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Design and Testing of an Intelligent Grass Cutter Mobile Robot

Conference Paper · January 2006

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4 authors, including:

Abdulgani Albagul Othman Omran Khalifa

College of Electronic Technology-Bani Walid, Libya International Islamic University Malaysia


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Design and Testing of an Intelligent Grass Cutter Mobile Robot

Mohd Zamzuri Ab Rashid, A. Albagul Wahyudi, O. O. Khalifa

Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering

International Islamic University Malaysia International Islamic University Malaysia
Jalan Gombak, 53100, KL, Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100, KL, Malaysia
[email protected] [email protected]

by introducing grass cutter mobile robot. For instance, Friendly

ABSTRACT Robotics introduced their robot called Robomow, Husqvarna
developed Automatic Mower, and French manufacturer’s SN Eno
The basic principle behind this paper is to develop and prototype came out with Atawa A34 and lastly, Weed Eater by Weed Eater
an Intelligent Grass Cutter Mobile Robot (IGCMR). The main Corporation. This paper is to define or in other words, to convert
target is to build a model of the robot which equipped with motion the ideal part of the robotics to the reality and can be touched by
planning and navigation systems. Basically, this work aims to human being. This work is to realize human dreams of cutting
replace tiring, bored and wasting time cutting grass by grass without running and turning around with their hand hold the
implementing an automatic system that can perform this task. This handle of grass cutter. The aim is to ensure that the robot not only
project will lead to the development and prototyping the mobile can move and cut the grass around the field but also can mulch
robot by integrating electrical and mechanical systems. with certain height required by the user. Besides, this machine
Prototyping and fabrication of the robot involves many stages and also is required to help us or lease us especially disabled human
parts, for instance the fabrication of shaft, base leveling being from the terrible task; “cutting the grass”. The robot is
mechanism and etc. Furthermore, software development and designed with certain characteristics, such as suitable navigation
programming are required to control the robot motion in accurate system, sensor, varying blade height mechanism and many more.
manner. The programmable logic controller (PLC) is used as the The system then will be integrated on the mechanical system
main brain of this robot. The electrical implementation of the before it can be tested and run.
robot involves testing the sensors, motors and switches that will be
integrated with the PLC and hardware mechanism. The final stage 2. SYSTEM DESIGN
of this robot development involves testing the mechanism that has
been integrated and assembled together and then testing the robot The system is divided into two parts; electrical and mechanical
in a real field. . systems. Electrical system deals with the designing and
implementation of the control strategy, programming and
1. INTRODUCTION simulation through the software available. While the mechanical
design deals with the design of the base or platform of the robot.
Nowadays, robots are widely used in many applications. Many
robot designers are attempting to create machines that mimic 2.1 Mechanical design
humans or at least can do human works. Though we are still This robot uses the differential steering with front wheel drive to
nowhere near to the point where the robots are walking around the ensure easy turning. Its base is built by Perspex, chassis with
house retrieving drinks from the refrigerator, but we are closer hollow aluminum block, aluminum shaft. Two motors are used to
than ever before. Ideally, all intelligent robots move dexterously, drive the wheels, and one motor is used to level the height of the
smoothly, precisely, using multiple degrees of coordinated motion blade and another motor for blade rotation. The front wheels of
and do something like a human. They have sensors to adapt to the the robot are made of plastic and castor wheel as follower. The
environmental changes, learn from the environment or from height level is maintained by rotating the lead screw attached to
humans, mimic human responses and perform automatically, the motor which is located at the top platform of the robot. There
tirelessly, and accurately. Mobile robots are finding their way into are two lead screws to hold the moving platform that holds the
our daily life, they are used to explore other planets as well as do blade motor. The rotation of these lead screws is synchronized by
some housework while human can do other things. In 2001, Gecko using the belt and pulley transmission which then attached to the
Systems Inc. has introduced the CareBot PCR which was designed motor. The blade of is made of either plastic, wire tight or steel
purposely to help elder people, the disabled and monitor children. which are available in hardware shops. The isometric view of the
Also, in the same year, Sony has released Aibo robot dog. This robot is shown in figure 1. The prototype and plan of the robot are
robot can move around and behaves as pet. As time passes, lots of shown in figure 2. The lead screws which are used to level the
researches have been done and many more intelligent robots are height of the platform are held by bearing inside aluminum block.
created. For the past years, people are trying to reduce their time The bearings are inserted inside the aluminum block by drilling
doing things that may be considered tiring, bored and having more the hole inside the block. The robot is divided into a few parts;
fun with their family during their leisure time. One of the most front, center and back. The front part of the robot is used to locate
tiring activities is holding and trailing the lawn mover or grass the sensors and driving motors. The center is used to locate the
cutter either along house or field. Due to this problem, few height leveling platform consists of motors, belt and pulley
manufacturers have tried to play role in reducing the difficulties transmission and blade while the end of the robot is used to hold


the controller box. There are some components inside the aluminum block. In order to increase the height of the platform
controller box such main switch, blade switch, blade height switch, which hold the motor to rotate the blade, the lead screw movement
joystick controller, controller and battery. is calculated. The axial movement of the lead screw is calculated
using equation 1.

(b) General view of the real robot

Figure 2. Isometric view of prototype
(a) General view of the robot
U = l * θ * (1/360) (1)
U = axial displacement [in]
l = ball screw lead [in/rev]
θ = rotation angle [degrees]
(1/360) = converts revolutions to degrees [revolutions/ degrees].

2.3. Electronic design

The electronic design of the robot consists of integration of the
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), sensors, relays circuit and
joystick controller which is built by toggle switch.

Programmable Logic Controller

The movement of the wheel, blade rotation, sensors detection,
switching, height leveling mechanism and others movement are
controlled by Keyence PLC KV24DR relay type. The PLC needs
a few components to make it functions; ladder software and RJ
(b) Side view of robot
modular connector. The PLC program firstly is written inside of
Figure 1. Isometric view
software called ladder software inside the Personal Computer and
transferred the program to the PLC using the RJ modular
connector. After the program is transferred, the program remains
inside the PLC and RJ connector can be removed from the
communication port. In addition, the program can be changed at
the PLC after it is transferred because the PLC has the access
window. The advantage of using this PLC type is due to its ports
availability. There are 24 I/O ports that available at the PLC which
consists of 16 input ports and 8 output ports. Its operation mode
can be done in 2 ways, either 24V or 5V modes. Besides, the input
output module of PLC also can be expanded. Keyence PLC type,
KV series can be expanded up to 4 expansion units. In this project,
the PLC connection is done by using NPN input connection,
where C1 port is connected to 24V or 5V depends on the selector
circuit and C3, C4, C5, C6 are connected to ground. NPN input
means the 000 to 015 receive negative voltage to activate the
(a) Side view of the Robot
internal circuit. Input port 000 is used as mode select either
manual or auto operation which will be explained later. 001 for
2.2. Height leveling mechanism
manual forward, 002 for blade ON/OFF,003 for manual turn right,
Height leveling mechanism is done by rotating the lead screw
004 for manual turn left, 005 to 008 for limit switch or obstacles
attached to the platform, driven by motor which is synchronized
avoidance emergency switch, 009 to 011 as sensors input ports,
by belt and pulley transmission located at the top and hold by the


012 is used to select up operation and 013 as select down PLC and the program specified will instruct the output so that the
operation. Select up means the platform will move up while select one wheel will be locked and the other wheel rotates. The purpose
down means platform moves down to level the blade height. Port is to make the robot turns 180 degree. The operation will continue
014 is used as the maximum height of the moving platform. Port within the time frame specified to allow the robot moves. The
015 is used as minimum height of the moving platform. Maximum flow of the control is simplified in the flowchart of the robotic
and minimum height of the robot is triggered by the limit switches control.
which operate if the platform hits them. For the output port, port
500 is used to trigger the outer relay to operates the right motor in 4. EXPERIMENTS
forward direction while 501 for left motor. 502 and 503 for
reverse direction. Port 504 is used to increase leveling mechanism There are two types of experiments which have been conducted to
or moving platform and port 505 for decreasing it. Lastly, port 506 see the movement and evaluate the performance of the robot. The
is used as blade switch. Blade switch means the output port is used first experiment is curried our using the manual control to see how
to trigger the outer relay to ON/OFF the blade motor. the robot respond to the controller design. It involves forward,
turn left and turn right movement. In auto control, the end of
3. PROGRAM FLOW AND ROBOT MOVEMENT boundary is located at 6 x 6 m. The first method is to release the
robot to move in straight line and the second method is to test the
Movement mode of the robot is divided into manual and automatic obstacle avoidance. Moreover, the specialties of the robot is when
operation. When the user decides to use manual operation, he will the blade switch is ON, the blade is not rotating until the robot
use the remote control build by the toggle switch. The manual moves forward. The robot moves until the end of boundary. Once
mode consists of three movements: forward move, turn right and the center sensor detects the end of boundary, it will give input to
turn left. The reverse mode is not employed because of the safety the PLC and robot then turns left. The PLC then increases the
to the user. As the robot move quite fast, the user may be counter 1 and holds it until the other end of boundary detected. If
unintentionally pressed the reverse mode and as a result, he will be the other end of boundary is detected, the PLC makes comparison
hit by the robot. So, after testing is done, it is found that the whether to turn left or right. As long as it has held 1 in memory, it
reverse mode is not suitable to be implemented. For turn right, the will turn right. Then, the counter memory is deleted and
left button is pressed to have only one wheel rotates which is the continuous movement is done. The user then can set the time
left wheel and the other wheel hold. As a result, the robot turns frame to ensure the cutting area of the grass is covered. When the
right depends on the how much taken to press the button. On the robot encounters the end of boundary, the robot will turn 180
other hand, to turn left, the right button is pressed and right wheel degrees and the robot moves with full speed after changing
will rotate while left wheel hold. If the left and right buttons are direction.
pressed at the same time, the robot will move forward.
Furthermore, the moving mechanism can be leveled up and down
accordingly depends on the setting requirement of the user. But
for this project, the level is adjusted to change of only 3cm. In
other words, the blade height is only available from 5cm and 8cm
from the ground. The switch selector is provided to select the
height of the cutting mechanism. For position 1, it is to increase
the leveling mechanism by making the motor attached to the lead
screw to rotate clockwise. The leveling mechanism will rise as the
lead screw rotates about the nut. The maximum point of the
leveling mechanism is indicated by the limit switch which
switches off switch at position 1. Meaning, as the leveling
mechanism moves up, the height of the grass that will be existed
after cutting is 8cm. Vise versa, if the switch is turned to be in
position 2, the leveling mechanism will move down. Similarly as
before, there is a limit switch to indicate the lowest position that
can be reached by the leveling mechanism. For the blade rotation,
a switch is provided to start the cutting operation. The purpose of
having this switch is for the user to use the manual operation to
move the robot anywhere without cutting the grass so he or she
can save energy especially when the blade is not rotating. Also, he
can avoid the blade from accidentally hits other object while
manually maneuverable. The blade also only can rotate if both of
the wheels rotate once its switch is triggered. Furthermore, if the
automatic mode is selected, the motor will rotate the wheel
forward. As soon as the obstacles detected, either right or left, the
robot will turn left or right. Then, it will go straight within the
timing specified by the PLC. After that, the robot will turn back
and go straight along the path. Refer to the diagram for robot
obstacles avoidance. The robot will move forward until it reaches
the end of boundary which is specified by the reflector made of Figure6. Flowchart
wood. The upper sensor that is triggered will give pulse to the


Figure 5. Obstacle avoidance


The design and prototyping of the Intelligent Grass Cutter mobile

Figure 2. Flowchart robot have been successfully achieved. The design involves
hardware, electronic and software design. The robot can move
according to the required task and avoid any obstacle. The grass
cutting process starts once the robot start moving and the blade
can be adjusted according to the requirement of the user. The
robot can be used in two modes; manual and auto mode which
shows that this robot has many functions. For the obstacles
avoidance, when the robot detects obstacles it will reverse. The
robot change direction and avoid obstacles and the robot moves
forward with full throttle. Another important aspect of the design
of the robot is that it is low cost. This is an advantage if the robot
is going to be mass produced commercially. This robot is easily
upgradeable so that it can be developed to be more sophisticated
and beneficial. Finally, the inventing of this mobile robot will be
an initiative for more beneficial innovations to be developed in the

Figure 3. Robot path planning
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