes. For these reasons
this material can be opened up and reconsidered for a whole new range of applications.

By Ivan Richardson, Metal Solutions UK and Olivier Gouriou, Inoxyda

Brief history Aluminium Bronze properties Control valves in sea water applications
The Bronze Age in Europe lasted from Aluminium Bronze is manufactured in are liable to corrosion. These cast valves
3300-1200 BC, but Aluminium Bronze many alloy forms; in addition to copper can be heat treated at 675°C for six hours
appeared only towards 1800 after and aluminium, nickel, iron, manganese to improve the corrosion resistance. For
aluminium was discovered by Hans and silicon are added to improve strength, maximum corrosion resistance it is also
Christian Oersted. corrosion resistance and machinability. recommended that aluminium should be
In 1856 an English metallurgist John These additions produce a unique set of less than Al % < (8.2 +Ni /2 ).
Perry observed: “A small proportion of properties (Ref 1) which are useful to the Other typical valve applications include
aluminium increases the hardness of valve industrial sector: components in submarines and surface
copper, does not injure its malleability, • High strength vessels within the Defence Marine sector,
makes it receptive to a beautiful polish • Excellent wear and galling resistance firefighting equipment on oil rigs and
and varies its colour from red-gold to pale • Density (5 % lighter than steel) desalination plants.
yellow”. In 1886 two scientists, Hall in the • Non sparking Typical properties within these sectors
USA and Héroult in France, issued patents • Low magnetic permeability (of <1.03µ include:
for large scale production. in selected grades) • General corrosion rate
In 1913, Pierre Gaston Durville set up • High corrosion resistance 0.05-0.075mm/year
a company called Bronzes et Alliages • Good stress corrosion properties • Resistance to crevice corrosion
Foreables SA in which he used his • Good cryogenic properties • Impingement resistance
patented non turbulent casting method • High resistance to cavitation Up to 4.3m/sec
known as the “Durville Process”, which • Damping capacity twice that of steel • Free corrosion potential -0.25V sce
revolutionized the casting process. • High resistance to biofouling • Resistant to stress corrosion cracking
As industrial applications developed, • A protective oxide surface film which • High resistance to cavitation and
foundries such as Inoxyda started to has the ability to self- repair erosion corrosion
cast aluminium bronze based on a The Nickel Aluminium Bronze (NAB)
basic property, corrosion resistance, but family offers the best set of properties as, Mechanical strength
this material also has other interesting for example, CuAl10Fe5Ni5 which is the Many design engineers, through lack of
properties, for valve applications in predominant composition used within the awareness, consider copper based alloys
particular: valve industry according to different standards. as being of low strength resulting from

Rm Rp A Hardness
Tensile strength Proof stress 0.2% Elongation % HBW
sand cast
Mpa min Mpa min min min
GAZ de FRANCE US Coast Guard
CuAl9Mn1.5 470 140 25 110
1967 INOXYDA 72
NF A53709 GAM MM12 DIN 1714
CuAl10Ni3Fe2 500 180 18 100
INOXYDA 3P EN 1982-2008 CC332G
NF A53709 GAM MM12 DIN 1714
CuAl10Fe5Ni5 600 250 13 140 ASTM B148 C95800 INOXYDA 53H
EN 1982-2008 CC333G
EN 1982-2008 CC334G INOXYDA 72
CuAl11Fe4Ni4 680 320 5 170
ASTM B148 C95500

September 2017

the metallurgy not being widely covered in

university courses and often overshadowed
by their rival stainless alloys, which are
more highly publicised.
However they are high up in the mechanical
strength ratings of cast alloys that require
a good degree of corrosion resistance.
Although this does not represent the total
picture it is an important factor in design
criteria. (see Figure 1).
There are other alloys that have higher
strength values but the main properties
are only obtained by high temperature
solution heat treatment followed by water
quenching and tempering. For large
castings as illustrated in Figures 2 to 5 it is
not always practical because of distortion
and the possibility of stress cracking where Figure 1.
there are large section changes.
points where they collapse violently on This property is also important in any water
Cavitation/impingement the surface of the component eventually handling system, particularly gate valves,
When liquid flows over a metal surface, causing erosion at the point of contact. and Figure 6 illustrates the resistance of
rapid changes in pressure can arise. Small Nickel Aluminium Bronze has excellent CuAl9Ni3Fe2 and CuAl9Ni5Fe4 compared
water vapour bubbles are formed from resistance to this phenomenon and as such with other alloy systems, however is
the turbulence at low pressure points is still the predominant alloy for propellers recommended for flow rates less than
and these can migrate to high pressure in the shipbuilding industry. 4.3m/sec.

Figure 2: Valve body 2000mm dia 6000kgs. (Courtesy Inoxyda SA) Figure 3: Butterfly Valve. (Courtesy Inoxyda SA)

Figure 4: Gate Valve up to 1.1m 2900kgs. (Courtesy Inoxyda SA). Figure 5: Regulator Valve 9000kgs. (Courtesy Inoxyda SA)

September 2017

Cryogenic application
Unlike some steels, aluminium bronze does
not embrittle at low temperatures and
hence is ideal for cryogenic applications
down to -190°C. (Figure 7). With
decreasing temperature there is a gradual
increase in proof and tensile strength and a
small fall in ductility and impact toughness.

Biofouling is a major problem in sea water
handling systems, particularly at elevated
temperatures with warm climates or in
cooling systems with warm waste water
discharge. Examples of fouling include
the growth of crustaceans, sea weeds
and other marine organisms (Figure 9).
The slow dissolution of copper ions in
high copper alloys inhibits the growth and
mass population of these, which gives the
material a considerable resistance to organic
fouling. The mechanical maintenance and
chlorinated cleaning process of fouling in
sea water handling systems can also prove
to be expensive. These can also have an
impact on corrosion resistance of other
alloys within the system.
The adherence of crustaceans on nickel
alloys and stainless steels can have
a massive impact on their corrosion
resistance due to crevice corrosion caused
by differential aeration associated with Figure 6.

Figure 7: CuAl9Mn1.5 alloy INOXYDA 3 Cryo. (Courtesy Inoxyda SA)

September 2017

Alloy Magnetic Permeability

Designation µ
CuAl11Fe6Ni6 1.75

CuAl10Fe5Ni5 1.5
CuAl9Ni3Fe2 1.1
CuAl9Mn1.5 1.01

Figure 8: The aluminium bronzes can be

manufactured to give low magnetic permeability,
according to composition.

these growths. Figure 9 is a photograph of

a corrosion rack that has been immersed in
sea water for 22 months. The rack contains
titanium, nickel alloys and stainless Figure 9. (Courtesy Copper Alloys Ltd UK & Copper Alliance UK (CDA))
steels all of which are heavily infested
with marine growths. The copper alloys pouring temperatures can be altered particularly in sea water applications,
including sample (1) CuAl9Ni5Fe5, (25) and the program re-run until the casting details of which can be found in EN ISO
CuAl9Ni5Fe4Mn and (26) CuAl10Ni5Fe4 appears sound. 24373:2009.
are all free from marine organisms.
Machining and repair Summary
Modern advancement in Machining of Nickel Aluminium Bronze Due to its interesting properties, Nickel
casting design is relatively easy using modern tipped or Aluminium Bronze is a solution for valve
During the last two decades there have coated tooling and CNC equipment. It is applications which needs to be seriously
been significant advancements in casting considered easier to machine than stainless considered compared to major stainless
pattern design through the use of steels and nickel alloys. alloys.
computer casting simulation, see Figure 10. Nickel Aluminium Bronze can be repaired Unique properties such as low
In the past it was the casting operatives by most qualified welding technicians using magnetic permeability, biofouling,
that decided where to place metal feeding the following techniques to repair castings, non- sparking or performance at
cones, runner channels, heat sinks and damaged components or worn surfaces: cryogenic temperatures open a range of
venting systems. This was based on past 1) Tungsten inert gas (TIG) or gas niche applications.
experience and with any new component tungsten arc (GTAW) More technical data is available in the
it was very much guess work and casting 2) Metal inert gas welding (MIG) or gas guide to Nickel Aluminium Bronze for
could be produced several times before the metal arc welding (GMAW) engineers, which is published by the
correct configuration was achieved. 3) Manual metal arc (MMA) Copper Development Association.
What was happening inside the casting 4) Electron beam welding
during the pouring operation was 5) Friction welding Ref 1: Guide to Nickel Aluminium
unknown and hence temperature control 6) Laser welding (depending on section) Bronze for Engineers Jan 2016 Copper
was again down to experience. It was not It is important to use matching welding Development Association, author
until the mould was disassembled that it electrodes to minimise corrosion problems Mr. I Richardson
was ascertained whether the metal had
run into every cavity so metal was normally
poured at higher temperatures than
About the authors
Ivan Richardson is a Metallurgical Consultant at Metal
necessary, leading to gas pick up, oxide
Solutions UK in the United Kingdom. Mr. Richardson, CEng., DMS
inclusions and shrinkage problems.
holds a BSc (Hons) in Metallurgy. He has 50 years’ experience
Computer simulation now takes away all
as a metallurgical consultant, mostly with copper based alloys,
the guess work and mould design and
which led him to publish the “Guide to Aluminium Bronze for
Engineers”. This can be downloaded from http://www.inoxyda.

Olivier Gouriou works as Sales Manager at Inoxyda. He is an

ENIT graduate engineer with 25 years’ experience in technical
sales for engineered products.
Inoxyda is focused on providing alumium bronze casting
solutions (as cast or fully machined) for valve, pump and marine
applications. Castings up to 50 Tons can be made, and the
company holds many quality certifications.
Figure 10. (Courtesy Inoxyda SA )

September 2017

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