Design and Control of Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot Using Arduino
Design and Control of Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot Using Arduino
Design and Control of Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot Using Arduino
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Abstract—This paper discusses the design, construction, and designed to reach a specific target and to do so; they must
control of a two-wheel study level, small self-balancing robot. maintain a certain angle which is like a self-balancing
Two-wheel robots are compact and require less number of robot [3].
motors and other equipment in comparison to conventional
four-wheel robots. Consequently, they offer a complex control 3. Hoverboard: Hoverboards are almost the same as
system problem of balancing on two-wheel. The system Segway, but they don't have a handle and have small
architecture comprises of Arduino Nano microcontroller board, wheels. They are getting quite popular in recent years [4].
DC stepper motor, gyroscope, and accelerometer sensor. PID
controller controls it through the program written in Arduino
4. Toys: Many semi-autonomous toys are available in the
IDE. A detailed description of constituting materials in making market, which can react to gestures, voice commands,
the robot has been provided. Flow chart and closed loop control remote controller and even smartphone. These have many
diagrams have been given for understanding the controlling of inbuilt playing modes which are safe and exciting to play
the robot. A step-by-step process of connecting the hardware [5].
components has been listed, and finally, hardware assembly is This paper provides the design, construction, and control
shown. of a study-level, two-wheeled, small self-balancing robot.
Keywords—MPU-6050, stepper motor, PID controller,
Many papers have provided the design and procedure to make
Arduino Nano, self-balancing robot the self-balancing robot. Some of them used MATLAB for
simulation [6, 7]; some used fuzzy algorithm for controlling it
I. INTRODUCTION [8, 9]; some used complex mathematical modelling approach
[10]; and some used control system concepts for controlling
In today's world, we get to see Segway or Hoverboard in
the robot [11-13]. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the
movies, TV shows, YouTube videos and in similar video
proposed self-balancing robot. Here Arduino Nano
platforms. These devices work on the same principle that of a
microcontroller board with MPU-6050 (gyroscope +
self-balancing robot. A self-balancing robot is a robot,
accelerometer), stepper motors, and proportional-integral-
balances itself on two wheels, by constantly correcting its
derivative (PID) controller has been used to make the self-
balancing robot.
In the '80s, a Japanese Professor, Kazuo Yamafuji, built
The things which make this work unique than the existing
the first model to simulate the behaviour of an inverted
literature are the detailed description of components and step
pendulum [1]. Since then, many different prototypes have
by step explanation of connections. A detailed description of
been built by many researchers. The widespread accessibility
components with the technical specification has been
of economical electronic components has made it a fascinating
provided which help any other interested person in making the
project for makers and students.
robot. Similarly, working and construction are given in a step
A self-balancing robot is an inverted pendulum. In the case by step manner for easy understanding.
of an ordinary pendulum, it just swings around a point (centre)
The paper arrangement is as follows: after the introduction
as it has a centre of gravity (COG) below the centre point
section, the paper provides detailed descriptions of the
which is the centre of the circle. When it comes to a self-
components in section II. Sections III discusses the robot's
balancing robot, it has COG above the centre point, which
makes it unstable. By balancing this unstable inverted
pendulum, a self-balancing robot is made. By minimising the
amplitude of this inverted pendulum, a very stable self-
balancing robot can be made which can stand still.
Inverted pendulum based devices can be used in many
applications, such as automated transportation. Following are
the applications of a self-balancing robot:
1. Segway: Segway is a two-wheeled, personalised and
simple self-balancing robot. It can handle the weight of
single person suitably and used for short distance outdoor
transportation, indoor transportation, in tourism, and
medical purposes [2].
2. Rockets and missiles: Rocket and missiles are also lifted
on the principle of an inverted pendulum. They are Fig. 1. Block diagram of the self-balancing robot.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
Specifications Value
Step Angle 1.8 deg. (full step) Resolution MS1 MS2 MS3
Full Step 0 0 0
Current 4 A (max)
Half Step 1 0 0
Resistance 2.4 ȳ
Quarter step 0 1 0
Inductance 6.5 mH
Eight step 1 1 0
Holding Torque 4.2 kg-cm
Sixteenth step 1 1 1
Fig. 5. Pin Voltage 2-18 V, 12 V (with driver)
arrangement of MPU-6050.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
unit (Kd)
(gyro + accelerometer)
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
Stepper motors
USB cable
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
Step 6. Connect first motor driver ܴܫܦto Arduino ʹܦ, its would make the learning process more exciting and mainly a
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Step 7. Connect second motor driver ܱܷܶʹܣ, ܱܷܶʹܤ,
ܱܷܶͳܣ, and ܱܷܶͳ ܤto second stepper motor ܦ, ܤ,
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There are many possibilities to extend this work. In place
of a breadboard, a printed PCB can be used, which would
make it look more aesthetic. By adding more sensor and
features, this bot can be used in many places and can be a
great learning tool. For instance, standard line following
robot, obstacle avoiding robot, and maze solving robot can be
made using this self-balancing robot. These applications
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