From (Loading Address) To (Delivdery Address) Item Detail UOM Auc Id
From (Loading Address) To (Delivdery Address) Item Detail UOM Auc Id
From (Loading Address) To (Delivdery Address) Item Detail UOM Auc Id
Rates for LOW BED & Semi LOW BED inclusive of RTO & ODC charges. Except for normal trailer, Truck, RTO & OD
submission of original challan
1. Detention Free days is 10 days for Hydraluic Axel including loading & unloading point. There after Rs. 15,000/day/point. For
2. Transport Drawing attached for your ready reference.
3. Main Tank Dimesion for 132 KV Transformer is 4.7x2.7x3.85 Meter.
4. Transporter should depute its representative for co-ordination of vehicles along with proper documents (Insurance, Fitmen
5. All vehicles should report in front of ABB Gate No. 2 with experienced driver and conductor.
6. Transport coordinator, driver, conductor should ensure proper PPE in the plant. i.e. Safety Shoes, Helmet.
7. 04 Nos. Rubber Mat (L - 3 X W - 1 Meter) is required to be placed on axel before placing transformer main unit.
8. Minimum 10 Nos. Lashing Set (Chains, Turn Buckles and D Shackles of 10 SWL) is required for ensuring proper lashing of tra
9. Accessories / Oil Drums vehicles should have sufficient capacity of belts for proper securing of accessories / oil drums.
10. Loading Pattern of Accessories on vehicles will be as per ABB dispatch team only.
11. All the Vehcile should be GPS Enabled. And daily tracking report should be send to KPTL.
N DATE 23RD DEC 2021
3:00 PM – 04:00 PM, Pre Bid : 11: 00 AM -- 01:00 PM
al trailer, Truck, RTO & ODC charges exclusive of RTO & ODC charges .RTO ODC charges shall be paid on
sion of original challan
Required No of
Qty Vehicles/Set Required Vehicle Types Tentative date Transport Remarks
er Rs. 15,000/day/point. For acceries vechile freee deteteion days is 4 days including loading & unloading point. Thereafter Rs. 4000/day/p
cuments (Insurance, Fitment, PUC, License, Identity Proof) and preparing LR.