2019 Mock Exam P3 Part B1 DF
2019 Mock Exam P3 Part B1 DF
2019 Mock Exam P3 Part B1 DF
(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A.
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You are Sammie Yip. You are the Secretary for the Inter-school Science and Technology Society. You assist Ms
Emily Chu, your school’s Science teacher and the Chairperson of the Inter-school Science and Technology
Society. The society is currently organizing its annual Science Fair, which will take place soon. Ms Emily Chu has
asked you to do some tasks.
You will listen to a recording of a Skype chat between Mr Alan Tsang, the Vice-chairperson of the Inter-school
Science and Technology Society, and Emily Chu. Take notes under the appropriate headings.
Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the Data File to
familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.
Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You will find
all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording. As you listen, you
can make notes on page 3 of the Data File.
You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Book and the Data File.
1. Listening note-taking sheet for Skype chat on Thursday 31 October 2019 .............................................. 3
4. Extract from minutes of the meeting of the Science Fair Committee ...................................................... 6
Hi Sammie,
Could you please help me out with a few things for the Science Fair?
First, we need to make some changes to the web page that Tim designed. Please complete the
attached checklist to give him some feedback. Look at the minutes from Friday’s committee
meeting and listen to my Skype chat with Alan. Also check out Tim’s web page, the Webbers
online forum and our WhatsApp group to help you.
Second, I’ll need you to write an announcement about the Science Fair for the Society’s
newsletter. Make sure you cover the following:
• Basic details about the fair (date, venue, etc.)
• The number of schools taking part and the size of the teams
• What the teams will do
• The prize for the winning team
Have a look at the meeting minutes, the WhatsApp chat and the report on last year’s fair. And
please also refer to the Skype chat again. Remember to make it sound exciting.
Finally, I’ve received an email from a woman whose daughter is interested in joining the fair.
Please reply and answer all her questions. You can refer to our FAQs page and the interview I
sent you. Mention as many benefits as possible—and don’t forget that there’s a new element that
is sure to result in improved skills. Be honest about the costs and the workload, though, and
provide her with estimates. Make sure your email is polite and friendly.
Ms Chu
(stock photo)
Hey, new to this forum, but in dire need of some help! I’ve been asked to design a website
and have no idea what to do (or what NOT to do …). Seems you guys are experts, so got any
First off, how to avoid a classic rookie mistake: use a font like Arial, not Comic Sans!
I mean, you can see for yourself—looks pretty childish, right? Also, don’t mix in content in
all caps if the rest of it is lower-case.
My pet peeve on ‘amateur’ websites is the use of stock photos. You know, generic photos
downloaded from the Internet. They’re so impersonal! Use your own photos.
Following his team’s impressive performance, Vickie Lau took the opportunity to ask Raymond
Kong how they pulled it off. Here’s what he had to say.
VL: No doubt! So, let’s get right to it. I know everyone wants to know how you pulled this off.
Do you have any tips for future KTC teams?
RK: Well, obviously you need to have a great idea for your project, and it seems that we did. We
also put in a lot of hours to make sure we really nailed everything. And as this is an extra-
curricular activity, it meant we had to sacrifice quite a lot of our free time. We probably spent
about 30 hours on the project in total, but it was all worth it!
RK: Yes, we did. Though to be perfectly honest, we were actually jealous of the first runners-up.
Not that we’re ungrateful or anything, but that would have been such a cool thing to win. But of
course, the honour is even more important.
VL: Yes, definitely. So, I heard that you only spent $500 on your project, is that right?
RK: A little bit more. There were four of us and we each put in $200, which was fine. And there’s
no reason to spend any more than we did, as I think we proved!
VL: You certainly did! One final question: why should students take part next year?
RK: Oh, there are so many benefits! But most importantly, you’ll have loads of fun!
2 November 2019
OK, good news first: Victoria Secondary School is on board, so
we’ll have one more school taking part this year! 12:02 PM
Excellent! But space is limited at the venue. Let’s cut the max size of
the teams by one student. So there’s bad news as well? 12:05 PM
Unfortunately, yes. Professor Chow just called to
say he’s not available on the new date. 12:07 PM
No biggie, his colleague Professor Virginia Leung is. She’s already
told me she’s keen to do it. Got all that, Sammie? 12:08 PM
12:08 PM
Dear Sir/Madam,
My daughter Monica has expressed interest in joining your Science Fair, but before I give my
permission, I would like some questions answered.
First, how much time is this likely to take up, and will she be able to work on her project during
school hours? Second, are there any fees involved? Finally, what exactly are the benefits of
taking part?
Best regards,
Priscilla Chung
Kowloon College
4 Results
4.1 Winners
• Winning team: April Bayer, Raymond Kong, Carl Sago, Sylvie Tsang (Kennedy Town
• First runners-up: Rosa Franklin, Ben Hung, Simone Sinclair (Kowloon College)
• Second runners-up: Desiree Alonzo, Jay Fan, Olive Tan (Mission Secondary School)
4.2 Prizes