HKDSE - English - PP - 20120116-2(拖移項目) 9

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(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A.


(1) The Question-Answer Book for Part B1 is inserted into this Data File.

(2) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5 – 7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8 – 10).

(3) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.

(4) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in the
Data Files.

(5) Hand in only ONE Question-Answer Book for Part B, either B1 or B2, and tie it with the Question-
Answer Book for Part A.

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Part B


You are Pat Lee. You work in the Campus Services Department at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. You are an
assistant to Donnie Kwok, the manager in charge of all the different restaurants on the campus.

You will listen to a recording of part of a meeting of the Campus Services Committee, where they discuss some
issues regarding food and drink on the campus.

Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the Data File for
Part B1 and the Question-Answer Book and the Data File for Part B2. Remember you must choose to do the tasks in
either Part B1 or Part B2. Do not attempt both Parts B1 and B2.

Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book that you choose and on the recording.
You will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book and Data File that you choose and on the
recording. As you listen you can make notes on page 3 of the Data File.

You will have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Part B Question-Answer Book and the Data File.



1. Note sheet for meeting of Campus Services Committee........................................................................ 3

2. Email from Donnie Kwok to Pat Lee ................................................................................................... 4

3. Letter from Gracie Ma to the Campus Services Department ................................................................. 5

4. Extract from HK Metro U Campus News December 2011 .................................................................... 5

5. Minutes of the Eat Yourself Fitter Week Organizing Committee Meeting............................................ 6

6. Email from Donnie Kwok to Antonia Zacha ......................................................................................... 7

7. Article from the Hong Kong Journal ..................................................................................................... 8

8. New Student Canteen Menu for 2012 .................................................................................................... 9


Note sheet for meeting of Campus Services Committee

Problems with restaurants on campus:

Complaint from Gracie Ma

Follow-up Action
- Problems found at Coffee Shop (food, hygiene, staff)

Manager of Coffee Shop

Eat Yourself Fitter Week:


Antonia Zacha’s Lecture


PP-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–3 3 Go on to the next page

Email from Donnie Kwok to Pat Lee

To: Pat Lee

From: Donnie Kwok
Sent: Tues. 10 January 2012 01:21 PM
Subject: Things to do

Dear Pat
There are three things I’d like you to do.

Incident Report
Please complete the Health and Safety Incident Report form for the Gracie Ma incident. Use the notes you
took from the meeting of the Campus Services Committee and the letter from Gracie Ma.

Email to students about the Eat Yourself Fitter (EYF) Week

Please write an email to send to all students informing them about the ‘Eat Yourself Fitter Week’. Include:
activities, dates/times, venues, etc
Write it in a way that encourages them to join the EYF Week.
Use the notes you took from the meeting of the Campus Services Committee, the minutes of the Eat
Yourself Fitter Week Organizing Committee Meeting and my email to Antonia Zacha.

Letter of reply to Hong Kong Journal

As you may have seen, Hong Kong Journal has published an article about HK Metro U. We need to
respond to it. Please write a letter to the newspaper:

Refer to the article that was published

Answer the points raised in the article

You can look at the Hong Kong Journal article and my comments, the HK Metro U Campus News and the
new Student Canteen menu.

Thanks again for your help.


Donnie Kwok
Senior Manager
Campus Services Department


Letter from Gracie Ma to the Campus Services Department

Flat F, 2/F, Block 3

Slade Crescent Building
Ngau Tau Kok,
Email:[email protected]

6th January 2012

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to inform you of an incident which happened to me at the university.

On Tuesday 3rd of January, I had my weekly tutorial at the Economics Department with
my tutor, Dr Pew. It finished late so I had to have a quick lunch. I visited the Coffee Shop
and had a sandwich. About an hour later, I started suffering from severe stomach pains. In
the end, I vomited and immediately went to the University Clinic. The doctor told me that
it looked very much like the cause was food poisoning from the food in the campus
Coffee Shop. He gave me Rehydrolyte, a medicine to replace body fluids and minerals. It
has taken me three days to get better and I have missed some important lectures.

I hope that you will investigate my case.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully
Gracie Ma

Extract from HK Metro U Campus News December 2011

New Menu at Student Canteen

Expert nutritionist, Dr Fion Tang of the School of Hotel Management and Tourism, has designed a
new menu for the Student Canteen. This menu will be available from next month.
And in other welcome news, for all you Student Canteen users, the Campus Services
Department will be busy while you are off over Christmas decorating the Student Canteen to
create a Shanghai-style canteen. It will be ready when you come back after the break.

New Campus Restaurant to Open

At last we are able to confirm that there will be a new restaurant opening in February and we
can tell you that the owner of the restaurant is none other than Antonia Zacha. The restaurant
will be located in the old administration building in Block X.

PP-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–5 5 Go on to the next page

Minutes of the Eat Yourself Fitter Week Organizing Committee Meeting

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Minutes of the Eat Yourself Fitter Week Organizing Committee Meeting

Date: 4/01/12 Time: 9:30am

Location: Rm 206, Administration Building, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Donnie Kwok, Campus Services Department (Chair)
Pat Lee, Campus Services Department (Secretary)
Ricky Lamata, Student Affairs Office
Angela Mok, Student Union

1. Activities
Donnie suggested that food stalls be set up on campus. Ricky expressed a worry that this would mean
unhealthy hawker stalls.
Action: Donnie to investigate types of possible food stalls.

Donnie also suggested organising lectures on healthy eating habits for students to attend. Angela said she
was worried they might be too boring. Donnie suggested that we approach Antonia Zacha to give a
Action: Donnie to approach Antonia Zacha.

Angela proposed having cooking demonstrations. Ricky worried that this was still not interesting enough
to attract students. Donnie then put forward the idea of making it a competition.

The title of competition proposed: Super Chef.

Action: Donnie to organize.

2. Dates, time and venues

The dates proposed for the EYF week were Mon. 5th to Sat. 10th of March.
Action: Pat to make room bookings.
3. Promotion
Ricky suggested that a poster be designed for the week.
Action: Donnie and Pat to design poster and slogan.

4. There being no further business the meeting was closed at 11.30 am.


Email from Donnie Kwok to Antonia Zacha

To: Antonia Zacha

From: Donnie Kwok
Sent: Mon 9 January 2012 09:33 AM
Subject: Re: Super Chef

Dear Antonia
Great! Will be in touch.
To: Donnie Kwok
From: Antonia Zacha
Sent: Thursday 5 January 2012 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Super Chef

Dear Donnie
Thanks so much for your invitation. I’d be delighted to take part and I’m certainly free on that date. We
can confirm the time and place at a later date.
All the best
To: Antonia Zacha
From: Donnie Kwok
Sent: Wednesday 4 January 2012 14:51 PM
Subject: Super Chef

Dear Antonia
Thanks again for agreeing to do the lecture for the Eat Yourself Fitter Week. I was wondering if you’d
like to take part in another activity we’re running as part of the Eat Yourself Fitter Week. We are
planning to run a Super Chef competition on Sat. March 10th. Would you be interested?
Yours truly,
Donnie Kwok

PP-DSE-ENG LANG 3-B1-DF–7 7 Go on to the next page

Article from the Hong Kong Journal

Hong Kong Journal 2 January 2012

Canteen food on campus fails

students’ taste test
Simon Yau

Students on the campus of one of Hong

Kong’s biggest universities are complaining
that the food they have to eat does not help
them to achieve their best results. The Hong
Kong Journal sent its reporters to
true for
“The catering facilities on campus are a bit
longer! Not
of a joke really,” said Year 2 Engineering
student Zhou Yu. “There are only two places true
we can go, the Student Canteen and the Hong Kong Metropolitan University again!
Coffee Shop.” student canteen

“The Student Canteen is so boring, they Student Union President, Kenneth Chiu, told
serve rice, meat and vegetables, and that’s the Journal that many students had
Look at it!”, he said. “We need something different.” complained about the catering facilities. “The
the new canteen is really old-fashioned and hasn’t
menu. Another complaint came from Year 3 been decorated since my uncle was a student
Give an Design student Armani Wong, who is a here”, he explained. “We pay our fees and we
example. vegetarian. She complained that there is are entitled to something better than this.”
little that she can eat, other than egg salad
sandwiches. “There are no real alternatives
to meat offered in the canteen,” she said.

look at
the new
Give an
as well.


New Student Canteen Menu for 2012

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Student Canteen
2/F, Amenities Building
Opening hours: 8am – 9pm

Sandwiches Main Courses Drinks

Roasted vegetable with $26 Steamed fish with broccoli and rice $28 Soya milk $12
hummus Roasted spring chicken with choi sum and rice $28 Oolong tea $12
Egg and spinach $26 Vegetarian fried rice $26 English tea $12
Tuna salad $30 Mineral water $8
Ham, tomato and lettuce $32 Pumpkin pasta with tomato sauce $26
Seafood spaghetti with cauliflower $28

Tuna nicoise salad $24 Roasted pork with bak choi and noodles $30
Bean salad $26 Roasted tofu with bak choi and noodles $24
Caesar salad with chicken $30
Tomato and cucumber salad $24 Grilled fish with mashed potatoes and peas $35
Fruit salad $25 Grilled steak with mashed potatoes and peas $35


Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination Practice Papers published by the Hong Kong
Examinations and Assessment Authority at a later stage.


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