Isogeometric Analysis of Plane-Curved Beams
Isogeometric Analysis of Plane-Curved Beams
Isogeometric Analysis of Plane-Curved Beams
1. Introduction
Finite element models usually do not replicate the exact geometry of a solid de-
fined by a Computer Aided Design (CAD) representation: the finite element mesh is
only an approximation of the exact CAD geometry, so the precision of the finite ele-
ment (FE) analysis can be affected by errors originating from geometric description.
Isogeometric analysis, whose name was coined by Hughes [1], attempts to avoid this
problem, by integrating the geometry model defined by CAD into the FE analysis
in order to solve the underlying problem without any shape approximation.
In the last years, many efforts in the framework of isogeometric analysis have
been done (see e.g. [2] and [3]) and there are interesting results for a wide range of
problems such as vibrations and wave propagations, nearly incompressible solids,
fluids, fluid-structure interaction. The geometric settings, however, mostly concern
2-D and 3-D continuum models or shell-like structures [4].
It appears that, up to the last two years, special structural elements for 1-D
problems based on the isogeometric concept were still lacking, even if the use of
B-spline had been reported, for instance, in [5], [6] and [7]. Recently, however, a
strong interest for such elements has been developing, and several contributions
appeared: see, for instance [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15]. In these papers
both straight and spatial Timoshenko beams have been considered, with particular
emphasis on locking control.
Here, a plane curved Timoshenko beam element based on NURBS interpolation
for both geometry and displacements, which is able to analyze plane arches and
beams, has been developed. In Section 2 we discuss the basic key points of the
mechanical model besides to the guidelines of the NURBS interpolation giving
all the details useful to implement the numerical model. Successively, in Section 3,
various numerical results are presented with the goal to explore the effectiveness and
accuracy of this novel method by comparing its performances with those of finite
elements already available in the technical literature and with analytical solutions.
In particular, some exact solutions, which were not yet available in the literature,
have been computed in order to test the numerical solutions and verify the reference
values used by other authors for comparing their results. Finally, in Section 4, some
concluding remarks and future developments are briefly reported.
ϕ t, u
r, w
x2 N N
form of equilibrium and kinematic compatibility equations and the constitutive law
describing the curved Timoshenko plane beam problem in the local reference system
N − + qt = 0, T + + qr = 0, M − T + m = 0, (1)
w u
ε = u − , γ = w + + ϕ, χ = ϕ , (2)
N = EAε, T = GAT γ, M = EIχ. (3)
Here, N , T and M denote the generalized stresses (axial and shear force and bending
moment, see Figure 1 for the definition of positive quantities) and qt , qr and m the
generalized external forces per unit length (tangent and radial forces and distributed
couple moments). In the local reference system u and w are the displacements of
the axis line and ϕ the section rotation while ε, γ and χ denote the generalized
strains (axial, shear and curvature bending). Finally, symbols E, G, A, AT and I
indicate, respectively, the Young’s modulus, the shear modulus, the cross-section
area, the shear reduced cross-section and the area moment of inertia. The curved
in terms of B-splines bases {Bi,p (ξ)} defined by the Cox-De Boor recursive formula:
1 if ξi ≤ ξ < ξi+1
Bi,0 (ξ) = , (7)
0 otherwise
ξ − ξi ξi+p+1 − ξ
Bi,p (ξ) = Bi,p−1 (ξ) + Bi+1,p−1 (ξ). (8)
ξi+p − ξi ξi+p+1 − ξi+1
The so-called knot vector Ξ defines a partition of the parameter space [0; 1] simi-
lar to the classic finite element subdivision. Non-uniform knot vectors and repeated
knots are the key ingredients of NURBS flexibility and produce refined geometric
descriptions. Weights gi related to i-th control point enlarge the capabilities of the
B-splines interpolation allowing also an exact representation of conic sections.
Among all the properties of NURBS interpolation the most interesting is the
high-degree of continuity. More precisely, each p-th order function is of class C p−1 ,
i.e. it is continuous with its derivatives up to the (p − 1)-th order, and in particular
it is smooth across the boundaries. However, if necessary, continuity degree can
also be lowered by using repeated knots.
The main idea of the isogeometric approach is to exactly describe the geometry
of the problem by NURBS interpolation and to use the same interpolating basis to
represent the generalized displacements:
u(ξ) ≈ Ri,p (ξ)ui , w(ξ) ≈ Ri,p (ξ)wi , ϕ(ξ) ≈ Ri,p (ξ)ϕi , (9)
i=1 i=1 i=1
3. Numerical results
In this section we present a series of numerical tests devoted to explore the
performances of the proposed isogeometric finite element family. Their results are
compared with analytical solution, classical Lagrangian compatible elements, and
some special (i.e. mixed or hybrid) finite elements reported in technical literature.
Comparison with reference solutions is particularly devoted to:
• asses the convergence rate of the proposed element also by comparison with
classical elements such as those belonging to the Lagrangian family;
• test the influence of locking phenomena (if any);
• check these results against those produced by special elements particularly
effective for curved beams;
• explore influence of the Gauss point number on the numerical results;
• make a critical analysis of the results produced by the NURBS element
family devoted to select the most effective order.
All the numerical tests are built by using an ad hoc developed code which is
essentially based on NURBS algorithms reported in [16] and coded in a NURBS
library and on the GeoPDEs library of [17].
3.1. Tests devoted to calibrate the numerical model. Following the guide-
lines developed in [3] and bearing in mind the observation reported in [15], we
consider the simple numerical tests reported in Figure 2. For both tests a reference
solution is easy to evaluate. Furthermore, the first is a pure bending problem and
the second a pure extensional problem. So they can use to highlight possible locking
First, we consider the cantilever circular arch sketched in Figure 2(a). For this
case, where the only generalized stress different from zero is the bending moment,
the reference solution can be easily computed. In particular the free end vertical
displacement is:
W R2
f= , (14)
where symbols which are not shown in Figure 2 are the Young’s modulus, E, and
the area moment of inertia of the cross-section, I.
Table 1 reports the free end vertical displacement by keeping fixed the number
of elements, ne = 8, and varying both the NURBS order p and the Gauss points
number ng in the range p, . . . , 4p. Reference value is obtained for a rectangular
cross-section with thickness b=0.2 m, depth h=0.01 m, and unitary values for W ,
R, E, i.e.: W =1 Nm, R=1 m, E=1 GPa.
These results suggest that a number of Gauss points ng equal to the NURBS
order p is the best choice, since it furnishes accurate results with a low computa-
tional cost. Finally, we noticed that when ng < p, i.e. the number of Gauss points
is less than the NURBS order, some ill-conditioning of the stiffness matrix occurs,
in particular for higher values of p. Therefore, for the sake of conciseness, only
values of ng ≥ p have been shown in Table 1. Moreover, unless otherwise noticed,
the choice ng = p has been adopted for all tests, whose results are shown in the
Table 2 is again referred to the test reported in Figure 2(a) and reports the
numerical solution for the vertical displacement f of the free end; this time it
is either the number of elements, ne , or the NURBS order, p, which is going to
be increased. Besides the accuracy of the results, it is worth noticing that the
computational cost is essentially linked to the number of degrees of freedom (dofs)
of the problem. Since ne elements of order p give 3(ne + p) dofs, it is interesting
to compare results having the same computational cost, i.e. by keeping fixed the
p p p+1 2p 4p
2 5.9975 4.7793 4.7806 4.7806
3 5.9996 5.9994 5.9994 5.9994
4 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999
5 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999
value of ne + p. We point out, to this end, that increasing the order p produces
better results than increasing ne .
ne 2 3 4 5
4 5.9565 5.9852 5.9991 5.9999
8 5.9975 5.9996 5.9999 5.9999
16 5.9998 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999
32 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999 5.9999
Keeping in mind the observations reported in [15], we consider for the same test
the vertical displacement f as a function of the R/h ratio and the NURBS order
p, but keeping fixed the number of elements: in this case ne = 8, see Table 3. We
note that the results for low NURBS order p are poor when the R/h ratio increases
and this is a symptom of the occurrence of locking. To better investigate this
phenomenon, the behaviour of 2nd- and 3rd-order NURBS for the case R/h = 104
and R/h = 105 has been studied by increasing ne . From Table 4 we deduce that
also in this extreme cases, convergence is recovered by simply increasing ne .
R/h 2 3 4 5
102 0.99958 0.99993 0.99998 0.99998
103 0.98815 0.99660 0.99995 0.99998
104 0.49402 0.86520 0,99702 0.99997
105 0.00968 0.06190 0.98163 0.99912
R/h ne 2 3
16 0.98163 0.99500
104 32 0.99910 0.99985
64 0.99997 0.99998
16 0.37252 0.79427
105 32 0.97168 0.99198
64 0.99902 0.99838
As a second test we choose the ring under internal pressure depicted in Fig-
ure 2(b). In this case, the only non-zero generalized stress component is the axial
force N . Thanks to the polar symmetry it is straightforward to evaluate the refer-
ence solution. In particular, the axial force Nref and the radial displacement wref
are given by:
Nref = qR,
qR2 (15)
wref = .
In Table 5 the radial displacement w and the axial force N are reported versus p
and ne (the number of elements being referred to a quarter of the whole ring). Both
values of w and N are scaled by the reference solution. The results are relative to
the following set of data: q = 1 kN/m, R = 1 m, E = 1 GPa and A = 1 cm2 .
First, also for this test the influence of the number of Gauss points has been
investigated. The results confirm that ng = p is again the best choice, even though
they are not reported here for space-saving reasons. Successively, the accuracy
of the results has been checked by computing N and w (properly scaled by the
reference solutions) as a function of the number of elements, ne , and of the NURBS
order, p.
Again, as in the previous test, the conclusion is that the effect of the so-called
p-refinement (i.e. increasing p) produces better results than the h-refinement (cor-
responding to increasing the number of elements, ne ). Indeed a relatively poor
mesh can provide accurate results as long as p is suitably increased.
We point out that convergence is not uniform: this comes out by the k-refinement
scheme implemented in our code for obtaining the numerical results. This kind of
refinement, which is typical of isogeometric analysis, is different from the h- and
p-refinement schemes of classical finite elements; see [1] and [18] for details.
Remembering the foregoing test and the loss of accuracy for small values of ne
and p, we also control the accuracy when the R/h ratio increases. Table 6 reports
the radial displacement w and the axial force N , both scaled for the respective
reference values, for the 2nd -order NURBS and ne = 4, when the R/h ratio varies
in the range 102 , . . . , 105 . In this case there is no loss of accuracy, even for high
values of R/h.
2 3 4 5
ne w/wref N/Nref w/wref N/Nref w/wref N/Nref w/wref N/Nref
2 0.99816 1.0035 1.0000 1.0000 0.99824 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
4 0.99464 1.0012 0.99981 1.0000 0.99999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
8 0.99601 1.0002 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
16 0.99971 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
32 0.99998 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
102 103 104 105
w/wref 0.99464 0.99429 0.99429 0.99426
N/Nref 1.0012 1.0013 1.0013 1.0013
3.2. Cantilever circular arch under shear load at the free end. As a third
test we consider the cantilever circular arch, see Figure 3, loaded with a vertical unit
force P (in N) acting on the free end. We further assume the values R = 2 m for the
arc radius, E = 80 GPa for the Young’s modulus, ν = 0.2 for the Poisson’s ratio.
Finally, a rectangular cross-section with tickness b = 0.2 m and depth h = 0.01 m
is considered.
Also in this case, reference solution can easily be calculated and written as:
u = −P (c1 (sin ψ + ψ cos ψ) + c2 sin ψ), w = P c1 ψ sin ψ, ϕ = −P c3 sin ψ, (16)
where u, w, and ϕ are the tangential displacement, the radial displacement and the
cross-section rotation, respectively, expressed in terms of the angle ψ = s/R (see
ne 2 3 4 5
1 4.4665 4.7059 4.7120 4.7124
2 3.8229 3,4257 4.6090 4.7080
4 3.8794 4.5343 4.7059 4.7122
8 4.6329 4.7076 4.7124 4.7124
16 4.7108 4.7124 4.7124 4.7124
32 4.7124 4.7124 4.7124 4.7124
Table 8 reports the only non-zero reactions at the clamped end: the vertical
force VA and bending moment MA for various NURBS order p and element num-
ber ne . Naturally, since our NURBS elements are based on a displacement-type
compatible formulation, it is expected that stress quantities exhibit relatively poor
performances; nonetheless good results can be obtained even with few elements by
suitably increasing the NURBS order p.
In order to compare the performances of NURBS to those of classical Lagrangian
interpolation, we report in Table 9 the vertical displacement of the free end f and
the reactions at the clamped end VA and MA for different order p and number
of element ne . We notice the superior computational performances of NURBS
interpolation with reference to the Lagrangian one.
3.3. Incomplete ring under vertical load. This numerical test was chosen since
it allows a comparison with a large number of finite elements reported in technical
literature. According to [19] and later [20], the problem sketched in Figure 4 was
analyzed using these data: load P = 1 lb; radius R = 2.935 in; Young’s modulus
E = 1.05 × 107 psi; Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3; rectangular cross-section with thickness
b = 1.2 in and depth h = 0.125 in.
For this test we have also computed the analytical solution by integrating the
system of six linear first-order ODEs resulting from (1)–(3) and properly enforcing
the boundary conditions (BCs), account taken of symmetry with reference to the
p ne VA [N] MA [Nm]
2 16 4.1624 2.0008
32 1.7861 2.0001
64 1.1960 2.0000
3 8 0.78097 1.9992
16 0.97405 1.9999
32 0.99680 2.0000
64 0.99960 2.0000
4 4 1.1809 1.9945
8 1.0044 2.0000
16 1.0001 2.0000
32 1.0000 2.0000
64 1.0000 2.0000
5 2 1.5499 1.9861
4 1.0041 2.0015
8 0.99903 2.0000
16 0.99997 2.0000
32 1.0000 2.0000
64 1.0000 2.0000
analytical 1 2
vertical axis. The generalized stresses N , T , M are given by (see again Figure 4
for the definition of the angle ψ):
while the tangential and radial displacement and the cross-section rotation are:
u =A1 [c1 (ψ cos ψ + sin ψ) − c2 sin ψ − c3 R(sin ψ − ψ)]+
A2 [c1 ψ sin ψ − c3 R(1 − cos ψ)] + A3 c3 (sin ψ − ψ),
w =A2 [c1 (ψ cos ψ − sin ψ) + c2 sin ψ − c3 R sin ψ]− (20)
A1 [c1 ψ sin ψ − c3 R(1 − cos ψ)] − A3 c3 (1 − cos ψ),
ϕ =A1 c3 (sin ψ − ψ) + A2 c3 (1 − cos ψ) + A3 c3 ψ/R.
In (20) the same compliance coefficients c1 , c2 , c3 defined in (17) are used as a
short-hand notation, while constants A1 , A2 and A3 appearing in (19)–(20) assume
these values:
2P [c1 (α2 /R) − c3 (1 − cos α)] sin α
A1 = − ,
4c1 (α2 /R) − 2c3 (1 − cos 2α) + 2α sin 2α(c1 /R − c2 /R + c3 )
2P [c1 (α/R)(α cos α + sin α) − c2 (α/R) sin α − c3 sin α(sin α − α)]
A2 = , (21)
4c1 (α2 /R) − 2c3 (1 − cos 2α) + 2α sin 2α(c1 /R − c2 /R + c3 )
2P [c1 α(1 − cos α − α sin α) + (c1 − c2 ) sin α(cos α − 1)]
A3 = .
4c1 (α2 /R) − 2c3 (1 − cos 2α) + 2α sin 2α(c1 /R − c2 /R + c3 )
Setting α = 7π/8, for the given data the vertical displacement f of the incomplete
ring middle point results in f = 1.063161841 × 103 when all strain contributions are
taken into account; on the other hand, if shear deformation is discarded f |γ=0 =
1.059622233 × 103, while if both extensional and shear deformation are disregarded
Table 10. Incomplete ring under vertical load: middle point ver-
tical displacement f .
u =A2 [c1 ψ sin ψ − c3 R(1 − cos ψ)] − A3 c3 (ψ − sin ψ)+
A5 sin ψ − qR[sin 2ψ(2/3c1 − 1/6c2 − 1/8c3 R) − ψc3 R/2],
w =A2 [c1 (ψ cos ψ − sin ψ) + c2 sin ψ − c3 R sin ψ] − A3 c3 (1 − cos ψ)+ (23)
A5 cos ψ + qR[c1 − 1/2c2 + 1/2c3 R − cos 2ψ(1/3c1 + 1/6c2 − 1/4c3 R)],
ϕ =A3 ψ/Rc3 − A2 c3 (cos ψ − 1) − qRc3 (ψ/2 + 1/8 sin 2ψ).
As before, in (23) the compliance coefficients c1 , c2 , c3 defined in (17) have been
used for brevity, while constants A2 , A3 and A5 appearing in (22)–(23) assume the
8πq(c1 − c2 ) + 3πqRc3
A2 = ,
6π 2 (c1 /R) − 24c3
qR2 16πqR(c1 − c2 ) + 6πqR2 c3
A3 = − , (24)
2 6π 3 (c1 /R) − 24πc3
2qR(c1 − c2 ) 3qR2 c3
A5 =− − .
3 4
For the given data, the vertical displacement of the arch middle point, evaluated
in exact form with a Computer Algebra System is vC = 1.018188371 mm when
all strain contribution are taken into account; if shear deformation is discarded
vC |γ=0 = 0.982381687 mm, while if both extensional and shear deformation are
disregarded it results vC |γ=0;=0 = 0.817230149 mm. The reactions at point A are
instead: HA = 0.554438 N, VA = 1.000000 N and MA = 0.102966 Nm.
We point out that some results of the analytical solution provided by [20], i.e.
vC = 1.02086 mm, HA = 0.554915 N, MA = 0.103980 Nm differ from the analytical
solution presented above.
A ψ
Table 11 reports the values of the vertical displacement vC of the point C and
the reactions at the clamped end A: the horizontal, HA , and vertical, VA , force
components and bending moment, MA , for different NURBS order p and number
of elements ne (referred to one half of the arch), along with our analytical values. In
the same table, the results obtained by [20] neglecting transverse shear deformation
are reported.
We remark the high accuracy of our results, for both displacements and gener-
alized stresses even if convergence rate for stresses is slower and a large number of
3.5. Three-hinged lancet arch under self weight. The three-hinged pointed
arch reported in Figure 6 is taken into consideration with the following set of data:
E = 1 GPa, ν = 0.2, R = 1 m, b = 0.2 m, h = 0.01 m and q0 = 1 kN/m.
A B π/4
R ψ
As before, the analytical solution has been computed by integrating (1)–(3) and
imposing the relative boundary and symmetry conditions. In particular at the arch
tip, i.e. for α = π/4, the following BCs, which involve the bending moment M ,
the horizontal displacement h, and the vertical component of the internal force V ,
must be met:
M |α = 0; h|α = u|α sin α + w|α cos α = 0; V |α = N |α cos α − T |α sin α = 0.
Since the load is uniformly distributed per unit of arc-length (and not per unit
of projection), it results qt = −q0 cos ψ and qr = q0 sin ψ. Then, the generalized
stresses N , T , M are given by:
N = A1 cos ψ + A2 sin ψ + q0 Rψ cos ψ,
T = A2 cos ψ − A1 sin ψ − q0 Rψ sin ψ, (25)
M = A1 R(cos ψ − 1) + A2 R sin ψ + q0 R (ψ cos ψ − sin ψ),
while displacements and cross-section rotation are:
u = A1 [c1 ψ cos ψ + (c1 − c2 − c3 R) sin ψ + c3 Rψ] + A4 cos ψ+
A2 [c1 ψ sin ψ + c3 R(cos ψ − 1)] + A6 R(cos ψ − 1)+
q0 [c1 R(ψ 2 /2) cos ψ + (c1 − c2 )R(cos ψ + 2ψ sin ψ)/4−
c3 R2 (2 cos ψ + ψ sin ψ)],
w = A1 [−c1 ψ sin ψ + c3 R(1 − cos ψ)] − A4 sin ψ+ (26)
A2 [c1 (ψ cos ψ − sin ψ) + c2 sin ψ − c3 R sin ψ] − A6 R sin ψ+
q0 [(c2 − c1 )R(2ψ cos ψ − sin ψ)/4 − c1 R(ψ 2 /2) sin ψ+
c3 R2 (sin ψ − ψ cos ψ)],
ϕ = A1 c3 (sin ψ − ψ) + A2 c3 (1 − cos ψ) + A6 + q0 c3 R(2 cos ψ + ψ sin ψ).
In (26) the compliance coefficients c1 , c2 , c3 defined in (17) have been used to
simplify notation, while constants A1 , A2 , A4 and A6 appearing in (25)–(26) assume
these values:
A1 = − q0 Rα,
A2 = q0 R(1 − α/ sin α),
A4 = q0 R[2c3 R + (c2 − c1 )/4], (27)
2 2
A6 = − q0 [c1 α / sin α + (c1 − c2 )(1/2 cos α − α/ tan α)−
(c1 + c2 )α/(2 sin α) + c3 R(1 + α2 + α/ tan α − α/ sin α + cos α)].
For the given data, the vertical displacement of the arch middle point, evaluated
in exact form with a Computer Algebra System is vC = 5.47802398 mm when all
strain contribution are taken into account. The reactions at point A are instead:
HA = 110.72073454 N, VA = 785.39816340 N.
Table 12 reports the values of the vertical displacement vC and the reactions at
support A, the horizontal, HA , and the vertical, VA , force components for different
NURBS order p and number of element ne (only one half of the arch was considered
due to the symmetry).
4. Concluding remarks
In this paper, NURBS finite elements for the analysis of plane curved beams
have been investigated. Numerical results show, for this family of finite elements,
good performances. In particular, accuracy and convergence ratio by varying both
the number of elements and the NURBS order have been thoroughly studied. The
Table 12. Three-hinged lancet arch under self weight: tip dis-
placement and reaction forces at the support A.
influence of the number of Gauss points on the results was considered too, and
a simple rule was proposed, which consists of using p Gauss points to integrate
the stiffness matrix corresponding to a p-th order NURBS finite element. Besides
numerical results, some new analytical solutions have been provided in order to
expand those available in the technical literature. This paper has surely given
some useful guidelines about the isogeometric approach for plane curved beams
but there are a few aspects which, in our opinion, deserve further extensions. What
we consider the most interesting ones are listed below:
(1) The first extension descends from observing the generalized stress results
produced by the numerical model. Since they are clearly less accurate than
the corresponding displacements, a possible improvement could be found
in the framework of mixed formulations, like those proposed in [21], or in
special stress recovery techniques (see [22]).
(2) NURBS interpolation is somewhat different from polynomial interpolation,
so that using the same integration rules, (i.e. standard Gauss formulae
which rigorously apply only to polynomials) might not be the best way
to obtain accurate results or the most suitable from the point of view of
computational cost. Different solutions have been proposed, for example,
in [23]. For these reasons, we think that this issue would require additional
(3) Some possible applications of the Timoshenko beam model and non-classical
applications of 1D beam-like model are worth mentioning. Among them
there is the analysis of beams made of composite and functionally graded
materials where proper relations for 1D elastic properties are established
([24]); the extension of the Timoshenko beam model to the thermal prob-
lems for beams within the framework of two temperature model ([25]); the
description of particular phenomena like a line tension of phase interfaces
in 2D structures such as a martensitic film ([26]).
(4) The promising results obtained for plane curved beams suggest an extension
to space-curved beams and also to more complicated two-dimensional struc-
tures such as shells. Moreover, extensions to investigate problems where
both geometric and material nonlinearities can occur ([27]), or to linear and
non-linear structural dynamics ([28], [29]) and buckling ([30], [31]) could be
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