Niazi Et Al
Niazi Et Al
Niazi Et Al
DOI: 10.15413/ajar.2017.0131
ISSN: 2315-7739
©2017 Academia Publishing
Research Paper
Sobia Niazi1,2*, Imran Pasha1 , Imran
Mahmood Khan1,2, Nadia Akram1 , Shabbir Chickpea is a significant legume crop due to high protein and dietary fiber
Ahmad1, Muhammad Shoaib1,2, Ali Mohsin1,3 contents. Sorghum and millet are not only nutritionally comparable but these are
and Husnain Raza1,2 also superior to major cereals with respect to energy, protein, vitamins and
minerals. Wheat flour was substituted with chickpea (20, 40 and 60%), millet
Institute of Food Science and
Technology, Faculty of Food, Nutrition and (15, 30 and 45%) and sorghum (15, 30 and 45%). Maximum energy value was
Home Sciences, University of Agriculture, observed in chapattis prepared from flour containing 15% millet flour (651
Faisalabad, 38040, Pakistan. Kcal/100 g). A decreasing trend in sugar contents (glucose, fructose and
2State Key Laboratory of Food Science and
sucrose), hardness and color of composite flour chapattis was observed by
Technology, School of Food Science and
Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, increasing the level of supplementation. Chapattis prepared with 20% chickpea,
Jiangsu, People’s Republic of China. 15% millet and 15% sorghum flour showed maximum acceptability.
3East China University of Science and
Conclusively, the chapattis prepared from composite flour chapatti constitute
Technology, Shanghai, China.
less sugar content as compared to normal wheat flour chapatti; hence, it may
*Corresponding author. E-mail: prove beneficial for hyperglycemic individuals.
[email protected]. Tel: +92 (0) 41
920 11 05; Fax: +92 (0) 41 920 14 39. Keywords: Chickpea, composite flour, chapatti, diabetes.
In this era, therapeutic potential of food is gaining its considered as an important cereal in numerous parts of
revival as consumer’s diet preference is continuously the world (Smith and Frederiksen, 2000). Various studies
changing. It has now been regarded as a cornerstone in the revealed that sorghum has cholesterol-lowering
management of chronic ailments such as obesity, properties, anti-carcinogenic activity and can reduce the
cardiovascular disease and and has opened new pathways risk of heart diseases. Tannins in sorghum significantly
for the processors to develop functional foods. The rapid lower the working of digestive enzymes and decreased the
urbanization, sedentary life style and changes in dietary estimated glycemic indices (EGI). Starchy endosperm of
habits lead towards the present endemic situation of sorghum may be less digestible because of limiting access
diabetes across the world (Bisoi et al., 2012). to the interior portion due to hard peripheral endosperm
Cereals are the prime food globally, thus, it can be a viable (Kil et al., 2009).
strategy to incorporate and modify the staple diet. This Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) ranks 4th in the world
concept incited pragmatic research on supplementing cereals grain production. It contains a plethora of nutrients
flour from other cereals and legumes (Popkin et al., 2001). that is, 60 to 70% carbohydrates, 7 to 11% protein, 1.5 to
In Pakistan, wheat is the staple crop and mostly consumed 5% fat, 2 to 7% crude fiber, vitamins and minerals along
in the form of flat bread known as chapatti. About 80% of with numerous bioactive meioties (Shahidi and
wheat is utilized for preparation of “rotis” or “chapattis” Chandrasekara, 2013). Grains of millet are superior to
(Gujral and Pathak, 2002). major cereals regarding the energy value, protein, vitamins
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) ranks 5th in the world and minerals. They release sugars very slowly and thus
cereals grain production (Audilakshmi et al., 2010). It is an have a low glycemic index (GI) and hence can be used in
imperative staple food in developing countries and therapeutic diet of diabetics (Chethan and Malleshi, 2007).
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Niazi et al. 367
the letters are non-significant from each other and values with no superscript showing non-significant effect. Where: Ti =
80% whole wheat flour + 20% chickpea flour T2 = 60% whole wheat flour + 40% chickpea flour T3 = 40% whole wheat flour
+ 60% chickpea flour T4 = 85% whole wheat flour + 15% millet flour T5 = 70% whole wheat flour + 30% millet flour T6 =
55% whole wheat flour + 45% millet flour T7 = 85% whole wheat flour + 15% sorghum flour T8 = 70% whole wheat flour +
30% sorghum flour T9 = 55% whole wheat flour + 45% sorghum flour.
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a main legume crop mixing the milled grains/flours in different concentrations
cultivated in the temperate and tropical regions. It is (Table 1).
important due to high protein and dietary fiber contents
(Bibi et al., 2007). Composite flour technology denotes the
process of mixing wheat flour with other cereals or Analysis of composite flour
legumes to accomplish better quality of available raw
material and impart nutritional and functional Chemical analysis
characteristics (Shahzadi, 2004). Therefore, composite
flour technology for wheat flour with other cereals and Supplemented flours were analyzed for moisture, ash
legumes has been used effectively to improve nutrition in content, crude fat, crude fiber, crude protein and nitrogen
developing countries. Chapatti prepared from composite free extract and minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc,
flour can be included in the diet for more effective better magnesium and iron) according to methods described in
management of diabetes and also beneficial to keep away AACC (2000).
from further secondary complications. The present study
was designed to develop composite flour chapatti as a
value added product for diabetic patients and to evaluate Water activity
its physicochemical and sensory attributes.
An electronic Hygropalm water activity meter (Rotronic
instrument corporation NY. USA) was used for estimating
MATERIALS AND METHODS the water activity following the procedure as described in
AOAC (2006). The flour sample was placed in the cup and
Procurement of raw material probe inserted into the sample that is connected with
digital display unit. Thereafter, enter key was pressed and
Wheat, sorghum, millet and chickpea were procured from water activity displayed on display unit along with
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad, temperature.
Pakistan. All the required chemicals (Merck, Germany) and
reagents were procured from local market.
Preparation of composite flour chapattis
Sample preparation Chapattis were prepared from composite flours and whole
wheat flour (taken as control) according to the method
All the grains were cleaned to remove dust, stones and described by Rao et al. (1986). First of all, the dough was
straws and milled into flour by using laboratory milling prepared by adding water in 200 g of flour and subsequent
machine. Different composite flours were prepared by mixing for 3 min in the mixer (National Mfg. CO. Lincoln,
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Niazi et al. 368
Nebraska). Thereafter, the dough was allowed to rest for 1 method as described by Gujral and Pathak (2002) with
h at room temperature. After that the dough pieces were some modifications using Texture Analyzer (TA-XT 2 plus,
rounded to shape them into chapattis on a specially Stable Microsystem, Surrey, UK) with a 5 kg load cell.
designed platform so that each chapatti was of uniform
thickness and diameter. Baking of chapattis was carried
out on thermostatically controlled hot plate at 200 to Color measurement
210°C for 1.5 min.
The color values of chapatti prepared from each treatment
was determined with the help of Color Meter (Neohuaus
Analysis of composite flour chapattis Neotec, Germany) according to the method described by
Rocha and Morais (2003). The color of chapattis was
Supplemented flour chapattis were analyzed for their determined by placing the sample under the photocell and
caloric values, sugar content, texture analysis, color and L*, a* and b* values of samples were noted.
sensory attributes.
Figure 1: Proximate composition of composite flour. Values are Mean ± SD for samples analyzed individually in triplicate
ranged from 8.45 to 16.68%. The variation in protein were significantly affected by increasing the
content is due to varying amount of chickpea, sorghum and concentrations of chickpea, sorghum and millet.
millet in the flour. The means for nitrogen free extract Mineral concentration was enhanced by increasing the
(NFE) varied from 61.91 to 75.65% among all the level of all the cereals and legume flour into wheat flour.
composite flours. The results of the present study were The sodium and potassium content of composite flours
well supported by the findings of Shahzadi et al. (2005) ranged from 1.71 to 5.88 mg/100 g and 570 to 976
who reported similar results for proximate composition in mg/100 g, respectively. In the case of magnesium, T6 flour
wheat-chickpea composite flours. Similarly, Beswa (2008) sample acquired highest value (568.92 mg/100 g). The
found that incorporation of millet at 10 and 20% in wheat mean value regarding iron content of different treatments
flour enhanced its crude fiber, crude protein and NFE depicted that it ranged from 2.05 to 12.74 mg/100 g while
content, respectively. The result was in line with the highest zinc content was observed in flour containing 60%
finding of Ragaee et al. (2006). Yousif et al. (2012) chickpea flour (8.40 mg/100 g). The results of the present
observed that by supplementing cereals into wheat flour study were in accordance with the findings of Campos-
increased their proximate composition. From Table 2, it Vega et al. (2010) who reported that zinc content in
could be inferred that mineral contents in composite flours chickpea ranged from 8 to 10 pg/g. Nambiar et al. (2011)
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Niazi et al. 370
Figure 2: Water activity of composite flours. Values are Mean ± SD for samples analyzed individually in triplicate.
Figure 3: Caloric value of composite flours chapattis. Values are Mean ± SD for samples analyzed individually in
observed similar iron content in millet as (8 to 11 mg/100 activity (0.44) in desi chickpea flour.
g). The results of the present study were in agreement
with the findings of Charalampopoulos et al. (2002).
Analysis of composite flour chapattis
The data pertaining to water activity revealed significant When a material is completely oxidized in a bomb
(p<0.05) variation among all the composite flour samples calorimeter the amount of heat released is called the gross
(Figure 2). Maximum value was observed in T9 containing energy of a material and measured in calories. Caloric
45% sorghum flour (0.58) while minimum value was value of all the chapattis revealed significant (p<0.05)
found in T1 having 20% chickpea flour (0.44). The value of variations. The mean values (Figure 3) for caloric value of
water activity decreased as the concentration of other chapattis of different treatments showed that the highest
cereals flour increased. Ghribi et al. (2015) reported water value (651.40 kcal) was found in T4 (85% whole wheat
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Niazi et al. 371
Color value
L a* b*
To 50.58±0.34a 1.72±0.48g 16.84±1.09g
T1 44.08±0.14b-d 2.30±0.49f 19.67±0.53f
T2 44.11±0.28b-d 2.53±0.52e 24.23±0.51de
T3 43.55±0.86c-e 3.74±0.60b 25.92±0.46cd
T4 42.57±0.03de 0.34±0.23h 26.64±0.81c
T5 44.55±1.28b -0.008±0.0009i 27.21±0.48bc
T6 44.34±2.39bc -0.006±0.003i 28.91±0.78ab
T7 44.99±0.57b-d 2.95±0.36d 23.80±1.91e
T8 43.30±0.99c-e 3.43±0.95c 26.69±1.37c
T9 42.03±0.62de 3.66±0.56b 27.80±1.24a-c
Values in columns and rows with different superscript letters were statistically significant (p<
0.05), while values sharing the letters are non-significant from each other and values with no
superscript showing non-significant effect.
flour + 15% millet flour) while minimum energy value was product.
observed in chapattis prepared from flour containing 60%
chickpea flour (442.80 kcal). Belino et al. (2015) also
reported similar results for caloric value in wheat- Color analysis
chickpea composite flour bakery products.
The color values were determined with color meter that
gives three values (L, a* and b*). Table 3 shows the means
Sugar content for (L, a* and b*) in chapattis. Maximum values (50.58) for
L* were observed in T0 containing 100% wheat flour while
Three major sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) in minimum value was found in chapattis prepared from
composite flour chapattis containing chickpea, sorghum flour containing 45% sorghum flour (42.03). Moreover, a*
and millet flour depicted significant (p<0.05) variations. values ranged from- 0.006 to 3.66 among all the composite
The mean values (Table 1) for glucose content of chapattis flour chapattis, while b* value vary from 16.84 to 28.80 in
showed that the highest value (3.48 g/100 g) was found in all composite flour chapattis. The result of the present
T0 and lowest value (0.02 g/100 g) was found in T5, T7 and study is in accordance with the findings of Sharma and
T8. The mean values for fructose content (Table 1) showed Gujral (2014) who reported that color of chapattis
that T6 and T7 had same content (0.02 g/100 g) for increased when prepared from composite flour (wheat
fructose. The highest value (3.18 g/100 g) was found in T3. flour replaced with barley at level of 28, 54 and 84 g/100
Maximum sucrose content (2.84 g/100 g) was found in g).
chapattis prepared from T2 and minimum content (0.03
g/100 g) was observed in chapattis prepared from T8. Sensory analysis of chapattis
Escarnot et al. (2012) and Nandini and Salimath (2001)
observed similar sugar contents in wheat flour The results for sensory characteristics revealed significant
supplemented with sorghum and bajra. (p<0.05) variations. The mean values of color showed
(Table 3) that the highest score (7.8) was found in
chapattis prepared from wheat flour supplemented with
Texture analysis 15% sorghum flour and lowest score (5.0) was found in
chapattis prepared from wheat flour supplemented with
Table 2 shows the mean for hardness of composite flour 45% millet flour. The score for taste of different
chapattis. Highest value (0.91 kg) for hardness was found treatments ranged from 7.8 to 5.0. The taste was found to
in chapattis prepared from T3 and lowest values (0.13 kg) be higher in T0 containing 100% wheat flour and lower in
was found in T4 (85% whole wheat flour + 15% millet T6 containing 45% millet flour. A decreasing trend of score
flour). Thus, the value of hardness increased when the for breakability (5.40 to 7.60) was observed with an
concentration of all other flours increased in wheat flour. increase in the supplementation rate of chickpea, sorghum
The present study was in agreement with the observations and millet.
of Iqbal (2013) who reported similar increasing trend in Folding ability is one of the preferred textural parameter
the hardness of wheat-chickpea composite flour bakery of chapattis in ease with which it can be folded to form a
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Niazi et al. 372
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