One Mark Questions:: SBMJC, VV Puram Department of Physics ND Kinetic Theory of Gases

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Kinetic Theory of Gases

One mark questions:

1. What is perfect gas / ideal gas ?
A) It is the gas which obeys Boyle’s law and Charles’ law. {OR}
It is the gas which satisfies the relation PV = nRT.

2. What is mean free path ?

A) It is the average distance covered by the molecule between two successive collisions.

3. How does an average kinetic energy of gas molecule depend on the absolute temperature ?
A) They are directly proportional to each other.

4. Define rms speed of gas molecule.

A) It is the square root of the mean of the squares of the velocities of individual molecules of gas.

5. What are degrees of freedom of a gas molecule ?

A) These are the number of co-ordinates required to specify the configurations (3-dimensional mode) of a
gas molecule.

6. What is the number of degrees of freedom for a diatomic molecule ?

A) The number of degrees of freedom for a diatomic molecule is ‘5’.

7. What is the importance of 𝛾 ?

A) It helps in the determination of number of atoms in the gas molecule.
Two mark questions :
8. Mention an expression for mean free path of a gas molecule in a gas and explain the symbols.
A) 𝑙 = 1/√2𝑛𝜋𝑑 2 where n is the number of molecules per unit volume
d is the diameter of the molecule.
9. Mention the expression for average kinetic energy of a molecule in terms of absolute temperature and
explain the terms.
A) KE = 2 𝑘B T where 𝑘B is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature.

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Five mark questions :

10. Write any five postulates of kinetic theory of an ideal gas.

A) Postulates :
1. A gas consists of very large number of molecules. These molecules are identical, perfectly elastic
and hard spheres.
They are so small that the volume of a molecule is negligible as compared to the volume of the gas.
2. The molecules do not have any preferred direction of motion but their motion is completely
3. These molecules travel in straight lines and are in free motion most of the time. The time interval
of the collision between any two molecules is very small.
4. The collision between molecules and the wall of the container is perfectly elastic. It means K.E and
linear momentum are conserved in such collision.
5. The path travelled by a molecule between two successive collisions is called ‘free path’ and the
mean distance travelled by a molecule between two successive collisions is called ‘mean free path’.

11. Derive the relation for pressure, 𝑃 = 3 𝑚𝑛𝑣 2 using kinetic theory of gases.

Consider a cube shaped container filled with an ideal gas. Consider only one molecule that hits the
walls of the container and bounces back.
Let the velocity of the molecule when it is moving be (vx , vy , vz).
When the molecule bounces back, the velocity will be (-vx , vy , vz).
Change in momentum = Pf – Pi where Pf => final momentum and Pi => initial momentum
Pf – Pi = -mvx - mvx = -2mvx
This change in momentum is imparted to the wall due to the collision.
Momentum imparted to the wall in collision by one molecule = 2mvx
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To calculate the number of molecules that hit the wall –
Area of wall = A
Therefore, in time Δt, all molecules within a distance of AvxΔt can hit the wall.
But, on an average half of molecules move towards the wall and half away from the wall.
Therefore, 2 AvxΔt will hit the wall.
Therefore, total momentum imparted to the wall = 2mvx X 2 n AvxΔt = Anvx2Δtm.

Force exerted on the wall = rate of change of momentum = Anvx2m

Pressure on the wall, P = 𝐴 = nmvx2

Therefore, P= nmvx2 is true for group of molecules moving with velocity vx.
Since the gas is isotropic, the molecules move randomly which means the velocity of all the molecules
can be in any direction.
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Therefore, vx2 = vy2 = vz2 = 3 (vx2 + vy2 + vz2) = 3 v2
Therefore, Pressure P = nmv2 .

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