580 - Nbiotic AV - AGP - 10

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Veterinary Science Volume - 7 | Issue - 2 | February - 2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 3.919 | IC Value : 79.


Efficacy of herbal growth promoters in augmenting the

performance of broilers.

KEYWORDS Herbal growth promoter, digestibility co-efficient, performance parameters.

H.F. Ahmed K. Ravikanth

College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, A.A.U R&D Deptt. Ayurvet, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh
S.Maini A.Borthakur
R&D Deptt. Ayurvet, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh R&D Deptt. Ayurvet, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh
ABSTRACT A total of 240 day old commercial broiler chicks were procured and divided randomly into 4 treatment groups (T0 to T3) of 60
chicks each. Group T0 (n=60) was kept as negative control. Group T1 (n=60) was treated with basal ration supplemented with
AV/AGP/10 @250g/ton (M/S Ayurvet Ltd.). Group T2 (n=60) was treated with basal diet supplemented with Herbiotic @500g/ton. Group T3
(n=60) was treated with basal ration supplemented with Salinomycin @500g/ton. Parameters viz. feed trials and metabolic trials were
evaluated. Results revealed improved body weight and better FCR in group T1. e mean digestibility coefficients for dry organic nutrients
were improved in all supplemented groups. Nitrogen retention % was significantly better in group T1. Carcass characteristics were improved
in the supplemented groups. Duodenal villous height:crypt depth ratio was higher in herbal supplement groups. Mortality rate percentage was
decreased after product supplementation. us, it can be inferred that herbal growth promoters can significantly enhance broiler

Introduction Materials and Methods

Broiler rearing has become one of the most lucrative ventures given A total of 240 day old commercial broiler chicks were procured, wing
the profitability, short time period of rearing and increasing social banded and divided randomly into 4 treatment groups (T0 to T3) of
acceptability. Use of growth promoters has now become routine to 60 chicks each. Group T0 (n=60) was kept as negative control. Group
help attain the genetic potential for the faster growth rate imbibed in T1 (n=60) was supplemented with AV/AGP/10 @ 250g/ton (M/S
the present day broiler chickens. ey help in efficient utilization of Ayurvet Ltd) along with basal ration. Group T2 (n=60) was
dietary nutrients to optimal level for growth, which otherwise is not supplemented with Hebiotic @500g/ ton along with basal ration.
achieved by inherent digestive capacity of the birds. Growth Group T3 (n=60) was supplemented with Salinomycin @500g/ton
promoters are chemical and biological substances which are added along with basal ration. Basal rations (BIS, 1992) were offered ad
to livestock food with the aim to improve the growth of chickens in libitum to experimental chicks under different treatment groups
fattening, improve the utilization of food and in this way realize during starter (1-28 days) and finisher (29-42 days) phases along with
better production and financial results (Peric, 2009). Growth clean drinking water throughout the feeding trial; period of 42 days.
promoters are getting popularity as feed additives due to their Feeding trials viz. Body weight and Feed consumption were
beneficial effect on gut health and immunity, and growth monitored during 42 days of study. Metabolic trial was also carried
performance (Panda et al., 2009). Growth stimulants as feed out. Several parameters viz. growth performance, nutrient
additives are added to poultry diet to enhance growth rate and the utilization, carcass study, intestinal micrometry, incidence of
economic meat production (Bunyan et al., 1997). e animal feed diseases, mortality, economics of the experiment were evaluated
manufacturers are exposed to increasing consumer pressure to during the period of study. All the data obtained were analyzed as per
reduce the use of antibiotic growth promoters as feed additive and the standard statistical procedure (Snedecor and Cochran, 1980).
find alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in poultry diets
(Newman, 1997; Hertrampf, 2001; Humphrey et al., 2002). In Results
Europe, research on plant extracts as alternatives to the use of Body Weight and Body Weight Gain
antibiotics as growth promoters has significantly increased. e mean body weight of broilers in group T0 (control group)
Recently, a number of scientific studies has concentrated on the increased from 42.25 g initially to 2340.72 g (Table 1) at the end of 6th
bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects of various herbs and plant week with a total gain in body weight of 2298.38 g (Table 2). In group
extracts (Dorman and Deans, 2000; Tucker, 2002). It has also been T1 (AV/AGP/10 treated group) the mean body weight increased from
demonstrated that herbs and herbal products have a positive effect 42.08 g initially to 2527.02 g at the end of 6th week (Table 1) with a total
on broiler growth performance (Guo et al., 2000). Plant active gain in body weight of 2484.81g (Table 2). In group T2 (Herbiotic
principles are chemical compounds present in the entire plant or in treated group), the mean body weight increased from 41.83 g initially
specific parts of the plant that confers them therapeutic activity or to 2391.56 g at the end of 6th week with a total gain in body weight of
beneficial effects (Martins et al., 2000). As more and more people 2349.66 g. In group T3 (Salinomycin treated group) the mean body
are beginning to repose their faith in herbal medicine, it is pertinent weight increased from 42.08 g initially to 2439.84 g at the end of 6th
to carry out further research towards that end and back up our week with a total gain in body weight of 2397.71g (Table 1 and Table
assertions with strong scientific finding. ere has been a paradigm 2).
shift in the approach towards herbal medicines and their acceptance
and penetration into various treatment regimes has increased Table 1: Mean initial, weekly and final body weights (gm) of
manifold. It is only obvious that this fervent switch to herbal experimental broilers
medicine is only on account of is high safety margin and convincing
performance. In light of the tearing need for stronger validation of Tr. Initial 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week 6th week
these natural products, the present study has been carried out to
evaluate the supplementation of natural growth promoter as a T0 42.25± 165.24± 390.00±2 776.53±2 1244.60± 1780.44± 2340.72±
replacement of antibiotic growth promoter in improving growth 0.29a 1.13b .74a .72a 3.67 a 11.92a 3.41a
performance, carcass traits and intestinal morphometry in broilers. T1 42.08±0. 176.67±2 410.50±5 805.00±7 1310.51± 1900.09± 2527.02±
08a .96 b .26 b .67a 8.82b 9.96 c 4.08 c


ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Volume - 7 | Issue - 2 | February - 2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 3.919 | IC Value : 79.96

T2 41.83±0. 172.58±3 396.46±0 788.25±1 1271.92± 1810.25± 2391.56± Table 5: Mean digestibility co-efficient of organic nutrients
22a .17ab .71ab 9.15a 14.14ab 20.21ab 35.02ab
Tr. Dry matter Crude protein Ether extract Crude fibre
T3 42.08±0. 169.33±2 397.79±5 771.31±9 1272.83± 1853.42± 2439.84±
T0 65.52±0.37a 67.51±0.28a 81.00±0.51a 24.26±0.26a
17a .32ab .48ab .52a 10.43ab 8.57bc 10.06b
T1 70.37±0.24c 69.48±0.37b
80.98±0.37a 25.08±0.12b
68.77±0.29b b
Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P≤0.05) T2 69.59±0.26 80.94±0.20a 23.89±0.15a
T3 69.59±0.35bc 70.76±0.56c 81.20±0.46a 25.83±0.21c
Table 2: Mean weekly and total gain in body weight (gm) of
experimental broilers Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P≤0.05)
st nd rd th th th
Tr. 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week Total Retention % of Nitrogen , Calcium and Phosphorous
122.99±1 224.76±3 386.53±5 468.07±5 535.83±8 560.29±1 2298.38± e nitrogen retention % was highest in AV/AGP/10 supplemented
.18a .79a .07a .87a .46a 4.36a 7.94a group T1 (62.77%) and the retention % of calcium and Phosphorus
134.58±2 233.83±7 394.50±1 505.51±2 589.58±5 626.93±8 2484.81± varied non significantly in all the groups (Table 6).
.92b .06a 1.70a .62b .43b .16a 8.52c
130.75±3 223.88±3 391.79±1 483.67±1 538.33±9 581.23±3 2349.66± Table 6: Percentage of retention of nitrogen, calcium and
.38ab .88a 9.86a 4.89ab .28a 8.28a 6.24ab phosphorus of experimental broilers
127.25±2 228.46±3 373.52±7 501.52±2 580.59±2 586.42±1 2397.71±
T3 Tr. Nitrogen Calcium Phosphorus
.38ab .44a .56a .51b .75ab .69a 7.36b
T0 59.25±0.76a 51.76±0.50a 50.80±0.30a
Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P≤0.05) T1 62.77±0.96b 51.97±0.27a 50.98±0.28a
T2 61.16±1.04ab 52.07±0.37a 51.10±0.36a
Feed Consumption and Feed Consumption Ratio T3 62.34±0.70b 52.23±0.19a 51.02±0.34a
e total feed consumption of broilers was 4219.91 g in group T0,
4427.28g in group T1, 4228.14 g in T2, and 4319.24 g in T3. e Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P≤0.05)
maximum feed consumption was observed in group T1 (AV/AGP/10
treated group) followed by T3 (Salinomycin treated group) and T2 Carcass Characteristics
(Herbiotic treated group) ( Table 3). However, the FCR was also e live weight carcass weight, dressing % and abdominal fat % were
significantly better in the supplemented groups as compared to the highest in group T1 (AV/ AGP/10 treated group) at 2.55 kg, 1.88 kg,
control (Table 4). 73.73% and 2.18% respectively. e intestinal pH was highest in group
T2 (6.8) (Herbiotic treated group). e colour of meat was light pink
Table 3: Mean weekly and total feed consumption (gm) of in all the groups (Table 7).
experimental broilers
Table 7: Carcass characteristics
Tr. 1 week 2nd week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6th week Total
st rd th th

T0 146.35±1 305.69±5 614.48±4 842.48±4 1044.91± 1266.02± 4219.91± Tr. Live Carcass Dressing Abdomin Intestinal Colour of
.62a .75a .92a .14a 10.50a 3.43a 10.16a weight weight percentag al fat (% pH meat
T1 158.75±0 318.04±5 607.47±4 879.60±4 1096.60± 1366.69± 4427.28± (Kg) (Kg) e of carcass
.88c .58a .13a .76bc 7.51d 3.64c 19.86c weight)
T2 154.25±1 302.32±4 611.13±0 846.49±4 1016.43± 1297.53± 4228.14± T0 2.350±0.03 1.680±0.02 71.49±0.01 2.11±0.01a 6.3±0.12a Light pink
a a a
.75bc .09a .73a .68a 5.64b 4.69b 17.15a
T3 150.08±1 303.82±3 590.08±1 887.79±3 1091.39± 1295.95± 4319.24± T1 2.550±0.02 1.880±0.04 73.73±1.05 2.18±0.10a 6.5±0.00a Light pink
c c a
.78ab .35a 1.69a .97c 6.16d 3.45b 28.90b
T2 2.400±0.02 1.720±0.03 71.69±0.8 a 2.15±0.01a 6.8±0.04a Light pink
ab ab
Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P≤0.05)
T3 2.450±0.03 1.780±0.05 72.65±1.32 2.11±0.03a 6.6±0.06a Light pink
b bc a
Table 4: Mean weekly and total feed conversion ratio of
experimental broilers
Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05)
Tr. 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week 6th week Total
1.19±0.0 1.36±0.0 1.59±0.0 1.80±0.0 1.95±0.0 2.26±0.0 1.84±0.0 Intestinal Micrometry
2a 3a 3a 2a 2a 6a 0a Villous height:crypt depth ratio of duodenum and ileum was higher
1.18±0.0 1.36±0.0 1.54±0.0 1.74±0.0 1.86±0.0 2.18±0.0 1.78±0.0 in herbal supplement groups in comparison to Salinomycin and non
3a 2a 5a 2a 3a 2a 1c supplemented group (Table 8). e GALT (Gut associated limphoid
1.18±0.0 1.35±0.0 1.57±0.0 1.76±0.0 1.89±0.0 2.25±0.1 1.80±0.0 tissue) was found to vary non significantly between the groups.
4a 4a 9a 6a 2a 4a 1bc Mortality rate decreased in the supplemented groups as compared to
T3 1.18±0.0 1.33±0.0 1.58±0.0 1.77±0.0 1.88±0.0 2.21±0.0 1.80±0.0 control group (Table 8).
2a 1a 4a 1a 2a 0a 1bc
Table 8: Intestinal Micrometry
Means with different superscripts differ significantly (P≤0.05) Dietary Treatments
T0 T1 T2 T3
Mean Digestibility Coefficient
e mean digestibility coefficient of organic nutrients have been
listed in Table 5. e mean digestibility coefficient of dry matter and a) Villus height (µm) 753.50 790.21 787.21 781.61
and crude fibre was significantly (P<0.05) higher in group T1 (70.37 b) Villus width (µm) 111.87 152.24 215.76 198.54
and 25.08 respectively) (AV/AGP /10 treated group), mean c) Crypt depth (µm) 94.60 97.03 96.32 96.66
digestibility coefficient of crude protein was higher in group T3 d) Villus height : Crypt depth 7.97 8.14 8.17 8.09
(70.76) (Salinomycin treated group) , the mean digestibility Ileum
coefficient of ether extract varied non significantly. a) Villus height (µm) 353.50 379.27 387.21 361.78
b) Villus width (µm) 108.89 110.49 116.14 106.60
ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Volume - 7 | Issue - 2 | February - 2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 3.919 | IC Value : 79.96

c) Crypt depth (µm) 76.60 80.53 79.53 79.37 4. Humphrey BD, Huang N, Klasing KC:Rice expressing lactoferrin and Iysozyme has
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Miscellaneous cost per bird (Rs.) 20 20 20 20 16. Snedecor, GW and Cochran, WG: Statistical Methods. Seventh Edition. Ames Iowa:
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Av. Live weight per bird (Kg) 2.341 2.527 2.392 2.440
Market price per Kg live weight (Rs.) 100 100 100 100
Av. Total price earning per bird (Rs.) 234.10 252.70 239.20 244.00
Av. Profit per bird (Rs.) 46.62 58.18 51.45 53.15
Av. Profit per Kg live weight (Rs.) 19.91 23.02 21.51 21.78

e increased weight gain also bears resemblance to the earlier
reports of Rahman et al. (2012) who recorded an increase in body
weight after use of growth promoters. e increase may be attributed
to the antimicrobial effect of the herbs viz. Allium sativum, Zingiber
officinale (Karuppiah and Rajaram, 2012) present in AV/AGP/10
which result in inhibition of intestinal bacteria leading to the
reduced bacterial competition with the host for available nutrients
and diminution in the level of toxic bacterial metabolites as a result of
lessened bacterial fermentation resulting in the improvement of
protein and energy digestibility; thereby ameliorate the performance
of bird weight. e increase in digestibility coefficient may be due to
presence of Allium sativum in AV/AGP/10. Similar result resembling
the present study was also reported where the digestibility of total
tract DM, CP and EE digestibility were improved (P < 0.05) by the
addition of the garlic (Allium sativum ) powder compared to that in
the control diet. (Issa and Omar, 2011). e short chain fatty acids
which are by products of bacterial fermentation stimulate the
proliferation of epithelial cells of the bowel (Ichikawa et al., 1999). e
increase in the villous height:crypt depth ratio may be due attributed
to bacterial fermentation which is enhanced by the herbal growth

e results indicate that the growth promoters improve overall
performance in the broilers significantly aid in enhancing the
productivity of broilers. Growth promoters improve the FCR, help to
improve carcass characteristics, improve gut function and reduce

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