Kuroiwa1997 Cone Convexity
Kuroiwa1997 Cone Convexity
Kuroiwa1997 Cone Convexity
1487-1496, 1997
Proc. 2nd World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts
Pergamon © 1997Elsevier ScienceLtd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0362-546X/97 $17.00 + 0.00
PII: S0362-546X(97)00213-7
K e y words and phrases: Set-valued analysis, convexity of set-valued maps, cone-convexity, cone-
convexlikeness, quasi cone-convexity, properly quasi cone-convexity, and naturally quasi cone-
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
How is the concept of convexity of set-valued map defined? This paper is concerned with
such convexity, and some kinds of relationship between two sets with respect to a convex
cone. If y is a vector-valued function from a vector space into another (ordered) vector space,
we consider several notions based on vector-ordering for two vectors. It is natural and quite
popular ill vector optimization theory as well as applied mathematics; e.g., [9, 12, 13, 14].
On the other hand, the case of set-valued map is not so simple, because we should consider
relationship between two image sets. Up to now, some generalizations for convexity of vector-
valued function into set-valued version are proposed to extend optimal conditions in the area
of optimization theory; [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16]. Such generalizations are natural and useful
for optimization problems, but there is no detail report about unified theory for convexity of
set-valued map except few fiterature; [6, 7]. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to give a unified
report on such convexity, that is, we define five kinds of cone convexity for set-valued maps
as generalizations of some convexities for vector-valued maps, and we investigate relationship
among such cone convexities.
The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we consider eight kinds of re-
lationships (in fact, six different relationships) between two sets in an ordered vector space
with respect to a convex cone, which are regarded as modifications of the order relation on
an ordered space. For the convenience of notation, we propose useful symbols to define such
set-relations. Based on each of the six relationships, we define, in Section 3, five categories
of cone convexity for set-valued maps as generalizations of some convexities for vector-valued
maps; convexity, convexlikeness, quaziconvexity, properly quasiconvexity and naturally quasi-
convexity for set-valued maps. We discuss them ill the corresponding subsections. It is simple
to define convexities, convexlikenesses and quasiconvexities of set-valued maps, however, the
1This paper is based on the first author's doctor thesis.
2This work was based on research 08740129 supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. This research has been partially supported by T h e
Telecommunications Advancement Foundation.
1488 Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts
concepts of the others, t h a t is, properly quasiconvexities and naturally quasiconvexities for
set-valued m a p s are more complicated. Because convexity, convexlikeness, and quasiconvexity
for vector-valued maps are represented by conditions between two vectors, however, prop-
erly quasiconvexity and naturally quasiconvexity are defined by conditions between a vector
and a subset. Moreover, we investigate some relations among those kinds of cone convexity
for set-valued maps. Especially, we show that, among some kinds of cone convexity for set-
valued maps, there are similar relations to those among the corresponding cone convexities
for vector-valued maps.
Throughout the paper, let Z be an ordered topological vector space (ordered t.v.s., for short)
with the vector ordering _~c induced by a convex cone C: for x, y E Z,
x -<c Y if y - x E C. (2.1)
The convex cone C is assumed not to be pointed but to be solid, that is, its topological interior
i n t C is nonempty; hence, C O := (int C) U {0} is a pointed convex cone and induces another
antisymmetric vector ordering -<¢0 weaker than -<c in Z. Also, F is said to be a set-valued
m a p from X into Z if F is a m a p from X into 2 z, which is the power set of Z, and also we
write F : X ~ Z. Moreover, for a set-valued m a p F : X ~ Z we use the following symbols:
The first relation means the vector b dominates the whole set A from above with respect to
the vector ordering <c. The second relation means the vector b is dominated from below by
an element of the set A. If the set A is singleton, they are coincident with each other. These
relationships are denoted by b C A ~ C and b E AYC, respectively, where
Aff~C:= A a + C and A~C:= U a+C. (2.3)
It is easy to see that A ~ C C At~C and BLTC C BUC, and also that A ~ B = A + B and
A Y B = A - B.
Secondly, we consider the relationship between two nonempty sets in Z, which is strongly
concerned with intersection and inclusion in set theory. Given nonempty sets A , B C Z,
exactly one of following conditions holds: (i) A A B = 0; (ii) A M B # O. The latter case
includes its special cases A C B and A D B.
By using above two ideas, we classify the relationship between two nonempty sets A, B E Z
in the sense that A is (partially) dominated from above by B or A (partially) dominates B
from below:
(i) A C BAC; (v) Ag~C D B;
• AM(BAC)#ObyA<(~) B; • AcBUCbyA_<~)B;
In this paper, (cone) convexity of function is generalized in the following two ways: One is
based on prescriptions of relationship between two sets F (Axl + (1 - A)x2) and h E (Xl) + (1 -
A)F (x2); the other is based on prescriptions by epigraph of F, image set of F, and lower level
set of F. Epigraph convexity, Image-set convexity, and lower level-set convexity are concerned
with convexity, convexlikeness, and quasiconvexity of set-valued map, respectively.
Using the six kinds of relationships between two nonempty sets introduced in Section 2,
we consider some different concepts with respect to six different set-relations <(C
a)- (k = i, . . . ,
vi) for each convexity of set-valued map as generalizations of those of vector-valued function.
We categorize such generalized convexities into five class, that is, convexity, convexlikeness,
quasiconvexity, properly quasiconvexity, naturally quasiconvexity; and this section consists of
four subsections related to them.
Whenever Z --- R and C -- R+, C-convexity above is the same as the ordinary convexity of a
real-valued function. Based on the six different set-relations _<(~)--(k = i, . . . , vi), we propose
the following generalization of convexity (3.1) to set-valued map.
DEFINITION 3.2. For each k = i, . . . , vi, a set-valued map F : X -,z Z is said to be t y p e (k)
c o n v e x if for every xl, x2 C D o m F and A E (0, 1),
PROPOSITION 3.2. For a set-valued map F : X ~.~ Z, the following relationships hold:
type (i) convex ~ type (ii) convex --~ type (iii) convex
type (iv) convex , type (v) convex --~ type (vi) convex
The set G r a p h ( F ) + ({Ox} × C) is said to be the epigraph of set-valued map F, and then we
have the following result on the epigraph convexity.
PROPOSITION 3.3. A set-valued map F : X ~ Z is type (iii) convex if and only if its epigraph
is convex.
REMARK 3.1. In [6], four notions of convexity of set-valued map are defined, which are in-
cluded in Definition def:convex-1.
Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts 1491
Based on the six different set-relations <(~) (k = i, . . . , vi), we propose the following gener-
alization of convexlikeness (3.4) to set-valued map.
type (iv) conve Uke type (v) ¢onve ike , type (vi) conve ike
T h e set F ( D o m F ) + C is said to be the image set of set-valued map F , and then we have the
following result on the image-set convexity.
PROPOSITION 3.5. A set-valued map F : X ---+ Z is type (iii) convexlike if and only if its
image set is convex.
PROPOSITION 3.6. For a set-valued map F : X -,~ Z and each k = i, . . . , vi, type (k)
convexity implies type (k) convex_likeness.
A vector-valued function f : X --~ Z is said to be quasi C-convex ([13, 14]) if it satisfies one
of the following two equivalent conditions:
• ( L u c ' s q u a s i C - c o n v e x i t y ) for every Xl,X2 • X and A • (0, 1),
/ - 1 = {x • x I • z - c} (3.8)
is convex or empty.
1492 SecondWorldCongressof NonlinearAnalysts
Based on the six different set-relations _<(~) (k = i, . . . , vi), we propose two ways of general-
ization of quasi C-convexities (3.7) and (3.8) to set-valued map.
First, to define Luc's type quasiconvexity of set-valued map we introduce the following
sets. For a set-valued map F : X --+ Z and xl,x2 E D o m F , we denote, respectively, the
dominated set from below by sets F(xl) and F(x2) and the set of points dominating sets
F(xl) and F(x2) simultaneously from above by
Cr( F( xl), F(x2) ) = ( F( xl)~C) Q ( F(x2)t~C) , (3.9)
Cu(F(xl), f(xz) ) = (F(xl)AC) n ( f(x2)~C) . (3.10)
When F is a single-valued map, we can verify that
By using two sets and the six different set-relations <(~) (k = i, . . . , vi), we consider gener-
alization of quasi C-convexity (3.7), but types (iv)-(vi) generalizations are meaningless since
the following conditions (3.12) and (3.13) are trivial in the cases.
DEFINITION 3.4. For each k = i, ii, iii, a set-valued map F : X -,z Z is said to be
F- (z - c ) := • x I f ( x ) n (z - C) # 0} (3.14)
is convex or empty;
• F e r r o t y p e ( + l ) - q u a s i c o n v e x if for every z • Z,
is convex or empty.
These sets are said to be the lower level sets of set-valued map F, and Ferro type (-1)-
quasiconvexity and Ferro type (+l)-quasiconvexity are provided by convexity of their sets,
respectively. By Proposition 2.1. and simple demonstration, we have the following interesting
implications among quasiconvexities above, including the level-set convexity.
Second World Congressof Nonlinear Analysts 1493
PROPOSITION 3.7. For a set-valued map F : X ~-+ Z, the following relationships hold:
type (i)-lower type (i)-upper Ferro type
quasiconvex quasiconvex (+ 1)-quasiconvex
A vector-valued function f : X --~ Z is said to be properly quasi C-convex ([13, 14]) if for
every xl, x2 E X and A e (0, 1),
PROPOSITION 3.8. For a set-valued map F : X --~ Z, the following relationships hold:
type (i) properly quasiconvex type (iv) properly quasiconvex
A vector-valued function f : X --~ Z is said to be naturally quasi C-convex ([13, 14]) if for
every xl, x2 e X and A E (0, 1), there exists # E [0, 1] such that
This condition can be described in another way, f (Axl + (1 - A)x2) E (co {f(xl), f(x2)} - C),
and hence various types of generalization of the naturally quasiconvexity can be considered,
but we concentrate upon a generalization of naturally quasi C-convexity (3.18) to set-valued
1494 Second WorldCongressof Nonlinear Analysts
DEFINITION 3.7. For each k = i, . . . , vi, a set-valued map F : X -.~ Z is said to be t y p e (k)
n a t u r a l l y q u a s i e o n v e x if for every xl,x2 E D o m F and )~ E (0, 1), there exists # E [0, 1]
such that
V (Axl + (1 - A)x2) <(~) # F ( x l ) + (1 - #)F(x2). (3.19)
PROPOSITION 3.9. For a set-vaiued map F : X -,~ Z, the following relationships hold:
Finally, we have the following results on the relationships among the generalized convexi-
ties of set-valued map introduced in the paper.
THEOREM 3.1. For a set-valued map F : X -,z Z, the following statements hold:
(i) For each k = i, . . . , vi, type (k) convexity implies type (k) convexlikeness;
(ii) For each k = i, . . . , vi, type (k) convexity implies type (k) naturally quasiconvexity;
(iii) For each k = i, . . . , vi, type (k) properly quasiconvexity implies type (k) naturally
(iv) Type (iii) naturally quasiconvexity implies type (iii)-lower quasiconvexity;
(v) Type (vi) naturally quasiconvexity implies type (ii)-upper quasiconvexity;
(vi) Assume that C is a closed convex cone and that F is an upper semicontinuous and
convex-valued set-valued map. If F is type (iii) naturally quasiconvex then it is
also type (iii) convexlike.
PROOF. The assertions (i)-(iii) are obvious. The assertions (iv) and (v) can be easily verified
based on the following facts: given sets A and B, we have
CL(A, B) C , A + (1 - , ) B + C (3.20)
for all z E Car(A, B). The proof of the assertion (vi) is contained in [6].
These results are similar to those of vector-valued versions; see [13, 14].
Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts 1495
<l ) A Ir~C ) B
A< C B
AI~ (B[~ C ) ~
A <(ii)n
--C v
A <(iv)R
--C ""
A~.]C) B A~ B~]C
• " " <(v) R